Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


Friday, December 23, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



Good day Stella, hope you are doing great. Please i would really love to seek your opinion and that of my fellow Bvs on my issue. Please pardon my long story.

I am an ardent reader of your blog. I am 27 years old and i work with a multinational company. God has really blessed me so far this year with things i prayed for and even those i did not even ask for.

Stella, my major problem is that i cannot seem to hold any relationship down long enough. The problem is i meet guys who are interested in me regularly but the moment i begin to take any one of them seriously, they just leave for no reason. At first, the reason was that i get angry easily, i decided to work on that part. But that did not change anything, instead my relationship lifespan became shorter. 

Once i begin to show interest in any guy, even without sleeping with him, he just goes cold on me, starts ignoring my calls, messages and that is the end of the relationship. Any attempt on my part to find out if it was anything i did wrong proves abortive. Sometimes, i get one flimsy reason or the other: busy work schedule, financial stress, 'its not you, its me'....BUT NOTHING MEANINGFUL.

The most recent one almost broke me. This guy has been on my case for almost 2 years now, i just kept him to one side cos i was involved with someone else. I decided to give this guy a chance finally and he turned out to be a great guy...really sensitive to my needs and all, caring and very generous. Things were great for a while until he had to travel out permanently for work. I got scared as soon as i heard that cos i don't like long distance relationships but this guy reassured me that we will be fine and all- i could visit him and he would also visit as well.

A few days to the day he was supposed to travel, he started acting funny. To cut the long story short, that was how the relationship ended oo. His reason was that he had been through so many heartbreaks and after having a re-think, he was not sure he could survive a long distance relationship. At this point, i am done, i have given up. I am tired of putting myself through series of heartbreaks. Stella, is this a curse or what?

 I have cried to God severally over this issue. This is really scary. Please i need meaningful advise. No curses. Thank you.

*Please let me read comments cos i dont know what this is....
I pray you find whats yours soon.stay happy.


  1. I'll be back to read comments. I don't think I also know how to keep a relationship *side eyes*

    1. Lemme perch here abeg.. Will b bk to read comments too

    2. Madam keep praying to God. He will give you ur own Adam trust me

    3. You need to settle your spirit husband.
      Your spirit husband is stubborn, u need to go for deliverance

    4. Stella release comments na.

    5. You'll find happiness.

      Just relax babes.....
      It'll be fine.

    6. Poster
      Mine is worst than yours
      I will be 35yrs in March
      I'm not married
      For the past 10yrs is only married men that ask me out, i'av cried and pray yet nothing
      I'm not a loose babe, i'm homely but I can't really understand what's wrong,

      You're 27yrs and u even have small time, see me see menopause
      I don tier

    7. My dear you have a spiritual husband, find someone that can help. It happened to me till I found deliverance

    8. Engage in praise serious one with dancing, you know that david kind of dance right? Ehhhe hope say you dey pay tithe? If you don't start now. Then sow a seed for a successful wedding then come back for your testimony.

      Please make una connect me to all these multinational and international companies ooo

    9. Thoughts of a young woman learning to trust God🙇23 December 2016 at 21:55

      Sorry dear. The kingdom of God suffereth violence and only the violent take it by force. It's not a joke. Life is more spiritual than physical. Please dear start by giveing your life to Christ. Seek help. Go to mfm for deliverance. It has helped a lot including me though a different case. Jesus makes all the difference in a man's life. Telling you this from my heart. Nothing like inviting Him into your life, surrendering to him and watch him order your life... He cares. Will remember you in my prayers tonight sweety. Be courageous

    10. Chidinma Gift ehn, that was all I saw in this chronicles,for my mind I was like 'you even get better work sef'. God pls settle me with a job.

      NNE spiritual husband is on your neck

    11. Wow. Poster and anon 17:26, you will both find your bone of your bond and flesh or your flesh IJN. I'm turning 36 soon and just got married and had a baby this year. I started panicking when I turned 30 and almost settled with an emotionally abusive guy. I decided to calm down and think about the kind of future and home I would like and if getting married now was more important than being happy. I broke up with him after wasting a year and half, my next boyfriend was also a freak and I found out he was seeing random girls and his specialty was orgies while he was playing the pastor's son role for me and trying to wife the homely, quiet, shy girl. I found this out when I call came in while he was visiting me and he went into the kitchen to respond by text. I got curious and checked the girl's profile on fb- because I saw her name when she called him. Her lifestyle looked scandalous so I decided to snoop. I did and discovered the biggest shock! He always organizes with girls to meetup somewhere and he would ask them to bring other girls too. Days after, one of the girls will now be saying how they enjoyed the time with him the other night and how they should do it again soon because they liked to get freaky etc. this was a born again/ pastors' son! I just had to cut my losses and break up again before he brings STDs and by now, I was turning 33. I just decided to relief myself of any worries or pressures and just decided to give myself a break from relationships considering I just made 2 bad choices consecutively. I decided to live my life, better myself and be happy. I met someone when I wasn't even looking, I was friendly but wasn't trying to get into anything and he was also a year younger so I kept him at arm's length but we kept chatting on a friendly basis until I realized months later that I cared a lot about him. I still pushed that thought away anytime in spring up on my mind until I really couldn't deny it anymore and he professed his love to me too, by then, the 1 yr difference didn't matter. We then dated for about a year and half and got married first thing this year, baby came later. He later told me he had wanted to get married way earlier and had been in love with me not long after we met but he didn't want to scare me off with all that heavy stuff so he just took his time being my friend. He was also afraid I might not even date him because I was a little older. I'm saying all this to encourage you guys and let you know that there's nothing wrong with you, dint listen to all those spirit husband etc crap. Just keep yourselves happy and vibrant while your men make their way to you. Don't act desperate or clingy, don't get depressed either. I know our society makes it harder on us ladies but stay strong and keep fit. Get yourselves out of that mindset that there's something wrong with you.
      Poster, calm down, don't act clingy and take things in stride. You'll all be fine. The biggest prayer you need right now is not for a husband but for a happy home and happy life, because a lot of people out there already have homes of their own but are not happy. Please bear that in mind while you pray to God. Bless you sisters!!....... MEE

