Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Good day Stella and my fellow Bvs

I want to share an experience with you all, there might be something to learn or maybe not.

I met K over a year ago and he asked me out for over a year. Talking of how the day he met me he dreamt of me walking down the aisle to him. Whenever he comes around and sees me struggling with anything like fuel scarcity and its likes he jumps in and takes full charge. It felt nice but I had great reservations.

 My sister heard him beg me over FaceTime to come visit him in London ( from Nigeria ). I gave excuses that I was on my period and broke as I got back from London less than 2 months ago. ( He had offered to reimburse me for the ticket on that trip but I declined as I felt it might lead to unnecessary expectations from me). 

He countered my excuses and said if it was sex he wanted there were many girls in London he could get sex from and as for money he will pay for my ticket and give me some money to shop. I still wasn't moved at all. He had made this offer for Valentine and one of the Sallah breaks but I had turned him down and he will come up with emotional black mail of how I treat him like a leaper et all but somehow he wasn't getting to me.

My younger sister that over heard him this time called me to the room where another of my sister was and talked to me. Encouraged me to give him a try.

 How I didn't have much to loose, He had shown so much interest for over 1 year, Nice to me and goes out of his way to please me and my sisters, How it's better for a man to love you more than you love him, how with time I'll grow fond of him and it will turn to love bla bla bla and If I went to London and anything didn't go well I could easily go to my older sisters house or change my ticket and return to Nig.

I listened o! Just before I left, he sent messages everyday of how excited he was that I was coming and how he will cherish me and plenty washing. I went. 

Through out my trip this guy was extra nice to me. Going the extra mile to please me.... Hmmmmm, but my spirit kept telling me there was something not right about him. ( my sisters and friends kept telling me maybe I was the one that had closed my heart to love). I had caught him in petty lies a couple of times, He was very evasive, Won't talk much at allll, u force him to even get basic information from him and he keeps saying he was working on it that even his mom complained that he didn't like to share what was going on with him. 

Then we just didn't like the same things or places for leisure. He was constantly speaking his language on the phone which made me uncomfortable as I had no clue what he was about. Well, I had to start suppressing the thought that something was wrong and maybe because he was different from other guys I had been with but the feeling just won't go.

After my trip, (spent some time with him and some time with my sister) I came back to Nig still not sure of how I felt. But I just kept on going with him, Not even able to call him my boyfriend because I didn't know how i felt about him. We kept talking on FaceTime and began to get closer so I assumed there was hope things could get better.

He came back to Nigeria after about a month, we continued ( still I wasn't completely comfortable with him but I had loosened up over time. Letting go and letting God direct me. ) He talked about marriage, talking constantly about how many kids he wanted, about me relocating to London soon as he cant see himself living in Nig with the current economic situation, asked me to go renew my Shanghai visa so we can go to Paris together, talked about coming for a family function to get to know me to my home and what not.

Then he acted funny for about 3days I couldn't tell his whereabouts. He will say he is coming and won't come. Finally he came up with a cock and bull story. 
( Did I mention that he comes to my house as he wills unannounced and I can't do same to him as he lives in a gated estate not far from me) Uhhhhh, my raiders were up! I went to his house and everything seemed fine. He sleeps deep and I took a deep breath and tried to unlock his phone 

( he was fast asleep ). Hands shaking and I succeeded. Lo and behold, this quite "Yoruba demon" was a chronic womaniser! OmG!! Come and see WOMEN... Come and see chats. Come and see begging and toasting! OmG.... What?

 I was in shock. Chatting and toasting over 10 girls and sexual conversation with his baby mama that he gave the impression they were just cordial because of their daughter and talked of how she cheated on him while they were together hence he didn't marry her.

Well, the first chat caught my attention and I read their chat as far as I could... O, he was talking to her almost exactly as he talks to me. Promising never to hurt her, never to cheat on her. Promising with everything! Lord! I was gum-smacked... I took a deep breath thought hard and decided to send her a message. I told her he was chatting with many woman and I realised she was in London as well and I told her he had invited me to London last month and I was in his house ( told her his apartment and other detailed information just incase he tried to tell her I was lying. )

I know he might convince her I'm just a bitter ex trying to break them up and what not, but I'm sure after now her raiders will be up too. She must know with time as the women he is in relationship with are abnormally countless. Did I mention that last Valentine when I turned down his offer to come spend it with him in London, he sent a gift only to find another girls name on the card and he swore with everything that d lady made a mistake with addressing of the card that it was himself and his friend that had called to book for the gift and she got the names mixed up. I didn't care much then so I didn't even go into it. ( peharps it's the little pieces of events that kept my raiders up unconsciously).

