Stella Dimoko Saturday Breakfast....



Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday Breakfast....

Weekends are good to try out Ketogenic foods and please count me in...

I went through a list of Keto foods and discovered that I am already taking most of them whats even the big deal about this Keto thing sef?

Eat less and you will lose weight.....Its as simple as ABC:
Checking what i have now and trying to manage cramp,I will go for my usual coffee and one slice of brown bread topped with a little Veggie omelet and baked beans..E do so!

Those of you who eat Eba in the Morning,what do you take for Lunch?

Enjoy your breakfast everyone.


  1. Still in bed though no bf today

  2. About having moi moi made with egg inside and oat for breaky!

    1. Good morning to everyone
      Just had fried plantain and egg

    2. Taking my own moi-moi with custard

  3. Replies
    1. Why are u sad darling? Cheer up

    2. Cheer up dear, the lord is ur strength

  4. never know wetin I go eat sha akara and bread go nice with water and milk


  5. I will try to eat aiseke and poisson this morning... That food is cray.😕😕😕 (meshed cassava). The food is their JollofRice ooooo.. I miss Nigerian foods.(pupuru, real pounded yam, wheat, amala)

  6. Good morning Stella. Keto is all about eating less and more of vegetables.

  7. I had Indomie with dry fish and lots of sliced fresh pepper with one boiled egg.

    1. My fav. I wonder how I will be fat with this!!

  8. No selection of food in this recession Sterra, one can eat eba in the morning, afternoon and night because belle/stomach doesn't select food.

    1. Lol
      If I ever try eba in the morning, the rest of my day is useless.

  9. Na bread & beans sure pass this morning with a bottle of Coke. no time

  10. This loosing weight journey aint easy mehn.. i mind the way i stand up now make person no come fall. The exercise no easy too ( my neice will just start laughing wen i begin exercising, i just dey pursue the idiot comot room). I cant eat in peace in this house, food police everywhere. I must lean by force.. pure cocoa and some bread naim go end am this morning sha

  11. Breakfast will be akara pancakes and juice.
    Am so excited I cant sleep because all I can think of is how my miniMe was born. She is my greatest miracle. Thanks to every1 who wished her a happy birthday!!!

    1. Happy Birthday to my daughter. Our daughter, Ideato's Princess. Our Pride.

      God bless her always

  12. Eating Eba with my correct okro soup,people keep asking how I do it,most of my meals are solids because I enjoy soups,and still my shape is intact and my stomach is flat.
    I just tell them: na God o.

    1. Lady Bug I like soup too especially fisherman's soup. Na spoon I go use lick am.

  13. Stella breakfast KWA, saw Saturday breakfast thought I could get something to eat as I slept hungry last night *yarns* Stella emechazea anyi afu (leta we see) kam choo Ihe mga eri(make I find Wetin I go eat)

  14. I took koko and Ankara.
    Can a nursing mother do keto?

    1. Yea, they have keto for nursing mums check them out on fb. Me i'm not hungry so no eating

    2. Ankara ke, lace nko
      Just joking anyways
      Autocorrect can be so annoying

  15. Stella if one eat Eba in the morning then it will be 1.0.1 meal ratio

  16. All the keto foods sounds oyinboish,and I can't get them in my area.

  17. Garri and groundnut with sugar,milk and chilled water for me.
    ...the other day, I wrote that I was gonna ve garri and beans for breakfast and it didn't sit well with some people. They even went on anon mood to blast me.😅😅😅😅😅
    Shout out to all those loving garri now but please don't forget to attribute the garri eating tales to "Kidjo" as the originator because I hate when you copy someone and refuse to write "copied or culled" that's plagiarism and I can sue your ass for that😒😒😒😒😒

    1. you just gave me my lunch idea. 🖒🖒🖒

    2. I can't do without garri for a day.

    3. Gbam. Garri and groundnut saving lives

    4. *mode...and its not plagisrism or is garrium and milk your original idea?

