Stella Dimoko Mercy Aigbe's Brain Scan Report Shows Head Fracture After Public Altercation With Hubby....


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Mercy Aigbe's Brain Scan Report Shows Head Fracture After Public Altercation With Hubby....


CT brain Scan
Indication:head injury
Findings:there is a fracture of the medial wall of the left orbit with herniation of the orbital fat and left medial rectus muscle into thee ethmoidal sinus and presence of peri-orbital emphysema.
There is also fracture of the floor of the orbit with air/fluid level in the left maxillary sinus indicative of hematoma.
Slight herniation of the left inferior oblique muscle into the maxillary sinus is also noted
No intercranial haemorrhage is seen
There is however bilateral basal ganglia calcification(most likely physiological)
Normal white/grey matter interface is preserved.
Posterior fossa structures are normal
No occular abnormality is seen

1 blow out fracture of the left orbit with herniation of orbital fat, medial rectus and left inferior oblique muscles.
2 left maxilary sinus hematoma
3 incidental finding of bilateral basal ganglia calcification.

Dr GA Olaniyi MBBS, FMCR
Consultant radiologist


  1. Who released this very private information? Na wa o. This is wrong.

    1. Herself for public sympathy. Get well soon aya Gentry. Hmmmmmmmm pasan tafi na yale won ti yo ti iyawo lori aja.

    2. Thats the price one pays for being a celeb. People go on digging every about you. Ko easy ra ra bhet why is she lying and trying to cover up by posting an all is well pix and writeup this am to show abi cover what? This Mercy must be faker than the word fake. Sorry o!

    3. She's the one doing the posting na.

      Tonto's time has expired.
      Mercy is your turn to shine...

    4. Mercy of course. Who else you think?

    5. She obviously did,its no doubt she's ready to leave and wants the world to know the extent of the abuse

    6. As in ehn very very wrong, both d hospital and d online platform needs to be sued.

    7. When it seems someone is trying hard to show off on SM, just know that they are trying to hiding their imperfect lives.

    8. Sooooooo wrong. Besides who all this big big grammar hep.

    9. Mercy can sue that hospital. This information is too private and sensitive to be released out to the public like this.

    10. The news is now public so no gbeghe naa

    11. Awwwwwwwww
      If this is true
      Is so wrong
      Habahhh nahh

    12. Doppelganger, I guess you didn't read thru before making this insensitive comment. I was thinking same until I got to the conclusion.
      This woman would have been dead and if this is what it takes for people to talk sense into her head to leave with her life.
      Head injury/skull fracture is no joke medically. Imagine if it went deeper than it was. Mercy will be allover with RIP. In the interim, we can't rejoice cos the brain might start to swell and cause problems. Managing head injury is no joke. I mean if the injury doesn't kill you, the drugs can . Does she even have relatives? This was a major tragedy averted. Husband rushing to deny claims is typical of an unrep
      entant psychopath who is more bothered about his public image and not his real self.
      Most of the women that died from domestic violence is as a result of varying degrees of head injury and this injury might even put her at a higher risk of future of head injury if she survives this one.

    13. Obviously for the divorce proceedings...
      Smart woman, that is if she doesn't go back to her vomit of a husband

    14. Totally wrong but knowing Mercy she can do it hersef.

    15. Totally wrong but knowing Mercy she can do it hersef.

    16. Yeah it's wrong on all aspects but Mercy herself could have released it.

    17. Anon 17:21, I'm sure you also only know how to drop unenlightened comments. Are you aware that a doctor or hospital can have their licenses withdrawn for disclosing a patient's information? Let's even assume this happened as a result of DV, where is your evidence or are/were you an eye witness to the incidence? Unless Mercy released this herself, no one else has the right to do this. It is confidential and apart from investigative units like the police and those authorised to carry our investigations, no one should go this far.
      Imagine, waking up and seeing your medical report good or bad published online. This is wrong and I won't be explaining to you or anyone else again.

