Stella Dimoko Handling Flu Naija Way


Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Handling Flu Naija Way

People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:

Fever* or feeling feverish/chills.
Sore throat.
Runny or stuffy nose.
Muscle or body aches.
Fatigue (tiredness)

Thats me up there except for number ONE.

Someone just mailed me to rub Abokini all over my body and sleep...WHAT!!!!...My body will peel!...

Someone said hot peppersoup...Where I see am?Cant even stand pepper.
Any other shocking suggestions?


  1. Be drinking original tea like me now


    2. Yes lime and honey works even for kids.

    3. Lemon and honey also works. Get well soon dear. keep hydrated , drink chicken soup

    4. That's becos it's a viral illness, it will resolve on its own

  2. Stella sorry oh. Me I handle flu by avoiding it 😂 With my vitamin c supplements and at least 3 litres of water a day. Can't remember when last I had it.

    1. That is me up there Stella. I Don't go a month without flu

    2. I agree with you.
      Vitamin C 1000mg and loooots of water keeps it at bay.
      However, I recently noticed I was beginning to show symptoms like stated above, I simply increased my dosage.
      Day 1, I took 2500mg (2 tablets of NowFoods C1000, and 5 tablets of our normal white Vitamin C)
      Day 2, I took 3000mg and I am good as I type.
      Have just reverted to my usual dose of 1g per day.
      Vitamin C is bae plus it doesn't have any bad side effect.

    3. Arianna, that last sentence isn't correct. At least for me. Excess vitamin C takes me on a very straight and smooth path to flu. I maintain my 1000mg per day plus folic acid and vitamin B complex. I get allergic reactions all year round and used to drip EVERYDAY. I took allergy drugs, as recommended by a doctor but after completion, few days later I start dripping again. Since mumsie opened my eyes to the benefits of vit B complex, my nose has worked perfectly. I don't recommend anybody take an over dosage please.

    4. Vit c is water soluble medication so excess of it, no side effect!

    5. Broomstick, I want to believe there's something else causing the flu and not Vitamin C. Definitely not Vitamin C.
      Like Anon said, VC is water soluble. The only negative effect it can ever cause is diarrhea and that is actually used to determine your body's normal dosage. You're advised to take one dose less after the diarrhea and once it stops, then you maintain it as your normal dosage.
      I even use it for my children and will be ordering Ascorbic acid granules soon.
      Excess of VC passes out through your urine.
      However, I agree our systems differ. What works for 92 might not work for 8.

      On B complex and Folic acid, I believe every woman should make it a must (that's if you're not on a complex supplement).
      As a mother I can never over emphasise the goodness of this 3. Still doing more research on a personal level

  3. Stella no just try tha aboniki own o. Except u wan dance kokoma.

    1. Correct kokoma. You will rather have flu than aboliki messing you up.

  4. I just recovered from mine. It's allergies! Happens to me every springtime. For sore throat i add salt to vinegar and gargle and in about an hour the sore throat is gone. Take anti-histamine medicine and use vicks or robb inhaler to decongest your nose.

    1. Pele Stella, just get Robb inhaler for ur nose and throat, then put small aboniki inside hot water dip in small towel and place it on ur forehead gently and use it on ur chest also, u will be fine.

    2. Robb inhaler is a no no. One can easily get addicted to it coz it only gives a temporary relief. Lime and honey is good.

  5. Try Ginger, garlic and cayenne pepper.

    All raw.
    Thank me in the morning Stella.

  6. Sorry abt d flu stella. U can add some few drops of Eucaplytus oil in a boiled water(poured in a small bowl),cover yrslf in it to allow u inhale d steam from it for abt 2-3mins. Trust me,u will b fine.
    Pele ko.

    1. Lies it comes back after about 4hrs

    2. That's the treatment, she must do It twice a day she will be very sound on the 2nd day self.

  7. If you are in Naija, I'd say take Coflin and Panadol Extra.. Works wonders for me oooh


    1. Take malaria drugs! With all d above symptoms in Naija it means u have malaria and typhoid dey don't understand wat a flu is over here all dey know is malariatyphoid without any diagnosis from a doc dey go ahead n self medicate. May God help us all

  8. 2 tablespoonfuls Honey and lemon 5times a day then take paracetamol and sleep..dnt forget to stay hydrated

    1. @15:18 I used lime o, the thing disappeared as I shocked. Did it as frequent as possible by day 2,headache flu gone

  9. If you tell a chemist you have all these symptoms, the first advice is to treat malaria, if it doesn't work,u treat typhoid.

