Stella Dimoko End Time Domestic Violence Victim Tells Her Side Of The Story.


Sunday, January 01, 2017

End Time Domestic Violence Victim Tells Her Side Of The Story.

This woman finally tells her side of the story after her husband with whom she has three kids accused her of sleeping with a 16year old boy.....Her Narrative made me so Angry...If the man who did this is left off the hook then I spit on the Nigeria legal system..I spit spit spit!
This woman needs Justice ASAP!



  1. stop bleaching they will not hear.. na the bleaching render u purple eye if not it will just be slightly red and it will fade wit time

    1. So apart from sleeping with hubby's boy she also slept with his brother. Hmmmmm.

    2. You are


    3. So after reading about domestic violence that is all your stupid arse could come up with. Why are Nigerians so heartless. Woman husband beat am then all your dumb ass can say is to stop bleaching. As in sometimes I dey wonder about some people senses o. U obviously have none. Dumbass.

    4. Anonymous and Dave onos, your skulls are filled with sawdust 😔.

    5. Dave that was dumb

    6. Ewu hausa is what you are. So after reading that is all you could deduce. Yeye fowl.

    7. Fave onos I pity your wife to be potential business plans etc. Your brain is off. You are the type they will tell your mother is a witch and you will really go and dump her in d bush. Na wa oh

    8. You are a big goat! Does the bleaching justify what the husband did?

  2. Better live for you and ignore society. People will always tell the woman to endure instead of rebuke the man.
    Funny how its the women in the victims family that will ask her to pray and endure as if walking away isn't better.
    She will be fine. The society is so terrible it doesn't treat DV as it should be treated or how it's done in the states.
    I also hope she doesn't go back after they plead with her as usual.

    1. Intelligentsia princess1 January 2017 at 13:27

      She will still go back to him. Poor thing.
      Allah ajara..

    2. The case needs to be revisited. Please NGO should take it up please. This man will go marry again rendering this woman's life useless. Thank God it wasn't acid. And that teenager should be looked for. He might be in great bodily harm now and serious health threats. This horse-band should be charged with attempted murder! That's someone's boy!

    3. She will still go back.
      She is busy blaming society,he will come with his whole village to beg her,and she will go back and say because of her children,if you truly love your children,you wouldn't want them to grow in a violent home.
      In fact I know she will go back.

    4. He did all of DAT repeatedly despite sign undertakings and u still stayed.

      OK, na. Maybe there would have been only 2 children and ur family and friends to deal with.

      Now there r 3 children, family, friends, faceless social media trolls, old friends who wouldn't have known and d world involved in ur business.

      Many more r reading this, suffering d same fate but wondering what society will say.

      Many who condemn this r urging Lilian to return to Ubi.

      Women, borrow sense o!!!

    5. Wickedness in high places!
      This is a bitter, wicked man with serious insecurity issues!

    6. Sometimes I just wonder which is more important for most Nigerian women, their lives or marriage??!! Is marriage really worth dieing for?!!

      If u as a mother loves your children, run from everything that will make them motherless. Your life is worth much more than any marriage!! If you stay in that violent marriage, u will die and he will bring another woman, who will make life a living a hell for your children. Pls Nigerian women learn!! Real love will never hurt u!!

    7. I still maintain my stand.


    8. Blunt chic, chop knuckle... parents please train ur sons.

    9. This is one of the reasons I strongly advocate that women are already on their own feet before marriage. If you are not on your feet yet, let it be your first priority as you are getting married. If this lady had her own source of income and could fend for herself and the kids without the man, affliction won't have come to her a second time. She would have fled for her life long before now. And because of this financial handicap she is facing and enduring a situation that could most certainly take her life.

      Two types of men women should NEVER get close to let alone marry.

      1. An insecure man
      2. An unintelligent man

      While the first can kill you with his own anger, rage, and jealousy the second will create a situation where you can kill yourself out of frustration at the ineptitude of his reasoning ability.

  3. See wetin this anumanu (animalistic man) have done to this fine geh!

    Women run from the likes of this man.

    1. Sorry Madam, beast of a horseband. Please don't consider 7the pleading from both families and friends to go back. Such men don't change. May God heal you soon.

