Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



‎I would like to share my story, not really to seek advice, but hoping someone, somewhere learns a thing or two from my mistakes.

I grew up with strong morals, discipline and principles and stuck to them even in the face of adversaries. My parents taught us to live for honesty above all else, but I probably over did it. So when everyone else strayed a bit, I wanted to be the best one. I refused to date or have sex till I was almost 30.

I was the strong one, the prayerful one, the miss fix it. The one even my older ones would consult for advice before taking decisions. The one my father told on his deathbed to make sure everyone was alright. The one who wanted to change the world, help and be an agent of change to everyone whose path I crossed and that crossed mine. I knew what poverty was and I hated to see anyone lack.

Getting a degree was tough, but we felt it would create a pathway to success for us. Getting a job became difficult and we opted for what was available and built passion and love for it. Our selflessness helped us to thrive and survive for years till it seemed everything fell apart.

The pain of seeing all these and not been able to fix it drove me over the edge, mentally, psychologically and emotionally. I fought it, even went out of my way seeking help from strangers till I had to accept it was over.

I took solace in someone I'd met and fallen in love with, he became my strength and knowing he was there, helped me to hold on. Then two weeks ago, he said he wants to get married soon. To say I was shocked was an understatement, I couldn't wrap my head around the pain or how things keep failing in my life and yesterday, he told me today is his wedding....I can't even describe my present state of mind.

I know a lot of people would still cuss me out and say many nasty things, so I might not be brave enough to come back and read comments. I'm already depressed enough and having a strong urge to end it all, cos my dreams are dead and the will to live has died with it.

I look back now and remember all the times people called me brilliant, exceptional, amazing, and extolled my virtues and I realize how wasted it's all become. Now I wonder if it really rocks to be completely good in a world that messes you up.
To be decent in a world where men don't seek morals but marry based on social status. A world where you're left questioning the christian beliefs and faith you were raised with.

I have also learned the hard way that "the pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase: if you pursue happiness, you'll never find it"

Thanks to SDK community. It made my life a bit easier in the years I fought to hold on and stay strong and keep fighting.


  1. Don't change who you are.
    Your own man will come and you'd look back and smile at how far you've come.
    Be strong.

    1. Don't you dare give up DONT YOU DARE. If I tell you my story you will cry for me. But here I am still holding on to my faith and hope in Christ because it is all I have.

      I watched a denzel Washington speech yday and it encouraged me he said EASE IS A THREAT TO SUCCESS THAN HARDSHIP.

      Did you know that wentworth miller tried to break Hollywood for yearsssssssssss go and read his wiki page but he never gave up he said he needed to be an actor like he needed air, look at him now he said he attempted suicide from a younge age and still battles depression but my sister if he succeed in his suicide bid babygirl THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO WENTWORTH MILLER.

      Remember the devil is not here to steal your man, your job, your money or your kids he is here to steal your faith so don't you dare give up, DONT YOU DARE!

      If you still want to hear my story and encourage me join comeback and drop your details 😊

    2. Poster I understand you perfectly..I was once in your shoes.I was strong ,tough ,intelligent, I strongly wanted to be a good example to my mates, I wanted to prove that not all from a broken home are irresponsible, I was honest,kind, I wanted parents to use me as an example to teach their kids at home.i never wanted sex until after wedding,I never dated a married man,never .....but I fell in love, then I realised that I wasnt wise after all,I realised I was really weak, with my beauty I still couldnt keep him to my self.he raped me and begged.then I still continued cuz I was inlove.then I found out I was the side chic, my world was shattered.I had to move on, I slept wit someone so I can forget about him and so he wouldnt be the only guy av had sex with, then with another guy, I had an affair wit 2married men .I was lost ..I broke all the things I believed in..after about two years I dedicated my life to God, I was active, I became hopeful again.I met an old friend again and we av been married for almost 3years with a dear try and find God, you failed because you depended on yourself alone.You were able to become all these not by your strenth alone but it was God.look for him and depend on him alone and not on ur abilities.dont know if I am making any sense at all but I hope you learn

    3. Sorry poster, but I think u have described urself as a "know it all"....secondly, a man can't bring u happiness....get close to God & take life as it comes....

    4. Doppel,let me squat here.

      Poster, sorry about what you are going through but I don't understand this chronicle.
      Is it that u are depressed over a man or everything is failing in ur life?
      And are you saying everything is going wrong with you because you have decided to remain a virgin and be decent?dont just get. Something more to this is breaking you.