    18. At doppelganger what is wrong? I thought you had sense SMH

    19. What insensitive thing did doppel say? Some things should be kept private. It is not everything they put out there. Whether it was life threatening or not, what does she want the public do with it?

    20. Mercy herself released it,odiegwu

    21. What wrong has Doppel done? She stated the obvious. The docto4s license could be withdrawn for this publication. What happened to patients confidentiality??

    22. Won ti fi ese for oju e.

  2. Replies
    1. Jesu! She could die of this. How heartless. But person wey get all these diagnoses fit know road to IG? She's been posting. Abi this is an exaggerated report?

  3. Jesus. Please Nigerian women I beg you. If you find out you have married an animal please leave. They will kill you. No bastard is worth dying for. No MRS is worth your life. Let people say what they like. Please I use God to beg you people.

  4. This is so sad and serious,na wa o, I know say Mercy way no pure but why beat her like this, not fair, the reason I dlslike temperamental men.just not fair.

  5. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere29 April 2017 at 15:07


  6. In as much as I'm very against violence which could be both ways - that is violence against any human or animal but in this case and with this result, I wouldn't miss a breadth over this issue because this might be another publicity stunt or photoshop result. Anything is possible these days for publicity. There is a website people can buy fake pregnancy and ultrasound result. Anything goes with social media and technology unless her doctor make a press statement confirming the test report

    1. Can you hear yourself? Publicity stunt or photoshop? Am really speechless! Please just say a prayer for her and move to the next article.

  7. This is totally wrong, this is patient confidential information...

  8. In as much as I'm very against violence which could be both ways - that is violence against any human or animal but in this case and with this result, I wouldn't miss a breadth over this issue because this might be another publicity stunt or photoshop result. Anything is possible these days for publicity. There is a website people can buy fake pregnancy and ultrasound result. Anything goes with social media and technology unless her doctor make a press statement confirming the test report

  9. Mercy should sue the person releasing this informations.

  10. I tot doctors report was confidential. Someone really wanted this to go viral. I guess shes tired

  11. With what I'm seeing on that report,she neeeds serious and intensive medical attention.This sort of injuries don't go away that easy and they always comes with a lot of short and long term complications.

  12. Hmmmmm...
    And the stupid man is still denying!..
    He should pray nothing happens to her!..

  13. Whadahell????? How has this become public information? Mercy you have plenty enemies o! The content suggests that the injuries she sustained are severe. O ga o.

  14. Na wa o. This is war! Mercy is going to destroy Gentry. Don't pity the man one bit. In your next live you'll stick to Toyin and stop being greedy.

  15. Has it gotten to head fracture??? Haaaaa

  16. I frown at this.

    This is wrong! Private info ought to remain private.

    But as blackberry said:
    He fuck
    She Fuck
    He Beat her.

  17. Jesus! Can't they arrest man👹

  18. Jesus! Can't they arrest man👹

  19. Lanre, divorce Mercy if you can't cope with her cheating lifestyle that is if it is true.
    See you see prison, you want to kill someone's child, A human being!!! You could have snuffed life out of her. A blow to the head could cause fatal consequences.

    Abi na old age you wan take go jail, you better learn to control your temper.You men cheat with impunity but when the woman does it, you go physical and violent.

  20. Ummm sdk, I don't think you should have posted this. This document should be confidential and private. Whoever leaked it to the press is surely an enemy within.

    1. Wetin don full instablog tey tey. Stella is even the last to post it sef.

  21. May God see her through this phrase, Amen.

  22. Jesus! Can't they arrest man

  23. Blood of Jesus..!!


    This is not good ooo

  24. There's no way she can hide this. There's just too much information about this altercation out there!

  25. Hnnnn men na wa oo, I just de pass

  26. The person responsible for this information is a sadist!

  27. For her to have released this, she's done with the marriage and wants a soft landing. God luck to all the parties involved.

  28. Stella I raise ynash for you. Mbok how did u get this?

  29. I think it is better this way she released it on social media in case of future hanky panky from anybody.
    I don't know how two people who profess love for each other turn against each other in such a deadly way.

