Stella Dimoko BBNaija - Debie Rise, Efe, TTT And TBoss Are Up For Nomination


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

BBNaija - Debie Rise, Efe, TTT And TBoss Are Up For Nomination

Bally, TTT And TBoss were the 3-housemates originally nominated for eviction. 

Bassey who won the head of house was asked to replace one nominated housemate with another (not nominated), he saved Bally by replacing Efe. 

Marvis was asked to use her power card to nominate someone not nominated which excludes the head of house. She nominated Debbie-Rise.

Bassey nominated Marvis's man, Efe and Marvis in turn nominated Bassey's girl, Debbie-rise.

How they voted in the diary room

Bassey – Bally, TBoss

Marvis – TTT and TBoss

TTT – Bally, Efe

Debie-Rise – Bally, TTT

Efe – TBoss, TTT

TBoss – Efe, Marvis

Bisola – Debie-Rise, TBoss

Bally – TTT, TBoss


  1. Tboss is leaving next sunday

    1. I want her out of that house as soon as possible.

    2. Tboss won't leave just yet.
      You see that tall think lying father and unfaithful husband? is time for him to go home and sort out his family.
      A man who can deny his wives and kids is capable of murder... TTT out!

    3. I doubt, the babe get fans sha

    4. Tboss just whispered to Debbie that she wants to go home

    5. It's not about wanting her out do something about it. Vote Debbie rise if not Tboss is staying. I have nothing against her though.

    6. This is not about Bisola. Tboss has fought with everyone in the house including her toy boy. It is part of her strategy to manipulate and eliminate her opponents. I'm absolutely disgusted with the people that support her,they are to dense to identify an ugly and nasty personality.

    7. Pls how do I vote via wechat? Have downloaded it but have no clue on what to do next. Pls help!

    8. Tboss said she will spend 25million in a week not a wise thing to say on national tv

    9. Tboss represents all that most of them are not. She has this aura around her,you can't help but notice her presence without her talking.

      She's beautiful, classy,when she likes you, she can go all out for you, she's protective of her loved ones,shes one of the loyal ones

      Tboss is a typical case of don't judge a book by its cover, Nigerians were expecting her to be a fun popping,crazy ass bi-racial girl cos of her bull ring,piercings and tatoo, only for her to dash all their expectations of her to pieces.

      That was her undoing, the backlash started; she's proud,not fun.... she doesn't conform to the standard that society has already set for her that's why she's a BOSS in her small world.

      The arrogant Tboss is the only Housemate that pops their pimple and does facials for the housemates

      Bisola was the engineer behind her putting Miyonse up for eviction cos when Tboss was falsely evicted in the first big brother naija eviction live show and DEBBIE ROSE Was brought in,miyonse gave Debbie rise Tboss bed space and closet, bisola told Tboss about the incident.

      Tboss was angered by that single betrayal by miyonse, like the popular saying "Hell hath no d4uty like a woman scorned", she nominated miyonse the next day because she felt miyonse betrayed the love,loyalty that shared.

      Tboss is a loyal person, she (hardly) gossips about other housemates and she doesn't hate.
      I didn't really feel her at the beginning of the show but she has grown on me like a seed metamorphosing into a beautiful flower.

      She's hated by many and still loved by many, simply because most people that hates her wants to be like her because she represents what they are not; beautiful,classy (despite the tattos),well mannered, a neat freak (it's unsanitary) .

      Tboss is bae

  2. Tuesday (this morning)
    HMs woke up to their morning exercise and then Bisola proceeded to making breakie.

    Then! *ghen ghen*....
    Bisola and Tboss engaged in a verbal fight over bread and egg.
    French toast say, bread say, egg no say, curry say, honey no say....

    Tboss say Bisola de shout say she de use aggression talk, Bisola say she no de struggle for kitchen o! If tboss wan come do breakie make she come do.
    *Over feeding aabi over supply of food dey worry dem.*

    TTT tried teasing Bisola to lighten her mood and Bisola replies "go and warn your girlfriend"

    Marvis be throwing shades @ Tboss saying "oldest people be acting the youngest" "children".
    Then she (Marvis) proceeds to eat EBA abi Semo and soup
    (this early morning o! Kai) and Bally joined her to eat her meat. Kikikiki

    ...and then Big brother goes "Housemates, please check that you are wearing your microphones correctly" and Bisola goes "even if I no wear my mic, dem go hear an aggressive bitch, loud that I am" (that was for Tboss)

    Tboss who had gone outside goes to explain to Debby what happened....that she just wanted to have milk and then asks Bisola what's for breakie and Bisola replied frenchtoast.
    Tboss (who doesn't know it as frenchtoast but one kain name like that) now asked if she could eat it with mayo (abi honey, not sure) as Bisola added curry and then Bisola goes... "if you don't wanna eat, don't eat" in a loud tone.

