Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..

What a story!!


It's a chronicle about my late sister. Today 23/03/ 2016 is the birthday of her son.

Below is the picture of her son and mine. You can hardly tell the difference. The light skinned is my son.

Have been waiting for this day to share my chronicle.

Let me tell you little about my background before my main story.

I am from a family of five, four girls and one boy which is the last born. My father was a teacher and a cocoa businessman. We live in the village. My father was a rich man in the village (village champion things lol).

When I was age seven, my Aunt (dad's younger sister) came to the village, immediately I saw her knowing she came from Lagos, I started crying that I want to go to Lagos. My mum wasn't okay with me leaving her, she cried her eyes out begging me not to go secretly that she will kill chicken if I didn't go, I started shouting to the hearing of my Aunt and Dad that "I don't want chicken ooooo, I want to go to Lagos in my dialect. My Aunt started crying that will she abuse me if I go to Lagos, why is my mum refusing me to go with her

I was allowed to go to Lagos with my Aunt, little did I know I was going to suffer. When I got to Lagos I started primary two. One week after my arrival I started hawking, from plantain chips to eba without soup (eba kolobe) in Yoruba to akara then I graduated to hawking fried fish which I did for seven years. A very light skinned, pretty naive girl hawking in the street of Lagos. So many people wanted to take advantage of me, some will even touch my dry chest all in the name of buying fish, I even escaped being raped. After hawking I will go home to fetch water, wash dishes and may be beaten for not selling all the fried fish.

For those years from 1994 - 2001, I didn't see my parents. Finally in August 2001, my father was doing age group in the village, I travelled to see my parents. Didn't even recognise my Dad when I saw him. I and my cousin travelled first before my Aunt later joined us. Before she came I narrated what I went through to my mum and she advised I go back but immediately I get there and she still maltreat me I should start coming home so as if it won't look like a plan work if I refuse to go back. I told my Dad, he called my Aunt and told her not let me hawk anymore (yimu) that I should start lesson after school which she agreed. All the years I stayed with her, my father was sending my school fees and that of her son who is my age mate, he also sends foodstuffs. The only thing I needed was civilisation and shelter. My father was sending money steadily.

When I returned to Lagos, I started JSS3, my Aunt went and register me in an evening class, will go to school, after school I will hawk, then go to evening class after hawking (all my body be smelling fish fish in the class). The maltreatment no be here ooooo. There were days I won't go to school because I didn't finish selling her fish, or won't eat because I sold fish on credit. I will wash her clothes, cook, wash dishes, fetch a drum of water and so many things I can't mention. Even take care of her grandson, because her second daughter gave birth out of wedlock.We were living in a one room face me I slap you house with her six children plus her grand son making ten people in one room. She was jealous of me as little as I was because I am finer than her girls and she wanted to disfigure me,but God didn't let her.

Finally I had the courage to call my parents, told them I was tired. Left when i was entering SS2 at the age of 15.

Thought new life had begin when I left her place, I was happy my father enrolled me in a boarding school where I finished secondary school.

When my WAEC and NECO came out I made all my papers in one sitting, my Dad was very happy and proud of her brilliant daughter.

My dreams shattered when I finished secondary school, just six months after leaving secondary school I lost my dad which happens to be my birthday. My mum just also delivered the last and only boy which was only 23days through CS.

Life was tough, we never expected it. Five children with me being the eldest. After his death the only thing we inherited was two bungalow and cocoa, house in the village is five hundred naira per room. The cocoa was sold and was used in buying ritual things for his burial because he was a chief. We were left with nothing.

To the main chronicle, I wrote my story so you all will understand where I am coming from.

My immediate younger sister wasn't too brilliant as much as I do, but luckily for her she gained admission into the university with an awaiting result, she struggled but along the line something happened.

She was supposed to graduate but after project she couldn't go for service, she was told to go back to 200level because her name was no longer in the department. When she was in 200level, she couldn't cope in her department so wanted to change to another department. She bought the form to change her course, was released from her department, getting to the new department she wasn't accepted. She just went back to her department unknown to her, her name was no longer in the department. She was advised to start all over again.

She got tired and travelled to the village. I wasn't aware, she couldn't tell me, all my mind was that she was waiting for call up letter.

I stay in my friend's house with her stepmother. Who happens to like me, took me like her own. I was working but my salary wasn't big but was paying little bills but couldn't afford to rent an apartment yet. When I noticed she was staying longer than I thought, I called my mum and asked about her. She was the one who narrated what happened to her to me.

I called her, consoled her, told her not to give up on her self, she might not have a certificate for now but not an illiterate. I told her to think of what to do that I will assist her.

I gave her money to rent an apartment in a neighbouring state where I graduated from, bought popcorn machine and a gas cylinder to start up a small business. She complained of low sales which I encouraged her to continue pending the time we will figure out a better business.

One day I was on SDK, I saw an advert on vacancy for a hotel job as a bar attendant plus accommodation, I called her and gave her the number to call. She was given the job.

The month she started, she met a guy unknown to me. Then she started complaining of loss making, that when she wants to remit after sales her money is never complete, that her salary is been deducted. Told her to go back to the state she came from since she still has her accommodation till she's able to get her feet on the ground. She refused, that she has gotten another job, that she replacing a girl that's leaving her job for another at the end.

The next month she called that she dreamt of having an abortion that she was bleeding heavily, that her pastor ask her to confess. Told her to be very careful and play safe. After some days she called again that she missed her period, told her to chill that it happens, but something tells me she was pregnant, I just kept quiet, waiting for her to tell me if the missed period later came. She called me after some days and told me she was pregnant. I wasn't surprised but was disappointed.

I begin to ask myself questions

How did it happen?

Was she pregnant before she came to Lagos?

She just came to Lagos not even up to 2months. I was really disturbed and angry but I kept my cool. I later called and ask her who was responsible.

