Hello Stella I would like to say that your blog is super amazing and in times of great discomfort and loneliness it has always found a way to put a smile on people's faces, God bless you immensely for your wonderful platform . permit my life story and forgive the typing errors in it.
Now to my dilemma I am some worth unique and different from what is expected of the average Nigerian girl. Growing up as a Nigerian kid the rules where no boys, church and read your books. well I did that for a while until I discovered that I have an uncomfortable likeness for girls, I never acted on it because growing up in the church I was told "Hell awaited such exploits". But at age 16 I stopped out of my fears and starting living my real life on the down low.
I would never accept to be tagged by the corporate name but I knew I liked girls and boys were just for cover ups.
Now to my issue,I added some people on one of your last years SnM's and I met a guy who I later became good friends with, he asked me out and I declined and even offered to take me abroad, out of boredom i even agreed but I knew I wasn't into him and so I just let him stay on the friend zone.
Now to my issue,I added some people on one of your last years SnM's and I met a guy who I later became good friends with, he asked me out and I declined and even offered to take me abroad, out of boredom i even agreed but I knew I wasn't into him and so I just let him stay on the friend zone.
A couple of months after I met him my best friend got married and the air at home changed, my mom started dropping hints on me bringing home a guy and to calm her nerves down I made my mom believe I had a male friend whom i was interested in, so i could have some peace in the house.
Things went back to normal until another SnM came up in September and then I dropped an add for friends with peculiar sexual taste on your September SnM and I met someone special she was older and thou it wasn't love at first sight excuse been that we lived in different states, I was hooked unto her she was everything I wanted and we became closer like I would want.I fell in love with this Beautiful soul and never told her about Mr "A" and that was my biggest mistake.
On one of our meetings she found out about "Mr A" and all hell went loose and instead of saying the truth on why I kept him I lied. I have since stopped talking to "Mr A" as I can't bear to have him around when I never really liked him as he wanted. Now she's gone and my world has turned upside down and am saddled with the reality of what life is for someone different in Nigeria .
My question is
(1) How do i make her understand that I can't live without her and he was just a friend who made living my kind of life unsuspicious
(2) How do i go through life pretending am orthodox like every other girl out there when what makes me happy is been with someone like me.
(3) How do people out there live miserable lives of pretence because am under so much pressure from home to do the need full "marriage" yet I know that I will never make whatever guy I marry a happy man because he would never be able to make me a happy bride
(3) Are there people out there who are saddled with the wrong sexual partner and how do they cope.
I know my chronicle is unusual but Stella am going crazy. I can't live this life of pretence to everyone around me anymore.i am on the edge and feeling myself gradually slipping out of my sanity. I need help. please no one should suggest prayers and deliverance because I have done it before and it didn't work and only got me depressed.i am different and am tired of looking for a way out.
Most importantly I am loosing the best thing that has ever happened to my world because I tried acting normal.she was perfect
Stella if you can post my story I would be really grateful, I feel like giving up on living because this African family expectations is killing me.
Please hide my email and I am hoping to get an answers to my struggles.
*This one pass me,make i siddon read abeg
I still do not believe that some people are born to love the same sex. It has to be some kind if defect or childhood experiences and upbringing. And if you were a real christian, as in real real, its not possible to have such feelings. My thoughts. My advise is live your life in the way that believe is pleasing to you and God.
DeleteI'm also like ds but good thing is I'm bisexual. I can live both lives n u can never find out except I tell u myself. I'm 31 now n single on both sides(my wish though) as I'm very conservative. No family knows about my sexuality n it will remain that way. It's only in me n those Hv had sexual relations with. Be calm dear. Tilly, I knew abt lesbians in pry 3 OK n it was my seat partner in class thinking I detested it n even went to a single schl n never had any girl neither did I show it. I was a virgin till my 3rd year in schl. Now, m living my life n doing well.
DeleteI'm also like ds but good thing is I'm bisexual. I can live both lives n u can never find out except I tell u myself. I'm 31 now n single on both sides(my wish though) as I'm very conservative. No family knows about my sexuality n it will remain that way. It's only in me n those Hv had sexual relations with. Be calm dear. Tilly, I knew abt lesbians in pry 3 OK n it was my seat partner in class thinking I detested it n even went to a single schl n never had any girl neither did I show it. I was a virgin till my 3rd year in schl. Now, m living my life n doing well.
DeleteWhat a narrative. Postet may God grace and mercy be upon you so you will make the right choice.
DeletePut christianity aside.. Sometimes hormonal imbalance messes one up.
DeletePoster give your life to Chris.
DeleteIs blc of upbringing, she is not allowed to go near boys and it has affected her psychological and to parents outside there, all dis dnt go near opposite sex is rubbish , when ur children start having feelings for their fellow sex that time u will start begging the opposite sex to come.please I don't have advise blc dis one pass me
Delete@bianca bruno which of the chris?? Chris Attoh or Chris Rock? Just curious๐๐
DeleteI think I'm bisexual too. I like sex with my fellow girls but I'm more attracted to guys. Sex with girls is out of this world for me. I find myself in cloud nine and this is because I only have orgasms with girls. Tribbing is life yo! I can say this affected me from childhood cos I practised it a lot with my cousins and neighbors while growing up. I grew up to like it even more๐๐
DeleteLesbianism is a generational curse. Sodom and gomorrah was completely destroyed becos of dis strange practise. Its of d devil. U need to acknowledge its a sin. U need to create a strong urge to be delivered. U ar ur worst enemy. Its a vice d devil is using to destroy destinies. Now what u do is no longer a sin bt has become an iniquity.
