Stella Dimoko Epic Question


Friday, January 06, 2017

Epic Question

Do such Curses have an effect on the cursee?


  1. You must be very stupid, idiotic element, it will not catch, it will only chase you, oloriburuku somebody

    1. Your karma is gonna be dope!

      U don't have to go naked to curse someone really...
      Curses are potent only if you are passionate, pained, and d victim really hurt you. It's just like prayer... d more passion and pain from within the more potent.

    2. Hehehehe... The swear will run after you, overtake and crush you!


    3. She doesn't even need to curse you..ure cursed already and the one she did was only a topup..basted! !!!!

    4. It will definitely work but the stupid babe will have her own share of the karma.

    5. Will ladies ever learn?

      Someone somewhere is still going to abort for a guy again in the name of love. Smh.

    6. Law of karma. You did not consider that you are the only son when you flushed my souls away

  2. You must be very stupid, idiotic element, it will not catch, it will only chase you, oloriburuku somebody

    1. The commenters in the blog ehh! They can make u laugh and forget recession..😂😂😂😂😂 Hahhahaha. But wait o is it that they are not the same species with the ones that comment on LIB? 😝😝😝

      Some of una ehh! E matter make una just go learn comedy 😁😁😁😁

    2. Nelly Udoh. LIB is dead. No one comments
      Who cares about lindas bag and shoes.

  3. Foolish questions. Another fake gist off the internet

  4. Even if the swear does not "catch" you, karma will, remember it has your address

  5. D curse go catch u tire..wen she was hvn abortion for u u dnt knw..nw u left her ..d thunder dt will Fire u still de do push up

    1. If the swear no catch you make I know why.
      You both did the abortion together na,after all you gave your consent.

    2. Foolish man...The girl u got married u have any idea how many abortions she had?

    3. They are both stupid. Six abortions? No condom no pill, injection iud? Nothing

  6. Ut have finished working tee tee

  7. She does not need to swear or lay curses on him for him to face the consequences of his cruelty towards her. Its a given. He should just wait for it.

  8. The lady aint helping herself.
    Curses affects three types of people: The curser, the cursed and the listener.
    God remains the best judge. Once your mind is devoid of evil towards others, watch HIM fight your battles for you.
    No need to dey curse up and down like a possessed person.

    1. Yoruba girl.....

    2. So true, she does not need to curse him just pray a simple prayer for him. Father fight for me. If you are on right standing with God he will definitely see His hands. I don't curse people o but from experience something terrible happens to them and they know this is not ordinary. They come back to beg or send people to beg on their behalf.

  9. No evidence that such curses has any effect, only typical Africans tend to believe in things like curses and spiritual husband, abi American weather they spoil curse? Lol

    1. So what's a spell? What does it mean to be jinxed?😒😒 From which language those words originate? Let Disney be deceiving you.

    2. Shebi curse na ur language abi,why is it in the dictionary abi na u put am there?......

  10. *permit me to be vulgar on this*

    Oga, when you were fucking her skin to skin, you didn't know she'd get pregnant okwaya? The mumu girl even went ahead to do abortion, not once, not twice but six freaking times! It's like the devil is fanning himself with your brains!
    ...and to your question, no oo, the swear won't catch you oo hediot, anupamu, onyeberibe!

    1. Ndi iberibe. She was busy spreading leg chopping and aborting flesh. So annoying

  11. Even if she hadn't cursed you sef, you'll still get your payback one way or another!

    The only son, yet you slept killing those babies? Ewu

  12. Even without her doing anything, karma is a bitch and will surely find you.

    Now let's analyse this. She went naked. Naked NOT in private. But NAKED OUTSIDE where everyone will see her and she SWORE for you. Hmm guy, that is a triple curse following you. This cannot be reversed by going to pastor to pray for you or by repenting. You have DEEPLY hurt a soul. She has your destiny in the palm of her hands.

    Na you waka enter. Na you go carry am.

  13. Hmmmmm.... it won't work jooor... as long as u are declared dead, or u no naked bath. Idiotic element.

  14. Why should a lady abort for a guy?

  15. My guy just relax and wait for the manifestation of the swear cos even if e no catch u and Karma refuse to come quickly i ll personally reactivate d swear.....gerrrrrrraaaaaaahhhh of here

  16. oho!!! it has catch you already. keep yarning dust you hear?

