Stella Dimoko Former BFF Brouhaha...


Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Former BFF Brouhaha...

Does this describe  your present situation?

*Hand raised up*
Well She wasnt really my best friend but we were so close in UNIBEN.....

She was a user and I was a brokeass friend,She used to give me handouts and used my name to lie to the man she was engaged to so that she could spend time with her School boyfriend.
Wicked lies that when her cover blew eeeh,I nearly fainted at the things I heard.I didnt bother asking her,just took a walk.
Infact everyone took a walk and she lost it all.*poor babe*

Whats yours?dont sugar coat it please!


  1. I broke up with my best friend of over a decade. We were too close. She went to a medium to make me mad. Her reason, I was too close to my New husband at the expense of our friendship. She wanted to exercise control over my home and I stood my ground and said no. she tried to seduce my husband; but that one was harder than igneous rock; he knew weeks before the girl made her first move. He is a praying mantis and fasts more than he eats in a week. To think that I could have lost my mind, ran naked on the streets etc. because of "a friend" is mind boggling. I was used to eating just fruits at noon (well, that was after I got married) and joined my husband to eat a whole meal with drinks and snacks at night (he eats only at nights for the past decade). When he told me of my friend's moves and the consequences of laxity, I went on 3 days with water and joined him to eat at nights for three months. It was the girl who came to confess of her evil deeds when instead of me running mad, she lost a very dear sibling. Guess that was the price she paid in the medium. Her long luxurious hair was clean shaven the day she came to my house weeping. I wouldn't have allowed her in if not that my husband wanted "my eyes to open" and asked me to indulge her. She told me that if my husband had fallen to her seductive maneuvers, I would have gotten mad the moment I had sex with him. If you hear what was pouring out of her mouth? I have learnt a veritable lesson in my life. You are either a Christian or you are not! Forget about all these giving of vagina and dancing in the church!

    1. Seek mental help , it's not your friend. It's you!

    2. Anon I remember this your story very well. Thank God for you. Friends are something else.

    3. She was NEVER considered a Best friend. Two months into knowing her proper, I wear all the armoured of GOD! Xter no b here o! Insults ,disrespect to elders even immediate family members, competition and GREED, Choi Stella I brace the race o! But inbw I realized she was suffering from depression and low self esteem.. I showed love all I cld, endured all tru but what broke the Camels back was insulting my beloved Father,brother and entire family.... It was too much, I still swallowed it but waited for d right time to pull d plug. Now am this kinda person, b4 I accept anything from u, I must have given u 4x over at least, my principal my rule, so wen she came with a juicy offer, my antennas stood up, I politely turned it down, u wouldnt blv 1month into d offer, she actually tried to use it as reference, in d sense she helped me... Hahahhahhah I halted her there and then immediately and told her d truth, "Nne this was d sole reason I didn't accept "... And thank God for that. Anyways Pple Beware of asses who think they r doing u a favor in other to use it against u tomorrow

    4. She was NEVER considered a Best friend. Two months into knowing her proper, I wear all the armoured of GOD! Xter no b here o! Insults ,disrespect to elders even immediate family members, competition and GREED, Choi Stella I brace the race o! But inbw I realized she was suffering from depression and low self esteem.. I showed love all I cld, endured all tru but what broke the Camels back was insulting my beloved Father,brother and entire family.... It was too much, I still swallowed it but waited for d right time to pull d plug. Now am this kinda person, b4 I accept anything from u, I must have given u 4x over at least, my principal my rule, so wen she came with a juicy offer, my antennas stood up, I politely turned it down, u wouldnt blv 1month into d offer, she actually tried to use it as reference, in d sense she helped me... Hahahhahhah I halted her there and then immediately and told her d truth, "Nne this was d sole reason I didn't accept "... And thank God for that. Anyways Pple Beware of asses who think they r doing u a favor in other to use it against u tomorrow

    5. But we've read this story before nah

    6. You no dey tire for this ur story? Did you permanently save it in your phone so that you can just be doing copy and paste? Abeg swerve go pack shit

    7. This is an old story na. Are you not tired of repeating it??

    8. Lol u are here again!😂
      I have read this your story before.

    9. Stale story

    10. Madam e Don du oooo

    11. We don read this story tire.

    12. My own many ohhh, I am a very patient gurl, I tolerated her for 4yrs+ she lied soteyleee, she lied against her dad and. Mum, me and boo had a fight and and I begged her not to tell anyone, especially one of boo's frnd that was eyeing her then, before I waka reach gate omo lair don call Bros download the whole story sharp-er-ly give am, na road I dey wen boo call me tell me weldonema.

    13. Anon13:05,just tell this is not true.. Hmmmm.. Mutane Duniyaaaa.
      That's why I don't keep friends joor.. I discarded the ones I had after graduation.
      Mtcheew who friends epp?

      Although, while in nursing school I had a very rich friend that was a not too bright , so she brings in the money while I read and open my books for her to pass her exams. Its was a commmensallism type of friendship. You rock my back I rock your back too. I knew she was a user, she also knew I was there for the money. Hahahah.. Immediately our council results came out and she failed woefully bcoz she was not allowed to sit close to me, my babe change ✋.. Hahahah.. She stop calling neither does she pick my calls. I just kuku fanshi her level. Then I was so busy with my NGO work.. Thank God she finally passed at last attempt after spending two extra years in the school... Chai, nursing council exam can humble shit outta u men..

      Ayoola aka. Aypops omo Iya gold toungbeni Germany it's your friend obinujuwa... Yes, that's the Ibo name you gave me. I still miss you shaaaaa.

    14. I yaf tired for this story

    15. Wow. The last sentence. Hard to digest but very true

    16. Are you serious?
      Gosh! The heart of man...

      Thank God for your life, she was never a friend.

    17. We have seen this ur story many times na. E don do

    18. Aeegurl, thank you!! Too many times and always a full epistle. Is this you, Lady Igoh?

      BTW, Intelligentia, please change your name . there's nothing intelligent about your written English

      And what's rock your that rub you meant to say...gave me a headache, gosh!!!

