Stella Dimoko The Meeting Point -11


Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Meeting Point -11

Are you kidding me?

Stella sweets, my bae of life you too gbaski. You are doing a great job and your sense of humor is out of this world. Keep up the good job girl!

Biko hide my ID because I am about to reveal what no one else knows.

Some years back this cute guy was flirting on all the pictures I posted on fb. Finally he sent me a pm to ask me out.

Sharp Sharp I went to tafia on his profile status and saw that he was engaged. Hmmmm..... oga why naw? Do you want someone to visit the shrine on top my matter? Please I can't be responsible for your breakup with your fiancee.

This guy con lock up. Me sef bone like say nothing happen. I moved on fast and forgot about him. I didn't even have a good device to surf the internet so I never visited fb again until two years later.

Some guy bought me a bb bold5 as my birthday gift. With that I became a regular customer on the internet. Was going through fb one day and I saw him. Mehn... this guy has grown ooo.. He don fine finish. I sent him a pm to hail him. He responded and I stylishly asked after his wife. Because for my mind them suppose don marry before I will start falling for a married dude.

Dude said the relationship didn't work bla bla bla. So our conversation started from there like a spark. 6wks into getting to know each other I had fallen deeply for the guy. The conversations we had were deep, sensitive and educating. There was so much about him I have never seen in any man all my life. In my mind, "na for your matter I go die ".

But.... He wouldn't make a move. He gave me signs that he wanted us to take the relationship to the next level and he wanted me to use my brain agree. I no gree ooo... I waited for him to spill it like a man. Although I understood he was afraid of another rejection after his first experience with me. So one day I said to him, what do you want from me?.... Lol..... He became bold and told me his intentions. But he felt indifferent about my response because his profile status states that he is in a relationship. But irrespective he wants me to be his one and only.

I was like chineke meee, why didn't I check all along. Our chats was more on Yahoo messager than fb. So you can understand why I had no time doing amebo on his page. I went there to see for myself and I confirmed that he was in a relationship.

At this point I no send. If he chose me then it means main chick wasnt good enough for him. Ozugbo(quickly ) I told him yes. And we kicked off from there. The relationship was smooth and very interesting and we never spoke about his girlfriend even if I know they were still in contact. I just gave him time to end the relationship. He eventually did.

10months down the line we got married traditionally. All along we hadnt met in person ooo... It was just pictures and Skype video call. But we convinced our families that we had met several times before he traveled to London.

He couldn't attend the marriage because of tight schedule at work. I so trusted him that I didn't bother at all. After all I will still relocate to London to join him.

There are loads of interesting things about the guy that I can't begin to put in words. One of such was the fact that he never requested for my nudes he wasnt even interested to know the colour of my pants. On my part I was very impressed because as that was my first experience with a guy. I never asked him for financial support of any kind and he didn't ever send me money or gifts. But I didn't mind, his person was all I was interested in. I never knew that was one of his test.

Three months after the marriage I joined him in London. When I saw him at Heathrow airport I was lost of words, I became weak I started to weep. He was all shades of cute I couldn't believe my eyes. The videos and pictures didn't do justice to his looks. He looked way better in person.

He was also excited that when we got home he made the sweetest love to me. and for 6weeks we had sex non stop... *winks

Anyway, we did our court marriage and wedding in London. It's been 5 blissful years blessed with two kids. No drama no regrets.

Sorry for the long epistle. I hope I did north west ya time *in Stella's voice *

Kisses to you Stella and BVs

One love!

NB:My marriage was FAITH 100%. I never met him until I was married to him. But I believed in my heart that I was doing the right thing. To avoid anyone to make us doubt our decision , we both told our friends and relatives that we have met before.

*mouth hanging loose* YOU MARRIED BEFORE YOU MET?


  1. Hmmmmmmm. Tough decision. I must taste the cookie ooooo. Can't trade my satisfaction for anything..

    Congrats dearest

    1. Poster im glad ot worked out for you.You took a risk though but luckily for you it paid off.

    2. Ideato ekuke, upon all the tasting how come you haven't settled down? Mumu girl u think it's only sex that keeps a man.

    3. Ideato ekuke, upon all the tasting how come you haven't settled down? Mumu girl u think it's only sex that keeps a man.

