Stella Dimoko Simple Arithmetic


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Simple Arithmetic



  1. Replies
    1. The question says how much do is in the house? So I go with 5k. The wife could have the 57k in the bank. #MyOpinion

    2. Wise wife #5000
      Mumu wife #62000

    3. Omo na 57k for me oooo. Bible self talk ham say *husband is the head of the house * will keep the 5k though for emergency purpose later.

    4. I just read it well ooo. Omo Na 5k dey house oooooo. 57k no dey house cos na my account it dey. Let husband continue to be head no matter how small😁😁😁😁😁😁

    5. I just read it well ooo. Omo Na 5k dey house oooooo. 57k no dey house cos na my account it dey. Let husband continue to be head no matter how small😁😁😁😁😁😁

    6. Lol modam Stella why na? I've corrected myself na. I just woke up from sleep when I first comment. Omo na 5k oooo. My money no dey house na. And we are talking about the one at home. Let hubby continue to be head oooooo. I don't want to drag that with him. Stella!!! If you like swallow my comment, na swallow meself go swallow youπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. Mami all nations joke oooo. Sha post ham my boo

  2. 5000 naira to some homes and 62k to another.

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘

      Dissior ansa na 1 miliorn

  3. A
    They didnt state where the wife's money is.

  4. Oooooh now I got it. The total amount in d house is 5k cos na only oga money dey count for house . πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Yes oh Na only Oga e money

  5. All the money in the house still remains 5,000...finito

  6. #5,000 (If its a situation of d husband's money is "our" money while d wife's money is "my" money).
    #62,000 (If its a situation of both husband and wife's money is "our" money).

  7. Answer = A - 5,000

    Give reason= His money is our money, my money is my money


    1. *In Jennifer's voice* God will blezz uoo..Lol

    2. Na 5k dey house na.Stella,you don't have to like me to read my mail nau,Nawa o.

  8. Ofcourse 5k na. His money is our money,my money is my money.

  9. N5000....heheheheh....women and money!

  10. Total is 5000.......
    Wife's money is her money...
    Husband's money is everybody's money.

  11. Hahahhhah nah 5,000 only! As them no dey chop woman money

  12. 62,000. Simple logic, do not assume answers outside the passage.

    1. Over sabi dey worry you....better be realistic be there talk about simple logic and assumption

  13. 5k. Women don't eva say it when they have money or disclose the exact amount. So its d only husband's money that is logically available in d house.

  14. na 5K only na

  15. To be sincere I don't want lie it is 5k

  16. Just 5k in the house. The woman's money is technically not in the house.

  17. The amount in THAT (emphasis on THAT in the question) is N5000. The question did not mention that the wife's 57k is in THAT house. Stella nwanyi oma oya come and give me the prize!

  18. The amount in THAT (emphasis on "in the house" and "that house" in the question) house is N5000. The question did not say that the wife's 57k is in the house; it only mentioned that she has 57k. Based on this logical reasoning, the conclusion therefore is that the amount in the HOUSE is 5k. Stella nwanyi oma oya come and give me my prize bikonu!

    PS: In my view, 5K is the answer but not based on the "our money and my money" doctrine!

  19. Very simple now.. Husband 5k.. Wife 57k

    Get it right here.. H is constant and either W has or not H must surely provide.. With this analysis.. The answer is 5k

    Mc pinky

  20. See as all these women is saying 5k.. Can't hubby & wifey have joint account?

    1. Joint account has caused too much trouble! Didn't you read a comment where an Anonymous said her husband slapped her more than 6x because she took 150K from the joint account while he was owing her 500K of her personal money???

  21. Lol...the correct answer is not there.the money in the house is 10k.

  22. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I comment my reserve

  23. Xxxxxx impostor lol21 March 2017 at 18:36

    Yaaay so sometimes last week i saw a comment from someone on here that said her pregnancy test came out positive and shes three weeks pregnant. And i begged God to gove me the same testimony and voila!!! He did it. Thank you God

  24. All the options are correct depending on the family.

  25. Stella is never tired of this topic; looks like some folks keep bringing it up to you?

    Well, we are talking about HUSBAND AND WIFE here and not boyfriend and girlfriend.

