Stella Dimoko KARMA....



Sunday, April 16, 2017


The Phrase KARMA has your address is very popular....

The law of karma states, that every action performed in life creates another reaction which in turn produces a new counter action. Thus an endless chain of actions and reactions is produced which binds the living entity to his good and bad deeds. This is the way how karma works.

Have you ever been visited by Karma?You did something earned you a visit from Karma?


  1. The karma that would visit me would be for the good that I have done. It shall not be a negative one in Jesus name, amen

    1. Karma is a myth!Some women have it nice and smooth in marriage,while others dont. Note that this is not directly proportional in any way to the lifestyles of these women while they are still budding. Like someone mentioned,some women lived a careless and wreckless life,but today,they are happily married and vice-versa....whats real is grace.

    2. Amen here too.

      My life philosophy is 'Do unto others what you would want others to do to you'

      Thankfully, av been keeping to it!

    3. Some call it the law of Karma, I call it the law of seed time and harvest. You MUST definitely reap what you sow.

    4. Juliet Karma is not a myth. The word of God must be fulfilled. Christ says not a dot of his word must fall to the ground without accomplishing its purpose.He said what you do unto others will be done to you press down shaken together and running over. The thing is that as humans we expect that it must come in the format or mode we meted out to other people. No it doesn't work like that. Karma can come in the form of short life span, sick children, dull children, I'll health, stagnancy, career problems, unhappy marriage, bad luck etc. sooner or later. Sometimes the karma of the person may come later in life so when the person seems to be enjoying we assumed there's no karma.No that's wrong. The bible says because punishment of a sin does not come speedily the heart of man is fully set to commit iniquity. Selah!

    5. Somethings shouldn't be easily overruled cos there are deep mysteries in this world yet to be uncovered. My question is:
      1: Why does karma not visit the perpetrator of crime.e.g chikito's story
      2: In the case of aa Lady that slept with a married man n her husband is cheating. Now what happens to the innocent that karma used. Does karma visit her even though she never asked to be employed.
      But anyone that did jazz, please don't call karma when jazz scatter. Karma might still be coming.

  2. There is nothing like karma.if there was, people won't be getting away with bad things.
    Here is this story. An aunt of mine specialized in sleeping with people's husbands. She has broken so many homes, and has had countless abortions. Today she is married to a nice rich man with four lovely kids. Plz, someone tell me, where is karma? How long before karma shows?
    How about my friend that paid my good with evil, and she is living a good life while I am in penury? Please, where is dear karma?

    1. Same thing I taught!!!! Infact I tot I wrote this story till I got to number of kids!!!

    2. So recently, a series of bad things has been happening to a close family friend of mine's wife and children. They aren't poor and are very far from being poor but in the past 5 years one bad news or another. Last year, my mum travelled to visit them (after the wife and two daughters were kidnapped for three weeks and they had to pay 25m- id spare you the other details); my mum told the woman that her FIL was verrry wicked (they are from the same village). She told the woman things the man did especially during that slavery era. He was very rich and very wicked. Infact he sold families into slavery to the white man. My mum told her that while she was praying for them she heard from God to tell them to pray specifically against generational curses. Because that's what's speaking against them. The man said he had prayed about it in his life tbh he's doing great but the arrow has been on his children and grand children, not him. Well, we have had peace for about one year from that angle. And this couple are very good people, even their kids are well-behaved. So we kept wondering why all this attacks kept coming.

      Karma doesn't always happen when you expect. But even the bible says whatsoever you sow you will reap. Pastor adeboye's message about sowing and reaping he mentioned that because you arent reaping now doesnt mean you will never reap. Seeds germinate and bear fruits at different times. So better do good and dont look at why others 'escaped' or not.

    3. In her case, the lord is still a merciful God n she clinged to him.
      But DAT doesn't mean she wouldn't be punished. An example is PAUL, the apostle.