    So the fight is about "Bisola's aggressive response+tone"

    My opinion- Bisola got a loud voice yes! But her response was really uncalled for. She responded like she's got some beef for Tboss locked up inside her waiting to explode.

    Anyway Debby calmed Tboss and then they switched gist to Tboss flower tattoos on her right rib area. Tboss explains to Debby she had half of it done and the other half after a year.


    1. They are always hating on tboss. To me that girl is just being herself.

    2. Bisola is always extra loud whenever she is not up for possible eviction.

    3. You didn't hear Tboss called all the housemates animals abi?Bisola was not aggressive Tboss ask too much questions and Bisola was actually making French toast and people use syrup for French toast why is Tboss making it look as if Bisola is making poo,her facial expressions explained it better.Tboss need to take voluntary exit since Bisola and d rest are animals

    4. Bloggie dear,if Na you nko? You go get beef for person wey you dey love dey love am,what I meant is that Bisola is loving ttt while ttt is loving that's where the beef is!

    5. Don't mind Bisola. She's just pained that TTT isn't looking her way. Loosely intelligent woman! I already gave TBoss my 100 votes. I pray She doesn't go so that she will keep "peppering" them with her presence

    6. I haven't watched big brother in a while
      What a wawu
      Thanks for your update
      I didn't even watch on Saturday.
      As I was away on a better trip
      I heard the party was a blast

    7. I still repeat ugly girls are the ones hating Tboss, eg Bisola

    8. Bloggie the truth is that Bisola represents the attitude of some Nigerians.
      Loud,aggressive,invasive and insensitive.
      Ask a question and they attack.
      Its a culture. So when they meet someone that isnt like them they call them too sensitive and stiff.

      If she wants people to get used to her aggression,she needs to get used to sensitive people too.

      Thanks for the update Bloggie m. Shout out back at yaπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

    9. I am asking question, I am asking question...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...Queen Tee, nne ask ya question biko

    10. Bloggie!!!!!!!!!
      Bloggilicious bloggie!!!!!
      Bloggilicious boo boo bloggie!!!!

    11. Bisola has apologised to her.

      She told Debbie she wants to go home.

      Debbie asked her how she feels after the apology, she said "I feel irritated" that babe sha. Na wa for her.

    12. Anon 10:46.
      Don't tackle issues from the middle. Start from the beginning.
      She didn't wake up and called them animals.
      Something prompted it

      Even you! When you are pushed to your wits end, don't you cuss?

      Is it not the same Bisola that called her Evil white bitch?

      This morning matter, Bisola was wrong! Na simple question she ask.
      Tboss makes breakie most times and some HM choose to eat something else rather than her meal. She doesn't pick offence.

      Bisola was making breakie, she just asked a simple question to know how she was gonna eat hers, dazall

      Make una leave my Tboss for me abeg. Everybody cannot be same or act exactly how you want them to.

    13. I get it, we are Tboss' fans and we need to put a spin on it just like she did but lets be honest to ourselves, She did not just ask a simple question...

      She started a whole discussion on what and what is appropriate to eat with honey. She then proceeded to say, can you eat French toast with hone to which Bisola and Bally answered thatthey know about pancakes, not French toast.

      Then she made the remark about putting pepper, and again'black pepper' with milk. She went on to make snide remarks like ' even when her daddy used to come for them, that's not how they do it in their house' or something to that effect ( even me wey de watch was like 'say what')

      She was being covertly critical... And this is something she does often. Unfortunately, Bisola is an intelligent person and caught her on it..reason why Bisola flipped and practically said she(Tboss) doesn't have to eat the food then.