DeleteAn inquity is a continuous practise of a sin. Inquities are transferred thru bloodlines. Now if u continue in dis u ar not d only one who will be involved in punishment it transfers to four generations DEUT 11:26-28 but if u repent and forsake it u also bring deliverance and blessings upon four genertaions DEUT 28:1-2. PROV 28:13 says he that covereth his sin shall not prosper bt whosoever confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. U need to acknowledge its not normal and invite God to help. 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Seek God so that u can find life and peace.
At first poster. I understand why some people feel like people can't be born that way. But on your second comment saying if she is a true Christian she won't have such feelings that's not true. For them it's the same feeling of wanting to date a guy have premarital sex, tattoo, basically just have all the pleasures in life that the Bible teaches against. As an unmarried person, The way you may feel about guys or girls and act on it knowing it is against the Bible or even commit adultery after marriage is the same way they do feel towards people of the same sex. They can also be Christians too but yield to sins of the flesh. It doesn't. Mean all are not true Christians they are all similar sins in the eyes of God. I hope you understand. Meanwhile I'm not gay ohhhh. Just wanted to say my own.
DeleteI have not read other comments but I pity the insults this poster will get here. It is d wrong place for her to come to oh. Poster go abroad and u can live how hot wish.
ReplyDeleteI would advise you to travel abroad!...
Yes leave this country so you can live the kind of life you want without any one judging or pressurizing you to get married...
You can even transform to a full man like my sugar Chichi Igbo!.
Oh I have a crush on that babe!...
I understand you and know where you are coming from mehn!...
Was about to suggest this too. Just relocate abroad where you are free to be yourself. Your family will come to understand with time.
DeleteYea,leave d country or else,u'll be miserable all ur life.
DeleteChief seems to be speaking from experience. I wish she were your daughter,so you could help her explore!
DeleteExactly. You can't live freely in Nigeria. Move to S.A if you can they are more liberal than us. As for the babe its over move on. *hugs*
DeleteGbam gbammer gbammest
DeleteWhy na? But chichi isn't your spec...see her strong bodi na
DeleteNaah Queen,there are hawt sexy girls with massive tits to drool over...
DeleteI thought u guyz hated SA because of Xenophobia, dnt u think she might die there? Btw I kno one Naija guy that is gay n dating an old SA oyibo
DeleteMadam poster,I'm not judging u bcos we all struggle with things in our lives....the fact that homosexuality is now popular does not make it right....a lie does not become a truth bcos It has stayed 100 years....u need to know the person Jesus....why did God destroy Sodom....start by studying ur Bible
DeleteMadam poster,I'm not judging u bcos we all struggle with things in our lives....the fact that homosexuality is now popular does not make it right....a lie does not become a truth bcos It has stayed 100 years....u need to know the person Jesus....why did God destroy Sodom....start by studying ur Bible
DeleteNa wa.
ReplyDeleteI will read comment
Na real wa.
DeleteNa real wa! LOL! Nothing one wont read here
DeleteCall me what you want I will speak the truth! I feel sorry for you but to encourage you in the act of sapphism I wont. Jesus didn't condemn sinners but neither did he condone sin. I am amazed at what so called Christians are spewing out of their mouths . My dear I advice you to say I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD every moment the thought of lesbianism comes up. It is not east but it is worth it gradually those feelings will fade. The holyspirit will guide you as far as you genuinely want to repent.Bless.
DeleteIf I may ask, do you intend living this kind of life till old age. Thank God you didn't waste that man's time, na so person go marry people like this who end up frustrating them due to their disgusting preference.
ReplyDeleteThe best is to seek God, most of you are possessed.
On the other if you don't need God's help, please don't destroy any man's life by marrying him, make your people understand or better run away from home.
Ideato if this is you trying to get your partner's attention, yak akam idaad o kene fi. Nsutor mkpo!. Apologies if I am wrong.
ReplyDeleteU Are Lucky I Dont Have An I.D, U Dis Idiot U Wil Not Comment Without Calling Out Pples Name. Goat Like U
DeleteApologies to your family and Ancestors. Stop being petty
DeleteNa woman you dey do, chai
ReplyDeleteRomans 1:21-32 KJV
Delete[21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. …
Since you say we shouldn't suggest deliverance, I'll say you should look for a way to travel abroad and live your life.....
ReplyDeleteJust know that what you are doing is wrong in the sight of God, it's abominable!!!
ok why not explain to this lady everything that happened. Its not easy coming out to your family to say you are gay/lesbian. i know that for sure. i'm not one to judge so i will not judge you. let the lady know the situation of things and why you kept the guy around. she should understand. i dont know what else to say. as for your family, dont tell them you are gay cos its a taboo here for us
ReplyDeleteAwwww the term you don't like is "lesbian, lesbianism".
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hear lesbians are the hardest when it comes to relationship issues.
They are so hard to convince once caught. So really like every normal relationship, you need to keep begging her till she agrees or let her be and just like you found her you'd find someone else.
But what do you intend to get out of this? You can't marry same sex in Nigeria and your parents/loved ones must never find out.
How long do you think you can hide this? Yeah people who are attracted to same sex claim they knew right from when they were kids but I think like everything bad you can outgrow it if you make your mind to.
You obviously didn't come here to be talked out of it but because your heart is aching for losing a loved one but know that if she is yours, she wouldn't make you stress so much or climb hurdles to be with her.
Also, you're an adult let your parents know this and damn the consequences. How long do you think you can dodge the marriage issue from your mum.
It will be unfair if you end up marrying a man just because and yet your heart isn't into him.
Marriage won't make you feel any different towards men.
You will be fine.
God bless you Doppelganger! Chic fight this urge and stop have sex. I know a girl that started stealing when she was a child, but with the help of people around her she overcame her urge to steal. She is now 13 and thriving. Please try to gather the will to fight this because it's a game of the mind and body. Plus, you can win the battle if you make up your mind to.
