Stella Dimoko Lagos Police Vows To Stop Tuface’s Planned Protest



Thursday, February 02, 2017

Lagos Police Vows To Stop Tuface’s Planned Protest

The Lagos State Police Commissioner Fatai Owoseni on Wednesday said he will not allow the planned protest against the Federal Government slated for February 5 to hold in the state.

Popular musician, TuFace Idibia who joined the call for protest by some concerned Nigerians over the state of the nation, had used his social media platforms to appeal to his supporters to join the movement.

But Owoseni, who had earlier stated that there was no official request from the protesters notifying security agencies of their plan, said Wednesday that intelligence report indicates that criminals might hijack the process.

According to the police chief, the command wasn’t ready for that kind of demonstration and as such would not allow it to hold.

He said no matter how good an intention is, hoodlums would always find a way to harass, rob and attack innocent members of the public, who may wish to go about their Lawful duty.

Owoseni said: “Information reaching us revealed that some hoodlums are planning to hijack the peaceful protest. And as such, we won’t allow it to hold in Lagos. We know that Tuface does not have the capacity to contain such a crowd and we will not fold our hands and watch while things go out of hand.”

At a press conference held earlier in the week, Owoseni said: “The Civil Society had said that they do not need police permission to carry out any peaceful protest, but they should also be aware that there might be those who share an opposing view. This set of persons may want to disrupt the peaceful demonstration and would want to attack demonstrators.

“This is why we advise individuals or group of persons who may wish to embark on civil demonstration to inform the police so that adequate security arrangement would be provided.”
From Thenation

*About hoodlums hijacking this?he is definitely correct,even Tubaba haters like Blackface can hijack it to go wrong.....I would stay home and join online if i was be on the safe side oh.


  1. God bless you for this advice, Stella.

    Inasmuch as nobody in his or her right senses is happy with the current situation in the country, you can only enjoy the good of the land when you are alive.

    I will never forget the fuel subsidy protest and that innocent lad who was killed by a policeman. Till today, what justice has happened to his family?

    Heaven knows I will never join any protest, not with the current insecurity in this country. Lots of folks are angry and no one is your friend. If a policeman who is supposed to protect you can kill an unharmed and innocent fellow, what won't a passerby do?

    For the sake of your family, stay alive and keep off these protests. The best way to win in any situation is to go on your knees. God still hears and answers prayers.


    1. madam stella i beg to differ on your advice.2012 lagos shut down protest went on for 3days, hoodlums no hijack am. so why cant one day protest go on now? if the youths in the 1990's where afraid of protesting against the military government then , may be the military wont have handed power over. so why can Nigerians protest peacefully on a democratically elected government where the govt is of them, by them and for them? why are they being intimidated ? but hoodlums wont hijack the i stand with buhari rally? stella things are very very bad here. people are suffering no be joke oo. A liter of kerosin is 500 naira now unlike 50 or 100 naira 2years ago. so if a low income family try to buy food stuff to cook 2 or 3 times daily with 1k oo. they will have to spend another 1k buying 2liters of kerosin. dats 2k total. 2k ×30days =60k a month. where the salary of the man and his wife is just 50-100k combined if not less. how do u expect them to do other things ( school fees, house rent, go to hospital when they are sick) if one begin to break it down and you see the inhumane stress families pass through now, you will cry blood stella. wife have become prostitutes, husbands beggers. what do you think the children will become? THIVES! OLE. only politicians and top business men can enter a car shop and buy a brand new car. No average worker can try that now. tokumbo now is a probem too. our land boarders have been closed and even when you bring in cars you pay 60-70%. industries are closing, people are being layed off from work in thousands. people are being killed like chickens. and you say the youths should not protest? youths who there future have been robbed totally by the old political class. our country is failing and now is the time for the youths to stand up and demand better life. if the youths in all these vdeveloped nations are subjected to 1/3 of what where are passing through here, you can imagine what they would do. thank God for 2baba, he has given may ppl voice with this singlar act. fayose nd other politicains, even if you have good intentions to join the protest. we understand but please i beg una no come