      Tboss was wrong. She was out of line.
      But it was interesting to see her try to turn it all around and be the victim. I have to give it to her. Unfortunately, Bisola is a typical black girl that won't let you get away with BS

    14. you're blind if you say bisola is ugly

    15. I'll advise every one to watch the video first on YouTube before you respond to this comment.

      Here's the link

    16. Well I don't think bisola is pretty. Gra-gra isn't equal to beauty. And girls from a certain tribe need to understand that it's a fact. 😊

    17. Bloggie i raise my left yansh for you, heard their quarrel gist from a collegue, went on YouTube to look at it but was cut short by some matters i need to attend to. Opened SDK this evening and went straight looking for ur comment.yeaa you sabi detail

    18. Chikito please don't start with certain tribe thing I believe you are too mannered to start that.

  3. BBN Monday

    HOH challenge
    HMs were asked to pick nos.
    Bisola, Bassey, Marvis, Bally, Tboss, Debby TTT and finally Efe picked numbers from the ninja's pot.

    Marvis, bisola, Debbie, ttt, Efe picked X and was made to re pick. Marvis picked about 4times before she eventually got a number

    After they all picked their numbers they proceeded to the arena. The numbers determined the sequence the HMS were to proceed with the challenge.

    HOH challenge was a game of chance. A table of 30cups. Underneath each cup were stones of different colors.

    Whoever finds a blue stone underneath his/her cup becomes HOH.

    TTT found a white stone in round 1 and thus was no longer to continue.

    Cups reshuffled by the ninja and the rest HMs chose diff cups in search of the blue stone.

    Bassey found the blue stone and as such won the title of HOH.

    Bassey's coronation came shortly after. TTT didn't look pleased at all while Efe playfully said he is the YOH-yansh of house)

    Bassey gave a short speech following his coronation and asked to be addressed as Obong Basssey.

    HOH Obong Bassey was called to the diary room to receive brief for the week's challenge.

    The Week's Challenge
    The week's challenge is centred on "Social awareness, Charity and 'doing without'- as it relates to depriving oneself of certain things"

    To this, the HMs wagered a 100%

    After the brief, Marvis, Bally, Efe, Bisola and TTT reclined dozed off at the lounge

    Tboss got refreshed and proceeded to have her meal.

    Bassey did Debbie's makeup-eyebrow and lipstick(kikiiikiki, make she for quick comot mirror)and they proceeded to the kitchen afterwards doing dishes and chatting.
    Bassey couldn't eat his meal cos he said it was too peppery (meal prepped by Tboss) *sideyes @ all you tboss haters*

    Debby be using idea to tell Bassey to save her as HOH.
    She says to bassey- "am happy for you as HOH but scared for myself"
    Bassey replies "I don't know what you are talking about"
    (Droyalty to my rescue with- ikwakwakwakwakkwakwa)

    So some of debby's convo to Bassey
    *My dad called Mnet he didn't want me on the show....*she quickly puts an end to this subject*
    *i had a court injunction...about my music
    *My dad's name is Sunday.
    *We are all girls in my family.
    *if my dad was watching while I was doing those dance moves, those crazy ones...then am worried"

    ..and Bassey assured her with the words "I am sure he will be proud of you in the long run."

    Bassey goes on to tell her-
    *i love Thursdays more in the BBhouse
    *i hate Mondays

    Sleeping HMs woke up looking "useless" (in bisola's words) and tired. Bally tickles Bisola. TTT quickly takes after Bally. (Hmmnnn...My observation- TTT gets really jealous when bally or someone else warms Bisola up. Hmnnnn....)

    Bassey nominated Tboss & Bally
    Marvis nominated Tboss & TTT
    TTT nominated Efe & Bally
    Debby nominated Bally & TTT
    Efe nominated Tboss & TTT
    Tboss nominated Efe & Marvis
    Bally nominated TTT & Tboss
    Bisola nominated Tboss & Debby

    Bally TTT and Tboss was up.

    HOH Obong Bassey saved Bally and replaced him with Efe.

    Marvis was asked to use her powercard to put up another HM up for possible eviction. She nominates Debby

    That means Efe, Tboss, TTT and Debby are up for possible eviction

    *debbyrise, please rise and leave the BBshow (ikwakwakwakwa)

    1. I must commend your writing skill and the effort you put into your report. Are you getting paid for this?

    2. Hmmmm,i thought Marvis power card was to use it for her self,Big brother telling Marvis to use it after HOH finished replacing Bally with Efe,i see it a patial because Big brother did not want TBoss to go and been the weakest on the nominated group wanted to bring in another person.Debie Rise,don't worry your fans will vote for you

    3. Bloggie of life...wehdone

    4. I think biggie is being partial.

      When TTT nominated Efe, he said he has no reason and biggie didn't object to it but when Bisola said she has no reason for nominating Tboss biggie said she has to give reasons.

