Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Friday, February 03, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Stella good day... Though i am not a die hard visitor of your blog like my girl friend in question is...I am a man of 32 years and my girl friend is 25, we both reside in calabar and I have been dating this lady for over a year now and i have a problem with her friendship with one of the bosses in her office due to rumours some people have said about her and the boss, in between the fact that the boss really is a womaniser, though a nice man kinda according to some people...

 He is highly reverred in her place of work, he is married but not with his family.. When i confronted her she said it was all rumours that she only goes to help with cooking food for the man cause the man has been very very there in times of need,... 

This said man and my girl friend are also in the habit of exchanging text messages such as i miss you, i love you but she claimed its nothing that its just a normal text she can send to any of her friends. She is always accusing me of having trust issues and reacts so badly when the issue is raised , i mean she reacts in a rash manner ..

 I have decided to let the sleeping dog lie cos i really love her and she is not ready to stop the friendship with the man,.. I intend marrying this lady . I just want ur candid advice and that of the house to know if i am overreacting, have a chronic trust issue or if im right . I know if you publish this she will get to read it with all the comment may be that can help give her a change of mind about her so called friendship with the married man. 

Thankx and i am trusting you will do this for me. God bless and enlarge the coast and coverage of SDK... Please dont mind my conjunction of English, i am not a good writer.

*Hmmmmm,it sounds like your woman is dating her boss codedly.
Note that my conclusion is from how you told your story.
Since she will read this,it would be nice to hear her side of the story to be able to conclude..she goes to cook for him and they exchange i love and miss you messages?Her Boss? WOW!!!


  1. Oturugbeke ?
    Someone explain

    I am coming to read

    1. Use your tongue n count your teeth.
      They frolicking around.
      What is there for you not to understand?
      Everything is clear, let her go unless u don't have any problem sharing the same toto with her boss.

      U are just a single side boo

    2. It all explains everything cos you can't tell me that they are not doing anything intimate

    3. She goes to cook for her boss? Lol.

    4. She cooks for him and sends I miss you text, and you are still asking questions. Don't worry marry her oh; then send another chronicle after marriage. We will be waiting

    5. Oga you need no seed in this matter.. It's as clear as crystal..

    6. Why not leave her alone!

    7. If it looks like a duck, walks and smells like a duck, IT IS A DUCK. No matter how close I am to my boss or superior, on no account will i ever use such endearing words on him. Onto what na? Even if he saves me from the shackles of prison... I love you nibo? How? She is dating her boss my brother...did you do anything to warrant her actions???
      I don't know what to advice honestly but if she is the woman you want to need to ask her poignant questions and be clear on what her reasons for her actions...cuz if she does this while you're dating,I shudder to think what will happen if you guys get married.

    8. You all those that I don't

  2. As you are sending this chronicles, she's giving him doggy on d office table.
    Guuuuy, her boss is fuckig her without condom!
    Cooking indeed, go n get a sidechic mbok, if u don't have already.

    1. Lol he should downgrade her to the sidechic and find another main chic. Then dump her sorry ass later


    2. Kikiki. No kill this man. O

    3. anonymous gangster3 February 2017 at 20:43

      I'm still trying to imagine how doggy on office table will look like. Black berry, come back here and explain, use diagrams, PowerPoint, and skype! I dey wait!

    4. Hmmmmm . . .
      Interesting. OK let's make this simpler for you to understand.

      Boss picks phone and calls his staff to come cook for him. How does this happen? Cooking for a boss is not an official assignment, so that means it's a private arrangement. OK.

      Sharp married men who have side chic's don't eat out anyhow. Infact they don't eat at their side chic's house, instead they take the lady out and eat at restaurants (to avoid sorry story). So for him to allow her cook for him the following things had happened :
      1. He has come to trust her
      2. They have been 'close' friends for awhile (like for a minimum of 8-12 months) before the man can feel comfortable enough to allow the cooking.
      3. He has some sort of influence over her.

      OK now, she is at the boss house to cook. Of course she is not going to cook one dish, she will have to cook varieties and store up for the boss to microwave later. So we are talking about a minimum of about 3hours of cooking.

      Usually women don't dress up while cooking, because of the heat they will want to be comfortable. She will have to change into comfortable clothing, and what clothing would be available to change into?. . . . Now she has changed in to the comfortable clothing (which will reveal her legs) and she is cooking. Women don't spend all their time in the kitchen, only at the beginning and later on they just go and check what they are cooking.... In between those checks what will your fiancé be doing ? Reading the Bible? OK.