  17. HEHEHHE!!! dat curse will follow u ehnnn!! u cant hide from it.....

  18. Lemme go annonymous on this my girl is reading everything i write here.

    There's always consequence for all our actions and inaction. I did 9 abortion for a particular girl of mine but we didn't married, she married another man had two kids, died when having the third one.
    I did four abortion again for another one, the the fifth time, she didnt tell me she was pregnant, we had an altercation and i pushed her and that was the beginning of my trouble.
    She had ectopic pregnancy and her ovualry was removed during surgery to safe her life. I was 25 years old then, now I'm 41 last year with no wife, kid to call mine till now.
    Im still begging God to forgive me and touch the heart of all the women i have hurt, knowingly or unknowingly.
    My girlfriend is just 24 now, im just begging God to let this work, met her on snm and its been good for over a year now. This this is the longest relationship I ever have in a very long time. I just believe it was as a result of the wayward life i had lead before now thats been hindering my love life.

    Shout out to "lipstickalley" BTK. Your faceless bbm friend.

    1. May God have mercy on you.


    2. Ehn????make una come see 'suntin'.

    3. Please anonymous,just go and marry the one you pushed down the stairs..
      Is she married now?
      You guys were compatible enough to have sex in the past.. so why not marriage??
      Or she's not good enough because of the surgery?

    4. Oga gan fun yin o!
      I raise Rihanna yansh for you

    5. Yeah, she's married now with baby. I give all the glory to God.

    6. Mr anonymous 9 plus 4 is what. After the first three why did you not advice the girl to start taking the pill? That way you guys could have continued skin to skin. Or.monthly injection by the doctor. Or even insert an iud that she will later remove when she wants to have a baby. Why we're you both careless like that. Did you know if you continued that way more babies will keep coming? Why not just use the necessary measures? The pill has been there for donkey years. I hope you reply. God. My children need to learn about safe sex.

  19. No it wont catch will come and have a good conversation with you then go back to where it coming from...why will it catch you? Did u do anything wrong? Is abortion a sin? Does killing six children warrant the wrath of God on you and ur future wife? Pls it will not catch you,you are faster than usain boat so hw ordinary swear go catch u...pls dnt mind d gal

  20. Make I see why the curse will not catch you... clap for yourself

  21. What if he truly repents.
    Will karma still fish him out?

    1. There's always consequence for every action.

  22. Hmmmm!! This is serious

  23. Kolewerk!!!! The issue is must you end up with someone who has had that much abortions for you ? Is she that stupid to have had abortion six times with marriage being on her mind as the consolation price????...move the fuck on bro . You are fine !!!!

    1. Where they both so stupid to be having sex an thinking more babies won't come? Please people educate your brother, sister , your children today. All this I don't want to spoil my child is why both parties will be in this situation. Abortion is not something every woman must do!!!@

  24. You can't eat your cake and have it. Karma is knocking and you must open. As for the girl, she should seek for God's forgiveness and stop swearing about afterall she wasn't forced to have several abortions.

  25. I can't blame the guy...for what? We ladies do this to ourselves. Why will you have 6 abortions for anyone at all. Are you mad...mstweee

  26. you might have children but those children would hurt you to your soul.

    you can never escape it

  27. No. it will not catch u.u r covered by the blood of Jesus.hehehe

  28. Another story to get reactions from dazed people..
    Not falling for this.. Lol

    1. It does happen, I know someone that this happened to. The girl did 8 abortions for d man and d man went ahead and married another lady cos he believed she must have complications he is yet to have children though she didn't curse d man.

      She too doesn't have in her marriage. They are now planning to leave their marriage and come back together maybe God will forgive and smile on them

  29. Mr man,dat girl does not even need to swear or curse u!u impregnate someone's daughter 3times and she do abortion for u 3times! My guy,u had beta go and ask her for forgiveness!den go for confession and confess ur sins to a priest if u are a catholic,or a man of God if u are a pentecostal! Cos my guy,Nemesis go catch up with u o! Karma is a birch! D law of retributive justice wld definitly catch up wit u! Go and beg her!