    5. Well it's understandable and alot of pple go through worse than you, but know that self righteousness is not the way & u have to know that you have no power by ur self but in God... Have u ever wondered how some persons we classify as prostitute end up marrying d best of men despite their mistakes because they realized how weak they were and gave it all to God without thinking abt their own righteousness... So depend on God totally, don't see how good u are or how u've kept ur self from sin & other vices or how you are the good kid & all, cos dats self righteousness instead see the finished work of Christ and u'll see a turn around in your life. Sometimes we should praise God for who he didn't let us marry and the many challenges that come our way cos it shows that we have a great destiny... Everything that happens to you is for a purpose and when the time is right you'd look back and realize this was all worth it. Never give up on ur faith cos basically that's all u've got

    6. Pls poster,pls don't change who or what you believe in .Continue to be good, being good doesn't hurt, it might not bring you the good that you needed but it will surely give you peace of mind , God's love, God's protection and He will be pleased with you.
      My mom once told me, if you keep yourself because God says so, there is a special privileges you will benefit from God.When I look through my live, I understand this so well even as I am a sinner and still struggling on my path with God.
      Pls, God being please and you having this peace you can't explain is more important than the world's reward.
      Seek yesterday the Kingdom of God and every other things shall be added...He will do it at the exact time that suits you, hold on, God is already at the door.

    7. Please am confused, get married to another person or ????? Let me re read the chronicles

    8. Please am confused, get married to another person or ????? Let me re read the chronicles

  2. Replies
    1. All these because of a man, dear you bank on the wrong specie.

      Shake yourself from the dust and stand strong 💪. Put your trust in God alone. Hugs

    2. Do not, I repeat do not change who you are because of things we face in life. We have ups and downs and even the Bible makes us understand that,but just when we think it's over, simething good comes along...just wait, wait for that thing, this guy is definitely not it, plus do not use another stuff to get over anything or else you will keep replacing things with other things without ever getting over the first. What you need is to run back to God, hold him tight

  3. God will give u someone beta dnt worry so far u hv bin working nd acting based on ur perceived strength but nw focus on God and see him as ur anchor, ur strength and u cnt go wrong

    1. To be honest, THIS is the exact position I find myself in. Most of my friends are all married. Even the ones that used to sleep out almost every week while in hostel. A lot of times depression sets in, or I just lose interest in every thing. What can one really do.

    2. My dear, if life is easy we won't be here. Hold on and keep keeping on.. I also have had my worst days but I'm still here. I won't give up. You shouldn't either.. My success story is loading...

  4. I pity women that put their happiness in a man!...
    I keep telling you people here to stop dating only one man but some of you won't listen!...
    This is what you all will be getting..
    Sorry oh poster,everything is still your fault!...

    1. Abeg I dnt understand dis write-up....kpele sha

    2. @ blondie, I thought I was the only one. I don't understand what the write up is all about.

    3. It's a write-up about a heartbroken woman who needs your support.

    4. @aunty Linda we shud not date only 1 man we cud as well marry like 3-4 husbands too in oda not to fall into their trap abi

    5. Please go do xray on your head. I want to know if your have brain or mud in it. I pity the man that will wife you one day

    6. In as much as I don't like you, I wish I had known you before I got married.

    7. Bia Linda Eze. Respect yourself and be human at once drop that alter ego. It's not meant for every chronicle.

    8. You make sense sha o. I can't even date 1 person cos I can't put all my hopes there.

  5. Sad!
    You will live through it all. The Lord is your strength. PRAY!

  6. #Your doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again*

    1. Yes oh! Take a deep breath and try again. My father says don't kill yourself today, when you don't know tommorow.

  7. Eeya!!!!!I feel your pain real bad,Keep hoping in God and I know he will do the unthinkable in your life.

  8. Wow! The question is, did he know you were in love with him, or you were just loving him.
    Were you guys in a relationship?
    Because I don't understand.

    Sorry for your pain though

  9. Hmmmmmm.

    It is well with you poster.

    But honestly poster, I did not get your message well.

    1. How will you get her message well, when the only thing you know is having sex.

  10. Don't give up yet, keep pushing and you will get your breakthrough.
    I will put you in prayers.

  11. #Your DREAM doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again*

  12. Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Isaiah 3:10 Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.

    Psalm 92:6Senseless people do not know,
    fools do not understand,
    7that though the wicked spring up like grass
    and all evildoers flourish,
    they will be destroyed forever.