    5. Juliet Jonathan, oversabi is worrying you abi?..I was only being sarcastic with my comments.

    6. @Verybluntme. I will ma.I always wear sunglasses when soaking garri so as to protect my eyes☺☺☺☺

    7. Such sarcasm is not allowed @kidjo. Take the darn correction and peoole will bluff and tag it as sarcasm.

    8. @Juliet,waste not your time and energy correcting this village illiterate. #natheworkweyshedeydo.

    9. Awon corrector oponu, did you check your own spelling of plagiarism very well before you rushed out to correct me?..if you wanna trend,sorry I'm not gonna be your platform for that so you can kiss my ass!!!

    10. Oh! Thank you for drawing my attention to the typographical error...I dont need to troll to trend...I have 99 ishes,but trending aint one..unlike you,some of us prefer to read comments and have a good laugh,we chip in a line or two only when it matters,give admonitions when we take note of peeps like you who invest alot of time here as though its a family business...I need not be like you Kid- I am a king Lizard;I have carved a niche for myself here...I need not be a Kidjo of all topics on sdk,but nothing upstairs.(Gecko Lizard seeking validation and acceptance, Ass lickery president)...when next you are airbound(on your broomstick of course), look up the sky,I am sure you will see me there,now thats where I belong-up and ahead. Remain in your local league and trend here.

    11. Juliet Jonathan, it's obvious you are a jealous bitch.I don't need to waste my time on you because you are below my class in real life.This blog be giving people like you lowlife,opportunity to mix up with my kind. Foolish bitch, go flow with your kinds.

    12. So kidjo dey call person bitch too? Goan cure your HIV bfr you get mouth call person bitch

    13. Jealous bitch,foolish bitch,lowlife....if you ask me,I'd say these words best describe you. I am done talking here,kid. You may choose to continue to make a total fuckery of yourself or swerve on to the next one. I know times are hard,but keep your frustration to yourself- let it consume you. I am out!peace!! #Catwalksawaybutthengiveskidjoadirtyandrevivingslap

  18. Tea and bread right now in the office

  19. I think i'm gonna eat fried yam with egg sauce taken with a mug of hot milo and milk or...heck i don't know what to eat,stii contemplating on what to it.Abeg let me go and come back to read comments,so i'll get inspirations

  20. I just had hot EBA with better ogbono soup with enough nti okporoko and afo any lol.

    1. Intesting inside draw soup? Your choice sha

  21. Lol stella na me u dey talk to now,just devouring leftover Eba n okro soup,will prepare rice n beans later.come join me ooh

  22. Stella,you won't understand how it feels to eat eba in the morning!...
    The feeling is out of this world! will sleep and sleep the whole day that you won't remember to have lunch!...
    I like eating swallow in the morning when I'm less busy and want to sleep and rest!...
    Sorry about your cramps and take green tea!...
    I have downloaded Okpa and pap!,.lunch would be okra soup and fufu!...
    My love for fufu though!..

  23. Wuwu! Stella your meal sounds delicious, biko send some to my side.

    I am just here o, nothing to eat.

  24. Beans and pap...
    My love for beans though...
    I guess that is why I am tall.

    Beans and pap, beans and bread,beans and fried yam/plantain, beans porridge and yam/potato/plantain and titus fish, beans and garri, beans andbeans and fried stew, akara, moi-moi.

    Add yours...

  25. Ewa agoyin with cornflakes.

  26. Hot moin-moin and pap for me
    Sweating buckets here lol

  27. I dey office o. I already eat beans and garri.

  28. Fasting mood today. Will take my tea in the night.

    Make una keep owo soup and starch for me oo. I pray not to eat it in the dream

  29. Those that eat Eba and in the morning don't take lunch. It serves as brunch. Then dinner.

    Still on bed

    1. Stella ur getting the ketogenic the way it is a lifestyle.keto is nt about eating less .keto is about eating more of 75%fat,20% protein and 5%cabs.plenty vegetables.only fruits like strawberries and avacado. No apple , pineapple, watermelon, and apple.nuts are allowed but nt groundnut.Infact the list is unending.abeg just join us on Facebook. Look for ketogenic lifettle or ketogenic world.thank me later

