Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

This is soooo sad!



Stelikorkoko I so much appreciate your effort on these blog may good God bless you,to all the beeves in the house regular and non regular and those who comment anonymously may the Good Lord put smiles on your face like you all put to my face whenever am depressed and read comments you all lighten my mood.pls permit all grammatical errors or blunder won't be editing.

My name is Ojeniyi Rachael,My situation is has a result of been a child out of wedlock,my father was in his first year in the uni when he impregnated my mum who was also preparing for her jamb like I was told,both were not ready for a child they both decided to terminate the pregnancy using several pills and native medicine but God knew I have great and wondrous things to achieve on earth,he knew I was going to be a blessing to myself and my generation unfortunately for my parents all their means was futile that was how they didn't succeed in terminating my life.

I was brought into this world,my father been the last child of his parent,my both grandparents received me with joy regardless of the circumstance surrounding.she went home with my paternal grans after my birth only for her to run away leaving her a piece of paper beside me stating"am gone for good can't let's this child be a hindrance to my success in life"mum that was the letter u left for behind with four days old baby.

why didn't u fight for me?,why did u deny me a mother's love and breast milk?,why did you bring me to this world to be humiliated and molested?,why do I have to be the one to suffer for your own mistakes?these are the questions I would ask her if we ever cross each others path. My both grandparent nurtured,cared for me and showered me with so much love.I lost my grandpa to the cold hands of death when I was grandma was there for me still,i never felt for once I was neglected by my father never carried me whenever he came home for vacation,he avoided me like a plague,i remember when I was four my father told me never to call him dad that he was my uncle so I should call him uncle,remembering now makes cry and laugh together at the same time.

I lost my granny when I was seven to cancer,death why did it have to be the only person who showed me love on planet earth u had to take away from me,grandma why didn't u fight d sickness and stay alive for me?

 Ur demise was the beginning of a life of hell and agony. After the death of my grandma, my dad who was already working and living on his own bluntly refused to take custody of me,i wonder why he detest me so much like I was the one who asked him to have unprotected sex.his elder sister took me in,she paid my school fees,gave me three square meal.bought me cloth occasionally she was nice in her own Lil way though in I had to help her hawk every evening,after a year of living with them,her husband junior brother moved in with us that was when I started seeing life in his true colour the junior bro constantly sexually abused me alongside with the priest who comes visiting once in a while they kept threatening aunt and her husband been a busy person could not have noticed.

I was so scared to tell them I allowed myself to be used and violated for good five years,i finally voiced to my aunt when I could not endure it anymore and I was thirteen and started menstruating,that was how my aunt turned me to a witch that I want to scatter her family it was a serious issue,she said I was lying against her in law and priest that was how she deported me to her friends house.

 Her friend was a rich single mother who had only a son I thought I had entered paradise didn't know it was from frying pan to fire,my first few months with them was great she put me into a very good school,things changed months latter when her son who was rusticated from covenant uni ND was home seeking admission to another school,he was a drug addict and a drunkard raped me.he turned me to his sex slave he would beat stupidity out of me whenever I refused him and tear my clothe,after he gained admission it got worse he brought home x friends to violate me also,i tried committing suicide and he caught me and gave me the beating of my life,telling his mum was out of it because she never asked how I came about d bruises every time although she was always on business trip mostly,i am sure she just turned a blind eye to it.

I became a shadow of myself,life became so unbearable I wished for death but God knowing I was going places spared my life,still surprised how I never got pregnant throughout the four years. 

God helped me I gained admission,the woman I was living with changed during my first semester she became harsh and cold she stopped communicating with me although she paid my school fee and got me a room in school and she left me all to myself. Schooling has been hellish for me.many days without food, hunger made me participate in the just concluded redeem 40 days fasting,i walk to school everyday and my house is quite a distant from rent has expired landlord on my neck,another aunt of my who has bin supporting me with a token to compliment my menial job has stopped sending anything her excuse has bin recession.up till date my both parent has not reached out to me,don't know my mums where about or anything about her,my dad is now married with kids in the UK.

he has never reached out to me neither have I because I can't force my way into someones life when his actions clearly shows he doesn't want me to be a part of his family,have been advised to go into prostitution severally and being tempted to but due to my past I have come to hate sex and I have trauma's am still dealing how then can I prostitute more so religiously it's wrong and for how long.