    2. Stella I join you to spit. Tueh! Tueh! Tueh! God forbid *snaps fingers and crosses arm over head* The man is sick. This kind of man will continue until he kills her. Woman help save yourself, run far away from this monster. Where he can have no access to you or your kids. Let nothing, even money join you together again - except you wan die. The children have also been living through this trauma, smh...

  4. Please, if this lady is reading this or any other person is experiencing something similar to this, please, pack your stuff and leave that house. In fact, you don't need to pack your stuff, just leave. Leave with the kids.

    If he wants to see the kids, have a trusted friend or relatives place as your meeting point and they can meet there. Don't ever meet him on his turf again.

    I'm a born again Christian and there's nothing Christian in staying with someone who is ready to kill you at the slightest provocation. Leave him, leave her and do your marriage or love or whatever from a distance. Let God lead you thereafter.

    1. Tears filled my eyes as I read this
      No woman should be made to endure this

    2. Seconded! In such a case Christian or not, your life is important I say leave. This man can con the woman into seeing him again and when she does, he would give her the final beating that would finish her off, since he knows she would not likely go back to him. Woman be warned and be wise. He has little to loose because he is already a miserable wretch.

    3. I know someone whose husband turned to punching bag. In november he used a matchete to break her head. She had to report the case. And he signed undertaking never to touch her again. But she mumuishly went back. We don talk tire. Now she's on low cut. Beautiful 30 year old lady with 2 children

  5. That man should be dealt with..he is a monster

    1. Don't get mad, just give the woman three months I can bet she will go back to the man you called monster now.
      Just tell her sorry if you can and move on. 😁😁😁

    2. Thank you Don't Mayor, you r very right.

    3. She-who-must-not-be-named1 January 2017 at 14:30

      This man is wicked o! Look at the lady's eyes, he wants to blind her. Women when will you learn when to let go of an abusive marriage? Tufiakwa!

  6. Commenting on Domestic violence issues is like pouring water on a rock. A waste of time. At the end of the day, family and the victims always go back to the abuser.

    Madam, well done. I am sure this is not the end of ur story.

    Meanwhile all the BVs that will speak against DV and still post how their boyfriend came back crying afterwards, you are in an abusive relationship. You just dont know it yet

    Happy New year

    1. You are right.Couldn't have said it any better myself.

    2. So right! Madam keep going back till we read your obituary.He heat you they beg you, he signed undertaking and heat you again even if it's to sock garri with your children, won't you rather suffer than me humiliated like this every time? Society is not feeling the pains you're feeling right now.
      I am sure you saw the signs and still chock head.
      Please I will advise you told go very far away from this monster, don't even stay in a city where he will be able to trace you because I have a feeling he might want to harm you either way.
      God will protect you. Pele.

    3. True word. This DV didn't start today and by Jove,she will go back to him.
      Just look at what he did to her.

    4. Like Flora Okwuosa

  7. Mtewwww. He hit you he hit you yet you still open legs dey fuck dey born mtewwwww. If I say you deserves this beating now it will look like I'm wicked. Women if a man hit you run asap don't die their, and please stop this silly excuse of "because of our kids".

    1. I am not in support of what the man did, but we need to ask our self some questions, why is it that the man always accusing her cheating and we need to hear from the man side own thoughts shall.

    2. Anonymous, some men are just like dt. My fiance called off our wedding in November because he said he dreamt and saw a man sitting in my lounge. He came back pleading today for us to give it another try. I'm a very matured Lady but I can never try going back cos who knows what he will do when next he had a dream? Better stay single and struggle than let a man give you the beacting your parents didn't give you as a child.

    3. He accuses her of cheating because he is mentally ill. If you check it, he has no proof what so ever. His type needs to be in a psych facility for real

    4. That's what most men will say to make their wives look bad because society will critcize the woman. Hubby accused me of following married women that sleep around, infront of my parents. Thank God my people shut him up. Me that stays @ home more. Men!