      And what will the man of the house be doing? Reading newspapers right, when a presentable lady is moving round the house in shirt top and shorts and if the shirt is long there won't be need for the short. Anyway, let's assume the man is does not have blood running in his veins and him and your fiancé are discussing sports.

      After your lady finish cooking, she will need to take her bath, who's sponge and towel will she use even though she took her bath in the guest room?... Anyway, she is fully dressed now and going home, of course her boss will need to appreciate her with transportation or a token, then she goes home and send SMS; 'I miss you' .

      Truly nothing happened. Your fiancé is tell you the truth. I also know a man like that, his name is Jesus.

  3. Replies
    1. I wonder ooo my fellow villager.
      The babe is sleeping with her boss. I wonder why a man like you should be asking this daft question. Biko dump her cheating ass!

    2. She has more that skeletons in her cupboard.

    3. She is heavily lying. Abeg who does that. I feel like slapping you ooooo

  4. She cook for a married man? A man who can obviously afford a cook but no she has the do it for him?
    Mr. Man that girl is lying to you and you need to caution her to stop playing you unless you are getting something from the arrangement that you didn't mention to us.
    I love you and miss you text? She must think you're dumb but that's why we are here to tell her that we are not.
    There's no smoke without fire and you already have your proof. You either are comfortable with her relationship with her boss who is clearly her boo too.
    He is married so he won't be bothered about you because they have an arrangement which is working fine for them because you're sleeping on a bicycle.
    Please wake up and smell the coffee.

    1. Nobody cooks for their bosses and sends I miss you, I love you text. NOBODY, except their relationship has gone beyond boss and subordinate. This is a full fledged affair going on. It's these kinds of chronicles that make me think some of these stories are made up cuz how can anyone, in this day and age be this dumb? Common

    2. Obviously, the guy is so dumb

      He even said "if she reads this story,maybe she will change" .. Foolish man who IMO isn't ready to face reality but use the SDK Blog to box the "player girl" into submission.

      I tell u what, she won't leave that man alone until the man decides he has had enuf of her cookie jar then she's all yours for consoling.

  5. lol babe dey chop and clean mouth

    1. Calabar ke? 😂😂 please drop hints about the said man and I can confirm his identity and the real gist within 24 hours. Ahn Ahn! Na just one or two calls nau.

      GF if you read this no vex oh. But you're not being wise at aaaaaall. You need to stop acting/feeling like you're too smart. And stop taking your man for granted. It's not accepted.

    2. Calabar ke? 😂😂 please drop hints about the said man and I can confirm his identity and the real gist within 24 hours. Ahn Ahn! Na just one or two calls nau.

      GF if you read this no vex oh. But you're not being wise at aaaaaall. You need to stop acting/feeling like you're too smart. And stop taking your man for granted. It's not accepted.

  6. This man is a big fat yam.
    You will soon attend their wedding.
    But are you also free of conscience in this; do you not browse her skirts and vagina even when you are not married to her?
    And you also browse other girls?
    Repent; all of una!

    1. Insult not needed pls... And if i do her its non if ur for other gals i dont ve a busy person

    2. If it's non of his biz, don't bring it here

  7. Does the man's wife even know her husband's employee cooks for her husband? Just imagine the nonsense.
    You don't even have a girlfriend.

    1. I once asked this same question and she claimed she does and she even calls to thank her... So so akward...

    2. Poster no Calabar woman takes cooking for their husband for granted. You know food is their speciality nau....

    3. @anon 16:22 this is a pure lie. Ok, tell her to call the woman in your presence and let them discuss her meal plan for the woman's hubby

    4. anonymous gangster3 February 2017 at 20:49

      Abeg no vex o, me sef wan book for her cooking, not daily, just weekends, don't want her to be too weak between we 3 requiring her services!

    5. Edible catering things! Ikwakwakwakwakwakwa

  8. Poster, from what you described above,you're the side boo.
    He's dating the boss maybe for financial reasons or for promotion
    If you're comfortable with that,carry-on,but if not,you know what to do 😞

  9. Your girlfriend its on a long thing with boss, pls watch out and if she continues pls break up with her because if you get married to such lady same way you will find out lovely messages BTW herself and ur landlord and she will tell you nothing is wrong with it

  10. Bruv, believe me you
    Your girlfriend is cheating on you
    As if exchanging suspicious chats is not worst enough she even goes to his house to cook for him

    Be wise man!