    2. madam stella i beg to differ on your advice.2012 lagos shut down protest went on for 3days, hoodlums no hijack am. so why cant one day protest go on now? if the youths in the 1990's where afraid of protesting against the military government then , may be the military wont have handed power over. so why can Nigerians protest peacefully on a democratically elected government where the govt is of them, by them and for them? why are they being intimidated ? but hoodlums wont hijack the i stand with buhari rally? stella things are very very bad here. people are suffering no be joke oo. A liter of kerosin is 500 naira now unlike 50 or 100 naira 2years ago. so if a low income family try to buy food stuff to cook 2 or 3 times daily with 1k oo. they will have to spend another 1k buying 2liters of kerosin. dats 2k total. 2k ×30days =60k a month. where the salary of the man and his wife is just 50-100k combined if not less. how do u expect them to do other things ( school fees, house rent, go to hospital when they are sick) if one begin to break it down and you see the inhumane stress families pass through now, you will cry blood stella. wife have become prostitutes, husbands beggers. what do you think the children will become? THIVES! OLE. only politicians and top business men can enter a car shop and buy a brand new car. No average worker can try that now. tokumbo now is a probem too. our land boarders have been closed and even when you bring in cars you pay 60-70%. industries are closing, people are being layed off from work in thousands. people are being killed like chickens. and you say the youths should not protest? youths who there future have been robbed totally by the old political class. our country is failing and now is the time for the youths to stand up and demand better life. if the youths in all these vdeveloped nations are subjected to 1/3 of what where are passing through here, you can imagine what they would do. thank God for 2baba, he has given may ppl voice with this singlar act. fayose nd other politicains, even if you have good intentions to join the protest. we understand but please i beg una no come

    3. God has created everyone of us with brain (ability to think and make coherent and intelligent decisions) but it's a shame some people never use theirs. That's the singular reason why Africa will not develop. You are faced with a challenge, instead of you to face it squarely, you kneel down and pray!!!!! What was your brain meant for then???? When you have an exam to write, don't you read??? Or you just kneel down and pray??? Don't come here and be spiritual, cos I am even more spiritual than you. The bible says, FAITH WITHOUT WORK IS USELESS!!!!! SMHfor you!

    4. This one thing i hate about buhari's administration.
      Y are they trying everything possible to stop this protest?

    5. Hmmmmmm. Makes sense. But they can as well provide the security now since they are aware and ample time given.. At least they have a few days to get ready for it. Not that I support any unrest, but then again, citizens have the inalienable right to make a peaceful protest if they are aggrieved.

      Let the police provide adequate security and let us hear what Tuface an his crew have got to say. All of us are affected by the economic situation and we all want a solution abeg

      OK bye

  2. God bless you for this advice, Stella.

    Inasmuch as nobody in his or her right senses is happy with the current situation in the country, you can only enjoy the good of the land when you are alive.

    I will never forget the fuel subsidy protest and that innocent lad who was killed by a policeman. Till today, what justice has happened to his family?

    Heaven knows I will never join any protest, not with the current insecurity in this country. Lots of folks are angry and no one is your friend. If a policeman who is supposed to protect you can kill an unharmed and innocent fellow, what won't a passerby do?

    For the sake of your family, stay alive and keep off these protests. The best way to win in any situation is to go on your knees. God still hears and answers prayers.

    1. Madam prayer, na you pray pass! Really go on your knees? This is the reason these pastors r buying private jets! It's like saying you have an exam, u don't read but pray. Na wah!

    2. Shut your mouth there, prayer kor. Prayer without action is useless.

    3. Oluyomi, why you go hospital to fix your leg? Prayer can't fix it ni?

    4. Anoy 15:57, this bad of you to refer to her operation. You are just wicked.

  3. Replies
    1. That's so wrong its police, why stop them? Just ensure it's a peaceful protest that's all.

    2. Oga olopa! The way things are right now, everyone is a hoodlum so the protest must go on! Haba! The suffering is tooooooo much o jare!

