Stella Dimoko Tearing Of Green Card Brouhaha - Wole Soyinka Sends 'Snattering Nit-Wits Of The Internet A Memo..


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tearing Of Green Card Brouhaha - Wole Soyinka Sends 'Snattering Nit-Wits Of The Internet A Memo..

Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, on Saturday, came hard on those asking him to tear his US Green Card as he vowed to do once billionaire businessman, Donald Trump, won the US presidential election.

Online commentators have been daring the revered playwright to carry out his threat which he reportedly made few days before the election since Trump had won.

But Soyinka, in a statement he signed titled, “Red card, green card– Notes towards the management of hysteria”, described the online commentators as “noisome creatures” whose ignorance resonates largely on whatever they comment on.

He said, “Let me end with a Red Card to those noisome creatures, the nattering nit-wits of Internet: maybe Trumpland is not as despicable as the Naijaland you impose on our reality from your secure cesspits of anonymity.

“Go back to school. Your problem is ignorance, ignorance of whatever subject you so readily comment upon. Learn to study your subject before opening up on issues beyond your grasp.

“Sometimes you make one feel like swapping one green for another, out of embarrassment for occupying the same national space as you.’’

Soyinka maintained that he would carry out his threat but not at a time fixed by his critics.

He said, ‘‘If it even becomes convenient to bring it forward, I intend to do so, but please don’t come at me with plaints of time imprecision.

“I never discussed it with you, nor invited you to a private decision whose execution was already in the making.

“Do not try to browbeat me. It’s a waste of time – all you have to do is immerse yourselves in my antecedents. It will not attempt to deal with the notion of an exit time-table as conceived by others.’’

The scholar-critic, who also narrated why he decided in the past to issue a ‘Red Card’ to countries such as Australia, China, South Africa and Cuba, added that the decision on his US green card made while addressing a group of students at Oxford University was not a public lecture.

from Punch

*The people this memo is meant for will not even understand all these big grammar,so its a waste oh..LOL


  1. Replies
    1. This is what happens when you can't zip up ur mouth

    2. This is what happens when you can't zip up ur mouth

    3. Wole Soyinka is clearly not of cognitive and intellectual altitude of most people who occupy the Nigerian internet space.
      It is so disheartening that almost every Nigerian has turned into an internet troll of some sort.
      What if he was using a figure of speech? Would it mean that my goat has taken in (means to take the goat inside the house?), I will cry a river for you (someone like James will literally sit and wait for your tear drops to turn into River Niger.
      How many Americans have asked all those rappers that said they will exit America to do so. Please, let us utilize the time available for us to improve in our selves, other than waste it in endless anonymity of the internet space.
      A word is enough for the wise ( someone somewhere will be expecting just one word as per expecting tearing green card)
      Nigeria already have enough issues, the economy is hitting ocean bottom (some of you will be expecting to sleep and wake up inside the pacific before you will understand). Do something positive to impact someone today. Don't be part of the rot.

    4. My cotton candy /cotton wool haired prof.

    5. Anon 11:56...what for goodness sake are you on about? You just ended up writing a load of gibberish in a bid to appear like an English master.

    6. Read It Again Vivilicious

    7. Abeg he should stop blowing grammar n tear something.

    8. 11.56, thank u!

    9. @ Vivi something.... U were d one dt wrote gibberish. Anon 11:56 made a lot of sense. Go and collect ur money from ur English teacher

    10. Noisome creatures...nattering nitwits of the Internet! Lol. Crazy trolls.

    11. Hahahaha...abi ooo...the memo is pointless...the trolls wont even understand a word of this write-up...

  2. Kudos smart proffesor, use English & confuse them.. Lol, like we all lame abi *yimu*
    Why utter words u cnt stand on?

    1. Wole Soyinka thanks for confusing me and my likes. English no gree me read. Choi!

    2. "I never discussed it with you, nor invited you to a private decision whose execution was already in the making"

      The above sentence is wia am gona start from,

      To say quanticius quantito,that you have gotten to ur acme of stupidity thinking you can hoodwink us with ur vocabs neglecting the fact that there are so many idealist here.who else is an anathema to this country Nigeria if not you.

      Sure,u Neva made those words in agora which also will not make me accept ur dogma.

      Screw u man

      Mc pinky

    3. *Yawn* Dry AF.