I left him sleeping and took his spare phone to snoop more ( I must have done that out of anger as what I saw on his main phone was more than enough to last a life time ). I saw even more girlssss. He came early the next morning to ask for his phone ( he must have been scared I had chatted with more girls but I just couldn't be bothered to after that one) and after asking for the first time and I was like which fone, it was like I unleashed a demon, he wanted to slap me but luckily for me my sister held him and I flew to get his phone immediately. ( I see Wetin pass me as his eyes were red and he was shouting ). He finally left and the following day he apologised to my sisters for his outburst and tried to call me on FaceTime but I didn't pick.

Hmmmmm, I am very happy I snooped early enough as I would have gotten the shocker of my life over time, although I just didn't feel at peace with him but he was showing so much care and attention that I didn't have any logical reason to walk and he would have continued with his niceness and emotional blackmail. 

Happy also as I was thinking of letting other guys asking me out go so as to focus on him and give him a try considering everyone around me kept talking in his favour and I honestly can't keep more than one serious relationship. ( I just can't ).

Hmmmmm. That's my story.

Team snoopers.... Snooping opened my eyes this time. But I believe it was God that actually saved me from either a heartbreak or a life time with an abnormal chronic cheat. I call it abnormal because the number of women were tooooo much o!! I understand I just gave him a chance but if I had seen chats with 2 or 3 or even 5 girls, I would have called him a cheat but over 10? And most of them he is promising not to cheat and to cherish them? Now that's abnormal. I believe he needs help tho, but then again, I'm a woman what do I really know about men and their desire.

To the ladies and guys who are at peace in their relationships/marriages please don't make snooping a habit, it can make or mar your relationship so be sure you are ready for the outcome. Fact is our instincts are usually right, when we do not feel at peace in our hearts as regarding someone or something we must dig a little deeper, not only by snooping I must say, it could be by praying or asking questions from people likely to tell us the bitter truth or other ways I might not be thinking of now.

In all we do God will grant us wisdom.

On a lighter note, if that guy had beaten me, na from bone hospital I for de send this mail as he is huge like a giant. Lol.... I have too much love to give, I am not discouraged at all.

*Babe I am almost convinced to cross over to team snoop but i still insist that snooping is dangerous to health and to the relationship.
I dont like the way people handle cheating and the altercation that sometimes follows.
I have never seen a cheating woman walk away with non verbal confrontation and how the men handle it and lie and some react violently?OMG spare me!


  1. Replies
    1. Chi exotic the poverty stricken bitch,always coming to SDK to blow lies like no tomorrow.
      You,fix 36k weavon? And you're shedding tears of joy bcos you're chosen for 150k give away? Any day I hear peeem from your mouth again,the thunder that will fire you ,will come from Iraq. Thank God Stella has delivered you and your lineage from the bndage of poverty.
      At least you can buy fridge now and eat good food from it.
      SDK post,chi can lie for Africa.

    2. Chi exotic the poverty stricken bitch,always coming to SDK to blow lies like no tomorrow.
      You,fix 36k weavon? And you're shedding tears of joy bcos you're chosen for 150k give away? Any day I hear peeem from your mouth again,the thunder that will fire you ,will come from Iraq. Thank God Stella has delivered you and your lineage from the bndage of poverty.
      At least you can buy fridge now and eat good food from it.
      SDK post,chi can lie for Africa.

    3. Chi exotic the poverty stricken bitch,always coming to SDK to blow lies like no tomorrow.
      You,fix 36k weavon? And you're shedding tears of joy bcos you're chosen for 150k give away? Any day I hear peeem from your mouth again,the thunder that will fire you ,will come from Iraq. Thank God Stella has delivered you and your lineage from the bndage of poverty.
      At least you can buy fridge now and eat good food from it.
      SDK post,chi can lie for Africa.

    4. I'm also "gobsmacked" your "radar" was definitely up for the right reason.

    5. Stella you better cross over. Snooping has been saving lifes since 1720.

      Congrats poser

    6. Snooping is just the saving grace. If you are not sure about your partner's loyalty biko snoop till you are satisfy. Poster congrat to you. Wish you well in life.