    19. Madam,you are delusional. You newd help. This is so stale.

    20. Girls. Don't have their time. Can't be bothered. Be very careful of the ones with no mind of their own, who only use you for what they can gain and when you finally decide to dump the trash, go about saying all sorts to different irrelevant people. When I hear I just laugh! Hahahahaha!

      Be careful of people you have nothing in common with. If you have to force it just distance yourself oooooo! Life is too short.

    21. I raise Beyonce hand for you madam.

      You just keep this story for one corner to dey copy and paste. Wehdone ma.

    22. Lemme go anonymous on this. I actually happened to be the bad friend here🙈.i had a very pretty friend back then during high school days. All my friends were pretty but she was prettier cos she has this Lebanon skin color. She told us about how a girl from the other group tried snatching her guy by telling him bad stuffs about her. I got so mad cos this girl in question forms bigz girl and as a bad mouth babe that I was back then I finished her up with my mouth. To cut it short I spoke with the guy and pleaded on my friend's behalf, from then on the guy and I kept talking,from there onwards,one thing lead to another. Omo I went to the guy house,we would have had sex if not that I was a virgin then. I felt so bad and I still feel bad. But I used the old students association to apologize to all my friends cos I know they would have known about it. *judge not so you won't be judged * no one knows tomorrow 🙈

    23. Hahahahahahahahahaha,sdk bvs never sef no forget,after reading it earlier today,i just laughed because i know bvs will come for her.yinmu woman

    24. It is as if you have copied this story waiting to paste it whenever need arises. We are tired of seeing this story, the next time you post this story thunder will fire you!

    25. What is actually wrong with you guys. She can decide to share this story every mintue of the it your story? Is it your data?
      I haven't even read this story before. What the heck, haha.

    26. Lollllllllllll anon 1910 you finished me.

  2. She was a user and neither of us were broke ass at the time. She just had a passion for always wanting to add yours to hers so it increases. I got mad and walked away before our final exams in high school.
    We got back in touch after she went in search of me at our former house. Fb kept us talking without seeing for a while. Till she began to form miss popularity. I took a forever walk, shit I didn't take as a girl I won't take as a lady...kojoor.

    1. I have a friend like this presently,and i'm cutting away from her gradually.

    2. Didn't meet up with paying back cash I borrowed, I beg am tire but she insulted my life until I paid back. Didn't want to end the relationship but guess we couldn't get pass the insult wey she heap for my head, heavens know I take 101% blame and would have wanted us to laugh it off,even invited her for my wedding but no show. She also tried to make it work but couldn't.

    3. I had a bfriend in school that always compare our results, she will check to know my scores. If I had an A and she a B, she'll start telling our friends how I copied her and passed. The year I decided to write my exams without her close, I made d best result ever and I proved her wrong. She's still my friend but I don't tell her things Co's I don't trust her.

    4. Why keep a friend you can't trust? Cut that bitch off and rest.

    5. I wish I was wise back then.. Had a user BFF also back in uni after using me to pass her grades in uni. She got jealous that I had a shop. Never knew she was using my idea to expand.. Finally got rid of her... Then she does runs but so secretive.. Cos she gives me cloths then so she used me to get ahead.. I regretted not cutting her off when I wanted to. Till date it always makes me mad how I allowed my fellow babe use me on the name of friendship... Mpshw!!

    6. She gives U clothes and at the same time uses U to get ahead?
      Abeg explain... I am not understanding

    7. She gave me cloth ones after graduating.. Meanwhile she was only close so that she could use my idea to expand.. The story is kinda complicated that's why I don't know how to construct the story abeg..

  3. Let me read comments

    1. We are not strangers particularly. Distance just do us strong thing. I miss us the way we used to be tho. I know u will see this Googoos

    2. Sent her nudes to my father because she wanted a sugar daddy. Stupid girl!

  4. None.I have grown along with all my friends. I still get along very well even with those who got left behind in the course of our growing up due to circumstances beyond their control.

  5. only when i was in primary school lol. being searching for her on FB but cant find her. does anyone know stella damusus's sister dumebi?

    1. Yes I do they are from okpanam

    2. Was staying @ my then bestie's house(family house ie)for a while. Woke up one morning and my phone had developed leg in d middle of the night. they were accusing each other of stealing d phone. I asked her not to worry that le boo will get another but she no gree. She and her mum were pointing fingers at her half brother. I sha went out, when I got back with my new phone ooo, my girl called me aside, with all d seriousness in this world, she said she went to see one woman and it was revealed to her that I stole my own phone... the shock ehn?
      Me, I "stole" my own phone.
      So I asked her to what end na? Cos I didn't ask u or your fam to get me another so why in God's name will I steal my phone. She say she no know, say na just wetin d woman tell her.
      Gosh! The fact that she went to "see a woman" was enough shock for me den that she believed the BS the woman told her, then she still cum open mouth ask me too. Chai! That was it.
      Her mum.was shocked too and was crying that she doesn't know who taught her going to see anyone for revelation. Her mum apologised to me and begged me to stay. I no gree. Left that night before she go see d woman to end my life. Hian
      That's how 6yrs of very close friendship ended! And we were so close! Kai

    3. It's only distance that separates me and any of my friends, nothing else. I have friends in this Lagos I've not seen in a decade but we talk everyday. I know most of them got tired of visiting because I don't visit(I don't drive to the mainland).

  6. I had this friend way back in Sch we were using those old Motorola phones and mine was giving me seriius problem so I decided to sell and add d money to wateva I have to buy a new phone.

    Once my bff heard this,she too decided to sell hers and add up too. I got a buyer but told him d phone had only ba3 problem so he can easily buy it.

    He asked I come over latter dt evni to collect my money only for me to get there and started mending me dt I wanted to deceive him into buying an already condemned phone dt my friend has given him hers which he knows is better than mine.

