Stella Dimoko A Glass Of Juice For Breakfast.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Glass Of Juice For Breakfast.

A glass of Juice for breakfast keeps the fatty food away...LMAO

I intend to juice for breakfast and see how it goes..I am just wondering ''why eat so early at all?''

Those of you swallowing Eba this Morning REPENT IN JESUS NAME!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Stella dey there make pant dey wear you.
      eba,semo with okra or vegetable soup is bae in the morning biko.

      Ain't repenting from that....hehehe

    2. moi moi with spaghetti and egg that's what I'm having for breakfast.

      Your comment will be visible after approval.

    3. Beyonce hand for you Alloy, this your combo na die.
      Me am here to seek inspiration, dunno what to eat.

  2. My neighbour is cooking Fried Rice, she's even frying Plantains. Let me go and play with her childrenπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ, l don't know why l love children so muchπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    *Larry was here*

    1. Hahahahahahah. Silly starry Larry. Lmao. I don't know why u like children so much too. Lol. Funny u

    2. LMAO! You better confess....Na long throat you love too much no be children

    3. @gracious, my love for kids is second to none

      @Yvonne, you can't understand, I didn't much love children πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

      *Larry was here*

    4. *I so much love children 😘😘😘😘😘😘

      *Larry was here*

  3. Sex for breakfast today.
    Bye folks

  4. Replies
    1. Le boo is in d kitchen, I'm I'm d room forming menstrual cramps...

      Life is Good when you meet your soul mate!

    2. @Ideato, Pele dear, still having serious headache, the pain is something else, God should just forgive us and stop the punishment called cramps

      *Larry was here*

  5. When my heart is screaming DIAMOND PIZZA but na noodles dey my pot.

    Stellacious happy juicing

  6. Mrs Roooooomas. Where are youuuuu?

    Vegetable soup and wheat.

  7. Amen,but Stella I am eating nsala soup and hot EBA now,eating and tying..

    Loving this weather..

  8. Please how much does it cost to do a colonoscopy in university of ibadan teaching hospital? How long does the result take to be ready? Are there special bookings? Please reply asap. It's urgent. Thanks

    1. Go there and ask! This is not UI teaching hospital

  9. Lol
    Mine is a glass of Chilled Coconut Water!

  10. Amen,but Stella I am eating nsala soup and hot EBA now,eating and tying..

    Loving this weather..

    1. Carry go nne
      But that nsala would have been better with pounded yam..hehehe

  11. Hahahahaa. Mine this morning is bread and pepper stew with tea

  12. #There's no need to change external circumstances if you can change your internal reactions*

  13. I had d dick early morning and proceeded to hit mama put jollof rice with assorted and pepper soup with eko...early morning sex makes u eat a bf dey fire for Africa

  14. I have a testimony, God answers prayers. I applied for a job last year June, I wasn't called for interview , so i went back to find out the stage of my application, and was told my cv can't be located or traced, I reapplied September and all through that year I wasn't called, but kept praying. This year February my line got blocked and kept saying sim card registration failed, I went back to the organization and was told they called me and sent me several messages on the blocked number to come for interview. I was told they already picked someone else for the position, I dropped my valid number with them and by March I received a message for interview with them, after the interview I came home crying because I felt the others were better than me and had more qualifications. Lo and behold God did it, I was called to resume office last Friday. Never give up on God, keep trying, after submitting my cv, I kept praying and following up, at a point I let God do it because I tried all human effort. God did it for me, he will do it for you. I remember posting on morning post that God should give me a job. To all those waiting on God for a miracle, God will turn up for you, he will surprise you. Many more testimonies for all Sdk family.

    1. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» congrats girl

    2. Hallelujah! Your testimony will be permanent ijn

    3. Congrats to you dear

      *Larry was here*

    4. Congratulations. Your persistence paid off.

  15. Had a steaming, hot sex,best meal for a breakfast, very nourishing..

  16. Guys. Please help with details on how to run a colonoscopy test in uni ibadan teaching hospital. Help a sister here. Please.

    1. Stop disturbing us here and go to the damn hospital! Arrggggh

  17. Just finished eating akamu and Amara..... Sleep where are you

  18. Just finished eating akamu and Amara..... Sleep where are you

  19. Hmm,hmm Stella, I won't repent. Eba is bae in the morning biko.

  20. Na moin-moin & custard sure pass

  21. Efo riro That contains smoked fish, kponmo, shrimp, dried red crayfish, Goat meat With White rice and a glass of coke. Join me beautiful people.

  22. Had Concortion rice n egg,come join me

  23. Boiled yam/plantain with onion sauce,smoked fish and plenty pepper.

  24. I want to eat peppered snail and ofada rice


    1. Never go to bed with your car's fuel tank empty (No fuel). In case of an emergency, what if your good neighbour isn't at home.

    2. Never employ a nanny you don't know her home. Some of them are child traffickers in disguise.

    3. Never go to bed with your phone empty (No airtime). Most emergencies happen at night.

    4. Do not stand or park your car under high tension cable especially when it is windy.

    5. Do not attempt to start your generator with your phone torchlight as the source of light. As this could cause explosion.

    6. Do not answer telephone calls in the kitchen when your gas cylinder is turn on.

    7. Endeavour to crawl under the smoke if a house is engulfed by smoke, as walking straight could cause suffocation. Smoke mounts up.

    8. If by mistake you swallow a fish bone, lick salt, and pull your ears while you cough out the fish bone.

    9. If you are in any traffic or 'hold up', 'go- slow' as in local parlance, if you must remain in your car while it is not in motion, always apply your central lock.

    10. Do not leave your children alone in the car with your dog or any pet.

    11. Nowadays, never enter a lift alone if you must. So many are already gone through this.

    12. Never leave your opened drink to take a call outside. It could be a plan to distract you. Many have been poisoned through this.

    13. Never rush out to turn off the tap on hearing its sound in the night. It's a new robbery trick to wilfully bring you out. Remember, you didn't leave it running before retiring to bed.

    Be security conscious! Don't be careless!! Share with friends and loved ones if you find it important and educative!!!

  26. Ache pudding and moi time to sleep

  27. Bread and fried egg was it for me with ginger tea

  28. Had green tea, preparing moi moi for lunch


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