    4. *series of bad things have
      *these attacks

      Disadvantages of having peppered snail while typing comment 😂

    5. Please Paul was never punished. That means God is a liar. God said if you confess your sins he will forgive and forget.
      Paul got into trouble bc he had a passion to preach the gospel to the Jews. He was so passionate bc he knew where he came from and didn't want them to make the same mistake bx a zealous Jew against Christianity. He was called to preach to the Gentils. Read again Acts and see instructions from the Holy spirit Paul gather take different route. Remember what happened to Jonah y did he end in the belly of the fish.
      Karma happens if you don't know who you are in Christ and you haven't repented. Yes if familiar spirit tries to make a stronghold rebuke it.
      Those who don't change eventually get themselves into trouble.

  3. No . i hav never bin visited by karma! But karma av visited people on my behalf 😈😈😈😈😈

  4. Karma! Some people don't believe it ever works.

  5. I know people that has been visited by karma. I know families that are suffering from what their parents /grandparents did to people. Yes there is karma but Christ is the only one who can save from it when it comes. So run to Jesus and be reborn through him. He will save you from your evil deeds and even your parents and family's own. Instead of the person that hurt me having karma I would prefer God should take me above that situation,give me the best of life and make me grow higher and more successful than can be thought.

    1. Ah! Read my comment above. A whole family suffering for what their grandfather did.

    2. Please, is karma same as a curse. Educate me please.

  6. Now my experience with karma. After college, I was doing sales girl job while awaiting ssce results. OMG d day my boss found out I was diverting his funds then I was still a virgin, and he knows my mum being a widow can't pay him back. He asked for my punani, although he didn't know I was a virgin. I had no option but to let him have it. I used what I had to solve the issue. Up till date nobody knows how I lost my virginity. Thank goodness the man is late. Now am married with kids.

    1. So your own karma is giving your punani to your boss? What's karma about that? So the karma to pay for diverting his 💰 is your virginity? I still dey look you with one eye

      *Larry was here*

    2. Haaahaaahaaahaaa @ starry Larry you no be better person.

  7. I really don't believe in the cause of karma not that I'm ruling out its entire existence but I feel the 'idea'of karma has blinded some of us to the truth. Let's use the popular instance of a former runs girl (no offense to current runs girls) who have gets married and eventually her husband starts patronizing runs girl, people are quick to judge and say "that's her karma" but no one is condemning (so to say) the husband. Karma in its entirety is a wrong perspective to seeing things, if we left all situations, reverse situations to karma, then I don't think there'll be any need for the court of Law, the concept of 'Grace' and 'Mercy' becomes useless...

  8. it pays to always do good....

    One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way
    through school found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He
    decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his
    nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked
    for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a
    glass of milk. He drank slowly and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
    "You don't owe me anything", she replied. "Mother has taught us never to
    accept pay for kindness". He said...."Then thank you from my heart". As
    Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his
    faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.
    Years later, that young woman became critically ill. The local doctor was
    baffled. They finally sent her to the big city where they called in a
    specialist to study her rear disease. Doctor Howard Kelly was called in for
    the consultation. When he heard the name of the town where she came from, a
    strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall
    of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his Doctor's gown, he went in to
    see her. He recognized her face at once. He went back to the consultation
    room determined to do all he can to save her life. From that day, he gave
    special attention to that case.
    After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly asked the business
    office to pass the bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote
    something on the edge and the bill was sent to the woman to her room. She
    feared to open it for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay
    for it all. Finally, she looked and something caught her attention on the
    side of the bill. She read these words.....
    "Paid in full with one glass of milk"

  9. Karma? no. I believe one good turn deserves another so always do good

  10. I don't believe in karma,to me it doesn't even exist. How do we justify the saying that bad things happen to good people? In life shit happens, you do your best and leave the difficult situations/challenges for God.

  11. There is nothing like karma. If it does exist then it must be very partial and selective. Life is just made up of probabilities. There is a probability that one vice or the other will befall you even if you did it to a hundred people or no one. Karma is just a made up thing to scare people from doing certain things.

  12. Nah. I'm yet to do something that requires a karma visit.

  13. Karma is real but I have not experience it before.

    I fuck nobody's husband...
    I gossip no one.
    I hate no one.

    In fact I believe in meekness, humility and patience. So therefore, karma does not know my address.


    1. Do you know that el_rufai has lost two of his children,both within a couple of years? Just cos you don't know doesn't mean it isn't happening to them and others toi

  15. Nope...theres no such thing as karma

  16. Karma sure knows the address of people. It might take a while, but they will definitely visit! When i was not working, a certain woman will make mockery about my situation, backbite about me. Her son graduated, he is jobless as i speak. Shame will not let her look my face.

