Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Na wah!


Hi stella please hide my email,all protocols observed.i am going to go straight to the point, this chronicle is long overdue and I was forced to send after I read Monday's own.

Hmm to my story,i met my hubby in a neutral state from where we both lived (different states), we hit it off,i was just coming out of a bad relationship then,he was really nice,humble and caring,he didn't have a job then but promised that after he gets one,we would be staying outside his state( Delta)

Along the line I got pregnant,marriage was already in the works,i had to move to where he was staying(in his state with his family),eventually after all the job hunting,he didn't get a job outside his state and got one in Delta.

Here's where my ordeal began,we were living in the same compound as his family,i lived in Abuja all my life and was not used to certain lifestyles,i had to adjust,his family are terrible people,if I start to recount incidents,this post would be too long..I have begged,fought,cajoled that we move from there to another apartment,he keeps promising.

He's the only son and his mom doesn't joke with him,interferes in everything concerning our lives,gossips about me to her daughters,she wanted us cooking together but I stood my ground.

I've been degraded to the lowest point in my life,there was a time i ran to my parents with my daughter,but they sent me back that we didn't raise you up like this,now I have 3 kids and stuck here.

Mind you,he kneels and cries and promise me heaven and earth about moving out of the family home,yet we are still there 8 years now,i regret ever agreeing to this arrangement in the first place,to be fair,he wanted us to move out in the beginning,but I said since it was an empty apartment,he should let us manage since he just started working then,so  never ever ever live with a man and his family,the law of "see finish" will enter.

My family can't visit,they are not comfortable with the arrangement,i'm so fed up and depressed most of the time,i'm a shadow of myself,i have no say when it comes to my kids,though I started being rebellious at one point,i became an object of ridicule even their maid disrespects me,i feel so downgraded,given my upbringing and where I am now,a graduate from Obafemi Awolowo University,now i'm like a village woman living in bondage,it is well..

I am hopeful and pray God touches and provides for us,so we can move and become the family I pray for,this has really affected my marriage.if my husband buys fast food,he'll have to sneak it in,if not they would gossip,if I dress up to go out I have to let them know my movements,but they go out without informing me.let me stop here.

So single ladies out there,never make the mistake of staying close to your inlaws,ever.we live in the same compound,different apartments,it's a small compound.
Men please I beg you,never subject your wife to the mercy of your people thanks.

*The way you make your bed is how you will lie on it!...Why must you inform them of your movement?I dont understand that........


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Chikito. Madam get a JOB! What is wrong with some women? Do you enjoy been jobless and dependant? All these would have been avoided if you have an 8-6 or even 7pm somewhere (9-5 is theory jare). You would have singlehandedly moved the family to another apartment far far away from them & make your home the way you want. Moreover you don't owe anybody your movement chart for goodness sake. Even the maid disrespects you? That is enough to fire that zeal to make it out of that place. Abeg your solution is within your reach so bring it to life.

    2. It's not easy to get a job in Delta. Delta no be Lagos or Abuja. It's so easy to say get a job from the comfort of ur phone.

    3. Gbam!!@ Ralu. Inlaws will trash-talk when they see you're idle.

    4. Exactly,its not easy getting a job,i'v tried several and even cried and cried,its a strange land to me,not friend,family,connections,whatsover,my husband can afford for us to leave here if he wants,but he's just being relaxed,God is in control. #Poster

    5. My dear , delta warri to be precise is not
      Lagos or Abuja, the lifestyle is different , the people , the culture , I lived in Lagos all my life but but I now live in warri thanks to marriage , most jobs here pay 25-35k , I have taught in schools and even in private firms and most of them are the same , my advice is try and a skill something that will help you make money . It's not easy but it's well, if you want to be friends pls indicate

    6. Seriously you guys!see eh try dressing up and going out without telling your WAFFI mother inlaw.stella this is warri we are talking about here, the lady stays with her in laws and she is not a waffirian . It's not easy at all

  2. Poster,I call your type a married Mugu!...
    No time to write epsitle...would have told you what to do!...

    1. 😂😂😂😂😉 I see no problem in her chronicle.....