  11. Replies
    1. Leave him to be sleeping on a bicycle

    2. Okwa bicycle na ga nelu 3rd mainland bridge.not power bike ooo,confam okada.

  12. Bros OYO na your name ooh

    Before we conclude, try and snoop on her first. You need to get your hands on her phone and see what she's hiding there.
    If you don't see anything in her phone, then follow her codedly when she's going to "cook" for him and see things for yourself

    But the truth is she is cheating with her boss and when you get the evidence you need... then you can decide what to do

  13. She isnt dating him codely, she is dating him to your face. How can she be cooking for her boss and sending such messages???? Infact poster you deserve a slap to restart your brain. If you were my brother, i would have questioned your intelligence. Abeg receive sense. She should either choose between you both. If her boss has nothing with her, she shld cut off and explain to him it is causing her relationship issues, thats if she respects you. Your girl is just enjoying the tips this boss of her's is dishing out.

    1. I'm just astounded by his level of mumurity

  14. Your girlfriend is dating her boss!
    The handwriting is all over the wall.
    She cooks for him,,
    They exchange mushy messages,
    warm mutual feeling from both parties.

    Ogbeni is that part of her job description?


    1. Her KPIs may include ability to cook for boss and send affectionate messages, 75% weight!

  15. this is a clear example and proof to the fact women are the factories that produce "fuckboys"
    Tomorrow somebody would as her to kill the guy is he doesnt marry her.
    Whereas she won't narrate the part of her sleeping with her boss and possibly other men.

  16. Boss and employee relationship it never ends well, anyway let her send in her own story cos some times men do over react to little things when in relationship.

    Long live SDK

  17. Dear Poster,

    With what you've written thus above,all i can deduce is that your babe is dating her boss.
    1.Why would she be going to his place to cook for him?Can't he hire a cook?
    2.Why are they exchange love txt msgs?
    You're not over reacting in any way,one has got to be careful with who one marries.Except there is another side to this story which there definitely is.

  18. The girl is fucking that man mbuk, and she don see mugu in you, such Story lolzzzxxxx, even after marrying you she will still be fucking the man, you better collect sense

  19. Poster. Go get a job or a means of livelihood and take care of your girlfriend, I'm sure you are eating from oga's smashing dividends...if you don't do that, OYO is your case, that's all.

  20. This is super story...can I even make common sense,,,?

    1. I'm telling, I'm having a hard time believing this is real

  21. Hmmm...

    It depends on the kind of person she is. I could go cook for a man and nothing happens... But the "I love you, I miss you...?" AHHH!! That is a no no. There must be something seriously going on. Either presently or in the past an she is using emotional blackmail to shut you down.

    Oga poster, you are not over reacting. If it were the girl, she would be crying fire and brimstone.
    So Poster open your eyes, and pray well. No one is indispensable!! quote me anywhere. Let her set her priorities right as regards that man. I believe he can afford to have a housekeeper or a cook to serve him at home, she mustn't cook for him.


    1. Wait. IF it's true she's been shining oga's kongo, he should confront her, ask her to choose between them, and if she does choose poster he should go ahead with the relationship? Just wow!

  22. Exchanging 'i love yous and i miss yous' with him + the fact she gets mad when you bring it up ?? shes dating him, and she is not ready to give him up because he is loaded and obviously spends on her, its left for you to decide what to do now that you know..
    But let me ask you, are you broke?? Cause that might be a factor..

  23. Oga why you dey complain, dem no dey give you freebies. Abeg provide for your woman since you no be dangote, abeg allow her to enjoy cooking for the man. The man was there for her needs. You want have you given to her, only to fuck her you sabi.

    Oga go and make money, then you will see how your woman go behave.

    1. Chop knuckle, our brains are thinking the same thing.
      She's cheating to his face and he's here asking questions. What a weakling!
      If you take care of your babe, I swear, she can resign from that company if oga is disturbing her too much. That's how real men earn their respects. Pummel her with money (not with prick only) and see that the Lord is good.

    2. And Lara the cheap girl says thats how real men earn respect. No wonder your mother didn't respect you poor father.
      Anyways so is this how real women earn respect by sleeping around?

      see her mouth like pummel her with money. Coming from a person that you can fuck with a sardine & slice bread. Smh

    3. The girl isn't even smart. Na my own be that. if she wants to eat her cake and have it she can at least apply some decorum.

