Stella Dimoko Tyrese's Rant On Women With Plastic Bodies


Friday, March 17, 2017

Tyrese's Rant On Women With Plastic Bodies

He says real men recognize women with artificial everything......


  1. I was thinking they loved it. A black man will always be a black man. They love it natural, even if they come for you fake ass,fake breasts, fake hips bitches, they know the real thing when they see it. So, if you are faking anything then bye.

    1. Am team Natural head to toe.. The only thing I apply on my face is white powder and mild pink 💋 lip gloss.
      I can't stand weavon on my head, I always feel trapped anytim

    2. Lol. They stay tricking you! Men LOVE the fake ass, fake hair, nails, lashes etc. They love a woman looking beautiful, nicely made up, put together, badass heels, everything 💯 what they really mean is have some substance to you, be homely, be domesticated, have good character. Don't just slay outwardly, slay inwardly as well. Have confidence and carry yourself well outside, but be REAL with them. Don't let men fool you, keep doing natural head to toe and keep wondering why the men you like always go for the "fake" looking women. Girl bye with your white powder.

    3. I like them full option and natural. I cannot stand a woman who doesn't have feelings in her boobs. What is the value of a perky breast that lacks arousing vibes? Once I know its plastic - the turn off becomes instantaneous. Another instant turn off is bleaching. I thought suffer now and enjoy later is the proper order of things, but no bleachers go in the opposite direction. I wonder why someone will want to enjoy now and suffer later. Na so them blind reach? Shey them no see the mamas and aunties that has gone that path how in later years they ended looking like sickness ni? Statistics have shown that 90% of bleaching end up turning out as a disaster. I can date and sleep with a bleacher, but God forbid me marry one. Let other men be the victim of the consequences - not me. I give kudus to the husbands that are trapped with those worn out females. Another turn off is a face that looks as though it has a mask on? Too much make up is an instant red flag. Its simple, someone who tries too hard to conceal a thing must be concealing something disastrous. Women are known to flaunt, so when a woman can't flaunt her natural face with mild make up or no make up at all, that's a sign that what you will see behind close doors is something you won't like to be with. I for one will feel worse moving around in a body that I know a large portion of it isn't mine. I believe that, even if you want to modify your looks, do it as natural as possible so you don't end up destroying it and making people sick in the stomach with disgust when they see you.... thanks Tyrese for letting em know that not talking about it doesn't mean we don't see it

    4. Tyrese has said it all
      Over to you ..... Cyber Warriors, Voltron .... Defenders of the women race

      Tyrese has awoken una trouble

    5. The most ridiculous is Kim whenever she does her fat transfer to her ass. Thin thighs and huge ass. Mismatched and ridiculous.

    6. Liars. Don't let tyrese fool you. Men love fake u realistic looking hoez

  2. What is biting this one? Tyrese you don baff? Who gi you soap?
    Com'on sie ba puo!

    1. Shut up stupid. Make you go dey fuck plastic rubbers nah if you don't have sense. Commenting shits

    2. Just appreciate what he said. It's the truth na! No need to sound bitter abi did he hit a nerve??? Anything fake, will always be what it is...Fake!!!
      Well said Tyrese

    3. Just appreciate what he said. It's the truth na! No need to sound bitter abi did he hit a nerve??? Anything fake, will always be what it is...Fake!!!
      Well said Tyrese

    4. Shantty shantty😂 your igbo is 👌 wehdonma👏 who taught you?😂

    5. shantelle's Empire so plastic from "brain to toe"......

    6. Body hate everywhere. Some of the most powerful women in the world wear weaves and make up others don't. How you choose to look shouldn't matter but your substance. That is what counts. That's what's going to take you places. So team natural... great. Team weaves n all... great. Team woman of value and substance... that's the best side to be on.

  3. Replies
    1. Why u sad fabbie? 👀 Who beat you? Tyrese? 😂😂

    2. Hahahahahaha! Funny you Chikito!

    3. Lol. Everything fake,fake,fake! Even bathing and chopping fake!

    4. Don't mind tyrese

      Is it his fake?? Please leave the fake alone
      And face original 😒

    5. As he manage marry now we no go hear word again!


    LMAO @We know fake hard titties pointing in 4 directions with your ribs showing in the middle! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. When you see the natural one now,you will call her local. Hypocrite!
    Yarning dust like men don't wear/implant fake six pack. Even fake big dick. Preach to the men also,everytime women this and that. Anu!