My last meal was taken yesterday afternoon no hope yet for another cos I don't have a dime on me these all issues has caused me inferiority complex I don't associate with people or socialise,i only associate in school with people of my calibre.have bin through a whole which is beyond that of someone in her early twenties.thank u for giving me a voice to speak out all these years of keeping in it to myself and dad if you get to read this please get in touch with me...

Daddy all I want is u taken care of my financial needs not going to force myself to be a part of your family if you don't want to(Ojeniyi Babatunde)And as for the rapist and child molester have forgiven u but hand you over to God.

Please Mr Ojeniyi,your daughter needs you,she has been through hell and back,you may not know this but please please reach out to this strong woman who has refused to let her traumatic Childhood break her...


  1. It's time to beg.

    1. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars7 March 2017 at 15:35

      So what? She didn't beg you. So let her be.

      Would you rather be happy if she ends up a prostitute or commits suicide?

    2. When they tell people to avoid premarital sex, they won't listen or at least avoid sex if you ain't ready to take care of a baby. Now see the suffering you are putting this poster through.
      Would have loved to help but I have people like you at home who are seeking help too. Will soon send their story to sdk

    3. @anon15:03..mWeyrey lelomi sha! So with all she wrote, na that one concern you. May all she passed thru come to you in thousand folds!

    4. U don't need to say that, begging isn't a sin, there is a situation here and she needs help pls

    5. Did she beg you? Abunu
      Which of the "beggers"have you helped?afori

    6. Shut the fucking mouth. End time mumu+ idiot.@ natt said so

    7. Anon 15:03, u are a demented psycho.... end time smelling mouth

    8. Stella, Please how can we reach out to this poster financially?

    9. Stella, Please how can we reach out to this poster financially?

    10. Stella, Please how can we reach out to this poster financially?

    11. Ojeniyi Babatunde for the love of God help your daughter.

    12. Queen amy, please don't send their story. Thanks

    13. Anon15:03,its time you back out of SDKB!!!

    14. is it a crime beg Mtcheeew? Very stupid Comment.

    15. You are a very wicked man o, how do you sleep at night knowing you have a daughter out there suffering?

  2. I had dis experience recently, asked a guy who invited me to visit his base if I will address myself as his sis,acquintance or wat wen I visit. It's 2days now he jst kept mute makes me wonder Wats wrong with my qtn. And to tink I was jst teasing him it jst feels strange

    1. It all depends on what you are going there to do.

    2. It's like you were not loved as a kid.... Somebody is using you for your pekus and you are still there.... Sit tight ndo.... Na granny you be to him

    3. Don't bother u don't need an answer.d guy just wan collect.dont waste ur time with such pple.

    4. wa! People are sha suffering.
      Lord help us!

  3. Replies
    1. Just goggled the fathers name babatunde ojeniyi. Poster please what country is he in? No one is saying you should go and scatter his family or put his wife on the edge... Just that he should sponsor your education at least till you finish school. Once he is found also put all your anger ( which is justified) aside and be extra nice to his family and lovingly plead for his assistance.

  4. hmmmmmm painful. Angels please help her

    1. What's the name of the stupid rapist let's shame him!

  5. Is this a movie or what?...
    Who abandons his/her flesh and blood like this?...
    Stella,investigate this story wella and get back to us!...
    I hope it's not one of those format!...
    Me I be guy oh!...I no wan make person chop me and call me Maga!...

    1. Nwaada Linda, this is the lastest trend, no fall mugu, recession is biting hard and they know Stella id number one mugu amd maga

    2. You be guy ? For your mind now abi. You go pay tire, them go still gbensh yiu join.
      You go dey make mouth.. LOL

    3. "Me I be guy oh!...I no wan make person chop me and call me Maga"

    4. See this queen that I have chopped before.u be confirm mugu queen nd trash

    5. Chief(MRS)...lmao@i hope this not another format. Mugu fall,guy man rise

  6. Na wa o! Ojeniyi babatunde show naa!
    Poster what about ur maternal home?

  7. This is so sad.How can one get the poster's contact?

  8. This is so so sad.


  9. Linda its a real story...ALL SHE WANTS IS FOR HER FATHER TO CONTACT HER but if he doesnt?thats my fear...rejection is painful.

