Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists....


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturday In House Gists....

Yaaay,Time for Saturday gists........

Most meaningful or Hilarious quote ever!

''Some girls love food so much, you will take her to the Zoo and ask what's her favourite Animal and she will answer you "Roasted Chicken" -Robert Mugabe.

The price for the winner.?It's cash ......*wink*


  1. A little boy was in a TAXI eating chocolate. He took another one then another, up to 8 chocolates. Then a MAN next 2 him said: Don't U know dat too much of chocolate can damage ur teeth? D boy replied: My Grandfather lived for good 150yrs b4 he died.. Then d man asked: was it bcos of eating chocolate he lived so long? D boy replied: NO sir: it's bcos he was always minding his own business.. 😆😆😆😅😅😅😃😃😃😂😂😂

    One word for DAT boy

    1. Where is Chike Teflon and Mr Skin to Skin?

      Guys, you shouldn't quit so easily na, keep trying, God might just make you win some day..


    2. Once upon a time, a king had a great
      highway built for the people who lived in his
      kingdom. After it was completed, but before
      it was opened to the public, the king
      decided to have a contest.
      He invited as many of his subjects as
      desired to participate. The challenge was to
      see who could travel the highway the best,
      and the winner was to receive a box of
      On the day of the contest, all the people
      came. Some of them had fine chariots,
      some had fine clothing and fancy food to
      make the trip a luxurious journey.
      Some wore their sturdiest shoes and ran
      along the highway on their feet to show
      their skill. All day they traveled the highway,
      and each one, when he arrived at the end,
      complained to the king about a large pile of
      rocks and debris that had been left almost
      blocking the road at one point, and that got
      in their way and hindered their travel.
      At the end of the day, a lone traveler
      crossed the finish line warily and walked
      over to the king. He was tired and dirty, but
      he addressed the king with great respect
      and handed him a small chest of gold. He
      said, "I stopped along the way to clear a
      pile of rocks and debris that was blocking
      the road. This chest of gold was under it all.
      Please have it returned to its rightful
      The king replied, "You are the rightful
      "Oh no," said the traveler, "This is not mine.
      I've never known such money."
      "Oh yes," said the king, "you've earned this
      gold, for you won my contest."
      "He who travels the road best is he who
      makes the road better for those who will
      follow." #copied#

  2. When you don't fulfill your wish, do you think we are fools.tomorrow you will put the lies on having flu.

    1. Receive sense in Jesus mighty name amen...go and be foolish no more

    2. Don't go and work, you hear?. Disappear! Okpo!

    3. You this isaacson guy, so you have joined girls on here to lick Stella's nyash.

  3. “You press men, you always say there are no minerals in Kano. We have Coca Cola, Fanta, Mirinda and the newly invented Sprite” – Bakin Zuwo.

  4. every week i dey post but no dey win. well, i wont quit mbanu. i must try again and again.

    A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

    1. Nobody does... Ask her who won d knock knock thing, though I didn't participate but was on d lookout

  5. “I can see camera people, are they going to televise us alive?” – Dame Jonathan

    1. Loooolest ohhhhhh

    2. Loooolest ohhhhhh

    3. Ola wealth ooooo.

      This one is a knock out. Biko leave my Dame for me like that.
      You don win abeg. Haaaaa

  6. I want to commend the doctors and nurses for responding to treatment” – Da­me Jonathan

  7. Drinking garri does not mean you are poor, but allowing the garri to swell-up before drinking is Poverty -

    He who says nothing last forever has never tried Hausa perfume

    He who runs around looking for scissors to cut Indomie seasoning sachets is not yet hungry -

    Anyone who thinks he has many enemies has never been with a mountain of fire member –

    Nigeria was never on the map when God said 'Let there be light' –

    He who fully unwraps a Sharwama completely before eating it cannot keep a secret –

    Whoever reads all these quotes without laughing is looking for a job or the economy is not friendly to is well


