Stella Dimoko Lady Ends Her Life After Boyfriend Blocks Her On Whatsapp


Friday, February 03, 2017

Lady Ends Her Life After Boyfriend Blocks Her On Whatsapp

A woman who'd threatened to harm herself if she split from her boyfriend was found hanged after she texted him: "I've done it".

 She feared her Boyfriend had broken up with her after blocking her on Whatsapp and committed the act, according to Daily Mail.

Keep-fit centre manager Lyndsey Higgins, 30, was found dead by businessman Martin Westwell after he failed to get a reply to his "done what?" message back.
An inquest heard Thursday, she had met the former fireman on a dating website.
Privately-educated mum-of-one Ms Higgins would cut her arms and had warned her boyfriend she would cause further harm to herself if they split up, it was said. And they had rowed on the night in question.

On December 18 2015 - after the couple fell out in a petty argument over what Mr Westwell described as ''silliness'' - Miss Higgins texted him saying: ''I’ve done it''.
When the dad-of-one texted back and failed to get any response, he went round to her apartment in Barnoldswick, Lancashire, to find her hanging from a banister rail. Lyndsey Higgins had threatened to hurt herself if they split up, the inquest was told.

Lyndsey and Martin had gone to the cinema but had an argument and both left to their separate flats. Later that night, "She tried to call him but he blocked her number on WhatsApp. He later got a text from her saying: ''I’ve done it, thanks.'' He replied with 'done what?' but she didn’t text him after that so he called 999."


  1. Replies
    1. Ending significant relationships is difficult. In these situations there can be a great deal of emotion and uncertainty and often the decision to end the relationship is made by one of the partners despite the feelings and commitment of the other. In some situations, the overwhelming nature of the situation can lead to one partner feeling hopeless and suicidal. I know nothing justifies suicide and everyone deals with tough times,but some people have dealt a tougher hand when it comes to life circumstances,post trauma,mental and physical illness ,social standing and ability to cope with depressive emotions. So don't just come here and type 'goat' with your scrawny fingers if you have not walked a mile in others shoes...

    2. Depression kills...

      Reach out to that your quiet neighbor, distant friend, never smiling father, gloomy mother... Reach out.

    3. Bless you 10000 times King Eze.

  2. Useless woman, look at me despite all the things im going through suicide hasnt crossed my mind , some people truly do not know the value of life..aunty Rest any how you like

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂@rest anyhow you like.

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Just negodu, do you know how many girl I block on what's app, calls and real life in naija? Just they end up marrying the following weekend. White chaii

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. What kind of stupidity is this? This oyinbo people sha

  5. Stupid woman, why kill yourself because of a man when there are plenty more looking for love?? What will become of her child??

  6. Suicide is like champagne for this oyibo people. Na wa for the woman ooo.

    Anyway i will sorry for you and put RIP

  7. Death go just dey hungry some people

  8. May God deliver us from people like this. Relationship is a choice. Staying in a relationship is also a choice. Lord save me from needy people.

  9. Madness at its peak... This is one of the people Majid was talking about... Smh.

    Anyway, our thoughts differ

  10. Dost toe dost, ashis toe ashis, iff the Lord doss north gate yuo, the devul wheel.

    1. Villager 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  11. So many crazy people around... Well.. she will reincarnate as a Grim reaper #Goblinfever

  12. All for a man that will continue philandering with women after you've gone.
    RIP to her but she died for a lost cause, leaving her child in this lonely and wicked world.

  13. She had a problem before now and should have seeked help. I get scared of ppl who do weird things when they have a fight with a loved one.

  14. Rubbish, RIP to her.

    God Bless Everyone.

  15. Suicide? God forbid!
    Suicide over a man? Very senseless, selfish and extremely foolish!!! GOSH!
    Why some women feel or think that their lives are worthy or depend on a man? Why? Why?
    Even if you have a very low self esteem, don't you have a conscience to remind you that your were living before knowing that man, and you can survive after his deparure from your life?! I am pained to hear that a woman took her own life because a man upset her or ignored her or dumped her.
    God, l pray for your wisdom to our daughter, sisters and friends lJN.

  16. She's such a fool... Ode!

  17. the way you people comment on this post shows how shallow minded and ignorant u people are...very u are all stupid to know that this case goes beyond just blocking her on whattsapp.....she suffers depression obviously and has psychological normal people cut themselves? then whats the insult calling her goat, stupid etc? u all just run your mouths here normal person will just commit sucide over a flimsy sure if u talk to people close to her they will tell you about her mental state

  18. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but this is exactly what happens when you place a man's affection over the love you should have for yourself... How many times do men take their own lives over women ? They move on almost at the speed of light; continue living, breathing, enjoying life's pleasures. A relationship can't fix the issues you have within yourself. What will you tell God? That you ended your life because a man blocked you on WhatsApp ? Wawuuu. All I see here is a disturbed woman who needed therapy and an overdose of self love ❤️

    RIP Lyndsey Higgins, I hope you'll be smarter in your next life.

  19. She's stupid and selfish . killing yourself for a Man who might leave anyway while forgetting the child that will always be yours.

  20. Please don't call her goat, stupid. Its obvious she had issues.

  21. Lmaooo @ aunty rest anyhow u like. Sharp shooter, ur mouth!Funny but sad. When things like this happen the first thing that crosses my mind is "another loss to Christ, gain for the devil".
    The end of times are really near, if u cant go out to evangelize, please pray for souls. Christ bore all that pain for a purpose.

  22. Eya,depression and psychological unbalanced

  23. It I'd not oyinbo that commit suicide ,it is happening every where depression is bad and it takes one with strong faith in God to overcome depression.Christ is essence of all things, not money,relationship, status, qualification, etc.Rip to the dead


  24. She should never have been in a relationship with a man because of her depression. Thank God she killed herself, because her type would have killed the boyfriend and the child. Her depression made her dependent and needy on anybody who claimed to love her. I hope she finds eternal peace.


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