  30. I think it is better this way she released it on social media in case of future hanky panky from anybody.
    I don't know how two people who profess love for each other turn against each other in such a deadly way.

  31. Head injury? This doesn't sound good.

  32. Bvs don't worry yourselves about mercy aigbe ooo,for BON to release the private hospital pix,it means they all conspire to the deal. Ask what deal? Sisi eko ur very close to watsup jars,the deal to look for lanre trouble and they already know his reaction is to beat her,so mercy,bon and iyanu ' Alfa sule mistress,so she can leave . the deal is Alfa sule no dey like 'DO' married women( any babe under a man) eewo ni. Please bvs grab,even the opemititi girl na setup ooo,they all know their aim( to fight lanre so mercy can find DV excuse to pack out Cus of bigger runz. Aunty toyin beautiful woman will be laughing right now,mercy so ungrateful to lanre n toyin,after draining him of toyin's money and helped her to move inside LA' Veronica hotel in Oregun,she lived there for close to 3years,hiding from toyin earlier but later strong head to fight her. Iya Lara first wife for Dublin nko? Mr lanre? Aunty Toyin nko ur second wife ? Mr lanre?. Mercy must kill you ooo. Just hold ur evidence to nail her runz for Holland n Dublin.pardon my typos.

  33. Bvs don't worry yourselves about mercy aigbe ooo,for BON to release the private hospital pix,it means they all conspire to the deal. Ask what deal? Sisi eko ur very close to watsup jars,the deal to look for lanre trouble and they already know his reaction is to beat her,so mercy,bon and iyanu ' Alfa sule mistress,so she can leave . the deal is Alfa sule no dey like 'DO' married women( any babe under a man) eewo ni. Please bvs grab,even the opemititi girl na setup ooo,they all know their aim( to fight lanre so mercy can find DV excuse to pack out Cus of bigger runz. Aunty toyin beautiful woman will be laughing right now,mercy so ungrateful to lanre n toyin,after draining him of toyin's money and helped her to move inside LA' Veronica hotel in Oregun,she lived there for close to 3years,hiding from toyin earlier but later strong head to fight her. Iya Lara first wife for Dublin nko? Mr lanre? Aunty Toyin nko ur second wife ? Mr lanre?. Mercy must kill you ooo. Just hold ur evidence to nail her runz for Holland n Dublin.pardon my typos.

  34. This is very wrong. Whoever released this should be made to answer for it.

    P.s... I'm waiting for the debunking news o. Awon lienus at lieon king

  35. N.Dr. Agwoturumbe29 April 2017 at 15:56

    Stella, this is totally wrong. You may write anything you wish but releasing someone's medical record is a No No.please take it down. Totally unethical

    1. Something that's everywhere on instagram. Abeg all of you should leave sdk alone. Mercy wants it to be released so why are you people crying more than the nerves?

    2. Something that is all over the internet... Mercy wants the report out in the public, and out they are!

    3. BON released the photo
      With Mercy's permission

      Sdk, has got nothing to do with this.

  36. The release of this document is wrong however Stella Kork you have to enlarge this document, print and laminate. It will serve as a deterrent to people who rained curses on you when you reported this people's squabble from 2013.

    Mercy Aigbe...go and look for your family members before you see to your own death. Social media did not collect your bride price and marriage is not by force. No matter your offence, he shouldn't batter you blue black like this. Cease the drama, embrace reality. People who understand facial countenance and body language knew both of you lied in your video years back. Enough is enough!

  37. This man don nearly render mercy blind. You better run for your life,if she go bleed for brain peren!na to dey paralysed be that etisalat sound sultan's voice Mercy wey get ear make she hear,na u know wetin u dey wait for

  38. Thought d husband said he never beat her.

  39. Doppel lol, are u really asking who released it? Or u mean who was paid to release it? Cus we all know who paid to have it released. It is well.

