Stella Dimoko Let's Talk



Sunday, April 23, 2017

Let's Talk

...Sometimes Sundays are boring with Headline stories,so I sometimes look for topics that will entertain us...

This is a couch talk and i do not expect it to go South!

The person should pleace come and do and be going..I cannot stand both abeg..Kissing is a must and I like to dig my big nose into 'pits...LOL


  1. None pls. I'd rather remain single

    1. I can't stand any, ewwwww! The most annoying thing is they like to kiss and cuddle like their lives depend on it. There's this one that smells like a latrine pit, the thing wey come dey pain me pass be say he feels he's a great catch for any woman, yikes!! His armpit n down below smells so bad I had to distance myself from him because it almost felt infectious... p.s vomit just gathered in my mouth! Bleh!!!

    2. None mbok. I can't coman die of smell.

    3. Halitosis is the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone... Gosh! Scrub your f*cking tongue. Floss daily. See a dentist (5/6 thousand) a session. How hard could it be?

      Body odour.. You know you are hairy? Take your bath Twice/Thrice. Please stop keeping armpit hairs. Scrub that skin well. Stop using bleaching creams goddamitt!


    4. Both has solution... Keep washing the mouth every 4hrs ni. Do test. Sometimes sti causes serious mouth odour as per body odour, bath 4/5x daily if is that bad with good deodorant. Sure is SURE

    5. None. Just sad. A very potential boo has both. I'm not doing again.

    6. Once had this hot toaster with bad breath 😷. And he wan kiss, I pick slippers run. I can't come and go and die.

    7. None of them abeg. I can't deal.

  2. I don't think one can cope with any biko, I hate gutter smell coming out of people's mouth and someone's armpit stinking like he-goat.
    I wonder why people that smell like to talk close to someone.

    1. Lol... Ure just conscious of their closeness cus of the stench, u wldnt notice or care if it ws odourless

    2. Like one guy in my office. He knows his mouth smells but will still bring it close to you while talking. Always drinking warm water like it will change anything

    3. 14;05 most pple don't know they stink

    4. If your under arm smells from severe sweating, pls buy PERSPIREX antiperspirant roll-on. It is very strong and will work for 5 days. It's just 10£ in BOOTS if you are in the UK..... I hate it when people stink of sweat.

    5. Lol @ warm water πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  3. Replies
    1. If you love someone, it wouldn't matter to you if they have body odour, mouth odour or both of them. It would be the least of your worries. If I really love someone, having body or mouth odour is the least of things I'll worry about coz I can always help her get treatment for that. For me to love a woman, then there are 98 other things I love about her, so common mouth or body odour wouldn't be a thing of worry to me.

    2. None abeg, in case you have mouth odour, get to the market and buy .........(forgotten ooooo) It looks like glycerine and very effective,thank me later πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚lemme get the name from the mallam at the gate.I dey come

    3. Lysterine mouth wash

    4. Eeesah abeg leave all this your Arabian poetry and philosophy. U never jam correct body odour. You dey talk of love when you no fit breathe? You well so? You sure?

    5. The mouth odor and body odor will make the love disappear o

  4. I can never cope with anyany
    Key word "Never"

  5. I had a lawyer girlfriend some yrs back, she had a good heart & very respectful, but i had to let her go due to the bad aroma from her mouth, and also her pussy stinks, not only that oh, she doesn't feel sexual pleasure, she dsnt even get wet so its just lubricant that's required.... The worse part is that, she had no idea her pussy & mouth stinks, until i stylishly told her.

    1. Thank you for making me puke.

    2. You had to LEFT her abi your English pursued her.
      Onye asi

    3. That's sexually transmitted disease she had. Like I said ,some come with serious mouth odour wen not treated

    4. I dnt think I feel sexual pleasure too tho i I get wet. Anyway I'm a virgin won't know for sure till d main act but I feel I don't. It's scary.

  6. None please. Get up go have a bath and brush your teeth else I would do both for you with iron sponge for your body and a dogoyaro stick for your teeth.
    Huh imagining it alone is making my skin crawl.
    Reminds me of a secondary school mate who had chronce body odour, I couldn't take the snide remarks anymore and even from people she was close to, so I went to her and told her to take extra care when taking her bath that she smells.
    She actually started crying when I told her but she took the hint and worked on it.
    Brush twice daily, morning and before bed. Do same for baths biko, don't drown yourself in cologne when you can have a proper bath and be better for it.

