Stella Dimoko Interesting Case Between Actress Ebele Ohakwe,Her Lawyer And The Army


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Friday, February 24, 2017

Interesting Case Between Actress Ebele Ohakwe,Her Lawyer And The Army

Remember the story of the Actress who was molested by a Soldier in Port harcourt ?The soldier was eventually jailed for 28 days but there is more drama...


Many people have been stunned upon learning the about the rift between Ms. Ebere Ohakwe and our law firm, and most have screamed - What a world!

To me and my colleagues, the outcome of Ebere Ohakwe's case is not all that a surprise. What we did not know was the details of the implosion and its precise timing.

Normally, when a lawyer takes on a new case, he makes a detailed assessment of the kind of person his client is and define the relationship accordingly. Certain things are standard. Some other things depend on the personalities involved.

I was on my way to a Silverbird TV show on 31st January 2017, by 7:30amwhen I saw the message forwarded to DPA by Advocate Juliet Chukwurah. It was the sad story of a lady was brutalized by a Nigerian solider. Naturally, such stories trigger reactions from DPA. I managed to concentrate on my show for the next 45 minutes. Then I turned my attention to the case. It was the case of a lady we have all come to know as Ebere Ohakwe, with a Facebook name of Jewel Infinity.

Even without running a detailed background check on her, as I would normally do before undertaking to represent anybody, I felt that this is a human being and what happened to her was totally unacceptable, and that it deserved a strong response from our group. I used my social media influence to push the story out. It went viral.

I followed up with a strong statement condemning the military for allowing such act among its rank and file. My involvement brought the mater to the attention of military leaders in Abuja and one of them drew the attention of the General in charge of the Port Harcourt division of the army.

Later that afternoon, I settled down and forensically evaluate what happened. The analysis was detailed. I assessed the personas involved. I profited both the solider and the victim psychologically and socially. I concluded that the act was sexually oriented.

Right from day one, I knew that the commanders in Port Harcourt would try to cover up this incident or water it down somehow. I knew how inaccessible the military could be when they are under investigation. So, that was a stumbling block. I figured that the best way to try to overcome such stone walling tendencies of the military (indeed any military in the world) was to place things in the media.

So, I stayed on the media and the attention of the military was engaged.
Another thing I noticed was the personality of the victim. She did not look particularly stable. She has no single address or fixed home. She is estranged from her husband as well as from her 4-year old son. She spends time in Port Harcourt, but has no committed address in Port Harcourt.

She spends time in Onitsha where her parents lives, but cannot be said to have an address there either. The address problem was a challenge when the military police from Port Harcourt wanted to meet her to obtain her statement and they were willing to travel wherever she was to obtain her statement. We could not fix this meeting because she had no address. She was equally available in PH, Onitsha or Lagos.

Also, when you have a new client in a highly controversial case such as this case, you have to conduct a different kind of analysis on the background of the client. You have to identify any unique vulnerabilities that might affect the case along the line. We already identified her unstable family situation and the lack of address. When a person has no address, the person also has no employment. So, Ebere was unemployed and unsettled.

However, her biggest vulnerability has to do with a criminal trial she has been facing since the past two years for drug trafficking. That case is pending at the Federal High Court, Lagos and being prosecuted by the NDLEA. It is a very serious case and Ebere knows that she could be convicted.

From a lawyer's operational point of view, these vulnerabilities could become an instrument of blackmail that might be used to pressure a client by those she was about to take on. I paid very close attention to that drug case against Ebere.

The amount of drug found on her luggage at the Murtala Mohammed Airport enroute to UAE was sufficient to classify her as a distributor, not just a consumer. I will not say more about the nature of the evidence against her in that case so that what I say here would not help the prosecutors in that case.

On 6th February, 2017, I personally went to Court 10, Federal High Court to know more about the case and to explain why Ebere would be absent in court on that date.

As expected, the drug case was a major problem for Ebere. All along, it turned out that she had been looking for money to escape from Nigeria, and the ongoing case. That has been her total obsession. Leaving the country was a single-minded obsession for her. That is why she is not settled for any job or for any address.