    To say I was surprised is an understatement. I just open mouth de look this guy.

    I confronted my "friend" and she said she only told him she also wanted to sell hers and he like her phone colour more than mine.

    Dt day,i immediately knw her kind of person.its over 15yrs now tho
    Don't even hv her contact

    1. My friend Shut It! You are the bad person in this tale. And to think you were the one vibrating up and down morality posts preaching what you can't give. Why should you lie and deceive someone to sell your phone and you're angry that he found and bought from a more honest must be deluded. That's the problem with you humans...always twisting your perception to favor your actions. In your mind now you were wronged...when you were comfortable deceiving someone.

    2. How did she deceive someone. Why don't you people always calm ur stupid nerves down and read through before commenting? Guess that is the kind of person you are. The kind that will ruin his or her friend's life just to get favours. Smh

    3. @anon14.14. Why the attack? E never bad reach like that naa. Abi this bv don offend you before?

    4. "......that's the problem with u humans" sister/Bros which group of animals do u belong please? Because if u ain't one,u would clearly understand my write-up.

      As an animal that u are,u didn't notice dt she went behind me to tell lies to d prospective buyer so it favours her. Obviously she didn't want me to sell before her as she didn't also want me to get my new phone before her. This was someone we share almost everything together and going to that lenght to spoil what would have favoured her "friend" was IT for me.

      What stopped her from advising a friend? Moreover the phone wasn't that bad and someone law still bought it anyways

    5. Ah you wanted to deceive the guy so he would buy your phone that you said was giving you serious problems by telling him it had only battery problem...Na wa for people o.

    6. Anon 14:14, you go dey alright at last

    7. Anon 14:14 are U the friend or related to her???
      Her friend did not see another "buyer" I the entire area???
      Must she sell her phone at the same time her friend was selling since her own phone was not giving her issues???
      Why the sudden decision to sell since her friend was selling? Why did the phone buyer collect the first girls phone after they reached an agreement, only for him to return it after the fake friend visited???
      Abeg the BFF was as fake as they come!

  7. I have friends but no best friends. #NotReady4headache

    1. I had a friend back then when I was in Nigeria, we were both hustling doing nursery teaching job in otta though we were not trained but survival made us to be teachers then.. To cut along story short my then boyfriend had an opportunity to travel out of Nigeria which made my level to change a bit because he started building a house in Nigeria which made me to leave my teaching job and started to monitor the project.. Never knew this my best friend was jealous despite the fact I'm a good friend to her...when God exposed her evil deed I'm already here with my husband... Two weeks after I got here she called my husband crying that Sir I just want to give you some information about your so call girlfriend that I'm sleeping around with different men, so he should be careful about me... My husband told her that hold on your friend is already in Europe... Na so the evil girl burst into tears that when did I travelled that I should forgive her that it was some people that ask her to teach me a lesson, I just cut the happened more than a decade ago, so girls never disclose your serious bobo information to anybody... Lord I thank you for your mercy..

    2. Exactly o. The last time i had a best friend was primary school. I dont commit because i cannot deal with the drama. We must walk together, read together, eat together. Abeg i always loved my independence jare

  8. "Bestie" was envious of me and tried to deter my success...I wasted no time in taking a bow.

    1. We don't need summary, we need story with details!

  9. Had one who we've been friends for about 10 years, until she started dating one dude.
    She began to get treat messages to stay away from the boy. and the boy got similar texts and calls to stay away from her. Same person also started calling her elder ones to warn her from the boy. Long story short, we were staying together and I was the only suspect in their minds, cos according to them I was the only one who knew when she was out with the guy, since the msges usually comes when they're together, and I'm also the one who knows her elder ones. Note that I was staying jejely on my way till she got a job in the same state and I allowed her stay wt me, for us to manage my space together, till we got a bigger place and shared the rent. I've never in my life had issues with anybody on such petty matters. They all felt it had to be me cos I wasn't in a rshp then. In her mind, I was jealous of her. Nota also that, whenever the guy is around, I just greet him and mind my business cos I've known her to be the insecure type. Anyways, the accusations were too embarrassing for me and I felt betrayed, so I asked for us to go our separate ways since the trust was no more there. Till date, I haven't seen any reason why I should even be considered to have done such a petty thing. I'm a career prsn with so much responsibilities so no be even boy matter dey my head. Right now, we don't even talk. Not malice but I can't just pick up my phone to call her. Wetin we wan talk? It hurts me tho cos I have very few friends so losing one this way is a sad thing & I keep praying for God to expose whoever was behind it.

    1. In my own case this my so-called friend went behind to visit my bf cos she saw all the things he was buying for me. We were in 2nd year. I innocently took her to the house o nd she followed back to visit him. The guy walked her out but started monitoring me closely cos she told him I do runs. Me that was an engineering stay, which time do I even have to waka about when after sch hours you will be on construction drawing till midnight (mech students can relate) .anyway the guy found out it was all lies, adviced me to stay away from her without giving me a concrete reason so I just ignored. She ma was subtly castigating the guy to me ooo but I no code. Last last we graduated, my guy was in UK, she met one chevron guy and was flaunting him up and down. I didn't even send sef cos the guy was my tribe and I don't really gel with my tribal people cos they showed my mom shege when I lost my dad. Anyway last last someone started sending the guy messages about all her runs from 100L till date and she felt I was the suspect. She started ignoring me, shading me indirectly on fb etc so I jejely freed her. I blocked her and face my life and career. Last last boo and I got married. I met a mutual friend who gave me low down that she and chevron guy broke up cos it was another friend that she fucked her hubby that exposed her to chevron guy. She reached out to me, sent messages apologizing and asking if she could come visit. I told her NO but I FORGIVE YOU. I moved on and this is 3yrs after we haven't spoken. I met chevron guy in the villa Xmas period and he was speaking language and calling me a bad sister for warning me, abeg what's my own. I just walked away to buy one sweet udara Abeg. J I hope you are fine wherever you are, I forgive you cos after hubby told me all the stunts you pulled in Barnawa when you went visiting him behind my back,I confronted you and u apologized I forgive you but I moved on

    2. Anon13:14 thank Goodness you got rid of her.. She's a toxic friend.

  10. 🙌🏻. We were close . We travelled to the states and quarreled because of man. All the men were attracted and wanted me. Including the one she liked. And funny enough I wasn't interested in any of them.