  13. Don't give up dear,all hope is not lost... In as much as you never really said what you actually passed through but the fact that someone you loved got married to someone isn't the end of the world.
    Why don't you see it as a way of God making you not to witness more hurt and disaster in the nearest future... Why don't you see it as he's not the one God kept for you... Why don't you see it as God telling you my child I have a better person for you"

    Believe me,people have passed through worse situations but they never gave up in life... Trust God that at the end of a tunnel, there would be light. Remember that to them that are joined to the living,there's hope... You are not better than the ones that are dead.

    Finally, always thank God in everything... Some people are even envying the position that you are in now.
    So just Trust God! Its well with you!

  14. This your chronicle is more like 'read between the line', I don't understand what u did wrong or how u got to this stage.

    No matter what you are passing through, don't give up. We are all fighting our individual battles.

    A proverb says: cause all the lizards are lying with their stomach, u don't know the ones that are suffering from stomach ache.

  15. This is not the end of the road. Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. We all make mistakes. Almost every one of us has been silly in luv at one point but we didn't end it all. We dusted our shoulders, learnt from our mistakes and move on. Just hang in there.....everything will start falling in place soon. TRUST GOD!!!

  16. Take heart babe shit happens,dont let anybody change u

    Stella wussup,it looks like am in laila blog, I tire for dis changes

  17. Learning to Pick yourself up after going through shit is such an important thing no one ever teaches you.the one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell..... and you write so well...damn.

    1. The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell....thank you

  18. Wow..! All hope can not be lost dear.. It is not over until it is over. I wish I could help but u didn't really get to tell us things explicitly. Maintain ur bravery dear and come back to read comments. I still believe in people like u.


  19. Lady, you did not mention anything about your flaws; why on earth did you live in with a man that has not paid your bride price? If your answer is "hardship"; how about Joseph;
    Hated by his brothers
    set up to be murdered by his own brothers
    sold into slavery
    Bloody robes presented to his dad as "torn by wild beasts"
    Falsely accused of rape by a woman he resisted to sleep with on "a daily basis"
    hounded into jail "forever"
    forgotten by the palace servants whom he helped understand their dreams
    Remembered by God when Pharaoh began to dream of the demise of his kingdom through hunger
    Made king in Egypt

    Lady, don't you see that God was testing Joseph and he passed it all to become king?
    You failed the test of perseverance; for you quickly jumped into bed with a stranger forgetting the way you were raised; so you lost the "crown".
    You should write again and tell us how you repented of it all and set things right with God who you learnt to worship.

    James 1: 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
    Mark 8:36 36 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?[e] 37 Is anything worth more than your soul?

  20. Your own betta ooo!
    Me dat used mylast dime to sponsor my ex abroad, stood my him like a pillar, see me today Single @ 33, he is Married To a so called well known lady, I know God would console me Soon. Itswell

    1. How much have you given to your parents?...
      You are just a Mugu!!...
      Serves you right!...

    2. Don't worry anon, u will see his fall, even if he doesn't come back for forgiveness

    3. Queen of d dammed, my parents aren't poor fool.

    4. is well.God will suprise you soon

  21. Jesus take the wheel. Dear poster I pray you be comforted.

  22. even our dear SDK no know she go talk for this chronicle cos e no get head or tail. wetin be Dis bikonu, what lesson can we learn from this dear bvns cos the tin dey funny me ah swear. queen, over to u.

  23. If there is anything to learn from this chronicles, it is for a Christian not to fall away when problems come for they shall be many in this world:

    Mathew 13: 20The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 21But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word.

    John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
    Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!

    To commit suicide is to permanently seal your fate in hell. Consider also your deeds, did you abort for the man who is wedding today? That man did not find you faithful for you were not faithful to the God you told him you loved. To repent is to secure your eternal home in heaven.

    1. Well said, those are the trying times the Bible says we will pass through but thank God He has conquered the world on her behalf.
      Poster, continue praising God, you miracle is on the way.

      Daystarng.ORG(try to log on every Sundays and Wednesdays, it's a live stream), God bless.

  24. Is this my chronicle? Did I mistakenly send this to Stella? I'm in tears reading my story from another lady except my parents are still very much alive, thanks to God. Hold on dear , you are not alone. Don't give up on hope. I know God knows our needs and desires. He will surely answer and come to our aid. If we die believing and upholding his tenets, I pray we will enjoy his presence in our after life. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I refuse to give up hope. I refuse to feel and be defeated. May God hear our cries
    It's well with your soul.
    God's grace.