  8. ****You know you are going to jail if Segun Arinze is presented as an eye witness
    ***Some pretty girls are just evil... They will fart and look at you to the extent
    you will be suspecting yourself...
    ***Ibadan rappers be like
    My Blood is full you can call me bloody fool..
    ***Lil kesh's album should be used for school's much noise!
    ***If you think you are having a bad day...just remember that there's an Ibadan girl trying to pronounce 'parallelogram'..
    ***Things that confuses me
    I've never seen a mad Hausa man before... Abi Dem no dey mad?
    ***You'll just be eating hot eba watching Empire next thing two men will just
    start kissing each other and the eba in your mouth will turn salty..
    ***Person will lost phone and be lying that "no be the phone dey worry me self,
    na my contacts" Ur nyash
    ***Dangote's son cheated on me and you
    say I should break up? Don't you know that Love is all about forgiveness.
    forgive and forget...
    ***Some people are blessed with Wickedness ..
    How can I beg u for salt n u tell me your mum has counted it...
    ***One idiot used''GUNSHOTS'' as his ringing tone
    ...His china phone rang in the bank today, for over 1hour now we are still looking for the cashier and two security men ...
    ***A baby is never a mistake or surprise!
    You had sex without condom... What were you expecting?? iPhone 7 or Range Rover .....
    ***I cried for 2 hours when he told me she took 1st in his WAEC result..
    ...Some people can lie ehn!!!
    ***I miss those people in primary school that use to say ' if I give you one dirty
    slap, you will fly to America'... Come and slap me now ooo
    ***I heard a king in Kenya is referred to as 'His Royal Darkness'... I'm trying to
    cry but I can't... ..
    ***Since Buhari became President, you cannot even see N20 on the floor again..
    ***I remember back in Nursery school
    My girlfriend broke up with me just becos I sharpened pencil for another girl..
    ***DSTV is advertising DSTV on DSTV to people who have DSTV....... What's
    Their Problem??...

    1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha...very funny,i love them

    2. They said 'one quote', you people are busy downloading hundred quotes from the net. No wonder una dey fail GCE and Jamb wella.

  9. Hmmmm
    "I don't know wassup with my mom and this Reekado Banks song 'OLUWA NI'. Since yesterday she has been singing 'SMALL BOY BUY EM MAMA HOUSE'... Mummy I've heard na... Correct Bro


  10. Follow me go message, follow me go message na from there slave trade take start.

  11. "when i saw nepa bill for this month,i needed to ask the nepa man if we are now paying for sunlight".......-#anonymous

  12. "when i saw nepa bill for this month,i needed to ask the nepa man if we are now paying for sunlight".......-#anonymous

  13. This you pics needs real dental work. kinda reminds of my neighbors kids...chai!!!!

    Person fit dream horror dream with that kain smile.

    Are you battling with persistent pimples and breakouts? Learn 6 simple tips to help you cope with persistent acne

  14. Due to high rise in the no of sidechicks in the country, the first three questions in the getting to know phase are
    ' please ,are you married?'
    'Is anyone married to you?'
    Please im begging you are you married?-unknown ig user

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Any man who successfully convinces a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana, is capable of selling condoms to a roman father.

  17. If you have attended over 100 weddings in your life and you are still single,you are not different from a canopy.


  18. Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law.
    -- Hubert Humphrey

  19. Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.
    -- Robert Orben

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lol @ Adidas lines

    2. Na your most meaningful or hilarious 'quote' ever be this? Mstcheew

  21. "Girls are like mangoes. While one man is waiting for her to be ripe, others are eating her with salt." - Pete Edochie 1946


  22. One whu gose to bed wit an ittchin anus, wheel weck up wit smelin phingers.

    #awa heldas

  23. An elephant and a dog became pregnant at same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog was pregnant again, and nine months on it gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued.
    On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning, _"Are you sure that you are pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date, I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. Whats going on?"._
    The elephant replied, _"There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration, what I carry draws attention. So what I'm carrying is mighty and great."._
    Don't lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers.
    Don't be envious of others testimony. If you haven't received your own blessings, don't despair.

    Say to yourself "My time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth, people shall yield in admiration."
    In jesus name..Amen👼


  24. As a man, when you hear huggies is 3k & playgroup school fee is 50k, you gotta "slow down by R2bees".


  25. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings". -Sam Loko Efe 1951

  26. I'm a Victoria's Secret model. It's such a secret, not even Victoria knows". Nkem Owoh 1999

    1. Though ojukwu is dead, his manhood is still with us.
      Dame patience ....

  27. "Some girls love sex so much, you'll take her to the bedroom and ask what's her favorite style she'll answer you donkkie style.