    1. I had a secondary school classmate that had terrible body odour. The class would smell for hours and she was a popular girl in our set. Its was too horrible biko. But I'm sure people talked to her because when we resumed the next term the "ooodoor" *in jenifas voice* had disappeared

    2. What was making her popular? Was it the body odour? *scratches head.

  7. Body odour can be fixed with a bath and perfumes and deodorants.
    Mouth odour?
    Can't deal abeg.

    1. U never jam some body odours, designer perfumes sef de leave the cloth & the owner run.

    2. You never see body odour wey strong pass deodorants and perfume.

    3. Mouth odor can also be fixed with Eutymol tooth paste and mouth wash

    4. Mouth odor can also be fixed with Eutymol tooth paste and mouth wash

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. None of da above biko. Just cant deal! Sdk, bring back our sunday in house game of saving bvs from drowning or selection of president na. BBN is over😜

    1. Get a life old lady. This blog is just a blog, and not your father's house. Go look for a gwegwelinus that'll get married to a gwegwelina like you for Pete's sake. At least then u'll be too busy trying to make babies, rather than littering the comment's section with your comments!!!

    2. And no, I didn't forget to go anon

    3. June baby or whatever you call yourself, you must be mentally deranged to talk to sandy in that manner. I have never cursed anyone on this blog, but I have a mind to curse you for calling her a gwegwelina. Is she the causer of your problem?
      Well, I know you just want attention, now you have it, so you can run along....ewu hausa

    4. Hahahaha! Vivi, wanted to ignore the nonentity before I saw your reply. No kee me with laff biko. The blog rat is obviously seeking for validation cos I havent even come across such Id for da period I have been here for. Love you ma sis!πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

    5. Vivilicious if only you put in same energy you use to worship Sandra nneka into making money and not having to depend on her for stipends and recharge cards, I'm sure by now you would have been a billionaire. Poverty is really a Bastard.

    6. June baby,WTF?πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘Ώ

      Look, you've got bullshit on your lips transferred to your fingers.
      Here is tissue...wipe it clean.

    7. You are nothing but a boffun @ june

    8. Sandy hw do u cope,wt all dis abuse...i throway salute fr u ooo,cos am very emotional,even me dt d comment is nt meant for felt bad,let alone u,all d pple dt mock u will congratulate u verysoon,Tiswell.

    9. See them... They are here to be marked in her attendance register, so they'll be on her good book and stand a chance to be gifted with the chicken change she throws @ the lot of you here. @ Sandy, I don't need any form of validation on a faceless blog. I only comment @ my free time, not like you lots who have your breakfast, lunch and dinner here, goes to show how boring and lonely your realities are. I Am out!!! Reagent bar calling....

    10. Anon 19:26 you must be very stupid. I can assure you a that if you knew me you'd worship the ground I walk on. You think everyone is a brokeass hustling fool like you.
      Trust me, you don't wanna annoy me.
      Meanwhile stop being a coward and comment with your ID, so I can face you squarely.

  10. None please!
    Make person no go die before im time abegπŸ˜’

  11. Mehn! Iv experienced being with someone with MO, it wasn't a joke. Even brushing and eating doesn't help. I was traumatized. I believe BO can be suppressed with cologne and all.

    I no go church today o. My enemy has malaria, na only 1 mosquito bite me last week o. Wicked mosquito.

    1. Hahahah INA sorry. U b like me, but na d females dey carry d disease... Take lots of water along with ur medication, water helps kill d plasmodum chai my spelling na die

    2. @ anonymous. My mom told me to drink lots of water today. Was now wondering how water and malaria connect. Hmmm. Thanks

    3. Anon 15:46 please how does water help kill plasmodium....are you for real?? I guess your horrible spelling stands a better chance of killing the plasmodium than water SMH...

  12. Body odour mouth odour na same same hell no, dont want any

    1. Bootylycious how now. ..πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  13. I can't stand both most especially mouth jeeez... I love to kiss... Kissing turns me on biko... I can't do without it inasmuch as u no get mouth odour..... Mouth wey go dey smell like rotten pussy.... Eeeeww
    Most guys have body odor... While most ladies have mouth odour...