  30. Mr man,dat girl does not even need to swear or curse u!u impregnate someone's daughter 3times and she do abortion for u 3times! My guy,u had beta go and ask her for forgiveness!den go for confession and confess ur sins to a priest if u are a catholic,or a man of God if u are a pentecostal! Cos my guy,Nemesis go catch up with u o! Karma is a birch! D law of retributive justice wld definitly catch up wit u! Go and beg her!

    1. Oh please! You ladies should come out of your emotion if this happen in real life then the girl is stupid and brainless infact, she is idiotic. You did an abortion for a guy six times what stupid curse do you expect to work? You are with sin same way he is with sin.Where you blind when the abortion was going on? If he had married you would you curse him? What stupid curse are you talking about? If you had sense you wouldn't even do an abortion. Did God curse or abadon you for the abortions you did with your consent.My girl take several seats at the stadium please.

  31. U and d girl are both mad.
    D girl is mad 4 bin a brainless fucktard.
    & u, 4 bin a bloody cretin.

    1. Bless you hunney.I mean if he had stick with her will she think of cursing? This is a case of two stupid mufackas.

  32. No it won't catch u because its not pursuing u.ode!she will also hear of the effect of her curse on u just like u heard she went naked.

  33. No it will not catch will pursue you, over take you n decend on you... Yeye sombori

  34. The curse go work add jara on top...don't hurt anyone!!!

  35. The swear go catch throw you for ground, then begin blow blow you sotee that your gingolo no go even stand again. Monkey na now you know say you be the only son? nama.

  36. queen and boss for all the insults God will reward you

  37. Curses work! When the Cursed is guilty of the said crime and is especially UNREPENTANT. Unrepentant is the key word here.

    But if one is innocent,then the curses are empty.
    Proverbs 26:2 "Like a fluttering sparrow or a swallow in flight,a curse without cause wil NOT alight"

    1. There is always retribution, eg King David. He never repeated a sin and always genuinely repented but he was always punished for the sins

  38. The swear don catch you already...Stupid kid, when you were gbenshing without raincoat and giving the stupid geh belle, you didn't know oooo....You never see anything.

  39. No it won't catch'll only gum on you and penetrate into your life

  40. Wickedness everywhere, u curse will catch that I'll start soon frogjump. I r so wicked haba.

  41. My dear wait 4 it, it'll surely catch you one day, it's call KARMA.

    An adage in Yoruba says "Ogun lo ma n shi eniyan ko Epe ki shi eniyan ja"
    Meaning,War can carry both innocent and d guilty away But a Curse will only catch d guilty.
    A Curse place on d innocent can never do anything to him But so far u're guilty of the crime it'll surely come to pass though it might take YEARS for it to be fulfilled.


  42. D curse is living with u already. Nonsense

  43. Hahahahahah karma go catch you ehhhh....

  44. Hahaha, it will catch both you, your generations to come.

  45. Walahi e go catch you!In fact,e don catch you!!!

  46. I jump and pass! Very useless somebody six abortion na only God fit save you 😐

  47. Aya u av only 15mins to answer ya own question & time starts now! Cambiaso idiot

  48. Young man if u know wat id gud for u better and ask her hand in marriage or else u wil fin ur self to blame at last.

  49. Which curse???? Did he rape d girl, is d girl not an adult. When a guy train a gal in skul and she dumps him, will the curse work if he did swear? He did not forcefully abort d pregnancy, d gal did d abortion based on d boys advice, so they would both get punishment from God. Dey were fornicating, and God does not pick sides between two sinners

    1. The curse from a guy works same as a babe. If the person being cursed is innocent, the curse is curseless but if guilty, even repentance doesn't take it away

  50. U don enter one chance. After 6 abortions, u get mind O do who u leave her for now? When u die useless death now dem no go let me see road for FB and SM . u no remember say u be only boy wen u dey put dey troway

  51. I don't have issues with the guy or the curse but with the girl that subjected herself to such emotional and physical torture all in the name of love. Anyways, I don't blame her totally sef cos when you allow your sense of self to be eroded, you are unaware of emotional abuse

  52. THE LAW OF KARMA is real bro. You are wicked and heartless


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