Stella Dimoko Islamic fundamentalist, Drops Shocker!



Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Islamic fundamentalist, Drops Shocker!

An Islamic fundamentalist, Sheikh Mohamad Doar, has stated that Muslim faithful who shave their eyebrows are cursed by Allah and shall rust in hell.

He also said those who make friendship outside the Islamic fold shall go to hell.

Sheikh Doar told young Muslim girls they would go to hell if they are associated with non-Muslim friends.

He made the claims while speaking to teenage girls at a forum in Sydney, Australia.

He said, “The reality is, my sisters, any friendship that is not built on the fear of Allah is only going to lead to hell fire so you need to be cautious.”

He lectured the girls on Islamic fashion and grooming during the weekend.

He added, “You are not allowed the remove the hair of the eyebrow, it’s a major sin.

“The lady who plucks her eyebrows and the one who gets them plucked, they’re both cursed by Allah.”

While responding to questions from the girls, Sheikh Doar said, “It cannot be see-through showing skin. The hijab needs to be as plain as possible.

“It cannot be an imitation of the disbeliever’s dress code. It cannot be attracting to the eye. It cannot resemble the dress of men. It can’t be a showing-off cloth.”
from dailypost


  1. Make he Kuku kill them. God have mercy. When man play God ehhh

  2. A very big NTOOR! to the lady who converted to Islam. You haven't seen anything. You are bound to suffer as long as this wicked religion is involved. Imagine they are not allowed to make friends outside their religion!

  3. But he's right
    The holy book backs up his claim
    These are things I/most people know but we hardly stay away from
    May Allah have mercy on us all

    1. Right, as much as I am aware of this eyebrow thing I still pluck mine. May God forgive us.

    2. It Means ya'll can't be trusted then.
      Sorry o.

    3. Amen, I am trying to cope with not plucking of my eye brow. May Allah have mercy on us.

    4. Lmao hell fire waiting for y'all then

    5. Like seriously? Your God will punish you for plucking eyebrows? So plucking eyebrows attracts the same consequences as murder, rape... In Islam?
      This is shocking!

  4. Wow, wow, wow!!!

  5. Sick people! You can as well tell them all to live in tents & ride on camels.All you guys do is fan discrimination & hate for others by Muslims.

  6. Sick people! You can as well tell them all to live in tents & ride on camels.All you guys do is fan discrimination & hate for others by Muslims.

    1. Are there no churches in Nigeria such as deeper life and even living faith where pastors tell Christian folks not to interact with non Christians? Can you deny it? Even Chris okotie's church called Catholics non-christians and that they will burn in hell.

  7. So we can't be friends? Haaa noted o! But I have a muslimah paddy naa, does it means she's pretending to be my paddy? Lemme be careful mbok.

    1. Can you deny that some churches in Nigeria also don't warn Christians not to take non-Muslims as friend? Deeper life? Living faith?

  8. Nothing New here

  9. Wehdonsir. All you need now is a leash. Maybe a whip too. Actually, add a blinker to that too. Seeing as human beings have become horses. It's nincompoops like you that make it tough to argue the Islamic case. Guess what? They don't make niccabz the way they used to in 1715. The fabrics available today and now stylized, of better quality and are more comfy. And cheaper. The earlier you get with the program, the longer you shall avoid high blood pressure and avoid becoming a terrorist. Cos me I don't see any sense in you being able to wear trainers and Tshirt and shorts and I can't even pluck my brows. It's the same thing you'd complain about saying I now look like a horse and marry a second wife. Oga pls continue to beg God to forgive us in prayer. E go hard for me to accept the horse look o

    1. Just imagine the nonsense he spewed. Exactly why I can't seem to make friends with my kind. Always too extreme. Why make this already hard life so unbearable. I don't think this is how God intended it ooo. How then do we even convince the non-muslims that this is the right religion? Idiot man!!

    2. She haf vex 😆. Provoke oh because it seems it's all targeted at you women looking like slave trade rejects.

    3. I tire o. Plucking the brow is same as grooming facial hair na. Or are men also supposed to have hair on their faces like baboons?