    4. Nnamdi you need deliverance. Run to MFM before they finally move out

    5. Hahahahahahahaahaha Ideato they won't move at all

  2. For real! sweet story
    God bless your union

  3. She took a big risk ooo! Imagine! U get luck bt u sounded desperate abeg!

    1. This is a very big risk I can't try this. Thank God it works for you

  4. Wow!...
    Social media helping some women's ministry since 19kporogidi!...
    Poster,is a risk taker like me!...


    2. I can too o but anon why you dey vex ontop queen matter nau hahahahah

    3. I can too o anon why you dey vex ontop queen matter nau hahahahah

  5. Whoa! Glad it worked out for you. Irrespective of the fact you literally stole another babe's man... not judging sha

    But i wouldn't advice anyone i know to take such a huge risk mehn... cos marriage is not a child's play! Na serious business and everything must be checked and cross-checked lol

    I mean what would you have done if he had turned out to be a lame man or one arm's missing or he's limping or isn't the same man you were chatting with all along? Hmmm can't even imagine your reaction sef

    1. She didn't steal anything, cos they weren't married. Besides,its not a must that you would marry someone that you dated.

    2. Life is all about luck.
      The other lady that posted her chronicle dated the ex husband and was an Angel all through the courtship and turned into a monster in marriage and you did not met your man tull after marriage and you guys are living happily?
      Nne your name is Chimuanya(my God is awake)

    3. Didn't you read where she said they video chat? Ozuo'

    4. @Ed she knew he was in a relationship with another girl before she went after him! That's stealing in my dictionary

      @Chike yes she is indeed lucky

      @henny i read everything and video chat isn't a guarantee cos she only saw his face! Now I hope for your sake that last word "ozuo" isn't a cuss word! Watch it

    5. Becky all these what if what if no dey necessary again they are already happily married

  6. Poster,what if your husband's dick is not working when you guys met face to face,what would you do?...
    Come and answer abeg na that one dey bother me...

  7. I'm really happy for you. I pray God should give me my own man too.

  8. Wow! This is such a big risk! What if you met him crippled or something close to that? Nawa ooo, you get mind oooo. I can't try such shit! Mbanu, I need to see you in person and know your kind of person in reality cos people can pretend on social media.
    Well, I'm happy for you anyway. Thank God it ended well. May your marriage continue to stand the test of time.

  9. Sweetest, it was really by Faith!!!! Faith always work

  10. Abroad horseband, if they had rolled him in a wheelchair at Heathrow you would be saying a different story now, questioning God and asking him why he hates you!! You took risk because of London when you hear,if he dey Ibadan won't you enter night bus to go and sample prick as na london toriii different....Mschewwwww

    1. Too much jealous for yo eyes. Get over yaself iredu

    2. No be small thing ooh
      She have not seen the man she married for the first time.
      Very risky

  11. Poster took a leap of faith
    Disclaimer :'don't try this at home'.

  12. Heheheheheheh girl you took so much risk.. I like your kind of faith.

    Life is worth living

  13. Wow! You see... that second poster that hasnt met her boo in person, dont allow pple decieve u by saying ur dating ursef. I know every two case might not be the same, wait for him and who knows he might be just your perfect match. I want to use the post to encourage u, love can be found in the most hopeless of places. Dont lose ur head dear.

    Congrats on ur marriage dear, wat u did was very risky bt it paid off for u. It might not hv worked out for someone else bt i did for u. Just like someone said yesterday, it is ur destiny.

    Im not a fan of distance relationships bt im mking an exception on ur case. This is a very interesting story, not everyone could have done wat u did. Im not sure i can.

  14. Ok clap for your FAITH. Did you hold his picture abi you held mannequin?lol thank God it ended well. GOD bless your home.

  15. Jeeezzzz
    Na really are you kidding me
    I got goose bump reading this story.mehn see love Sha.

  16. Heheheheheheh girl you took so much risk.. I like your kind of faith.

    Life is worth living

  17. And here I am thinking my own marriage was the craziest. Though I met him once, know his family and they know me. Sex on first date and he proposed. Went back to America, Married after a year, he is not always around as he lives in the there and am here.

  18. interesting!
    Make una take am soffry soffry with virtual love +marriage.

  19. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    This kind meeting point.... U took a risk tho
    Thank God it worked for u.

  20. Babe u gather mind ooo. Thank God for u

  21. Today and yesterday meeting point,is I lack words to qualify them woow,some woman are lucky and ontop the lucky get mind.

  22. I feel you.

    My friend that met his wife on SnM didn't tell anyone where they met. Its only 4 of us that knows.

    All the best.

    1. How come all my comment no post?

      You tried sha. I can't fit. Thank God it worked

  23. Mehn what a word, seriously u got married before meeting him? Haba.ur faith really work for u i fitenth biko..

    1. Calm down Anony. The truth is marriage is just luck n Gods favor. He favors the marriage he chooses to.
      I never saw my hubby too. It was an arrangee by both mothers though my hubby was in 9ja but in a different state working. His mum got my number from my mum n gave him. It took him time to call cos according to him his mum is not d one to get a wife for him.
      He eventually called n we took it up from there. He proposed at exactly one month we started talking n I said a big YES! This is somebody I hadn't seen but we were really flowing on phone convo. So we just dated for One month on phone n got engaged. Two months later he came n paid my bride price. We re from the same place sha.
      It's been 12 rossy years n counting. No regret no complain. So chill, it's God's doing, just pray he gives u yours. u mustn't know nor date him before marriage

  24. Na wa o,mine is I am talking to a guy abroad we met on facebook,he already said he will marry once he comes into Nigeria, I have met his family, video calls, messages and all, but I have to see him before we get married, coming in for Christmas, waiting well.

