Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Post -Thursday



Thursday, November 10, 2016

Spontaneous Post -Thursday

Today should be Beautiful....
I am trying to stay warm today but Ode-eshiiii...

When I come back from walking my Boyfriends,i will have a hot Latte Machiatto and try not to sleep off...If i do,please send some Sunshine my way cos this na sleeping Weather.

Remember to be the reason someone smiles today.

PS- Please you all do me a favour.if i mistakenly enable comments that beg,please do not contact them.They reason they do not contact or mail me is becos they go around blog begging,some of them are professional beggars and do not really need help,they resell whatever they are given if it is not money.Once you help them,they change ID and tactics and come back.E.g the Ebony lady begging for mixer,please ignore that ID.
If you contact them,you do not do so on behalf of this blog.

What else?Crazy Horny wife are you Okay today?You need to get a grip of yourself,you dont have to let it get you down,are you not a fighter?

Do you take medication for your crisis?I know a friend who knows when she is about to have a crisis and quickly takes herself to the hospital where they give some kinda drip and by same day she can go around again.

Do you need help and in what ways?We are Family here darling,if you cannot post,then inbox me.

Enough already.


  1. Good morning my beautiful bvs how re your night? Am up and thankful, getting ready for the normal days hustle.

    1. Pls i need info on hoe i can get on the BA discount program abeg. Thanks

    2. How are your Night? Like seriously???

      Whiteberry register for night classes, I'll pay your tuition.

    3. Ur eng na die,u nid a quick fix

    4. Stop eeeeeeeeet please,you can speak your dialect honey.... Much love

    5. More lessons from Trump......


      Trump lost the presidential debates, twice.

      Yet he won the election.

      He lost the public opinion polls to Hillary by double digit margins.

      Yet he won the election.

      All living former American presidents opposed him.

      Yet he won the election.

      Top celebrities and entertainers opposed him

      Yet he won the election.

      Top party power brokers deserted him.

      Yet he won the election.

      Millions opposed him.

      Yet he won the election.

      Global public opinion ridiculed him.

      Yet he won the election

      Don't build your life around the opinions of critics.

      Don't build your life on public opinion.

      It is just that - an opinion. Full stop.

      Bless the critic.

      Bless the haters.

      Bless the opposers.

      Bless and curse not






      You can win.

      Culled from WhatsApp

    6. Am not going to work today jare... Not feeling too well... Good morning y'all... Let me sleep # brb

  2. The day is bright, it's and fair, oh happy day the day of Joy.

    Thank God it's Thursday. God has been faithful.

  3. Spontaneous morning God bless my angel

  4. Replies
    1. Good morning.

      Harmatan wind is blowing...
      So cold.

      May God crown all our efforts with success today. Amen.

  5. Replies
    1. I was just going to look for your comment this morning, keep begging around blogs. Saw your post on linda begging for cake mixer. Ole

  6. Otutu oma! Ekaaro! What is good morning in Hausa? Sanu?

    So, I watched TBJ's video online and I was reading some of the comments on it.
    Someone said the election was rigged because Joshua cannot be wrong (you don't mean it!) Another commented that nobody is perfect.(well yes, but God is perfect). Yet another said it was a mistake and the funniest was the person that said maybe God was testing him or trying his faith (are you serious?)

    What does the Bible say about prophecy? 1 Corinthians 12 tells us that the Holy Spirit gives diverse spiritual gifts- prophecy, tongues and interpretation, wisdom, etc, all for the edification of the church (1 Corinthians 14:22-25).
    The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth which comes from the Father and testifies of Him and glorifies Him.(John 15:26)
    The Spirit of God is not a Spirit of confusion. He does not lie or contradict Himself. "God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent-" Numbers 23:19. He does not deliberately give false prophecies so as to "test" the people. Instead see what Jeremiah 29:8 says " For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, ‘Do not let your [false] prophets who are among you and your diviners deceive you; pay no attention and attach no significance to the dreams which they dream or to yours, for they prophesy falsely to you in My Name. I have not sent them,’ says the Lord."