      If she didn't give any reason I guess biggie would have told her to choose someone else.

      Lmao @ debbyrise please rise and leave the bbshow.

      Can't wait to see Bassey's face on sunday when she leaves.

    5. See how sad I feel now that she might be leavingπŸ™
      Kai! She got thrown to the wolvesπŸ™
      TTT should come and be going jare.

    6. Wowooooooooooooo
      Thanks Bloggie

    7. Thanks people. I am loyal and at your service when possible.

      @ Asmund, thank you.
      Getting paid? No naa.
      I am the official channel 198 of sdkb. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

      @ Swaggie, same thing my bobo said @ why didn't Big brother ask TTT his reasons.
      *Biggie head don de shake.

      @ Lucile, that's why the show is themed "see gobe"
      Powercard was assumed to play a role like Bally's advantage card right? But it turned out to serve a purpose in a different direction.
      *no be 'gobe' be that?*πŸ˜‚

    8. TTT is going nowhere!

    9. U sure say u get work? This kind update daily.

    10. ttt is going nowhere, the Romanian housemate should leave. this is bbnaija and not bbromania

    11. Well done, u sure are doing a fine reporting. Tnx. Meanwhile, Bloglord na female?

    12. I raise Beyonce hand for you. I enjoyed my reading

  4. Hmmmm, I am team boss lady, but I am beginning to think she's favoured to win this show, or can someone explain to me why marvins was asked to use her card to add someone else, (thot that card was for saving ones self) knowing that tboss got no chance with Tony and Efe. Really not fair on Debbie, would understand if she was replaced by HOH, now she's leaving cos she got no chance with those 3. Anyway what do I know, let me use my two wechat to give both boss lady and Debbie 100 votes each. Good luck to them. Ammie.

    1. I dont think Tboss will win, but she will go all the way. As it is, Debby is the weakest link. The othera are still favoured. Its only if 2people are gonna leave will TTT end up leaving. Seems Biggie has a soft one on Tboss.

    2. Biggie is crushing on Tboss na

  5. It seems they all want Tboss out from the house

  6. OK o... let the worst housemate leave.

  7. What a twist.

    Sunday do and come.

  8. Yesterday's Nominations though!

    Power card!
    See twist!
    Poor Marvis! She seemed flustered!

    Just when Bassey and I thought Debbie Rise was safe!

    You keep nominating the one person that was loyal to u. Pipi Lee u dey see ur friend so?
    Thank goodness Efe's eyes are now open and he can see u clearly.

    It pains me now that Debbie has Bn thrown into the mix so ur exit on Sunday isn't so gbam!

    Chai! And home goes Debbie RiseπŸ™

    1. Don't be too sure TGW
      Anything can happen on Sunday...
      It will surprise u to know Debbie HSS got larger fanbase than tboss

    2. I tell you.
      She was even making super for them.
      It felt like the last superπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Marvis humbly went to say,Thank you DebbieπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      So awkward. Its a game.
      Debbie's tears broke me.
      But i feel she will be a super star. Let her not worry so much.

    3. Which Debbie has a large fan base, odiegwu!

      Heard there's a big fight and I rushed to tune in...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚..errrrrmmmm but French toast with pepper, excize me iya @ hornisola, do you mean 'atarodo' toast??? And Queen T, you shouldn't be interested in her cooking or the ingredients, since you said you weren't interested in eating, anyways that's why you are a queenπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜. #PepperDem

    4. Bisola walking out on the HOH is so rude and unacceptable!!! She apologised but I think she still deserves to be punished.

    5. Hahahahahahaha @ last Supper, just when she started feeling relaxed...πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜

      Ehen, TGW d boo...TTT is playing the game o,no friend no foe, winner takes it all.

      I expected these HMS to nominate the HOH, so he would save himself but none did, so is that the new rule? You are not allowed to nominate the HOH?

    6. Nominating the head of house is useless naa. Why nominate who will end up saving himself? You dont waste votes on such. Nominate people and let the HOH do as he likes.

    7. Punished by Whom? Didn't you see that emotions were getting too high? She did the right thing by excusing herself before things got out of hand!!

      They were they both were screaming at that point, any thing could've happened and then she's the one that would be disqualified for violence

      Tboss is a manipulative soul. I can't believe she made herself out to be a victim this morning...