    She kept on writing me sub letters with warnings . And particularly told lies to one of the guys.

    But men are smart. The guy figured everything , and warned me about her.

    We came back to base. And the friendship ended .
    But recently we met and just said hi!.

  11. Two stories, one was over-obsessive friend, jealous when I had another friend and would be in competition on whose friend is better, it was just too consuming for me then the other what a greedy living soul.........she was so greedy is was a bit annoying and frustrating...anyway I was too holy as my temper was hotter than fire..........

  12. Watch everyone become saints
    Please state the part you played too.

  13. I am going to raise both hands for this. She lied to me and told lies to everyone who cared to listen about me. I cut her off because till now I am too hurt for words.

    The other one was a guy. He lied to me and tried to take advantage of me. He cut me off and i did not even flinch.

    Now my bffs are my mum and siblings. If anything wants to happen we will trash it out in the house. No one will spread rumours about you or try to rape you. Way safer for me.

  14. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I am an alien.....

  15. Well, I don't keep friends, my BFF is God, abeg pardon me for this, what's the full meaning of BFF? Best Friend??

    *Larry was here*

  16. Grabs popcorn. Side eyes at bv CharisMATIC Diva .. The spy who loves ++++++

  17. Yes in secondary school, we were all very good. we are about 4 including my twins. When going to school, we will branch their house and we will all go together. Many years down the line, not knowing that she was in Abuja and was working in that Government Hospital that is popular, dont know the name self. My sister gave me her number and told me to call her, excitedly, i called and she was forming phooney to me.. speaking through her nose and behaving as if she dont know me, sharp sharp i had to cut off. It has been 8 years now, i have not spoken to her. Dont want to know anything about her self.

    Everybody carry your kaya jare.

    1. Why do you people judge someone based on first response on phone?

      Do you know her present life???

      Isn't she allowed to grow up and be whom she wishes to be?

      NOTE a lot of people you thought you knew as a child, you don't really know them because most times their characters back then is a reflection of what their parents want them to be!

      When they grow up and decide to be themselves; if you are a good friend you will understand. Afterall her speaking phonee* doesn't define what is in her heart towards you!

  18. I'm my own best friend. I have 'talk to s' and 'fuck withs' buh the whole best friend ish is not my thing , at least my secrets are safe, less drama , I know what's family ,no benchmarks - I am my own competition ...

  19. yes oh, she poisoned my mind about our Lectural who wanted to marry me,and sexed her way to b wit him,she gets angry anytime she sees d both of us, hrd she married him sha make her mind come down,av typed her address to karma,I av her secret DT can tear her path even d marriage BT I cnt spill it, I just briefed karma abt it.

    1. If she 'sexed' her way to be with him, then he's a man of easy virtue, he's not a responsible man, he can't resist temptation, so my dear, u dodge bullet.

    2. Lectural kor. ..

  20. mine has been giving me attitude ever since she got married, I"ve asked her if I did something wrong and she said no, so what is the prb nah, she said she is always busy, busy being a stay at home wifey. Am done, me that always make out time to call and check up on her, is my brain paining me or is it that am not busy too?
    Right now am BFFless

    1. Abeg no vex for her.In was accused of the same thing by my friends.I needed time alone to figure out the whole marriage thing,plus I was not working.I lost myself. After some years and kids I found my way back.

  21. Mine was a guy (joey) he was so stupid in love to the point he became a shadow of him self. This man am talking about is the most handsome man I have ever seen on earth. Jeez nigga is the full definition of handsome but his mumuness was on another level. His girl friend Gloria was a witch who was dancing on his destiny and nigga was so blind he couldn't see. I was the only girl in the click so she saw me as a competition and me I no care. She siezed his certificates and nigga couldn't go for service, she burnt his car and clothes and nigga will do nothing. She is a chronic runs girl who brings men ( sugar daddies) to the house our mumu friend was paying rent. We were so mad at him that we all took a loooooooong walk. He wouldn't leave her and we couldn't stand it. Basically he chose her over us all (friends and family). This babe has messed his life up now and we are just watching from a distance. He has no job no friends,no family,no money. We are hoping he will come to his senses soon. As we all are doing #sitdowndeylookstrikeonhimmatter
    We don't talk we are now total strangers and it hurts like hell.

    *hangs leg on the wall*

    1. She may have done something to the guy cos its just not ordinary If you think about it

  22. My bestie back then in secondary school. We were the only two female science student in class and also the best though most times she surpasses me cos am not the reading and cramming type.. She is jovial, generous and kindhearted but...Dangerously jealous. Geez! If i score more than her, she ll not talk to me again until her heart softens.. I had to walk away oh before she kills me one day..

  23. Yes...I neva in my life expected her to be jealous of the things I have...I thought we were guys to the extent she wanted to use juju on me...mehn girls re something else and am not saying I don't have a bad side but she went too far...I fear for my life just because of material things..I couldn't wait to graduate

  24. Have never had bff i dont even have friends sef

  25. I was the supposedly bad friend,wrongly accused of seduction and betrayal, wen d bubble burst, she knew who d culprit was n I had no hand in it, since then I sounded a note of warning to her n all of them, do not introduce ur men to me.

    1. Serious side eyes at blackberry. Her type will fuck her fiends' bf or husband with all his friends and brothers inclusive. Bitch loves sex too much and self control is zero!

  26. Mine was a user an a very broke one at that.
    While we were together, nothing was working for me. It got so bad my older sister had to call a pastor to conduct an all night.
    The things i heard about my ex friend was alarming i couldn't believe.
    I was devastated. To think someone i loved that much could harm me spiritually out of envy.
    Well God doesn't sleep he fought my battles. She is suffering big time now... No peace for the wicked.
    I don't do friends anymore.