    3. Police supposed to protect them,not to stop happened during Jonathan why can't it happen during buharri

  4. Stella you failed here, what happened during occupy, no police stopped jack, if they feel worried about hoodlums hijacking then they should give the protesters security, I weep for my country, shameeeeeeee

  5. Ehen oga let your people protect them since you know hoodlums will take over!

  6. Before nko? I would do the online and home support.

  7. Welcome to my country.... Abeg, make una no de discourage us ni. I cant even buy sugar n groundnut to soak my garri in peace; not to talk of milk!. Crime rate has skyrocketed. Wetin come remain bikonu. Mtcheew. Ndi ojoo

  8. Fatai may thunder fire you. Why not join and secure them instead of trying to stop them. So finally they've bribed you ba? Weather you people like it or not,we must protest!

    1. Olopa! Face your work ooo,make people face their own! Cost of living is too high! Kilode! O ma baje ke, oorro!

  9. See ehn this is just a lie and they know it.
    Peaceful protests can and do take place.
    They don't want us to be heard or seen. They are trying to shut us down and unfortunately it will work because Nigerians are easily intimated.
    This is a democracy and people have the right to protest whatever it is deem fit.
    People are suffering, rumor has it that fuel will be increased soon.
    People are moving to smaller apartments because they can't pay rent, parents can no longer pay fees or on time.
    It's crazy go we keep chanting e go better but things are getting worse.
    Imagine, them trying to stop you from expressing your pain.
    Occupy naija held, so why not this one? I'd tell you why, it's because they know the power you'd have when you begin to fight for your right and they don't want that.
    Tuface isn't doing this for himself alone, this is about everyone else hustling from dawn to dusk with nothing to show for it.
    Something has to give and the sooner the better for us.
    They will shut it down because you'd let them.
    I have a job and I can only imagine how hard it is for people who do not have.
    Enough of the excuses, let people protest.

    1. Well said Doppel!

    2. I am a medical doctor working my ass out with nothing to show for it...but Nigerians have chosen to continue suffering and smiling sheepishly,it's ok,let's Roast while government officials party all year round.

    3. Protest that they hve done shirts for! Am going for the protest and our voice must be heard!!!

    4. Don't be surprised I will make sdk stand or a truck load of sachet water to give to pple to drink, I will do it when they r tired, they get something to drink. Sdk mobile truck of sachet me u will see it...... Princess

  10. The police ought to help to make the protest peaceful not the other way round..

  11. E ma lo joko sibi kan. Useless force na only to collect bribe and enable kidnappers and rapists. Una dey part of the people we're protesting against. Shior!

  12. Stella i don't think its a good idea to say we should boycott the protest for the fear of it being hijacked, for me i am definitely joining the protest...



    BECAUSE ITS 2FACE THAT IS LEADING THE PROTEST, none of these airhead musicians without a mind of their own want to come out and speak against it. Like when he was collecting money from the past and present corrupt PDP government officials, he shared the money with them.

    Is it totally Buhari's fault that things are the way they are. This man is trying his best. Instead of us to look inwards and try to do things in our own capacity to support the progress of the nation, we are all waiting for Buhari. Imagine the petty provision seller close to me here buys razor blade for 10 naira in the market but sells it for 30 naira. Not even 15 naira o. Claiming dollar has risen and things are expensive. We are just being wicked to ourselves. It isn't all about Buhari. Let's check ourselves

    Buhari isn't even 2 years in office yet. Yall didn't protest for 16 years whn PDP ran Nigeria aground, but want 2 protest Buhari's one year in office.


    1. Oh shut it! Did we not protest the fuel price increase even though it would have been a good thing coming from Goodluck, now u Claim no one protested anything.

      Did they not protest the missing chibok girls. Why didn't u people claim it was the job of the opposition then.

      The country has turned upside down and yeah it is Buhari's fault as he's as clueless as the word itself.

      You are one dumb Buhari supporter, bcos all the sensible ones have long seen that the man is turning this country into a shadow of itself.