    12. All I can say is God bless u!

    13. Anonymous 22:26 God bless u greatly for dis post.

    14. Thank you so much anonymous 22:26. Your message was God sent. Thank you. God bless your home. Amen

  2. must you marry ?

    1. Help me ask the Mumu poster o

    2. A woman has cursed you, if u offended any married woman, just apologise.

    3. Felix Akheen, I am a man like you but you are VERY VERY stupid.. The sperm that came second would have been better if it was fertilized instead of you that got there first.

      To my sister, just pray. Give yourself time for prayer. Make sure the last thing you ask for from God is for HIM to address your relationship problem.. Just make sure it's what you would ask God for before you say the Grace.

      Also, make sure that when you finish saying that, remove it from your heart. Lastly, don't include it in your morning prayer, but at night only.

      Do it for as long as you will give your self like three months, one month or two.

      Then relax and see how God works.

      Felix, I am sorry I said that about you but you were stupid with you comment.

    4. Stupid question

    5. Feli, must you fuck? I remember my teenage years, when boys were so eager to fuck then. Always chyking underage girls, even when its clear they werent ready. But this days, babes are so desperate for marriage, making men go on fucking spree. Its a pity. If girls could only hold on then fuckboys like Felix will know the importance of marriage.
      Anyways, marriage is not by force. It's a desire females tend to have more.
      Poster, you know the problem you have is you're playing the good girl. Dating one guy at a time. And being faithful hoping it will lead to the altar. But you dont know you are putting your men under unnecessary pressure. Remember, when you were 16 and a boy will go as a friend and want to do everything for you and with you. What feeling does that trigger in you? Answer is Brotherly love. So My dear, free your mind and start multiple dating. Dyop being too interested and available. This can only happen when you're truly busy. I didn't say you should sleep with all. Just free yourself. You're 27, a big girl. You can pull this off.

  3. Girl it's so spiritual I'm going through the same thing it's the worst thing that can happen to any woman. I'm still seeking for spiritual help and I pray you do the same

    1. Story of my life... poster it's more spiritual than u think. And it's soo painful When the problem isn't sumtin u can jst change.. me I have given up on relationships. Until God is ready for my case..

      Give urslf all the breaks u need dear. I wear the shoe I can feel ur pain.

    2. These days innocent married women place curses, or go fetish, you won't find a single man to date, u either end up a second wife or remain single cos no relationships works, been there, saw it all! An apology saved me,even at that I'm single but in a stable relationship now, hoping for d best

    3. My dear not only u and poster,inshort I cry every day cos of this same issue,and 30 and I will be clocking 31 next year,no guy has ever said girl I will like to marry u,the ones who claim to be serious later leave for no just cause,am really there a way those of us going through this,can ve a chain prayer,or anyway one can get's frustrating mehn!

    4. Thank God you are 27 and can still get help and be able to settle down. Please do not give up in your search for solution. I have similar experience with you. Right from my first relationship. My family took it as a joke and so I did same. Today I have everything but for a husband and child. My relationship don't even last three months anymore no matter what I do. please I don't want want any young girl to grow up with my kind of pains. seek help

    5. Poster, it is not spiritual. Work on your character.
      True beauty of a woman is good character.

    6. Look around you there are men that love you but you don't notice,stick to those men.

    7. Anonymous 18:15 is right, the men are out there but the thing is the ones that want to step up. You will not like at all due to they being below your league, they are missing a very important quality, you aren't attracted to them. Etc. Chances are you may have dated some of these men. But you got it wrong thinking you always have to date and build relationship. Subscribe to these marriage experts: Christian Carter and Rori Raye. They'll give you useful tips.

  4. Just be yourself and the right guy will find you.

  5. Stella shift pls, im reading comments also...
    I always given advice, non returns to say "Thank you Atheist" your advice on so so so matter was implimented & this was the result, be it positive or negative, how'd i know im dishing out the right thing?
    Grabs Christmas coke*

    1. You're grabbing Christmas coke, ain't you an Atheist yet you are grabbing Christmas coke, who know what next you'll grabbing.
      Only Christians celebrate Christmas.