    "I am the Lord, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by Myself, who foils the signs of false prophets who carries out the words of His servants and fulfills the predictions of His messengers” (Isaiah 44:24-26) God cancels the sign of false prophets but confirms the words of His servant, as seen in I kings 17 when Elijah prophesied that there would be no rain in the earth and God honored it.

    Ezekiel 12:25 “For I am the LORD. I speak, and the word which I speak will come to pass; it will no more be postponed; for in your days, O rebellious house, I will say the word and perform it,” says the Lord GOD.”
    God's prophecy is not postponed for 2020!

    Finally, Deuteronomy 18:20-22 "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods—that prophet shall die.’ If you say in your heart, ‘How will we know and recognize the word which the Lord has not spoken?’ When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord and the thing does not happen or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him"

    "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world- 1 John 4:1.

    1. OlaGold (add up 58BF8F56 for 18-24k raw gold dust and bar)10 November 2016 at 08:46

      In Hausa, Ina Kwana

      Crazy Horny Wife please stay strong. Receive Your Healing IJN. I'm praying for you here😊

    2. What is this one saying

    3. Linda pls come and read this and borrow yourself brain!

    4. I miss my morning Mass days!

    5. I always enjoyed going for Morning Mass!

    6. See how TB Joshua's case is giving you a sleepless night!...

      We his followers love him!...
      Wheather he is fake or not,we don't fucking care!...
      Is your own pastor perfect?...
      Show me your own pastor let me show you his faults!..
      If you put this energy you used this morning to go dig out stuff about my daddy in The Lord,I'm sure you would have been a billionaire!...

    7. Anonymous 8:46 can't you read?

    8. Enough already. Abeg, this issue is overflogged.

  7. Crazy Horny wife, my sister. Kindly share if you need our help.

    Stella love. Today started off well. We listened to Frank Edwards all through d journey to d office.

    I'll be having bread and ewa agoyin for breakfast. #Morning Cravings.

    1. Stopp living a fantasy lifelife ideato

    2. I thought your office was not far from your house. Why the journey then?

    3. What does journey mean? Must not be a far distance

  8. Getting ready for bed. It's 2am here and I'm still up scrolling through SDK..... goodnight peeps

  9. Good Morning –

    It signifies hope that the beautiful morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life.. Kisses y'll.

  10. God knows that sincerely from my heart,I am not a fraudster,I bake cake but I don't have a mixer yet,and it is only God that will bear me witness

    1. For what it's worth, I believe you

    2. We've heard you. What Stella was saying is that you should have contacted her. Or ask for a post. With that self I'm sure you will be helped

    3. But some people offered to give you mixer,you don't respond. Even on Monday or so, someone offered to give you a mixer.

  11. I will come back later, busy, busy.

  12. hahahaha awon beggars, and they are the ones that are anonymous to abuse their parents.

    Today is good jare let me continue to say thank you God Almighty for bringing us back to life.

    I am taking Twinnie camomile & honey tea. I need to clear my system small from malt and milk.

    Good morning everyone. Let me take style and read small. Find it hard to wake up in the middle of the night to read.

  13. Hello BVs🙋
    Got back from Morning mass already and Father said something I would love to share here "I don't want to sin not for fear of hell but for your (God) love to not offend you"- (Paraphrased)
    Off to squat in 3...2...1...

  14. Waiting for the dollar to crash. Black friday loading. All my shopping plans.....

    1. Correct babe,I'm so waiting for it,I have a lot to buy and I'm hoping for at least 75% discount that makes my profit margin very high!


    2. Patiently waiting for Bf too counting down to 25th

  15. Crazy Wife, it is well with you! "The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still". Be strong, dear!

    Default Smile, where are you? He is faithful that Promised! "I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to bring you to an expected end!"

  16. Happy Thursday morning, crazy house wife... Doh, Pele you hear. E-hugs. Madam mixer bigger welldone o. Stella pls sleep and send some here as a jobless child that I is for now. Will be starting work in a couple of months by God's grace so lemme enjoy my joblessness now.