    2. Its like u are angry with poster😂

    3. anonymous gangster22 February 2017 at 17:26

      On Linda's behalf, this is what you should do. Write all your inlaws Dem name, carry go that baba Wey dey gwagalada, take along 5 white pigeons, 2 ostriches, 7 bottles of seaman's schnapps, leave the rest to the baba!

    4. Poster na wa for u o....
      I blame u for this... Baba 8yrs nd u are still there.. U try o.

      U too dull jare....

    5. Poster shove your opinion down your ass. Am sure you were one of those I must marry by force..
      Abeeg endure ammm..

    6. Hahahahahahahahaha at anonymous gangster!..
      Shege!!!! For making me laugh like this....
      Honestly,Some married women no sabi at all!...
      If your husband and inlaw's are giving you tough time,work on them spiritually!...

      Monkeynofine,you say what?...
      This woman is suffering! .i don't even want to imagine what she is going through...

    7. IBk,no I was busy!...

      Anonymous gangster,Hahahahahaha I'm suspecting you...
      How did you know the list of stuff to buy?'s like you patronize them wella...

  3. Chai not good to live with inlaws oooo. Wahala too much with them.

    Madam take a stand and dont let your education be a waste. Your parents self are not helping matters at all. I am very sure you are depressed.

    Take a stand now. Your way or their way. The choice is yours.

    OAU you go, you no see akata girls there and what they do. Abi you dey do the Lord is Good.

  4. Madam you are in no position to advice single ladies pls! You got pregenant and married a jobless man that alone shows how desperate you were to be married so pls enjoy your marriage and keep your advice to yourself!

    1. U comments dey ova make sense

    2. Stupid fool, who ask you judgemental idiot

    3. anonymous gangster22 February 2017 at 17:29

      You're right she goofed initially, but she has realised her folly, that alone gives her the right to caution others. Don't be so self righteous, we all make silly mistakes.

    4. No mind her...8yrs she still there....

    5. If you don't want the advice then shut up. Judgina, you no dey spread your leg too?. Self righteous razzzzz cow.agbero

    6. Don't we learn from people's mistake?

  5. Replies
    1. I keep thanking God for the kind of guy I married! Thank God I didn't settle! Thank God I waited on when my mate were all rushing into it and they all encouraged to just settle for any of guys after me! Thank you Jesus I waited on You! You have a guy that compliments me cos my own stubbornness is out of this world! My husband worships me! After God na me! Every other person comes after! What I say is the final! I am a good person and good to his family, but if they dare interfere in my private affairs, hahahahahaha na my husband fight not mine! I will just stay in bed and hang up my legs with a nice cup of coffee, and my sweet husband with do the fighting! After fighting, they will all call to apologise and everything will return to normal; peaceful!
      The good side is that I forgive and forget easily, I love as if we never fought!

      So I ask, where do you see you ladies see these kinds of guys you marry?

      Bankie! Nwa mummy na daddy

    2. Anon 16:25- 😂😂😂 My prayer is that I'd be typing this in a few years. I'm actually a very sweet person. Usually misunderstood and I stopped bothering a long time ago. Only my close friends and family know my mumu button. And they use it at their will. So for me oh, settling with a guy who doesn't understand me that way is a no-no. Horrible inlaws are too much stress to deal with and I just can't. Please he shoudlnt even drag me to that point. Your inlaws dont have to like you. All you need is a husband who knows that too but is very firm and objective. A real man. Make them dey settle dey go.... Rush in run out cry in-between.

    3. Oh my goodness,Anon 16:25 - I thought I wrote this. I bless God for my life...

  6. Oya awon Stella is right make una come drop una comment.

    1. Swaggie Kai nah😂😂😂😂

    2. anonymous gangster22 February 2017 at 17:30

      Stella is right, lol! Dunno about what sha!

  7. Hmmmm This is serious. Even their maid?

    Lord fix this.