    4. @anon 11:27 you no de see him own? Baboon sef de learn work!

  10. Not allowed to make friends outside Islam? Issorai!

  11. Even the sheik is cursed for living in a non-Muslim land, he shouldn't be in Sydney, he should go back to the Middle East.

    In fact Muslim shouldn't use any thing invented by Christians. Bunch of confused lots.

  12. Even the sheik is cursed for living in a non-Muslim land, he shouldn't be in Sydney, he should go back to the Middle East.

    In fact Muslim shouldn't use any thing invented by Christians. Bunch of confused lots.

    1. What are the things invented by Christians? Please I want you to name the things and make sure that the things have no history of Muslim contribution to it. Don't even say computers because the algorithms used in the design of softwares and datas started by a Muslim scholar called al-Khawarizmi. Don't mention algebra that is taught at schools too. Don't mention the philosophies of Thomas Aquinas that were from the intellect of Muslim scholars such as Averroes, Avincenna among others. I can mention many of this. Don't forget to check out my claims as well. Google is your friend.

    2. Then why does Islam abhor western culture and technology if infact they were involved in the makung of computers?

    3. Anon 9.21, don't forget too that Mohammed did copy and paste of ur Koran from the Jews' Torah and the Christian parchment texts/bible. Don't forget that even though Muslims founded some areas of science, as long as the infidels have gotten involved, it should now be haram to you muslims. Nobody saw you coming out to condemn the killings of Christians in kaduna this Easter period. You have a penchant for celebrating Mohammed who married a woman 20 years older than him and a child of 7 among other women. I hear he was the only person permitting to marry more than 4 wives. The guy was a troubled soul. Christians question their leaders but you don't question yours. You people should stop going to the West then and stay in ur Saudi/ Middle East. No religion except yours has a country all to itself - Saudi Arabia where other faiths can't have theirs institutions built. Abeg get over yourself. Until you learn to see that we can't do without each other cos we were all created by God, you will grope about in the dark.

    4. You are very ignorant for your response. Quran is the compilation and most comprehensive of the books revealed to messengers of God in islam. Seek knowledge before you come and start spewing rubbish. Stella sef, you should not have posted this because it is only inciting hate for muslims. I have so much respect for SDK blog, stells, dont let me stop reading your blog.

    5. Anon 11:28, another ignorant comment. Tell me the exact areas in the Torah and Bible that are copied into the Qur'an. I wan you to mention the verses please if you are sure you have proofs for it. But I bet you will disagree that because the Bible has some stories and event narrated in the Torah that the Bible is copied from the Torah. Divine messages that come from the same Source are not considered copied even though that is not the case here.
      Secondly I will really appreciate it if you can beat your chest and put forward a proof by mentioning the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad that was 20 years older than him. If you can't then you just confirmed your ignorance again.
      Thirdly, it is only in your crude understanding that Muslims consider anything that comes from them and later touched by non Muslim is haram. That is boko haram understanding for you and that does not reflect Muslim beliefs. It shows your broad understanding of Muslims and Islam is limited to some areas in Nigeria.
      Fourthly, the Vatican is one of the biggest establishments and known 'state' in the world, you get a visa to it. Are there places of worship in it than the church? The fact that Saudi mirrors its system the way it does is not a certificate that it is Islam. So if someone steals in Saudi it means it is Islam and very Muslim? Expand your ignorance.
      But know that there are thousands of Christians in Saudi working at different levels of human endeavours.
      You say Christians question their leaders right? The way you questioned Oritsejafor whose private jet was used to steal $10 million dollars. The way you question Chris okotie for marrying and divorcing against your scripture. The way you question COZA pastor for adultery using the name of the church, the way you question Pastor Suleiman for enjoying that girl right? The way you question Abegboye for talking about girls wearing trousers? And meeting spouses on the internet? The way you question oyakhilome for accepting a thief giving testimony of stolen funds in church or Ibori giving testimony of grace in church after stealing millions?
      As for the Kaduna killings, can you prove that I have been happy about it? For me it doesn't even matter whether it's a Muslim or Christian life. What matters to me is that the victims are humans like me and you. That is my concern. Not you who is just concerned about the religiosity aspect that could be understood as ethnic. So tell me, where is the West? Maybe you too should not be talking about the West because Christianity didn't start from there. It started in the Middle East. Learn your history please. And know that Muslims have always been a part of the West, Spain, Italy, France, Lithuania, Russia for centuries. Averroes, Avicenna among others came from where?
      Don't forget to provide proofs to what I asked you for.