  28. There was this girl I was crushing on and was looking for the right moment to reveal my feelings. We live in thesame neighborhood. But I never knew she was my next-door neighbor's course mate untill I surprisingly saw her in our house one day gisting about their school lecturer with my neigbour.

    So I thought within myself that the best way to open a chat with this girl is to come out and start cooking since my kitchen is opposite where she sat.

    And then I open a conversation with her while my neighbor bathe her child in the bathroom and the husband appears to be reading in their palour. She appears to like our conversation from the way she asks questions. But not quite long one of the maggi seasoning I just picked to use in my dish fell and as I bend down to pick it, I did not know that it slips towards her and she also moves towards me to help me pick it. I don't know how it happens and uptill now I cant explain, a loud fart escaped my anus. And what I heard was "Oh no that is my mouth" so I quickly turned and see her mouth so close to my buttocks. Gush, I didn't know what to say or do and then I just say sorry na mistake. She angrily says "what will sorry do in this situation now. What type of mistake is that? in my mouth???". Honestly, I don't know whether that my appology was appropriate but I think that was the only thing I could utter because I was damn ashamed and speechless, becasue this is the girl I have been crushing on for two years now and just when I'm about requesting for her number that this useless, I called it enemy of progress fart occured.

    The worst was that her friend's husband rushed out of the room on hearing me apologising and her mean response and asked what happened. From the expressions on his face, he looks more anxious about what might have happened to trigger such mean response from her seing that we've been gisting and laughing.

    So she explains to the man in their dialect which I perfectly understand because I was brought up in that part of the country. She said This stupid boy just fart in my mouth when I want to help him pick something. She continues, See as his mess de smell like say him drink soak-away juice.

    Omo, I fainted


  29. If your absence is not felt,ur presence is/was irrelevant#original

  30. Goat no dey born dog


  31. If over 15 guys have sucked your breasts, you don’t need to call those things “your breasts”. It’s called COW BELL, OUR MILK! Repeat after me, OUR MILK!
    Again and again OUR MILK

  32. Do not argue with an idiot. He will
    drag you down to his level and beat
    you with experience.


  33. "It requires alot of carefulness to kill the fly that perches on the scrotum "

    "Na co-operation dey make rice full for pot"

    "The little opportunity given to a monkey 🐵 to wear cloths does not guarantee it to join the dinning table"

    "A child can play with its mothers breast but not its fathers testicles "

    "There's no virgin in a maternity ward"

  34. Respect pregnant women because it’s not easy walking around with evidence that you’ve had sex..
    Robert Mugabe..

  35. You know you have a drinking problem when the bartender knows your name -- and you've never been to that bar before. hahaha this must be a serious problem I tell u

  36. "We live in a world where the fools get rich and the smart die crying"

    "It is only in Nigeria that you will see a grown man eating suya onions and say that it is peppering him"

    "The size of a man's manhood does not determine the size of his brain "

    "It's only in Nigeria that two couple will be pregnant at the same time, one with child and the other with beer"

    "They say that where your treasure is, there lies your heart. Unfortunately some men have proven that their heart is in between the thighs of any thing in skirt"


  37. Life's biggest struggle: I need to pee, but I don't want to get out of bed.

  38. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
    Lana Turna

  39. How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the F word? Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell “BINGO!”

  40. When you keep taking pictures inside various cars and you expect your man to believe you are not cheating .Who exactly are you?..A mechanic?

    Any man who drinks alomo bitters without squeezing up his face is capable of murder...-Obasanjo 1999

    He who says nothing last forever has never tried hausa perfum....-Isaac Newton 1904

    He who fully unwraps a shawarma before eating it cannot keep a secret...-Anini 1989

    Whoever reads all this quote without laughing is looking for a job...-Lord Lugard 1914

  41. who ever go to bed with an itching anus will wake up with smelling fingers.
    Robert Mugabe

  42. Why do people say “no offense or no disrespect ” right before they’re about to offend you?

  43. By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.

    I relate like mad
    My uncle is very smart now after just two years of marriage

  44. who ever go to bed with an itching anus will wake up with smelling fingers.
    Robert Mugabe

  45. The best way to lie is to tell the truth . . . carefully edited truth.

  46. Men have only two emotions: hungry and horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.

  47. Virginity is the best wedding gift any man would receive from his newlywed wife but lately, there’s nothing as such any longer because it’ll have already been given out as a Birthday gift, token of Appreciation, Job assurance, Church collection, Examination marking schemes and for Lorry fares!” Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your buttocks today will wipe your face tomorrow.