    1. Just hold onto God,he will surely cone through for you both

  25. Have you ever heard of the word "stay strong against all odd?" There is nothing that has happened to you that has not happened to other people before even worse and they weathered the storm. If you give up and end it, your boyfriend will still stay married to his wife.
    Who knows what God protected you from now. Sweetheart, this is not the end but the right time to go on your knees and take your case to God. I can assure you God will answer you. I wish I can talk to you on phone so I can make you understand better. People call me jinxed but I know I'm special. I am so strong you will never know what I've been through and I thank God everyday when I look back and see what God protected me from. You are special and you got a family. There love supercede that of a boyfriend. pls don't hurt them.

  26. Poster i hope you've not killed yourself yet from the way you are sounding. We all go through a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes it becomes too much but dont you have something that keeps you going? There must be something worth fighting for. No man, i repeat NO MAN should have a strong emotinal power over you that when he leaves you feel you've lost everything. If there is one thing i have learnt it is never put all your eggs in one basket. Like i keep saying,too many fishes in the sea. Dont let a man hurt you. Always distance yourself emotionally when it comes to relationships.i learnt that 2 years back so when i even ended my so called engagement after everything i found out,i felt absolutely nothing. Another man will find you but dont act like your world has ended. Things will look up. Learn to pray and learn to believe.everything will fall in place

  27. *Coughs*
    Now hold it right there!! If you pursue happiness, u'd never find it?? You must really be psychologically rattled to come to such conclusion, & such mindset will very well succeed in limiting you, you'd see the DSTV dishes & palm trees as ur limit. Life is a constant pursuit of happiness, no matter hw many zeros are speaking in ur bank account or how beautiful u think you are, or even as healthy as a horse, the human mind is wired to seek peace & happiness!! And we all define happiness differently, jst as we merry around to tackle the obstacles b/w us & wat makes us happy, it jst might be seeking a soulmate, or driving that exotic car, or surviving that surgery, it can even be humanitarian trips to put smiles on other faces, that's how u find fulfilment.... Lemme stop here & answer my door, i hope it isn't jehovas witnesses, cus they love my sane argument..... Lol, so poster HOPE is a good thg & don't limit urself.

    1. And you have people that are Jehovah Witnesses o. You better repent and start coming to the meeting....olodo.
      Mrs A

    2. This guy always crack me up.I'm praying for you because I'm sure when God created humanity He was so pleased but He was even more pleased to create special beings like you...You will serve Him last last.

  28. So you left the God you claim to worship to fornicate and to be a live in concubine and you want us to hail you? The only lesson to learn is that if you are a Christian lady know that the unbeliever will not marry you; he will only ruin you!

    Well the lesson is especially for those of you who love money; the disciples of "the queen of the coast of this blog"

    1. Onos,onos obiri,you think you know God?His ways are not the ways of man so shut your trap cos you are not God

  29. You refuse to fuck until you were 30? U dint fuck till you became a gwegwelina ? So what were u busy doing during your youthful age na ? Let me go and sleep i dont want to learn anything now. Will come back to read and learn a thing or two. Cant wait to read peacemaker comment.

    *hangs leg on the wall *

  30. Ending when you are not sure where you are going is the worst that can happen to you. Hold on dear. It's going be alright. Some people have worst situation but still try to keep it together. Just trust God

  31. Wow!!! You are right about a lot of things. And i don't think the issues of life should make you telent in your morals. It might be hard but it will all fall into place. A friend of mine held on to her virtue and ended up with a man that appreciated it. It takes a lot of discipline to libe like you. Keep it up and God will surely answer u

  32. Dont you dare give up, hold on!!! Keep moving you will have the last laugh, mercy and grace will speak for you.
    Sometimes we just have to create our own happiness and not necessarily pursue it. Cheers cos you will overcome.

  33. What is there to learn from this chronicles?
    That a man she was not supposed to date (being a "christian") did not marry her;
    And she wants to commit suicide?
    If you don't read comments how will you learn to right your wrongs? Aren't you the one that supposed to learn?

    1. I tire, in order to learn one must open his/her mind to take corrections. We must learn from our mistakes and that of others.

  34. Hold on, there's always light at the end of a tunnel, always. God is never late. His timing is perfect. Don't do something you would regret. Hang in there..

  35. One heartbreak from a man is not supposed to make you question yourself and life and it's meaning dear. One thing you ought to know is that your happiness should never lie in the hands of a man or woman as it may be, pick yourself up, a man who will love and cherish you will come your way. Find your way back to God and reestablish your relationship with Him, stop trying to do it on your own might and see Him turn things around for you.

  36. All will be well in Jesus name,be comforted, you will be greatly compensated, hold on,God will come through for u. Shallom.