    1. Any sob story can be real to you.

    2. Stella Stella no don't be falling like this now

    3. Who is this insensitive chameleon?

    4. Annonymous were @ 15:15... Lol

    5. If my own mother did not dump my younger sister to her father's (my sister's father) place to be taken care of by her grandparents, I'd not have believed this story. Thank God she wasn't abused or molested. I had to go and search for my sister after so many years, with the same woman that left her there.....Thank God I now have a sister and we get along just fine.

    6. I believe her,poster pls continue staying strong your dad will soon contact u this story is tough.I advice you get trained maybe hair making so u can see yourself through school

    7. It's real, I once sent in a girl's pics that was looking for her mother that abandoned her and the little siblings to remarry. It was posted on Ihn 2015, I don't think the mum have contacted them until now. This kind of things happen, at least I have witnessed one.

    8. This Stella too Mumu. An sob story is real to you. Lol. Goat

    9. When I tell people that most women only act like they love kids because the kids are like a collateral for staying under a man,most women love men more than kids,if women really loves kids like it is assumed there will be nothing like abortion

    10. Anon 16:44
      Your statement "most women love men more than kids" super true. I experienced tht first hand. Am learning to forgive

    11. Anon 16:44, you speak truth. I remember a woman once said that she would rather all her kids die than her hubby. Her justification was that they could gbensh and have more kids. Imagine telling this to ur own kids who u decided to bring into this world. She actually told them to their faces!

    12. Too many lies. If you know say na truth you talk. Send me ur acc num, but if na lie no try am o

    13. Some people should stop being insensitive already. If only people will open up and speak about what they went through in life to become what they eventually emerged, some of us will understand that this is no joke. Nevertheless, we ought to beware of fraudulent people. Stories like this needs to be properly investigated before action is taken accordingly.

    14. I think I have read something similar about aunty son n his friends in covenant university molesting her....I'm not saying you are lie poster o...May God see you through

    15. Stella please I would like to reach out to this lady. How can we reach her. Can you post her account details for those of us that would like to help out. Thanks

  10. Is this a true life story?or naija movie,? Bcos it's unbelievable*sad*God pls send her a helper.

  11. Wow... I cried, life is so cruel, how can you bring a child into this world and allow her to suffer for your sins.

    Mr Ojeniyi, come and take care of your daughter before God will punish you.

    1. Cried for what?abeg park well.if u believe this then u can believe anything.

  12. So so very sad 😔😔😔😔

    Darling it's well with you okay! Helpers shall locate you from all over and God will surprise you in such a way that you'll be left speechless!

    Please don't think suicide again... Ever again! Try as much as possible not to drop out of school or join prostitution. God never abandons His own...He will surely remember you soonest! Just have faith

    As for your mother and father and that rapist and molesters...hmmmmm. Let God deal with them accordingly

  13. We all came through sperm and if the man didn't release there wont be any pregnancy. Some men thought sperm is water. Mr. Babatunde, your sperm result is alive and speaking how long would you continue to avoid it? Fear God because if anything happens to her you and her mother (your lover then) will bear the consequences. This poster has passed through alot and only God will help you dear. Don't lose faith.

  14. This one na format as usual Stella and gullible readers go fall, this is the easiest way to make money on this blog, liars and thieves have built a house on this blog

    1. The girls school fees and house rent can be paid directly into the school and landlords account.

    2. Shut d fuckup,do u knw wat it means 4 a girl child to be sexually abused bcs o lack o parental care?dey live wit d trauma all deir lives,i av a cousin who was raped @ a tender age,she was moved to her mother' sista haus,gateman sef slept wit her n her father is in canada,sexual molestation is real,besides dis poster mentioned her father's name,she didn't beg 4 anytn,she jst wnts her father 2locate her n I tink dis is fastest way,

    3. No be everything be lie, I know 3 people who were abandoned by their mother and they are adult now without any knowledge of their mother

    4. Anon 15:19, u re so right. People be lieing to gullible Stella and bvs to get money.

    5. Mr Format go and take care of your own kids you abadoned. You are next to be exposed!

    6. @MDee,abeg park well.Even if you were gullible, u get money wey u wan give?