  8. Well,thanks for the advice!
    I can never stay with my husband's relatives and I keep saying it

    See the situationship you are in.
    I cherish my privacy a lot
    I don't entertain visitors too cause am always thinking am not treating you well enough

    I prefer to be by myself and when I get married, it would remain that way.
    Sorry about your situation.

    1. We are in d same league, I can't nd won't knowing my kind of person

    2. E go shock didn't come with a manual so be ready for the unexpected. Dummy

    3. I think we have something in common....I like to be alone abeg....who visitors epp?

    4. @Chi aunty gwegwe gwe..howfa na .

    5. Stupid ladies..keep saying thrash

  9. You need help innit?
    Well.. May the good Lord that blessed Amara and other countless BVs here, bless you too!

    But to be honest with you.. You see this your problem ehn.. Na you do yourself! All these things has been happening and you're still collecting preek and be 'borning'??? Shuuuuooo

    You are a graduate right? Why haven't you left there yet? Why haven't you started applying for Vacancies and plan how to move on with your life?
    You still dey there, hoping and praying abi? Issorait
    May God help you

    1. Ask her well well...

      E be like say them use rope tie her down.

  10. Well you're the one who doesn't want to leave o because if I were you I'd go and rent a place and move out.
    Let him live with his mother and marry her if he must.
    1 child is even mild to walk away, you went ahead and had 3. Then 8 years later you're crying.
    Oh well some people will still make same mistakes even after reading this because love makes people do silly things and even things they swear they'd never do.
    Madam, stop loving your life to please others.
    Do something for you and your children, don't raise them up believing a man is the reason to live for.

    1. Nice advise need typing or advising poster again with what u Av said

    2. Hmmmmmm. Your advice these days sha. She should go rent a house somewhere else and leave her husband because his family doesn't treat her right. Like seriously? Do you use your brain sometimes? What happened to advising her to look for a job and support her hubby so they can move out. I pity for those that listens to your advice. That was how you ranted rubbish about the lady and her mother in law. Mtcheeew...abeg just shut up

  11. You've been living with them for good 8yrs, you've really tried. Well, pray for your man to have enough money to move you out asap, I really feel your pain

    *Larry was here*

    1. Pray for the man to have enough money? Is she allergic to making money? Complain never start.

  12. I really feel you.thanks for sharing with us.

  13. Are you seeking for advice or you are advicing the singles*confused* To the best of my understanding from this chronicle is you already started what you cant finish, so deal with it. Wrong choice you made from the beginning where you wan do good wifey and na you allow them see you finish join anyways. Pray harder so you guys can eventually move. Good luck!

    1. Sandy don't mind all your haters coming here to yab you and call u gwwez..I pray they remain alive when God will sama you with better husband .. I love u a lot o.k .keep being you. Am just a distance observer..

    2. Distant observer @anon 18:41! I have never 'minded' dem na if not I would have helped their ministry by shielding away from commenting. Who dem epp? Dem don baff?😂😂😂Its their mothers wey don old they are calling gwegs o not me that is still young and over full of life when they dont know my age. Its the last thing the awon enemies of progress will ever hear from me anyways. So they should hang/cling to calling their mothers that name. Wetin concern me with them outside this blog. Atleast, all that matters to moi is they didnt achieve their aim of trying to stop me from dropping my shameless razz opinions.😂😂😂😃😅😆😀👍👍👍They should keep dealing with it mehn. Shikena!! By the way, Tankio very plenty!

    3. Sandy from your reply you have already shown that you care alot what the 'anons' are saying. You don't ever waste time before replying and thanking imaginary friends fighting on your behalf. My dear you be in expired one sef so don't give yourself hope. Start looking for who will impregnant you sharp time again. Lol

    4. See me, see this fbg @20:52! I was out with some friends. You really do think/wish I live on sdkb like jobless you. Cmon get lost with your stinky opinion. Scallywag!

    5. Hahahahhahahaha..i knew you will reply. Ebot ubom. You are busy but you have loads of time to be cussing out on sdkb. Tufiakwa! Ewu!