    8. LMAOOOOO @ atarodo toast
      This my pipi cannot kill me.
      Abeg leave Bisola and her toast. *Na d work wey she de do*

    9. Yes Pipi there is nothing wrong with making French Toast with Pepper.
      The original recipe of French Toast is cinnamon,vanilla,eggs,Bread,milk and sugar.
      But I for one don't usually use sugar. Just tiny.
      And cos I love pepper my kids too,I wouldn't mind adding Pepper. Not Atarado pleaseπŸ˜‚Just to make it hot. Just the way u add loads of pepper in ur pancake.

      @ Shyla,if I remember correctly in the past one could nominate the HOH. Bn that if he or she is up,he or she can save him or herself and replace with another. Didn't know when the rules changed. Cos yesterday I was a bit worried Bassey wouldn't be up so he wouldn't have to save himself. That it is,if Debbie were to be up.
      But alas!

      @ Pipi everyone knows Bisola got a good game but we also know that she is big-headed. With this TTT's latest stunt,she is letting her emotions take over small small.

      By the way,I liked how Efe went to console Debbie last night. It touched me.

      Marvis,you wil soon start to come and be goingπŸ™

    10. @Shyla...but they do that in BBA na.


      TGW...Yes, I wanted him to save himself so he wouldn't be able to sav Debbie probably.
      The French toast, ok, I get.
      Bisola can't hide her emotions, the jealousy is so glaring.

  9. Good bye Debbie

    You haff tried sha. Simi is waiting for you

  10. Nigerians and sentiments! It's a game people!
    'Efe is poor he deserves to win'
    'TTT is married. He must go'
    'Tboss is forming oyibo, she must go'
    'Debbie-rise is nice. Let's vote for her'
    Namsense... If everyone were like Efe and Debby-rise without drama, you same lot would be shouting boring, boring!. Na sentiments of Nigerians Efe and Debby-rise go use win. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    1. She no de form oyinbo. She be oyinbo.
      *tongue out

  11. TTT can now come home. .been waiting for this for a long time now.Efe my guy, dont worry based on logistics u are going no where

  12. For te first time, i agree with you on the favorism for Tboss. How will a power card only add a person? no replace, no save? i think it was to give tboss a soft landing. This is an entertainment show, is tboss entertaining?

    1. You think, you don't know. Nawa for pple oo. Leave tboss alone biko

    2. Well, Big brother reserves the right to determine what a card is used for, its not like he had told her before what the card was meant for and then changed

  13. The hms mean tboss no be small.

    TTT byeeeeeee already!!!

    1. Dem de beef the babe pieces mehnnn....I wonder why.
      Everybody cannot be the same or act exactly how you want them to.

      It's so obvious they all (except debby) can't wait to have her out. World people!

    2. exactly @ your second point BL. I'm not team Tboss(I'm not on anybody's team jare) but make them allow the babe fresh air mehn! Kilode.

    3. In all honesty, I dont even mind who wins,but beefing someone in a game of luck shows how their minds work. They all are hitting on tboss because she irritates some and some envy her, seriously? They dont know how this is played. Efe nominating her cos he feels she is not real. Can he swear he has been real 100%. The main game players are TTT nominating Efe who he feels is a threat to him ( you remove your threat to better your chances). Same with Bassey. Others are too blind to know how to nominate Bisola is busy doing friendship and people are claiming she is smart. (That's not been smart). Go on a nominating spree and see who is your greatest rival and eliminate. 25m is at stake. People be voting cos of sentiments and zonal levels. Eg. Efe-south, Bisola- West. What is the meaning of that sef.
      If you are voting for Efe vote becos you believe he will put the money to good use and expand his rapping career. Same goes with others because of the hidden talents they have that need to be showcased to the world and not because of sentiments.

  14. On Sunday was the first time I actually watched BBN and it didn't interest me at all. (But I have read it on sdk blog a couple of times) And have heard OAP talked about it on radio most of the time

    I hope the best man(or woman) wins.

    Who Big brother Know????

  15. No hard feelings, they voted themselves out and in

  16. Sentiments can't these guys nominate the strongest contenders? Thnx Tony for using ur head. Tboss should go so these morons will start backstabbing eachother.
    Tboss rocks big time i don't care if she goes home. She is made already.