      Get a brain already

    2. Wake me up when you get a job
      When you pay the bills
      When you set aside your religious fanatism.
      This isn't about Buhari, it's about holding our leaders accountable.
      Governor of his wife state gave them a gift, tuface didn't go to him for money.
      He is a successful artist who didn't make name riding on the back or any politician. He doesn't even praise them in his songs, he sings about peace and unity most times.
      So what are you on about? Occupynaija happened during GEJ's tenure.
      Are you sure you know what you're saying at all?
      Dollar is 500 and above.
      Kerosene is over 400naira per litre I gather, gas is also expensive. So what else? Fire wood?
      2 years only? So we should die and be sold off as slave before we protest? For someone who promised heaven and heart? 2 years of more deaths and far more hunger? Southern Kaduna people are dying daily and the president is outside the country taking pictures for the camera but Eesah Buhari, thinks we don't have a right to protest.
      You're a joke that is no longer funny.

    3. Essay I swear...I must confess ur village people have used your brain to prepare concoction... Can u imagine how shallow u sound....your useless buharia is the cause of our recession... If u don't like it..go & die with him...kai...which kind mumu person be this...are u blind?even those in his govt already knows he's a failure & u are here blabbing... 2baba I go join ur protest... This APC will not take away our freedom

    4. Wow! Wow! So how much were you paid for this? Is not Buhari's fault really? His policies made things this way ok, imagine what would have happened to many families if the ban on car land importation was not stopped, wouldn't that have caused more hardship? Car price is now 4 times more than it was before, maybe they want it only for the rich just as dollar and internet usage is now for the rich only, Do u know how many families go to bed without food eaveryday? Do u know how much building materials cost now? Do u know how many people died and is still deing everyday cos no money for treatment? Have u ever stayed hungry yet can't buy food? Have the worst feeling on earth when your child is hungry and you can't buy food? Haven't u noticed that people now kill themselves more that before? U wicked o! If his wife can speak out against her husband's policies and sufferring of the masses openly then u be devil himself. If 2face's rally will make the govt understand what the masses are going through then I'm all out for it.... God bless Nigeria

    5. I would be sinning against God if j call you a fool.
      So I'm just going to jump and pass.

  14. Yeye people, during GEJ regime lest things are cheap Wat is paining me most is dat the fulani prezzie just turn deaf ears to horrible things happening especially the kaduna southern killings, cos na him brothers dey kill am sure in his heart of heart hez happy abt it. Baba fulani why? We voted for u cos we believe him u, now ds anyway 2019 is Ard d coner u r OUT.

  15. Nawa o..ordinary peace protest..people cannot it in peace again*mcheew*naija i hail thee

  16. madam stella i beg to differ on your advice.2012 lagos shut down protest went on for 3days, hoodlums no hijack am. so why cant one day protest go on now? if the youths in the 1990's where afraid of protesting against the military government then , may be the military wont have handed power over. so why can Nigerians protest peacefully on a democratically elected government where the govt is of them, by them and for them? why are they being intimidated ? but hoodlums wont hijack the i stand with buhari rally? stella things are very very bad here. people are suffering no be joke oo. A liter of kerosin is 500 naira now unlike 50 or 100 naira 2years ago. so if a low income family try to buy food stuff to cook 2 or 3 times daily with 1k oo. they will have to spend another 1k buying 2liters of kerosin. dats 2k total. 2k ×30days =60k a month. where the salary of the man and his wife is just 50-100k combined if not less. how do u expect them to do other things ( school fees, house rent, go to hospital when they are sick) if one begin to break it down and you see the inhumane stress families pass through now, you will cry blood stella. wife have become prostitutes, husbands beggers. what do you think the children will become? THIVES! OLE. only politicians and top business men can enter a car shop and buy a brand new car. No average worker can try that now. tokumbo now is a probem too. our land boarders have been closed and even when you bring in cars you pay 60-70%. industries are closing, people are being layed off from work in thousands. people are being killed like chickens. and you say the youths should not protest? youths who there future have been robbed totally by the old political class. our country is failing and now is the time for the youths to stand up and demand better life. if the youths in all these vdeveloped nations are subjected to 1/3 of what where are passing through here, you can imagine what they would do. thank God for 2baba, he has given may ppl voice with this singlar act. fayose nd other politicains, even if you have good intentions to join the protest. we understand but please i beg una no come.