  10. Be taking hot/warm water and avoid anything cold.

  11. Stella you can try steam inhalation, it works wonder. Then antihistamine medication.. Sorry, Pele.

  12. Stella,

    I swear by that aboniki o, you can mix it with small Vaseline so its not too hot. honestly you will feel better.

  13. Kai @ I can only imagine what you are going through, pele. This kind of cold in Nigeria would just divert to malaria straight without wasting time henxr we treat it as malarial at once. Maybe you keep on taking paracetamol and am tired at least to make you sleep at night. Sorry darling.

  14. Yea aboniki helps alot.
    You can add some aboniki to hot water cover and steam your face. It will help relief the running nose,then take tylenol or any pain relieving drug to help ease the pain and enough rest 👍

  15. For Sore throat use DinQuadin; for runny nose take Loratidine...for the other symptoms,run a test,might be malaria n typhoid. #selfmedinotgood

  16. Stella just take Lipton tea with lemon or ginger and pineapple and the flu will disappear to where it came from!

  17. I take herbal tea all the time so I can't remember the last time I had flu!..
    As for your cough,put palm oil in a pan and add salt.heat it up and drink!...

    Sore throat,gargle with a salt water...

    Muscles and body ache,get a massage..

    Get an over the counter nasal spray for your stuffed nose...
    Drink tea,tea and more tea!!..
    Get well soonest!...

  18. That picture is me right now.its frustrating. I have been taking tea this hot weather. I am on paracetamol. Am using salt and warm water for the sore throat

    1. Find lime and honey, good honey. Take as frequent as possible by this time tomorrow u will b fine. Disregard all d drugs

    2. Find lime and honey, good honey. Take as frequent as possible by this time tomorrow u will b fine. Disregard all d drugs

  19. Salt and ginger root.
    If you cant stand aboniki there are other not-too-hot balm in drug stores that gives same result

    It must be naija way? Just kukuma get over the counter flu medicine no be so far flu end.

  20. Drink plenty cold water. lol
    Pele. me i don't use anything , it will just go on it own

    1. Nnuku flu never 'cash' you I'm sure of that

    2. Lucile's coconut oil to the rescue!

    3. Lol. Not just any coconut oil but Lucile coconut oil.

  21. Me I chew bitter cola and TomTom together or I take pulriten and White vitamin c, if headache join, I kokoma am with paracetamol. If I wan sleep like mumu make I nor reach kitchen cook for DH, I summer codeine

    1. I tried that thing.. the bitter kola, so tey I turn aboki customer. It worked and later came back

  22. Take Lempsi (it is for flu). You will get it in the pharmacy or get lemon and squeeze some drops in your tea along with aspirin. You will feel a lot better

  23. Flu and common cold are not the same even though they share symptoms.

  24. A strong immune system help fight off all these sicknesses, can't remember the last time i had either cold, catarrh or cough. Take antibiotics twice a year with blood supplements to boost your immune system.
    Stella ndoh oh, flu last for like 3 to 5 days and you'll be fine again

  25. for me i take warm lipton that is laced with tom tom, lemon and ginger, that the only fluid i take till its gone. if that one no work after 48 hours i switch to the calabar way. i eat a very hot spicy dog meat pepper soup, that one na final. the flu go just disappear fiam. try it stella.
    get well soon.

    *hangs leg on the wall

  26. Hmmm stella. This your flu is not simple o. Its that your wicked neighbour back then in warri. You have to send €5k to enable me buy the things and sacrifice on your behalf. Also you suppose show naija make I knack you pigeon for head. Then all will be well. Dooooh.

    1. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  27. Wear socks,cut onions and put inside your socks.Flu will flee,lool.Tried it for my daughter and she was fine the next day.