  14. I know someone that has both,all friends have directly or indirectly talked to him. Now the problem is all our female friends we have asked seem not to notice it. How is it even posible?

  15. None, mouth or body odour, please do not even bring up the topic cause am running away Ciao!

  16. None... I can't cope with anyone... Tufia

  17. Could cope to an extent with body odor. But mouth odour is a big No no

  18. I don't know which one I can take oh very Terrible something

  19. None please. You know the answer na.

  20. Mouth odour, Body odour, pussy odour, fart odour, garlic breath odour, long overdue hair odour, offensive thoughts, etc...... I can only condone fart.

  21. None of the above please !

  22. why should a grown ass man be lazily unemployed in the ist place. If he is not down with some sickness, he must be struggling to bring something to the table. On the other hand a woman can be a full time housewife cos that's a big job on it's own and she could be paid for that. The whole community always observe, nobody is telling on the unemployed man, its an unnatural scenario. I disagree with this.

  23. cannot deal with any of that,I sat beside a woman in church today she was smelling madly,my stomach & nose kept conflicting I couldn't take it I had to leave the chair

  24. Both are terrible! Can't cope with any. My ex husband once suffered from MO, it was unbearable for me. We even fought over it one day

  25. Most guys smell, I think it's part of their destiny. I think I'd rather cope with that than mouth odour! That's a big no no! Stinky breath? Hell to the freaking no!

    But for girls , I think it's better for her to have mouth odour than body odour . Body odour on a girl is just wrong and portrays a dirty, unhygienic, nasty and filthy ass skank!!!

    1. Jehovah!! How can the smell be part of one's destiny? Una no go kill pesin I swear. Hian!

  26. The guy that sits besides me at work has serious mouth odour. This is a very fine dude,dresses really well,shirts crisp and ironed,shoe shinned. Very neat in appearance. But his mouth stinks.
    I wonder if his girlfriend's notice.
    We are quite close. How I wish I can advice him to brush his tongue well and use mouthwash.
    When he comes beside me to explain something. That smell can almost make you throw up.
    I hope he marries someone that can teach him proper brushing with mouthwash.

    1. Not all halitosis can be cured by brushing the tongue and using mouthwash.

    2. Please tell him, you can stylishly tell him why didnt you brush today... Lolz

    3. Yes! Most adults don't brush their tongue!!! The back back back of the throat, that's where the smell comes from! Brush your tongue like you're washing a tyre and your breath will remain fresh for hours and hours!!!!

    4. Write a note with another's hand writing and drop on his desk secretly, I did it to my friend during our secondary days and it worked. We are still friends till today and she didn't know I did that. The secret will follow me till the day I leave this earth.

    5. If I don't count 100 while brushing my teeth and another 100 while brushing my tongue I won't be done and it's slow count very slow. It's like a ritual for me now and it's been years. When I started it I can't say for sure. At times I feel like kissing myself to see what the other person is enjoying. 😁

  27. I prefer mouth to body odor mbok... I had actually helped a friend manage the mouth odor.... Monitors what he eats..makes sure hr brushes each time he eats and he also uses menthol mouth fresh.... Body odor worst abeg....mmadu ana esi ka mkpi...tufia!

  28. My husband has mouth odour ,have tried all I could to help him. He uses mouth wash but after few hours it will start smelling again .
    I think its hereditry bcos his sister and brothers has it too
    I pray to God to heal him

    1. Book an appointment with a dentist.

    2. Let's pray it dsnt smell into the nxt generation.

    3. Is this Linda eze? Our queen and boss. Why not carry your hubby to your daddy TB Joshua. His mouth is still smelling ?

    4. Maybe he has a hole in his teeth!ve u bothered to check dat?or u tk him to d dentist to check d teeth and mouth properly!nobody is born with mouth odour mbok! Em, linda eze is dis u?

    5. Sometimes it's hereditary but it can still be treated. My mum in law has mouth odor, my hubby has it and if my 3 year old daughter does not brush well it smells too

    6. Hahahahahaha@smell into the next generation. Atheist you will not kill somebori. Chaii.

      Body odour
      Mouth odour

      If you share office floor with them in an environment where you are permitted to open the windows. You are finished.