    1. Made oyibo hahahahahaha park well what does she want 25m for again?

    2. Chop kiss!
      I share your sentiment but then again, even if she doesn't win, I want her there till the end on to some #PepperThemDie levels. The hate is too much. All for what???
      Diff folks, diff strokes.
      You are loud and crass,
      she is prim and proper.
      Diversity in nature.
      Each to her own


    3. She needs to stay in the house and rattle them a bit. She certainly is not gonna win but they are too dumb to move away from her and start voting themselves. See how they all voted. Tboss all over. Marvis is as useless AF. But she will leave in due time once someone like TTT, Bally, Debbie Rise and Tboss leave. She is next. Mark this. People are just distracted in their voting.

    4. is it ur nomination

    5. Tboss too do jooooooor! You guys are being irrational. Bloglord take style dey campaign for Tboss. She does no wrong in your eye abi? Even down to earth Efe is seeing right through her. She has airs about her.

    6. No be say I take style de campaign, I de campaign so!

      She may not win eventually but she should remain till the end to pepperthem.
      Dia own don too much.
      Tboss this, Tboss that.
      She ask simple question wahala, she keeps to herself wahala.
      What do they want from her???
      The beef is on a 100.

      Apparently she is a major threat to them otherwise tell me... why did they all filed up like soldier ant to nominate her?

    7. Bloglord werin do you? Na same numbers of nominations tboss nd tony get na

  17. I kind of like Debbie rise sha though that her playsuit on sat annoyed me she should have continued with the gown.
    Based on logistics Efe ain't going anywhere on sunday and Tboss no word I don't hate her neither do I dislike her but she needs to stop being picky on thing she is Olodo Oyibo see her last presentation hahahahahhaha

  18. Advantage card gives you immunity to nominations..
    Power card gives you the power to change the game.
    In my opinion this is the only time Marvis could use that card.
    They have 3 weeks left,8 housemates.
    Next week will be very stiff.. no time for any card or immunity.
    I really like Debbie. I hope her stay in the house will open doors for her, she really deaerves to blow,i see it in her eyes,the hunger for a better platform for her music.
    I love her song too.

    The comments on Tweet ville about TTT cracks me up every timeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like i cant deal. The memes are worse.
    One typed: please lets send this man back home to his loving family,even though its not father's dayπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Last night he remembered his good friend Bisola,and lamented on how he used to trek back home.
    If TTT was upfront about being married,this money would have been effortlessly his.

    Efe's fans are like ants.. they are eveywhere.
    Tboss's fan base is even increasing...
    The next few weeks will definitely be hot!

    My money is on Bisola or Efe(not because Efe is better than others,but his poverty/street stories and alleged realness got him fans ... another game changer (Bassey or Marvis) might just pull a Dillish on us.

    1. Debbie is okay but just that her music will be boring to listen to. πŸ˜‚ She just has to go.

    2. LMAOOO @ even though it's not father's day.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      TTT is a desperate player. Very desperate. He crushes any obstacle in his way even his family. What a man!

  19. Thank thoughts exactly. The organisers saw that it could bye bye for the boring Tboss as Efe and TTT are strong contenders hence the stupid power card twist by Marvis. Staged show

  20. I pray both efe and bisola will not win. I wanted bisola to win cos she got lots of talent but her busy body is too much. Pls what is lazy marvis still doing in that house? She will become the down fall of efe.

    1. Your opinion doesn't count

  21. That one Marvis, i dont even know her koko.. I dey spearhead the eviction of Tboss pepersonally.. Lol

  22. Where are my Efenation people? Lets keep the vote coming.

    So this is how Debie rise will go home😭😭

  23. Biko our oyibo should come out ooo tboss

  24. Vote TBoss. #winks. Let the haters keeo hating. No onr is favouring her, big brother is just tired of them not playing the nomination game well. Nominating same set of people all the time.its a game for crying out loud.

  25. Now their real colour will be out.. TTT was feeling fly, I think. He taught he was the most desired in that house unto most fun person in the house. His undoing was him being selective of the people he rolled with. TTT may go

  26. Chaii no be small tin oo, Oya TTT it's time to go home ur wife n kids haff miss u oo, even Debbie-rise sef I don't even understand dat girl, chai my real guyy @Efe u r going nowhere o based on logistics, and my bossLady @Tboss I still need u in d house baby, dem haters leave Tboss alone oo.

    Harlex was here*

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. The first point of order for the day was the HoH challenge qand it was to see the start of a tumultuous and game-changing day. At the start of the day, Igwe Tony was the man reading the brief, He had recently had his run of success in the House halted by Bassey in the PayPortre Friday Night Arena Games and this morning's titanic battle for position in the House for at least one more week did not disappoint. As he had on Friday night, Bassey won Biggie's weekly game of chance as he picked the blue stone and held it aloft triumphantly, signalling a change in teh balance of power as Bassey claimed Head of House. Uriel would have loved it as she certainly loved a man in power and if that man's name was Bassey, all the better.