    4. What is this failed unknown frustrated mc talking about? Eleribu.

    5. Lol. You "garrit". We know say na English go end the matter.

  3. Dont mind the nit wits. Internet sewer rats.

  4. Wole pls take several seat abeg All these grammar is for what kwanu?

  5. Lmao!
    This is not complete now. LMAO!
    He said he doesn't know why his matter has turned into Mastubatory and Vomitory outcry for Nigerians.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Lol..
      But really he never gave a timeline as to when he will tear his green card.he said he will, but on his own terms..
      You see what you've done people? You irritated the man into opening up an arsenal of rich vocabulary.

    2. She is right,that old fool has no martur when he was making his he shouldn't come to graphos or didache vocabs on internet.

      Mc pinky

    3. I respect this man to the core!!

      Prof don't mind them, tear fire. He is brilliant, intelligent, sound and in a class of his own.


    4. Adeniji say what????
      Why are you calling him an old fool??????

    5. Adeniji,what is your problem? You think u'r better Dn d prof, right? Ode ni e. Omo ale jatijati. Taa ba ni egun Baba e ni o jo, ti o ba jo mo, Baba nlaku Baba Adeniji wo lo le mu ni si? Is it ur own green card?,

    6. Chaaiiiiiiiii
      See grammar flying every where

    7. Bisii Adeniji is an efulefu. Those words right there don't sound like what a yoruba kid should utter

    8. Old fool? You need to calm down and stop with the insults already

    9. Adenini u lack home training

  6. Oga your education is a waste of time. Parrot!
    Who can be more ignorant than a fool at 90? Instead of you to bury your face in shame,you're busy ranting like a teenager.

    I don't even blame you,I blame those people listening to an attention seeking old man like you. What have you done for Nigeria that will warrant Americans to care about your green card anyway? Absolutely nothing!!!
    Please go and fulfill your promises and stop disturbing my peace. Attention seeker

    1. Are you serious?
      Woke Soyinka's education was a waste of time? Sweet Jesus!
      What won't I read on this blog?

    2. Why'd u hv to be insultive?
      Did he insult you??

    3. Fan do u know Wole Soyinka? Y insult a man old enough to be your grand dad like that? Nawa

    4. Fan yogo or fan fool, how dare u? Ur dad can't amount to the level Wole Soyinka has gotten to,internet rat staying in face me I slap u is having a say where human being are talking.. You are a fool with ur mango head

    5. Fan Emmanuel! Is only a small child that don't want to grow old that will open his or her mouth to insult an elder, I grow up studying Wole Soyinka's literature, he is enigma, he has written his name in the sands of time, from ur comments I know u won't have too much up stairs, also pray u will achieve a quarter of what this man has achieved. Pls don't bring curse on ur head, stop insulting elderly people.

    6. exactly one of the Mumu fan he's talking about. What has tearing or not tearing his green card done to your life. Your ignorance is a waste of MB. In fact your education can not help you. Lol!

    7. See this small girl insulting her elders. Little girl have some respect naa. What you will never say to his face, dont type anywhere. The man is not your mate.

    8. What do you know? Even inconsequential people with zero achievements will also abuse prof.

      When he was your age, he was already accomplished.

      He is internationally recognised, has written books and received awards.

      What do you want him to do for Nigeria? To eradicate poverty and corruption, provide amenities or what exactly? Or perhaps he caused the recession!!!


    9. Fan fan fan! Infact lemme be an ambulance right now. Wow wow wow

      I like your comments sometimes but this up there is totally uncalled for. In a bid to spite him, you ended up exposing your ignorance. You asked what he has done for Nigeria? Really???? Do you have any idea what the term 'Nobel laureate' means? Can you even whisper where Soyinka can authoritatively stand and speak? It's one thing to dislike him but to discredit him is just unacceptable.

    10. Lmao! North I just saw your comment. Sweet sweet baby Jesus!

    11. All the idiots coming under anonymous to insult themselves una dooo... When an elder behaves like a child,we correct him like a child. In this case,this old man keep doing the same thing over and over without minding his age.
      Supporters club of Nigeria kitikpa gbapiakwaa unu usi!
      You all are disgrace to the whole world.
      Come and feed on my flesh nau,ndi ala!
      Oga Soyinka go and do what you promised to do or forever bury your face in shame!

    12. Professor Wole Soyinka's education is a east of time???
      What has he done for Nigeria???

    13. As someone who studied Prof's literature, I don't even find this comment insulting, its just hilarious.

    14. The man is all hype and little content. How many of you understand that writeup? A goodvwriter should be able to communicate with simple sentences instead of compound and complex sentences... Basic tip thought in sec school... Achebe remains a master any day anytime.