  17. Good morning pharmily.. God has been faithful.. Thank God for the gift of life Just came back from night reading what a long night I'm thinking of studying again.. speed and accuracy is what I need oh Lord ..stay healthy everyone

  18. Yey after a while. I am finally back. What did I miss. All the stories and co. I wonder if those American celebrities will relocate to another country.
    Yes sanity will come back to the white house..
    God bless everyone.
    Please Enugu BV's where is obete market located

    1. Hahahahaha...
      It's ogbete main market!...
      Just ask anyone around you for direction!...
      It's the most popular market in Enugu behind Holy Ghost Catholic Church!...
      I can't wait to visit that town next month!..
      I will even go to that market to see how it now looks like!...
      Christmas should come quick!...

  19. That ur "CrazyHornyWife" ID isn't suitable for a sickler if u ask me.... If u can change it, pls do.

    1. OlaGold (add up 58BF8F56 for 18-24k raw gold dust and bar)10 November 2016 at 08:49

      Suggest an ID since you know better...

    2. Ah aaaaa! !!!haba! !!!!so because she's unwell physically she should put sign on her forehead saying she's a "sickler"? Fear God and respect yourself naw? God forbid people like you, wet blanket! !!!

    3. Oh shut it judginia mcheeeew

    4. Anonymous isn't suitable for you. Pls change it.

    5. Why anon?why?so what do u suggest for her to use as an ID since she isn't allowed to have fun and do/say/write what makes her happy?Her ID IS THE LIST OF HER PROBLEMS,u think if she changes her ID she's gonna be healed automatically?Pls be sensitive to people's feeling,and for ur information she's not a sickler like u termed her,she is a SURVIVOR,FIGHTER,MOTHER and fun loving beautiful woman. CRAZYHORNYWIFE u are healed.

    6. A sickler can't be a crazy horny wife abi?she can only be a sickler eh?she should change it to Madam sdk sickler in caps.That's what's appropriate hmm?Thank God nobody asked you.Infact I'm sure wise people rarely,if ever,ask your opinion.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. The Lord is your strength

  20. Just here thinking about my life

  21. There will be a massive shoki rain fron me to celebrate the victory of Trump at the US elections.

  22. A beautiful Thursday it is. God bless everyone.

  23. So I started my breakfast happily, only for my calabar colleague to ask me why there's no water on my table, before I could respond, this oyibo pepper Yoruba colleague started saying Ibos don't drink water like that.

    Later you guys will say I love tribalism.

    What is the meaning of ajeokuta ma mu omi (Yoruba language)??

    No patience to call my Ilaje mom in Canada.

    1. Lol, you don't seem to like yorubas, I pray you marry a yoruba man

    2. And what is the meaning of "ofemanu"? My igbo colleagues also running their mouth here

    3. Canada???

      Babe take it easy o.

  24. End time spontenous post.
    6days to my biday.
    Ideato greet your staff bus for me.

  25. Goodmoring all.. today is a beautiful.
    Ideato the l liar .. how market?

    1. Na wa for una o.... Let her be.. U too can start ur own lies

    2. So I am your Rock to shine? Is it your lies?

  26. Crazy horny wife God is your strength.

    Stella even me that posted for referrals you refused to post.

    Beautiful morning to everybody. My God is good to me.

    Christmas is here already. This time lastyear I was so hopeless. But God answered my prayers in April. I therefore pray for all the unemployed graduates on this blog. My God will surprise you soon when you least expected. But don't be choosey and God will surely bless the work of your hands.


  27. Are we not having th SDK Christmas Lagos party?

    If we are going through with it it's better we start making preparations now
    The organisers should say something
    I have to party from pillar to post this Christmas.

  28. There's no living without YOU,You've got me hooked on everything You do.Morning fam,thank You Lord for answering our positive prayers.

  29. Stella,you are enjoying oh!...the sun here in the afternoon can fry an egg!,..
    I don't know how people that drives without AC in their vehicles survive!...
    Me I'm still in the gym...
    I will be heading home to switch off my phones and sleep!!...
    This week has been so hectic for me!!...
    I need a massage and enough rest!...
    I would have invited this guy in the gym to come massage me at home BUT he is short,ugly with a big head!...
    But he knows how to give a massage wella!...