      Ehen. Stella Kork...there's a 3rd odour. English odour. Jeeeesu!

      "My boss is not around when he come I will tells him"

  29. I can cope with mouth odour cuz my BF has it but body odour is a NO NO for me

    1. Hian!!! But you people that have partners with mouth odour. How do you cope? Like don't you kiss? How do you kiss. Do you allow their mouth to touch yours? Or they peck your hand? Ayama

  30. Linda eze . King and the boss of the sdk. Sdknation boss how far your oga mouth still dey smell? new joiners you guys won't understand ,madam once told us her hubby's mouth can smell for Africa I guess she forgot she wasn't anny. Anyway bye ...

  31. Both is A no go πŸ™…‍♂️ area o. Der is dis guy I saw yday. Jeez ! Hs mouth odour was out of dis world. Inside eatery o. As he was ordering for his food from afar d thing was hitting me where I was. To top it all as he was talkin saliva was jst comin out, joining the lips together! Kai! And he has a wife o! Some women dey try Abeg!!πŸ‘

  32. Body odour can be tolerated especially when you wear a nice perfume that can surpress the other person's odour.but mouth odour can easily suffocate one to death because you will just be ceasing your breath during the conversation

  33. body some body odour can be remedied ie d one dt started along d line

    But d one as a result of faulty birth bath,bit will take God's grace to remedy dt.

    Mouth odour is bad but I think dentist can do something about it

    I hv serious pain inside my right gum(d last place) this had made chewing very difficult.

    Pls any suggestions on what to apply?

    1. If there's a hole...see your Dentist. Else, get a crispy guava leaf, freshly plucked and rinse in ordinary water place on your teeth and leave in. Chew it a little and take out or spit out in the morning.

      2.Cut Alum to cube size, place on teeth from 10pm to 12 midnight. Remove before going to bed. Your relief will come through either of the two.


  34. Most of us saying i cant dis and that have maybe mouth odour,pussy odour and boxers odour yes. Just that some of our friends are not courageous enough to tell us.
    I was shocked when one of my friend told me one day that my very own mouth was oozing i wanted to die that day cos i was busy reading for exams and have stopped taking care of myself. That day changed my life. I quickly went inside to brush for another 15mins, went to the dentist after my exams. I have been brushing twice a day since then and even make sure i floss and use mouth wash.
    Yes so you throwing stones on others you better check yourself.

    1. Yes! Flossing is very important!!!

    2. Fasting and being silent for long can give u halitosis.

    3. That your friend is a nice person some will even wait until u have little misunderstanding.

  35. Stella none of these above!all na visa to hell.But most times the guys don't really know they have this!Its high time we told them!

  36. The worse part of the story is that most people who have body odour or mouth odour don't know they have it. I can't cope with any, can't even tell someone that has it cos I don't want to hurt their feelings

  37. None of the above. Mouth odour is the worst of all.

  38. Lol. Funny. So who come get the MO & BO? Out of all these comments, at least 5 of you will have MO

  39. #Just remember that whatever you put up with, you end up with*

  40. None of the above abeg. Mouth odour can easily send me to coma.

    *hangs leg on the wall*

  41. Can still cope with mouth odor jare.

  42. Body odour and mouth odour is a vry serious turn off for me!no matter d amount of monies u hv or wld want to give me, dude,i wld just take off!i just can't deal biko!for u to hv both odours shows u are a very dirty person!tufia!

    1. This ur statement confirms u as an hoe-low-sho
      What has giving u money gat to do with the topic of....???

  43. Na na na, I can't cope with any Biko. There was a day I was coming back from work the person sitting beside me has bad as in bad body odour, I just have to try, but seriously that day wasn't ea,

  44. Ahh none of it is good o but love corrects gently and lovingly,if you truly like the person,ud try to tell them and sometimes help them deal with it!!!

    1. That is it most people refuse to tell those that have it. So how will they know ? 😏

  45. I've noticed that all the ladies that kill babies in their wombs -abortion, they all smell badly.
    You may not have to believe it but ask yourself that question and answer it!