  25. You get mind simple. Dating someone you clearly knew was in a relationship.. I just hope say the girl was also cheating on him.

  26. Nice one but I no fit take that risk
    May God continue to bless your marriage. Amen

  27. Did I forget to add, mine had never asked for nude pictures, that's a sign that a man is serious.

  28. Did I forget to add, mine had never asked for nude pictures, that's a sign that a man is serious.

    1. May he's small down there and he probably knows there's no way he would ask and you won't want to do the my dear it's not a sign, he surely knows what he's doing.

  29. You desperately wanted an abroad husband, hence the big FAITH...

  30. What a big risk.. worth it at the end though.

  31. make anybody no try this kind wedding henceforth ooo except na kuturu u want marry.

  32. you are just one of the lucky few who get away with this kind of gamble.....wish you continued marital bliss...

  33. Father,
    Once again i ask that you help me to raise my SONS and DAUGHTERS right.

    Nnechi Spicy.

  34. Aww... i'm touched. so sweet,you are lucky God blessed you with a good man. I enjoyed your story.

  35. Life can be sweet

  36. Hmmmm sweet story, poster I hail you. Your head dey dia.

  37. Poster you are one lucky babe truely, being married to someone you have never met.

  38. Odikwa risky....both of you are very daring oh....beautiful story though...continue to live happily ever

  39. Hmmmm
    Faith overload and thank God it turnout well for you dear.


    1. I'm coming to nNigeria this Christmas to marry my love! We met online and he's the best gift ever! We haven't met but told my parents we have! He's a christian, a medical doctor, handsome, most importantly patient, cos my stubborn head no be here!

  40. Interesting!!!

  41. Hope the materialistic queer and buses are learning?

  42. You see this kind risk that you took?

    I jump am pass

  43. That is faith for you. Congrats ooo. Beautiful story

  44. Marriage but faith

  45. Lovely. So no BV dey Accra city?

  46. Really? U married him b4 you met him? And your parent married to someone they never saw? I wish you good luck and what will happen if your children follow suit?. Enjoy. It would have been nice if u guys saw each other b4 u got married.

  47. WOW! Great leap of faith. Glad it worked out for you guys though😀

  48. Thank God it worked for you but to others i will advice Do not try this at home bc you will end up marrying a crippled man or a thief lik seun

  49. Nawa o!, some girls are mean. congrats 2 u and may God bless ur home

    1. Wow!! Talk about soulmates, God bless you both!! ❤❤❤

  50. Babe u gat elephant liver!

  51. Wow! Just wow!

  52. Wow...
    Guess your faith is as big as an onion bulb.
    Glad it worked out well for you.

  53. Wonderful.. Good it worked for u,but babes make una no go try am like that cos it is too risky abeg

    Says fab mee

  54. I must confess, the level of your faith is something else... Self conviction makes the difference sometimes. *thinking* can I do this? Not sure.

  55. Wow, this what they call married at first sight.gurl ure brave congrats. Hope to meet my better half soon....

  56. Yimu....what's d title of d movie biko?
    Me sef go like watch....Mrs linus mbok.

  57. Wow. some risk are worth taken,interesting. God please bless me with a man i will not regret awaiting for.

  58. Na wao oooo, the love of London is the beginning of stupidity. As u hear say guyman say obodo oyinbo u confuse totally. Anyways ur own better e end well

    1. Anon 14:07 na so na. Even ready to be a side chicken hoping to be up graded to main! But if the guy main chick send chronicle of how d guy jilted her to marry his side piece now, all hell will be let loose on SDK!

  59. Are u sure you are not lying

  60. U can only take such risk if u are gwegweing at home. Height of desperation!
    Warning!!! Ladies Don't try this with a guy who lives in naija, she's lucky because she lives in a country where women hv more power and are respected!
    Krix signing out via....?

  61. Haven't read anything like this. Who says fairy tales can't become real. Anyway, Disney princesses sure has got a competition. More blissful years to come.

  62. Hmm,you both took a freaking HUGE risk!! Wtf?? I CAN'T try it,won't advice anyone to do so either.How can I get married to someone I've never met? How did your Father ever agree to the TM where the groom was absent? Madam,good it worked out for you,but that was a big risk you took.