    1. Shantelllly did Tyrese say something bad to "you"

    2. Shantell... No be fight now..

      But wait, i dont understand,,, have u eva dated a man with plastic dick n 6packs b4 ni.
      Pls tell me dear

      Mc pinky

    3. Shantelle's stop sounding stupid gosh you are just bitter and childish...If there is any fake about you better remove it and be real.

    4. EXACTLY SHANTELLE! They look down on the women who dress modestly, no makeup etc. Truth is appearance is what'll get a man's attention before he gets to know you personally. Stay woke ladies!!

    5. Lolz... Pls tell her. Dunno why body dey peper her lmao

    6. @Swiss Raphino, You sounding worried, She only voiced out her opinion and nothing more. So why the cuss? Or do you ve a fake dick in place of your small one😅😅😅😅

    7. Don't mind the silly man.. yarning dust. My sister is team natural head to toe, no lipstick nothing just plain bland face but beautiful with great body, long straight legs colour as cool as milk chocolate yet she is still single... hypocrites they love the artificial women and they are the ones they wife.

  6. Respect,salute to the naturally beautiful women...take me as I am women,nice one.... Nice write-up..

    1. Ndidi some people are more fearfully made than others oh.... 😁

  7. Over sense dey worry the guy, damn. Black minds are all the same.

    Preach it bro .

    1. Dope.. Gaskia.. U no wetin dey my mind
      . oya take apple🍏

      Mc pinky

    2. Lol thanks for the Apple, just what I needed. 🙋

    3. Bunch of hypocrites. Have you ever seen any of them date or marry any team natural. Why do you lots term them deeper lives abi sister when you see one. You start encouraging them by wifing natural girls unamikot
      I love being natural


    1. Yes now
      . why not.. And if u dont like i then add pepper to d tomato🍆

      Mc pinky

    2. Lol that one no be tomato, you gave her eggplant 😆😆😆😆😆

  9. Tell your hollywood people and leave us alone with your rant

  10. Really! I thought they like them like that. Who fake epp anyways.

  11. I agree with him. I am team so flawless i only need long n soft enough i dont even need extensions/weaveons ive never used one not much endowed but i love my bod like that..whats more bae loves d originality and flaunts me like kilode👗naturalgirl💪

    1. Well, not everyone is blessed with flawless skin. Vaseline will make you black, not everyone has long/soft hair and extensions help protect your hair. #BYE

  12. Vice and Virtue17 March 2017 at 15:57

    Truth is, when a real man sees a broad with all the above mentioned features, he most likely sexualises and wants to bed her.

    Give me brains( a good head isn't bad either) and a highly intelligent woman.
    Sapiosexuals only, its intellect that turns me on not superficial bodily features.

    1. There's something about you that makes me want to get close to you....

  13. The dude is absolutely right...REAL MEN dont settle with Fake body women.

  14. The dude is absolutely right...REAL MEN dont settle with Fake body women.

    1. Is not not men dat still settles wit some we know. E.g kim kadashian

  15. Oga speak for yourself and stop generalizing . I know men that will tell their wives to go and fix their hairs or get their nails done, even drive them to the spa. I agree the implants and surgeries are a bit excessive but oga speak for yourself!

    1. Always read to understand a post before commenting...Na people like you lecturers they gbensh so cos una no sabi book. Please read again and tell me which husband go allow he wife go do butt surgery or boobs enlargement.

    2. @Swiss Please who deceived you that stupidity was cute? Take that shit elsewhere! Didn't you see where I wrote surgeries were excessive?? You are the fool who didn't read my comment before jumping to masturbate on top! 😒

    3. Grabs mic🎤🎤🎤,singing for Swiss Raphino 🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶He's here again,🎵🎵🎵 he's here again,🎵🎵🎵 father he's here again,🎶🎶🎶 Stella come and take control,amen
      Blows trumpet🎺🎺 ..

  16. You like women natural yet you went for a mixed race with long natural beautiful hair. Why didn't you go for the black girl with short natural beautiful hair.

    You Black American men are the reason your women keep having procedure and fixing weavon. You make your black women babymamas then marry mixed race women.

    It is mostly white men appreciating beautiful black American girls.

    Shut the fuck up, double standard motherfucker.


    1. King xoxo my thoughts exactly. Why didn't he marry a regular black girl with natural kinky hair.
      He lost my respect with his rants.