    2. Atheist, are you really an atheist atheist or just the name atheist?

    3. Lol.. Abenna "three atheists". It's just a name for him, I've read some of his comments; he believes in God but have a problem with Christianity as a religion. Maybe them send baba commot for church, na why he kuku adopt Atheist as him name

    4. Na wa o, person no fit drink coke drop bottle again witout being attacked oh, its christmas coke written on the bottle jo.... And yeah, i'm Agnostic Atheist, google it.... But my morals are top-notch follow come.

    5. I checked on google, was morre confused...I can't seem to comprehend. Will check it up again

    6. I love this Atheist....let's drink Xmas coke joor

  6. It's well

    My dear your spiritual husband is on your case big time! It's not your fault alright

    Run to MFM for serious deliverance! Put your mind into it oooo so you'll be delivered

    1. serious deliverance. You attract the right people so what's going on? Run to MFM and do deliverance. You can't conclude until you cry to God and let's see Him doing wonders. Stay strong

    2. I agree with you dear. Please make out time to go for deliverance. There's something the men see which you aren't seeing. If you notice, your female friends have no issue with you, but the men yes. Try and get more closer to GOD and let him work it out for you.

    3. Just imagine. Nigerians smh. Dear poster, have u checked ur attitude? Are u childish? Are u a drama queen? Cos I knoow I have given many guys d "itss not u, it's me "line, just because I couldn't name what their brand of childishness was. Have u thought that maybe u just attract brand foolish? And they leave when they see d cookie ain't forthcoming? This last guy was prolly d only good one u had, nd yes, pple end rshipss cos of distance. U ain't only Africans get spirit husband. My dear, u are a child of God and ain't no sporit strong enough to be ur husband.

    4. @Rob you know you're an idiot right? Just reminding you dear so you don't forget next time. Fool

      @Anon 15:23 you don't have to agree with me! You state yours and i state mine, It's left for the poster to choose whichever one she wants to take. Ejoor

    5. How many ppl has mfmm solved their spiritual problems with their pastors sleeping with girls up and down. if in doubt check out pastor Allen of Beckton branch in East London. He wants to sleep with even women dt go to him for deliverance. Abeg leave mfmm out of it biko.

    6. Becky divine you are a goat a special kind of stupid religious bigot

    7. Poster, stop looking at every man as a potential husband. Check yourself :attitude, hygiene, spirituality and all. Is there something you are doing or holding unto, that is not of God? Most especially, know that God blesses us when we least expect it, and His timing is never late. Be patient okay? The right one will come.

  7. Oluwa provide a boo for poster. One that will marry her and obey your commands of marriage. Amen

  8. Partying at d office. Will be back to read..

    God bless you my santa. Mr CEO.. Stella please enable my appreciation

    1. Ideato nwa mara nma.leba anya na ihe isirimu sendira gi.emewomu ya.Daalu nwanyi oma.

  9. 1) Be prayerful
    2) Be yourself
    3)Try acting as if you ain't clingy

  10. Your spirit husband and boyfriend they disturb you. Go for deliverance abeg.

    You are beautiful but you don chop with spirit husband that is jealous and wicked.

    Sorry ooo

  11. Where is in house news

  12. Dear poster.
    For every problem in life there is solution and problem share they say is half solve.
    My advice. 1Seek the face of God
    2. Be sincere to yourself, as in check your life to know what exactly you're doing wrong that is making guys to break up on you.
    3. Examine your atitude, maybe you're rude, or have the feeling of careers woman as in ego.
    Finally pray to God for direction, maybe those coming around are not God's plan for your life.

  13. Keep praying, don't lose's only a matter of time, your boo will locate you.

  14. God will help you. Believe me the right person will come at the right time.

  15. God will help you. Believe me the right person will come at the right time.

  16. God will help you. Believe me the right person will come at the right time.

  17. You haven't found your heartbeat yet! Don't worry yourself so much about the guys that comes and go.

    When you find the one that you were created for, you'll know.
    But, I must advise you to stay off premarital sex. It can destroy your relationship without you knowing!

    Keep praying to God to direct your life partner to you, he will find you. Work on yourself and control your anger. Don't believe in being cursed or having a badluck.
    The man for you has not find you yet and he's in,search, just make yourself ready and available when he comes.

  18. At first, I though I was reading my own story!. I find myself in a similar situation. Men that pledge undying love to me suddenly change and leave or act in a way that makes me leave. I attract men like honey and lose them in ways I cannot explain. I have prayed, done deliverances, fasted and done all the necessary self-evaluation and adjustments, yet I am still single.
    However, I keep consoling myself with the fact that If God wants something to happen, nothing can stop Him, no spirit husband or family/ancestral power is greater than God. My dear, console yourself with the fact that you had it good while it lasted. You will be fine and the One will locate you when you seek God's mercy for yourself and family. Keep your eyes on God and dont lose faith even though it is hard, very hard at this moment. I understand how painful it is going through the whirlwind of relationships over and over again and finding yourself flat on the floor over and over again.
    I pray the new year finds you a new relationship which will be your last relatioship. Hang in there love.

  19. We are on the same both the only difference about mine is that they will have someone they love, but still want to be with me.I am still too young,I know, but a 23years old is far from too young.What I am doing? I'm giving up.

  20. @poster;if actually you have worked on yourself,then the problem is with the people you fall in love with..

