Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama 176


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Monday, April 24, 2017

Labour Room Drama 176

The Month ends and you are searching for ''it''

So here goes my labor room drama..

My first two pregnancies were uneventful except that they were both postdate and I had to be induced. I went to the hospital on both occasions and as soon as the pain starts I call in the anesthesiologist for epidural and wait until it is time to push the baby.

However, my third child was a different story. First of all, I was not trying to get pregnant but all of a sudden I just found myself searching for my period so the first few weeks were hard, but I quickly realized the gift God had given me and began to enjoy the pregnancy. 

Pregnancy, was fine until about 39 weeks when I was informed that the baby was breech. Doctor said I would have to come in the next week either to undergo an external cephalic version (turn the baby around from outside) or come in for a cesarean section. I chose to go in for the ECV but I prayed and prayed and called all my pastors. 

Two days after the news I went into the hospital for the procedure. They secured IV access and prepped me for an emergency cs if need be, then doctor brought in the ultrasound to check the position of the baby again and the baby was in the right position head down! I thanked God and left the hospital.

I went to work up till my 41st week. I did not finish all I needed to do at work on my last day at work (a Friday), so after church, I ran to the office to quickly complete my last assignment and tidy up as my leave began the next day. I got back home about 5:30pm very hungry with slight pains in my lower abdomen. I decided that it might be because I was very hungry and tired and decided to make a huge bowl of eba to eat and then rest but this pain persisted as I was making my eba.

 I sat down to eat and my mum came out to meet me eating my eba and okro soup. I just casually mentioned to her that I was having some pain in my lower abdomen and she screamed “you are in labor o! oya oya o go and shower, I don’t want you to give birth at home o! 

Immediately, I became anxious, I had never gone into labor before, but I had to finish my eba. Then I got up, packed my hospital bag and went into the bathroom. My mum was already panicking shouting “what are you doing there o?” and I said mummy I am using the toilet. After the eba and with all I had been eating over the past few days it would have been a disaster if I pushed all that out on the delivery bed. But my mum screamed “toilet ke? Please don’t deliver there o!”. Anyway, I got up, showered and we were on our way to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital, it was a busy day so it took a while for me to be checked in. I was in pain, but it was bearable. I was on Instagram, gisting with my mum and in my mind I was like this is easy, maybe I can go all the way this time without the epidural. It took a while but they finally checked me in, it was about 11:30pm at this point. When they did the vaginal examination, I was already 6cm. But a few minutes after the examination, ah ah.. the pain started increasing. I asked when will I be able to get epidural they said I might have to wait a 30 mins to an hour for them to run enough IV fluids first. I said ok and allowed them to set the lines and do all their setting up and when the pain comes I would breathe and everyone was commending me..I did not know I had just 

By 12:30, haba the pain had escalated and I started shouting, please call the anesthesiologist for me o! I couldn’t take it anymore. The nurses will say breathe..I will shout back please call the anesthesiologist! Fortunately, the anesthesiologist came in, he was an experienced one in 10-15 mins the epidural was in with immediate relief!

By about 3am, I was fully dilated. I pushed twice- first push the head came out, they cut the cord around the neck. With the second push the body was out and immediately, I heard my baby cry..I was so happy. God had done it for me again! I had a small tear which they sutured and I was cleaned and taken to my room.

Hope my story was not too long or boring. Stella no pictures for your eyes only..):. May God grant everyone looking for children theirs soon, and for all those pregnant safe delivery!

 *Congrats oh...It is interesting to note that even after Labour drama,most women do not know when labour starts again.....Mysterious God!


  1. Congrats to you. God bless and keep the baby

  2. Wonderful story. My best part was when you said you had to finish your eba.

    Congratulations. May all your kids bring you joy.

  3. congratss,chikito pls whats the best brand of jamaican black castor oil to buy,so many in the market,my edges are quite bad,white diamond and others,any suggestions?

  4. Congrats to you... God bless your baby

  5. Congrats

    E be like say this epidural of a thing is

    1. Happy birthday beloved. More grace to u.

  6. Awww. Congrats.
    Pls is pepperish food good for a pregnant woman? I am in my 1st trimester and all i crave for is spaghetti prepared with plenty pepper. Pls help a sister, this is my first time.

    1. Yes It is. Dts the only ingredient I could tolerate thru pregnancy without bn nauseous or spitting. Goodluck wt ur pregnancy

    2. Chop pepper babe, it doesn't harm your baby.

  7. Anonymous 15:08. No. Pepperish foods are not good for you at 1st trimester. Do not induce your own miscarriage i beg you. A woman I know tried it, had a miscarriage over 10years now she hasn't conceived again. And yes I'm a Nurse/midwife. Thanks.

  8. Enter your comment..Pepperish food is not good


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