  46. That's how i met one fine boy with mouth odour. Jesu!! I ran for my dear life. Didn't say a word about it. After he called a few times and i didnt bulge he rested. I often think i should have said something, but i know my tone is usually harsh and i wont have put it nicely. So I left him for his new boo.

    1. Bulge?
      Its budge

    2. Are you minding her? Always quick to share her imaginary experiences. Lol

  47. Ask anyone that smells if he/she has either done abortion or inspired one or encouraged someone to do it. Folks that shed innocent blood smells.

    The guilty ones who do not want to repent will come under my comment to drip . . . Some will hypocritically hide under anonymous so their "market" won't spoil.

    1. Oga /Madam take biscuit, take this sweet,last last I promise you, you go dey all right.

    2. Third world thinking.

      This is why your country still imports pencils in 2017. Because people like you use your anus to 'think'. Pity.
      At least odour, you can find a cure abi, who will borrow sense to a dunce?? Tufia.

    3. You know that statement you wrote is silly right?

    4. Abortion is bad, in fact it's the biggest sin:taking life that doesn't belong to you..... Your speculation up there is that of an illiterate

  48. mehn this is hard

    erm mouth odour is a no

    body odour is a no

    but would get you a smart collection body spray


  49. None of both abeg........person with mouth or body odour useless pass slippers........

  50. But most times it's the men that have all these bad odour issue . I think its because they're nonchalant about taking care of their body.
    You won't find a mummy's boy having mouth or body odour.......that's my personal observation......

  51. My Vagina smells badly.When I am on my period,the smell worsens especially when I take Bournvita when I am on.Pls what do I do?I have only one boyfriend.

    1. Why do you even take bournvita? I'm no understanding

    2. Insert garlic. Sometimes,add dettol to hot water and sit on the steam emitting from it.

  52. None at all. God no give us wetin we no fit carry.

    I no pray for my enemies on this


  53. Stopeeeeet! 'Cope' with what???? 😬😒😬

    You have not met B/O M/O ODOUR then...

    Have you smelt body odour that has its own business card? That will linger in the room HOURS after the owner has left you and gotten to his/her destination?

    ...Mouth odour that will not permit you to contribute to conversation because you cannot breathe? You wii just be nodding vigorously like those children's toys with big bulging eyes.πŸ˜‚

    The kind of odour that destroys all oxygen???


    This is not something you 'cope' with. You are shortening your life cycle and you are not helping the 'copee'.
    Do something positive about it.

    He/She will thank you later. Trust me.

    1. People with such body odour are legends.
      They always leave legacies behind.

    2. Lmaoooooo @Sunshine @legends afi legacies o kikikikikiikik this post funny gan I don laff tire fir comments sef chai

  54. Thank you do much for this Stella. Nigerians generally have very poor dental culture. Very very poor. I'm not even talking about lower class o.

    Supposedly educated people. I wish all those candid camera people like Pulse and Kraks TV will go out and ask simple questions like what is dental floss, how should a mouth wash be used? How many times should you brush etc. Trust me you will faint from laughter at the response. And I mean Faint!!!!

    1. Our hygiene practices are atrocious.

  55. Breathe odour is the worst. I once had a boyfriend that has that odour anything he breathes or yawns na smell. Fine guy with good job o. I ran for my life

    1. Chike's mouth odour was terrible.I suffered while dating him but I'm free now.

    2. E wo ni breathe odour ke? Teeth odour dey? Tounge odour nko? Mtsheew.

  56. Hmmmmm! I even pity such people because they themselves dont find it funny @ all. Imagine been told severally that you stink or how people avoid you as if you are a leper. Instead of keeping them @ a distance, help them to manage it. I know a collegue that has both mouth and body odour and she talks alot, i had to call her privately i tell her about it and how to manage it by brushing her teeth and tongue every 3hrs and also taking her bath like 3 times a day taking time to scrube the armpit and pubic regions very well. Was there a change? I tell you, there was and she was grateful i told her.

  57. We live in the tropics. Our country dey hot well well is what I mean.

    Some people be smelling like 2 weeks dead bodies.

    1.Abeg make una dey baff dey scrub all the potholes and cracks for your body. Sponge is 80 naira. If you cannot afford Lux soap buy Ghana soap. Abeg. Abeg.