    4. Anon 17.30 I don't mention people's parents if I wanna yab them. I wasn't brought up that way. Do me the favour of not mentioning mine when you feel like insulting.

      Just pointing this out in case of next time.

      I've got some generational courses lined up for people like you that insult good parents. It's just a click away...I'll just copy and paste it here and they'll cling unto your destiny like a leech. Do you copy???

  24. Oga look for a genuine wife material. How can a girl be cooking for a single married man and says nothing is happening. For this ninja. She has fuckulize the man. Back front and center. She no deserve you at all.
    Just imagine! Normal msg ni abnormal msg ko. Make sure you participate in snm it will help you. Tank me leta

  25. Poster please leave that girl and give yourself rest of mind.
    I can tell you she gets to spend more time with her boss (8am - 5pm) daily than she possible does with you. Not even adding the time she spend in his house cooking.
    If she values her relationship with you, she would have respected you enough to withdraw quietly and respectfully from that shameless married man.
    Track the mans wife an facebook and alert her.
    Your girl is hoeing.

  26. Until she writes her own side of tge story here, but if I'm to be a Jugina now, she's seriously gbenshing her boss

    *Larry was here*

  27. Professional relationships come with boundaries already set in stone. No matter how much "help" her boss has provided, there should still be a dividing line between work hours and off duty hours. There's no valid reason why an employee should tell her boss "I miss you" via text message AFTER office hours. Talk less of "I love you", and this is a married man irrespective of the fact that he's not with his family. Plus he's a proven womanizer.

    Your girlfriend and her boss are not merely dating, but in a sexual relationship. Wow. To think she says you're overreacting... I'd like to "overreact" this way for the rest of my life. There's no reason her boss can't look for where to eat. Why should she cook for him? If she's innocent, there's no reason why she should get defensive when you confront her. I guess he's also "helping" her out with money... Lots of it. Please move on. Don't let love make a fool out you. You seem like a decent man. Good luck.

    1. See me here. hundred percent faithful, with my own money yet all I get are irresponsible men who can't be faithful for a minute, lazy men always looking for a way to take rather than give and one guy is dying for a babe who he knows is unfaithful. Poster, is she the one funding you? I will wait for a right of response before I comment.

  28. Bros, You are the side Boo. Simple!

  29. She is dating her boss. It's so evident with the messages

  30. Let's assume she's not cheating on you, but with all you've said, she's emotionally cheating on you, trust me when i say its a slippery valley from 2close4comfort friendship to emotional affair then to sexual relationship, dude, you don't need to build a Trump fence b/w she & Oga boss, but you need to draw an appropriate boundary. In a relationship, sacrifices must be made, sometyms rational & other times highly irrational, jst to make ur partners pillow softer at night, keep love aside my guy, love alone cnt keep any union afloat, if you lack trust, commitment, open heart sacrifices, tolerance, etc.... They'd bury that love eventually.

    1. I'm in love with you atheist, are u single?

    2. I love this comment. Atheist you are the real mvp

    3. i'm single, but Marriage, Hospital, Police station, Shrine, Fake ppl, Poverty, Disease....etc. They all scare me.

    4. Love you die for this comment....Just the atheist part I don't like

  31. Poster from what your write up your girlfriend boss have finished all meat in your soup. You are just eating the soup water.

    Poster girlfriend, he said you will read this so I'm telling you that if true you cook for your boss and also tell him you love/miss him, nne you are a public property.

    Ashawo 5 kobo

    1. Lmao @ finished all the meat in your soup 😂😂😂

  32. So when you Marry her, you'll allow her go cook for him, Right? U don't sound like you are 32 or do you mean 12?
    You girl is gbenshing her boss and she can sacrifice you for him.

  33. Your girl is sleeping with that man. 100% sure of that! She may deny it but in her heart, she knows the truth.

  34. Girlfriend, cease from cooking and loving your boss. Would you dance like oga David danced if it happens to be your boyfriend doing this? Talk sense into your brain and stop lying to your man. Its either you are in the relationship or out. Choose you this day the person to love and miss, your office boss or your boyfriend. Don't be deceived by what you are getting from that man, he's going back to his family tomorrow and by then, it might be too late to beg your boyfriend. Not everyone is ready to wait for you to realize your mistakes. I don talk my own

  35. Until you pay her bride price,you have no right to be suspicious of her relationship with her boss!
    If you want to marry her,HURRY UP and stop trying to control her life now only to dump her later.You are not only overreacting but you are unecessarily jealous!

