Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama 132


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Labour Room Drama 132

I was one day past my EDD on Monday December 5. Scheduled an appointment with OB/Gyn same day. He conducted my routine check up. Was given till Wednesday 12/06/2016 to be induced.

Embarked on all sort of exercises to induce labour naturally all to no avail. Come wednesday, i was booked into the hospital. Then the induction procedure began.

The obgyn first dilated me to 4cm using a balloon catheter and by 4am the next morning I was 4cm dilated. Afterward the obgyn came in at 7:30am to break my water with his hands.

The oxytocin drip was applied to completely dilate me to 10cm. At 6cm dilation, the contraction became so so strong and the epideural was applied.

At 6cm dilation, the nurse came in 2 hours later and said baby was unhappy. Shocked and curious at whatever that means. A scan was conducted only to observe that the baby's umbilical cords were tied around the baby's neck and an urgent c-section needed to be conducted.

Immediately I was wheeled to the OR and 25mins after my baby boy was taken out and an hour later I was wheeled out to the recovery room.

Seeing my little boy brought me to emotional state. I have never felt such kind of emotions before. It was love at first sight.

The devil raised its ugly head when baby was taken to ICU 20hours after delivery because his rpm (respiratory) was fluctuating > 60. It was as high as 120. Due to some infections. But as long as God is on the throne, we shall celebrate.

Please who has experienced this before after delivery and what was the treatment as baby is currently being given antibiotics and glucose.


*May God see your baby through...


  1. Eeyaaa your baby is healed In Jesus Name.Amen!

    1. They said the same thing about my baby's breathing and kept monitoring him round the clock. He was on antibiotics because I had an infection during labour. So he was already in antibiotic therapy before they noticed his very fast breathing. They monitored him till the end of the treatment I think but the breathing was still a little bit fast. A chest xray was done the the baby special care unit and by God's grace the result came out clear. His lungs were fine. After monitoring him for days, he got better on his own. He is doing so well by the grace of God. Relax, your baby will be fine.

    2. Your son will pull through in Jesus name

    3. I went through the same thing. baby will be fine with antibiotics therapy.

    4. The most common reason a full term baby needs help is because of breathing problems which can sometimes be due to an infection.The devil has nothing to do with it. Just the same way he had nothing to do with you getting a c-section. These things just happen sometimes. #factoflife. You should be spending your time thanking God you live in a place and time where your baby's condition is easily treatable with antibiotics. Why do you think our great grandmothers gave birth to 11children with only 3 of them making it out of the birthing room? Knowledge abounds now and for that give thanks.


  2. May God save him, he will live to testify to the goodness of God

    *Larry was here*

  3. Poster God will heal your baby completely and soonest. I have never heard of RPM. Let me ask my dear Google.

  4. God that has seen u through out pregnancy and delivery shall definitely perfect this phase. Ur baby will be fine, I'm soo positive.

  5. God will heal him completely in Jesus name ...Amen

  6. Relax my sis.. The good God who started your miracle for you ,shall complete soonest.. Your baby will be perfectly ok..

  7. Your testimony will be complete it Jesus' name. The devil will not steal your joy. Congratulations.

  8. I love baby boys..Please see this baby through, Lord!! Amen!!

  9. I love baby boys..Please see this baby through, Lord!! Amen!!

  10. Congats Madam on a successful CS. God will see your baby through

  11. May the Lord lay his hands on your baby. It will end in praise

  12. Gosh I just woke up to dis mmm gist, pls let them pay bk d money, they shuld kip d bonus,, m so scared.

  13. May d Lord all that concerns ur baby. #womenareblessedspecies#

  14. Congrats poster, take it easy, baby will be fine ijn

  15. Did you have GD during your pregnancy? The baby may be having hypoglycemic episodes outside the womb as he is used to high blood sugar in your womb and he is not getting it after being born. Don't worry the current treatment is fine and he will be stabilized and your joy would be full in Jesus name .

  16. Nothing is going to happen to your baby by His grace. It's well with you and your family

  17. Congratulations poster, your baby will be fine....

  18. Poster, you will soon testify. Amen
    Please I still need a copy of the supernatural childbirth book. Kindly contact me via my Google account. Pleeeeeeaaasssee

  19. Congratulations poster. Your baby is fine and the devil has lost already.

  20. I experienced this, had prolonged labour with heavy bleeding, eventually had CS, baby got an infection. He was placed under blue light plus oxygen in bits and continuous monitoring until the paediatrician certified him fit. Nothing to worry about, God's mighty hand that brought him out of your womb will make his respiratory system strong in Jesus strong for you both. Xoxo

  21. Your baby wld be fine in Jesus name.

  22. Pls how do I post my LRD

  23. Your baby is OK n perfect in Jesus name,amen.

  24. God bless ur baby

  25. Your baby will be fine in Jesus name. I also had to be induced not because i was past my due date but because they diagnosed mild preemclampsia and gestational diabetes. In my third trimester. There were too many complications in the pregnancy and I was monitored weekly and every week was one negative news or the other. I even had to undergo Non stress tests from 32 weeks. Of course, there were spiritual issues involved, the enemy planned to stop the birth of the child but God stood up as a man of war and fought for my family.
    The labor was another battle on its own. I realized nurses in Nigeria always get a bad rap for being nasty to patients, but there are nurses in the US that are even worse off. Some nurses I encountered in labor and delivery were from hell, it was as if they sent them to torment me, everything was just not right. I was in labor for two horrifying days, thank God for epidural. My water was broken at 3cm and for the two days i didn't dilate past 4cm. I was eventually wheeled into the theater for a section because I had developed an infection of the amniotic sac and I was beginning to have fever.
    My baby spent 72 hours in in the NICU for curio abi corio, as a result of the infection and hypoglycemia. He was on antibiotics and glucose.

    I would go in the NICU in pain ( CS after surgery pain is crazy) to breastfeed him and had to hold back tears seeing that his oxygen level was being monitored and all the wires on his hand and feet. It was heartbreaking. But I was confident, God who didn't allow the baby die in my womb will see him through. And i believe breastfeeding helped a lot with his recovery. There is power in that bonding and colostrum.

    Your baby will be fine poster. Trust God fully, don't doubt and don't confess anything negative. ��

  26. The balm of gilead will heal ur baby@ poster.
    Ur story made me teary Anon 00:13


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