    5. The man has Othello syndrome- na mad man.

  8. Jesus! What beast did she marry for a husband?
    This is too much.
    Society keeps telling you to stay in your marriage and not leave for any other woman even if you're being pummelled every second of the day.
    This same society keeps putting pressures on young single girls and Making them marriage desperate.
    Who be the society? No be me and you?
    Who society help?
    Fuck society! lmao.

    People should learn to live their lives for themselves and not society. Every human being has an endurance level. You know only what you can take.
    she even said she would have left long ago but "society" interfered.
    She should thank God that man did not kill her.if not her own for just end like that.

    Please people should learn to be a self pleaser (even selfish. nobody cares) than society pleaser. cos in the end, all that matters is YOU!

    1. Don't mind women, they never learn! Just like Tiwa who has stupidly gone back to Tbillz and ppl are applauding them, hmmmmmmph, it's only a matter of time. If she thinks Tunji has changed then Donald Trump is the new pope. The news is that this time she won't complain because no one will listen to her or console her because na by yourself u decide to go back to your vomit so deal with it!

    2. Enter your reply... Corinsade. God bless you for me. You are just on point. You and a few b.v's are the reason I love sdk's blog. You are civilized & educated - femzit.

    3. What I don't get is this "are they marrying the society or a man?" Why stay with a man you know can kill you any day he chooses? Orphans survive, children from single parents survive and become great so long their destiny is great so why must you stay with a man who is likely to make your children Orphans? How can you even sleep with a man who beats you up? what kind of love is dt?

    4. Society ko! Imagine telling me that he's a fine man and will marry quick. That I shouldn't allow another woman take my home. You say what? Omo I'll even help him look for wife sef. Since I left, I've had peace of mind. What type of lie filled, drama filled, dv filled, disrespect filled, financial stress filled, womanizing filled etc marriage is that. Yours truly has ported.

  9. I stopped reading when the "he hit me again, he hit me again" was just too much.
    Women should know when to walk away... is it by force to stay married? African mentality!

    1. Don't mind these useless women who prefer to die bcos of a man, I don't pity her at alllllllll.

  10. After shouting and pitying her, and buying panadol ontp her matter, Surprisingly enough, she go still go back to the husband. I pray she learns from this sha.

  11. Just went to FB to check out the guy, domestic violence is boldly written on his face very ugly thing

  12. Jesus! What beast did she marry for a husband?
    This is too much.
    Society keeps telling you to stay in your marriage and not leave for any other woman even if you're being pummelled every second of the day.
    This same society keeps putting pressures on young single girls and Making them marriage desperate.
    Who be the society? No be me and you?
    Who society help?
    Fuck society! lmao.

    People should learn to live their lives for themselves and not society. Every human being has an endurance level. You know only what you can take.
    she even said she would have left long ago but "society" interfered.
    She should thank God that man did not kill her.if not her own for just end like that.

    Please people should learn to be a self pleaser (even selfish. nobody cares) than society pleaser. cos in the end, all that matters is YOU!

  13. Damn society. Her life is more important. She needs justice. What nonsense. He calls himself a man. Nope he is a beast. Just reading removing drip from her hand.. What evil

  14. I stopped reading when the "he hit me again, he hit me again" was just too much.
    Women should know when to walk away... is it by force to stay married? African mentality!
    Fuck what the society will say and do what's good for you.

  15. She would still go back to him don't stress yourselves with advice

  16. Advicing this woman will be a total waste of time. Give her few months, you hear her singing another song.

    1. She-who-must-not-be-named1 January 2017 at 14:31

      No mind her

  17. Whatrubbish?even if she slept with d boy,is this how to treat a human being,all this heartless men I wonder who raised them,he should be given the same injuries so he would know how it feels.oloriburuku somebody,am so pissed off right now.