  17. Many years ago I snatched my bf's man through jazz...the marriage w was sweet at first. 10 years i was basking in enjoyment and continually asking the usual questions most bvs ask "who said there is karma".the jazz strong well so I thought. You should see me now!! I am miserable. My ex started hating me for no reason! To cut the over long story short he abandoned m with nothing. All my businesses went down the drain. My shop caught fire. My two children died mysteriously. Oh I forgot, my friend that I took bread from her mouth I can't even imagine myself standing next to her.I M back in my village and the only thing that give me rest of mind is this blog. I use a Small phone fr those who will doubt. Stella pls make a post about the repercussion of jazz. I'm sure many bvs including me will have lots to tell.

    1. My dear 🔊 🔊 🔊 it to those that don't believe in karma. It might take time, some people might not even live to witness it and their children and grandchildren will pay for it.

      I pray God forgive you and wipe your tears with his garment of mercy, it is well dear

      *Larry was here*

    2. Well there we go!!
      I think human beings are always impatient to see life pan out.

    3. That is why I take off whenever I hear anything that resembles jazz. It's not fucking worth it one bit. I've been barren for 8years and the temptation is strong. I know at the end of the day I'll only get cursed children and a cursed life. Jazz is never the answer.

    4. Any one who steals my man with jazz is not worth killing myself for. She has already dug her own grave.

    5. God o I used kayanmata with hubby and he has stopped chasing women since then. Hope it's not jazz. Chukwu mmerem Ebere.

    6. 🙆🙆🙆haa!!!! Only you???😓😓😓

    7. Any response to d kayan Mata question up there, is it jazz?

    8. Na wah oh. Even with this your testimony people them still dey go jazz. I know two people I have cut ties with them. Once the Lord revealed their fetish ways. They r doing all cunning means to get in contact. Never! One used an ornament to tie down a gut. I am sure also for the kids. Another married a wizard. Tiff from her friend carry belle. Yet miserable as anything.
      They also contribute to affect my finances. Very evil people.

    9. Jeez. Kayan mata is not jazz abeg. Its a natural ingredient that stimulates passion in the nerves. My spanish friend refers to it as the nigerian native viagra. It makes a woman horny and increases the sex fluid. It helps men too. It has no overdose. I use kayan mata. Always do your research before you take anything. So u dint even know if its jazz or not wawu. Im an anti jazz chic. The only thing special about it is that it will make a lady sweet in bed with the right moves.

  18. Karma is punishment for our sins/actions,thats why we need to participate fully in the forthcoming "mercy sunday"so that God will forgive us and avert the punishment accrued to our sins/karma.

    1. What goes around comes around and to every action there is a reaction. God can forgive and have mercy on any sinner but there are some sins that no matter the kinda "mercy sunday" u attend, u must pay for them. The punishment for the sin must visit you.

    2. If that's true, no need for salvation. Christ shouldn't have come.anyway ur not a Christian no need for my response sef

  19. I have never been visited but i believe in karma

  20. Karma can come in little doses. When you call someone a fool,in future you will be called a fool too! And you will remember!

  21. I've never done any thing bad before to warrant karma visitation
    But am very sure all the people that wronged me always receive karma visitation when they least expected it,I don't know why it's like that. I always tell people don't go about hurting people bcos you don't know "who is who"
    I believe karma is God fighting ones battle in his own way.
    Some people "chi" or "eleda" is very strong ,you can't do them wrong and go Scot free especially if they shed tears bcos of you,you're gone.

  22. Yes karma visited me a couple of times. I broke someones sons heart and plenty people broke my heart in return. I have paid my dues now karma can leave me the fuck alone to enjoy my life.

    *hangs leg on the wall*

  23. Blog visitor karma what do u have to say abt this? Lol

  24. Let me read comments but I know karma is real

  25. #Make your happiness and personal growth a priority in your life. The more you take care of yourself, the more you can take care of others*

  26. I fucked people's husbands when I was single. Now they are fucking mine. Guess it's karma .

    1. That's not karma. It's just a natural thing. Karma for u will begin when ur hubby gives u HIV as a B-Day gift.#ashawo oshi

  27. Karma is not real. The only punishment is after death, in eternity. If it was real, why are the likes of IBB alive, rich and thriving???