    Most people need help,and not love!! And when you allow yourself be with A guy who sees opportunity in you;that relationship wont last at all;cos that very guy would finally leave when his need in you changes..

    I dont know how "Financially free" you are;but if you live alone at A nice location and drive A good car as A single lady;then you need to change the circle of guys you mingle and perhaps fall in love with..always go for matured one(not A matter of age this time,but A concept of the mind)

    About the last guy that left;you need to understand that naturally,PROXIMITY BREEDS AFFECTION!! And that is part of the reason why long distance relationship is most times difficult to keep/maintain.

    On your own part;do you have A good hygiene?? Also,Hope you arent A Nag?? Believe me,no matter how good you are and exhibit that certain character;any man you come across would leave before you could say "Jack"..

    Wish you all the best and i pray you find True love..

    "People tend to be loyal to you when they have A need in you,and when that need changes;so does the loyalty"..

    Happy christmas in advance to everyone!!


  21. My dear Commit ur relationship into God's Hands! Ders Notin God Cannot Do! I tink it's a spiritual matter!u might have a spiritual husband disturbing u! Do u see urslf making love with known and unknown faces? If yes,my dear seek help in a fire praying church like mountain of fire!U can visit d Blessed Sacrament in any catholic church and voice out ur frustrations der to God! He Wld Help U To put a final Stop to all dis ur Dissappointments! Its a Total deliverance U need! It's well with u my dear!

  22. My dear Commit ur relationship into God's Hands! Ders Notin God Cannot Do! I tink it's a spiritual matter!u might have a spiritual husband disturbing u! Do u see urslf making love with known and unknown faces? If yes,my dear seek help in a fire praying church like mountain of fire!U can visit d Blessed Sacrament in any catholic church and voice out ur frustrations der to God! He Wld Help U To put a final Stop to all dis ur Dissappointments! Its a Total deliverance U need! It's well with u my dear!

  23. Errr they don't grow cold on me they be " can't tell me you don't have a boyfriend common hun please stop lying I know I am not good for you" trust me guys those words make me sick 'cause most or these guys saying they ain't good for me are actually over good *I think so* I know so.

  24. My dear what you need is prayers..

  25. Poster go for delevrance not write garment churches but were they will give you scriptural Bible verses to read along with prayer and fasting.

  26. Poster, just try as much as you can to be calm as in be free minded and take off marriage thingy from your mind and the Mr Right for you will surely locate you someday. From your write up, looks like you allow it bother you soooo much as in that's the only thing you just want from every guy that comes around you sharp sharp as such you won't know when you start acting otherwise or behaving funny you know. It shall be well..

  27. I have a similar thing going on with me..I cry some nights cause i know am very pretty but i have decided to make my self happy and not carry husband matter for my head..Love is a beautiful thing no doubt but my big fear is living a life with purpose..I call on God to help me to know why am here on earth cos that what matters...Girl just keep being you, it will happen when u never 'experrit it'..It is well

  28. Where is my Santa.. Am still waiting for you biko...

  29. Then make this issue your prayer point. Only you with the help of the Holy Spirit can come out of this. Abstain from pre-marital sex till your wedding night. And avoid every other thing that will spoil your prayers. No one's perfect but make effort, ok. Your Boaz will locate you soon. Stay strong dear

  30. Sister don't give up. Don't stop praying about it.

  31. Let me give u my story. It ws same for me, until someone told me that the reason am single is because I may have said somethings growing up. Yours truly, I did say things like am not going to tolerate any man bl bla bla, am not ready to settle wt a man who......etc. I sat down prayerfully and started reversing my wrds, after that my pastor told me to cry to GOD for mercy. I did sincerely and men and brethen, I met my husband d same day I broke up with my UK le Boo on Facebook. The day of Dana Ar crash-3rd June 2012. We got marred 1st Sept 2012

  32. Pls enough of this spiritual husband thing Biko! People are so gullible and ignorant.. Not everything is spiritual or related to spiritual husband.. Dear poster is not about you. It happens to everyone .. Lot of girls have the same problem so does it mean all of them have spiritual husbands? Please it's life .. Your own man will come . Just be you and pray to God , him alone can give you a man that will stay with you.. And you are not cursed please...
    We should really be mindful of what we think in our heart and what we say with our mouth because what we see ourselves as or belive we are then the devil will put that in our life and it will start manifesting.. So poster if you are having any negative thought about your self please stop it and indulge in positive thinking let positive things start happening to you.. Me am not married and I want to get married but that doesn't mean I have a spiritual husband.. The only spiritual person I am married to is God ...

  33. It is nothing spiritual,if you go for a guy below ur status you will see dat it will work out,it is destiny

  34. My dear don't worry. You'll definately find someone that'll come to stay. And as for the guy of 2year I think that was a long time to keep him waiting for so maybe his motives may have changed from when he first met you. But you'll definately find one good one and then you'll cherish him more. Just don't forget to send meeting point when it happens. Cheer up dear.