    7. Poster, is his name Theodore Ezeobi jnr?

    8. Whiteberry its obvious you posted the Chai exotic weave on as anon
      Them swear for you????

    9. Anon calm down nah,life is not that hard inugo?
      Stop ranting,it's not good for your health

    10. Stella we are waiting to welcome you with open arms.

    11. Anon, Your generation is obviously cursed that's why you turned out the way you are.
      I understand your jealousy
      If I were you I would jealous me too.

    12. Lol, anonymous 15:51 badass

    13. @Happyheart ur name doesn't reflect who you are please. Do I have a problem with chi exotic to have typed that? Nawa for some of Una comment o!

    14. #snooping 👍 Saving lives and destinies tey tey. It is the truth that will always set you free

    15. Team snoop ooo...I never use to snoop but I just knew he was hidingsomething but I still trusted him...only to discover he was in another relationship and I met the gal o and he still lied that she is a friend..

      .the day I started suspecting was the day i wanted to go thru his phone in his house and in his presence, mehn he almost broke my neck in the process...

      I believe not all men are like that...although he acted like the good guy...

      men should learn to value a good gal when they meet one but they don't...

      Poster you are so right better to snoop than get broken...

    16. "He was different from other guys you've been fucking." Bitch! You're a WHORE

    17. TeamSnoop alllllll dayyyyyyy

    18. Your "radar" skills was "gobsmacking".

  2. Thank God you snooped. It helped you well. Dude is a serial bad unapologetic boy.

    1. Hmmmm..poster na God save you.
      Sometimes its good to snoop joo

    2. Hahaha... Yoruba demon!

      Anyway,babe that guy may not be a bad person. And so many men chat dirty. Besides you guys were not married yet nau,you shouldn't have gone that far. Who even told you that the next guy will be a saint? Abeg abeg this one no be Yoruba demon.

    3. The day I catch my Boo cheating meen I will cripple the fool, anyway he knows that I no be ordinary person that's why he can't stop licking my anus like a he goat

    4. Can't believe I read this Bullshit. Someone invited you to London, you are telling him that you are in your period, odiegwu, hope your period has stopped.

    5. Queen of the coast😗1 February 2017 at 19:23

      It's our phone ooo.... me I just check it to update myself on latest happenings that hubby probably forget to mention. Trust my man 99.99%... but I will still check that our phone every now and then

  3. *I'm typing this with sleepy eyes and tired fingers, I apologize for all typos ahead*

    I must commend you for snooping before marriage and finding out how devilish your fiance is. It's a great thing you snooped.

    1. God gave us our gut instincts... Women anytime you have that off feeling, don't ignore it.Anything that feels too good to be true is usually too good to be true

    2. This could have been me but I didn't snoop before marriage now I am married and snooped!!!!!wawuuuuuu! Dem plenty! Plenty! Plenty! Even my married friend! Plenty eh. I wish I cn turn back the hands of time

    3. @ happy heart 👍

    4. You are right @ happyheart...wen it is too good to be true...mehn one has to watch it...

  4. Your story is somehow too long, didn't finish up anyway but I understand how you feel, there are some persons you can manage you caught cheating this one I need he has a degree in it. Than God you snoop and found out things for yourself.God help women

    1. Your story is somehow too long, didn't finish up anyway but I understand how you feel, there are some persons you can manage you caught cheating this one I mean he has a degree in it. Thank God you snoop and found out things for yourself.God help women

    2. Yaaaay another one 4 team snoop! If u don't snoop especially when d person is acting suspicious den u are on a looooong thing!

    3. If its give away now, youll read from beginning to end,mtcheew

    4. Yea ooo...acting suspicious...always with his phone and uses 'pattern/password'

  5. You are a correct babe jare. Congrats.

    A broken relationship is better than broken marraige. You will get a good guy.

    How do people snoop on someone's phone i want to know

    1. Sometimes you don't plan to snoop despite your doubt but God that may probably want save you from future heart break or broken marriage will just present the opportunity and you will access the phone and things begin to unfold while you are with the phone.