She told me she met the guy where she was working, he used to be the former manager of that hotel. I asked her if the guy is aware, she said yes that the guy lied that the guy acted funny, that he wanted her to have an abortion. She said she just found out the guy has a daughter in the village staying with his mum and also has a son with another woman but never married, that she wanted to have an abortion but she's scared to have an abortion because of the dream she had. Told her I wasn't going to support abortion because I was TTC but no yet married, that whatever she decides, I will support her financially. Which I immediately transfer some money into her account. It was an agreement between my and my fiance to get pregnant before wedding but I wasn't living with him. I only visit on some weekends. Later she called that she and the guy had settle, that she should keep the baby. I requested for the guys phone number, called to meet him in person and ask what his plans are which we never saw.

He sounded nice on the phone, he said he loves my sister and would love her to keep the baby. Asked him about his kids, he said he impregnated a girl when he was in secondary school, that the girls mother is married with kids now, the other baby mama they met when he was in Abuja for training, they didn't even date, it was just to have fun, he was surprised after leaving Abuja the lady called him to tell him she was pregnant and not ready to abort. He said in December he will come for the introduction then the traditional marriage which never happened.

Two months after she got pregnant, God answered my prayers, I got pregnant too. I called her gave her the good news, I requested for her house address, she told me where she lives and I believed her but didn't have time to visit her. Anytime am chanced she claims to be busy also.

There was a time my mother wanted to send some money to me, told her to send it to my sister, immediately the money entered into the account the guy saw the alert, took her debit card which he knew her pin and withdraw the money same day. I called her if she has seen the money, she said no that she didn't receive any alert. I called my younger sister that sent the money to go back to the bank to verify if they posted the money. They did post the money but immediately the money entered, it was withdrawn via debit card at a location close to her.

I called her and ask if anyone has access to her phone and debit card pin. She said yes that it's the guy that impregnated that has access to it. She asked the guy but he denied. She said she knows he can't do such a thing, that probably the money wasn't sent. Told her to go to the bank to request for statement of account, she started giving excuses. I told her I don't think the guy his a good guy, that am pretty sure he withdrew the money and deleted the alert from her phone.

I told her I trust her because I know she doesn't lie to me but she should just go to the bank to confirm what I said. She started crying swearing by my father's grave that if she knows anything about it, let my father's grave kill her. She just hung up on me. I tried calling g her back to forget it, she didn't pick up. That was the beginning of our enmity. We were both pregnant.

She and her immediate were now very close, that I became their enemy. She stopped telling me her secrets or even called but rather she will tell her immediate. Her immediate started calling me all sorts of names. When I couldn't bear it, I reported them to our older cousins which are like our father. They invited us, and was surprised we were both pregnant. They settled it.

Then, she gave birth, she didn't call me to inform me she gave birth, it was my Aunt who informed me, I was surprised because I thought we've resolved our differences. I called her to wish her congratulations but didn't pick, I called the guy, was angry he didn't call me, which he apologised, asked for address, he promised to send it immediately after the call but he didn't. I was so worried, my sister number wasn't reachable. I got so worried.

She gave birth on Wednesday, couldn't visit her that day because we live at the two ends of Lagos and I had to go to work on Thursday, thankfully Friday was a public holiday. On Friday morning I woke up early to go visit her but I didn't receive the address from the guy. Her number was still unavailable and that of the guy, around noon her phone rang, she was reluctant to give me the address, but I persuaded her which she later did.

I planned staying with her till Sunday, because my mum was planning to come before she gave birth but she refused, even after giving birth she didn't want her to know her place. She finally agreed she comes on Monday.

When I got to the address I was shocked, I thought where I grew up was the worst part of Lagos. I didn't know a place like that exist in Lagos. All houses there are constructed with planks and roofing sheet with no ventilation.

When I saw my sister I broke down in tears, the guy abandoned her there. I asked why she didn't open up to us, that we can never forsake her, she's our blood. Then I looked at the beautiful boy and started crying. She started crying also. I asked her about the guy, that have been trying to reach him that he switched off his phone, she said he left this morning.

I asked how she was feeling, she said fine that she's dizzy, asked if the doctor was aware, she said yes, that is that migraine that she normally has. I called my Aunt because my mom's number wasn't available, I explained to her the condition I met her, I was told to bring her home but she refused, she said she needed to rest she can't travel long distance yet that after naming she will.

I couldn't sleep because I was heavily pregnant too, also I had to go to market to buy the baby clothes and some other stuff, so I left on Friday, Saturday morning my husband ask what was my plan about her, that since the place I met her is horrible that I should move her over first. I told him when I come back from market I will decide. I called her when I came back to ask if she has eaten and also if the guy has come she said the guy hasn't come, I was worried. I called his phone was still off. I informed my cousin about the situation. They called her she refuse to pick because she didn't want them to know where she was. She was angry why I told them, I ask her to pick the call that there's nothing to hide again. She picked and gave them the address.

Not up to 30 minutes when she called and my cousins were on their way to her place while I was with my husband still deliberating on what to do, I received a call that my sister fainted that they are rushing her to a hospital. About two private hospitals rejected her before they took a taxi to take her to a government hospital, the hospital declared her dead on arrival. When I was called upon, I went straight to the house to pick up the son before heading to the hospital, while in the taxi, was with three of her neighbours, praying to God, calling God of Adeboye to please save her. One of her neighbours phone rang, she was told in her language that she was dead before getting to the hospital.

She started lamenting but not crying because she knew I was pregnant, that my sister suffered, the guy abandoned her there, she would go without food with pregnancy. That he has wife and kids somewhere around.

The one that shocked me most was when I was told she delivered at home. Why on earth will my sister deliver at home and still lie about it, even when i ask her where she delivered, she told me in the hospital, I asked her blood pressure but she said she doesn't know it that it's the guy that knows it, I was angry with her that why on earth will you not know your blood pressure that don't they check it during antenatal, that even an illiterate know his/ her BP. My sister lied to me even at the point of death.

My blood pressure skyrocketed, I was heavily pregnant with pregnancy induced hypertension, now this is happening. It was her neighbours who revealed what she went through in the taxi on our way to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital, I was told she was dead, with the baby on my arms, some minutes later my cousins joined, I was asked to sit in the taxi while they made arrangement to deposit her body in the mortuary.