  37. In other news.. Cookie, you can take professional courses in project management. (PMP)

  38. ChiamakaTheGreat22 April 2017 at 15:59

    If you can endure this burden, the Greatness that will come your way will be great. Every morning and evening, keep declaring that 'Your joy shall be full, nothing shall steal your joy. The peace of God that passes all understanding is yours.' Remind God that He promised to restore peace unto you like a river. In a short while, you will see God move in your life like you have NEVER seen before. The Holy Spirit of God still does wonder in people's lives. But you need to open your mouth and call on His help before He will become fully active in your life.

    Don't stop praying because you have not seen Immidiate results. If you keep on declaring these words, Those words will prevail over your feelings.. take it from me!

  39. Opens totoh

  40. God will give u a better soulmate that will end up as ur hubby, defeats is part of life,it is what we do with it that matters. You can invest in Real Estate by buying a plot of land at Agbowa-ikorodu for #800k per plot. It comes with C of O and Registered survey. Contact Segun on 08052467442 for details.

  41. It is not the end for you... victory is still ahead of you, one heartbreak is not the end, he is simply not the one for you... he is just your husband but just boy friend believe me.. Your husband will find you soon.. do not deviate from the things of God

  42. Sorry o madam, but I've read dis ur story....wait first wats really the problem?
    Is it dat ur too good o or
    Ur angry ur ex left u o or
    Dat ur 30 and single o or
    Kini isoro re gan gan???

  43. I hope you don't do something stupid. Have not seen any specific thing you have done wrong. But the truth is life is all about challenges, ability to overcome and the strength to forge ahead. Even God NEVER promised us life will be easy but HE assured us of a better tomorrow as long as we strive to do our best and NOT lose hope. I feel you are a bit hard on yourself and feel the fact that you have tried to live a good,upright life then things will work the way you plan it. I don't want to assume but I think you also assume a lot of things. Always expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst so when the situation turns out fine it will be a pleasant surprise. I hope you don't judge people cause no one is perfect and if you are too uptight in the way you relate with people and see everyone as a sinner and not upto laid down standards then you will always be disappointed. Pick up yourself and be hopeful that tomorrow will be better and don't be drowned in the disappointment of life.

  44. Never make a man the centre of your world...u'll get fucked up... And to those of u saying don't put all your eggs in one basket u are not doing anything wiser if u date 6 guys the 6 guys may not still marry u so how are u better than someone dating one !!!if u aren't use to doing something don't change yourself and start doing it...if u are a one man one woman person or vice versa stick to it...the one that deserves you is coming..and u should have never changed ur values poster come on u waited 30 years ...rely on God he is everything I hope you find happiness....

  45. Our Anxiety comes from our consciousness of time. My God is never late. You are going through a lot, but believe me you, people have gone through worst, and I have also come to understand that some people's tolerance for pain is low. But sweetheart you know what, you are stronger than you will ever know, stronger and bigger than any problem that comes your way. Just pick yourself up and move on, you can do.

  46. Were you guys dating or you were just catching feelings?

    Don't change who you are. Love will find you.

    Better come back to read comments. I'm very sure you will learn something from one or 2. Ignore the negative ones

  47. No man is worth dying for, time heals all wounds, you will be ok...

  48. Dear poster.... Don't give up yet. God still loves you. All these you are passing through currently will be a story to encourage someone else in the future and you will be thankful you made it through.

  49. Well, just be honest with yourself that there are some things you didn't take note of. Maybe, you trust and care too much. Maybe you overlook caution signs. Maybe, just maybe, you pray but you don't listen when He is talking. Check.... there's a lesson you're not learning that's probably why you've not passed this test.

    What I know is that people like you who go through so much and stay true to themselves always have bigger testimonies ahead. So what if the he-goat has left? These men ain't loyal and you need to guard your heart jealously - just as the Bible says. It doesn't mean you won't meet someone better. You don't have today doesn't mean you won't have tommorow. this guy you're hinging on to you would see him tommorow and laugh at yourself for even feeling the way you're feeling. One open door and all this money you're yet to make you make it at once. Me sha, nothing and no one can make me think of ending my life or getting depressed. I have sooooo much trust and faith in God from my personal experiences and what I've seen around that such things don't move me. So cry, have regrets, learn lessons, pick yourself up and keep going. You will smile in the end. Cheers!

  50. Give yourself one year from today and you will live to testify that the Lord is good indeed.

  51. Even if I commit suicide, it won't be because of a common MAN. God forbid!!!!

  52. Poster you are not alone, sometimes I wonder if decency pays. Hold on strong,God does not/will no fail. I believe God

    1. Decency pays oh! Big time. I'm a witness because it saves you answering a ton of uncomfortable questions when the chips are down.