    1. This is the girlfriend😆😆ladies dishing out what they themselves can't take. If the roles were reversed i wonder what your comment will be😏

    2. U be real idiot!! Seh na your wretched father go give him money to marry her now?? Hungry she goat.i so pity people seeking advice from here😂😂😂

    3. Are you for real..Its good to sound bitchy and tough but the reality of it is you turn out to be meek and humble.

    4. What's this one saying ? He should hury up and marry her ? I think you and the said said girl must be operating the same way.

    5. See this one wey guys for town dey pass round. Cheap thing.. smh
      People come here forgetting that some people know them in real life mostly those with profile pics


    6. anonymous gangster3 February 2017 at 21:03

      It's always more painful when a cute girl like Pinky is also daft, what a waste! Except of course that's not you in the DP. Singularly daft, smh.

    7. Everyone is entitled to their opinion is really wrong for u guys to be insulting her remember the story is only told from one person's perspective no be who first go police station dey win case... Until we hear from her is actually wrong to conclude.

    8. Like sth happened today I posted a very mutual colleague pics on my dp, no emotional attachment, she is happily in a relationship... And I have not intentions... We are just good friends and colleague... Prospective bae started rendering curse, calling me names etc... Sometimes people overreact and get jealous.





  37. Poster girlfriend, as you are reading this I will like to tell you that your boss is using your destiny and giving you left over.
    Public tohtoh

    1. Oga e don do na. Abi na u be the poster?

  38. She's dating oga boss,take it from me,What kind of a girl goes to a man's house to cook for him then send him "I miss you " text if there re no strings attached?...Your instinct is trying to forewarn you. And is normal.

  39. She's a bv right? Let me wait for her own side of the story.

    From what you sent, SHE IS DATING HIM.

    1. Az in eh let me wait for her feedback too.

      Hoping we don't get many feedback because many girls are codely dating their bosses one way or another.

      Na me talk am. Because My eyes saw things when I did my intern

    2. In one office sef, 4 girls dey date one boss.

  40. She's cooking for her boss and exchanging txt message? Guy she is sleeping with him. Better look for another lady cos even if u marry her, the boss will still be the side boo. My one cent.

  41. Poster, are you sure she is only fucking her boss because is like that your girlfriend is the company's rest room

    1. Hahahahahhahahahaaha tef,this story pain you gaan.Takit easy nna

    2. Lmao. E don do abeg

  42. Be ready to see more of the love text messages if you marry her because she is definitely having an affair with her boss.

  43. I love miss u my flat ass!... sorry Oga, ur girlfriend is into her boss. They may not be shagging yet but it's bound to happen. Una 2 receive sense oh

  44. He is knacking her. Edible catering things

  45. She should stop going to the man. You too poster, investigate very well o, make you no marry one chance.

  46. Poster shine your eyes. Her type never change. They are always the same yesterday, today and forever

    1. Chei!!!!!
      Chike,this post gave you orgasm..LMAO 😁

  47. Guy your girl is screwing that man, I know your kind of person, when people like you fall inlove it's hard for you to read between the lines, I know it's going to be hard but you need to breakup with her

  48. Guy your girl is screwing that man, I know your kind of person, when people like you fall inlove it's hard for you to read between the lines, I know it's going to be hard but you need to breakup with her

  49. Guy your girl is screwing that man, I know your kind of person, when people like you fall inlove it's hard for you to read between the lines, I know it's going to be hard but you need to breakup with her

  50. Mr man are you a learner? abeg if my man sends another babe 'I love u or I miss u' I no need any god to tell me they are dating o, she's giving him the cookie & the pot,that boss is so enjoying himself, it seems you force her to date you that's why she's having too much mouth to be mad @u,in ' Bv Peacemaker's voice its like u are a fat,poor ugly man & u probably don't satisfy her on bed. ...hahaha....pls oga don't be angry o, just leave that girl,she's not ready for u