I left the hospital carrying the 3days old baby home, on getting home around 10p.m, we discovered the baby was running temperature, my husband and I set out to the nearest private hospital, they demanded for 250,000 deposit, we were told he had infection, jaundice and fever. Jesus what is this, I only have forty thousand naira in my account that has a debit card and hubby doesn't even have cash up to that amount or debit card because it was on a Saturday. We left the private hospital to three other government hospitals before we finally got one that has the facilities needed to threat him. We started our journey from 11p.m till 5.30a.m with my pregnancy moving from one hospital to the other.

My sister came from school to joined in the hospital. She told me she knew about her condition but she begged her not to tell the rest of the family, that they were going to move out of that slum, she even showed her the receipt of the new apartment they just rented. When she visited her the guy even borrowed her school fees which he hasn't returned yet.

My mum that was travelling on Sunday, was told to stay back that my sister will be coming to the village for proper care because they didn't know how to break the news that her daughter is dead. Immediately the guy knew she was dead, he went to carry his few belongings, even to her gas cylinder, the provisions I bought for her on Friday when I visited and the money I gave her.

My father's family member requested for the husband before she could be buried, it's our tradition since she gave birth out of wedlock for the man to pay her marriage right. He was contacted, he promised to be in the village, people that wanted to take him were ready the day they were supposed to travel he started giving excuses, before you know it he switched off his phone. He later called me while still in the hospital that he wanted to come to the hospital, told him to go to the village first then come back to see the boy. That was the last time I heard from him. Not only did my sister died, the disgrace was another.

They started carrying rumour that my sister didn't know the father of his child, why will he not come if she knows the guy. Some even abuse my mum that she gave us out in marriage without my father's family consent. Now my mum is still battling with high blood pressure.

I later delivered few weeks after, the baby and my baby are like twins, my husband adopted the baby, he bears same surname as my baby. In fact people call me Iya ibeji except those who know the story. I even changed his date of birth to that of my baby in case we want to travel to avoid telling story. The baby is a happy child, he's a blessing to my family.

Today is his birthday, I bless God for keeping him alive. Her one year remembrance will be in three days. Continue to rest in peace sister, we love and miss you. Your son is in safe hands.

What should we do, when he comes in future?

The man should keep running and never look back. He should forget he has a son. But he will never escape God's judgement. My sister spirit will continue to haunt him that he will never know peace till he die. He shouldn't come looking for him.

Thanks everyone for taking your time to read this one chronicle. May you all never experience such. God bless you. Thanks Stella for this platform.

*Happy Birthday to that handsome baby.


  1. A very cute boy God bless you and your husband.

    1. Wowwwwwww! What a story.

      Girls make we dey get sense nahhhhhh!!!

    2. Sorry for your loss
      But as for insulting the man alone,it won't make your sister a saint
      Here's another logic
      It is possible that your sister knew he was married with children but he told her he was leaving his family for her(she met him as an assistant manager at the hotel she worked) she just didn't expect to be used, she also scammed the family for him, she thought she was reaping but she was being played.

    3. What a story? I don't understand the enmity or envy between siblings oh. May your sister's soul rest in peace. However, I don't think it is right for you to change the birth date of the boy as long as he has been formally adopted by your husband. That date is his not yours to tamper with, he also after he has grown deserves to know about his own parents. God will continually bless your efforts.
      You have a good heart shaped, if I had a sibling like yours, that I have to continually reach out to but meet a stumbling block, ma ti soju nu. It is well

    4. Pure Nigerian u have spoken well as regards changing the boys birthday

    5. Wawu those children are on Facebook they are the kids of a lady and this story is a fake 419 people full every where

    6. babeweysabiblog23 March 2017 at 18:36

      Hmmmmmmmmmmmm! !!so sad a story!i sincerely don't know what to say....shirt if words. ...we should pray for God's intervention upon this family.its well with you and ur hubby..God's blessings will never depart from your house.

    7. Hmm..
      What a story!
      Fine boys

    8. This really touched me
      God bless you and ur hussy
      Its well

    9. God bless you immensely lady! God will help you take care of the kids.

  2. Wow so sad right now

    I am so very happy this cute boy is alive and in safe hands! My dear God will continue to bless you and your hubby till eternity IJN, Amen!
    You shall never ever lack in this life again.. God is with you!

    Happy birthday to this cutie 😘😘
    And may your sister's soul continue to rest in peace, Amen!

    1. See the fine bobo nkiti, the father should keep running o, why do some girls do foolish relationships when you knlw you are better off with your family. No man can love you more than your family members walahi.

    2. God bless you and your husband

    3. God bless you and your family

    4. I'm crying reading this story. God bless the boy's journey in life and your son as well. What a wicked world

  3. Glorified beggars full this blog Ooo, u sending those pics is a strategy. Abeg!

    God forbid Me reading all dat up dere, na u write am na u go read am.

    Poor people can fuck For Africa Abeg, it's a taboo for a broke ass. Nigga to Ave A hard on.

    1. U spoke well abeg

    2. Lol! Easy on the insults ooooo! Lol

    3. Abeg who be this goat? You obviously did not read the post and already you are cursing and judging? She isn't begging, she's only praising God. Receive sense Mr/miss bitter soul.

    4. You are a glorified bastard. Get outta here with your imagined privileged ass

    5. Are you stupid? Did you even read the write up. Mere looking at those babies do they look like beggars like you. Mtcheww, poster dear, God bless you and hubby.

    6. Anon 15.12,ur eida so stupid or ur obviously underaged,must u comment?

    7. U a a big fool oo... You will not read, yet u will still type thrash... She is not a better okay.... Mumu like you..

    8. U re a fool,how much do u ve to give someone?who beg u

    9. Dear Anon, I'm sure you know there is no rule that says you must comment. It's people like you that make others depressed and suicidal. If you don't have kind or positive words, just read and pass. Enough of the negativity and cyber bullying abeg.

