Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama 166


Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Labour Room Drama 166

This is what i call drama eeeeh!!!

Migwo sis stella, make i greet you as the waffy wifey i be. Have been wanting 2 send in my lrd since january but na me and my obim dey do my omugwo, found no lrd lately sooooooo. Na long story ooo,

Part 1 

My 9 months journey was stress free no vomitting, dizziness and their so called relatives. But then at about 5mnth i noticed a tongue-like stuff in my v**** browsed about it found out it was called genital or vaginal wart. It grew from tiny particles to mighty tongue-like patches inside my v****(very scary and disgusting) .. Forgot to mention i registered for antenatal in a primary health centre due to plenty peeps recommended them via midwife mata (worst mistake i ever made). 

 Went for checkup in a hospital and the doctor alerted me in the koko , if It keeps on growing and spreading itz going to block my v*** and na Cs be thanks or i let them burn It out with a substance thats not supposed to touch my skin(risky while pregnant) lastly take the risk and let It dissolve on its own(. Was scared of Cs though i later begged for It, i took the last option and God answered my prayer at 8-9mnt everything disappeared. 


 Edd was on the 1st january. My obim is a Vdj, on The 31st of dec i followed him to an event didnt want to stay athome alone my elder sis was going to come that day shaa but i no want hear jus dey sample my big belle everywhere as the fine gurl dat i is nau. By midnoon i start feeling small skoi skoi pains, i bone am say i never see mucos plug or water didnt say anything about It, was just busy preparing for the real deal. 

 Me and my obim used to joke about It say i go just push the baby out in a twinkle of an eye. I no know say na Game of thrones war i wan fight so. Big sis finally reached, Went 4 crossover night and prayed like never before. Woke up early in the morning on the 1st and i was stained with blood and the cattarh like substance, was jubilating, my obim was happy too he left for an event, big sis packed the bag, took my bathe and was watching a movie patiently waiting for serious contraction slept off on the couch Woke up in the night around 11pm with serious pains.


called my obim and told him cuz he was not yet home. 
 Obim- ''mama plss go to the phc now u can still see keke''. 

Me- no ooo i can bear till morning its not that painful. 
Obim- ok love u coming home soon. 

 Continued the movie from where i stopped. 
12am 2nd Jan the pains was becoming intensified. 
 2am- my voice cum dey crack small small. 

3am- arghhhh i no go fit Woke my sis up make we dey go. Big sis- kpoi kpoi neighbour abeg cum help drop my sis for phc she dey labour. 

Na so we enter neighbour car as we comot from gate move small car no gree start. Na real Wa! I couldnt walk by then the pains was heaven and hell called my mum and mil they started praying.

 The phc is like 15mins walk but how i wan start, my sis was already crying. 

 Me- ify Shuoo wetin dey work u na y u dey cry? ? Me wey dey labour never cry abeg dress one corner jhoor. We started trekking small small instead of Me to walk was on phone cursing my Obim beta curse ooo. 

Deleke Deleke i waka small i go stop . 5am still struggling to get there with the harmattan wey hammer Me that morning ehhhhh. 

5:40am we saw a bike that carried us to the phc. By then i was seeing inner heaven and hell was glad i have gotten to the phc make i push. 


 1st midwife cum shook hand say na 1cm i dey do. "Jesu kristi"

 ME- nurse how come but im having the urge to push. 
 Nurse- abeg hold urself ooo ur cervix just started opening, dont worry before 4pm today u will have ur baby in ur arms, stand up and exercise. 

Me- ok i will exercise, anything for my baby but i was on fire. My obim just entered i no even talk to am. 

Obim - mama how are u doing?? What did the nurse say? 


9am the pains was unbearable nurse said 2cm dilated. Hian which kyn kasala be dix? 

 ME- before 4pm i will carry my baby anything 4 my baby. By then my two sisters were with me, they were tryin to cheer Me up with my obim. 3pm nurse said 4cm Ewoooo Chim i was vibrating the whole place i couldnt sit , stand lie down nko story for the gods. 

Nurse - plss go and walk around It will help u. I fire back immediately " What nonsense walk around from 9am to 3pm na only 2cm add abeg lemme jhoor. From 3pm to 10pm i was still in serious pains no baby yet instead na inner most heaven and hell i dey see at dsame time. Tore my obim's cloth, i couldnt bear my sis and my obim were taking turns in rubbin my back. Once It got to obim turn 

Me- Rub It well na What is even ur problem ehhhhh do u know What am passin thru Rub back u dey do Deleke Deleke. 12am 3rd Jan no baby yet, was dilated fully but membrane never rupture. Oya nurse rupture The membrane for Me na them no gree, carry one stupid drip shook for my body. I was having serious urge to push nurse say make i no push but i was pushing cuz i couldnt bear any longer. My Obim, my sisters and me in tears abeg help me rupture The membrane nah "MBA" Oya gimme hot injection The dont give.

 1am my Obim decided to move me to a private hospital The nurses there begin hala say im not helping matter say i no want exercise that if i exercise The water go burst. I couldnt walk so i was kneeling around with pains. 4am no baby yet, The chief nurse came said its very close that before 7am i will give birth. 

The pains was stuffing me up like when u dey chop beans add yam, i was seeing The inner mostest heaven and hell. My Obim said by 7am if no baby we would leave. I was wriggling, crying, shouting, talking in pains. Told my Obim say Na Cs be The koko now i was weak couldnt bear again. 7am with The wrapper i tied wet with my urine(was urinating uncontrollably thru out The two days like free pump) , We drove to a private hospital. 

8am labour room doctor come. 

Me- doctor here no be theatre now Na Cs carry me come here ooo or are ur nurses deal? 

 Doc- madam calm down dont you want to push your baby? 