  15. This is painful. I shed tears while reading this. May God send help to you poster. I don't know how some women abandon their kids and still sleep well at night. I will never abandon my son for any reason. I have been taking care of him alone till now that he is six. We will keep drinking garri together till God send help to us. Children are gifts from God.

    1. Tears full your eyes...crying over a fake story..rubbish!

  16. Poster may you find a good Samaritan that will help you out of this your present predicament. One thing I admire about you is the fact that you didn't loose hope. Keep fighting. God has prepared a table for you. As for those Bastards that raped you. Well, may the lord bless them with impotency.

  17. Fake chronicle,liar

    1. Thunder fire ur end time mouth

    2. Hi 5👏Your head dey there...
      I mean How can i person be so afflicted? Even Jesus Christ didn't suffer this much.! But if this is true of the Chronicler, then stella pls post her account so that we can contribute to her welfare. may such never be the portion of any bv IJN. Amen

    3. Hi5....your head dey there.
      I mean How can i person be sooo afflicted? Even Jesus Christ didn't suffer this much! stella pls post account so that we can contribute to her. Since you confirm that it is true. But May God reject such from the Chronicler IJN amen

    4. Sum pple r so insensitive,Jesus dint suffer but he died for u abi?na wa oh.....

  18. Is this really for real? Lord have mercy ooo kai which kind of wahala be this na. God pls help this lady discover love and send a helper to her.

  19. The man obviously does not want anything to do with her this is so heart breaking. No one should have to go through this.

    1. My friend experienced something similar. Her mum didn't abandon her though,but died after a prolonged sickness when we were very young. On her death bed, she begged her daughter to forgive her dad. So after her death,we went looking for him. Long story short, We got his contact details and she called his phone. When she introduced herself as the child he had with her mum, he dropped the call! She couldn't reach him afterwards. I was there with her when she called and I will never be able to explain the sadness I felt that day. We were still teens then. If you have parents who love and care for you, you are blessed!

  20. How can the poster be contacted or helped while waiting for her father to reach out? Stella, can we reach you to get across to her?

  21. How can the poster be contacted or helped while waiting for her father to reach out? Stella, can we reach you to get across to her?

  22. It can be true ooo don't we see it online everyday of people dumping their kids in soak away,wastebin,some throw them into the well.poster you are very lucky she didn't throw u into carnal.when there's live there's aunt once found a child at her doorstep

    1. And women doing abortion every now and then

  23. Wow wow! So sad and scary. Please drop your account details and forget about your parents, dem just be transport wey u use come this world. May God be with u dear xoxo

  24. Eeyah how I wish I could help, poster help will come ur way and me too

  25. Both parent should please get in touch with her, poster I feel your pain truly, it hurts when you've been molested and can't speak up, happened to me before and I lost my track and sense of reasoning but thank God, grace found me. Grace will definitely locate you poster. It is well.

  26. I feel so weak, I feel tired, I feeĺ weak reading this story. Lord please intervene in her matter. Mr ojeniyi babatunde where are you

  27. How did she know her mum wrote the note!I feel your mum also has a lot to tell u,look for her!

  28. I cried reading this, poster it is well with you. God will make a way.

  29. Some Yoruba people are highly's only in Yoruba land that a man will marry and live in fathers compound comfortably....tufia kwa

    1. You are just an Oloriburuku daughter of a prostitute. We've been to your village and we see how your unfortunate kinsmen live. God will punish that your stupid hand for insulting an entire tribe cos you want to appear knowledgeable. Omo ale!

  30. I'm a student like you. can I transfer 2k to you so you can eat?

  31. Hmmmmmn life indeed is cruel. It is well with you.

  32. Stella if it's real, pls post account number! Let's do what her parents refused to do for her.... pls stay strong, with or without ur parents u will survive, in due time they will come begging

  33. Pls fellow BVS I cried as I read her story been through something like this. I had a son out of wedlock 15 yrs ago.My son's father abandoned my son and I.He married another woman almost immediately he left us in fact he got married while I was pregnant But I brought up my son single handedly with help from my mother and siblings.We used to contribute money me and my sisters and my mom to pay my son's school fees!My son is alive today.My son and I we are based in Sweden here with my husband. My son and my husband are best buddies now he took him like his own son so tis nothing that Almighty Jehovah can't do for us. Poster just be prayerful and have hope. People will reach out to you. Mine was my family they were my backbone. Though I lost my mother and sister last year I can never forget the sacrifices they made for me and my son.