    6. Anon 18:53 clap for yourself! You tried but I will also respond. Khadija was Mohammed's old wife. She was 40 he was 25. He married about 10 other women after her and 2 were Jews. Don't deceive urself, Mohammed used his Jewish wives and Christian influence to lay the foundation of ur Koran. Your prayer beads was copied from the Catholics. We Christians just like the Jews are the seed of Abraham from Sarah. I'm sure ur quest of knowledge has helped you understand that Christians love the Jews cos Thru them, God gave us Jesus and people like us became Christian. You muslims on the other hand hate the Jews. Also, the Vatican is not even as big as a quarter of Lagos so you can't compare it to Saudi. The pope has washed the feet of Muslims and even lodged Muslim refugees in the Vatican amongst other things. Maybe if you look at how Islam Jihadis killed Christians in predominantly Christian countries like Lebanon and Turkey and turned those countries into Islamic republics, you will understand a bit more how bad your religion is. What is happening in southern kaduna is just what happened in this countries many years ago. I can see you have good memories of what Christian leaders have done, but I dare say your imams are worse and we don't hear about their atrocities because yours is more of a closed religion where you don't expose urselves. We speak out and are the first to criticise our leaders. I am proudly Christian, married to a spouse born into a Muslim polygamous family and need I tell you the vile of polygamy? The juju, the mistrust and the disfunctional way children under it grow and are damaged? I know muslims have always been a part of the West and have been allowed to build grand mosques. The Vatican is the seat of the Catholic Church, you know it is not a country if u are fair in ur discuss. Let us put a bible and Torah in the Kaaba too, let us build churches in Saudi too. Their is a mosque on the grounds of the birthplace of Jesus. The Jews and Christians are very tolerant to Islam is not. To thine own self be true!

  13. The imam is right, but I perceive that the media is trying to make him sound like an extremist as usual, going by the nature of the report.

    This is common knowledge in Islam ans even Christianity. Like Pastor Lazarus Muoka said last year, women who wear fake lashes and wigs will go to hell, so are women who plucks thier eyebrows. Check your bibles, Its in it.

    And just like the way Bible calls anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, or that he is the son of God or God as an infidel and warns against friendships with them, same way the Qur'an warns people to watch thier friendships with unbelievers coz most times, such friendships only leads to hell. The Islamic values and teachings are different from that of present day Christianity, and for real, if a Muslim doesn't watch his mingling with Christians, they can easily influence his lifestyle. That's the only thing this cleric is saying but he or the media reduced his teaching to strict interpretation of core or original texts.

    In a nutshell, Islam doesn't say u shouldn't make friends with Christians or unbelievers, but watch your friendships with them coz it can easily lead you to hell.

    #I'm outtie

    1. You are the one who needs to check the bible. Where was grooming condemned? and please tell me the chapter and verse that says weavon etc is a sin? What the Bible preaches is moderation in all things and not allowing anything to become more important than your God your maker.

    2. Where I hell please? That man up there is trying to complicate Islam himself and not the media. What is he doing in Sydney? He should look for a Muslim dominated country and preach. Bunch of hypocrites everywhere. Mtcheeew

    3. They are afraid of friendships with Christians because of the insecurity they feel about their religion. And a Muslim might decide to convert after mingling with Christians. We understand.

  14. If those are the rules ,then Muslims should follow them and Non-Muslims should shut up about it.All religions have rules and practices that seem ridiculous to non-members.

  15. I don't know why there is so much brohaha on what this man said. Is it not a this blog someone quoted the bible that Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and this is a bible verse. Like I said on another platform there is not bad in a good having non muslim but plucking of eye brow is haram.