    I wish people would be more concerned about what Christ's opinion is of their lives and not what the public thinks. Anyway, each to his own.

    RIP Oluyomi. Rest-in- peace and may Jesus embrace u in his bossom for all eternity. Amen.

  40. Omg this is in reaction to the husband stating otherwise.
    These in secure men like Churchill Chris Attoh and likes of Mercy A husband should all sit quiet esp as the allegations are true.
    Get well soon Mercy.

  41. No doctor should release such info. I'm sure she's doing this 'leakage' herself. To be candid mercy,i don't feel sorry for you. You endured years of this even insulting Stella when she tried to help you so clean your shit by yourself. We already know you're an olosho so you're just as bad as your husband. Adultery is as big a crime as domestic violence! Don't try to play for public sympathy like Tonto. People now see through that shit. Just walk away since you are tired of collecting beating cos no be today u start to collect am! This is the first DV case that failed to permeate through even my epidermis,Asin I don't feel sorry for you one bit. Pick your pieces and move on biko. Right now you're just entertaining people and it's already boring sef.

    1. Why didn't you quote Adultery is a crime when Lanre left his first and second wife? He deserves every disgrace and bulshit he is getting.
      They both deserve each other, 2 adulterers.

    2. @Sierra, Adultery is a sin not a crime. DV on the other hand is a serious crime. What the man did was very wrong. Why kill someone's child because of alleged adultery? Has anyone brutalised him for impregnating different women and breaking their hearts? I wish Mercy soonest recovery.

  42. Is this the best. Why making your medical records public knowledge.
    Anyway what do I know.
    Mercy pele, heal well.

  43. How exactly did this doctor's report become public knowledge? Who leaked this? This 2017 is already saturated with a lot of scandalous news.

  44. Is this for real, i hope the hospital does not get into trouble for this.

  45. This is not right.
    No cheers to the very unprofessional 'professionals' who let this out.
    They ought to be sued. Mercy, sue their miserable unprofessional asses 😡

  46. Linda ikeji mercy still better pass least she gdt children.loneliness will kill at old age and suicide be your last name

    1. But why? I can't believe you just wished this on someone you do not know, or may be you do know her (frenemy).

      Linda will have children. Children will surround her table and sucide shall never be her last name because she is made and self fulfilled.

    2. Biko wetin Linda do? Una dey drink dettol abi?

    3. I reject it for Linda...
      You're very mean and heartless to wish such on anyone...

      Back to sender!!

    4. Insensitive annoying comment from a low life.get a life and let Linda be.

    5. Stella why enable such comment?

  47. Linda ikeji mercy still better pass least she gdt children.loneliness will kill at old age and suicide be your last name

  48. 😂😂 ooooh God please!! Mercy please just stop this. If you wanna divorce do so peacefully and quietly. I personally can't be bothered cos you've been enduring it ever since. Why you making it look like it's today? Please have a quiet divorce and get your PR person to do a press release. You people should just stop this drama. Same charade everyday!! Next thing you write book and release a movie right? Argh!

  49. Wow this is a serious one..... head injury?
    I pray she survives it

  50. This is beyond mending.

  51. If this is not a movie, I don't know how this must have got out of the hospital.
    U too get liver Stella. Pls let this matter go bcoz upon all this evidence mercy is still suffering and smiling. Na she said, Her drum of beating.

  52. Haha is this kind of report for public consumption?

  53. Why will she even engage the guy in a fist fight abi na head butt. We can never equal any men strength whether we admit it or not. Na only mouth we get. Even if you are running your mouth, run it from a distance with an escape route in place. Imagine fracture ontop wetin. Na dem sabi oh. If they like let them dispute it and go back and collect more.

  54. This is so wrong!! Patients records are confidential l hope the radiologist won't be in ish.she can sue them for this breach in privacy.

    1. Why are y'all shouting it's unethical??
      What if she released it??
      What if she paid people to release it
      Y'all need to think from all dimensions

    2. Fab mum leave these people whining upandan
      Mercy ordered the release of this medical report.

      BON got exclusive rights to do this.