DeleteEven if you go for prayers and deliverance from now till tomorrow, if you are not willing to give it up, the efforts will be futile. What should be your chronicles is how to overcome this habit and not how to be accepted.
ReplyDeleteCall it what it is you are a Lesbian! You should cry for help!
God forbid bad thing! Homosexuality is against creation mbok. It's witchcraft. Tufiakwa!
ReplyDeleteOur generation 1980s to 1990 I laugh At us. I really do. Especially the Nigerian ones. Being gay has always been there as long as the Bible. But the world has always fought against it. In d last 10 years they have fought back and started winning. Have you all noticed there is no movie or show without gay people? Modern Family, orange is the new black, svu, game of thrones, how to get away with murder, in fact start thinking now you will be amazed. Our generation can filter this out bcoz we were not brought up like this. But for our children it will be very normal. All their cartoons etc. I even heard frozen part 2 she was going to come out as gay. Did you guys not notice she did not have a Prince Charming?
DeleteRemember when we were younger and our parents were battling boys plaiting hair and people getting tattoos? Wearing mine skirt? It was normal abroad but bad in Africa. That is what gayness will be when our children are growing up. Prepare yourself well. This world is changing. You do not know what your children will be, how their environment will affect them. Don't insult or bash any gay person now. Pray that your own will not be like that. Be watchful and vigilant, monitor what they read and watch.finish.
All dis deliverance talk I sure say Na so our parents they cast and bind but today we still dey wear mini skirt Upandan.
The world is evolving. Mark my words.
Aww, you are a lesbian! Personally, I have learnt to not judge people because of their sexual orientation and believe me horny, I won't judge you.
ReplyDeleteI commend you for embracimg what you are, even though it's very hard for our society (Africa, Nigeria) to embrace it, you would have to depend on you for your happiness. Yes, the pressure from the society is there to want you to get married to a man and live a 'normal' life but it that would be unfair not just to you, but to the male spouse...
Now, to your chronicles... I think your partner is just being jealous, give it time.
....and no, you don't have to pretend to anyone about who you are, it's their choice to/not to accept it!
May You find help
ReplyDeleteChai,Pele dear.Not one to judge at all,as I believe some people were born that way.Try and talk to her,but if she still refuses to listen,then I'm afraid you'll have to leave her be.Truth is, depending on how strict your parents are,you can't fight this battle alone.They'll frustrate you,so you might want to consider relocating outside the country,cuz Nigeria will frustrate you so much.
DeleteGod forbid!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is purely a disorder and you need to get the help you need. Every gay or transgender person know that what they are doing is evil but will keep doing it just like someone who likes to steal. Some people will say they are wired to steal if it is legal just they way homosexuality is embraced in the developed world today. Get a life and go over that devilish feeling you have or better still go and see a psychiatrist.
ReplyDeleteNa lie. Na d same way u want duck your bf or gf Na I'm be d same way dry was fuck too. It is not like stealing. It is like masturbation you bluebird bad but you can't stop. Haha
DeleteMy dear go for what ur heart wants
ReplyDeleteDo what will make u happy
Some of them will come here and tell u u will go to hell but na dem go famz bobrisky when dem see am...even pay to take a pix with him
Torr naija people and hypocrisy na 5&6
If u really love her and see ur happiness with her ..biko go
Everybody na sinner
DeleteA million likes for your comment. I'm following bobrisky on snapchat and I see the way people famz him,even some of our so called yeyebrities and I'm now like who are the people really condemning this guy/girl.nawa of. .Nigerians and hypocrisy.same thing with big brother naija some pple complained the house is boring and the likes of gifty and bisola are getting fingered in the house and they call them loose girls..isn't that what the game is all about? Why stick to the show if it's gonna make u corrupt...Stella pls post my comment
DeleteNo wan shool sojes preya an delifranse fur yuo cus yuo yaff do eat befur an eat deedn't wok. Hmmm..... Aw wheel eat wok wen yuo deed eat fur doin sek an north cus yuo nidit.
ReplyDeleteYong ledy, awa heldas olwaz sey, yuo kan awt ron wat is ronnin afta yuo bet yuo kannorth awt ron wat is ronnin hinside of yuo.... Sorenda yuor laif toe God, mek up yuor mine dat yuo shorly nid toe sea tins defrently, open Yuor hat toe im an late Im delifer yuo.
God blase yuo.
Gosh, what did you write? Can't even read it.
DeleteWet in dey worry this one????.......for your mind now you just made sense?
Why are you shouting???!!
DeleteMscheeew, sharap Biko.
DeleteI tire o.
DeleteYou could have passed your message across without shouting.
Now I have a headache.
Hahaha. Na so. If rapture should happen lesbianism is the same thing as fornication or don't you know? Do you think God thinks fornication is better? I laugh in Spanish. All d runs girls now in Lagos and abj that say I don't like him but let me sleep with him I know he will buy me iPhone dat Na prostitution. That Means 80percent of the naija girls will go to hell in rapture. All d lie lie pastor nko? Why dey use church Money dey buy shoe and carry girls Upandan those ones go burn too. All the electrician, plumber, car mechanic ac repairer wey day collect extra money on top the equipment dem dey buy for people say Na thief. Not be only kidnapper and armed robbery go burn. All d wicked mother in law day will not let daughter in law drink water and drop cup dry go burn. All d bloggers and blog visitors wet day judge people and insult people day in and day out pushing celebrities to depression and crashing their marriages from various rumours lie and true dem go born too. Mean say poster you go burn too so shut up don't judge.
DeleteYou made a mistake by discharging that guy you met on SnM...
ReplyDeleteYou would have used him to travel abroad,then dump him later!...