      Stella, is there anyway you can stop enabling negative remarks especially when it's is uncalled for.? Thanks

    10. May the lord forgive this idiot anon, fool, can't u keep quiet if u don't have anything good to say

    11. Dear Anon, I'm sure you know there is no rule that says you must comment. It's people like you that make others depressed and suicidal. If you don't have kind or positive words, just read and pass. Enough of the negativity and cyber bullying abeg.

      Stella, is there anyway you can stop enabling negative remarks especially when it's is uncalled for.? Thanks

    12. It's obvious u didn't read the chronicle, this is a huge lesson for us young people.

    13. OMG Anonymous 15:12 you are just a bitter wretched soul, I wish your mother aborted you when you were conceived cos you are a waste to the human race. Your type has never in any way contributed to people's wellbeing but will be quick to tag others as beggars. Least you could do is encourage her, even if she begs, is it your begging?? Brainless idiot!!!

    14. OMG Anonymous 15:12 you are just a bitter wretched soul, I wish your mother aborted you when you were conceived cos you are a waste to the human race. Your type has never in any way contributed to people's wellbeing but will be quick to tag others as beggars. Least you could do is encourage her, even if she begs, is it your begging?? Brainless idiot!!!

    15. What ever happened to empathy, if you had taken time to read you would see she is not begging, see things happen oo , it could you tomorrow, but God forbid, so watch what you say/type

    16. Look at this one, who told you she is begging . Take a look at kids and see if they look like kids who are hungry. Very healthy and handsome boys. She told the story to free herself from pain, it's not easy to loose someone. also for others to learn.

    17. Dear Oponu Anonymous, did you look at those pictures very well talk more of reading the story at all? Do they look like they are suffering? Some people will just come here and be yarning dust.Next time try make use of your brain and stop thinking with your anus.

    18. U are a big fool. Look at those kids and tell me if they look hungry to u. Poster is only thanking God and u r here blabbing rubbish and even replying urself. Idiot of no komkombilitty. Efulefu mmuo. I am sure u didnt read d post but ran like mkpi to go and comment. Aturu

    19. U are a big fool. Look at those kids and tell me if they look hungry to u. Poster is only thanking God and u r here blabbing rubbish and even replying urself. Idiot of no komkombilitty. Efulefu mmuo. I am sure u didnt read d post but ran like mkpi to go and comment. Aturu

    20. It is also well with you anon 15:12.

    21. anon 15:12 & 15:30 you are very very insensitive! you just hide behind your devices and make very unreasonable comments. I just pray people that come to this blog to lighten their burdens by telling their stories dont fall deeper into depression because of your comments. Stella please, I know it might be a lot of work, but please dont enable acidic comments as these. alot of people on this blog are insensitive kids and instead of learning from others that are wiser, they just run their fingers on their devices because life has not happened to them.

    22. Did she ask for money.
      From the little i see those boys look well fed and dressed and the enviroment looks good.

    23. Poster drop your account details. I want to sow into his life even if na for pampers.
      God bless your kind heart.
      Such a cute baby.

    24. U see yourself. Your father should have masturbated and cleaned you with tissue, instead he decided to cum inside your mother and birthed you. You are what I will call wasted sperm, idiot, fool. Your father would have saved us the agony of reading this trash you wrote here by washing you as a sperm away. You would have been food for maggots and earthworm. Idiot fool. Science has proved that children get their intelligence from their mother. Please next time close your mouth so people don't abuse your poor mother who I'm sure is regretting having you as a child. Bunkum

    25. Poster, God bless you and continue to keep your babies free from harm and bless your wonderful hubby for accepting him as his child. May God open the windows and doors of heavens blessing upon you and your family.

  4. Who will come in future. He died with your sister one year ago. Happy birthday to this little angel. The hand of the Lord is upon him and he will do exploit.

    1. Guys..!!!!!! What's a heart break..!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    2. Hmmmmmmmm oga. May the lord keep your home.

  5. Hmmmmmmm very painful. Thank God for you taking care of your sister's baby. May God of Abundance supply your needs to fulfil your sister's dream in her baby.

    Happy birthday boy, may you always remember that your mum loves you. She left so that you can be a man.

    Hmmmmm teary

  6. This brought tears to my eyes.😔😔😔😔...See how cute the lil boy is..
    Happy birthday to him.God will see him through.

    1. Inferior complex Don finis dis trangender kidjo! Lol! U would need to go to a studio to snap and use for U dpn yeye girl, wit ur oblong face

    2. Anonymous with thus story, it is kidjo matter that u c,u will die bcu of her fool

    3. My sister @Sharon Aminu don't mind the insensitive goat, those anonymous re sad souls that re looking for ways to make others sad like them and they will die alone in sadness cause me I'm a happy girl.

  7. Hmmmmm!
    Your sister sha! May she RIP.

  8. Happy Birthday to that boy, and may the soul of your sister rest in peace

    *Larry was here*

  9. WOW... May God almighty be with your family,happy birthday little prince. This story is sad mahn.

  10. Sad.. Nkan shele. Heartless man!

  11. Poster was your now dead sister retarded? What kind of self induced suffering is this? abegabegabeg

  12. Oooooooooooooooo, I read this and cried. God bless you ma'am. Happy birthday to him. Cute baby.

    May ur sis continue to rest in God's bosom.

    This reminds me of my late sister, died very young and exactly same day she gave birth to her son (3yrs 9months ago). It's still very fresh in my memory.

    Continue to rest in peace, Chi. I will forever love you and don't forget ur son is in safe hands

  13. Wowww this made me cry.may God continue to bless you and your hubby for accepting your sisters will be fine

    1. Happy birthday to ur son..
      He is very cute.

      May your sister's soul continue to rest in peace,Amen.

  14. What a useless man. Was your sister jazzed?

    1. Very touching story .between the kids are very healthy.what do i feed my kids to make them look healthy this way

  15. Hmmm. Things de happen, your sister was really stubborn but I think she was just ashamed of her living conditions. Please accept my sympathy and happy birthday to the boy.