    1. Forget abeg,this guy is extreme. Make una dey talk true sometimes. You guys keep fuelling these stereotypes and do nothing to even change people's perception.

    2. My dear , there is no serotype here I have christian friends and what this man said is not changing anything one bit. So anyone is free to belief and say whatever he or she likes about islam.

  16. Stupid man. Stupid thinking. So he knows there is hell and they keep telling their people to kill and get 7 virgins in heaven. Ewu

    1. Can you show a clear reference where they keep telling people to kill and get 7 virgin? Show one proof. Not hearsay.

  17. Stella. You didn't watch the full video. He said any friendship that is not based on Allah will is wrong. Even if the friendship is with Muslims that are not good Muslims. Even for us Christians,if a friendship isn't leading you anywhere profitable the bible advices you to cut that friendship off.
    You should have watched the full video and posted the transcript. I can see someone already talking about the girl that converted. Please leave her alone. We Christians that smile with everybody yet backstab,we are no better.
    No religion is perfect neither is it an assurance of a room in heaven.

    1. Tell them oooo

    2. Christianity is not a religion rather a way of life. my Bible tells me to love my neighbour regardless of religion. Pray for those that hate me. Not avoiding those that hate me. And the God in the Bible is different from Allah. When we understand this basic Principles we won't argue.

  18. Well as a Christian married to a Hausa Muslim, I can categorically say that the Sheik is not wrong about the eyebrows thing but the whole friendship with non Muslim was not well worded. I'm sure he was talking about friendships that do not 'edify the spirit' . Maybe we should watch the video to know exactly what he said.
    Yes ,I am igbo and I won't trade this Muslim man for X100 igbo Christians. Shalom people.

    1. Sister nobody is dragging him with you so chillax sho gbo?

    2. Your type plenty for bauchi, because of money the go marry Hausa Muslim. In sure in no distant time you will send in your chronicles.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Well.. I will say this is a just like a case of a pastor telling his people not to wear trouser or watch TV, many people, so called leaders misunderstand the Holy book and thus come out to say according to their knowledge forgetting that they can lead people wrongly. Before you judge muslims are any religion be sure you have prove, be sure you understand enough. God is the over knowing, May HE lead us all right. Ameem.

  21. We are all sinners and God is merciful.

  22. Infact I forgive the Christians for hating us so much nowadays. Now I see why it started in the first place. If we don't make friends ,how do we convince them we are good, peaceful people. Where do all these people learn their own religion from self. And na him go like all the bad things pass for this world. Pervert!

  23. Please tell this man not to enter any car, but ride a carmel, he should not eat any food cooked in a pot, or served in a breakable plate, he should not sleep on a bed or live in a modern house, he should not use any electronic and should not send his children to school. Most importantly, he should go back to his country.

  24. This people are just crazy, wtf?? They are the mastermind of the terrors in the world bc of their stupid believes...... They should stop using Technology and stay outta Non-Muslim countries then. Dimwit people

  25. The media always twist things...

  26. What I have come to realise is that these so called preachers both Muslims and Christians tend to leave the most important and pursue shadow. If they have not condemned what women wear and give their own misguided opinion of how to dress, they haven't preached. What is more important is serving God in spirit and in truth and loving every human being irrespective of creed or religion. God did not give us religion to be divisive but men like this have chosen to misrepresent God. Man-made rules and tradition have now what is being preached that the dictates of God. I know Islam is a stagnant and rigid religion that should not be part of the modern world or civilization. If they really want to practice Islam in its purest form, none of them (Muslims) should be part of this times, they should be in the dark ages. There is no need to use anything modern or should they be associated with modern things. Christianity is progressive, it absorbs what is modern and uses it for the cause of Christianity... that is why since the resurrection of Jesus Christian has advance in science, technology, medicine and inventions - because Christianity is for the thinking man and is progressive.

  27. I am not interested in anything about Muslims.

  28. Like Allah has time for all this trivial nonsense

    You can fuck 4 women at the same time but you shave your eyebrows you go to hell. Sounds like a religion designed by men for men.


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