  14. Eye ope yhu deedn't tail em yhu wer goin toe cend a kroniku cus eye aff chum-chin eye woss gonna tail yhu bet eye'm skirt dey mite see eat an shata dey hole plan sins yhu tail em of ol yhua moofment....

    Chai!!! Yhua horseband no try sha o.....Evun yhu sef, yhu steal dey dia dey burn more shilren wen yhu sopose dun komot leaf am sins na mommys boy wer e be.

  15. You've lived with them for 8 years na so keep enduring, if you can't then I suggest:

    _You rent a place and move your family(oops you don't have a job)

    _ Start hunting for a lucrative job for yourself and hubby in another town so that you relocate.

    _ Learn to live with your inlaws and enjoy your marriage.

    So far they dont get into your personal space relax joor.Its not like you share same flat(that I can't deal with).

    For every problem there is a solution, I wish you all the best in your search for solution.

  16. Before you married him, didn't you know he lives with his parents? Didn't you know you were getting married to a Mummy's boy?? You've chosen your path and I'm tempted to tell you to endure it but I won't.
    Do you have a job or you just sit at home feeling left out? I think you have to get something to do... This story is even somehow sef, it's like nothing binds you all together, not even your kids??!! I mean don't Grandma want anything to do with her Grandchildren?

    I really don't believe this story, it just came off as straight up bad; call it a hunch!! I pray whatever it is, it turns out well for you

  17. Madam your husband has ur mumu button, when u mean business he ll know.

  18. Poster, sorry you learned this lesson the hard way. When Jesus said " A man shall leave his mother and his father,and cleave to his wife".Its because of issues like this. Atimes,the family even turns the wife to another main. May God help you.

  19. Hmmmm, this is a serious issue, Madam poster please continue to pester your hubby till you move out of that family house, You Have even done well by enduring for 8yrs. Monday's chronicle poster should take a cue from this chronicle.

  20. Marry a man that loves & listens attentively to you, & your life will be all peach & creams, even if the in laws are as bad as 8am traffic on 3rd mainland bridge, he'd look 4 an easy route to make u comfortable, cus he cnt stand to see u uncomfy or in pain, trust me, such men are out there!!! He'd go look for a shoemaker at 10pm if u complain of ur footwear, he'd look for a suya man for breakfast, and the in laws will say ure using "Jazz" on their brother, but cnt do shit about it, they'd gradually come close to you eventually or risk havin their bro shut them out totally. Its usually the mans attentiveness the in laws take advantage of.

    1. Atheist, that u wrote up there describes my husband. I feel so lucky

    2. Sorry o, are you asking her to go look for another husband? Abi you're further using her sad situation to advise others?

    3. Word bro! Word!

  21. Poster, I don't see anything wrong with cooking together with your mother-inlaw, from what you just said I feel your husband is a mama's boy. I fear mama's boy(s) like kilode cause their mum has the final say in everything. Poster, just pray, pray and pray God will surely intervene

    1. Cooking with them is absolutely wrong more fuel to the fire

  22. Stella you think she like to inform them? Na condition make crayfish bend. She knows her situation very well. Right now madam Na only prayer you need because your hubby is now so comfortable living there, he doesn't want to pay rent. But whatever happens he gave his people right to walk all over you. He should know that an insult to you, is a slap to him. Poster, just keep praying God will remember you.
    i wonder why sisters in laws find joy in maltreating their fellow woman, forgetting that one day they too will be married. Its well o.

  23. This is just terrible. Some men are too laid back. They dont aspire for more. Why subject your wife to insults? Well, you already made the choice of being with him and that is his baggage. Let him know exactly how this affects you. Then pray pray pray. Only God can change a situation

  24. Pls if ur husband is from delta state Ure done for..Thos people have dirty characters and dey don't see evil as anything...I will never advise my enemies to marry from that state..Tueh...poster sorry oh...u have to give them fire for fire cos that's how they are...