  34. soo sad too sad. life seems to be unfair. keep looking up to God if going right left back and front aint working. look up dear.

  35. soo sad too sad. life seems to be unfair. keep looking up to God if going right left back and front aint working. look up dear.

  36. soo sad too sad. life seems to be unfair. keep looking up to God if going right left back and front aint working. look up dear.

  37. This story seems somehow to me. Everywhere you go you are raped .
    I hope this is not the case of trying to tarnish someone name by mentioning names.
    Or sob stories to get financial help. I don't usually doubt peoples story but the thing reads like a Nollywood script. A Yoruba movie to be precise.
    I hope help finds you.

    1. U sound so stupid. How many names did she mention if not her fathers name. The girl is looking for her father to help her. Period!

  38. Seriously I cried reading 📖 this! D lord is ur strength.

  39. God please send her helper.
    Poster try and reach out to your father,you don't have anything to lose.

    If she's know what to do God

  40. Seriously I cried reading 📖 this! D lord is ur strength.

  41. Someone who knows Ojeniyi Babatunde should reach out to him! If you read this Mr. Ojeniyi, fucking be a man and reach out to your daughter you fucked up man! In future you will see this neglected daughter of yours is whom you'll need to help you and your kids. Giving african men a bad name. Fucked up nigga

  42. Anon 15 .03 I lolled like an idiot just now . Lmaaaoo

  43. Chai with the things you have gone thru, if na me be u, na to go naked at night rain curses on both irresponsible parents until they search for me. God is not man neither is He a partial God but why did he allow her dad to be able to impregnate another woman? I'm seriously pained. My darling, jst give it time, I know very soon their lives would be at a stand still until they get in a touch with u. I wish u Gods peace.

  44. The poster should go on Facebook and google and try to locate her father by searching for him, she can also contact her aunt and ask her for the dad contact details at least the aunt would have that. All the best.

  45. JESU! stella dis is fabu of the highest order nau. #Yimu# wehdon awon chronicle writers ekuise pupo....make Una no go find work.

    1. I Pray that life will always be fair to you Amakag.

  46. I believe this story bcos I and my are victim here and still struggling to get out of it, I am almost 30 and my younger sister is 19, I told my aunt about his husband molestation us, I became a witch to my aunt, Immediately I chose to waka out of their house with my younger ones as my father abandon us to marry another woman in abroad and my mother still struggling to put things in order. Please pray not to fall into such situation.

  47. Chai this story... i hope they did not pour you with hatred by all. So many people who would have helped you, turned you into another thing. Mr. Olaniyi go and collect your daughter, useless man

  48. Everyday men especially abandon their children born or unborn! That shows how desperately wicked the heart is. Poster it is well with you never give up! Almighty God will send helpers to you dat will be a miracle. Hold on don't give up. Love yourself no matter what. You are valuable to God.Even if your parents forget you. God dat created heaven and earth will not forget you!

  49. Stella, kindly get her account details. Let us all jointly help her with whatever we can afford. She can't be battling emotional trauma and parental abuse, and be contending with hunger. Express your empathy and sympathy in deeds, words only are counterproductive.

  50. I believe this story 100% because it is happening in my family as we speak. My younger brother has 3 kids from 2 women and abandoned them with my mom, and the mother of the kids? None wants their kids.They haven't called to ask of them in years. The kids survive because we, their aunties and uncles support them through my mom. They are all in school and doing well. My brother is off to get married, spoils his wife to be silly, yet no food, clothing or education for his existing kids. We have told him we are not involved in this his wedding coming up in may and he doesn't care. Dear poster, don't worry, God will surprise you ok? My love to you Sweery.

  51. May you find the help you seek dear

  52. Dear Stella,

    Can you please edit this story and put her account number? Please. Please.

    I had goose pimple reading this

    Whether your father accept you or not, you ought to stand on your feet. If you are established, he will be the one looking for you. Your mother would look for you.


    1. As in eh.

      I feel for her really!

      She didn't ask to be brought into this world

  53. Some insensitive ppl are saying fake story, hian pls if u can't help her don't add to her agony. Please I beg u ppl. I really feel for this girl, what.some ppl are going through is better imagined than seeing. May the Lord send help ur way dear

  54. Is the mother dead, why only search for the father, is it because he's in the abroad? Your story might be true, but for sure you have added some spices yo get pity.....only you to be abused like that???????