    The theme of the week was, "Random Acts of Kindness" and Biggie gave Igwe a totem named MAry and soon the Housemate holding Mary had to do a Random Act of Kindness for their fellow Housemate. Bally, in a remarkable moment of forethought approached Bally and made an impassioned plea to Bassey to Save and Replace him should he be Nominated later. He said that that would be a Random Act of Kindness as the man who had never been Nominated had a sense of forboding about the Nominations later.

    As if by magic, Bally's name did come up later in the Nominations along with TBoss and unsurprisingly, ThinTallTony. Ebuka called the Housemates to order in the Lounge and asked the three to stand up. Head of House, Bassey then chose to exercise his right to save Bally and he replaced him with a visibly shaken Efe, who stood up reluctantly as Bally heaved a sigh of relief as his ploy had worked. This is set to be a good test for Efe as he does not seem to be too aware of how popular he actually is.

    As is always, with Biggie, Ebuka signalled that there was one more twist. Marvis was told to stand and told that she would be able to use her Power Card to choose any Housemate to be up for Nomination. She wasted no time in throwing a visibly shaken Debie-Rise into the Nomination frey and she buried her head in her hand in disbelief.

    The reaction was mixed as TBoss went straight to sleep, Tony couldn't eat and Debie-Rise cried on Bassey's shoulder. With the relative bliss and calm of last weeks Wedding and no Evictions, the Housemates now knew that the game had changed and they all had their eye on the prize. Tony wasted no time in asking for Vites. Bally celebrated with his new boo, Bisola and they all tried their best to cheer up Debie-Rise who was the most affected by the evening's events.

    Debie-Rise and TBoss were also wondering why earlier, as part of the Random Acts of Kindness Task that they had to give up some of their favourite items and have them locked up in the Storeroom. They surmised that it would be returned soon as part of the Wager. TBoss then opened up about her trust issues and said that it was hard for her to take a compliment. Later, Bally quizzed Marvis over her Power Card and asked her what it was and how it worked.

    What a day, it certainly signalled a new Igwe in town as Bally also benefitted.

  29. My question to people saying Biggie favoured TBOSS by twisting the powercard is: If it was a twist to favour TBOSS then why didn't MARVIS nominate BISOLA? Why DEBBIE-RISE?

    1. Biggie know Marvis and Bisola are close so she wouldn't nominate her (at least not till the game gets tight), HOH cannot be nominated, Bally had just been saved (she prolly wont want to.put him up again) ....Debbie Rise was the only choice left..and Biggie saw that

      Debbie also the weakest link, so definitely going, if only one person is leaving,.

      So yes, Biggie did Ojoro

    2. is bisola not her friend. biggies Romanian girlfriend tbore is going home,she either goes this week or next week..

    3. must be a learner to think Marvis would nominate Bisola

  30. Let me see if I can make this my wechat work, all these pple that are hating my oyinbo pepper. Tboss am voting you girl. I hate bullies.

  31. Based on logistics..... Omizume we get ur back. thinkwithurkidney...

  32. Please people let us help TTT to go back to his wife and kids. There was quarrel between Tboss and Bisola this morning in the BBN house. And the underlying cause of the issue is shameless TTT.
    I bet it that Bisola will almost fall into depression if she come out and find out she was quarrelling with another woman over a man has a wife and kids outside.
    Am glad that Efe was wise enough to get TTT 's game. That guy brain dey work I tell you. For him to be able to decode TTT game even though he's not aware of what the viewers can see, mehn.......that guy kidney dey work. Base on logistics, Efe always
    Tboss has already confided in Debbie rise that she want to go home. Please people let's help her to go home. Tboss is manipulative and that statement coming from her just proves it....WTF
    Efenation, let's start voting to keep our man Efe in the house...Team Efe

  33. TBOSS will win.....She's going no where...guys is there any other platform that I'll be able to vote asides wechat??

    1. Keke driver are you sure u are watching bb naija and not bb Romania. If tboss like, make she pierce clit, kidney, armpit, show breez and vagina, she can't win when efe and bisola are still in the game

  34. TBoss and Bisola came to blows in the morning after the former took a jab at the french toast Bisola was preparing for everyone. The two of them walked away from the situation thought they were visually upset with each other. Things calmed down soon after and the Housemates sat around the kitchen table playing cards. However, Efe and Bassey felt that ammends needed to be made to keep in line with the week's theme of charity and kindness. Big mistake.