    1. Ur name suits wat am suppose to tell you...for crying out loud pls stop generalizing issues based on few situations

    2. Sorry. I have an inlaw from delta. They are very good people. Except they're uneducated- same as every tribe.

    3. That was the only tribe my late dad kicked against his daughters marrying into.

  25. Oh well! Seems you have taken life the way you see am. Sorry about every every, I hope in the future he finds a place.







    1. Mehn that girl is lucky, God bless all the angels in this blog, is not easy giving especially to someone u don't know. I want to use this medium to ask for an angel to locate me, all I need is some start-up capital to add to the money I have, I already have enrolled in cake making and decoration class. Please someone should help me. Bv F...

  27. You said it yourself. The first mistake you made was agreeing to move into the house in the first place. Except the man is a real hustler there is always a chance that he will get too comfortable. What do you do? Isn't it time you start earning your own money? Since you are the one that hates staying there I don't see anything wrong with you renting a place and moving out cos the fact is you can never be totally comfortable living too close to your in-laws even if you are both on good terms. Till you move out or she passes on...she will continue to be the madam of that house.

    1. anonymous to bahd22 February 2017 at 17:43

      Should we arrange the "passes on" solution? I'm whispering o, no shout.

  28. Lol don't wanna be in your shoes Biko. I don't joke with my privacy.

    Godspeed poster.

  29. I feel ur pain dear.i have a friend who is going through similar situation as urs but hers is even worse bcoz they don't stay in same house with the in-laws but their house is directly opposite.her hubby doesn't live in the same state as he doesn't work there but the in-laws wouldn't let her go visit him.they always complains about everything she does.she have to tell them when she goes out and have to give consent if not na trouble ooo.if she goes out to buy things she must show it to the MIL if it's drug the MIL have to check if it's sealed.the don't allow the man send her money directly it must be through them.they buy her food stuffs they like.whenever the hubby comes back he have to stop at the MIL house first she'll collect everything he bought for the wife saying she doesn't need them
    it's really risky staying with in-laws ooo.what I list there is just few

    1. ...they don't allow the husband send his wife money directly??? It's the man's fault abeg, rubbish. They never born that kain Inlaw them, except they go spiritual I will deal with every shit.

      It's true sha the way you make your bed so you lie on it.
      I recall a week after my wedding we (hubby and I) had to travel to another state for his cousin's wedding as well. We got a new apartment and since we weren't sure of the light situation in that area we took our wedding cake to my in-laws place. On our way back; this is like after one week , one of Hubby's step brother who I never saw throughout our Trad and wedding called him that he wants to cut the cake and eat. Hubby told him not to that he's on his way back and that the cake was yet to be given to some close friends and family and colleagues. Promising to give him his share He dropped the call like he heard.
      Unknown to us he was already using a four tier cake to do breakfast and snacks with girlfriend. We only took the topmost and gave to someone remaining three steps.
      You won't believe the idiot guy finished the second and third step and went ahead to start cutting the last. Jesus Christ.
      I was so mad when we arrived, I abused the hell ouuta him. Told him bluntly that's disrespect, the dude didn't utter a word of apology.
      That's when I told him that since it's cake that he wants he should finish the remaining and then I give him three days to refund the money we used in making the cake or esle I will get him arrested. I actually said it out of annoyance. Lol
      That's when my FIL came and pleaded that I should forgive him and that please he will pay for cake to be given to my colleagues. I simply walked away.
      That was the end of rubbish. They know I can't take shit.

    2. Chai, see wetin person daughter dey go thru! God, please grant me ling life, sound health & comfort, God forbid a daughter of mine lives like this your friend!

      Fatimah, (I guess), is your friend hoping or she has give up?

  30. *I smell fish*
    Something is fishy

  31. 8yrs patient still, he will move out

  32. Hnmmmmmm!
    Are you sure this is all?

  33. No matter d love u think u have for each other. This arrangement will kill it. I'm a living example. Urhobo people r demons. They don't value women.