  35. Poster,u must get closer to God and He will deliver u frm whatever is ur problem.many don't believe that things happen in d spiritual b4 they manifest here.dont give up just go for counselling nd deliverance in any MFM

  36. Poster,u must get closer to God and He will deliver u frm whatever is ur problem.many don't believe that things happen in d spirit b4 they manifest here.dont give up just go for counselling nd deliverance in any MFM

  37. Dear poster, every morning b4 u live ur house ask God to complete ur joy and let his glory radiant in ur life, buy books on relationship and try to analysis urself, its a small thing, if u can pray there is a God that will answer, 5mins every morning same prayer point, u will see God working 4 u.

  38. there is nothing wrong with you. things like this are common so don't let anyone sell you any spiritual hussy gimmicks

  39. Stella the Indian sisters have been tried to court! Na you first carry the gist, complete am I beg.

  40. Nothing is new in this life, however, its beyond just ur anger issue as u may as well not notice some other sides of u which may likely include being pompous and feeling miss independent....#NoInsults...but just pray, be calm an patient n look up to God.. try to act not too independent n see if a guy apprciates u for ur real u.#NoPretence...

  41. Poster u sound like me right now. Not everything is spiritual per se. All this deliverance ish y'all are talkin abt may not even apply here. I'm not saying ur case isn't spiritual oh! I'm just saying it doesn't necessarily have to be. Here's the thing I've realized... UNTIL YOU MEET THE ONE, IT'LL NEVER WORK WITH ANYONE ELSE!!! Check yourself however. Have u become desperate? U hv a good job and ur of age, marriage seems lyk the next important event to take place in ur life. Could u be pushing these guys to tk it to the next level too soon? Check check check poster. Maybe there's something you're not doing right. Pray also. Pray fervently. When Mr. Right comes it'll happen before u even realize cos u wont even stress at all.

    1. The truth is that most people like this poster are never honest with themselves. They can't just see anything wrong with themselves. Have you ever wondered why the not-so-pretty ones when we were in school end up marrying well and fast too. They have less attitude and are generally more homely than the ones who feel they are too cool

      Poster, please get a good friend who will not be afraid to tell you what is wrong with you. Then, if you can, would you start the process of reconstructing your history. Do not surround yourself with people who only keep telling you of how nice you are. What you truly need, may be some home truth.

      You may be comfortable, but lazy, or fine but quick to anger. Take a good look at yourself first before you start looking for spiritual solution.

      I have a friend who has a fantastic job in Abuja. Pretty, but she feels she's all that. She doesn't say it but she thinks it and It shows in her mannerisms and trust me, guys "see" these things and generally take off without commitment. She's 40+ now.

      Appraise yourself IN TRUTH

  42. I don't know your situation with men,but a lot of girls have bad breath and it's actually a big turn off. You meet this beautiful and attractive girl hoping to start something and all of a sudden the breath chases you aware. Is it OK to ask our close friends if we really have bad breath?

  43. There is nothing spiritual about it. You just haven't found your own man. Have you seen people uglier, less successful, even more temperamental than you get married? It's because they gound their own man and you don't know how long it took them or how many heartbreaks they had.

    Make yourself a better person, be happy, be yourself, don't act desperate and in no time, by God's grace, your own man will find you.

  44. Dear Poster,

    Sorry for your heart breaks and present situation,pray & all would be well.More over i'm available.

  45. Go for deliverance!!!

    It's not normal o

  46. Pray don't give up yet... The guy for you is yet to come.... The guy that will marry you does not need long term relationship.. Jus a Mata of three month yu guys haff marry... It's not spiritual pls keep working on ya saf ya still 27 n too young to gv up

  47. Hmmm ... Africans are so quick to blame the spirits and devil for their problems . If devil do you strong thing ,no be Stella you go meet for confirmation . You will know

    I'm 27 too ,haven't dated in a while , and I'm not attributing it to some devil . Life is not that serious .... just keep praying . Those men weren't urs. Keep a sunny disposition , and stop killing urself over men . U will enter marriage now the thing go tire you . Just relax , live your life to the fullest and keep your hope on God

  48. Poster first off, be honest with yourself, are you overcompensating? By that I mean doing/giving too much too soon, being clingy, moving full speed ahead when a guy may just want things to be casual at first? Men can smell desperation on a woman, you have to be independent, have a very true sense of self, be confident, look and smell good at all times. Smile. Be outgoing, laugh... etc. Basically enjoy your life and your energy will attract all the things you desire. Pray to God with a sincere heart not to "complete" your life by giving you a man, but to complete your life in all aspects, to make you a beacon of light, to bring true friends into your life, to give you stability and peace in HIM first of all, because when men start their wahala here, you need to have solid ground to stand on.

  49. i suspect body odour or halitosis tins. The Lord is ur strength. whatever will be will be .....Third eye master

  50. And you lost me . You ddnt want a long distance relationship , and the dude helped by freeing you, so why are you crying ? Isn't it better you meet someone in Nigeria than holding on to him when it may never work? Women we don't even know what we want .

    And your attitude might be what's driving men away. Even me wey be woman , I can't stand yo be friends with girls that have stinking attitudes.... I run farrr away , talkless of a man , who would sit down and think well before wifing a girl. Men are very logical beings ... they'd be like , so if I marry her now , na so she go dey beat me ?