    1. I think she saw herself as a failure and was ashame

    2. Ur very right dear

  16. This is deep... read it to the end...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What nonsense did I type. My phone is just messing up, changing everything. Poster may ur sis soul rest in peace.

    2. Am shouting here,what is this? God have mercy. Thanks for sharing with us,I just read this aloud for others to hear that are close to me. May ur sister's soul rest in peace. Its so unfortunate ur sister died in the process.

    3. Whiteberry are u sure dis is not one of ur fraudulent scopes and format to get monies from bvs?are u sure u not d one dat arranged dis packaged story using someone's babies so dat u can scam bvs off dia hand end monies?ds girl I no trust u o! I smell aa scam!heavy format!stella beware! Investigate dis story well well!i suspect whiteberry! Na she organise dis story!d babe is desperate! Investigate ds story well well o

    4. Why not help her from what you made here illegally during the last December ?
      Sob story all the time to attract gullible people. You all should start asking for account number.

    5. You read this extremely long epistle loud to people's hearing and they all listened? Hian!

    6. Whiteberry your way is not clean, maybe you know who wrote this or is it you ?. Why did you removed what you wrote up there ?

    7. Anonymous 15:52, you just cracked me up this nite, see me laughing like mumu

  18. Waoh!!!! What a story indeed. My dear God will surely bless your efforts.

  19. Hmmmmmm......happy birthday to ur son, yes he is your son. We need to be careful as ladies.

  20. This is one of the most horrifying chronicles I've read on sdk. I'm in tears. Why are men wicked? Why was she stupidly in love with a broke ass irresponsible niggur? Rip to your sister. She's in a more beautiful environment now. She should be celebrated as a hero for keeping that child against all odds.

  21. Wooow!!!
    See what keeping secrets does?
    Well, she's late, may her soul Rip.

    Do you need to ask again? Even if he likes he should come with the whole soldiers in the world, don't ever give the boy to him. He's an irresponsible douchebag.
    God bless your husband (Hope you guys are married now)
    Just take care of him and God almighty will continue to reward you. What happened to that your aunty? The one that maltreatment you?

    1. I forgave long time ago. I even assisted some of her kids. All glory to God. Man no be God

  22. Hmmmnnnnn God bless Ur good heart IJN...Cute boys💋

    1. Wow I read it all! May her soul rest in peace. God bless you for taking in your nephew.

  23. Wow! Happy birthday little cutie, you will be a blessing to your generation. May God continue to make provisions for you and your family. Anon 15:12 you must be a silly fellow to type such ill comment.

  24. Oh my God!! Sad reading this...
    Happy birthday to the little cutie....may God bless ur kind soul good to know u are treating the baby like urs..

  25. I use to think is difficult for me to cry but this story got me so weak, just imagining how mean humans can be, may your sisters soul rest on as for the Boy, I know he will be a great child and a huge blessing to your family. God bless you poster.... don't even know what am typing again

  26. In all of it your husband isva good man, a lot of men will not accept him as their own, including my own

  27. Height of wickedness! What a wicked world we live in. This is so saddening, he because of his selfish interest, lured your sister to love him, trust him and give him her all, turned his back against her when needed most leaving her unattended to, uncared for and facing hardship. What he did was very terrible but to him he's smart. God bless you and your husband greatly for taking him as your son. Happy birthday to him

  28. See me smiling looking at those pictures....God bless u poster..

  29. I was just crying while reading this.Damn this is deep HBD dear age with love

  30. What a story...what a loss. May she rest in peace. It is well. I pray that your mother finds peace and closure over her loss, it will help her cope with her blood pressure issue.
    He's a beautiful boy and you are an awesome sister and mother. God bless you and your husband. His presence will bring unqualified blessings to your home Amen.

  31. too much information on saying you changed the boys date of birth due to travel issues and actually putting up pictures of the boy. very touching story and cute kids you have. may God give you and your husband the Grace, help and finances to train the boy like your own. Amen

  32. Cried reading your story. Dear BV, it's obvious she's not begging, so no cursing please. God bless you and your hubby and the boys.

  33. Happy birthday to your beautiful son may he grow to be a source of great blessing to your family

  34. I am a man and I found this disheartening. Why should a man impregnate a girl and run away?

    Well there is nothing new in this story; it is the typical Yariba demon signature. Just donate sperms everywhere and run away. Coward is his middle name.
    The day I will see an exception; I will celebrate!

    1. You are the Coward I see hear. Why did you have to go anonymous just to make this about tribe? To think that you purposely spelt the tribe wrongly makes you a bigger coward.

    2. And she told us he is Yoruba. Fool oponu.

  35. Can't stop crying.

    God bless you poster. God bless your husband. God give you the strength and the ability to raise both children in love and the fear of God.

    Both children will bring you joy and make your family proud.

    RIP to your sister.

    Please when the boy is of a knowledgable age, sit him down and tell him the truth. Before you tell him you can from time to time tell him " there's something I will tell you when you are of age".

    God bless you abundantly

  36. Tears drop as I almost finish the story may her soul rest in peace. Happy birthday boy

  37. Wao, poster God will bless you and will keep this lovely kids for u, u will know no shame nor sorrow. Happy birthday to ur boy, and may ur sis soul rip.madam u r indeed a rare gem.god bless ur hubby he's a wonderful man

  38. Happy birthday to this beautiful baby. May God give u d strength to raise them both.

  39. Sorry for your loss poster. RIP to her. The two boys are cute. Yaraba men are always like that. Their men live on women. They impregnate different ladies and fuck free, eat free, and collect money from them all.

  40. Poster you were pregnant without marriage and I didn't see you mention marriage even when they called a meeting to settle you both, you said they were surprised to see you both pregnant which means you were not married. You also said when they wanted to bury her, pple said your mum gave you both out without involving your dads family meaning your bride price was still not paid at your heavily pregnant stage. Pity.

    1. That was over a year ago, she could have married her fiance since that meeting. That shouldn't be your primary concern.

    2. Fuck your mouth, how is it your fucking business? Do you know that in some tribe you don't marry a pregnant woman until she deliver? She said husband. He must have pay the bride price after the kid delivery.busybody as if you are better.