    From Robert Mugabe

  48. *This happened 2 a friend* she actually went to visit a guy in his place.later in d evening arnd 8pm she decided 2 take her leave so he stopped a bike 4 her and as she mountd d bike,he placd money in2 her,my friend think sey she don see so she luk hand see 50bucks.He cum call her later askin her if d bikeman had change,my friend tell am sey na 50bucks he give am.He cum sey e no know,he thinks sey na 500naira.see talk o

  49. That awkward moment you ask the bartender to bring coke and he said N500. You will be like" I mean coke, the mineral type not the alcoholic one". LMAO

  50. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. #myfatheralwaysays

    1. A family friend's version was ' he who is a fool, and doesn't know that he's a fool and doesn't know that he doesn't know he is a a fool!

    2. There's nothing bad in the body of a mad woman except her head.🙈🙈

  51. "my morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting in bed and thinking how tired I am"

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I will qiut when mugabe Dies'...wenger.
    'I will Die when wenger quits'..mugabe

    If girls walk to town the way they pose in their pictures I swear the government will record the highest Disability rate ever..

    Guys,the best way to punish your dad is by joining the priesthood,so that he can call you 'Father' and you will answer him 'my son GOD loves you''


  54. Virginity is the best wedding gift any man would receive from his newlywed wife but lately, there’s nothing as such any longer because it’ll have already been given out as a Birthday gift, token of Appreciation, Job assurance, Church collection, Examination marking schemes and for Lorry fares!”

    Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your buttocks today will wipe your face tomorrow.
    Robert Mugabe...

    Pls vote for me...i need money badly...

  55. No condition is permanent ; no be 4 woman wey hm Breast don fall.

  56. Emotion is stronger than knowledge. Anonymous

  57. The monkey may claim oneness with the Chimpanzees but the monkey is still a monkey and the chimpanzees a chimpanzees cos when matters involving the monkey arises, the Chimpanzees learns to guide it's banana tree

  58. Chai! Diaris God oooo

    Dame Patience Jonathan.

  59. Our people have a saying that when you see a woman sitting with her legs wide open, do not disturb her cos u don't know the source of her fresh air. Lol

  60. The greatest time wasted is the time getting started. Anonymous

  61. someone was giving testimony in a church about anointing oil she said after applying the oil it helped her in many ways even cooking and other house chores imagine anointing oil helping u in sweeping the house

  62. #Don't let your age control your life. Let your life control your age*

  63. In Nigeria of today, things are hard o!
    There is serious poverty and hunger!!
    Just imagine!!
    A guy slept very hungry and saw bread in his dream, he took it and started eating it in his dream. After he finished eating it, he saw a coconut and decided to eat it too but he didn't see a knife to cut it. So he decided to use his teeth only to receive a dirty strong slap from his elder brother! U don finish pillow....... Now na my head u dey chew..... U be witch!?....

  64. An Edo Man invited his friends for his mother's burial. After lowering the coffin, the family put yam, rice, meat etc, into the grave in line with tradition.

    A Hausa Man asked why? The Edo man smiled and said,"According to our tradition, the dead go on a long journey and need all the food items they can get". The Hausa man dropped N100,000 inside and said, "When the food finish, buy more". The Yoruba man dropped N50,000 and said, "Add this in case it's not enough."The Igbo man smiled and brought out his cheque book and wrote a cheque of N200,000, dropped it in the coffin and took the N150,000 notes as change, then said "Nwanne, withdraw it when you reach dia oooo!!.. It is going to be a dangerous journey, we don't know how many robbers are out there and afterall we are in a cashless economy. Travel well oooo!

    Igbo Kwenu!!