    1. Ana akogheri!


    2. Aunty you no fit support your daddy in the Lord after his mega hand falling abi? Ordinary fish in india and monkey in china did what your pastor couldn't.. if I hear peem from you again about TB ehhh.

    3. OlaGold (add up 58BF8F56 for 18-24k raw gold dust and bar)10 November 2016 at 08:52

      Queen what happened? You were silent all through yesterday. How is 'Daddy'?

    4. Anonymous 08:48 Them no born her well to make mouth about her pastor here again.

    5. OlaGold (add up 58BF8F56 for 18-24k raw gold dust and bar)10 November 2016 at 09:56

      Queen what's wrong? You were absent all through yesterday. I hope you are fine. By the way, how's Daddy doing?

  30. Trip mode activated! Lag mode!

  31. Good morning 😊 everyone
    School run 🏃 done
    In my shop already
    Hoping to make mega sales today
    About to devour my jellof rice
    Who wants to eat?😷

  32. Today is a beautiful Thursday. I thank God for life, great family and few friends. And oh I need a job! God please provide. You all should have a wonderful day!

  33. Top of the morning to y'all.
    Harmattan has arrived in full force here in abj!
    Free day today..yay! Yesterday I made the best jollof rice of my life! I was so shocked hubby even said twas so delicious.

  34. Gm bvs, pls ds is my first pregnancy and I'm very sick, vomiting, no appetite no strength, gathering of saliva, unable to leave the house or do anything. My doctor appointment is on Monday, before then pls I need advice, I don't know wt to do, is it going to continue like ds? Pls I need ur suggestions, I'm just one month gone and I'm tired already, nobody to help cos I live abroad. Pls I need ur advice and encouragements thanks

    1. Sorry oh!
      For your nausea,try and Chew ginger,it worked for me.
      Eat crackers biscuits in early in the morning it helps too
      For strength,oral drips helps too if you can drink it.
      Jisike, you'll be fine

    2. Those things you are experiencing are normal...
      You will be fine after 3-5 months!..

    3. No dear it won't continue. The first trimester is usually like that. Take ginger tea or ginger biscuit. Anything that contains ginger. It will stop the nausea. It worked for me. Morning sickness will stop at second trimester.

    4. Awwww!

      I'm sure you will be fine.

    5. Chai!
      Story of my life last year....
      You will well my dear, just take it easy, one day at a time.
      I don't really have any remedy to suggest cos none worked for me.
      Wishing you a smooth journey and a quick delivery when the time comes.

    6. Most times once the first trimester is over, all the nausea and tiredness dissappears.
      Truth is nothing stops the nausea, just try and take liquids a lot.
      The ginger didn't work for my sister, nothing did.
      For me, I didn't have nausea so I can't say.

    7. Chai this was me too o when I was pregnant with my son I did superwoman till 12 weeks I couldn't take it again I was rushed to the hospital because I couldn't eat nothing or drink nothing and I was given anti sickness tables omo I felt brand new oooo. At your appointment request for anti sickness table real quick they won't want to give you but tell them it s affecting your work and life do not leave the front of that doc till he prescribes it to you DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. They like to bull shit you o. My son is my first it does nothing to the baby infact I had a textbook pregnancy and easy labour, my water broke on my due date and my son was born after 4hrs.

      Sorry for my long essay

      From UK babe✌🏾️

  35. Good morning everyone.
    I am at the Electronics shop trying to buy a Laptop. I am even confused, too many brands and the prices are extra much biko.

  36. I'm here Stella.
    Meanwhile, I lost some hours of sleep yesterday.
    Thought about the Simpsons prediction on Trump. It is wayy too eerie.
    Was it re-enacted or it is just another conspiracy?
    Americans and BS are like bread and tea.
    Scary shit.

  37. CHW,I love you...Tell Almighty God what u want this moment and He will answer U,by His mercy.

  38. Good morning house, am just here thinking about my life. Angel plz locate me.

  39. Please is there anything to give a baby that had pneumonia injection at one year.

    His body is hot and the leg is still paining him.
    We gave him ibuprofen yesterday before he took the injection .