    3. Na wa for you o. That was the only thing you could grasp from the chronicle ba? Please what can we take away from all you typed o? Smi for you.

    4. You are just an ass anon16:01,

  41. I don't blame ur late sis,Most times we want to reveal our secret to our family, but we are scared of rejection and humiliation, but there should always be someone we can confide in than won't reject or humiliate u. It is well

  42. Happy birthday to ur boy

    Yes your boy because,hes yours now.

    May God forgive that man

  43. In u indeed a virtuous woman

  44. Come abeg, does the "god of A*eboye" encourage "getting pregnant before marriage?"

    1. So since that has been done make pray again?

  45. Happy birthday to the boy
    He shall grow in grace

  46. Boys from the S/W of Nigeria will not change these their ways! Impregnate and run away!
    And girls will not change their ways of opening legs to collect semen before bride price is paid.

  47. You did the right thing to adopt the child. The father onto show up. Did you breastfeed him too?

  48. You did the right thing to adopt the child. The father would not show up. Did you breastfeed him too?

  49. May her soul rest in perfect peace, poster sorry for your loss, but be rest assured she's resting peacefully.dnt worry vengeance is for the lord. The guy is such a wicked fellow.
    Poster u are such a strong person, God bless u and your wonderful husband, he's a rare gem.
    Some people can be so evil, reminds me of a story that happen, a guy got a girl preg and took her to have an abortion. The girl died, the man abandoned the body n forged ahead. Years on, nothing seem to be working in his life, failure and backwardness. He went to church n was called out, was told his only way out was for him to go find the parents of the girl to confess what he did. Imagine the parents of the girl would ve been looking for their daughter for 6 years now.
    Ladies pls be very careful of the kind of guy u date, if u must live with a man which i dnt support, make sure ur family knows where you are. And pls if u can't be open to ur family then who can u be open to??? It's a lesson for us, expecially ladies.

  50. What a sad story, may your sister's soul continue to rest in peace and happy birthday to this cute baby

  51. Oh poor boy and mama . Pls Stella post the posters account details I want to support. 😥😥. It took me back memory lane . When I was suffering with my kids . Let me not curse his father cos he's cursed already.

  52. mewa n sele laiye. Happy birthday to your son, may God continually provide for you and your husband, and bless all that you lay your hands upon.

  53. Beautiful babies right there...hmmmm ayam not understanding this yo sister biko

  54. There is something about your family that makes all of you to blame every other person except yourselves.

    Blame yourself for screaming "i want to go to Lagos" and disobeying your mom but all those experiences makes you stronger.

    Blame your father for still allowing you to stay in your aunt's house despite all your complain.

    Blame your father for still impregnating your mother even when he cannot fully train all the children with him.

    Blame yourself for finding out your sister was sick and instead of taking her to the hospital directly, you were calling all the relations to tell them and you even had time to go to the market.

    Thank your husband for accepting to take care of that child.

    Be a good mother to that child, be kind to him, take care of him. Whether people praise you or not, be very good to that child.

    When you accept your blame, then you can work on it to make yourself better because you have two amazing boys looking up to you.


    1. you re very stupid, didn't you see where she said her father was sending money for her school fees while she was with her aunt? so what's blame your father for impregnantimg ur mother bla bla? You, blame yourself for not making sense.

  55. What??!! A similar thing happened to my family friend ooh. A guy brought her to a slum in lagos and she was hiding it all. She fell into deep depression and was roaming about in the neighbourhood with huge pregnancy. That's how a neighbour accessed her phone and called her parents. Her parents called mine asking for help. My folks blew to the other end of lagos. My mum said immediately she saw the neighbourhood she burst into hot tears. My dad was furious. He called the man to ask why he allowed this rubbish happen to his first daughter. She was sleeping on the floor. All the washing machine etc her parents got her as wedding gift inside wood plank house. See ehn... The story is long. But I remember when I saw her with 4 months pregnancy I told my mum she looked unkempt. My mum said:must everyone marry rich? I told her sorry. And kept shut. But Abeg there's a look on a happy wife's face that she lacked. I offered to drop her the say she was leaving (she stayed for two days)she refused. Said she will take taxi. I called my cab guy for her. Gave her 7k. When she got to the busstop she paid the guy 1k. And entered bus. The guy called and said that he dropped my sister oh she no gree make him carry her. She entered bus. I smelt a rat. Buy I kept shut cos I know couples can have real financial challenges. Little did I know she didn't want anyone to know her house. A girl who has access to drivers and cars in her fathers house.

    Anyway, that said day parents rushed her to our family friends hospital in akowonjo that was the closest place. She was talking gibberish in the car. Confessing all she has been through. My mum called us crying. They had to bind her sef so she wont like hit the windows or anything. Immediately our family friend saw her they induced labour. Said she would have gone into fits cos her BP was at the highest he has ever seen.

    This girl in question is the daughter of a Medical Doctor, a UN consultant. Goes to Geneva to represent Africa. I'm just trying to show you her background. Anyway, she gave birth and was cheeked into a mental facility. While her mum and my mum did omugwo in my house. My dad called me that day and told me that he's not rushing me for marriage oh. That please I should take my time. That please oooh what he saw today he doesn't want it in his house.
    As I speak, she's back at her parents. The husband is nowhere to be found. He cleared the house of all properties (like posters sis husband)and ran away. Said he was coming, didn't even come for the naming in our house. His family too acting dodgy. Till today her parents have take her back and taken care of the child till this moment. Husband still on exile. Fine boy oh wey person go see feel say na human being.

    Our question is:what do they gain from keeping secrets? Do they think they are protecting their homes? Is suffering supposed to be joy? Let me just stop here. I'm happy she has a sister like you. God will keep helping you.

    P.S: pardon typos. I rushed to type this.