    2. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

    3. I second that! Do as a say don't do as I do.

  17. Hmmm.... but tyrese don't you know that many women will be mirror breakers but for surgeries? Not everyone is endowed wth natural beauty and una no go gree toast girls wey no fine. I, for one, feel bad for girls who aren't pretty/attractive. Because I don't know what I would have done if I pass by people and they don't look my way. *remembers one gist*

    So, I have this babe from high school. Rich kid. (P.S: I went to high school with lots of rich kids and spoilt brats a.k.a 'do you know who my father is' awon children with grandparents names as the streets in VI. My parents made sure they didn't compromise on that😉) Ehen.... so my babe ehn... rich parents. Her dad owns one of these mini-estates in Lekki. The man is good looking. But his wife? Ug! And the girl was the ultimate UG! She resemble her mama ancestors. Black as a sudanese, zero curves, face nko? No way! Strong manly look. Even her hair wasn't it. And you know high school you weave a lot so you know everyone's hair length. But she was brainy and was even head girl in my set. She used to biff me then cos I was the cute baby-ish looking sweetheart of the school. We were both in literary and debating club always representing the school and she will always steal my points when debating to frustrate me when it came to my turn. (I'm trying to tell you how ugly this girl was that it gave her hatred for anyone who wasn't on her side of town). Upon all the money, her mother tried to get her the fanciest things, but once they touch her the UG spell is casted. Let someone else hold that same thing you will see how everyone will admire the thing.

    Then came Facebook. Ghen-ghen!! She added me one fine day like 3 years ago. Waaaawwuuuu.... she's in the US oh. Hmmm... this girl is almost as fair as me, has boobs, ass, hips. Her legs are still strong but they don't look manly again. They look abut like she does a lot of squats. She perky arrogant boobs. See face! Lips like Kylie. Filled her eyebrows and has pointed nose. Then, she has bleached. No dark knuckles. now ehn.... wigs are giving her life. She now married one oyibo boy and has kids. Her thousands of IG followers tell her how beautiful she is. Oooh.... beauty and brains #theend

    So who says some people don't need surgeries? 😂

  18. The women/ladies with surgeries are seen as sex idol.
    God has given you better chic as wife thats why you're talking. #EasyMan

  19. Preach it brother...Lol. I'm team natural anytime, any day.

  20. I love Tyrese... I have loved some of his erite ups recently,especially the one about his wife.

    But i feel on this particular topic,he needs to rein it in.
    He has a wife,i dont know if she's had work done but she might do so it tomorrow,its her choice.

    I do not agree that men are stupid.. But i dont think women that have had work done should be referred to as manufactured clowns either.
    I have seen moderate sized silicons that i really liked on people.
    People going natural(hair) will understand the importance of most of these nicely done lace fronts.

    This is not taking away from the fact that these groupies just get these things done on their bodies cos they want to attract men or roll in their circle.
    I love this Tyrese.

  21. At a time I was beginning to imagine I wrote the piece above....But suddenly I remembered I'm not a wanna gonna speaking guy...Who dash 🐒 plantain chips? 😁😁

    Truly plenty women don't know how acceptable and beautiful they look in natural form. I'll choose a lady with light/faint make-up a million times over the eyelashes, concealers, foundations, nose piercing and tattoo's disciples. I only admire those things if and when I'm horny. Lol


  22. who is he deceiving? Internet never forgets! am sure people would bring this up anytime his wife/gf 'mistakenly' apply make up or fix weave which is most likely to happen!

    1. Read well now he didn't say women shouldn't do make up and fix weave on just don't make it too excessive

  23. Gbam,tell it to awon bobrisky gang (fake bleached skin,fake ikebe,fake lashes,fake bookies,even fake pussies aka camel toes😅😅😅😅)only thing fake about me is my hair even my long nails re natural(i try nah because I can't be 100% perfect)😅😅😅😅.apart from that, I'm good to go with killer physique, who needs fake booties or boobies not me boo. 😅😅😅😅

    1. Oh dear yu ugly as fuck,maybe a little fake will help your lyf,the ugly ones r the ones always making mouth and acting so loud so people would notice dem,yu act like yu don't wanna change some things about yourself,but deep down yu jus want to but yu broke as fuck,leave your face don't make up,leave your fallen breast don't wear bra,be team NATURAL,foolish ikpu ezi,,who the fuck is tyrese to tell women how to live their lives? Do what ever makes yu happy , some one wud still love yu for you ,one mans food is another man's poison

  24. I pity all of una! This man be talking through one side of his mouth. You people should not give yourselves false hope, let's be realistic here. It's mostly the "fake", big booty and big boob flashy ladies that get the most attention. Yes, men are very attracted to what they see. They may claim team natural from morning till night but when the next light skin, big booty girl passes by, he'd over look the no makeup girl and go after her. Let's not deceive ourselves. I've seen this play out several times. Men will always ignore the basic girls for the flashy ones. Even this so called Tyrese.