  63. Lol! Poster your faith really worked wella for you meeehn, I raise beyonce hands 00for you ma.

  64. Sometimes it works and most times it doesn't. Always use your brain, the fact that it worked for her doesn't mean it will work for you. There are different level of faith. If you like start greeing for all dem guys abroad lol! no go fall for yahoo yahoo boys ooo, and send us Chronicles that touch the heart later. As you are using your heart, carry your brain along.

  65. Speechless!. I thought this only happen in movies and cartoons...

  66. Mine was we met physically two days to wedding few pics of him on fbk n he is too busy for video calls just told God nt to disgrace me. Think I shld also send mine soon

  67. Mine was we met physically two days to wedding few pics of him on fbk n he is too busy for video calls just told God nt to disgrace me. Think I shld also send mine soon

  68. Hmmm, only the brave can take such risk.

  69. Jesu Kristi ara Nazarethi. Mouth hanging loose 😱😱😱.

  70. kinky with a golden pen24 November 2016 at 14:45

    Stella biko betray one of this people and post their e-mail address. I for one would like to meet this daredevil babe.

    1. U wan spoil her marriage abi...?

  71. They video called and obviously he isn't crippled, the only fear will be for his manhood!
    I guess her mind was made up to stick to the d*** regardless.
    Poster did you both ever discuss sex during video calls? Were you a virgin?
    Many are single today because they found themselves in a similar situation but taking this risk is risky!!


  72. My Cousin while she was young about 12 years old, the mother who happens to be my Aunt told her that there is a young man who lived in America that would love to marry her (cousin), as naive as she was then, the mother brain washed her because the guy lived in America and he is always sending money through the mother to her, which the mother used to squander 90% of it. Although the guy said he is willing to wait until she turn 18 at least. If you see this my cousin ehn, she is so beautiful, I mean beautiful. So I no blame the guy for willing to wait. Fast forward to about some years later when the guy came visiting, my cousin discovered she is not really into the guy, moreover the guy is partially physically challenged, he also came from a wealthy family. She wanted to call off the relationship but the mother insisted she continues because they have all been collecting cash from this guy.

    The relationship actually continued, but this my cousin wasn't happy, the guy actually waited until she turned eighteen, and they started the marriage plans, part of the plan was that immediately after the wedding she will join him in America. The guy also will not be present during the marriage rights because of work related issues and other factors, you know that kind wedding that is done with the groom in abstention, but all the rights will be done, including the bride price. The date was fixed for the wedding, and all plans where in motion. The the D day finally came, it was a big wedding because the American guy sent a lot of money (though he wasn't present) plans was also set for her American visa application immediately after the wedding.

    On her wedding day this my cousin cried, and cried, and cried, a lot of people thought it was tears of Joy, but only her know what she was going through, she didn't love the American guy, just that her mum was giving her pressure because they have been collecting all sorts of money from him. Little did we know that she has been seeing someone else based in the county and even pregnant for the guy, and that was the reason for her tears. All hell was let out after the wedding when it was discovered that she was pregnant for someone else. She was asked why she allowed the wedding to hold since she was pregnant for another guy, she said she told her Mum, but her Mum told her to pretend, and allow everything to continue because she (her mum) doesn't want disgrace, and she should terminate the pregnancy, because wedding plans were in motion already, and her mum also want her daughter to go to America.
    Eventually the bride price was returned, her father who was a well known man in town threw her out for disgracing him and the family, the mother call her all sorts of name for losing her American opportunity. Well she had no option than to go stay with the man that impregnated her, who was struggling and trying to make ends meet, but the love was there.
    To cut the long story short, not long after the whole wedding and disgrace saga, it happened that she applied for American visa lottery, and luckily for her she won, about a year later the guy that impregnated her whom she loved joined her in America, and they both are doing well now in America, I mean very well with Business here and there, the guy even own his won clothing line and is driving a big Chevrolet car with two beautiful children.

    The lesson of this story is hold on to what you love. Don't be overwhelmed by "he is an abroad guy"

  73. You wicked sha.. Your carry Blackberry toaster buy for you take dey go search for another Man. God dey see you ooooooooo

  74. I have thit deeply about this. Of course it will work. She was in live with him before anything else. If he was in a wheelchair at the airport, she loved before she knew he had no legs. Indians used to have or still have arranged marriages and they talk about why it works. They go in with an open heart, no expectations, and get to know each other. Poster, I am sure it wasn't easy at first as yiu adjusted to each other, but you loved each other first and that says a lot. Good luck !

  75. God choses who he wants to favour irrespective of your story. I am happy for you poster

  76. Poster you get liver, you ahe lucky.

  77. Poster, you took a very big risk, I'm glad it worked out for you. My aunt wasn't so lucky, she got to the US after her marriage (just as you did) to find out that her husband was blind.

  78. I can't believe this
    This is damn risky.


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