    1. It is not always about You, shut up sometimes.You didn't even wish the boy well because you want to share your stupid story.shut the fuck up

    2. Chikito always have something to say every issue, story teller, you no dey tire?? You must be a talkative

  56. What??!! A similar thing happened to my family friend ooh. A guy brought her to a slum in lagos and she was hiding it all. She fell into deep depression and was roaming about in the neighbourhood with huge pregnancy. That's how a neighbour accessed her phone and called her parents. Her parents called mine asking for help. My folks blew to the other end of lagos. My mum said immediately she saw the neighbourhood she burst into hot tears. My dad was furious. He called the man to ask why he allowed this rubbish happen to his first daughter. She was sleeping on the floor. All the washing machine etc her parents got her as wedding gift inside wood plank house. See ehn... The story is long. But I remember when I saw her with 4 months pregnancy I told my mum she looked unkempt. My mum said:must everyone marry rich? I told her sorry. And kept shut. But Abeg there's a look on a happy wife's face that she lacked. I offered to drop her the say she was leaving (she stayed for two days)she refused. Said she will take taxi. I called my cab guy for her. Gave her 7k. When she got to the busstop she paid the guy 1k. And entered bus. The guy called and said that he dropped my sister oh she no gree make him carry her. She entered bus. I smelt a rat. Buy I kept shut cos I know couples can have real financial challenges. Little did I know she didn't want anyone to know her house. A girl who has access to drivers and cars in her fathers house.

    Anyway, that said day parents rushed her to our family friends hospital in akowonjo that was the closest place. She was talking gibberish in the car. Confessing all she has been through. My mum called us crying. They had to bind her sef so she wont like hit the windows or anything. Immediately our family friend saw her they induced labour. Said she would have gone into fits cos her BP was at the highest he has ever seen.

    This girl in question is the daughter of a Medical Doctor, a UN consultant. Goes to Geneva to represent Africa. I'm just trying to show you her background. Anyway, she gave birth and was cheeked into a mental facility. While her mum and my mum did omugwo in my house. My dad called me that day and told me that he's not rushing me for marriage oh. That please I should take my time. That please oooh what he saw today he doesn't want it in his house.
    As I speak, she's back at her parents. The husband is nowhere to be found. He cleared the house of all properties (like posters sis husband)and ran away. Said he was coming, didn't even come for the naming in our house. His family too acting dodgy. Till today her parents have take her back and taken care of the child till this moment. Husband still on exile. Fine boy oh wey person go see feel say na human being.

    Our question is:what do they gain from keeping secrets? Do they think they are protecting their homes? Is suffering supposed to be joy? Let me just stop here. I'm happy she has a sister like you. God will keep helping you.

    P.S: pardon typos. I rushed to type this.

    1. Chikito always having a personal experience about virtually everything. Nobody asked for this chronicle bike park well

    2. Mbaise girl if you didn't like it why did you read it? Ignorant rabbit. That's how you people never learn from others experience until you send your own chronicle. If you don't like it someone else will. So better join the line of anonymous haters or try harder to shut me up.

    3. Parrot...Radio without battery...Radio everything u dey know dey no tame ur mouth when u dey small

    4. Why are we so naive on this blog. There is always a lesson to learn from people's personal story. We mustn't be negative at everything or always judgemental. Just saying o.

    5. annoying thwart, when you are insulted tomorrow, you will start cursing yourself join..ode.

    6. Chikito always have something to say about every issue, story teller, you no dey tire?? You must be a talkative

    7. @mbaise gurl,leave this mad chickito alone,I think it's high time people should be ignoring her.chickito is obviously sick,there is this sickness they call GRANDEUR DELUSION,this is what chikito is suffering always has to be about chickito,she always has a similar story to tell,she knows everybody that has good name in the society,she knows whoever that is rich,she claim to be from a rich background and always insult other people that they are beneath her.she lies like hell and like forming big ontop nothing.she makes up story so easily,it's second nature to her lying cos she's been doing it for long.habaaa chickito on this faceless blog,you just keep living your fantasies and your condition is really getting out of help chickito pls***I hope you know some of us just see you as a fool.dont fall for your nonsense act here.but seek help ok

  57. Hbd to the boy and the almighty God will provide for you all you will use to take care of him till he becomes of have a wonderful spirit not all family can do that.God bless you

  58. Oloriburuku somebody
    He came to pack his belongings and even carry gas cylinder.
    Poster may God continue to bless you and your family.
    But why did you change his date of birth.I don't think that's necessary.

    If and when the man comes back, just let the boy know his story and that he is his biological father.Its left for him to accept him or not.
    If the boy is not yet grown then u should treat him as a murderer cos he is one.
    I think that by the time the boy grows up u won't be so angry anymore

  59. God bless u and ur husband. May God bless ur womb with more children, God bless ur home more abundantly. God bless ur handsome boys.I pray your sister rests in peace. It is well.

  60. HBD little man, and may God continue to crown your efforts. Amen

  61. Happy birthday...handsome kids

  62. Hnmmmm. Happy birthday cutie. God bless you sis, your type is rare, not all sisters would do this. Thanks so much and may God Almighty continue to bless you and your hubby. May you always have everything you need to care for them in abundance in JESUS Name Amen.

  63. Happy birthday to your son and may your sister's soul rest in peace.

    If only she had trusted you enough..

  64. Chai! Am so sad right now! Some sisters can lie for Africa! Yes some sisters can lie even to the point of death. I had a similar experience my elder sister died in 2015 with a lot of secrets and unanswered questions! God bless your soul for doing the right thing and adopting the son as your own! That child's father will suffer and suffer Ewu! He goat useless men everywhere!

  65. Happy birthday to this cutie, may God continue to bless you and your hubby

  66. Happy birthday cute boy! God bless you and your husband for taking care of him

  67. I Thot u said u were TTC tho not married. Next u say my husband. Hian

    1. Fuck your mouth, how is it your fucking business? Do you know that in some tribe you don't marry a pregnant woman until she deliver? She said husband. He must have pay the bride price after the kid delivery.busybody as if you are better

    2. So it is written that if some

    3. How is that your business? Do you know if the guy married her after delivery? Busy body

    4. Can someone not marry after delivery again.
      There are some family you have to get pregnant before they pay your bride price.