Well,it's not late..
You can still go back to him! Mumu with him until you get what you want...
Lol .......Igbo Woman!........but seriously @poster.......take Queen and boss can't practice such in this Country.... You've gotta leave and won't be easy oooo(shuuu) your journey far die!.......How you wan even take tell your pipu?.........just kukuma disown yaself........ PEACE.
DeleteLmao,I ji ya Linda!
DeleteSo is OK to use someone abi? If na your family member dey wan use nko?
DeleteChief and boss you made sense der
DeleteU r really out of ur senses, r u okay @ all? U r even telling us not to suggest prayers & deliverance as u ve tried it & it didn't work..... U r d reason it didn't work cos u ve set ur mind thinking dat having feelings for someone d same sex as u is normal, but its not. My dear u don't need advice @ all, what u need is serious flogging, rubbish mtscheeeew
ReplyDeleteYou are very silly for this comment! It's no deliverance/prayers matter
DeleteAttacker! your next life.....kuku come as Shark!........nah advice she ask!(if you have one say it and be fucking neutral....if not........oh well.....Move on!
DeleteAttacker! your next life.....kuku come as Shark!........nah advice she ask!(if you have one say it and be fucking neutral....if not........oh well.....Move on!
Delete๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ @kuku come as shark!!!
DeleteLet me grab popcorn n zobo.....this 1 pass me 2
ReplyDeleteAbeg shift small.
DeleteI don't need to read all the rubbish you wrote up there.
ReplyDeleteThe only advice I have for you is to go and jump down from the cliff,
you got no life.
You have no life too for this very silly comment you just made! She should jump off the cliff because she has a different sexual orientation from you??? You truly are delusional
DeleteI don see ur life na, imbe
DeleteUna many for closet on this blog! Eka, precious ibik, pastor daughter,sandy nekky, emjay, too many! Like queen pigeon said, please leave Naija for us, relocate to mars!
ReplyDeleteWhich closet hahaha. For ask dry are outside Na 4 real life dam day closet
ReplyDeleteif you are not a broke ass, move to America because such is obtainable and acceptable.Talking from Experience. My fellow healthy ikpu advocate did the same.
but wait: you only enjoy ikpu licking???? what more do you guys do?
i'm curious
Stupid girl๐๐๐๐
DeleteI can't even give an advice on what I don't understand. Draw close to God is all I can tell you; you weren't born this way.
ReplyDeleteYou dont understand girls sucking each other's pussy or what exactly dont you understand?? I can bet you're a lesbian.
DeleteHmmmm,ur fellow woman?
ReplyDeleteGo abroad, plenty pussies for u to trib n suck.
The word "TRIB" turns me on. Blackberry come lets rub our clits together. U will never regret it!!! Hehehehe
DeleteNa only stand? U lick, suck, ride, stride, etc. with penis! Bb badoski!
DeleteI raise beyonce hand, plus jayz own join for BB.
DeleteOkay suck I know but trib.... nne biko what's trib again
DeleteIs it tribute ?
Poster please I'm not understanding.
ReplyDeleteAre you she or a he
If you are a she my dear my Enugu friend Stormrex the musician will say "if you no sabi Jesus nke gi ekpomekwe(your own don finish)"
What's this?? She doesn't need this kind of comment! I hate it when people stigmatize people with a different sexual orientation
DeleteI'll pass don't know what to say tasted both waters and I stick to the opposite sex
Delete**clears throat
Dear sister, you are in no way different from all other people,God made everybody alike and also put an inherent nature that a man satisfies a woman, vice versa. Saying you are a different specie simply means that you are saying God gave you a nature which he didn't give others. God can no way be mistaken, he made you a female and you remain a female in all ramifications including the sexual aspect of you.
ReplyDeleteNo one will have a solution to your problems only God.
My advice for you, go see a pastor who will lead you to God, know God and go close to him, cry out to him to hear you and he will heal you. Have a personal relationship with God and you will have a testimony.
It's not going to be easy at first but with a determined spirit, you will come to enjoy it.
Some things are beyond human understanding and your problem is one of such, even to the deepest sea, you won't find a solution. Go to God
I hope u know it's 14yrs to declare openly dat u are a lesbian? U had beta go for deliverance and get dat shit of u! Mscheeeeew!
ReplyDelete14yrs wetin??
DeleteWen Chidinma de sip zobo for house?
Poster see as you just siddon dey write this e dey sweet you for hand.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying that I'm concerned but be aware that 14 years awaits for you
ReplyDeleteDear Poster, it's well with you. Without trying to be judgemental or insultive, I think you need help.
Your sexual orientation is totally wrong. if you can realise that, that would be the beginning of your freedom. The fact that majority of the world has decided to go crazy, doesn't make craze right or fashionable.
What you are suffering from is a wrong orientation, which has been hijacked by the devil/demons to enslave you more.. This is why you feel like going mad. Demons bring torment.
Since you have a christian background, go back to your Heavenly Father and ask Him for forgiveness. If you can seek Him with Fasting attached and midnight prayers, your eyes will be opened and you'll get your freedom. Ask God to remove that demonic influence from you Matt 15:13.
If you have a friend you can confide in to pray with you, who will not snitch, or perhaps your mother (they are the best of confidants). Please do so that they can support you.
Let go of that Mr A for now, and discover yourself. You were created a woman for a reason! Don't allow the devil to put you in bondage!! It will be difficult, but this has to do with your sanity and your soul, IT IS WORTH DOING!! I would have recommended a church, but there are many wolves in sheep clothing these days. Don't want you to be more enslaved.
I'll put you in my prayers... wish I knew your name.
God bless you.