    2. Stella ur getting the ketogenic the way it is a lifestyle.keto is nt about eating less .keto is about eating more of 75%fat,20% protein and 5%cabs.plenty vegetables.only fruits like strawberries and avacado. No apple , pineapple, watermelon, and apple.nuts are allowed but nt groundnut.Infact the list is unending.abeg just join us on Facebook. Look for ketogenic lifestyle or ketogenic world.thank me later

  30. Akara and fanta for lunch, please Stella,we bvs from Ekiti state don't forget us in your good deeds

  31. I usually don't have breakfast.. 1 cup of coffee is alright for me.. Even if I don't have coffee, I won't take anything at all.. I am used to it..

  32. That ketogenic wateva works like magic. My sister has slimmed really well. I don't need it tho, uniben stress is keto in itself.
    Eating indomie and egg and hoping to get accomodation so I can finally cook. Chai. I don suffer for this school.

  33. Beautiful morning everyone, I hv missed dis blog so much. I took lipton tea with milk and fried egg garnished with veggies.

  34. The only bread you should eat on Keto diet should be made from almond flour or coconut flour. Your sweetener should be stevia not sugar. Your coffee is on point, you can add coconut oil, stevia, mayonnaise to make bullet proof coffee. Your veggie omelet is also on point. You can check Keto genic diet doctor on google or join ketogenic world on Facebook. I had fried chicken, with about 200g of cabbage cooked like jellof rice. The oil used was gotten from the chicken skin and a little coconut oil. Remember fat intake must be 85%, protein intake 10% and carb intake 5%. If you want to lose weight your calorie intake should be around 1000-1500calories. Without exercise you can lose weight. The only exercise I do is trekking and yet my weight loss is dramatic. I've been on this lifestyle for two months.

  35. I will go for my usual coffee and one slice of brown bread topped with a little Veggie omelet and baked beans..E do so!
    Lol. Stella Stella, life in diaspora aff enter your head. One slice of brown break ke!!! Oya take knife 🔪 and kukuma kee me let me know I aff die. One slice of brown bread kolework for me.
    My mood must receive joy and happiness ijn.

  36. Yet to have breakfast.. My spirit is kinda low this morning

  37. It's past 2am here! You guys should enjoy!

  38. I will just stop trying to use an ID to comment cos it's becoming very frustrating.. I only get ny comments posted when I am anonymous

  39. Stella bikonu, for this recession what do I need ketogenic for......I like my bread and fried egg jo....

  40. Beans and bread to the rescue.

  41. They take okpa or akpu for lunch 😜

    *lights weed*

  42. Still thinking of what to take for breakfast

  43. Stella, is this your son's baby pic?

    1. Been meaning to ask as well.. there is a little resemblance.. cute for ages..

  44. Shawarma for breakfast...all I had to do was microwave 😊

  45. #Practice taking responsibility for everything that happens to you. No excuses. Take charge of your life*

  46. Boiled yam with palm oil. Looooooooveee it

    1. Now I know what I'm having for lunch 💖

  47. Please people should share food ideas. Am size 10 wanna go to size 12. Add more flesh, now that person don dey sleep dey wake.

    1. Eat rice, bread, yam in abundance. You will blow up

  48. Trying so hard to get on Keto diet. After successfully having a cup of green tea, cucumber and 3 boiled eggs for breakfast. I now got so hungry at about 11:45am and I have just downloaded a plate of cornflakes. I need to shed some weight. Keto is my only option. I just pray for the grace to follow through. Now lunch is served "When You ain't the one making lunch"

  49. Went on YouTube to learn how to make doghnuts. Bought needed items/ingredients yesterday. And I did it today! Yes!! The thing dey somehow shaa. My sis helped me to devour it with cold drinks. Lol. Meat pie is next newt week shaa.

  50. Coffee with double cream and 30grams of nuts for breakfast

    I actually think it's healthier not to eat breakfast and recent research supports that. You can eat your breakfast foods as brunch at 12pm if you love breakfast.

  51. Ketogenic people una weldone...i like my plump body. who slim epp? Sweet food all the way.

  52. Hi happy join Stella in this platform


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