    1. Hey lady !u deserve a gift from me for this brilliant comment...dnt wory ill keep eyes on you here,to be sure👍

  51. Poster, if you marry that girl and come here to give us another Chronicle I will swear on top your head

  52. Chronicles!!! She is dating her boss... No sane woman who has respect and value for her relationship will do that. I guess you are just the side boo in this issue. Like the messages are a No-No.. No matter what he has done for you. What happens when you get married? she will leave your house to go and cook for him?. Babe, if you are reading this you no try at all o... You can't eat your cake and have.. Just CHOOSE ONE.. I just don't understand people *sips Lipton*

  53. Poster,to tell you the honest truth eehhh as a guy man that I is lol.your suppose babe they sleep with that man!Take it or leave it!No matter how innocent she claims she is. My guy see when it comes to marriage love is not everything oooo sometimes you have to use your head when dealing with woman.MY advice is this.... Slow down abit on the lovy dovey issh from urside,slow down a bit from the calls,your attention to her and sit back and watch how things unfold. On a final note DONT BE IN A HURRY TO MARRY THAT GURL NOW!_

  54. Poster,to tell you the honest truth eehhh as a guy man that I is lol.your suppose babe they sleep with that man!Take it or leave it!No matter how innocent she claims she is. My guy see when it comes to marriage love is not everything oooo sometimes you have to use your head when dealing with woman.MY advice is this.... Slow down abit on the lovy dovey issh from urside,slow down a bit from the calls,your attention to her and sit back and watch how things unfold. On a final note DONT BE IN A HURRY TO MARRY THAT GURL NOW!_

  55. I know girls like her, they believe you love them so they use the that advantage, guy look for another girl

  56. Man, destroy that friendship, or be ready to loose ur woman.

  57. Bros your woman is dating her boss....i love you and i miss you text is not professional at the cooking might be normal if the boss cannot cook but it is better she prepares the food in her house and take it there or the boss should go and collect the good food...those who cheat are the ones who quickly throw the trust issue card when thier game is up...take heart bro

    1. Bros you are simply in denial...u know wats going on you just refusing to accept it

  58. From your story you must be a very weak cock.

  59. I raise Beyonce hand for your girlfriend...madam girlfriend it's not right for you to go to your bosses house who is married please face your boo and if you don't want to let him five naira


  60. When i confronted her she said it was all rumours that she only goes to help with cooking food for the man cause the man has been very very there in times of need,..

    Bros, run for your life. You just met another Edible Catering in the making

  61. Bros as old as you are you still mumu like this, nawa for you oh... She is DATING him, no more, no less.. Abi u no dey gbensh am well??

  62. Guy can't you see? Its obvious, who does that without being touched by her boss?

  63. How can a lady and her boss be exchanging 'I miss you and I love you' messages. If its true, then you need no soothsayer to tell you they are dating + she cooks for him too? Shes not ready to settle down, abeg.

  64. This is nonsense, poster. You are kidding, right? How can she go to cook for the man? Why can't the boss eat out since he does not stay with his family?

    You really sound WEAK since you are here still asking questions. If she goes to cook for the man then you are in for a long thing.

    If you can't stand a cheat, then take a LONG walk and don't look back like Lot's wife.

  65. Bros forget that thing.. she's sleeping with the so called boss

  66. To poster
    I don't think she's dating her boss BUT she's really having a fling or one or two things to do with her boss!
    caution her well.
    Poster I hope ur providing well n taking care of her monetarily oo..cos most times what pushes girls into d arms of this married men is MONEY!

  67. Oga you must be a gentle man sir,the family is not there and she goes to cooks and clean for him?nobody says I love and miss you to their boss for play sir.........please you are being take for GRANTED!!!

  68. Bros forget that thing.. she's sleeping with the so called boss

  69. This was how FD and SP in Office brouhaha3 began their relationship

    I do not care whose side the truth lyes but if your SINGLE girlfriend is cooking for her MARRIED boss, then have this in mind, she is also warming his bed and trust me, these married men do NOT use protection.
    STD knocking at your door

  70. Official Romance.
    This your girlfriend can lie ehh!!
    She cooks for him as chef she is nah?
    You don't even need any answer here when everything played before you.
    Abi na love dey cover your eyes ni?

  71. Oga na wa oh, it seems girls don finish for una area, that's why u wan turn to Mario, it's obvious the chopping her oga, and she isn't ready to leave him anytime soon

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Oga, your girlfriend is dating dat boss no doubt about it, she must be a devil for reacting in a harsh way just to convince you..... useless girl you have no iota of shame dating a married man.. don't wife her oooo...... she's a coded runs girl... mtchewwwwww

  74. Your bae is dating her boss, simple.

  75. Poster dont listen to anybody here. I have counted 73 comments so far and everyone is saying the same thing. DONT LISTEN TO THEM.