    1. They are good to sleep with nothing more

  25. when you want to be team natural, they call you UGLY. But fake ass and boobs are the wifey material ni. every man want a presentable wife.

  26. Am I the only one seeing this as a koni koni advert for his book' MANOLOGY'


  27. I'm not surprised that this rant is more like a clap back inspired by a group of women tearing down what "they proudly called #Aintshitmen and said men are all stupid and will sleep with and marry damn near anything." When you react out of indignation, overreacting is inevitable, it happens to the best of us.

    To those of you taking Tyrese's words as the gospel, calm down and analyse this with a calm mind. Are his words true? Perhaps, most of it but just because 70 % of men APPEAR to prefer the natural look doesn't mean ALL men like the natural look. Secondly, the "natural look" is relative, let me proffer an example. I'm biracial, my mum is Irish and my dad is Nigerian, I happen to have the more dominant "Irish genes". If I wear makeup and dye my hair blond, I can pass for 100 % Caucasian. So my "natural look" can be achieved by a very light skinned Nigerian lady with a professionally done weave and the appropriate makeup. Even on my worst days when I'm ill, if I let my hair down, my "natural look" still looks striking bcos my natural hair is very long and silky, I have never cut my hair for the past 39 years. I can't even wear a weave because of the length and texture of my hair, the best I can do is wear a Wig if I really want a different look.

    Tyrese makes it look like he is purely #teamnatural, but have you seen his wife? She has this Albania look and she is GORGEOUS even without makeup.‎ She too has lovely locks and I don't see how she can ever look "unattractive". Any artificial "extension" will be an overkill. She might even look ridiculous with heavy makeup or false lashes, so it's best to stick with the "natural look", in her case.

    I wonder why he didn't fall for or marry a REAL African Queen. Those ladies with beautiful dark chocolate complexion and rich kinky hair that has never been chemically treated. Ladies like India Arie, Lupita Nyong'o, Whoopi Goldberg or Alek Wek. If you are really an advocate for African or African American ladies looking natural, why not go for the likes of those ladies? Why go for a lady whose natural looks make little or no room for artificial stuff? then feel free to criticise those ladies who struggle to look like women your fellow "comrade in arms" kill over just to get their affections. When Alicia Keys decided to stop wearing makeup, the difference wasn't so noticeable. Compare that with Oprah Winfrey before she gets glamed up or Viola Davis in "How to get away with murder" when she takes off her makeup and false lashes.‎‎‎

  28. If only more men were honest with themselves and admit their fascination with light skinned ladies, the judgmental attitude for ladies who lighten or bleach their skins, will be minimal. Why, exactly, do you think more and more ladies are doing all sorts to look "white"? The reason is, they see how most men and even some women regard ladies with light skin and other striking features as the "beautiful" ones. He talks about fake tits and ass also, why do women risk their lives doing extreme makeovers just to have the "ideal body"? Isn't it because more men seem to endorse women with such looks? Not everyone is blessed to have developed a healthy dose of self-confidence so don't even blame it on low self-esteem. I don't believe anyone was born with low self-esteem, somewhere along the line during their childhood/adulthood, rejection broke them and made them look and feel not good enough.

    Way back in Law School, I had this friend with beautiful dark skin. Each time we were out together, I got all the attention. One day a group of us were hanging out and some random guys joined our table. As we were laughing and having fun, one of the guys told my friend "wow! You are actually a pretty chic, imagine how amazing you will look if you were 3 shades lighter?" Needless to say my dear friend started lightening her skin. 2 years later when she attended my wedding, I could hardly recognise her. Guess what? Her confidence seemed to have trippled and during our "ladies' night out", she couldn't help gushing about all her wealthy "toasters" and how she suddenly became the toast of the town when she altered her looks. Call her what you may but these same men pretending to despise the "artificial looks" were the same men validating her makeover by suddenly noticing and pursing her. In theory, Tyrese's opinion seems rational and true but don't be fooled, in practice the reverse is certainly the case.


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