    3. Afi exclusive rights as per you are BON CEO abi? 😒
      Foolish Nigerian, talking confidently of what they know nothing about.

  55. This is sad. No woman should ever have to go through this. If a woman cheats on you or you are tired of being married to her, divorce her. Nobody is taking marriage to heaven.

  56. #You can't see your reflection in boiling water. Similarly, you can't see the truths in your life in a state of anger*

  57. Why will anyone release her test results? Is it their Domestic Violence?..Na wa oh...People still have a lot of free time on their hands despite the recession.

  58. Lord have mercy. I don't understand any of these medical jargons,but it sounds scary nonetheless.

  59. she gonna be okay? Shey there is eyedrop and eardrop.. they should give her braindrop joor.

  60. after recovering she'll come and tell us she was hit by a gwongoro,she wont leave until that man kills her..

  61. Dis is bad. Highly classified information.

  62. Dear Stella, I will advise you to take this off your blog, you should not publish another person pain if you are not given permission to do so. The information released is very confidential and it breach Dr/patient confidentiality in medical ethics. The hospital and you can be sued. Just an advice from a friend.

    1. It is on instagram, all over the place!! So why cant she paste??

    2. What has Stella done? She didn't put this out there it was BON besides Stella is also clearing her name! She was tagged a home wrecker and a liar! Let her do her job n clear her name in the process! Nobody send them

    3. Anonymous adviser you are an ignorant idiot for making this it Stella that released it ode

  63. This is why we now must train our little girls with karate classes
    Any nija man wey try this kind thing with pekin wey do karate class and self defense lessons
    Him body self go tell am say him fight even if him still win him body go hear am too

  64. This is getting serious o. Say no to domestic violence.

  65. Fake. Very unprofessional.

  66. Queen of the coast😗29 April 2017 at 17:29

    This is not fair Stella. Am not supporting u in this one. Such private info. Y paste it here. U re just heartless. Coupled with what shes going through. A mother like u. If u like don't paste this.

    1. Ta! Gerrarahia

      You all sang the same chorus of " oh Stella, post the story" just yesterday....
      Today, she complied and the same bvs are throwing the emotional card?
      Can she ever please anyone of you?

    2. Because Stella went to beg the doctor for the report abi? Or she held a gun to Mercy's fractured head to take it? Be smart; they wanted it out and it is!

    3. I hope you see the tag..
      BON ??
      That means they released it
      This thing is all over social media

      Why can't you people think for once that merry sent this out so people will know she's not joking..

      Y'all do too much

    4. Fab Mum, when Mercy confirms it we will keep quiet but before she does so we will say what we know is right.
      You may need to look up patient confidentiality.

  67. Na Mercy release am through Seun Oloketuyi.

  68. Na here we sit down ,story dey come out ,stella abeg chop kiss

  69. Why exactly and how is it ok for her medical records to be public knowledge. If she isn't the one who shared it then no problem but if its someone else, not cool.

    1. Obiageli abeg shes the one who released it. No one would put their job on the line for media attention. My thoughts are mercy is tired of her marriage and wants to go on an anti-abuse campaign for women. Next thing she will start NGO for women in abusive marriages. Watch and see. Any woman who's been plummeted by an animal of a man will most likely have complications because us women are that fragile. And they said she was admitted for several days due to complications, before now. And we all feel sorry for her. So why release this information? What annoys me is the fact that she covered it up intially and even abused stella for releasing it as if all was well. Now you wont let us hear word. I expect her to heal, take some time off and slap us with a press release. One minute IG next minute hospital. Please no one should even annoy me today.

  70. I'm sorry I dnt believe this report, mercy is faking this one,people that do CT scan dnt dress like this ,they dnt wear any jewellery, look at her wrist, and pls why is she wearing jalbaia.pls give us a break Nigerians are smart pple,if your husband beats u up,walk away,by the way na person hubby before ohh

    1. You have obviously never been in a correct hospital before.....

      That 'jewelery' is a name tag

    2. I was wondering about her outfit too cos they usually wear the hospital uniform, not some random and polluted/ infected personal outfit. Knowing Mercy,anything goes. She obviously sent in this info.