    Marry the girl. so you can send your divorce chronicle in future and we can also make referral to this chronicle to advice other foolish people.


    Poster na armed robber motor you enter so. Kill whatever love you have for the bitch and move on. From the look of it it seems you are the side boo. please let your girl and her boss be. they have a chemistry together and you are the intruder.

  76. Your bae is cooking for her boss that lives alone....hmmm. Your bae is dating her boss

  77. Well to me, I believe her. I am also friends with a married man and we have never had any intimate whatsoever. It's difficult to believe but do believe her she might be telling d truth and her decision to not stop talking to d man is cos of what she is gaining from him, his company might be really awesome to be in(not in a romantic way) amongst others, I might be wrong though but do trust your babe .

    1. I like the amongs others like material things, and do u also go to cook for this your married friend? And also send him messages like i miss u and love u? Lie now lemme invoke amadioha on u

    2. With a chronic womanizer? 100 percent she doing her boss and they laughing at the poster bout it. Poster, wise up. And girl if from any reason you ain't doing your boss, that relationship is wrong in every level. Quit that shot of you love this man. This man hat the right to be jealous, married or not.

  78. Yes she goes there to cook.... But bro recieve sense ijn... Because she is also dishing him the boss her acunacuna.... Since she is a BV if God helps her to be freed from the ogas grip,bro na direct permision for u too to enjoy other girls in the future even if u are a decent man, cos karma go come back hunt her... Fucking a married man? I cant wait for her own lamenting chronicles in the future... Sis if u are seeing this no matter what that man has done for u or is doing for u pls for d sake of u being a BV make we still advice u, stop d frienship totally with this ur boss, go and plead with him, even if u re not fucking him nobody will belive u, u are 25 today soon u will be 26,30 ur boss is made already, pls dont mortgage ur future for small small change u rr recueving now,even if its not easy pls stop Now!

  79. This girl is dating her boss and will carry another man's belle for you. You better run as fast as your legs can carry you.

    1. Hmmmmmm..... Seems u re talking from experience, i like ur comment, true talk

  80. She is dating her Boss Final... If she claims she is not and really does care nd love you then she cannot be going to cook for her boss, If that cannot be avoided, simple- let the boss send/ give her money to cook, she does the cooking at her place and you go with her to deliver the food otherwise madam let ur boss employ a cook. But mahn! based on d the logistics say ur babe they exchange text, she's lying to u no doesn't care...

  81. She is dating her Boss Final... If she claims she is not and really does care nd love you then she cannot be going to cook for her boss, If that cannot be avoided, simple- let the boss send/ give her money to cook, she does the cooking at her place and you go with her to deliver the food otherwise madam let ur boss employ a cook. But mahn! based on d the logistics say ur babe they exchange text, she's lying to u no doesn't care...

  82. It is obvious she is sleeping with her boss

    1. Very obvious, some girls sha

  83. Wasanonymousbefore.3 February 2017 at 16:21

    I really feel for this guy but believe me ur babe is cheating on you seriously. I'm sure after reading all these comments you will be convinced and not confused that ur babe is cheating. I wouldnt say you should break up but you guys should talk about it and let her take a stand. U or her boss.

  84. At 32yrs old, a 25yr old girl is using your head like this.
    Probably her smthn is sweet and perhaps you are collecting money she codely collects from her man friend.
    And you intend marrying her, okkkk.
    pls later in future when u find out one or two of ur kids is from this man, don't complain.
    I'm surprised a 32yr old cant see d writings in capital letters on d wall.
    this chronicles seems like a joke.

  85. Oga, you still dey ask us for advise? haba.

  86. Poster, but u sef get time to go dey listen to rumour, trust issue? Yes u have but my bro the truth be told o... The man dey collect her well well.. I will not advice u to take a bow, but talk to her to stop going to the mans house on any grounds and im sure she will be reading dis like u said, but lf she does not stop like she said she cant,then pls RUN, let her be and i know karma is a bitch, in between theres no man out there that will ever succum to such agreement, let it even be that that her boss brought her back to life from death, and subject be rest assured news like that will always fly even if u run go abroad...this is not about trust issue, no man on earth will take such

  87. Abeg, make I hear word. Who does not have a boss or bosses sef amongst all of us?

    So, I will tell my boss I miss you, I love you and you think it is normal? My boss???