If only it was that easy... Some of them, it isn't their fault and some have tried to correct their sexual orientation but all to no avail, will they kill themselves because they are a little different? Don't we have better things to concern ourselves with than being bothered about this?
Delete@Poster, this suits your situation. I could recommend a church or rather prophet but sincere change must begin with you.... U must confide in your mum and genuinely seek spiritual help....
DeleteRecently, I realized lesbian spirit was sown into me as a result of a brief encounter with a friend that is lesbian. In the course deliverance, that spirit manifested in my dream and I prayed it out of my life..., Sincerely seek help in Christ.
DeletePlease do anybody know a genuine prophet of God.Am sick and tired of my life,i need deliverance.
DeletePlease help me
You need deliverance.
ReplyDeleteAccept Jesus to your soul
This is not ordinary
One thing I know is that, if I allowed myself I would have been bisexual, I fantasize a lot bout having sex with women, sex with men bores me, I prefer masturbation to having sex, I only watch lesbian porn, but I deliberately killed that aspect of my life. I choose to be straight.
ReplyDeleteAs Christians I would advice you forget about dating and focus on God. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world............
I think say na the gays go fit give you the kind of advice wey you want, as for me...i no no wetin to advice you, i no go fit lie. I do hope my comment is safe.
ReplyDeleteInukwa oso
ReplyDeleteOkay o
My carrot-kidney stew and rice is done
Coming back to read comments
You really need deliverance no one is born gay
ReplyDeleteLet me read comments abeg
ReplyDeleteSeriously you need help as you said but are you willing to change your mindset? I doubt.
ReplyDeleteNun fit you, join them.
These are really deep secrets people pass tru and just can't say. I think you should try erasing your mind from such tots
ReplyDeleteYou need deliverance, As dick sweet reach I go come say na babe like me I wan gbensh,I'd rather gbensh a full village filled up with men than gbensh a girl like me. tufia....God punish devil.
ReplyDeleteYou would rather gbensh a full village of men? Bitch your body count go full stadium!
DeleteThis one big pass me too o. Make I siddon dey look.
ReplyDeleteIf you have means of travelling abroad, pls do.
ReplyDeleteYou can't live your dream here in naija except you are ready to live a life of pretence.
I have nothing to say about your partner that left you cos I don't know how that kinda relationship work.
Pls post this pls. So I'm yet to conceive because coincidentally my husband and I have never been together during the days I'm fertile . We live in diff countries and we haven't been trying for too long. But u know with African parents. My mum is saying there's no such thing as fertility period or ovulation charting. She says a woman can conceive at any time . I'm just confused cos she keeps saying she knows more than me in this area. Pls I need someone to say something on this . Is it possible that u can conceive just anyday of the month? Shld I forget about my fertile days?
ReplyDeleteNka kari kwa nmadu. Madam try and date guys, open your heart and you would be surprise. God will help you as you try.
ReplyDeleteTruly your world is crumbling when u eventually find your soul in hell! Ahhh!!! At this time and age??! U better talk to your parents about it. How can a lady be attracted to her fellow lady? This is simply soddomy! And u come here to "glorify" it?! Hun hun hun,i pity you sis. Watch it and ask for help! God/Jesus/Holy spirit specialises on case like this.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with Nigerians with the word, loose?
ReplyDeleteTo lose and loose are different! Stop using loose as a verb except you want to mean to release something.
My dear, make your bible your friend and world for now, don't go for any deliverance or prayers yet, just get Gods tot thru his word on this subject matter. Your destiny shall not be destroyed IJN. Takia of you.
ReplyDeleteawww,so sorry dear,this part of the world is so judgmental and refuse to admit that people just dont find the opposite sex attractive,my advice is even if u dont get back to her please find a way to go where u will b accepted,dont go and marry a man and make him miserable,u alone know the truth about what u are going thru.i suggest u see a counselor cause of ur suicidal thoughts,most gay people that leave under pretense tend to be suicidal.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHappy heart i'm an ardent reader of SDK,but i don't comment,i just love reading comments. Your comment on this issue got my attention,i need deliverance how can i message you to get the number. Thanks u can send me a mail on expecting a reply
DeleteHi tried emailing but my mails were returned.
DeleteCall mountain of fire headquarters on this no and make any enquires about deliverance. If you are too shy to speak,pls Whatsapp them and you will get a response quickly.
I can't drop the contact of DR DK Olukoya here in public. You can email me and I will respond with his contact.
All the best.
Wow just wow!
ReplyDeleteLegalize...I don't fancy this gay or lesbian shit, I will always go for pussy but they should be allowed to live their life. I always feel people should be allowed to express themselves sexually as long as they are not hurting others in the process.
ReplyDeleteI kinda find lesbianism sexy...Hehehe. Ok back to the matter, poster if you have tried every means possible to the norm generally accepted by our society.. exorcism, deliverance et all and it didn't work, maybe you should move out of the country if you have the means, if not, just like 90 percent of comments here will tell you PRAY.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday
Deleteplease am not judging you cos i believe everyone has a right to live their lives.....but from your chronicle i believe you are a christian and a christian should NEVER want to be with same sex cos its against GOD'S standard! you want a solution? confide in your mother and pastor let them help you out of this situation with counselling and prayers but first you have to prepare your mind to do the right thing, be willing to live a normal life so that the prayers and counselling will work. and forget that girl or lady you met there is no perfect being on earth she needs help as much as you do.
ReplyDeletedear, you can overcome this if you prepare you mind to......there is no joy in same sex relationship cos i've once practiced it in secondary school days n believe me its from the pit of hell even bible is against am free n i hope you u'll get the right help you need.
There are women living on the down low like you too
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer you get together with a bisexual man and you both agree to an open marriage
There are people like that
Good luck
Best advice
DeleteTake this advice o
DeleteYou took the words out of my mouth... Find someone like you (opposite sex) with same orientation, problem solved. Who am I to Judge you!