  71. Goodness gracious. Did he ram her head in a wall couple times? No matter what she did nobody deserves this, she will never be the same again. Wish her all the best.

  72. Thunder fire that gentry! Haba mana!!!

  73. They should sue that person that released this. Very bad.

    How do we rejoice in people's downfall. Na wa

  74. This is sooo wrong, making public someone's medical information. Stella you should not have published this, it is so unfair, invasion of privacy. I am disappointed. Mercy heal quick

  75. Mercy, I do not support domestic violence, and I pray no woman experiences it. The man should have just divorced you rather than hitting you.

    Please keep your affairs private. You know the public are watching and ready to help you destroy your husband and youself. Many have been talking about how promiscuous you are. Remember this is your second marriage. Just walk out quietly and don't let amebos tell us your kukere movements. Your hands are not clean o.
    My Stella has been vindicated after 4 years!

    1. Thank you!! Do the thing quietly commot. Settle with lawyers etc. Why are they always blowing their divorce issues in our face?

    2. Stopeeet! How will potential customers know she's now a free agent?
      They both cheated on each other and no be today e start abeg. I'd only fault him on hitting her but you know he'd rather swallow horseshit than have people gloat at him that the woman he left his wife for has been cheating on him.
      All the best to both parties.

  76. How did this get out? This is completely wrong. In saner climes, someone in the hospital would lose his/her job for this.


  77. That guy needs to go to jail for this.,. This should teach freeze daddy, Churchill and all those men who think they are untouchable a lesson.
    Meanwhile mr gentry see your life now. If only you had stayed with your faithful first wife in Ireland and faithfully raised your kids, you won't have ended up with mercy and now you will smell jail... Kirikiri. Better start praying mercy does not bleed internally leading to a more serious thing. Her fans and even hater will call for your head big time.

    1. Lol. Only a foolish woman will think a man who leaves his wife for her is that much of a good man. Mercy knows what he is capable of. She only just came out to say now.

  78. 17:47, shut up! Why are you blaming Stella for publishing the medical report. I have all my medical reports in my bedroom, can Stella publish them if I don't let them out. Mercy is the one leaking her shit. She wants to leave the marriage and does not want to be blamed. This is what fits all the men who abandon their wives who suffered with them to marry oloshos. I pray she recovers and move on with her life. Obviously the man is broke and she wants to take a walk.

  79. Wait, thus is his third marriage??


    Me I haven't even done my first and last.

  80. There is nothing like blue black in the English language. It is black and blue.

  81. Well it had been released, though I'm not in support of this.
    However, it is a matter of life and death here !!!!
    Cranial fracture? !!! Jesús is Lord!!!! The devil is a liar, Mercy Aigbe you should not die at your prime oo!

  82. As must as we are crying about domestic violence. I'll want us to check up on violence on Kids

    Please, I'll like you guys to view the short documentary "Hidden Scars "on sexual, emotional, and physical violence in Nigeria, our video aggregation channel on

    Most of us have gone through this!

  83. As must as we are crying about domestic violence. I'll want us to check up on violence on Kids

    Please, I'll like you guys to view the short documentary "Hidden Scars "on sexual, emotional, and physical violence in Nigeria, our video aggregation channel on

    Most of us have gone through this!

  84. So we should be expecting her in Neuro ward.

  85. it is you and your entire family that will die in neuro ward...bastard idiot, yourevil desire will fall back on you and your children a 100 fold....

  86. abeg me l no read the medical report again. all the big big grammar fit give person head injury. maybe Stella fit help translate am to our local dialect. thank you in advance Stella. you're the darling. abi na hammer him take hammer her head?

  87. Report in simpler terms,

    Some organs muscles protruded through the floor of the brain to the sinuses. Not good for her nostril and airway, according to report.


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