Her case against the military, to the extent that it might result in monetary compensation to her, became a God-sent avenue to get the much needed cash. I was disturbed by these calculations.

With all these uncertainties, I had to make sure that we had a clear retainer agreement with Ebere to protect our interest against any surprising moves she could make. Specially, we wanted to make sure that she would not be forced to settle the case in our back. So, we put in a clause in the retainer agreement that stated that she would not compromise the case in our back. With that, we actually gave her an avenue for her to refuse to comprise the case simply by telling anyone that she would have to get her lawyers involved.

At the beginning of our representation, we knew that Ebere did not have money and lack of money is one thing that could force a client to compromise her case. To protect her against this, I told her that ECULAW would be willing provide cash as may be necessary to develop her claim. Here, I meant that we would pay for all logical needs and medical bills and evidence preparation efforts necessary for her case.

Unfortunately, Ebere understood this to mean that ECULAW would give her cash whenever she needed it. And almost immediately after I dropped the phone on this, she called me and demanded cash for pocket money. I told her that was not what I meant.

Going by the voice recording, the first day Ebere spoke to the General Commanding the Army Division, the General was asking her to come so they could settle the matter. Ebere told the General that she would have to speak with her lawyers (us), and the General repeatedly tried to discourage her from using lawyers.

In fact, on that day, the General offered to give her his phone number for she and the General to be discussing directly. But because Ebere insisted on consulting her lawyers, the General ordered his men not to give his number to Ebere. So, clearly the Military Commanders were pissed by the fact that she insisted on continuing to use a lawyer. I had extensive discussion with Ebere on this.

I explained to her that I knew the Commanders were going to try such. I urged her not to worry about such predictable development. I explained to her my plans to overcome that.

The pressure for her to pursue her case without a lawyer continued. On the 9th of February, the day the trial of the solider took place, Ebere had a private meeting with Colonel Ibrahim and General Udoh respectively.

Both officers insisted that she would not get anywhere with a claim against the Army in so far as she continued with the lawyer. I was disappointed that Ebere would insist on meeting these officers alone, unaccompanied by the lawyer I had sent to represent me. After those meetings, Ebere was visibly shaken. She believed that her case was a lost cause.

And her attitude changed. She began to see the lawyers as destiny spoilers. I tried to calm her down. I explained to her the legal process all over. But her question for me was money, money, money. But I could not give her any specific date when money might come and I could not even give her a guarantee that money would come.

She bluntly told me that she just needed the money to get out of Nigeria. I pitied her, but there was really nothing I could do about it. I only fight the way I was trained to fight. I had no means of forcing the military to pay her money outside the standard claim process.

From the night of 9th February, Ebere changed. She became extremely cantankerous. She hung the phone on me. She would start talking without stopping. She would get impatient if I did not pick her call all the time. I tried to defuse this tension by having my Associates to deal with her.

But she was was. She abused my lawyers and called them names. I was loosing my patience. And one day, I made it clear that she is not the lawyer and she should not direct us on matters that involve legal judgment.

Rather, I urged her to focus on the only thing she could do meaningfully, which was to continue her medical treatment until discharged.

She urged me to move to Abuja immediately to demand money for her. I explained to her that I did not believe that the military would give her money voluntarily. I advices her that the more realistic outcome was that we would go the court and win a judgment against the military before they could pay anything serious. She did not want to hear this. But that was really all I could offer her at that time.

On Friday, 17th February, by 11pm, Ebere called me on the phone and complained that she had no airtime asking me to call her back. I sent her airtime. She called me and told me that she wanted terminate our services. I told her it was her rights, but I hope she was not going to compromise her case. I later sent her an email about that.

I was going to get to the bottom of the matter. I just wanted her to think it over. However, because of these tensions I stopped giving public updates on her case because I knew something unpleasant was about to happen.

However, yesterday night, after the military press release on a case where I was involved as a lawyer, I had to share the release. All along, Ebere has been trying to convince the military that she had fired me as her lawyer. She attacked me yesterday as a way to convince them that I was not her lawyer anymore, in order to get them to give her the N250,000 the promised her.