    15. She married an old meat seller who she feels she's doing a favour as she has primary 6. She is used to insulting old men. I would have been bothered at the kind of children you would raise but almost too late. Must be a generational thing. Maybe if your parents raised you well and didnt sell you off to an old man, you would have turned out better. To you fan Emmanuel

    16. *What have you done for Nigeria that will warrant Americans to care about your green card anyway? Absolutely nothing!!!*
      This paragraph explains it all, your bitterness is as a result of ignorance. Fan Emmanuel you're an illiterate and a disgrace, use a picture of a flower or house so the whole world doesn't see the face behind such folly.

    17. @fan Emmanuel...
      You have to be extremely careful...what joinders do u have with the prof to warrant such vomit from your careful fan,be careful.

    18. Fan i even thought you were a reasonable person but i can see that i was wrong. Have you ever corrected your father like a child when he offends or does something wrong? Go and try and tell your father that hes a fool and come and gives us feedback. Small children.

    19. Made in Aba Fan, u are a biiiig fool. Obodo rabata. Olopolo dudu. Hian! See how u just disgraced urself? Abirun jatijati.

    20. 😂😂😂

    21. @Fan Emmanuel,u re an illiterate.i don't normally reply illiterates bt did u go to a secondary school?u would have known prof.wole soyinka is a legend.people just disgrace themselves by making comments for sake of making comments how dare u say Prof soyinka's education is a waste?better go back to school nd allow school to pass through you,

    22. Fan, stopeeet. He was awarded a Nobel prize in literature and was the first African ever in that category. He has lectured in Oxford, Harvard and even Yale. Received honorary degrees from Princeton, Leeds etc and you're asking if he's relevant??? Abeg no talk am for outside.
      Thanks for the humour btw

    23. Mrs B, which humour the dirty and illiterate Fan give you with her usual senseless and low mentality comment? You BVs just massage stupidity sometimes instead of correcting them. Nonsense!

    24. Fan is 100% right. I agree with her on this. An old man that can't respect his old age, children will play kpankpankolo on his head..

      Plz visit linda ikeji blog and add me on LIS@ Nnenne George. God bless u in advance.

    25. @Anon hype and no content, if this is so hard for you to grasp, dn u are really the one with no content?
      How is this not comprehensive for anyone who went through school? Is that how poorly the standard of education has so fallen in this country?

    26. 21:32, That was Sarcasm.

  7. Coming back to read, but first I need to go get my dictionary

  8. Sir, leaf big grama.
    I didn't no u an Buhari ah very good friends. You ah locky it his your grin kard, if it was mine own, I swear!!! you for tia am.

  9. The noisome creatures and nattering nitwits he is referring to, una Don hear? Small tin, una Wii be typing wobbish Upandan. Una dada🙌

  10. Someone should summarize 4 me

  11. The noisome creatures and nattering nitwits he is referring to, una Don hear? Small tin, una Wii be typing wobbish Upandan. Una Fada🙌

  12. I tell u Stella. Abeg make I Google some of the words.

  13. Tear am. All it takes is to go take one side- face pishuressss, nackam, do the thumbprint and wait for the letter to arrive with a new one. Lol. Rather than boast, why isn't he an advocate for African s in the u.s regarding immigration. No one is representing Africa but me. Latino immigrants are about 50 million, Africans less than 100k or so. Baba lemakin needs to shut up.

  14. Professor Attitude and Proud, your writeup questions the state of your mind. Only an unstable mind comes at people on the 'net with namecalling. Yes, everyone is blessed with vicissitude, but dearest sire, who ask you? Who you EPP?

  15. If they can't understand this his grammar, they should just hold their peace over his 'wolexit'

  16. Big grammar for people that are his grand children's age mates. Whether he tears it or not, is nobody's business.

  17. Iyammi! Doh I love him, but his a political nit wit!

  18. He's from that tribe that talk before thinking. Very losy people. He wants to cover up with stupid grammar. Even the owners of this language don't use the type of words this confused guy uses because they won't be communicating. TB Joshua and this guy are from the same tribe. That criminal tribe that wants to benefit from every situation. That criminal tribe causing commotion over the Internet. With their smelly mouth.

    1. Please minus TB Joshua.
      That man is a true man of God no matter what.
      But every other thing you said here are correct!! 100%

    2. And the idiot that runs this blog will see and post such a comment. Madam, if you like don't post, as long as you read it.

    3. @anon,u r a fool,what has tribalism got to do with this issue? Are u kidin me or wat?

      Ur foolishness is becoming so unbearable in agora.

      Mc pinky

    4. For tribalizing this matter:- Aba iya e,omo ale jatijati ! Noisome and olosius fool....Olofo!

    5. Foolish tribalistic idiot like you. What's your tribe known for? If not kidnapping and using fellow humans for rituals.