DeleteAll of Una day craze ๐ there!
DeleteYou should be ashamed of yourself, l don't care what diplomacy people use to make people like you comfortable. Hear me young woman it is a SIN and in this country if dem catch you it's 14 yrs aturu gambia
ReplyDeleteFuck that 14 years bullshit!! What has happened to bob risky and the likes of him??
DeleteAbi vividly day wears female clothes they did not arrest. Abeggi Abeggi.
DeleteThank you anon 16:28
Deletehmmm.... speechless
ReplyDeleteThank you for opening up poster.
One of the ways of finding solution is telling yourself the truth and living according to the truth. The fact that you are into ladies does not mean you were wired that way. It is like treating headache each time not knowing that the real cause is Malaria. Until the Malaria is dealt with, there would still be headache.
My dear, I think you missed it at a time then decided to stay there. From there, you agreed you wanted to live that way then convinced yourself you were wired towards women. Imagine if you would be here today if your mum had convinced herself to stay with another lady like you are suggesting now. I encourage you to look at the animals and judge if your actions are wiser than theirs. They dont even do what you are suggesting.
Even if no one talks about deliverance and church, have you seen a physchiatrist or psychologist?
I feel your pains dear๐๐truth is am also like you, difference is i have a guy in my life. I'm attracted to girls, i have a girl that fucks me silly, would have really loved to hook up with you but i cant drop my contact. If you can, drop yours. Its going to be alright๐๐
ReplyDeleteI stay in Abuja. Where do u stay so we can hook up. I enjoy tribbing hope u also do cos I ain't caught out for that dildo BS.......If ure pretty and have a clean pussy let rub our clits together and soak the bed with our pussy juice.... ๐
DeleteDrop your email let me write you.
Delete๐๐๐ obara Jesus! !!!!! Chineeke nna eeeeee!!!!
DeleteI noticed there are many lesbians in Abuja. I know someone who is gay all her gas travel in from Abuja to visit.
DeleteThe devil is a you girls have akonuche?Just negodu Sodom na Gomorrah!!!!Jesu biko bia osiso
DeleteI understand you perfectly well my dear. Now I know am not the only one feeling this way. Leave the country or stay in Naija and succumb to family and societal pressure which always ends miserably.
ReplyDeleteSo you are also a lesbian..Chineke
DeleteAre you also a lesbo??
DeleteU don't say. I thought you are married. Weeks back you made a funny comment and today again. Did you forget to go anon?
DeleteAnno gone wrong
German Juice is that you?
ReplyDeleteDear poster, it will prove good to let you know that, regardless of its current global 'justification' and 'glorification', homosexuality is no doubt, a symptom of a deep emotional damage and huge relational deficit based on some preconditioning factors such as Sexual abuse, Incest, rape, neglect, emotional trauma, unmet needs of love, rejection, etc. Demonic influence should not be entirely ruled out as well. It is However a condition that can be healed. Rather than seeking your family or others to be on the same page with you in feeding that deadly passion, you should seek help from such. Cases abound of homosexuals who have been healed. If you take steps in the direction you are going, your life will be more miserable than you ever bargained for. Seek help and get healed.
ReplyDeleteRelationship/Marriage Counselor
Marriage councillor. Yes to an extent ( I know a guy raped constantly by a guy as a child and he became gay) but also There are people who don't fall into Any of those categories grew up in a stable happy and loving home without trauma or sexual abuse and still are not straight. I know this particular guy. His family say from when he was small he. Like wearing his. Mothers shoe and bags and dressing up. He had a very good childhood. Loving and attentive mother and father and no sexual assault. So how do u explain that one. I believe sometimes it has to do with a physical problem from birth. They always felt that way from birth. X
DeletePoster, just listen. Don't close door to prayer and please go for deliverance. Yes, you have prayed before, please pray again believing God. You have gone for deliverance before, go again but please let a true and sincere man of God pray for you. Its not about Africa or Nigeria, its simply ungodly. Lesbianism is abomination before God. God created Adam and Eve (not Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve) and made them have affection toward each other. Whatsoever God does is perfect, he doesn't make mistake. Even deep inside you, something tells you that your attraction towards your fellow woman is odd, unacceptable and inconvenient. Please go to the Lord in prayer, believe the prayer, God will help you.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally straight but I get my panties soaking wet just thinking of cupping a beautiful women's huge breast, flicking my tongue against her soft pink nipples and just feeling my mouth melt all over her breasts. Although I fantasize about it a lot, I get really grossed out when I think of going all the way with a woman. I'd still prefer a d**k over a p***y. I have this strong desire to suckle on a woman's breasts is a form of narcissism too. I've noticed how I get attracted to 44DD-cup breasts and pink soft nipples just like mine. I wish I could find a friend I could do this casually with, without the sex and all. Maybe satisfying my itching curiosity could somehow put an end to this weird fantasies of mine.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I always have the same imagination as u I just cant imagine maself licking grose...*pukes*
DeleteMe too...i am attracted to pretty girls with big breast.....not into vaginal.....i get soaking wet by the sight of them......
DeleteMe too...i am attracted to pretty girls with big breast.....not into vaginal.....i get soaking wet by the sight of them......
DeleteExactly me too. I thought i was the only one that felt that way about breast but never wana think of kitty, just handling boobs
DeleteYou all have gone anonymous...
Why nah?...
Its because women are sexy by nature. That's why. So alluring and attractIve they also attract fellow women.