    Rein in your temper . Use this period to work on your self. Instead of whining that you want a man , buy self help books, spent time knowing your God . Learn to love , and who better to love than God . When you put your heart in God's hands, He will give it to a man after His own heart. Relax Let God choose your spouse!

  51. Poster I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with you, you just have to be patient and wait a little bit for God to bring your own man to you. However before then, you will have to keep praying with so much patience and preserverance and I assure you that you'd be happy soonest.

  52. Dear poster if u can pray there is a God dat will Answer, every b4 u leave ur house ask God to complete ur joy, and let his glory radiant on u, read books on relationship and try to analysis ur sef, i wish u success.

  53. Olivia Silk,is this u???
    Don't worry,be a good girl and learn to gv a good blow job..u will marry soon.
    2ndly,stop being dramatic...improve on ur dress sense...don't cuss me out except u want to remain single for life.I have good intentions and if u prayerfully take my advice,u will testify by Easter next year

    #Sister Faith

  54. Everything does not have to be spiritual, that was my case too but I didn't allow it to bother me. I finally met my husband but believe me I have peace . Live your live, keep yourself occupied and follow your dreams. The Lord that blessed you this year will give you your own man. Don't compare yourself to others, not everyone in a relationship is happy . Cheer up girl and enjoy your single life because your man is around the corner. Amen

  55. Hi Poster,

    You are perfectly fine and encountering numerous heartbreaks is not an indication of any underlying spiritual problem. Focus on life and enjoy your singleness in a Godly way, at the right time, you will get your heart desire.

  56. Dear poster, you admitted that God blessed you with favors you didn't even ask for. Don't worry at the appointed time, everything will take shape. Whatever we go through prepares us for the future. Good luck

  57. I think you need to go for deliverance. Also work on your character. It is possible that you have a character that scare potential suitors you might not be aware of

  58. Just make your self sugar and the ants with come knocking......

    There is virtually nothing wrong with you and how you feel at the moment. You are 27years old and should worryless because men can see/ sense how a lady feels deep inside. I sincerely feel you should free yourself and enjoy your life. The right relationship will come knocking if only you stay true to yourself.

    Be a sugar shuga.....the ants will definitely find you.

    Tk cr of u......

  59. Ur are so lucky becos u are just 27 and still av time o run d race of solution,am 35 already,nvr started my own race dis year,av given up hope on marriage but I want a child to be my companion in old age. If only I had been wiser all these year and didn't take it as notin. My sister jade si ita.

    1. You are not serious,you want her to start going from one spiritualist to the other

    2. You are not serious,you want her to start going from one spiritualist to the other

    3. Shey u dy fuck get a clean man or bobo with better behavior & IQ to impregnate you ooo b4 menopause enter Sis.

  60. Nne I blv you haven't met the right guy for you. But take relationships off your mind for now. Pray and work on your character. It is well with you

  61. I dont know if theres something between people working with multinationals and these kind of issues.
    Im saying this bcos I am currently having some similar challenge, also many of my guys at work too. And its usually worse for the ladies because they tend to have a status that most guys are afraid of... But in truth na dem lonely pass. (Sorry poster, this is not a shade)
    Yes we ball, enjoy our money, chill but we still find something ruining things. lol
    Anyways I done take this bae matter as project this 2017. E must end...

    1. Hello dear, can we know each other? 😄😘

    2. Good morning. I'll sure look out for you.

  62. Will you marry me?.walahi,we would get married before the end of the first quarter of 2017 if you are game.

  63. poster so ur small sense has not told to u dat u av spiritual ish abi? instead u came on blog to ask prophetess Stella if it's bad luck or good luck dat is battling wit u.ok continue asking Stella as the prophetess dat she is nau.
    better carry ur load nd run to 'Divine Majesty Worship Ministries' for thorough spiritual cleansing.

  64. It is spiritual you should go for deliverance and be closer to God there is no situation he can't handle... .

  65. Change your character poster.
    You write up shows that you are an angry bird

    1. You know people always think they have good attitude but only others can tell and maybe she is too clingy,always calling the men or the men are seeing too much money around her and wondering if they can cope with her.

    2. Exactly my thought, Gbam!!!
      Change of character. It's attitude problem. Either she's making herself available, or wasting time looking in the wrong (types of guys) places or she has a very serious psychological issue that she can't help it revealing to all these men that is making them run away!!!

      No human being feels happy to be with or marry or involve with a nasty, tricky, selfish, egoistic, petty, condescending....example of "bad character" person no matter how much status or money or potentials you have.
      Learn to behave or treat or relate to other people with sincerity & kindness, and true love will follow.
      Good luck!

  66. You're probably trying too hard because of ur past experiences. Just focus on other things and be yourself. Also pray to God to send your own husband. Dont turn into a church prostitue o....stick to ur own church and pray to God there.

    I pray God answers you soon.