  34. Poster, u are a graduate from OAU and u have let yourself sink to this level?? can't u come to the city with your kids and stay with friends or relative till u get a job and stand on your feet?? This is why women should be independent. If u had a job n money, u would have left this senseless man and his family. You need to pull yourself together and get out of that house. Marriage is not everything in life. Marriage doesn't make u. U make yourself. Pick up yourself from the ground and get things done.

  35. Your condition is simple and can be solved in a day;. Tell your parents to help you guys with 800k. look for a cheap 2 bed room to rent and pay for 2 years. before the 2 years rent expires you guys will be able to foot the bills.

    Secondly, you are squatting yet you still opened your legs and bringing children into the world. You should have stopped at one and insist you guys move out before others come along. The way things are now. Na armed robber motor you enter already.

  36. Poster, I concur with u. That lady on Sp this morning, pls do not allow ur mil to come stay with u. If u cherish ur marriage. I am talking from experience. The effect of allowing mil to stay with us for almost two years, we are still feeling it. Especially the mil that poke nose a lot and gossip too.

  37. Poster... nah you dey send them oooh.
    you gave them too much power over you, i stay close to my husband people too, thou not in the same compound, and tell you what its just an extension of each other, immediately i notice this i started setting my standard, so now am in-charge of my home with the help of God... tell u what? even if you move out of that compound and you still allow all this nonsense it will keep happening, and you will keep complaining. in other words, start living now like you dont live in the same compound, sent a visible standard to start with, dont expect from them, pretend to stay in a different state from them and see and it works out.
    above all pray, pray that God help you wean your husband from his mother's breast.

  38. Living in your husband family home is one of the worst mistake a woman can make never try it o, am saying this from experience... My mom suffered a lot

  39. Thank you madam. I have said it times without number that I will never stay with any of my relatives nor my hubby to be family, I don't care if am wicked but I know what my mum passed through and it's worse when you don't have a job. Poster please endure

  40. It depends on the in-laws o. Some are not that bad, so we should not generalise.
    I sympathise with you sha.

  41. hmmm, mu dear i pray against such for my life in Jesus name. friendship from afar dey sweet. NEVER , I REPEAT ,NEVER AGREE TO STAY IN A FAMILY COMPOUND OR HOUSE. you will blame ursef for it. as for me o, i cant even take half of what you took. i go don mia. that is why ladies try to have a source of income.

  42. Never Ever Ever Ever Ever marry a man that cannot rent a house. During my marriage class the pastor frowned at all dis you listed . He said a man must be living far from his parents in a 2 bed room apartment or more, Job no matter how small before he thinks of marriage. My Pastor also said people should stop saying they love children when they dont have the capacity to bring them up properly. next thing they start running to Pastor for sch fees.

    1. God will bless that pastor. Even in the bible "job" came before "romans". No money, no tangible means of sustenance, no prospects, no mind of his own? Reality will wipe every trace of love and affection away.

  43. Madam pls find a job
    That's d best thing to do

  44. Hahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    I never knew some people were/are suffering in their inlaws lwkmd. If I talk they will say I'm a witch toh! I really wonder why some people prefer to act all cool when they are not to really prove what exactly? As long as I am concerned, inlaws are one hell of trouble that can easily send you to an early grave if care is not taken.

    I'm here to read and laugh. To say some people already had or are having troubles with their inlaws hmmmmmmmmm. I am super convinced in my heart that so many married women here wish for something better like having only their hubby in their life lwkmd. Please enjoy your MIL and SIL biko lol.

    Father inlaws are always the best. Kai! my father inlaw is my MVP any day any time.I can dey report my hubby to his father even add pepper and fake cry lol. My hubby will be saying; but dadee hear my own side of the story he will say No!! Only listen to me. Women are to be pampered not made to cry and you are lucky to have such a wonderful wife. Please apologize to my daughter now lol. I wish my father inlaw good health and long life every day bec he is the only one that resets my hubby's brain.

    God bless all the good father inlaws. But mother inlaws, I'm hear yet to hear of any good one lol. Please anyone coming under my post to rant should pls save him/herself the stress. Women always making their fellow women cry and suffer is just a pity.