DeleteThere is nothing you can do.this is Nigeria you will have to pretend all your life. Talk to your lover and explain everything to her,she should understand then if you are interested in a guy that doesn't care of your sexuality, who can marry you and accept a bisexual lady then click on my ID and send a mail. If your lover loves you, she should be ready to share you with a guy just to cover up.
ReplyDeleteYou already know the obvious advise bvs will give to you and you don't want them which means you've made up your mind on what to do. It is well with you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI hope is not my comment that you removed??
DeleteEverywhere them dey..Holy Ghost fire pursue them๐ฑ๐ฑ๐ฑ..I jump and pass this one abeg..
ReplyDeletePoster you have brought back memories.
ReplyDeleteI became a lesbian in 2002. She became my world. I loved her so much. She introduced me to lesbianism. I couldn't imagine life without her. Loving a woman is so sweet, so soft , much sweeter than loving a man.
My partner was perfect. She knew how to suck my nipples, my clit and was the best kisser ever But in 2010 after 8 yrs of dating her, i made a decision to change.
It was hard. I was used to sleeping beside her every night. I couldn't imagine life without her. I cried myself to sleep every night but i stood by my decision and went for deliverance. She came and decided to be delivered to. We were prayed for and delivered and that same day we got home, we made love all night.
I knew i had to run. I travelled to lagos,went to mountain of fire and spent one week at the camp at mowe.
I manifested during deliverance and I was shocked. Lesbianism is a spirit my dear. All that while I thought it was normal.
My ex was hit. She begged ans cried and did everything possible but the feeling was gone. She was hospitalized cos of all that happened. I didn't buldge. I kept praying the prayer points I was given.
I am now normal and Married!!!! I love my husband and even though sometimes I see a beautiful well endowed babe and strange thoughts come, I immediately rebuke it and its gone.
Babe pls go to mountain of fire. You will testify
Does yo hubby suck well like yo lesbian ex? I doubt..
DeleteNo he doesn't. I actually enjoyed sex more with my ex lesbian partner but I am now normal and i love my husband even though he doesn't suck me
DeleteVera,great testimony. The joy of the Lord is your strength. His grace is sufficient. Dear Anon 16:23,why that question to Vera? If lesbianism gives you pleasure,continue. Vera's deliverance got nothing on you!!
DeleteAnon 18:59
DeleteWell the story is true and it doesn't need your validation.
I used the fake name vera cos I have an I'd and I am known here.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that if they catch you, 14 yrs is your portion
If not God is also waiting for you whether you like it or not
You don't want to hear prayer abi? Kwantinuue!
My dear the society we live in does not accept that way of life and sees anybody like that as a demon possessed human. I will advice you open up to your mum, i feel she will understand and will educate you the more,at least it will reduce the pressure of telling you always to go get married. take her advice serious. In the meantime get a visa o and leave the country before they stone you.
ReplyDeleteI think you should take the things of God seriously! Resist the devil and he shall flee from you, that's what the good book says! Take it to God, go for deliverance, and Talk to a great Man of God! Lesbianism offends God and trust me you don't want to go dat path! Being different in this situation is a no-no, there's no way out there! Take it to God he will fix U! Remember before he formed you, he knew you! He's waiting to make u Normal, go to him!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been through it before but guess what deep within me I knew it was wrong; so I started searching the scriptures and I prayed that God should deliver me and He did.
ReplyDeleteGod delivered me from lesbianism, alcohol, smoking, and premarital sex. Theses vices are demonic, until the day you realise that they are demons and God should deliver you that's when help will come your way.
I made a vow to complete cut off all, more than a year and 2 months, sex will be on my wedding night and God has just been sup rising me in miraculous and mysterious ways.
Go back to God he will deliver you completely.
Drop your pin if you are a lesbian and needs a partner mind you i am a learner and you will have to take care of my financial needs
ReplyDeleteLesbo Jigolo.
DeleteGet lost!! Hungry bitch๐๐
DeleteLmao!oriegu relationship by contract
DeletePoster you really need help.. And that help can only come from above. Remember that God created Adam and Eve. Goodluck
ReplyDeleteRelocate to Canada
ReplyDeleteCanada is internationally regarded as a leader in this field,recent years have seen steady progress on everything from health care to the right to adopt.
In 2005,Canada became the fourth country world-wide to legalize same-sex marriage
I have a married friend who is obsessed with my big breast....always begging to suck them...really crazy about my boobs
ReplyDeleteDear Poster, Why give up on men. How will you appreciate a man when you practically shut them out. According to you, you started living your life as a lesbian from 16yrs. You see, its not right, you even said it "uncomfortable likeness for girls". You have been into girls for long, hence, your resentment for men. Stop seeing yourself as a victim of family or society. See the act in the light of what it is "uncomfortable likeness for girls", Acknowledge it is not right, your deliverance will start from there. You may have prayed, you may have gone for deliverance, but with which mind set did you do them. A sincere, broken and contrite heart, God will not despite. I pray God to help you.
ReplyDeleteLet me go smoke my weed for mama Nkechi backyard jarey.....i will tell you the answers to problem as soon as i receive so nice "weed-Inspirations".... I de come.
ReplyDeleteYou won't get what you are looking for here because we are largely part of a society that condemns homosexuality. But let me pretend for a minute that I can relate with you. Your partner knows very well about our culture and should not find it surprising that you have a 'beard', loads of gay people have that for cover up. If she had families to please too, I'm sure she has one of those too. Just let her know how it is, honesty is always the best. I hear same sex jealousy is something out of this world. Then if this works ouy, how long do you intend to go on with this secret life? Isn't it just tiring and draining? Do you see yourself doing this forever or do you think you will ever be able to come out to your family knowing this could literally kill them? What are your long term goals? Some people are saying travel out meaning run away. For how long do you intend to run? I think you need to be very practical about this. Come back home to yourself, you need to rethink and restrategize. I can only wish you happiness in life and God's peace.