  28. Naija flu is different from the abroad flu.

  29. Stella take plenty vitamin C or eat chicken soup

    Take vitamin C tablets routinely to avoid future flu works o

  30. Warm Lipton tea with lime. Drink it morning and evening. You will be fine.

  31. Please drink ginger tea and you will be good as new.

  32. You can chew utazi or bitter leaf and drink warm water.OR lemon mixed with honey with little warm water and drink,off they go.but build up ur immune system by always taking vitamin c

  33. Stella in Nigeria prayer is the answer to everything wether poverty or flu. Pls call apostle suleiman as he is the trending man of God so he can pray for u. If e no work go to the mountain for 3 days. Good luck!!

  34. Stella for here Na either malaria or typhoid: nothing like flu. So choose one let's tell u what to take.

  35. Take Augmentin or a good antibiotic,eat a lot of fruits,drink a lot of water.Take ur bathe,Use RUB HOT on your chest and back,you will wake up like a baby.

  36. Stella, sorry about the flu.. It's soo inconveniencing!!!

    There are 2 QUICK WAYS to cure flu.. Whether Oyibo or Naija way;

    1. Cut few slices of Lime,mix with Honey in Warm-slightly Hot Water. 2ce daily. It's soo refreshing!!!

    2. For RUNNY NOSE, Put few slices of ONIONS under your feet (inside ur sleeping socks) overnight..and thank me the following morning!!!!

    My aunt taught me. I've tried them and it worked like magic!!! Especially the Onions one. I was shocked!!! Onions is present in most homes, so it's way easier to do this method.


    1. Please share the quantity of onions cos personally, I'm good at overdoing. I might cut more than 3 mediumsized onions depending on how blocked my nose is.

    2. CORRECT!

      Lemon juice and warm water plus Honey works for me.

      Stella Pele oh!..

    3. Lol @ broomstick. Just one Onion oo. Cut it in few slices and put under both feet at night(with ur socks on), and watch the flu disappear the following morning. U won't even remember u had flu.

  37. Hello Stella. Cut onions into quarters and put around the house especially corners and windows. It will prevent the flu from spreading to others. Also cut onion and put on your feet wrap with a crepe bandage and Wear a sock to bed. Take a quarter of onion cut into small sizes add a cup of water and boil for together with a pinch of salt. If u can swallow the onions the better but if not the water alone is fine. Trust this remedy u will be fine in no time

  38. A mixture of Cummin, original honey and good quality olive oil or coconut oil mixed together with Apple cider vinegar works magic as well
    It soothes the throat and help to expel mucus from the throat and lungs.

  39. A mixture of Cummin, original honey and good quality olive oil or coconut oil mixed together with Apple cider vinegar works magic as well
    It soothes the throat and help to expel mucus from the throat and lungs.

  40. Hello Stella. Cut onions into quarters and put around the house especially corners and windows. It will prevent the flu from spreading to others. Also cut onion and put on your feet wrap with a crepe bandage and Wear a sock to bed. Take a quarter of onion cut into small sizes add a cup of water and boil for together with a pinch of salt. If u can swallow the onions the better but if not the water alone is fine. Trust this remedy u will be fine in no time

  41. Keep your tummy light. No overload while you are attempting any of the above suggestions. More soups,pap etc Less solid. You will feel better.

  42. Omygoodness... I have seen so many solutions here today but the most amazing (Amamazing) is the cut onion and put in socks and it seems like it works from testimonies...
    Anyway, Naija method looks like borrowed india method from the movie "the other end of the line" hot water, ginger, lime and something else... hehehe

    Last last, Stella just combo the whole thingy... Pepper soup (dog meat, pork, chicken, kidney... gbogbo e), Keto cabbage soup, onion in socks, warm water mixed with ginger, garlic, onions, lime, lemon, orange sef, honey, alabukun; then rub robb, vaseline and aboniki; after that you put the aboniki in hot water and inhale... At least the flu no be winch, e must go. No forget panadol extra o

    If e no still go, better send that person wey say make you bring #5k for sacrifice...

    PS: Get well soonest

  43. Lol!!! SDK you have a big family here. That should make you feel well already. Lol...Get well soon big sis!!!!


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