    1. Please take him to the hospital ASAP

    2. Oo, sorry just re read the post, had the injection already.

      It's gradual, it'll eventually subside dear. Just follow all the instructions.

  40. countdown to nysc camp, 14 days to go. Having mixed feelings, dnt kno if I shld be happy or not. Wish I can juz skip all dis part and get to the part where I will be given my discharge certificate....if only wishes were horses, lol

  41. In bed not working today.
    Still enjoying the break.
    Some people are afflicted with the spirit of begging and its borne out of a desire to cheat others.
    God is watching you keep deceieving yourselves.

  42. Phew! It's thursday already!
    Thank God my girl is feeling better today, just dropped her off in school. I feel so restless and scared whenever she is sick, nothing else works for me until she is ok. How do people with more than one kid cope? Some have up to 5kids chai! The Lord is your muscle o..
    As I dey so, na only 2kids get me o and by the time the second one will arrive, I will get a maid, not live-in maid o, I can't shout abeg.
    End of story, enjoy your day everyone.

  43. Hmmm, don't I just love thursdays... Working on my laptop, don't even know what to eat yet...

    ... Jesus is my worth!

  44. Just got to the office and its not even opened yet. This our receptionist ehn.....

  45. Thanking God 4 d gift of life once again. AM Blessed


  46. I'm eating crackers with my favourite vitamilk drink. It's the only drink that helps me build my weight. The price keeps increasing though. Now 250 per bottle😦 but no, I won't stop, can't stop. Must drink at 2 bottles a day😄😄😄
    Thankyou LORD for life.
    Thankyou LORD for good health, for me and my whole family.
    Grateful heart😊😊😊

  47. Loosing my braids,just too lazy. That's why I don't fancy braiding,after enjoying and doing shakara;time to loose na the real wahala.

    1. Loosening**

      I feel your pain ojare. That's why I prefer twisting so I'll just cut the attachment to my hair length then pull it down; it's easier to loosen that way.

    2. Why not cut it? Abi you dey reuse attachment?

  48. Hehehehe,Stells gat no chill,morning everyone,am better today and am optimistic, hmmmm Di's mmm, I don't know oooo,still thinking oo

  49. So tried this morning,it has been a crazy night of heat all through. Seriously needs good sleep.

  50. I woke up with joy in my heart this bf of mine just got me a property,to think that he almost got me a car few weeks ago I got him pissed and lost the chance.I prefer this biko.

  51. Today is bright, thank God for the gift of life. I need a job help a sister. I can relocate to any part of the country. Biko

  52. Happy birthday to me. In spite of it all. God's got me, amen

    1. Happy birthday dear..send stella pictures to celebrate you na. Don't be picture shy lol. Have a good one. Hugs!

    2. Happy birthday Yomi.
      Have a fun filled day.

    3. Happy 😊 birthday 🎂 oluyomi
      Live and prosper
      May HIS grace continue to be with you...Amen
      Where's the party 💃 at?

    4. Happy birthday, Gods. Blessings

    5. Happy birthday ma'am, your admirer from a far

    6. HBD Yomi dear. Live long and prosper.

    7. Happy birthday to uuuuuuuuu age with grace

    8. Happy birthday Oluyomi.

    9. Thanks, dearie's. I appreciate

    10. This is the 2nd time you r celebrating your birthday hian.
      Ok happy birthday

    11. Asanwa the monitoring spirit. Is your your celebration?

  53. Just came back from dropping my Oga at school,Good morning Beevees

  54. Thank u Stella, to think I was ready to waybill d mixer to d girl. Oga, thanks dear

    1. Waybill again? Madam please what location? I bet its the same lady I waybilled mine to.

  55. Good morning luvies, I got the job and I've officially resumed today. Thanks for your prayers and wishes. For those still searching for jobs don't give up, yours is definitely coming..

  56. Good morning bvs, I'm off to the mountain to pray oh Lord please settle me this year.

    1. OlaGold (add up 58BF8F56 for 18-24k raw gold dust and bar)10 November 2016 at 09:00

      God will answer you by fire!