  18. Hmmm.most women go through this but a scared to cone out cos of what society will say,or cos of the flimsy excuse of bn tied down by their kids so they can't leave. God help women honestly. For the life in me,I keep wondering who raised these monstrous men with psychological issues.ladies want love,marriage, family, but no woman in her right senses wants to marry a terrorist, a man who hits her in front of her kids. 2016 taught me a lesson, I almost married a quite charming humble man(to the outside world). But no one knew what I was going through inside. He accuses me every time for no just then graduated to violent pushing, then blow and slap. Meanwhile he is the one that had an affair with a pastors wife.and other ladies he keeps as friends. Deep inside me I was worried about what i was getting into,so I kept postponing my traditional wedding. Until I had enough of the emotional and the new physical abuse. Ladies be careful.yes I want to get married but anyone who lays hands on me next time,there will be blood shed.. A broken engagement is better than an unhappy,horrible marriage. I cannot tell all my stories here, but 2016 taught me a lot. Wash a pig,dress a pig,perfume a pig,send a pig abroad, a pig will still remain a pig... It hurts so much,i cry on my pillow some nights, I spent so much time,energy, money, love,on this relationship but I'm stronger. My chronicles will be too long to read when I send it.

    1. E-hugs dear
      Praying God gives you your own husband to love and treat you right

    2. 👍 Please send your chronicles. It will teach a lot of young ladies something. God bless you and give you a good man.

    3. Thank God you left that toxic relationship. Silly guy. He can beat a woman but he can't beat a fellow man. After watching 'Madea's family reunion' in uni, I learnt to always have sugar in my kitchen. Better days lie ahead my dear so wipe those tears. I wish Nigerian women could be bold like you.

  19. The dirty goats will soon come and say in the whole of Nigeria they are the ones that look after their wives the most in their quest to put others down. As if oyinbo man sef does not beat his wife.

  20. Imagine what this wicked man did to thus beautiful woman, women are really trying in d name of marriage. May we never experience such in our marriages, I hope he will move on after this one and leave d beast to stay on his own.

  21. You all are so double-minded. Fancy you telling this she should have left at the slightest provocation but you tell Lilian Ubi to forgive her husband. Because she hasn't died yet abi? Or come with blacks nd blue eyes online to say her story. And Ubi is carrying face on IG like expired baby doll.

    I won't even start my new year by trying to give anyone brain. He/she who chooses not have sense in 2017 isn't ready.

  22. This is so sad, I hope you have a work/ business because that will make you not to go back to him.

  23. The sad truth I'd that 80% of them still go back to these men, I have a relative who is in a very abusive marriage, physical emotional just name started when they had their first kid,she'll leave and after awhile she'll go back to him.finally she came back to her parent's house and the, from visit to beg and see his son finally husband moved in with got worse he'll beat her up and insult her parents on top. Her word is always"there is nothing God cannot fix". As I speak they have five kids now, three of them conceived in her fathers house, the second were set of twin. Her horseband took over the car she bought and she now flies public transport. She feeds cloths and pay her kids fees, Infact she live like a widow.
    One day we boarded the same bus, she was looking so washed out that I felt ashamed to identify with her.
    Women will never learn, even as of today the man is still leaving with her

    1. Abeg @ AbaMade, you said the man moved in with the woman ? Hey ! The woman head no correct abd the guy too is a bastard.

  24. All of you condemning the man now will be the same people saying Lilian Esoro should go and build her home bla bla bla without addressing the issue of Ubi abusing her. I am tired of world people and their double standards. I can relate to what this lady went through. I went through such too. All these abusive men have the same basic traits. Always insecure and forever accusing you on senseless things that you don't even know where to start defending urself from. The mistake I made was that I ran from my dear life leaving my kids behind. It's well.

  25. Am not surprise, when you see an Igbo man you've seen a wife beater

  26. My dear pls get out of that marriage as fast as you can o. Life no get duplicate o! Some men are beasts in human form.

  27. Hahahaha I checked his facebook, Chai Na true face of DV. Useless man.

    The woman will still go back. Na so our women be

  28. At the end of the day this woman will still go back to the stupid man. Don't be surprise she will put a retraction of the story soon alleging that her account was hacked .

    Madam, use your tongue and count your teeth if this is what you want to be experiencing all your life.
    The best advice is the one you give yourself. Please don't both thinking this man will ever change because he already has a PhD ln domestic violence.

  29. At the end of the day this woman will still go back to the stupid man. Don't be surprise she will put a retraction of the story soon alleging that her account was hacked .