  27. Had this close friend back in school days.
    He had this really tall and fair gf, the issues here was that his gf was seriously crushing on me. She always looked for excuse to pay me visit.
    She came one day and I couldnt resist. We were smooching then I heard a knock on my door.
    lo and behold it was my friend.
    Yes we were not caught doing anything but it all seemed awkward for his girl to be in my place without his notice.
    He spent some more time and he saw her off.. He came back and we hung out.
    Then I opened up to him that his girl has been on my neck.
    There and then we both agreed, both of us would just be collecting and collecting. Mehn that babe teach me things that year o. haha
    This episode thought me a lot. Real friends shouldn't fight over women.
    Today we are still cool and both doing well.
    I don't even know where the girl is right now. She should be married by now
    She still crosses my mind sometimes because her head game was king stronggggggg

  28. I have four of such stories, all my fault cos according to my sister, I give too much too soon.
    The last one had me worried,I kept wondering what it was about me that made my friends turn bitter towards me but thank God for a friend that spoke to me. Now I don't have best friend again,friends are kept at arms length and I keep focused on my dreams...

  29. Hmmm, mine is my elder sis (ex-best friend)! It happened just yesterday evening. Things I confided in her and things I've never thought of saying were revealed to mum..

    I left PH to Lag to go get a document so I decided to stay with her.

    Just so you know, I got married before her, so my kids(btw 12 and 15yrs) are older than hers(btw 5 and 11 years). She has never helped me bath them or cook when she used to visit and I never complained but she likes one slaving for her when you go visit.

    At around 6pm yesterday, she asked me to wash whites she's soaked for days and her kids uniforms... I told her to learn to use "please" . Next thing she started calling me names - all sorts! That I should leave her husband's house and never come back.

    She also used my failed marriage(I walked out with my kids from an abusive marriage) to abuse me. With tears in my eyes I told her " I WILL SHINE. I'M ONLY GOING THROUGH A PHASE THAT WILL PASS SOONEST"

    I am actually still in shock. I refuse to shed more tears. She's been a stranger since the past 19 -20 hours.

    1. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars1 March 2017 at 15:40

      Your own sister....? It happens. Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining.

    2. You really must be hurting

    3. Your elder sister should use the word 'please' when talking to you?
      olorun! No wonder you were abused, too much pride. Swerve please. As I am, I can't talk back at my elder sis and she's not married o.

    4. Ur own better..In my case,it was my family that threw me out with my son bcos I am separated from my hubby and moved back home.I felt suicidal..but now I have overcome..Find a way to leave ur sister's house cos she won't stop tormenting u till u leave.People like using others shortcomings against them..U should have known better.
      Btw,knowing that she is ur elder sister, she don't need to add "Please " before she ask u to do something for her.U are in her house for crying out loud.U have to respect her..When U saw Dat she soaked her cloths for days,u should 've washed it without waiting for her to beg u..It is her house,she feeds u and ur kids..U sound rude anyway.U shouldn't have told her to add pls..In her own house? Haba..check am nah..If it was ur younger sis will u tolerate such?.

      Ur sister is not acting strange..Its her house..Just apologise to her or tell her hubby to talk to her..Plan ur exit from dat house..Look for one room apartment and move in with ur kids..

      I am squatting with a family friend at d moment..I take every shit they give to me.I cook,fetch water and clean d house just to please them and make dem no throw me out..If I gather enough money I will rent a one room apartment and move in with my son shikena...

      **Chy Ozo**

    5. There's nothing wrong in saying 'please'before sending your younger's just respect and simple courtesy..everyone needs to be has nothing to do with age

    6. Plz ow did u guys grow up dt common "please" is a big tng to say to some1? I stl rem being taught d 3 magic words. PLEASE,I'M SORRY, THANK YOU. Plz let's teach our children d right tng,no matter who u r,for d fact dt u need dt person's assistance or help, "please" shdnt be a big deal to u,simple!

    7. Plz ow did u guys grow up dt common "please" is a big tng to say to some1? I stl rem being taught d 3 magic words. PLEASE,I'M SORRY, THANK YOU. Plz let's teach our children d right tng,no matter who u r,for d fact dt u need dt person's assistance or help, "please" shdnt be a big deal to u,simple!

    8. Chy ozo that is littering this post with "advice", there is nothing wrong with an elder saying please! I did my elder sis ( she is my senior with almost 8 yrs) a favour and she was actually shouting "thank you sis" " God bless". Even my parents do say please if they want you to do something for them. Not because you are too big or anything, it's simple being polite. Biko, teach that your son to say "please" "sorry" and "thank you" top every and any body he sees, whether old or young.

    9. Chy Ozo is on point!!!
      She is in a place where she's not paying rent, she's being fed and she cannot help to wash whites soaked for days until she is told "please"???
      You are arrogant!
      Maybe you also wanted ur husband to tell you please and whe he didn't you run your mouth leading to the DV.
      I am not encouraging or defending DV for any reason but my girl calm down and look inwards. The only person you can change in this life is YOU!!!

    10. She is your older sister. You feel because you married before her that she cannot send you errands in her own house. Naming your children's ages like it's a big deal. She must have helped you with your children before you can do same? Petty woman.

    11. Tomi Amy God bless u

    12. Tomi Amy God bless u

    13. Kai it's soooo sad that some mothers have trained their kids in such a way that the word 'please' should not be said by an elder one. Are you guys bloody kidding me?!
      An anonymous goat even went ahead to justify domestic violence and the poster's abuse to her demanding respect. How utterly shameful and disgusting. I blame your mothers who didn't teach yall any better. She completely failed as a woman and a mother.