  57. having tea bread and egg for breakfast after which am off to collect TT injection... my makeup this morning na die... love you sdkers

  58. Make Una fear GOD not use ur scamming and begging tactics to deprive those that truly need help from getting it

  59. Thank God for a new day..i would take my kids to the library today cos they have painting and cookies in the evening..the weather is slowly getting cold..i ve never experienced snow in my life and this would be my excited and scared at the same time lol..y"all have a nice day kizzes

  60. Just had a beautiful baby. Breast milk come out Jor.

  61. I'm inlove with som1 n wana b his Mrs ........

  62. Good 'moring' everyone...

    This week has been sooooo HECTIC!! I've missed alot here..

    Today feels like friday by the way.

  63. I'm just on my phone. No outing today or is there anyone here that would love to take me out?

  64. Morning Fam.. doing nothing this morning...just thinking of how to plan better job hunt strategies...have a blessed day all

  65. I miss my friend Tk every day. Met him on SnM. Talking over the phone with him and the next minute, he was gone. I don't know what must have happened but i pray you are ok and in sound health wherever you are.

    Life will always happen no matter the plans you lay out for your self. Currently going through something very sad and depressing but hey what has depression solved. I know i'll stand tall in the end just like i always do.

  66. It's too cold here in the abroad. Being cold and heavily constipated is not a nice combo. Pls bvs what can I use? I've tried prune juice but it didn't help.

  67. Today is gonna be a busy day for moi just like yesterday. Good morning bvs and nice day all

    1. My babe got an ID. Congrats love. How's your leave going.

      Do and come to Lagos o

  68. I owe uber and paypal na wa! Anyway sha I've deleted my uber account but paypal has refused to delete my account. I need to yarn a story for them. I'll just tell them that my account has been used for fraudulent activities. Please pray for me

    1. Pay your debts...

      In other news, who have Uber 3k promo code? Edakun, epp a sister

  69. Its a beautiful thursday! Thank you jesus for your life in us, for your righteousness that makes me come into your presence every morning to say thankyou without feeling inferior, thank you lord! Preparing to back to school I have mixed feelings

  70. Good morning Stella and bvs,on my way to the office but nothing much to do so I will be doing much of hanging out with a friend. A judge walked me out of the court yesterday because of my hair,I was mad cos the hair is short and light brown in colour (which is not shouting),I was planning to petition him o cos I saw some of my senior colleagues wear sharp colours and he did not complain about their own but my boss talked me out of it even shouted when he saw I was insisting.Today i 'm praying for Nigeria as a country and countries facing smiliar challenge with us,that God should please forgive us,hear our prayers and continue to bless us. God should please touch the heart of our leaders so that they will do what they are elected to do and prevent the suffering of the masses.Amen
    #am alive and grateful
    #one love people

    1. He walked you out because you couldn't convince him you were a lawyer with your grammar! Damn! How did you pass law school? You use prayers after the thrash you post here to stop people from coming after your tomato-seller grammar. Abeg comot that "barrister" from your name.

    2. I can relate with your case. A magistrate asked me not to announce my appearance because I was not wearing a jacket. I ead wearing a gown oo with full sleeves. How on earth will. I wear a jacket on that thing. I had to plead that it was my first appearance before her. She accepted only when she ran through the cause list

  71. I miss this post. I don't know why some people are like this, this woman that I use to do housework for. She now want to go for burial and ask me to follow her to the village so that I can be taking care of her children for her there and that she will pay me for it. I leave my small son who was just recovering from sickness and the sister in my cousin place where I am managing because my landlord chase us out. I travell with her, In the village some days before the burial this woman and her people use me till I colapse on the on the burial day, the following day after injection and I'm strong, they start sending me up and down again. Till we now return to Lagos. Last month money she have not paid me on till now, the money for going to the village she have not paid. If I ask she will say she will pay me that people are owning her. Which kind life is this? I want to buy blood tonic for my son and my self because of the stress, no money, I want to give my cousin that I am staying with some money to join and buy foodstuff because yesterday, she did not give us night food, no money. Is this life? God.