    2. Decency pays you with peace of mind and God protecting, providing and getting favours you don't deserve at all.
      Raul M very well said!

  53. Is it just me or does she sound like one who's gonna commit suicide? Sister Pls talk to somebody before you make a terrible decision.

  54. It's never easy. Her experiences mirrors mine. Still hoping on God.Being good doesn't work again. I now advise girls to give it up at 18 and live their lives.

  55. I actually did brave coming back to read comments and I must say I don't regret it.
    I'm relieved and feel lighter and a bit hopeful.
    For those who insinuated I lived with him, read again please. I barely even spent more than one night at his house. I've never lived with a man. As a matter of fact, distance didn't even allow us see often enough, hence the reason I didn't see the marriage thing coming.
    Thanks for all the advice!

    1. Whoever is blaming you for falling in love has hidden issues. Life happens, somethings are just not meant to be and you dodged a bullet not marrying that man...anybody who can live such a double life is deadly and I pity his intending wife cos she go hear am.
      You'll be alright dear. Like I said just find your way back to God and He'll perfect all that concerns you.

    2. You will be fine, just hold on.

    3. Poster just sing it is well it is well, thee lord is ur strenght

    4. Don't listen to the judginas, I know and feel your pains because I had same experience some years back.the truth is I haven't recovered but still in the process of rediscovering myself. Forgive him,forgive yourself and count it all joy.

    5. See,poster,I m happy you feel a bit better after reading comments. I hope you were able to see that you are not alone. People have,are and will still go through worse things that you have gone through. I don't want to talk about myself cos I have been there and seen it all and I am still standing. What I try to do is always try to put things into perspective when things are not going well in my life,at least not the way I want them. E.g,so that guy dumped me after promising me marriage? Well,at least I be not been diagnosed with cancer or had my legs cut off in an accident so some other man is still going to find me attractive and this time around I am going to be careful. So I m broke and haven't been able to get my dream job despite all my hard work and sacrifice to get a degree? Well,at least I have a degree and tomorrow can bring me that wonderful job,business opportunity etc that will change my story for good. If I was lying in d hospital with kidney,lung failure or heart disease,will I even be think I g about a job? Hell no! So I be been married for 3 yes now,no child yet? Well,at least I m married and trying to conceive which can happen even this month by Gods grace. So I m still single at 35? Well,at least I m alive and healthy and Mr. Right can allocate me today sef. If I was dead,sick or in jail,will I even be thinking about my singlehood? Life is all about perspective. Don't worry so much OK,cos this too will pass. You will only emerge stronger,better and wiser. Don't ever give up on yourself or life...tomorrow might just be the day of your breakthrough. Why end it today?

    6. It's well with you, God is not through with you yet. Just hold on and believe in his word, look for something to keep you happy while you wait on the lord as he prepares the best for you.

    7. My. Dear don't boda urself,dis so called BVS just jump to Commenting b4 reading esp Dat Dumb chikito, nobody v rite to judge u babe, u good to go

    8. I have contemplated suicide repeatedly, I might still think that thought in the future. But I am still here, holding on, believing and not allowing the devil to have the last laugh.
      You know what, it might sound cliche but go to your room, lie down on your floor, bring out your bible and cry.
      When you are done crying read psalm 51 and ask God to forgive and cleanse you. Then talk to him like a daughter to her father. Whine, complain , beg, report everybody that wronged you and just talk and cry to him. You will be fine, God will turn things around for you. He does for me....please don't give up. We are almost same age and I would have loved to get in touch and just chat with you and maybe I could motivate you.
      After each failure I dust up and start chasing an even bigger dream....the devil must be put to shame. Hugs baby, you will be fine

    9. @Anon 19:49 well just like anon 19:13 said i should say to myself- I'm 'dumb' but i have a new job to get to in 2 weeks. Hows that? 😁

    10. I'm glad you came back to read because going through the comments I was worried you won't come back to read them. Your happiness rests with you and you alone. Stay blessed.

    11. Chikito wait o pls what did u do to this anon 19:49?sounds like the same person has been on ur matter post to suprised

  56. Iya Oshoronga of Blogosphere22 April 2017 at 18:49

    This is what ALWAYS happens to people who feel they are God and can do all things and always want to be praised for changing peoplesblived. They always ALWAYS fall flat on their butts cos God will never share His glory with man. From ur chronicle all i smell is a narcissistic human

  57. Poster you are not alone, sometimes I wonder if decency pays. Hold on strong,God does not/will no fail. I believe God

  58. Never you end it, do not give up on God, just hold on a little and all will be a thing of joy. Love will find you soonest, God is not sleeping. Hold onto God for a testimony.