      Respect is reciprocal. You should demand respect if it's not been reciprocated. For God's sake this woman has children of up to 15yrs and so she is not a child you can command to run errands for you. What is so hard to say in 'please'? Ejo? Biko? This is common courtesy that has Zero to do with age. I add please even when sending my kids on an errand. 'Please pass the remote' and 'pass the remote'...which sounds better? It teaches them to also use the word with their peers and elder ones. Teach your kids better you idiots.
      Don't just come to blogs and spew rubbish, showing your poor/complete lack of home training. Learn and learn the right thing and imbibe that to your future generations so they don't end up as utterly idiotic as you.

    14. Can't you people read? she went to visit. Not staying there with her kids or whatever. Only please all of u are shouting. Power drunks

  30. Hmm thats absolutely moa! God help and save me from such more besty akanshaout.

  31. Dude was either just childish or plain jealous, would run back & tell my gf whenever we went on boys rendezvous. Tried even hooking up my gf to one of his boys, painted me all shades of black & said all kinds of demeaning things about me. Today I'm married to my gf, his boy is married but they're not as close as they were & he's still roaming & dating university girls who do nothing but sleep with their lecturers & collect money from this maga in the name of love

  32. i had this girlfriend secondary school days, we were very close and yes she was my bff. she started dating my elder brother and things didn't work out well for them and that kinda affected our friendship i think. anyway we still chat up once a while to say hello... kinda miss her though..

  33. Had a friend in sch that time that told me she was still a virgin and I believed her because I didn't see why she would lie about that.

    ..until one day when I went to stay with her for exams..

    .seems she didn't tell her bf I was going to be around,

    anyway that one came in the night and said he couldn't go back to his hostel so he had to sleep on the floor...

    my people, na so I wake up for night dey hear noise...

    was wondering what was happening...only to hear my friend moaning and she was the one on top of the guy riding him...

    to say I was shocked...I pretended to be asleep and left them...

    the following morning they were telling me that I love sleep ooo...for their mind, they didn't know I heard it all...

    lost respect for her but still continued the friendship but we are not close like her life na...wetin concern aproka concern ijeoma...

    Anyway the yeye guy left her later....

  34. hmmm, my story long well well, and i am not joking. i had known this girl since childhoo, attended same secondary sch. never knew she was a witch . very envious but i didnt notice cos i was carefree. i folo her to her boyfriends houses upandan, no guy was asking me out. i didnt boda then cos i was not worried. fast forward to 10 years later, she married and has kids now.the funny part is dat i see her fighting me in the dream. i started avoiding her calls. she is pure evil.i wonder what i did to her for her to wish me evil. it baffles me

    1. U are delusional..From what u wrote here u are d witch..U didn't state any wrong thing dat she did to u..u were jealous that all d guy's were after her while u are booless and she come marry unto of it..

      U see her in ur dream all d time cos ur subconscious mind cannot stop thinking about her and she keeps appearing in ur dream...Being dat her spirit is stronger than ur bad one,she is fighting u bcos you are evil..God saved her from u.she will keep fighting u till u change from ur evil ways.

    2. U are very silly and stupid, u are the one jealous of ur friend and u are saying she chasesbuninhur dream. Pls keep avoiding her calls, she doesn't need an evil friend like u. Instead of u to look for a way to be more attractive so u can get booed up u are hating an innocent person because she befriended a loser like u. Mehn, keep being bitter and watch her keep shining.

    3. Anon 14:24 you are d witch, you were jealous, I pray not to have pple like you around me, you are toxic.

  35. Had a friend in sch that time that told me she was still a virgin and I believed her because I didn't see why she would lie about that.

    ..until one day when I went to stay with her for exams..

    .seems she didn't tell her bf I was going to be around,

    anyway that one came in the night and said he couldn't go back to his hostel so he had to sleep on the floor...

    my people, na so I wake up for night dey hear noise...

    was wondering what was happening...only to hear my friend moaning and she was the one on top of the guy riding him...

    to say I was shocked...I pretended to be asleep and left them...

    the following morning they were telling me that I love sleep ooo...

    for their mind, they didn't know I heard it all...

    Didn't like the fact that she lied sha cos I took her as my bestie.... still continued the friendship but we are not close like b4...

    na her life na...wetin concern aproka concern ijeoma...

    Anyway the yeye guy left her later....

  36. Had a gf,we both attended the same secondary school and Uni, the breaking point was when she accused me of stealing her phone on her trad day. I lost my mom some days to her trad and still attended her trad cos of how close we were, to show her how much I loved her, I came from the clinic to attend her trad wedding and went back same day only for her call at night asking for her blackberry torch, Jeez!!! She later found it and apologized , I forgave her but cut all ties with her. During her white wedding she begged me to be her chief bridesmaid, I agreed and asked her to buy the outfit cos I was not buoyant then, she later called and said her in ln-laws gave her a new chief,i should join the bridal train instead. I declined and didnt bother attending because she was not worth it!!

    1. She is a good riddance..She is not ur friend..stay far from her before she accuse u of seducing her hubby.

  37. Hmmmm my own eeeh d babe was a lesbian though i wasnt against it. But i was dating her cousin then. She wanted to be doing me but i refused and next thing she went to her cousin and told so many lies about me, i just had to walk away from them.

  38. I used to have a best friend though the friendship was more like a parasites and host kind of relationship..Long story short he was extremely jealous of my success he thought he should be the one in my shoes because he works harder but he forgot that hard work wasn't the only thing that gaurantee success.he started drinking heavily and God punish him with liver problem which he is currently battling with.he finally wrote to me that we will remain enemies till death. I was happy because I have been playing the host for years.

  39. Mine was my secondary school friend. We were so close, when I moved to her town for work she invited me to stay at her place and the hubby supported cos he was not usually around. Seemed babe was vexing that I go out to work daily and unlike she n her clique, am very secretive...her hubby told me these in her presence. Wahala started before she put to bed. I started feeling like I was staying with a stepmother instead of a friend. Things got to a head when she indirectly asked me to leave(her mother was there), citing that I was close to her husband, I wasn't happy she had given birth, I am the cause of her problems with her inlaws etc. Chaiiii...i wept in my heart cos she n her mum lied to my face. I left. This was a friend that was treating me as a househelp. Since then she has been trying to be friends again, but honestly, I don't think I need such friends. Don't even have her contact and am happy that way.