  72. Morning Fam.. doing nothing this morning...just thinking of how to plan better job hunt strategies...have a blessed day all

  73. CHWife God is ur strength nothing is bigger than him, in d office alreday, and fhain to SDK blog

  74. Just finished squatting...170 squats💪💪

  75. Happy birthday to me. In spite of it all. God's got me, amen

  76. Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day.

  77. Thanks Queen and boss of this blog, I appreciate

  78. Good morning blog fam,waiting for my matter to be called up. This ac blowing directly on my face is making me sleepy. Nice day everyone.

  79. To make it here in Lagos is hard oooo imagine earning 18k in a month,feeding,clothing and transportation. The annoying part is the one I called my bf will never give me anything without asking for sex. My God my trust is in you....

  80. Why can't I reply comments today? It's like I will port to another network, this etisalat is messing up. The poster that is pregnant, try and be chewing bitter kola especially in the morning when the morning sickness is usually very strong so that you will not vomit. Then eat more of fruits and vegetables.

  81. Eating akara...make una come join me online.

    Crazy Horny wife, the Lord is your strength, don't give up.

  82. So I was told that why most evangelicals voted for trump is because of Hillary's stand oN gay marriages and late term abOrtions.N.a. wa oooooooooo. Let me first start by saying,if she had won, such laws can't just b passed by word of mouth,she would have to go through a lot of processes and every body would scream loudly to destroy such a bill as the late term abOrtions. Of which how can some 1 who reasons well opt for a late term abortion after suffering carrying the pregnancy that long. So I am sure the American people wld hav rejected such a bill. Gay and lesbian marriages,I don't know what to say,reading the anonymous post alone reminds one of how many closet homosexuals are in Nigeria giving their unknowing spouses use less sorethroats and STD's. But you people as Christians support some1 who is a bully,a racist and a misogynist. Is okay. That is why we Nigerians are happy trump won. Issorait!!!!! Lessons learnt!!

  83. More lessons from Trump......


    Trump lost the presidential debates, twice.

    Yet he won the election.

    He lost the public opinion polls to Hillary by double digit margins.

    Yet he won the election.

    All living former American presidents opposed him.

    Yet he won the election.

    Top celebrities and entertainers opposed him

    Yet he won the election.

    Top party power brokers deserted him.

    Yet he won the election.

    Millions opposed him.

    Yet he won the election.

    Global public opinion ridiculed him.

    Yet he won the election

    Don't build your life around the opinions of critics.

    Don't build your life on public opinion.

    It is just that - an opinion. Full stop.

    Bless the critic.

    Bless the haters.

    Bless the opposers.

    Bless and curse not






    You can win.

    Culled from WhatsApp

  84. My birthday is tomorrow. God be praised. BIBI congrat oo. I pray God gives me my heart desired birthday gift. Amen.Happy birthday OLU. E remain small we for me birthday mate.

  85. Eiya, Crazy Horny Wife my heart is with you. You shall be fine dear. Good to surface here. The sun is killing here. Even @ 9a.m, everywhere is already hot.

  86. Hello bvs. Good morning stella and everyone. Thank God for life and good health. When there is life there is hope. I will keep on pushing on, I know I will not die in this sufferness before I get help, I pray God will pick my call. This economy reccession will also pass.

  87. Good morning fam.
    Up and about. It's great having God and loved ones around.

  88. Woke up this morning thankful to God with songs of praises from my mouth. When I look at the things I take for granted that people are struggling and praying to have, I can't but be in awe at how good God is to me. Fried yam mixed with pepper and tropicana Orange juice for brunch is what I look forward to😆😆

  89. Gm fam...Will b doing same thing I do everyday...home chilling till Baba God picks up my call for a job.

    Still begging here too for a placement oo.

    Studied Business Administration and Management, done with nysc.

    Abeg help a brother. Na lag I dey.


  90. At times I wonder how people get money to buy mb to log in and come and beg up and down here.


    Anyway I don't really blame them; all na hustling.


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