    2.If you cannot buy toothbrush or do not know how to use it buy chewing stick. Chewing stick: there is 50 naira own, there is 100 naira own. Once you have polished your teeth with it. Turn it horizontal, like say you wan hold something for mouth begin scrape your tounge. Abeg. Na beg a beg.

    Some of you, if you bring out your tounge for public, every where go scatter. All the white white ting don cover every where be like white hair or dried mucus.

    3.Wash your clothes. You cannot be wearing the same sweat soaked and dried clothes and underwear week in week out na unless true true dem swear for you.

    If only we can pack all the people with mouth or body odour to another planet so that they can be doing business with themselves. But unfortunately is not so.

    So please stop punishing us like this. Don't wait for anyone to tell you, just observe high hygiene. Nigeria hot well well abeg. Na beg I beg you o because my nose don smell shege.

  58. I swear. So tey pastor go do alter call for evil spirits and people possessed. You sef quick chook head run to the front because of the odour. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜’

  59. Buy toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, Apple Cider Vinegar, dental floss and chewing stick, (the enzymes in a chewing stick are very powerful.) Put it inside basket or nylon and hand to your partner,colleague, tenant, landlord, student, lecturer, enemy.

    Buy soap, sponge, exfoliating, disinfectant, shower gell, body spray, body oil etc and give to your partner, colleague, tenant, landlord, enemy or whatever.

    This life is not hard. Please.

  60. Everybody here is denying suffering any of it (na wa)
    I have a friend that has BO. A friend of mine asked her out and she did shakara for d guy like mad but one day she decided to hear the guy out. They went on a date and na that day i hear from the guy last.
    I saw him one day and asked why he didnt ask after my gf, he told me the girl smells so bad that he cant deal.
    I acted as if i dont know bkos....
    When we went to shoprite i told her to buy one particular deodorant that its very good, she turned and ask me, "why are u not using it if its that good"? Lols.
    My point is some people are actually ignorant of the fact that they stink.
    50 pecent of all d commenters above either have bo or mo.
    Bath well nd always wash ur tongue well, u might be among the 50%.

    1. Anon 19:30 even you sef may not know that you smell. Only the nose, Nose. Kikikikikiikik

  61. Biko non.I remember when i was in school then,there are some lectures that were fixed as early as 7am.God,that period was so terrible,diff kinds of mouth odours most especially when you sit with the guyz omo you are finished,you'll keep dying and resurrecting,some of them their mouth smells like fart,some spoilt food just name it.chisos!!you face right it's death,left death,front nkor death,even if they don't talk,the air that comes out of their mouth will still kill ya.

  62. I'm friends with a very popular blog owner. She has terrible mouth odour. I don't even know how to tell her cos I don't want her to feel bad. And no, it's not Linda. It's not Laila either. It's not Bella Naija. Go figure.

    Bob risky has extremely bad mouth odour. His own smells like poo. Or like when u haven't brushed for three days and you floss, the smell of the nonsense on the floss. I almost died when I stood next to him.

    1. Ladun Laida? Stella? Warreva...

    2. U mean ladun? Na question o

    3. Sorry guys. Forgot to eliminate Stella. It's NOT Stella.

  63. Can't cope with any of them

  64. Everybody dey claim say dem no get abi?

    But just in case you are not sure if you are punishing your friends and colleagues in ignorance, let me give you some tips to find out if you have BO or MO or even both sef (Double Wahala.)

    Do people scatter like clothes in the wind as you approach? (As long as you are not Boko Haram, you most likely have one or both odours above.)

    Does your partner postpone kissing you as much as possible .This year you have only kissed once, and E no kuku count because na for your dreams. Friend, you have Mouth odour.

    Have you noticed that none of your colleagues share your meals or your cutlery? NOBODY. Not even the office longer throat. Yes is bucal odour.

    Do people squeeze their face before, during and long after you talk to them? Ehn, you know the problem.

    Have you noticed that people do not hug you? Home o, Office o, Church o Street o. They prefer handshake, even preferably a wave from 50 meters away.

    Have you received 2 giant family sized bars of soap and toothpaste this week already? And the two from last week have not finished o. Ehen. You can see signs and symptoms already.

    Please epp yourself. Please.


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