    1. My inlaws are the best biko, am glad I have them, my MIL and SIL love me and I love them too.

  45. From this write up, it's easy to determine the man is not the problem here because as in most cases, it's the women in the husband's family that gives their fellow women a rough time. 'Eyin obinrin yi sha e le bo ninu ise ibi' but let's be very reasonable here. The overall problem is the man. A good man should be able to command enough trust and respect from his home that it automatically imprints on his wife. The wife should be accorded as much respect her husband gets from his family. Most times these in laws step in when their sons have given them the chance or shown them the way in. A man must be firm in his decisions but when he is weak and shows his family he needs their help, they will step in, sometimes deluding themselves they are only trying to protect their son or brother. They are just allowing themselves to be used by the devil as marriage is favored by God. The devil will do anything to stop and or break marriages and he uses weak mean people.

    Poster, you don't have quarrel with anybody at all. Your business is your man and you two need to work on your future, talk more on the plans towards moving out and see how feasible the plan is in the nearest future. God will provide for you o. And do you also work? I dont recall reading that part. You took a lot of risks, my dear, getting pregnant for someone job hunting and who lives in the same compound with his family where he isn't paying rent I gather. You were having these problems yet you kept having more babies coupled with the fact that you are financially challenged.

    Talk with your husband honestly and do what you can to help yourself too. You need to get something doing for yourself. Don't wait till everything collapses before you start to cry wolf. I pray things get better for you both. God help you.

  46. Threaten le hubs that the marriage is over and that you are filing for divorce if he doesnt get his own place and moveout in 6 weeks

  47. poster is it money u need abi advice .now every chronicle has turn to begging. na wa o

  48. me fit my in-laws. if I didn't welcome u in my house then u aren't welcome.

  49. It's hightime our families began to listen to their daughters. Many families will send their daughters back to their inlaws/husbands house, insisting it's a taboo for a married woman to come back to her father's house! Times have changed, there is wickedness in the land. Motherinlaw and daughterinlaw issue is something that should be avoided, no matter how sweet the relationship is, once there is cohabitation, problems arise.

  50. Hmmm! I know someone who this kinda arrangement works for. But anyway, different strokes. My dear! Get busy, start working, make some cash, let them say what they want,alt+cntrl+ignore and walk with your head high. Your family's future is your priority

  51. Firstly
    You dated an only child, and you knew the mom will be eager for a grandchild so the first thing you did was to get pregnant.

    When you are dating an only child, the apple of his mom's eye, you should understand the mom and sisters would always want to be close. I am sure if you have an only son, when he grows up and marry, you will do worse.

    You didn't take time to study him. In fact you agreed to everything he said because you were eager to get on the good side of his family to win his heart. Now, you think your job is done, you have gained some ground in that house, there is no need to pretend anymore so you want him to leave.

    Lay on the bed you decorated. Apply wisdom but don't try separating a man from his mother by putting discord in the family.



  52. Instead of me to live in d same house or compound with my in-laws is better I stay in the church, I don't have power to fight, I love privacy, try and get a job, Pat for an appointment and move out, don't allow in-laws to kill you before your time.

  53. Please get a job. No matter how small

  54. My dear,wisdom is all you need...pray and fast for days,i know where you are comn from.pray and fast hard.kai it is not easy i must say.atinuke

  55. Poster stop calling the woman your mother in-law. The way things stands now she is your husband first wife while you are the second. your husband is in his comfort zone and will never move out unless something very drastic happens.

  56. I'm in same dilemma, we had to move to family house cos hubby's job ain't paying and we is broke,im still job hunting, well we struggled to raise some money but not enough to pay for a manageable place,thus we had to move fam house as the last resort,well telling them my movements isn't mandatory but I do since I leave my kid with them,they have no issues, noone oversteps their boundary,i just feel it's the way you kicked off with them plus its8years already not sure Ul leave there in the nearest future,just correct what you need to and live your life happy, if a miracle happens,good and fine,all the best


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