    1. U are in her house and secretive? How? Person sheltered u and all u have to offer her is being secretive and closer to her husband? She did well by sending u our cos u made her suspect u are saying her hubby with ur secretive moves..Put urself in her shoes, u will do d same..U people expect too much from people harbouring u..SMH.

      **Chy Ozo**

    2. Maybe you were the problem.

    3. Please forgive her. May have been due to stressed associated with being a new mum


  40. I raise two hands up!
    Had this friend back then in uni, very close friend that i felt was my confidant and my shoulder to cry on.I used to tell her about my woes then and she would console me, just when things started going well for me i saw another side of her. That was when my philosophy changed from "you know your true friends when things are bad" to "you know your true friends when things get good". Never knew that my chick secretly enjoyed seeing me in pain and having the feeling that her life was better than mine.
    Well sha.... she knows nothing about me now, can only guess from my siblings posts concerning me on facebook (she know me reach house) cos i blocked her from my own facebook.

  41. I had a friend, very ugly girl. Always forming, wants to be the center of attention, keeps frowning and keeping face when she sees other people relating closely. Will pretend and smile in your face like she can do no harm, wants everybody to be involved in her life, talks too much, will convert your friends to her friends, very wicked and won't every help except it's beneficial to her. Will copy your style and keep straight face like she doesn't know what she's doing. Hahahahahahha! Couldn't cope! I stay far away from girls. There are good ones but very hard to find. May God help me to be a good friend. Amen.

  42. She told heavy lies against me to someone I held so close n dear to me,i was chased out of d house cos of her,but thank God for one of our frnd dat saw tru d lies and went back to talk to the person in question,i was invited for peace talk only to find my so called frnd living with her,she fabricated all the lies just to come take my place in the house,we settled the whole shit but I took a walk n never looked back a frndship of 4 years,the worst was dat people were telling me to be careful abt her dat she is full of jealousy and a backstabber,i never listen.fastforward to last Dec dunno how she got my num we r both married now though,she apologised I accepted but told her dat I could never be same again,shes on my contact but we barely talk,dat girl can kill.....

  43. I once had a friend, we where living together and doing everything together. She claimed her boo is in the abroad but she's always praising mine and all.
    One day boo tried calling me n my no
    din't go (don't know how he got her number till date) and he called my so called frenemy. Since she got the number, she can be with me and b sending him awful messages and be saying evil things about me which aren't true. I didn't realize I was co-habiting with a snake till I moved out. I saw all the messages and my jaw fell down. I don't know what I did to her that warranted her actions. But I still show her Shegey. I don't keep friends since then. Am a one man mopol

  44. I met this girl sometime late last year, she came to my office to sell clothes that was how we became friends. I liked her because i have not had any close friend in a long time. fast forward to Shiloh 2016, i invited her and she stayed with me through out since i live close to church here in ph. one of those morning session in church, she told me she is missing her boyfriend who is serving is one of the northern states, that she wants to have sex. i just told her to manage since he will be home for Christmas, not knowing she already bought a sex toy and kept in my house without my knowledge so as to use it anytime i am not around since her family house is full. I got to know about it during one of the one night with the king we had during our 21 days fasting. she refused to follow me to the vigil. i came back the next morning and saw everything. my bed was stained with all sorts. she was even too tired to stand cos she did herself well. i felt bad and irritated cos i know that is not the kind of friend i asked God for. i told my boyfriend and he told me to stay away from her and since then we haven't seen. she doesn't understand why i started acting cold but i feel better that she isn't my friend anymore.

    1. So judgemental of you. Shiloh my foot.

    2. Lol I spit on such friend

    3. Lol aunty so somebody cannot masturbate in peace again.
      At least she wasn't cheating on her northern boyfriend with another man, so what's your own!

      Eww holier than thou friends like You disgust me!

  45. I dont even for BFF sef.Wetin that one be? Its reserved for teenagers and maybe University students. In this day and age?

  46. I had a best friend,she loved her more than I loved my sisters.She was my confidante ,each time I think about how things got weird between us,my heart gets broken.Mehn I really love that girl and we ain't lesbians. She was so funny and deceptive, she does not even give a damn about me anymore like we were never friends.

  47. Friends have dealt unfairly with me. Can't even start typing.

    I've been on Eagle mode for a long time.

  48. My BBF for 15years is now like a stranger to me. when I was transferred out of lagos, she hardly calls but we still kept in touch whenever am in town, but when I was getting married last year, she never contributed anything to the wedding, and I am not talking about financials. my wedding took place in lagos and I wasn't based in lagos, I expected her to even help me run around as she is based in Lagos, she did nothing, no calls, she will busy my calls, I felt so bad, I wished I hadn't chosen her to be my chief brides maid. Since then I removed her from my closest friends list. she only calls when she needs help or someone to pour her heart to. I have new friends now and I don't even miss her.

    1. You sound like a selfish person.

    2. How is she selfish???

  49. I have a friend like this too. Act like a good girl at home and acts very wild in school. Likes too much attention, can talk. Forms as if she is better than you. I took a walk cause her fake lifestyle is too much and cause she is currently gbenshing one of our lecturer. Can't deal abeg.