  67. Its spirit husband palava, my advice is go to a celestial church. It happened to me too and i thank God am fine now. Trust God and u will be fine

  68. My dear just keep praying because it is not ordinary. Before I got married I pasted through similar thing. Like you are too good to be real, you are too quiet for my liking, a girl like you deserve someone better. I could go on and on. Till I became helpless, then I turned to Jesus depending absolutely on him. My sister I prayed till something happened. One of our neighbors even mocked me by saying I m always praying every night that she wonders what my problem was. But that did not stop me. I kept pressing on praying everyday to God that this plague must come to an end. Then I went into a relationship I did not put any effort to make it work, I was just me (House, work, church). Few months later he said to me why don't you get serious with me I want to marry you. The rest is Histroy. What beauty, brain, skills, money could not do for me Jesus did at the altar of prayer. I will advice you take it to God in prayers, for nobody can pray for you like yourself. You might say you have being praying, keep praying and look to him only. Not that you are praying and using your head to calculate what you will do to make it work. Look for scriptures and run with them. My anchor scripture psalm 34:10 and 68:6.

    1. Poster follow this one too

      This what my priest told us

    2. Are you sure u were not telling my story..... My sister that happened to me too and I got fed up, join worker in my church. Always in Church, always praying always reading Bible or faith believing books.. And the rest is story. Gt 2 kids now

  69. stupid felix akheen,you must be high on gbana,yeye child.naa your mate she be?

  70. poster don't give up yet God will bring your man soon, i was in your shoe before now, i prayed, fasted, went to several men of God, spend my money on useless things just in the name of looking for solution, still no show, i lost so many guys and relationships, no reason for the lost, a guy who was on my case for 4 years still ended up the relationship after i accepted him, i do not fight or have anger problem at all.

    i was fed up with life and relationship, so i decide that this year i will ot visit any man or God, pastor, native or English person for anything,i prayed like never before during the fasting in jan, i wrote a pet name for my future husband, always call him by that name each time i pray to locate me, i forgot about men, relationship but kept on praying for my own husband, wrote the month i wanted to settle down, things i needed in the man, tribe, colour and told God to do the needful, i went to sleep.

    in april this same year d guy showed up, by may he engaged me, by oct we did our traditional marriage and by nov we did our white wedding. Relax your own man is coming, when he comes you too will be afriad cos the way he will push you, you will be like na so this love be.

  71. hmmm, my dear start praying fast now.Mfm will assist, go for deliverance. that has been my case, my dear i am approaching 40 in few years now. its tiring, my own is once we make love, thats the end. prayer is the key, we learn everyday, i have closed my legs for years now, one yeye guy just come decive me say he serious, my dear as we made love, he no call me again. but i wont give up with my prayers and try to hold till i marry.

    1. You dey fornicate and they do mfm things,end time Christians.

  72. Sis, you need to go to God both in prayers and fasting, many things happen spiritually before they manifest . God can do all things, he is a miracle worker.

    Blessings on you.

  73. Don't believe in all these spiritual husband crap. Just work on your personality dear. Probably there's something you're doing all wrong that is driving them away.
    Remember, God's time is the best

  74. The Queen and boss will say go and settle ur spiritual husband. Lol.

    Poster, u just have to continue praying.

  75. Poster!I put it to you that your major problem is character problem.Look in wards and work on your character.Men are not stupid of cos they knw what they want!This is the raw truth.

    1. Sexy daddy can u be a sperm donor to a single lady like me?I have sent u a mail.

    2. Coco take it easy!you are too raw!

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. My dear, its clear this is spiritual. You need to pray like your whole life depends on it. Do midnight nonstop till you get answers, don't stop. Don't say you work or you have to wake up early. I did it for two months straight and I was even working then. It worked so well

  78. May God intervene in your issue... There's nothing hard for God. He will send your man, that will stay and marry you. It is well

  79. Writer, you speak thruough me mehn. ... having exact same issues. I started seeing someone recently and I scared it will be same sorry and wunt last long. Sigh . God help me.

  80. Poster i put it to you that your probs is spiritual. As am talking to you, am under going serious deliverance wit white fasting. Live men alone and settle urself spiritual wise. Spiritual husband na bastard.

  81. I'm bookmarking this page this is my story too, the only difference is that i am 33. I actually came here to read comments and get some advice but I've done basically everything suggested here.
    right now I'm so scared of being in a relationship cos of series of heartbreaks.
    please for those saying look inwards at character and attitude, I want you to know that this is not a character issue, one man's poison is another man's cake. not that and on encouraging nasty attitude but this goes way beyond character and attitude. i have even asked close friends like friends that would tell me the truth about anything if I have an attitude that could be repulsive to anyone and they saw none, not that I'm perfect but I've been told i am beautiful, have a good heart, and a bunch of other things that could make for a good wife, but I'm still here not just single but very lonely.....
    dear poster all i can say is this get close to God. and be at peace with whatever comes....God's got your back never give up, never stop believing in LOve, Marriage and family no matter how difficult or contrary the situation maybe. and plaese stay away from people with negative vibes and if you are unavoidably close to one, try as much as possible to neutralize it with a positive Spirit.... and lastly count your many have a greater chance of having a beautiful marriage innthe future cos now you know better IT IS WELL.
    somehow i wish i were your age when i realized what was happening
    cos at your age i just felt Marriage will come just like other good things that came at thr right time
    but im still very hopeful because i believe in love, in holy matrimony, in having children in wedlock in family and all that comes with marriage

  82. #Always the wrong person gives you the right lesson in life*

  83. It is very crummy and stinky to read the verbalizations of spiritual husbands. Why must there be a spiritual undertone to everything we face in Nigeria? It's just like saying, there's a spiritual swindler or chiseller reason why we're in an economic recession. This is demented and screwball reasoning.
    Aristotle once said, "knowing yourself is the beginning of the wisdom". Ralph Ellison also said "when I discover myself, I'll be free".
    Poster, you need a phase of CONSCIOUS SELF DISCOVERY. They say that knowledge is power but it is through actual practicalisation of the knowledge that one garners through reading or experience that the power can be exemplified.
    Your anger is just an azygos of your entire character traits. Read books and watch movies on self discovery. Books such as 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, 'The gifts of Imperfection:Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and embrace who you are' by Brené Brown, etc.
    "Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person".Gerard Way
    Be sagacious and perspicatious in your conclusion.