  59. Dear poster,

    Your story has drawn my attention as I don't usually comment on this blog but I am so moved to speak to you. You remind me a lot of myself. I am by no means perfect or even tell myself I am from time to time to build my confidence but there is one thing I know for sure. God is. God lives within you. You need to recognise that you have let your thoughts of who you are block God from dwelling fully in your body. You have many blockages

    It is time you practice letting go. Let go of anything you think of yourself. Let go of what has happened in your past or what you hope to happen in your future. Pray without ceasing. What this means is that you must love God with all your heart and all your mind. Turn your focus only on God. All things pass away but God is. God is all there is and all there ever will be. All foundations are unstable but God is the only constant. So why would you want to rely on any being or anything else. Focus on what's real my dear and your life will change. Your story reminds me of mine but today i have joy in my heart and my life is changing. Make your body a dwelling place for God and see your external world change for the better.

  60. Chosen Generation22 April 2017 at 20:40

    My heart goes out to you sweetie-Hope you read this.

    1. If you are sick, weak, afraid, confused, heartbroken - go to God and ask for help. Pour out your heart, he will help you up I promise.

    2. I've been through heartbreaks and betrayals. Self will and self help fails. Go to Jesus and get completely healed. Give him your heart and make him KING of your life

    3. If you are Christian, serve GOD because you love him, not because you want some things in return. We cannot deserve a husband because we were good or modest. God never promised a husband as reward for good behavior. Everything from God is a gift. The prodigal son got a party before the 'good boy' son. Its all unmerited favor.

    4. If you choose to follow God, be prepared for a life that is not 'glorious'- the way the world defines it. Those whom he called had very difficult lives. The apostles were all martyred. we are not even being persecuted- maybe mocked but its not the worst

    5. If society mocks you for being a virgin, single etc.. bear it. Just bear every mockery for love of GOD. Jesus was mocked, scourged, killed. He bore it all in love. There is no suffering we undergo that can ever equal his.

    6. Choosing God means a total rejection of the world. It's difficult but the best way to be a Christian is to be dead to the world. We are not of this place.

    7. Throw your energy into something else. Toke had 12years intimate relationship with a man who still cheated and impregnated someone else in her short-lived marriage. She aint committing no suicide, no pity party, no long faces and sackcloths.

    8. Don't hope for his fall/downfall/karma upon him because he owes you nothing. He is not your husband, you both never got married. As hurtful as it is, he has the free will to choose who he wants to be with. Respect his choice, and stay gracious.

    9. You can feel hurt, sad, betrayed, broken but please, NEVER feel shame. Never feel its your fault or a need to be ashamed for someone else's actions. Or ashamed for not being married. Ask the Lord for a healthy self esteem.

    10. Cheer up dear, cheer up. Christ has overcome the world. You will overcome someday!!!!

    1. Number 3 on point, God is God, He doesn't think the way we think.

  61. A whole lot of us are like you, love with your head and leave your heart for your husband, another never assume unless he spell it or ask u out never assume or else u will receive a shocker like. May God help us singles with the right man at the right time .

  62. Chosen Generation22 April 2017 at 21:00

    I also want to point out something that could be helpful to some of us ladies on this blog.

    1. Marriage is a covenant between two people who have AGREED or VOWED to be together. Out of their FREE WILL. If at any point before marriage, if one party disagrees, is confused, is not sure, it is valid for them to pull away or end it.

    2. Therefore if someone you love ends it, respect their decision please. You don't want to be married to an unwilling or confused guy or someone who doesn't love you. It's hurtful but let them go.

    3. There won't be any Karma for them. God's gift of freewill allows them to choose who their life partner will be. We don't choose our parents or siblings. But the ability to freely choose our spouse is a gift from God. If they don't choose you wholeheartedly, let go and find someone who does

    4. God does not recognize boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. The only union valid before him is a MARRIAGE. So if you are not married to them, they owe you nothing. They are not in a covenant with you. They didnt take any vows before God to love you.

    5. So if your 'boyfriend/girlfriend' is cheating on you, they are actually cheating on God (fornicating). At that point, their body does not belong to you but to God because they are not married to you.

    6. So a guy dating you for 12yrs is really not indebted to marry you. If he ends it, no karma for him cos both of you are in need of forgiveness for giving your bodies to each other when it belongs to God.