We are considering suing Ebere and the Nigerian Army in relation to this case. I don't think she will get the N250,000 she ready to die for yet.

Emeka Ugwuonye, Esquire


  1. What are you saying in other words lawyer

    1. Mr lawyer you are a huge disgrace to your profession. Haba! So now that you revealed her personal history to the world hope you are happy. I wonder how your wife and daughters will cope with you at home. Person no fit joke with you o (you will replay their history back to them). Rubbish!!!

    2. Genny do not mind the arse wipe. Very useless charge and bail lawyer, you want to sue the Nigerian army? What have they done? Your client said she is no longer interested in retaining you na by force? This idiot again? Isn't he the one with the Mrs Amanbara cucumber scandal

    3. What happened to attorney client privilege? What kind of useless lawyer is this? So as he is writing this he is still her lawyer. What a shame.


      My attention was drawn to a comment by Ms. Ebere Ohakwe that ECULAW is no longer her lawyer in her case against the Army.

      By way of clarification, I am aware that Jewel Infinity says I am not her lawyer. What happened was simply that on the 9th of February, the day that the soldier was tried, Jewel met General Udoh, the General in charge of the Camp and attempted to negotiate a settlement or monetary compensation for her injuries, which was a terrible mistake. It is never right for a client to attempt to bypass her lawyers in sensitive matters of this nature. It is my understanding that the General blamed her for involving a lawyer in the matter. The General gave her the impression that she was better off without a lawyer. Indeed, according to Jewel, the soldiers upbraided her for going against their initial advice and hiring a lawyer. They gave her the impression that they would have paid her some money if she had not hired a lawyer.

      Jewel, believing that the involvement of a lawyer would deny her any monetary compensation, attempted to disengaged us as her lawyers. So, right from that moment she left the Military Camp on 9th February, Jewel became antagonistic toward us and eventually informed me that she did not want me to be her lawyer anymore.

      This would have been a simple matter. But ECULAW signed a retainer agreement with Jewel. In that retainer agrreement, Jewel undertook not to compromise this case or to try to settle the case secretly behind her lawyers. It is unheard of that she would attempt to sidetrack us because the Army told her to do so in order to get money. My option is to sue her and the Generals and the Army and to block any attempt for them to settle in a manner that undermines our legitimate contractual rights.

      I am convinced that Jewel is ill-advised in this matter. And I hope she realizes it and retakes her steps. It is also unfortunate that General Udoh or any other senior military officer would encore a person who has a claim against the Army not to hire a lawyer or to interfere in a contractual relationship between a lawyer and his client in such a manner. That is actually a far more dangerous way to undermine the right of the citizen that what actually happened between the solider and Ebere. By the way, we do have a tape-recorded conversation between Ebere and the General in which the General was telling Ebere not to involve lawyers.

      We were hoping that she would realize her mistake and retrace her steps. But if she doesn't, we will have no options that to enforce our rights agains her and against the Army.

      I do not intend to join issues with Ms. Ebere Ohakwe. She has been traumatized and she is scared of the military. She believes that they are above the law and that they could determine whether she uses a lawyer or not. Indeed, Ebere repeatedly told me that General Udoh declare my letter to him a "rubbish". If so, we will prove to the world that General Udoh is not above the law. His army are not above the law.

      I may not say anymore on this right now. I will rather urge you to watch how this plays out. I am delighted to face the Generals. Thank you. I stumbled on this on fbk. Barr Emeka sent that to his group on fbk.(DPA)

  2. hahahahahaha what money has been causing in this world, only God will judge.

    So na N250,000 be the money lawyer is fighting for.

    wetin concern me self

  3. Desperate 'actresses' and their fake lives. I pity many of them.

  4. The thing wey money go cause for this world eeeh, na only God go help us. These ones have fallen out and are now airing their dirty linen in public. Na wa

  5. The thing wey money go cause for this world eeeh, na only God go help us. These ones have fallen out and are now airing their dirty linen in public. Na wa

  6. Josh, can't believe what I just read coming from a man. You talk to much. She trusted you as her lawyer and you spit this rubbish about her you are indeed evil.