    Efe kicked things off by trying to get TBoss to "speak with Bisola" as part of her act of kindness. She immediately refused and said she'd rather fail the Task! At that point Bassey called for a meeting and tried to get everyone to hold Mary in their hand and say what they felt she represented. TBoss flat out refused to take part. He then asked the two ladies to rise and iron out the issue. Everything went down hill from there.

    Bisola made it clear that she didn't like being micro-managed in the kitchen and was already in a foul mood after being asked to make french toast for the House. She explained that this is why she snapped when TBoss "mocked" the ingredients that she was using. She also said she was tired of people always calling her "aggressive" and judging her for having a loud voice. 

    Then TBoss weighed in on how she couldn't ever tolerate disrespect and was sick and tired of everyone taking advantage of her and being ungrateful when she cooked and cleaned for them every single day "like some slave girl!". Her sharp words got Bisola worked up and when Bassey and Efe started telling Bisola to remain quiet after it was her turn to speak she went over the edge! "Now I dey vex! Now I'm aggressive." Efe and Bassey tried calming her down which only made her more upset as she felt she was being policed and silenced.

    The F-bombs started flying back and forth between the two ladies before Bassey ripped off his crown screaming "Do you not respect this crown? Take it if you don't!" Bisola stormed out of the room swinging at the air and screaming before heading outside to cool off while Debie-Rise tried to console TBoss to no avail. After she'd calm down she came back in to apologise to TBoss and Bally for losing her cool.

  35. I cant wait for TTT to leave the house!

  36. Bisola actually went to apologize to Tboss. Tboss just set her face like stone, first Thing, she first day apology na bs.

    I was disappointed.this is a grown woman like me oh,shame leave her come catch me, after all the begging wey DF beg am.I just shooky head at her kind of person

    So therefore, my fellow BVs, I am officially decamping from Team b swear dem take swear for me jare..

  37. Tboss represents all that most of them are not. She has this aura around her,you can't help but notice her presence without her talking.

    She's beautiful, classy,when she likes you, she can go all out for you, she's protective of her loved ones,shes one of the loyal ones

    Tboss is a typical case of don't judge a book by its cover, Nigerians were expecting her to be a fun popping,crazy ass bi-racial girl cos of her bull ring,piercings and tatoo, only for her to dash all their expectations of her to pieces.

    That was her undoing, the backlash started; she's proud,not fun.... she doesn't conform to the standard that society has already set for her that's why she's a BOSS in her small world.

    The arrogant Tboss is the only Housemate that pops their pimple and does facials for the housemates

    Bisola was the engineer behind her putting Miyonse up for eviction cos when Tboss was falsely evicted in the first big brother naija eviction live show and DEBBIE ROSE Was brought in,miyonse gave Debbie rise Tboss bed space and closet, bisola told Tboss about the incident.

    Tboss was angered by that single betrayal by miyonse, like the popular saying "Hell hath no d4uty like a woman scorned", she nominated miyonse the next day because she felt miyonse betrayed the love,loyalty that shared.

    Tboss is a loyal person, she (hardly) gossips about other housemates and she doesn't hate.
    I didn't really feel her at the beginning of the show but she has grown on me like a seed metamorphosing into a beautiful flower.

    She's hated by many and still loved by many, simply because most people that hates her wants to be like her because she represents what they are not; beautiful,classy (despite the tattos),well mannered, a neat freak (it's unsanitary) .

    1. Chop kiss EmpressπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

    2. Blog lord....πŸ˜™πŸ˜—πŸ˜˜πŸ˜šπŸ˜š.
      Tops of the day 2 you

    3. All of this is bullshit. Tboss is a nasty and pretentious person. She was deliberately goading Bisola, hoping that Bisola would snap and take a swing at her and thus be disqualified from the house.
      If the money means nothing to her she can wipe her dusty ass and leave the house.
      Classy indeed. Fake bitch!

  38. @lara peperenpe since I'm a learner to think Marvis wont vote Bisola then yoy must be daft to think its not possible for her not to vot bisola. Afterall who friendship epp? Or you think when TBOSS and Debbie leaves Bisola would spare Marvis? Or Bisola would share her winnings with Marvis if she wins?


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