    2. I am team snoop and proud

  6. Kwaaaaa serious gobe

    Snooping has been saving lives since forever mehn
    But babe if na me see all that stuff... so long as he is not my husband. I would've kept his phone, pretended that all is well and continue chopping him while keeping an eye out for a better man oooh. Minus sex!!

    Since he feels he can play the game...two can play it na namsenseeee

    1. My thoughts xactly, subconsciously, she wanted him to lose something i guess, for decieving her & eating the cookie, lucky u didn't part ways with a souvenir slap.

    2. Minus sex? Most men won't spend on you without sex.

    3. Anon 15:44 but he has already started spending on her... all she needed was a good excuse why she can't give him the cookie for the mean time and he'll foolishly believe cos he wasn't suspecting she knew

    4. I think she wanted to punish him...a friend of mine did that and the guy lost both ways...

    5. @ anon does a man need to spend on u, it is not necessary joor, if u r independent.

    6. Lol. Anon 21:01 Be careful, so you don't end up with the responsibilities of paying rent and school fees and upkeep of the home financially. A man is the provider. Even if you have your own.

  7. Wow! Snooping is for those with mind o.if your mind can't carry it,please stay clear except you are not married then check to know your status but some people are smooth criminals. Last! Last! na God hand we dey

    1. Some call it "intuition"
      Others call it "Your sixth sense"
      For me, it's the Holy Spirit or your spirit man (whichever suits you)
      Thank God you found out. God saved you from a lifetime of pain. Men shaaaa!
      I am team-snoop all the way o! Though I don't do it all the time...I just do a clean sweep of my husbands phone once in say 3/4 months or if i see signs of something amiss. you do it daily/frequently they'll have their guard up. Some say what you don't know wont kill you and that ignorance is bliss...I say, tell that to the lady suffering from untreatable STIs et al. Ignorance can kill. God dey o! May God protect us from evil abeg.

  8. Madam. are U a Virgin? Why r u trying so hard to paint urself a saint?

    1. Ewu.So she should be wasting the Vagina anyhow abi?

    2. Ewu.So she should be wasting the Vagina anyhow abi?

  9. Chai...snooping be saving lives since 1900AD, babe go and do a big thanksgiving o.You saved yourself from a very bad breakup chronicle now you re sending in thanksgiving chronicles..hehehehehe 😆😆😆😆

  10. Thank God for your life dear. I believe it was God opening your eyes to see what type of man he is. I'm also glad you took it nicely... You'll meet a better person soon.

    It beats me at times on the character some men put up. As you rightly pointed out, Instincts are always right, they were put there by God himself.. However, we wrongly try to suppress them (our instincts).

    #Teamsnoop rocks. Although it shouldn't be a habit, except when your instinct tells you something is wrong.


    1. You did well dear. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. Snooping saving lives and heartbreaks since 1900.


  12. Quit saying ur sister told u to give him a try bla bla bla.If she tell u to dash her ur life savings will u do that?

    1. Hahahahaha @ peace maker. Na only u waka come? U seem to have a lot of negativity.

      My sisters are my best friends. I do not take everything they tell me but sometimes I listen cos I see it is coming from a place of love and we cannot know it all.

      I am not a virgin like u asked, but this sure isn't about being a virgin but saving my heart and my health.

    2. I'm just tired of this thing called relationship. It's guys like me who are loyal and would do all the spending without grudging who always end up with dysfunctional ladies because good girls like you won't reason properly. Instead ya'll be favouring the fuckboys and when you get broken you generalise it on MEN. Me sef do tire... I am on the verge of converting to being a fuckboy too. God should just destroy this world let us all start afresh.

    3. Lmaoo be the way you are and you might just find the right person

    4. Lmaoo be the way you are. You will find the right person

    5. Chai. You funny.

    6. Anonymous17:51...we all are not the same...don't allow any girl change who you are....keep being you...someday the right girl will come...

      I can't allow any man turn me to a bitter soul...never..