    1. You mean well but I disagree with most of what you wrote up there. I love the dignity you've placed on marriage being the highest form of commitment, however, it's senseless of you to say people don't owe each other anything in relationships. Relationships in the context of our time and age is often the prelude to marriage. If you're in a an exclusive relationship with someone, you owe them loyalty and honesty. If you can't offer that, then don't ask them to be in a relationship with you. Deceit and treachery in a relationship is inexcusable even if you're not married to them. People will make mistakes yes, people have free will and all that but we should uphold the dignity of the human person in our interaction or relationship with them by the way we treat them. More so, You can't speak for God by saying he doesn't recognize boyfriend/girlfriend. Romantic relationships are necessary to learn about yourself and the opposite sex. You should rather advise that we as Christians conduct ourselves in a godly manner while dating.
      If I'm dating someone and I lie to them and cheat on them, I bet you God will not clap for me for my sin of lying, deceit or manipulation even though I am not married to the person. God will never applaud us for hurting other people intentionally. Let us all hold each other accountable for our actions. Don't excuse or play down wrong behavior in order to come off as moralistic and holy.

  63. We all have difficult days, have faith poster.

  64. I just want to reach out and hug you sweetie. I wish I could contact you somehow.

  65. I just want to reach out and hug you sweetie. I wish I could contact you somehow.

  66. You

    May endure firvthe night
    But JOY comes in the morning
    This too SHALL PASS

  67. I keep coming back here, to read comments.
    God bless you all!

  68. The internet. Everybody is smart, compassionate and emphatic.
    The God-representatives. These lot never fail to toss judgement left and right,Okay! Miss poster... These comments would do you no good no matter how many times you rewind back if you do not realize that only you can create your happiness. Learn, grow.. If this pain bring changes to you and your lifestyle, why not? Don't push yourself... Trust the healing process...Remember good things fall apart for better things to come together.

  69. Oh yes Dre, you are right. We are both right. Maybe I should rephrase it.. God does not recognize a 'sexual relationship' as a valid marriage because it is not. For instance, a guy cheats on his girl in a sexual relationship. The girl is hurt and hoping for Karma for him. God does not see it as Jide cheated on Bola. He sees two of his unmarried children who hurt him by sinning against him because their bodies still belong to him. So they are both in dire need of his mercy and forgiveness.

    Look at the world..most relationships are sexual and leave God out. We are trying to look for/find love outside of him who not only created love, but is love himself. Dating(sexual) does not prepare us for marriage but for divorce, because it is mostly selfish and looks out for itself. It is based on trial and error..'if we are not satisfied, we break up'. But courtship is dating with a purpose. The only relationship that should be romantic is Marriage. Every other relationship should be devoid of physical intimacy. That way, even if it doesn't end in marriage, there is less hurt and brokenness.

    See, I had to understand some things to help me completely forgive and let go of hurt from past relationships. As much as I loved them, if they didn't choose me, I had to let them go and find someone who will, wholeheartedly. It may be selfish of them, but I had to respect their choice. Though we owe each other loyalty and honesty, truth is people will fail you. Men will fail you. They all failed me. What do you do when that happens? Force them to the altar to marry you? Remain bitter forever?

    God is so merciful that some of my exes have gone on to marry and have happy marriages. Some apologized, but some never did. One was really heartless, and I dont communicate with any of them. Infact, God put a new kind of love in my heart for them. Now I see them as spouses to someone else, to whom they owe loyalty, love and faithfulness. Though I was formerly in a relationship with them, it was never validated into marriage, so they are NOT my husband. Right now, they owe me nothing. That was how I healed and hopefully this poster will too.

  70. My dear, I don't think you need anymore advice. But from me to you, I total understand. I've been where you are and darker. I've lost count of how many times I've been broken up with for being "amazing and so good and deserve someone better". What do I do? I cry, suck it up and move on, I've seen some of my exes later and ask myself what I saw in them in the first place. But your depression isn't about just the guy but more like the hand life has dealt you in general. It gets worse, but it also gets better and at some time, you become indifferent. Find yourself, love yourself and only then can you heal. On a lighter note; whenever you think life is hard, think of an Anambra man tryna pronounce "parallelogram" lol. Eventually it gets better babe. Keep faith

  71. Just everyone is saying: LOVE YOURSELF! I don't think God created and made you go through all these without something good i the offing. Your write is a cry for help but turn it into a prayer, raise your voice to your Creator... go into your secret/war room and call on God the Father... you will not come out without Him answering you. Yes, He will.


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