  65. blessed are you if you see my senseless Quote but still comment under it for yours is the kingdom of shoki i will get from the grand prize.. #origin is now ooo

  66. Common sense is like deodorant, those who need it most never use it.

  67. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see
    it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

    “I bet giraffes don’t even know what farts smell like.”

    Do you think you’re safe in a car with your seatbelts
    on? Dream on. My friend thought so. Now she’s

    Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life on
    teaching them how to walk and talk. You then spend
    the next 16 years yelling at them to sit down and shut
    up. "Copied"

  68. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see
    it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

    “I bet giraffes don’t even know what farts smell like.”

    Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to
    his level and beat you with experience.

    By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll
    become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a
    Do you think you’re safe in a car with your seatbelts
    on? Dream on. My friend thought so. Now she’s

  69. Oh lord thank you o
    Thank you all for making my work easy today.

    simple what's your MOST meaningful/hilarious quote ever ? even with example !!!!
    mba! una begin download Google for me

    Anon14:03 you will choke on that useless spit you are vomiting there...omo jati jati

  70. My fellow widows. Dame patience.

  71. The koko be say make the quote dey hilarious weda na 1 or 10..... quote na quote...

  72. Na only you waka come? Dame patience Jonathan

  73. This blood your sharing. Dame patience Jonathan

  74. Let me go to bed, Bisola just made my day with her presentation. Tboxa is a comfirm olodo. Wat a shame

  75. Once upon a time, a king had a great
    highway built for the people who lived in his
    kingdom. After it was completed, but before
    it was opened to the public, the king
    decided to have a contest.
    He invited as many of his subjects as
    desired to participate. The challenge was to
    see who could travel the highway the best,
    and the winner was to receive a box of
    On the day of the contest, all the people
    came. Some of them had fine chariots,
    some had fine clothing and fancy food to
    make the trip a luxurious journey.
    Some wore their sturdiest shoes and ran
    along the highway on their feet to show
    their skill. All day they traveled the highway,
    and each one, when he arrived at the end,
    complained to the king about a large pile of
    rocks and debris that had been left almost
    blocking the road at one point, and that got
    in their way and hindered their travel.
    At the end of the day, a lone traveler
    crossed the finish line warily and walked
    over to the king. He was tired and dirty, but
    he addressed the king with great respect
    and handed him a small chest of gold. He
    said, "I stopped along the way to clear a
    pile of rocks and debris that was blocking
    the road. This chest of gold was under it all.
    Please have it returned to its rightful
    The king replied, "You are the rightful
    "Oh no," said the traveler, "This is not mine.
    I've never known such money."
    "Oh yes," said the king, "you've earned this
    gold, for you won my contest."
    "He who travels the road best is he who
    makes the road better for those who will
    follow." #copied#

  76. an overweight guy is feeling a bit horny, and he's heard
    about this place that had advertised that it will make you lose
    weight before letting you have sex with a beautiful woman. So
    he decides to check it out.
    He gets there and the woman at the front desk tells him
    there's a 20 lb plan, a 30 lb plan, and a 50 lb plan. He decides
    not to go too crazy on his first day and chooses the 20 lb plan.
    So a beautiful brunette comes out with a sign around her neck,
    saying "If you catch me, you can have me." He runs around
    chasing her all over the place for an hour, at which point he
    catches her and they have sex. After they've finished, he gets
    on the scale, and, sure enough, he's lost 20 lbs.
    A week goes by, and the man goes back. This time, though, he
    chooses the 30 lb plan and a beautiful blonde woman comes
    out with a sign around her neck, saying "If you catch me, you
    can have me." He chases her this time for nearly 2 whole
    hours. Again, he finally catches her and they make love. And
    again, he gets on the scale after and he has actually lost 30
    The man goes back after another week, and this time he
    decides to really go for broke, figuring that this last woman
    must be the most attractive woman he's ever seen. He walks
    in and proclaims loudly, "I want the 50 pound plan!" The
    woman looks at him skeptically, but says okay. This huge,
    hairy, black gorilla comes out with a sign around his neck,
    saying "If I catch you, I can have you." #copied#

  77. No winner again today. Una no dey hear word. Those that followed instructions did not get enough votes to win. Oya Anonymous, go and DIE!!

  78. Please how do we vote o? I want to vote for Alabi Ganiyat. I don laugh taya


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