    1. Thriving?

      Money is not everything

    2. God says I forgive iniquity but the guilty will not go free. Again God says because Judgement does not come speedily the heart of man is fully set to commit iniquity. Karma or God's word is real.

    3. Who says they are thriving? Are you living with them!

    4. And did you know what they're going through? IBB is having serious health Challenge, he lost his wife to cancer and so many untold bad things happening to them in close door

      *Larry was here*

    5. Anon 17:46, it is very real. Things are not always the way they appear to be. Do you live with them to know if karma has not or is still visiting them? I strongly believe their likes are still being visited by karma.

      Having money and being alive does not necessarily mean karma is not dealing with them or their off spring. If only they are bold to tell their stories, people will learn a lot.

      It does not pay to be evil. Always try your best to do good and watch God (karma) fight for you. God has being nice enough to allow me witness the downfall of people who were horrible to me and I did not repay them in their own coin, the only thing I did was to go behind closed doors, got on my knees and cried for God to fight for me because I don't even have the strength to fight any one and that was the best decision I ever made because if I was to "fight" myself I would surely have lost but with God, victory was achieved.

  28. Karma is reaping what you sow.I think though that it is possible not to reap exactly what you sow.Like dating married men while single may or may not mean your husband will cheat.Your karma may come in the form of something else.That you fed nations but you are now living in penury could be because of that small internet scam you pulled one time as an adventure.

    I don't know.Just maybe

  29. I really hope karma is real! All those people I made life easy for when I was their boss that couldn't stand up for me when I was in trouble that went around spreading what was not,forgetting people have issues and you I gave my all to n you ate my profits and took the life of my baby cos I stood 24hrs trying to please karma must visit you.

  30. Karma works very well for some more than it does for others. There are some people you dare not cross coz you will surely pay for it. Generally, I believe that life teaches people lessons and if you hurt someone intentionally, you will reap the consequences of your bad action.

  31. I believe in Karma cos a cousin of mine abused us sexully while we were in primary sch .But when we ve graduated n working ie after abt 20 yrs his daughters were being sexully molested by his younger brother.

  32. All I can say is "God please forgive and have mercy on me"

  33. Jenifa said to Adaku Karma is a female dog..... Word .. clean message

  34. I was once a subagent for this R&S lotto thing in my early 20's(i took this job out of desperation to earn a living)..a man played the morning game with 100 naira,left in a hurry without his ticket and promised to return but he didn't.The results came out and he won. We waited for him for about 3 days but he didn't show up. We cashed the money and used it to eat chicken and roasted plantain. We also planned that if he eventually returned, we'd give back his 100 naira. Till I quit the job few weeks later, he didn't show up. I feel so low. Now years after the incident, I still can't shroud the feeling of guilt that rises up like bile when I remember...Anyway I lost my money in ponzi scheme..i hope that's karma enough

  35. People think karma only comes in forms of poverty, or having cheating husbands (for the ones who did runs as single ladies), so wrong. Karma is very patient, oh very very. It will just chill and be looking at you smiling and enjoying your life, when you seem to have forgotten your fuck up it will pounce on your children, or even grandchildren. It could come in form of having useless kids, drug addict kids, mental kids, sickness and co. For the person that thinks karma doesn't visit bad politician cos they're 'thriving' you're so wrong. Come to Abj and see how useless most of this politician kids are, come and see the way most of them have destroyed themselves with cocaine and other hard substances, most of them can't even go to school, they send them abroad and they abscond and are almost carried home in a body bag. A few of them who're my clients have opened up to me as to how karma has already started visiting them through their kids. One's child was deported this year February from the U.S for child molestation and assault, plus very bad addiction. Karma is real oh, if it doesn't visit you now, it will wait for the generation to come, especially if the person involved spilled blood or bore false witness and accusation against someone else, these are the sins that always comes with repercussions. Be mindful of what you do, very mindful. This world is deeper than meets the eye, and their are some people you don't just mess with.

  36. in other words, ur father also sexually molested young girls


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