    1. Are you not dumb? Did u even read the story? Her mother left her in her fathers house when she was 4 days old..... In fact go back n read n digest instead of sounding stupid.

  55. Mr. Ojeniyi the punishment u will receive for this, is still gathering momentum from river Niger, the red sea and Lagos Lagoon. i am sure things are not going well for u and you don't have peace of mind...u better reach out to your daughter.

  56. You just can't understand this life , until you go through some phases, i have been through something similar to this, for years i looked for my mum till i was contacted through an old from of her's last year that she passed on(Long story) so i believe the poster and i pray God grant you your heart desires... Cheers

  57. Stella how can we contact to help the poster?

  58. Most people shouting fake, fake are usually pauper and broke.They feel threatened whenever someone write a stories like this,because they feel their help is going to someone else or nobody remember them so why should they remember those who come with stories.

  59. To all those saying it's a lie, she wrote out her name and that of her father's. To me that's good enough. One can verify through facebook or other social media. But then, when you want to bless, one should bless and let God reward our #acts. If God is to look #well before answering our prayers or blessing us. Most people won't be blessed. My prayer for this #lady is that may the. Grace of God find you. All those of you are just unnecessarily vile and vulgar thinking it's #cool, I just believe you all need to grow up and find peace within your self. Who blog popularity help access #heaven?

  60. Nigerians do we really have to be like this I read in this girls story and I rushed down to read comment I was once a victim like her grew up in an orphanage home presently in the state now happily married if u ve never bin in this kinda situation don't comment I know what it x like,and please fellow Nigerians I beg of u either scam or real u saying negative things is really bad,if it's true some comment I read here can make the girl cry all night and hard to her burden,4 sum one to come out for help either real or not they need it,rich people won't ask for finicial help.stella I will send u a mail to get her details,givers never lack,and trust ur instinct,i belive her not because of what I read but my instincts never deceive me.stella y am I having difficulty getting a blog id

  61. What a cruel world... Chai! I searched the name on FB but so many names came up. Rejection is too painful... My close relative was also rejected by her father n family,but her mum's family took her(I.e my family) she was so fortunate,she beared our surname till she married a virgin... This little girl ,her rejection started from her mother,,once a mother rejects her child,it's a real big problem,the heart of man is desperately wicked,women in their right senses r compassionate.. This brought tears to my eyes 😧😦😥😥

  62. Please send your account details to Stella. Stella please I'd watch out on IHN tommorow. That evil woman sent you away to university because she knows her son was abusing you and she doesn't want you to stay longer before you take her to the police.

    Poster, all I can say to you is: stay determined. I've not even gone through 1/100th of what you have so I can't say I relate. But you have to be strong. Don't drop out of university. Whatever you do, stay in. Let that be your safe haven away from the domestic drama. Also, I'm sure that a lot of financial help will come for you from here. Don't squander it all. Do a side biz and support yourself in school. Make clothes and hair. They won't take you away from school for long. Doing runs? Naah.... 👎🏽 Yea you've had a dramatic life, but are you going to let that determine how you live going forward? You can find a man (no scratch that) God can send you a man who will love you and give you financial support without selling your body for money. Please don't join in. Stand out. And you can still marry a very successful man too. I've seen it happen; not just once or twice.

    Joyce Meyer was abused by her own father. Look at her today. Oprah Winfrey was abused as a child, look at her today. Take time to heal and channel all the pain into becoming successful. So that one day you will tell this story with a smile on your face.

    Lastly, stay prayerful. God is the father to the fatherless. He sends help even when we least expect it. That I can tell you for sure. My prayer for you today is that you would never know worse days. You don't know why your father is ornof your life. Maybe living with him would have been worse. Let him keep his money if he's so heartless. So that when you finish well he won't be able to take any glory. Only God will.

    1. God bles u chikito. Poster. Dis is d best response

    2. From today no matter Wat any one say about you I will never read or answer. You just earned my respect

  63. If you doubt this story, then you are as dumb as they come. On what basis exactly? You think this is impossible? Wow you must have had a blissful life, people go thru worse on daily basis. If you doubt it so much, get details and verify. Don't come here rubbing your ignorance all over the place.
    Poster you are ọ positive, to think that you kept talking about how good God kept you cos he knew your life would be, one would think all your troubles are gone. Pls hold on to God, you have been thru hell and back but like you said, it is cos God has unimaginable plans for you. Please don't give up, hold on.
    Stella get her bank details so we can help in our best ways. Including phone number cos she definitely needs counseling.