 Me- u smoke cum Here? Tell ur nurses to wheel me to The theatre now. V been having the urge to push seriously but water no want burst who water epp? ? ? 

My Obim - doc plss we came here for emergency Cs.

 Doctor shook hand and Told me to push if The urge comes, i push with all my strength, he ruptured The membrane as i pushed. Second push The head came out i was relieved. Third push nothing. Fourth push Hian i was very weak The head was stuck in my v**** for like 3mins i couldnt push again i hadnt eaten or drank anything since The two days no appetite. The cum shook drip fast fast, i was afraid, fifth push- HE CAME OUT , no baby cry. I was hopeless at that moment but then i remembered i served a living God i spoke to my son and he heard my voice, he gave out a faint cry after sum minutes of beating. 

He is two months today. 

 I didnt fall in love with him immediately ooo Na later tinz love. Lest i forget pictures for ur eyes only ***winks*** will send my omugwo chronicles and meeting point soon.. My Obim use waffy sense catch me. Getting a blog id has been difficult for me ooo.

*This your Obim is Flavour look alike ooooh,hair and all..or is it this flu tabs messing me up?

Congrats..what is Obim?


  1. Jesus,why won't dey rupture membrane wen u fully dilated? Mehn dey played wit ur lyf o,see aw dey almost put u 2ru cs,guess d nurses p d health Centre r quacks, tnk God u delivered safely o n ur baby is ok.its always good to knw mother n child r alive n healthy.

    1. Thank God you n baby are fine.. whew

    2. You are right, that phc really need to be shut down. I have never heard where they wait for the water to be ruptured on its own when one is fully dilated. In my 3 pregnancies, I never experienced the show or water rupturing, my water is always ruptured on d delivery bed. Thank God for your life and that of your baby.

  2. Waoh.congrats dear.God bless and keep your baby safe from harm.I be come dey fear before wey baby nor cry😅😅😅

  3. Please someone should advice me, im 36 weeks pregnant, did a vs 7 years ago and im trying for a vbac, did a scan on Monday and doctor said everything is fine, head down, weight etc but i am still given a condition that i must fall into labour naturally before my edd or i will have automatic cs once im 40 weeks, how true is this??? Pls i need help on natural ways to induce labour , i have been walking 2 hours daily, i really want this baby out naturally, mothers advice me pls

    1. You can have a vac, but it's better that you go into labour naturally,induction with one previous cs is possible but risky but with professionals it's possible

    2. Climb the stairs, dance and shake your tommy from side to side then stimulate your nipples. You can also check google for more tips, love making also helps

    3. Some proven natural ways to induce labour
      1. CLOVE essential oil
      2. ROSEMARY essential oil
      3. Lots of Dates (dabino in Hausa)
      4. Some persons swear by Castor oil because it induces bowel movement but I haven't tried that one.
      5. Looootss of Pineapple from 38weeks. When I say lots, I mean about 1 full head daily.

  4. Beautiful and interesting story! Stella it means my heart

  5. But this is why babies die,, wtf!!! they should have taken you to the theater.... why would any trained doctor watch this happen??? high mother and child mortality rate will not reduce until we have 'professional' doctors. The decision of having CS is not the patients to make, it is a call a doctor must make if he/she sees mother and child are in danger. A friend lost her baby because she labored a 4kg baby for 2 days so it came out distressed, i saw the video and i wanted to kill the nurses, the baby had nasal flaring (i'm not even a doc yet i knew that was a red flag) and they didn't see or know it was strange...this got me worked up.

    Congratulations dear!!

  6. Congrats, the stress(for both husband and wife) of sickness-free nine months pregnancy is nothing compared to the suspense-occassioned stress between when a woman falls into labour and when she comes out - mother and baby, especially the longer the interval, congrats again to you two

  7. Those eliza nurses them. They wanted to kill you abi kini? Thank God for you jare. Next time better no carry yourself go there again.

  8. This is in response to the question asked by anonymous. Yes it is true you have to fall into labour naturally as you cant be induced for a VBAC. I had a VBAC for my second. Do a lot of walking, stair climbing, have sex and also take pineapple and ewedu. I did this and it induced labour for me. All the best.

  9. Anon 13:48 try ewedu. I don't know the English name but ask any Yoruba person. My mum gave my junior sister and it worked like magic. Thank me later.

  10. Anon 13:48 try ewedu. I don't know the English name but ask any Yoruba person. My mum gave my junior sister and it worked like magic. Thank me later.

  11. Thank God for your life and that of your baby dear. You indeed serve a Living God.

    I like the way you showed 'Obim" pepper small, make him know say the thing no easy.. Lolzzz

    God bless your family


  12. Anon 13:48 try ewedu. I don't know the English name but ask any Yoruba person. My mum gave my junior sister and it worked like magic. Thank me later.

  13. Hahaha... I love this story. I could totally relate with your actions. Lol

  14. poster, why do i have a feeling that i know you? evrything matches. That's besides the point anyways. Thank God for you o! That Badore PHC is where i gave birth to my two kids. But knowing the many things that could go wrong from reading LRD, i can not imagine giving birth to my next child there.

    1. Nothing will happen. Thnk God u gave birth to two kids there.

  15. Hahahahahaha
    I enjoyed this story. Funny chic.
    Thank God everything went well. And Thank God for ur new baby.



    Please stella,advice your blog visitors.

    If you are educated enough to send an email and browse SDK daily then common sense should let you know you were stupid!!!!

    It's fine to register in PHC but you should register in a private or general hospital too incase of emergency.
    You should also have a taxi or keke man's number for a time like this.

    You are lucky you came out to tell the story

  18. Mehn I thank God for you and baby's life. May God bless and keep him, h


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