ReplyDeleteNa wa!
ReplyDeleteI still can't wrap my head around how a woman will be busy admiring her fellow woman..possessed babes just wowed..may God help u poster.
ReplyDeletePlease Read Winning Invincible battles and Satan get lost by David Oyedepo and pray accordingly! God will heal you, if u want!!!
ReplyDeleteLady, God in the beginning made them male and female and instituted marriage: see Gen. 1:26-27, Matt. 19:14. Again, he said that everything he made was "good".
ReplyDeleteAs long as you dwell in "this is the way I was made . . ." You are not going to yield to the solution. As long as you tell folks which counsel you should be given, you will not yield to the solution.
It is not deliverance, it is disciplining your flesh; inordinate affection is what is working in your flesh and you get rid of it through fasting. Foremost, you have to submit to God's will by reading the word of God especially the New Testament teachings of Jesus. Then begin to live to fast; like fruit fasts, like skipping a meal a day, two meals a day etc. When you begin to train yourself in this manner and renew your mind through the word of God, it will no longer be "a life of pretense", it will be, "living a new life that I love . . ." that is when you will find genuine love and a home with a husband and kids. Note too that marriage is not for everyone (Matt. 19:12); in following the Lord, you will find out what he has for you.
Our help is in the name of the lord. God is bigger than all our problems, if only you can seek him you will definately find him. Am sorry but this is the only solution to all of life's problems i know.
ReplyDeleteNote- no problem can escape this GOD.
Simple solution is to marry a gay person, they are everywhere. You both marry for convenience and spend your time with the people you love.
ReplyDeleteYour tongue has fruits! Start declaring You are normal and you refuse to go contrary to God's word! Things will begin to change
ReplyDeletePls can I have d number of ur mr A? Y be say na who really need smithing no d c am? This life na wa ooooo
ReplyDeleteFirst, I admire your courage and sincerity. I have a few questions for you.
ReplyDelete1. Were you ever abused? If yes.
2. Was it a man or a woman?
3. How old were you when it first happened?
The truth is when a young girl is abused by a woman, psychologically, she might after some time, stop seeing it as an abuse, but start enjoying it. It is a form of submissive dominance.
If it a man, she could hate men do much as to disdain any thoughts of a sexual nature for a man. Women became the only option.
Some rape victims suffer a psychological meltdown where even when they are engaged in sexual intercourse with their spouses, they see the face of the rapist and scream out in agony.
A rare type is the reverse psychology where the raped starts loving the rapist. As to even protect the identity of the rapist from the police. Women who experience this are prone to enjoying violent sex.
For some, young boys or girls who were molested by much older people, they tend to have sexual drive towards much older people. Folks within their age bracket can never do it for them.
Psychological problem is real. Simple because we are blacks does not make it non-existent.
We hide it under the pillow of spiritual problem. Nothing on earth comes from nothing, except God. For every action, there is a reaction. Seek professional psychological help dear. I wish I could talk to you privately, I would gladly refer you to someone.
First, I admire your courage and sincerity. I have a few questions for you.
ReplyDelete1. Were you ever abused? If yes.
2. Was it a man or a woman?
3. How old were you when it first happened?
The truth is when a young girl is abused by a woman, psychologically, she might after some time, stop seeing it as an abuse, but start enjoying it. It is a form of submissive dominance.
If it a man, she could hate men do much as to disdain any thoughts of a sexual nature for a man. Women became the only option.
Some rape victims suffer a psychological meltdown where even when they are engaged in sexual intercourse with their spouses, they see the face of the rapist and scream out in agony.
A rare type is the reverse psychology where the raped starts loving the rapist. As to even protect the identity of the rapist from the police. Women who experience this are prone to enjoying violent sex.
For some, young boys or girls who were molested by much older people, they tend to have sexual drive towards much older people. Folks within their age bracket can never do it for them.
Psychological problem is real. Simple because we are blacks does not make it non-existent.
We hide it under the pillow of spiritual problem. Nothing on earth comes from nothing, except God. For every action, there is a reaction. Seek professional psychological help dear. I wish I could talk to you privately, I would gladly refer you to someone.
May God answer all the questions in your heart.
ReplyDeleteUr Story reminds of the movie "jenny's wedding". God help you dear
ReplyDeleteSister forget about this part of the world and what they think, forget about 9ha and their 14yrz craps. Think about God and then yourself. U aren't just giving up on God, you are giving up on yourself. There are Christians that say He will accept you like that it's a lie. He is your Father. You have to trace your steps back to him and cry out to him. He isn't what others have made him out to be. He listens and hears. This isn't what u were made for no matter how right it feels. I won't judge u cos we all have been in a situation like this Befr. If u beliv this is for u, then good luck. You have rooted not just your sexual life but also your physical life into this thing and it's gonna take awhile to come out but I have to Want to that's the first thing. It is well
ReplyDeletePoster have been a lesbian for 8 years until last year, I got a terrible lesbian experience that changed my life forever. Have had several partners have lost count. Truth is, we always think that being with a girl is much better and because I use to swing both ways I can tell the difference. Women are sweet, soft to cuddle and very romantic and lovable. She's never going to stress you out and of course there are no expectations. I thank God I found Jesus and he gave me the grace to cut off from all my partners both married and single. It's also true that an average girl in Nigeria is bi. We all know that, some of them will pretend and curse you out for who you are but at least you ain't no hypocrite. I believe that you alone through Christ Jesus can rebuke all lesbian spirits consciously and choose to stay clean. Please do not contemplate travelling out of the country, you may go haywire. Remain in Nigeria and make a difference. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteRomans 1:21-32 KJV
ReplyDelete[21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. …