  13. Any woman that don't wanna snoop is aware that her hubby cheat, but she prefer to stay happy than giving herself unnecessary headache. I hardly snoop, I just don't like it, but if I wish to, nobody can advise me that it's not good to do

    *Larry was here*

  14. O boy Yoruba boys are evil, no wonder they are called demons tueeeeh. Isssh I can't deal abeg,
    E come be like say their own na curse oooh, what is it? Tufiakwa

    1. Won tun ti bere. As if we have not read about other tribes here. Awon elenu razor.

    2. Iffahear...there is nothing like Yoruba will always be men ...good or bad...

  15. The cheapest slut shantells empire, the last time my uncle had u, he gave u just 4000. Remember u plugged ur fone in the sitting room. Yes I went through your chats with your slutty friend who goes by the name angel ada,now am not surprised the way you cried the other day on this blog wishing you were that politian's galfrnd who ran away with his money. Kai shan, you're so cheap. I also blogged with your done that very day. Shameless slut u even went to our kitchen and stole two sachets of indomie, yes I saw it in your chat with ada. Cheap slut, you've aborted all the kids in ur uterus, now u will remain childless for the rest of your miserable life.

    1. Stella please don't let people like this ruin your blog. You've worked too hard for this. Please delete this! Haba!

    2. Is this all you've gat?...mtcheew. abeg brother abi sister, give us another news biko this formula is stale...

    3. U r not God to decide that about her my dear,why don't u leave everything for God to judge ?? Ur mouth is horrible

    4. Haaaaa what are you saying.

    5. So what should we do with the stupid trash you wrote up there ? Your uncle is a broke nigga... Gerrout of here!

    6. Mtcheeew......
      Get a life biko
      See you,see HBP

    7. Kwakwakwakwa 😂😂😂😂stole 2 sachets of indomie 😩😩😩😩you ppl dnt ve more reasonable things in the house like iPhone 7 l?

    8. She stole 2 satchets of noodles and chatted about it? You dunno how to lie abeg.

    9. And you had to go under anon to spill this rubbish?chicken,gerarahia

  16. I don't u r a nice person urself.If u r a guy girl,why didn't d men that kpansh u b4 u met him marry u?

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Snooping is good, the guy who was promising to marry I snooped and found out he was dating his collegue and he calls me when he is with her and that one will speak to me forming friendship, never knew they had something going on

  19. Am waiting for your reply, and I will so expose you. You even sent your nude photos to one ik john i saw it in the chat too, guess what bitch, I transferred 5hem to my phone

    1. What is your problem with shantelle empire ?? you bitter soul.

    2. Bitterleaf somebody, pls drink honey.

  20. I will keep on saying it...I'll rather be wise and unhappy, work on myself and find happiness again anyhow; than live in ignorance and be a fool, open up myself unknowingly to stds and what have you.
    To be and remain a Mrs is not by force in my dictionary and loving someone shouldn't cost me my life and happiness. Who wants to live in a fools paradise? Certainly not me.
    I am against fbi monitoring and checking & cross checking rather am an advocate of listening to ones instincts and not overlooking signs and "symptoms"
    Team no snoop...the Lord is una strength.

  21. What an interesting chronicle, DAMN!!!!! I almost thought it was my ex she was refers g to I. The beginning cos there were many similarities. Heaved a sigh of relief when she said he is a Yoruba demon cos he is Igbo. But that dude made me emotionally bankrupt. Through out the relationship all I did was cry! Don't get me wrong he was good to me and very caring. I never lacked however to see him was a problem. Didn't know where he lived, came to mine when ever he pleases but never took me to his place..... In fact the gist is countless....... Story for another day.
    Poster I'm happy u found out on time. I can't imagine the heart break u would have faced finding all this out much later. I'm team snoop sha, but I don't have the mind to snoop cos I can't handle eat I see. May God give us wisdom to handle these men honestly. It is well
    P.S- this is my first time commenting🙈 All I do is read and move on. Apparently the story captivated me.

    1. Same thing here o, till I gave myself brain and moved on. I'm single now,yes but I'm better off without that he-hoe of a man. All the girls on his Facebook friend's list are his lovers. Innocent, your day will come, just chill.

  22. What an interesting chronicle, DAMN!!!!! I almost thought it was my ex she was refers g to I. The beginning cos there were many similarities. Heaved a sigh of relief when she said he is a Yoruba demon cos he is Igbo. But that dude made me emotionally bankrupt. Through out the relationship all I did was cry! Don't get me wrong he was good to me and very caring. I never lacked however to see him was a problem. Didn't know where he lived, came to mine when ever he pleases but never took me to his place..... In fact the gist is countless....... Story for another day.
    Poster I'm happy u found out on time. I can't imagine the heart break u would have faced finding all this out much later. I'm team snoop sha, but I don't have the mind to snoop cos I can't handle eat I see. May God give us wisdom to handle these men honestly. It is well
    P.S- this is my first time commenting🙈 All I do is read and move on. Apparently the story captivated me.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Snooping saved me o from a relationship of almost 3 years would have been the saddest bride.