    "life partner" means husband or wife. That means that only death can separate them; sure? If one has chosen above (all men or) ladies to live with "this fellow' as a life partner in love; then love is all about sharing. When one say "my husband's money" or "my money" is it not an anomaly? when one shares everything intimate (including sex); if they can't have funds together; where is the oneness? Hasn't the aim of marriage been defeated? The issue of oneness is in sharing everything. The excuses many give is "I don't trust her to know how much I earn or am worth". If one is a follower of Christ; who did Jesus give "his wallet"; was it not Judas? How much trust did Jesus have for Judas? These are some of the issues that intending spouses should define in courtship.
    On a personal note; my husband and I had a common "account" from the moment I accepted to marry him. He decided to put me in charge of every financial spending. He makes contributions and there is no issues about that. There is no account that we have had since marriage that bears one person's name and the mandate is "either to sign". WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT "HIS MONEY" "MY MONEY" hasn't the purpose of marriage been defeated?
    Finances usually breeds quarrel among couples and the taste of the pudding is in the eating. Married for more than a decade an NEVER ARGUED is our testimony by the grace of God. When there is concealment of finances, the lady makes demands, suspect the husband of keeping a concubine etc. But when the two are open to each other in the way described above; thee will be no room for mutual suspicion!

    A couple we know lived financially apart. The man is reasonably well to do but the wife dared not ask or "take his money". He gave her "handout" of money from time to time; monthly allowances etc. All his businesses were solely in his name. He took ill and his doctor gave him a damning health verdict and he had a surgery fixed. He knew that he may not come out of the theater alive. He quickly summoned his wife and took her to all his accounts and made it Joint and she could sign. Made his kids 'next of kin" in all the accounts and re-registered all his businesses with the wife's name inclusive. Even the financial aspect of the surgery and bills, the wife was in charge. He told her, "If I do not come out of the theater alive, sell all the exotic cars and keep just two" etc. IT WAS NO LONGER AN ISSUE OF THE WIFE TAKING "HIS MONEY"; THE WOMAN WAS IN CHARGE. He confessed certain misdeeds to the lady and they prayed together and he got into the theater. AFTER 9 HOURS OF SURGERY, the news came . . . he survived it! It was this singular experience that changed his attitude towards family finances as concerns his wife. She knew about every penny that dropped or left the "family business" as it became.

    Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions." (Luke twelve vs. fifteen)

    1. All these on top 'how much dey for house'?!!
      In what way did you answer this question now?
      Na wawu!

  26. This one na question? Of course there is 5k at home.

  27. Women.......................
    Me totally money is unknown
    Can't disclose my money.
    If it's in time of crisis ... then total money is 62k. I have to support in time of crisis.

  28. It is 5k. Full stop! No coma...πŸ˜€

  29. 62000 because everything in the house belongs to us and so mine is his and his is mine.

    1. Present twice...
      You are the only wife material, how many yards? are you married? If you are not, come and marry me o

    2. HahahahaπŸ˜ƒ thanks for the proposal dear but I am very married to an awesome man.I pray God gives you an amazing woman that will fulfill you in all ways.

  30. 5k....his money is everybody's money.

  31. Only to naija woman though..this don't happen in a civilised country.

    1. Nigerian men feel like they're God's gift to women. They think they're invincible, so YES! A man should provide for his family singlehandedly! Afterall when you demand constant sex, food and respect, you want to demand for her money too??? Shiorrrrr

    2. Chai,anonymous 22:21,u just spoke my mind,naija men! Hmmmm ... Dem never see smtn....

  32. Weda wife put am for house or not,its only 5k in the house.

  33. Present twice...
    No wonder we have single girls full everywhere. No wife material @all

    1. Lol. Stay there forming Wife Material when the girls that cake on makeup, have sex on the first date, can't cook, demand heavy sums of money etc get married every Saturday. No one can really say what a man sees in a woman that makes him want to marry her. I'm out.

  34. Haba Stella, its 5000k kawai! women no dey ever get money na! if you check well, na chop money wey she don save since 1905.

  35. less than 52k but more than 5k


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