  50. Babe thought I was after her boyfriend. Deleted his number and bb pin from my phone, but na she add am before o. Always thought I kept secrets from her and would make subliminal remarks when talking to people, but I know say na me she dey talk about. If she do good for someone, everybody must be aware and she sabi use person ehn. Me I was just patient, and showing love the best way I could irrespective of whatever treatment or attitude she served me. This year I made up my mind that wasn't going to allow such vibes anymore.
    Another one was soooo competitive. If I change phone, she go change her own. If I buy cloth she go say she get something like that. One time she made sure I took her to the market where I buy my okirika. Business nko, na war. I needed some contacts regarding my business, because we do some similar things. Babe no gree o, she kept posting me until I stopped asking. But when I finally got a good contact she made sure I hooked her up. And the babe can lie for Africa. The one that broke the camel's back was one time I was ill. I just started running temperature and no one was home. She was the closest person I could call. Called her and told her the situation of things and begged her to get me some drugs. Babe said she was coming. My people, until my mum returned from work around 8, babe no show, wasn't picking her calls. My dearest mum went to get me the drugs. You know say this babe no call back give reason or even ask if I was getting better. Na that time I know say na only me waka come. I started thinking about our friendship and all the things we've done together and all the competition that had been going on. I gave myself brain that day and kept her at arms length and I've been keeping my business to myself. She and the rest of the world gets to see achievements and strides taken.

  51. reminds me of one ugly stupid frnd ere i met here,we where close tho,loved her like a sister i was having a problem with somone&i told her to help me talk to d person naso she go spoil me n lied on me dere,No time fr drama i had to leave dem&she can gossip for africa,,No time for rubbish frnds,,tufia

  52. reminds me of one ugly stupid frnd ere i met here,we where close tho,loved her like a sister i was having a problem with somone&i told her to help me talk to d person naso she go spoil me n lied on me dere,No time fr drama i had to leave dem&she can gossip for africa,,No time for rubbish frnds,,tufia

  53. Story of my life...she called late on my bday I got angry by the tym I got to fb, gal don delete me, den gossips followed....

    1. Ntooor!
      Did U find out why she couldn't call early?
      You got angry! She deleted you! Good for u!

  54. Don't even have friends both male and female am so lonely

    1. Let me be your friend. Do you reside in lagos???

  55. For those of you complaining about the first story on this post, no be Stella ask for am.
    Other new blog visitors go learn from am.
    Abeg if they do this post 100 more times post am.
    I am awed.

  56. I miss my BFF...Jenny..from Okada..pls call me if u have my numb,lost my fone and for 2years now i av being looking for ways to reach u.I miss u gal...u were more Dan a friend to me..Love u to d moon and back...still d best BFF ever..

    1. No social media connection with your bff? You don't have her number by heart? C'mon girl!!

  57. My own funny..came to lag and stayed with my so called Frnd. ..she turned me to a slave..frustrated my life till I left without even stating up to a month..she was envious of me dat i got 2job offers in less dan a month of staying in lagos wereas it took her several years to get d job she was doing at dat time,after i left, we didn't speak to each oda for like 2years..came bk and became frnds again...shld av known beta..eventually...she started staying wit me..den moved out,only calls me or comes close wen she wants some tin. .after she gets wot she wants,she goes MIA.. .realised after the 4th attempt and cut her off 4good this time..enof of fake frnds

  58. Mine was painful and still is. I gave my best friend a roof over her head for almost a year or more than if am not mistaking. Right in my matrimonial home I made her feel comfortable even when my Ex hubby was always fighting me over her lateness to the house. After a year she got her own place and moved out.The devil came into my marriage and it crashed,I was dejected and broken and guess who I called first when I needed a roof? My so called BF gave me all the excuse in the world why I can't live with her. It's been four years now and I've not heard a word from her but thank God for putting everyone to shame. I am stronger and better.
    P.S. The story of my marriage will come out one day under Chronicles.

  59. Met her during service,loved her like a sister, shared everything about myself with her.she was very secretive with me,very envious,will never call until she needs one form of assistance or the other.she was like the sister I never had.miss her tho but had to let her go cos the relationship was beginning to get toxic.

  60. This one was my friend for 10 years, a single guy, we met and just clicked, he never asked me out we just dey collect dey take, no serious talk about relationships but we were besties, he confided in me every step of the way, if he is worried about something he will call me. I was just a good listening ear and good counsel to him and even encouraged him to move out of his parents house and be a lot more independent. we house hunted together till he found somewhere he liked, all this while he was telling me about a girl he liked and I kept encouraging him to keep trying till she agrees, along the line he ended up devastated when the girl started dating someone else, I helped him heal. eventually, 'we' fixed his place up and then he moved in. I started spending my weekends at his place, I had no expectation from him neither did he from me. Later on, I started developing feelings for him and stylishly started talking about marriage but he will just change topic or just say things like it will be a good idea to marry you oh. eventually I started noticing subtle disrespect here and there but the one that made me cut him off like cancer was when I came to spend the weekend as usual. I came on a Friday after work, the following day Saturday he went out and then called me when he was on his way back that what is our plan for the evening, he wanted us to go for drinks and so that he will smoke too so I said lets just chill at home na and catch up with all the missed programs, he said you are just too lazy, that's how you will be sleeping and snoring anyhow are you sure you wont go back to your house today so I will sleep well this night OMG I couldn't believe my ears when he noticed I was quiet he started laughing that it was a joke. I just got up and packed up my weekend bag waited for him to come back so I could look at his cute face one last time before leaving him for good. he came back and saw me packed up and started saying I am just too dramatic oya sorry na (reluctant apology) I said no he shouldn't worry, that he has been heaping insults on me and nagging unnecessarily he knelt down and was saying sorry he was joking but I was done with him. I left and have not seen or spoken to him since then (January ending). I was secretly wishing he will come to my house and beg me, for wia. I am glad I took the walk and I am ready to start afresh. 10 years of floating relationship no be joke.

    1. LMAO! I like how he embarrassed you out of his life. Can you just read what you just read? You basically made yourself a doormat for a man while secretly hoping he'll see what has been in front of him all that time. When you started developing feelings was the time to pull back abruptly, and if he had feelings for you, that was his time to step up and chase you like a real man does when he really wants a woman! Damn you sold yourself so cheap for him! Respect yourself and watch men flock around you. I'm sure he was fucking other girls right under your nose, while you were arranging weekend bag every Friday. You don't mention marriage to a man. EVER. I hope you learn from your mistakes if not you'll keep finding yourself in the same situation.


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