    Madam, use your tongue and count your teeth if this is what you want to be experiencing all your life.
    The best advice is the one you give yourself. Please don't both thinking this man will ever change because he already has a PhD ln domestic violence.

  30. #Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside*

  31. She should bury her head in shame forever. Sleeping with husband's boy boy.End time wife

    1. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars1 January 2017 at 16:20

      Shame on you. That's is an accusation. There is no where it has been confirmed that she sleep with the 16 yr old. Pls learn to use your brain when posting. Aka James.

    2. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars1 January 2017 at 16:24

      And he has no excuse to beat her like this. NONE. By the way did you read that she has a 3 month old baby? Did you read that he has been beating her way before this major one? So was it the fact that she had an affair that led him to beat her all those times? Pls think before you post. James

    3. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars1 January 2017 at 16:24

      And he has no excuse to beat her like this. NONE. By the way did you read that she has a 3 month old baby? Did you read that he has been beating her way before this major one? So was it the fact that she had an affair that led him to beat her all those times? Pls think before you post. James

    4. Sometimes I find it difficult to defend you with this your mostly daft comments.

  32. This man is a beast!!!!!....when it comes to domestic violence, the predator never cease tormenting it's prey, it's either he kills you and renders you useless or vice versa,. Pls go watch this movie "knocking on heaven's door", I'm recommending this movie to anyone passing through DV.

    As for this woman, she should never make the mistake of going back to live with the man come what may.

    *Faithful bv*

    1. Ona don start with watching of movies again? Now no be war room again. .....hmmm

    2. Thelma cakes na Nollywood?

    3. Annon, yes, it's a very mature senseful movie, I was blessed watching it...

  33. I'm sick of reading about stories like this. If a man hits you the first time, leave!!!! Nothing in this world will stop him from hitting you a second time. If you are in an abusive marriage, this is a new year, start afresh! No woman deserves this level of misery and abuse. I will be very angry with this woman if she does not file for divorce immediately and move on from this mad man.

  34. The stupidest excuse ever:'because of my kids' the same kids that see you being spat on, trampled on, beaten and raped daily?

    The same kids who are too ashamed to point you both out as parents? You've already destroyed their childhood na? What exactly are you protecting? Your ego?

    If you really had your kids as top priority, you would have found a way to shield them from these tragedy at the first beating. Abi does your husband beat his female boss in the office? But you are the cow and donkey that can be bought with 24 naira bride price and beaten to pulp.

    Please use another excuse, say you don't have enough money to stand alone. Or you are afraid of what society will say. Or you want to answer 'Mrs' in Heaven... Leave the kids out of this.

    God be with you.

    *Mothers raise your sons properly. Not only your daughter you will be covering like a spider.Raise your sons properly. Too many wild male animals on the loose.

  35. Pls she should get out of the marriage as fast as she can. Life no get duplicate o. Some men are beasts in human form

  36. Pls she should get out of the marriage as fast as she can. Life no get duplicate o. Some men are beasts in human form

  37. Society looks down on unmarried woman. That is why women continue to endure in an abusive marriage. Women should understand that marriage does not define a woman, society should accept a woman the way she is, whether married or unmarried, women should love and support themselves, it is only then that women can work out from abusive relationships.

    1. They are the ones that allow themselves to be looked down on

  38. This is terrible! Even if u are guilty it doesn't warrant this kinda beating. Gosh! But personally I think she had an affair with that young chap. Ladies always have that vacuum that craves care and love and despite the age of the young lad, I feel she did it.

  39. Honestly i feel sorry for women cos a lot don't know how to handle their husbands. You must control things spiritually as the wife and madam of the house. A lot of homes are being controlled by other 'forces'. This can NEVER happen to me. Eledumare and I are the only force controlling my home. Hmmm women find ur way and stop farting around forming MRS when spiritually you are not in control.

  40. Na wa, better a broken marriage than being dead. This applies to both sexes...happy new year everyone

  41. No smoke without fire. The small boy slep with her.

  42. This David Onos is one of the wife beaters that is being described here.
    It's only a foolish wife batterer like him that will make such a senseless comment without fact or proof.


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