    1. Thank u for this piece

    2. My dear you have said it all. Majority of Nigerians are just cowards who hide behind their phone's. I remember a movie I watch about south Africa it was secondary school students that started the protest. Nigerian youths wake up please..

  17. Stella I don't agree with you. If everyone should sit at home and join the protest online,who then will protest? The police should be on ground to make sure it is peaceful not trying to stop it. Police are there for the masses and not for selected few. God bless Nigeria

  18. Leave him now,na where Yoruba mumu reach,like his wife or kids are not going through this most difficult period in Nigeria's history,I fully understand why I BBB removed this incompetent buhari the 1st time.We need a savior again.

  19. Stella we should all call for adequate security from the ploice and not voycotting it to stay at home.

    1. Tuface enjoyed looted funds under Jonathan's administration. He should not be the one to talk. He is the typical Nigerian that will use the plight of the masses to climb to the top. We don't need a peaceful protest. We need a violent, take it by force protest.

  20. This man is a joker, what he should do is to protect them instead of trying to stop it, haba Naija my country WHICH WAY

  21. Tuface is just a pawn here, you all should stop it already. Who say this protest is for masses ? Be there decieving yourself.
    Opposition are using him and you all think tuface is now the new face of Nigerian youth. Yinmu.

    1. Even if the oppositions r using him, it's for a good cause abeg. The suffering is too much

  22. Why will they stop the protest? Where $2000 is almost how many million. Don't they know that he has so many children and to train them in this economy is tight.

  23. See yeye people. They are already afraid. So police is now part of the ruling party. What's their own with citizens wanting to protest government ruining of our economy. Shameless mofos......In January, 2012, when Tinubu and APC spearhead a protest, did they stop. So then information didn't reach them that criminals will hijack it. Owoseni should face his job and leave people to express themselves .....we will protest

  24. Shame to NLC, they can't talk because they joined APC during the last election.....They are suppose to be one organising protest during a time such as this . But they were fooled, Buhari had clipped their wings and cause division among them.......Shameless bunch of clueless mofos

  25. Stella please buy an English text book and improve your grammar a bit. You can't say 'if I was you ' the correct thing is 'if I were you'. that's what is called the subjunctive mood. Concerning the protest, I support it 100%.Fatai is very stupid to have said that.

  26. Stella I beg to differ, we always sit on the fence and watch things go wrong and then come online to say all sort of things. Other countries when things go wrong they come out and protest but over here we always hide behind our phone's and creat stupid meme and trends. As expected in every protest its the job of the police to ensure order when it gets out of hand and that also done in a safe way not shoting innocent protesters. I stand with Tuface on this, it's high time we make our voices heard.

  27. Mrs Stella I do agree with you in some of your advice but on these, I think you are wrong to tell adults to stay at home for a peaceful protest, you should have kept that in ur mind and maybe call your family members not to be part of it. It's wrong for you to use a public platform people accept you as a leader to misled or misinform them. Please try and correct yourself and don't stop a good move at the right time.

  28. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars2 February 2017 at 12:13

    Is this not a Democratic government? So what is wrong with peaceful protest? Smh.

  29. Its the police that normally act uncivilized during protests, no matter how peaceful the protest is going,they will get there and kill innocent Nigerians. There is every possibility that the protest will be bloody,thanks to trigger happy policemen. I stand with you Tuface but i stand online biko.

  30. Stella does not live in the country and has no clue how hard things are.

  31. But the #istandwith buhari won't be hijacked okwaya?nigeria is this way because of our"siddon look attitude".for all those hell bent on stopping these protest joy will forever go missing in your life's.nothing is working yet we arent allowed to voice out our worries?I fear for nigeria.


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