    6. Foolish tribalistic idiot like you. What's your tribe known for? If not kidnapping and using fellow humans for rituals.

    7. James aka peace maker the Lily livered coward, how market?

    8. 😂😂😂
      Every other thing 'are' correct truly

    9. @ Anon 12:20. lwkmd. You gat no chill. @13:06 u are so mean Haba

  19. And what is he even saying!?

  20. This guy can speak ooooo, chei and auto correct no de hold the guy. The punctuations, English everything on point.

  21. Stella nor be lie oooo.
    I had to read over and over again to ma friends here.
    They just got tired of listening.

  22. Hahahhahahaha my prof my prof.... U can do no wrong in my eyes!!!

  23. Intelligentsia princess loves the Queen13 November 2016 at 12:34

    HahahahahhahhahahhH... Baba forget English.u must shred that card.
    Agadi na agwofe.

  24. I was not expecting him to respond. Wondering why he never uttered a word after blessed Chinua Achebe published "There Was a country"

    Maybe He did and I was not aware.
    For all the Internet urchins throwing tantrums most especial those ones that come under anonymous una well done oo

    You don't exchange words with critics like Wole Soyinka. Their tongue is evergreen irrespective of their age.

    They won't eat you. Your taste is bland to them anyway but they will definitely discard you in a bin of irrelevance. Comparing WS with Reuben Abati is like comparing oxygen with food. One is needed (oxygen) while the other is only wanted (food).

    “noisome creatures” whose ignorance resonates largely on whatever they comment on....your secure cesspits of anonymity...go back to school. Your problem is ignorance, ignorance of whatever subject you so readily comment upon. Learn to study your subject before opening up on issues beyond your grasp"


    1. Asoge, what could he have said about Achebe's book? Is there anything Achebe wrote in that book you can contradict? And you tried to shield your bias by calling him "blessed". For your info, Wole supported Biafra 100%. He is/was a man that doesn't tolerate injustice. I hope I wasn't too hard on you because you're my very very good friend. I prefer to remain anonymous.

    2. How do you expect him to say anything about the book? That book contains 99.9% truth. I noticed diehard Awolowo followers never said anything about it. By the way, Soyinka had never liked Chinua. There's no love lost between them.

    3. Food is 'wanted'... Really???
      Are you just trying to be noticed or what?

    4. @vivilicious... u can stay one hour without food. can u stay thirty minutes without oxygen? You can survive three day without food and even one month but oxygen? Mba!

      Anonymous 14:24 I used the word blessed not out of being bias because the number of Achebe's books I have read. Even books written on him. My interest for the Biafra started since 1993 when I saw a biafran currency note in my grandmothers wardrobe. And till date there's no igbo friends have met that I hv not asked their own side of the story. 55% of my friends are igbos and just 5% from my tribe . I judge people based on their character not on their tribe.
      @The Great... I love the book even have the copy both in hard and soft copy. that is his own side of the story. I wish ojukwu is alive to give us a word for word truth and I wish the old generation (obj, buhari, gowon) could tell us the real truth and try to resolve the tension they are creating in our own generation.

  25. Sometimes you make one feel like swapping one green for another, out of embarrassment for occupying the same national space as you.’’ see insult ooo. Hahahaha I love this man!

  26. Dakota , I wonder oo , I can't imagine an educated someone utter dat statement and a woman for that matter .

    1. Pls o my prof,don't tear ur green card o,all of us say things we don't mean most times.i respect u no matter ur comments on American election.tell ur critics u have changed ur mind nd nothing go happen abeg

  27. Baba Soyinka, we don't want long stupid grammar .Just be courageous for once and tear ur green card as u said .

  28. Is he not a Yoruba man again? No courage ,double faced and hypocritical

    1. Idiot noise maker. Tribalistic maggot.

  29. No stories He should prove to d word that he is not a coward by tearing d green card

  30. This great man is being celebrated worldwide and yet Naija folks would be talking crap. What a sad country to be birthed from...

  31. Hahahaha big grammar big confusion. We are waiting

  32. Don't mind them sir. Green card that their fathers doesn't have. Tear fire...

  33. Akuko Uwa! Oga, tearrit!!! You said that in clear English na! To do now, Big English has entered!! So, u have to tear that card... don't use grammar to confuse us biko..

  34. I'm not understanding

    *opens leg for harmattan breeze*

  35. I may not be a Nobel laureate but I know that the time it took you to ramble like drunk is more than enough to tear your green card(as you so threatened) please tear the green card and stop speaking grama

  36. You won't tear it. Just stop confusing us with grammar.


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