    1. As in ehn...
      Why write all these about her? Maybe he has been bribed too! Unam ikot

    2. But she went behind his back, so she deserves whatever she gets.

    3. A client has a right to settle outside if court. As her lawyer if she wanted to settle why not help her negotiate a good settlement and take your fee? Why where you trying to force her into court? As her lawyer you should have taken her decision on board

  7. Just 250,000?? What is that measly amount going to do for her.

  8. What an interesting case. But can someone remind me who is she again in the society? Can't really figure out.imagine the mess she got herself into.

  9. End time lawyer

  10. Nah wah o!
    When you have a client that doesn't listen to her Lawyers,this is the outcome. It turns messy.
    The Bad ones are now the good guys and the Lawyer the Big Bad Wolf. Issorai.
    Anyways,me thinks that that 250K payoff was small. If only she was sensible and allowed them handle this case properly.

    1. She just wanted sharp sharp money, see how she has pursued her destiny helpers.

    2. 250k only! If only she calmed down millions would have dropped if the lawyer handled the matter.

    3. I'm telling u,the lady didn't try at all. Just look how she refused the help she was offered on a platter of gold.And look how she ended up shooting herself in the foot.

  11. ummm...sometimes it is good to mind your business o...why do i feel she might have slept with those high ranking men....and settle it amicably.

  12. Chai! May I never need or get a lawyer like this. Social media lawyer

  13. Mr Lawyer, you had to draw my attention to her marital status and all private issues.
    You are too sly.
    Ebere,na so life be.

    1. I'm just tired, lawyer you also had to talk about her drug case and all, haba, this anger is not ordinary brother lawyer tell us why you're so upset with Ebere!! Did you ask for something she refused to give or it's the money that's paining you? She doesn't have a permanent house address blah blah blah, her son , husband etc !!! Why you so mad? With your terrible English, lawyer my nose!

  14. Women and fish brain

  15. So many things hidden thing about this very case unfolding about this case!I'm speechless.

  16. Really... mr lawyer her private life should have been secured!

  17. Mr. Lawyer, what happened to attorney-client privilege and duty of confidentiality you owe your client??? You come here and you spew out rubbish from your mouth. You are a disgrace to the legal profession.

    1. It does not apply where the Client is trying to bring the lawyer or his law firm into disrepute.

  18. Hian! Which kine lawyer be this one kwanu? This man talks too much biko..... Tufia !

  19. Mr Lawyer.. you had to tell all

  20. Stella please investigate this matter with keen gloves cos I went through the Ebere's profile ( jewel infinity) on fb and she's saying a different story . I think the lady in question is not dancing to the lawyer's tune which might not be favorable to her, that's why the Emeka Ugwuonye has resorted to spoiling her image with such derogatory story. What has her private life or past crime got to do with the barbaric treatment she received from the heartless soldier.

    1. Infinite jewel started it all dear.

      She don delete all her posts even live video she did yesterday regards to dis case o saying someone hacked her account

  21. This Ebele is about to get her finger(s) burnt. Someone please tell her, she must not mess with a lawyer!!! Army is not an individual, she may probably get the 250k in year 3030,after due process. Hhmmmnn

  22. Mr Lawyer what happens to ATTONERY N CLIENT PRIVILEGE? Do you have to smear your client to make a point? Thanks to you the world now knows she has a drug trafficking case, she is unstable, unemployed n wants to jump bail (run away from naija)

  23. Hmmmmmm God forbid this kind of lawyer. Abeg you too talk. Mtchew

  24. and this man call himself a lawyer? is a lawyer not suppose to keep his/her clients secrets secret? iiiiisssssh i would rather trust the devil than trust a lawyer or a police man.
    bunch of silly fools.

    *hangs leg in the air*

  25. That is the Character of this lawyer. Always at loggerheads with his clients. Winder how he concluded Charity's matter. As a lawyer, you must respect Attorney-Client privilege. Its an essential of practice.