  25. Team snoop...snoop,snoop and snoop till you're convinced that all is well. I support you dearie 'cos I can snoop for Africa abeg no time for sob stories.My one penny to ladies snoop very well so that you can be on the safer side.

  26. I hv a feeling u r trying to prove that u r very wise and smart.But If younger girls r getting happily married and u r still doing too much sense all over d place and going thru men's phone.then in ur wid end is questionable.

    Always follow ur instincts, they are always right. If u don't like him ,u can never love him.No need going to London ,stressing and putting urself in harm s way.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. John Edet, a responsible man doesn't chat romantically with over 10 ladies at a time. I am very sure he is all those Yahoo boys in London with too much free time

  28. please i need his full name abeg. you have described the guy i am currently talking to but his name is not kay i have one like this at the moment promising heaven on earth and he has a baby mum too. his mum lives with him in east london. you can just leave initials and i would get i, or maybe height and what car he drives because this one is promising heaven on earth and i am starting to fall. am so unsettled about it because he is always talking about short trips to paris etc please please help a sistuh out let me just remove hand.

    1. Laughs. Although he lives in east London, his mom doesn't live with him. But his mom is in London and he cares a lot for her. So maybe she has moved in. " I doubt "

      In response to some comments, i am far from a saint. I just won't be with a man that's seriously begging so many women to be with him. Besides, some of the chats were as new as the same day and the previous an co.

      I really won't be able to put what I saw in words.

      Summary, It felt abnormal as they women were tooooo many ooo! Haaaa

    2. You naturally don't love him na, if not for the promises will you be thinking of giving him a chance. You see why sugarcoated mouth suit some ladies

    3. Thanks for the reply. His mum currently lives with him off and on.she isnt there full time. He told me his baby mum cheated thats why they aren't together? He drives a white car? Lives where in east please you will save a sister
      Always using his mum as an excuse and all his surname starts with a k

    4. I'm sure he will say they are his friends.... How can a guy be chatting with 10 gals and telling them everything he tells his girlfriend...That means she is part of the crew....friends my ass...

  29. Snooping has been saving lifes since 1864! My dia keep snooping o! Notin do u! Me I wld continue to snoop till d end of time! No be my body one man go take do kalo kalo! No time to waste meen!

    1. ***** WILL not would! Will! Which means you're sure you WILL continue snooping.

  30. Thank God for saving your life through snooping, even if a guy must cheat 10 girls are too many now! I'm sure he is leaving with all the whole diseases.

    Long live SDK

  31. You were "gum-smacked" with this story but I was "gob-smacked"
    Your "raiders" were up and raided him but my "radars" were up for detection.


    Well, ladies should learn to trust their "feminine intuition" when relationship is on and when the love songs are sang and echoed.
    Abroad does not guarantee a healthy marriage.
    Money does not guarantee a healthy marriage either.
    Love, trust and sacrifice do!

    1. Hahahaha. @ gum-smacked instead of gob-smacked and raiders instead of raders.

      In Jeniffers voice: English e de worry me.

      As them try for me reach for house the book no gree enter finish. So so mistake everywhere. Hayinnnn

    2. Shanghai visa instead of schengen?

  32. Snooping is good sometimes, it saved me from a terrible relationship, let me stop here.

  33. i feel your pain poster. na God save you


  35. Long live team snoop! at least that way you know your position in the man's life as most of them are chronic liars. So if you are unsettled in your spirit about any guy, please snoop and save yourself future stress and heartbreak!

  36. Poster does this guy's Name start with an S and ends with an A. Is he ibo? Pls answer me, Tx

    1. No dear, his names start with K T A

      Initials given. He is yourba.

    2. Is K the surname And T is the short form of his full name?

  37. Please Anonymous 15:26, is Shantelle Empire's real name Cynthia?

  38. Was the 1st paragraph oF him helping out about the same guy or another?
    Lives in UK and helps you out with buying fuel in Nigeria?????? LIES

    1. I honestly can't respond to everyone. Just pick the lessons and forget matter.

      Read over ( although too long and I won't even want to read over if I were u).