  64. So so sad, poster God that made you to be alive to write these will interven, I know what you went and still going through is not easy at all, please remove any evil taught of your mind, and see the wonders of God.

  65. Im moved to tears. I wish i had a job, wud av loved to help. May God send u helpers

  66. My dad abandoned me too, denied me and moved on. I grew up hating him with every bone in my body. Life wasn't smooth but God had my back.
    Now God has glorified himself in my life, he has given me glory for my story and beauty for ashes. I tell my kids that grandpa is long dead, yes he is dead to me.
    His neglect motivated me to work hard in life and thanks to him, I am where I am today to the glory of God.
    If I ever meet him, I will spit on his face and walk away.

    1. Kai pls forgive so you can be free. I know it is hard, but just let go of the hate. God bless you love and so sorry fir what happened you. Some men eh!

  67. It's high time people put their facebook profile names for confirmation of their sob story

  68. What about her mum, she can aso reach her by this blog...

  69. It can be true. My cousin did the same thing to his first child. Although he's not married to anyone yet he's still a dead beat. He beat the daughter severally for calling him daddy. If not for his parents na only God know where that girl for dey now. Plus her mom ran away to Lagos too. I've heard of plenty cases like this o.. And most of them are females it's really sad AF.

  70. Na wa, men fathering children they have no intention of taking care of... But ur mum nko or is it becos of just finances

  71. Mr Ojeniyi,you can't go without punishment for all what happened to your daughter by the grace of God

    1. Amen, the children he has from his legally married wife will abandon him

    2. Amen....
      Even greater punishment for you Adeyemi Kayode Owolabi..God will disgrace you and your satanic cohorts in the name of Jesus..Your punishment will start from earth and continue in HELL loruko jesu christi

  72. To all those blaming Stella for posting this story please don't I beg u and all those posting things saying it's not real am sure u re single cos no real mother will hear this children story and won't want to help regardless it been fake or not,cos she x doing what a real mother will do and for Stella to say it's real see x convinced,cos if Stella just post chronicle anyhow we will have chronicle of such everyday.lets be reasonable in our comment most especially singles

  73. This is terrible, please both parents should locate her

  74. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind...I have read something similarly of the Aunty's son in convenant uni n his friends sleeping with her ...poster God will help you if this story is real..

  75. I think I have read something similar about aunty son n his friends in covenant university molesting her....I'm not saying you are lie poster o...May God see you through

  76. Awww @anon18.29 . Forgive him and release him from ur heart pls . It happened to me too. I couldn't forgive him when he died I couldn't cry I secretly rejoiced. In fact I was a prostitute at the time of his death . It hurts to be rejected the pain never goes away. It hurts like mad . . Dad I hope uve told ur maker why u abandoned me . Hope u told him the truth ? It hurts !! Men of this blog I beg under no circumstances should you abandon any of ur kids except ur life is in danger pls pls . 😥😥😥.

  77. Stella can I have this poster's details please? I would like to help

  78. Now see why nigerians need to embrace adoption!!!
    So many rejected & neglected kids are bounced around from family member to family member, most of them treat these children like an unwanted parasite indeed. In the process they are exposed to sex predators and wickedness & all sorts of abuse, serial & systematic manipulation.
    You're better of to have been given up for legal adoption as a baby or infant, and protected from such endless youre going through now. No one needs relatives or people who won't stand up for you or help you out when in need.
    You or nobody deserves knowing people like that. Useless family members or unhelpful relatives to a small child who is their own blood & kin, CAN GO TO HELL !!!

  79. Stella is it possible to get the email address of the person that sent the chronicle? I really want to help.

  80. Stella Please share the posters number so we can reach her and help in any way we can.

    thank you

    Her Majesty

  81. Dear Poster, u know what, the best revenge in life is success, u keep striving hard, u will survive this trying times cos something that definitely has a beginning will surely have an end, don't give up nw, when you become sooo successful, the cowards will come looking for you....


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