  26. Unfortunately we live in an almost lawless country, if not this lawyer should lose his wig and gown on top this lengthy press realease. Let me address the issues one after the other:

    1. Her drug pendalling case is actually none of your business. Does it have anything to do with this case? No.
    2. Her financial status is also none of your business. DPA contacting you isn't it supposed to be pro bono?
    3. What do you mean she has no address. You claim she stays with her parents in onitsha, why cant that address be used. i don't even live at home but my contact address remains my parents'. Does she live under the bridge in PH? Lagos?
    4. You need to understand getting cash to leave this country is not hard, not as hard as you made it seem. She's a fine girl, men will offer to fly her anywhere she wants. 250k can be made with just a single phone call. The so called general can even give it to her minus this case.

    So uncle there's a motive behind this story of yours. May God prevent people who really need help from lawyers like you. You just did something worst to this lady than the guy who assaulted her. With you writeup you have painted her as a unemployed, broke, drug peddalling, drug using, prostitute(you implied the assault was sexual) who's looking to get money and go on exile with it. I hope you are happy and i hope she finds a way to get even with you!

  27. Haba charge and bail lawyer, Must you disgrace your client like this ?

  28. Mr lawyer ,you are dam fool,nawah ooooo,see as you expose your client ,this is not professional at all,why cant you go straight to point ,to the issue at hand instead of talking about her personal life ,child and the rest.becuase of JUST 250?????

  29. This is why NOBODY likes to help another person

    This is why DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and in fact any form of violence will continue to go unpunished.

    So this lawyer decided to use his good services and finance to help this woman get a landmark victory against the Nigerian Army, which would probably put a stop to all their crimes against civilians in the future. And she decides to settle with just 250 000 Naira. Which she probably will never get.

    People don't realize that the outcome in this case would go a long way in providing a legal framework on which domestic violence victims as well as victims of institutional abuse can claim rights and compensation.

    Madam, I truly feel sorry. This is a case of Esau selling his birthright.

  30. Lawyer what happened to confidentiality, even if she's no longer your client. must you wash her dirty linen in public like this.
    She doesn't have address? what about using her parents address, something a lot of people do as its probably not a tenant address but fixed.
    oga Emeka I can never hire your type as lawyer. mschewwwww

  31. Oga lawyer , the moment you undertook to start paying for stuffs out of your pocket, your judgement in this case became questionable , if she can't afford your services leave her , if she can't and you want to fight for her probono do pro bono, you can't stand in between ,you have disgraced our profession. Because of how much. Is that how they taught you your own law. Its her case anything she likes she does with it , why are you going beyond your brief, if you don't like her attitude you could have returned her case file to her.

  32. I don't even get the morals of this there no truth atleast a little in this lawyer's story??is there no other reason behind this case??what do I know sef .let d learneds speak i dey watch 2 learn 2

  33. This lawyer is a terrible human being he is fighting this girl for the 250k that's his problem, Nigeria court cases are always very slow the lawyer might not get judgement till 2035 no be Nigerian judiciary system I knw and she want to move On with her life & leave the incident Behind her that's why she want to settle out of court is still her choice as an adult but the foolish lawyer want her to continue, why telling the world she doesn't have address does it mean that her parents are living in Air @onitsha or she didn't have a village address, why telling us she is estranged from her husband is that the issue @ ✋, she is facing trial for drug peddling, she want to leave the country Is it the issue @ hand ,who doesn't want to leave this God forsaken country called Nigeria, what if she has a visa she need to use b4 it expires, this lawyer did worse than the solider, stupid & very idiotic lawyer what's happens to her right of privacy. Lawyer akpiri ego. U want her to go on fighting in court as if u will provide security for Her to be going about since u forget we are in Nigerian she could be killed & swept under carpet as usual of Nigeria forces & u confirm that soilders threaten her to the extent of her figeting anytime she finish meeting. Mr EMEKA may I not meet ur kind all my life cos u worse than devil itself . Foolish charge & bail lawyer everywhere.