    Dear poster, do not let the love you have for this girl blind you. In fact, you ought to have made a decision by now. She even goes to cook for him.... Wow

  88. Drop that girl like a bad habit. Don't let the love you have for her becloud your judgement.
    She's dating the man and they are deep.
    Who send such message to a friend and a boss.
    Let her get lost!

  89. I weep for you my guy. @ 32 na I don't believe it. Is it the love that you have for her that is hindering your thinking faculty. You are begging for her love hence she is using you.

  90. Your bitch is sucking and fucking, simple as ABCD. If this was to be your final year question
    A.Yes, she's fucking her boss
    B. fucking, cooking and washing
    C. She's banging you, her boss, and other dudes
    D. You broke, poor, and stupid
    E. You a fool and weak
    F. All of the above
    G. Not of the above
    �������� ===F

  91. No comment till I hear her own side of the story.

  92. Hmmm. Na wa Na Real wa....she is dating her boss with the I love u and I miss u messages. Its says it all.

  93. Poster's girlfriend,why are you missing & loving another woman's husband?Your lies will catch up with you soon.If your boyfriend isn't good enough,leave him alone so he can find a woman who respects herself.Poster,she will continue sleeping with that man when you are both married.

  94. Poster, your girls is dating her boss. Let her read the comments, then quietly move on with your life.

  95. Too close for comfort, how can she be sending I Love you to her boss?
    She should choose this day who she wants to cook for, she cannot serve two masters lolz.
    But its crazy, something fishy 🐟 is going on. 😒

  96. So even men dey mumu like this? CHOI! Mr man, yes you are sharing her with her boss. AIDS is real.

  97. She don MAGA you.

  98. Poster are you sure you are 32years???Cos to tell you the truth,you have a bird brain.WAKE UP man,that girl is dating and gbenshing her boss,inshort her boss is her main boo and you are the side boo

  99. Sdk, the poster should follow his instinct. She is sleeping with her boss.

    The day, i found out a married woman on the same street with me, is sleeping with another married in his matrimonial home after his wife has gone out to hustle for the family, i knew, no woman can be easily trusted. They both know each others spouses, and are from the same tribe! I am tempted to tell his wife, because i see as this poor woman struggle everyday to feed her family because the useless man is not working, but be giving money to this bitch who has three children.

  100. Poster you don't need to ask too many questions your babe is is fuck ingredients her boss, gf if you are reading this fix your self in your boss's shoe and tell me if you will be comfortable for him to go cook for a married woman and also exchange text messages such as I miss you, I love you.

    Guy if you cannot deal please walk away and do not share your babe with a married man.

  101. Poster at 32? You even sent in this to goad her into submission SMH. Your ancestors would be rolling in their graves, saying what an idiot of son we have...

  102. Well as far as i am concern, the poster knows it all and he should make up his mind, y'all just saying things since, ve u all considered how the GF in question met the said boss? Did the friendship started b4 she started working in that office?, could it be that she is a mentee to him?,... Poster why in the first place do u ve to listen to rumours about ur Loved one, i know its difficult to belive but she might nit be doing anything with the man, may be she just fond of the man. But come to think of it even if poster got trust issues i wont blaim him mostly because she gets angry and also said she wont stop being friends with the man.... She might be under a spell and also scared of the said man coupled with the fact that she is getting some things from him...

  103. Mr poster, maybe ur gal is d one fending for u. If not I see no reason y I full and grown man should be asking such a known answer question. But come o did ur gal also applied for d post of a cook? Borrow sense abeg

  104. Cooking food for someone and you dey look. Let us spell it out for you. S-H-E I-S D-A-T-I-N-G H-I-M

  105. Your girlfriend is an edible caterer.

  106. How do I send a story to SDK

  107. Send to the mail bellow... U will never regret u did... God bless sdk

  108. There are always two sides to a story. I hope she can reply on this.

  109. mbok bros you dont need God to come down and show you sign that you are digging your grave and am sure you will agree with me that you still want to live long
    i dont buy the idea of "love" can't do with her is a big lie because have come to know that there is no one that you cant love is just dedication and commitment..... bros beware a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage of bearly 3 month ooo


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