  68. Quite a sad one to read, may your sister'soul continue to rest in peace.

    God bless you and your hubby, may He continue to bless and uphold your family.

    As for the guy coming back in the future, he shouldn't ever bother, the only way he would have claimed the boy is if he paid the marriage rites of your sister.

    The only parents your nephew know, is you and your hubby.

    Hope your mum is doing well, God is her strength.

  69. Coolio (Mama Patience Sister)23 March 2017 at 17:41

    This story brought tears to my eyes. I don't know if I should say that life wasn't fair to your Sister. I just pray she had Jesus b4 she died, atleast, that will compensate the suffering she went through. May her Soul, rest in peace. As for her son (your son now), will grow in God's good grace, apart from being great, he will never seize to serve the Lord sincerely, coz I believe giving birth to that boy was a destiny to be accomplished

  70. Was moved to tears when I read this. Morale of this chronicle is never hide issues like this from your family. No matter how nad

  71. What a story!!! May ur sister's soul continue to R.I.P

    You and your hubby really have a good heart.

    Happy birthday to ur son and may God enrich ur purse to take care of these cuties. Pls dont change his date of birth but its still ok for him to bear ur husband's name.

  72. I felt so sad, please poster read this very well.Don't tell him until he's 18 and love him with all of you just like your son. Teach them to love each other and be very close.Your husband is a good man but always show the kids equal love so that he will also do same.I promise you, you will rep the fruit of your labour, he will be a great joy to you and your family.His success will be yours and God in heaven will never depart from your home, you will never lack as long as that boy is well taken care of.I am talking from experience as i was adopted by my mum friend and never found out until later but she never lack, her husband and her was always blessed financially and i ended up marrying someone who not only care for me but for them too even as they are doing great.

  73. Wow....this made me speechless to say the least...

  74. May God bless your home and keep you. Please ensure your dowry is paid. And take care of that boy like yours. You have a good heart. May God bless those children and favor them richly in Jesus name,Amen.

  75. Such a sympathetic story but this will surely end in praise by God's grace. Well done for loving the baby like your own. However, please go to Social Welfare to file the necessary adoption particulars in the event of future eventualities. God bless you real good my dear. Nkmama

  76. God bless you poster,may you never lack the resources to train this children and others that God will provide for you in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  77. God bless you and your little family. Happy birthday to those beautifully looking sons of yours!... They are both your sons; when the time comes when he is matured you can tell him the real story but for now you're just blessed to have them both!

    Good job

  78. Thank God for the life of that cute boy, may God console your entire family.

  79. Poster God bless you real big, you have a good heart... May God continually bless you n your husband. RIP to your sister... So sad

  80. Abeg let me speak my mind jooor. your sister is a very selfish stupid girl.
    She deserves a hot slap even in the grave. What rubbish is that? How can someone not love her sef at all?
    She deserves a special place in hell for making this cute child motherless.

    *hangs leg on the wall*

    1. As in eh, hot spiritual slap. I can't believe someone could be this secretive even to the point of death and even putting her child in danger.

  81. Poster you tried, God bless you for taking your sister's child like yours.

  82. So sad...your sister caused her own death. There are conditions you don't manage when ofcourse you have a family you can go to.May her soul rest in peace and happy birthday to the cute boy.

  83. Rip to ur secretive, low self-esteem sister.
    Is a pity she gambled with her life, in her next world she will know that deserting ur family kills faster than virus.
    Happy Birthday to you little man.
    Poster u did well by changing the boys birthday day. It enable you forget the truma of the Death of ur sister with the ugly incident.

  84. This story reminds me of my elder sister and her late husband.Even when she was living in poverty with the man vis a vis the good lifestyle of her parents house,she refused to open up.
    I just dont feel like going down memory lane on that,sad situation.Reasons why i refuse to hide any form of bad situation i might find myself,i sing it out loud to my sisters and parents.Dear poster,if your story is true,i have total admiration for you and your husband.May God continue to bless your family.If you can drop your contact,i just feel like giving out something for your 'twins sons',its just to appreciate you and your husband selfless love.

  85. This story reminds me of my elder sister and her late husband.Even when she was living in poverty with the man vis a vis the good lifestyle of her parents house,she refused to open up.
    I just dont feel like going down memory lane on that,sad situation.Reasons why i refuse to hide any form of bad situation i might find myself,i sing it out loud to my sisters and parents.Dear poster,if your story is true,i have total admiration for you and your husband.May God continue to bless your family.If you can drop your contact,i just feel like giving out something for your 'twins sons',its just to appreciate you and your husband selfless love.

  86. Hi Poster. I just read this and I must say you tried. Family is key. Happy birthday to the boy.

    But I will not fail to highlight some things:

    I later delivered few weeks after, the baby and my baby are like twins, my husband adopted the baby, he bears same surname as my baby. In fact people call me Iya ibeji except those who know the story. I even changed his date of birth to that of my baby in case we want to travel to avoid telling story. The baby is a happy child, he's a blessing to my family.

    How did your hubby adopt the baby? Officially or just by changing his surname and accepting him as his? It's illegal adoption if the latter is the case. If his birth was registered then the guy knows it and can use it against you if he wants his son back.

    Then, it's wrong you changed the boys date of birth - your fear can surface. If you want to travel, and you claim they are twins, they will require a DNA/paternity test to ascertain it. You can only escape it if your hubby adopted him legally, so he won't be twin with your son but an adopted son.

    Pls, make sure you did things right, if you have not. All the best to you and yours..........Mrs. E.

  87. It's sad how your sister ended. Some siblings just choose to keep secrets despite the show of love.

    God bless your hubby especially for accepting him. I know doors of favour and Blessings will forever be opened to your home cos of this singular deed.

    HBD blessed Boy. I celebrate you.

  88. Your husband's got a good heart. God bless him for accepting u wt ur (baggage). Those children will continue to give u joy iJn. May ur sis's soul RIP.
    Btw, Enmity between siblings exists(e common for my fam).


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