  34. Why am I not surprised by this divorced fraudulent man..A man who claims to help women fight against domestic violence but ask them to sleep with him(that's the mumu ones)..and when they finally oblige, he uses it against them ,especially when they finally find out that he's not what he claims to be and they want out just like this Ebere's case.thereafter he then blackmail them by telling them to go to his Facebook group(dpa)and show (fake) gratitude and also urge other gullible members to pay #6000 for their registration.Emeka can use anything to blackmail you,especially when you confide in him,that has always been his way.
    Emeka once told my friend who was going to Dubai,to deliver a parcel to a friend base there and when she opened it against his order,lo and behold it was cocaine, she immediately called this beast and told him what she saw he told her to deliver it or he would tell her fiancee that she was raped by her father and as at that time her wedding was a two months away(she refused and he sent the fiancee a voice message between himself and my friend.But God proved himself)
    This is a man that duped the Nigerian government of(one million, five hundred and fifty thousand US dollars) he was arraigned by the EFCC in (2011),a crime he committed in the state and was Ordered by the US court to refund the stolen money this led to his subsequent relocation to Nigeria to set up a law firm(ECULAW)..Reacting to this the Nigerian ambassador to the US describes Emeka and his company as fraudulent institution aim at defrauding the gullible Nigerians.
    This is a man that can't represent you in court cause he's having a court case with the federal government that's why he's always going to Abuja.he set up dpa to be able to deviate our minds so that we can't see the real devil in him..
    Note:since he claims to fight for women, how many cases have he won?non abi.and if you refused he would blackmail you..You can Google him. I would send you evidence Stella when I'm less busy

  35. No lawyer/ client confidentiality. Amazing. This lawyer is simply amazing.

  36. This guy should be charged with malpractice.No regard for lawyer-client privilege whatsoever. Smh.

  37. When a man who has done nothing but fight people's cases pro bono is abused the way she has done,then she is a heartless fellow. No one says you can't settle out of one says you can't fire your lawyer.but be smart and end it without biting a finger .as for her drug case,even stella Carried how is it a secert ?she was the Same girl that tried to set her friend up by planting cannabis in my luggage enroute dubai.What does that say of her character?sonia

  38. oga lawyer you are very stupid for exposing ur client. She say she nor want ur service again, na by force? You want to use the lady to get money from the Nigeria army. Shameless man blackmailing innocent women. Lair

  39. when a person takes up a case pro Bono,he deserves gratitude.All this lawyer has ever done is speak for the voiceless and oppressed. she didn't pay a dime for his services.Then you turn around and tag him crooked over something that could have been resolved.let's fear God.He wasn't crooked when he started an e protest that I took part in.The protest that made sure you were heard.The army had already swept it under the carpet.
    About her drug case,I found out about it on this blog.remember the girl that concealed drugs in her friend's luggage,that's ebere Ohakwe. so how is it a secret?

  40. How long will women continue to fall for this fraudster parading as a lawyer? A client can chose to terminate your services as long as they are not owing and have fulfilled their part, why post an update on a case you have been released as a representative? Of all the lawyers in Nigeria, they pay him 6k to join his illiterate group DPA. This is a man that claims to be Harvard trained yet has no decorum as a lawyer should. He will blast and block anyone who presents contrary evidence to his blackmailing stories on the group. He will post clients family history (father, husband, sibling etc) if that is where the 'dirt' lies. He himself is divorced so don't bother about contacting his wife to intervene. He is yet to win one single case in court yet some women still engage his services. Maybe because they feel he is affordable forgetting that the severity of a case should determine the type of lawyer to engage. You don't engage a charge and bail lawyer for court cases. Like doctors, You also have lawyers that specialize in certain fields like real estate, family ceases, etc. So engage the lawyer that understands the laws applicable to your case.

    This is not his first falling out with a female client where he goes to his page to write demeaning stories about them once they realize he is not interested in pursuing any court case and it surely won't be the last.
    Majority of his members and voltrons are Ibo women with no clue about the law. They don't bother to enlighten themselves but believe his lies hook, line, sinker....Ignorance is a disease.


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