  84. My dear for every physical problem there is spiritual undertone to it
    If you are really tired of this type of life
    Close your legs
    Get closer to Jesus
    Pray and praise like never before
    Use this palms 35,51,56,57 and 91
    Read to end
    Go to Mfm for there weekend deliverance once every month and see God work in action
    You have to believe that its only God that can help and have faith like mustard seed
    I will you total restoration in 2017
    Finally always sow to the Needly around and pay your tithe

  85. Poster,maybe u don't hv good behavior

  86. 1. Pray. Keep praying. Something will happen. Now prayer shouldn't be for only when things are going rough. Prayer should be an everyday habit - good or bad times, when you think you've seen bae and when you're still searching. Prayer should be for God to expose anyone who is coming to waste your time. So you don't waste time and emotions talking to wth wrong people.

    2. Are you desperate? Like are you one of those who get too clingy, start calling, texting unnecessarily. My dear, some people do it and it works for them. Doesn't mean you should. So you know what? Try something new. Remain high handed. Don't try to do too much. Like I was telling someone today, any guy who doesn't chase you isn't worth it. If he's not chasing you too CHILL! What's all this 'I was scared when he told me he was moving abroad because I don't like long distance and he assured me bla bla'. Honey!! If he tells you he's moving tell him 'bye boy! 👋🏽' If he's serious with you he will return to base when he's ready Biko. Had he given you a ring that you were 'scared'. I can imagine what your 'scared' looks like.

    3. Be honest with yourself. Ask your friends to tell you if you really look good, dress and/or smell well, act properly. Sometimes some of us hate criticism so people leave us to our flaws and don't tell us. And for me, anyone that can't take constructive criticism needs to grow up. E.g: There's a babe I know that works in a multinational organization, finished with a first class and all. She's not bad looking but is very poor dress sense and is highly disorganized. From her hair to her shoes. Hardly smiles. But none of her friends or associates can tell her, because she will attack you and you will feel like you killed someone. Once you talk she reminds you she had a first class. Lol. Yet she's either single.... or dating one f**k boy who eats her money and dumps her.

    4. When you're focusing on what you don't have you will not be thankful for what you have. Please madmoiselle, why not focus on your career day fill in any loop holes there might be in 2017? In doing that you just might meet the one. You've tried abi, e don do. Hand it over to God and let everything fall in place. The rate at which you're going you will have high BP oh.


    1. I comot cap for yu in short I carry yashe fr dz comment
      Aff yu tried seeking for the job of an adviser... Yur good gon

    2. I comot cap for yu in short I carry yashe fr dz comment
      Aff yu tried seeking for the job of an adviser... Yur good gon

  87. Wen una go dey follow pple husband up n down una no go understand that there's something called so multinational job easy to get?wives r not smiling these days o, u ve obviously offended d wrong one.

  88. Have u checked if you have mouth or body odor? Have u checked your hygiene?

  89. Do you act desperate? Check your character, attitude m life style. Why do they leave quickly? What are you doing or getting wrong? What are you saying that is discoursing? Get marriage off your mind now abeg. Change your mindset and keep saying to yourself that nothing is wrong with me
    Ask yourself why you want to marry now? Are you seriously ready for marriage? Your love life nko how e be? What attracts you to a man and what keeps and scares men away from you? You need a heart break okkk. Clean up your emotions. Breathe fresh air
    Love again. Understand men n know how to follow them. Be real be yourself at all times. Change friends, environment. Read more n listen to tapes n preachings. The very best thing to do is praise n worship God. Thank him for they are blessings in disguise. Count all your lost with joy. Look deeper and ask the Holyspirit to guide your head n steps. Use songs of Solomon 4:16. None shall lack their mates. Call forth the bone of your bones. Speak into your stars, moon, four winds of the earth. Prophesay and you shall prophesee

  90. Dear poster, i can relate with what you are going through. I am 37, still single and not in a relationship. I cannot even begin to write down All I have been through, i have prayed, fasted, gone for several deliverance sessions etc , u just name it. Sometimes I ask God why he has chosen to be silent and watch me grieve in loneliness. I am being mocked in church and the group i belong to, trust me I know how u feel. Thank God I have a good job and that alone keeps me sane. BP has risen to 160 sometime in the past. Its Xmas and no one to share the day with. My dear, find something to keep u busy if u don't have. U must LOVE yourself, trust God and hope for the best. I know it's easier said than done but u are still very young compared to me. But we must trust God regardless. All the best dear.


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