      He used to be in Nig but moved since the Buharieconomy.

      Na wa for doubting Thomas o! Can't stop laughing.

    2. Oh you saw that many inconsistencies in her so called chronicle.. Probably the guy comes from London to help out whenever she's struggling with fuel scarcity... Nonsense!

  39. Snooping is allowed when you feel something is not right.

  40. Dear poster I just need to correct a wrong impression you put out there.

    How is the invitation to London connected to you being on your period?
    Statements like that put ideas into a Man's head and gives off a very wrong impression. It puts other young ladies trying to take their time in relationships at a disadvantage.

    So glad you listened to your gut feeling/intuition👏

    1. Honestly, in hindsight it made no sense. But it's my story and I have told exactly as it happened and how I was giving the most flimsy excuses not to honour his invitation.

      Choosing to be celibate in 2017 isn't because Young girls are not exposed to what's happening in their environment but because the choose to.

  41. Classic Stanley Akpudje

  42. Wow.....I'm happy for you lady,everyone is gifted with intuition,following it is by choice,

  43. All this anon English teachers on this blog Lmaoo. Afi raider na .

  44. I was shivering when I say his name was 'K' because I have exes who called me that.
    This place nobody know how or when your matter go drop if one isn't careful.
    I breathed a sign of relief because I know I'm not a fuckboy. But the beginning if this story is so so similar to the beginning of one of r/s in the past.

  45. Snooped on my partner's phone, found love messages and late night meet with his supposed female friend whom he claims is married, latter he said she's engaged to his town's boy...... That he'd met her before me and they'vebeen friends with no string attached... Yet he sleeps in her house, exchange love messages etc.... Confronted him about it, it took him two weeks to reply, saying he's doing it for both of us, he wants to get some money from her...Blablablah...... To finance our trip his is Germany and mine is Canada.... I just told him it's alright, that when next she sends him I love you, he should reply "we love you too" but I've made up my mind that as soon as I get on that flight, as the plan dey go up, him go get text message saying "it's over".: Not the first time, I have seen him exchange explicit messages with other girls..... But since , this one get profit, am so playing along.

  46. It's good you snooped, the guy sure has problems psychologically. To be saying the same things to numerous ladies is so not cool na.......

  47. Men eh!.....I was lucky 2 hv found my hubby quite early in life...if not...I won't have gotten married....just adopt a cute baby....cos I'm too emotional 😭 for all of these...d quality of men we have these days eh!...small change in their pockets &they f**k anything...d worse guys are those who work with oil firms...dey feel wit their I'd cards....they are on top of the world...

  48. Hmmm thank GOD for your life. The one i am married to Edo devil sleeps with every and anything in skirt. From his customers to colleagues. I had the intuition ohhh but i allowed people to talk me into it as per i no catch am before the marriage. Had STD twice now. Omo don waka now after 7years with two kids.

  49. ewo geez! some men sha! God help us o,Stella is right abt d snooping issh o,as d poster said,be sure u r ready to stand whatever the outcome of ur snooping game may be

  50. Team snoop all the way,snooping has been saving lives since time immemorial. Thank God for you poster.

  51. I'm team snoop all day,yo! Poster, you're my twinnie. Similar story tho. One night the cheat slept over,i snooped and invited the babe he was cheating on me with over pretending to be him. She rushed over to meet boo and I was in my lingerie when I let her in. Wait for it..... I took her to my bedroom where boo was sleeping $she saw the used Cds I intentionally left and the lover girl wept,lmao. Her cries woke the cheat and he felt he was in trance... long story short, he lost both of us that night

  52. I'm team snoop all day,yo! Poster, you're my twinnie. Similar story tho. One night the cheat slept over,i snooped and invited the babe he was cheating on me with over pretending to be him. She rushed over to meet boo and I was in my lingerie when I let her in. Wait for it..... I took her to my bedroom where boo was sleeping $she saw the used Cds I intentionally left and the lover girl wept,lmao. Her cries woke the cheat and he felt he was in trance... long story short, he lost both of us that night

  53. Hehe snapchat now saving cheaters, snap chat making team snoop obsolete since 2014 lol

  54. Choi, are you sure it's not conjure?sounds exactly like him

  55. Always trust your instincts. team snoop here. those of you who won't snoop thats your wahala. i must snoop


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