Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..

Hmmmm...This is serious


Hello Stella, 
have been a beevee for quite some time and I must confess you are doing a wonderful job. Am a girl in my twenties n theres this thing with me, I always have dreams about my r/ships and they come through exactly the way they happened in my dreams, but my last r/ship didnt happen the way they did in my dreams (ma mom n younger sis had same dreams, their 1st time of having dreams about my r/ship).

There's this guy I met in 2014 through a mutual friend, then we met again April this year during our mutual friend's mom burial, we exchanged numbers and we kicked it off from there.He told me he wants to settle down, but he has a 9yr old son (he is 33yrs old) , I told him having a son isnt an issue, we should get to know ourselves 1st and that I dont want sex, he said sex is not gonna be an issue hence he is coming for marriage.

 This guy is so good, tells me everything, loving and caring, we talk from when he gets back from work (a biz guy) till 12-1am, some times he sleeps off and I will end the call, (we talk often during the day too and for hours since April)have been praying for God's will to be done, then the dreams started coming. The 1st dream was the guy being in a very black room, no other colour was found in that room except the white t-shirt he wore, the room looked uncompleted, the table, chair and the paper he was using to write were all back, he called me, I ignored him and walked away. I woke up and prayed.

 The 2nd dream I had , I was in his house crying and filled with regrets saying had I known, I woke up and still prayed.

 The 3rd dream I had, I entered a house with him carrying my box, all of a sudden, I told him I want to leave that I wasnt comfortable, he begged me not to leave but to no avail cos I have made up my mind to leave, all the exits were blocked, I had to jump from a storey building. I woke up and prayed but had to share my dreams with a friend who told me that sometimes devil uses dreams to scare us, same thing happened to her friend but that she is happily married to same guy, I said kk and continued my plans of settling down with the guy still praying. 

The last dream I had, I went to hire a wedding gown with the guy and my eldest brother cos our wedding was the following day, I saw so many shops with wedding gowns but I entered a particular shop, as I was looking around, a girl walked in wearing a wedding gown (she was through with her wedding), I told the owner of the shop that I liked the gown the bride was wearing, she said they will dry clean it and send it to me, I paid her 20k, and asked the girl to pull, the girl refused, I told to the woman to refund me so I can go to another shop and hire since the girl refused to pull, the woman gave me 15k and said I should come back for my balance whenever she rents the gown out, I started shouting, my hubby to be and my elder bro didnt utter a word, as I was shouting, I woke up. 

I told another of my friend the dream, she said someone is holding my blessings, I told her its not possible unless its not coming from God. Blessings are good things that come from God. That night I prayed and cried to God, I told God that I dont believe what my friend said and that if in any way its true, that means there is a greater power than yours, cos no one can stop your blessings for your children, it can only be delayed (and to the glory of your name) not for someone to hold it. 

I told God I dont want dreams, He should talk to me in person, that my dreams dont work anymore. Not after 2 days I made that provocative 2-3hrs prayer, the guy called me and said he has something to tell me, he said he is into street, I told him the only street I know is yahoo, he said not yahoo, that its buying and selling, I told him I know only 1 buying and selling (which I learnt from him) he said thats the one, the guy they push drugs (cocaine), I let out a very loud laugh. I asked him when he started, he said since he travelled to India which was in 2014 after our 1st meeting.

 he came back early 2015, travels to china every 4months for biz. He said he is just doing it to raise enough capital for his biz , that he can stop if I dont like it, I couldnt say anything and we have not discussed that again since then, and we still talk. Stella please I need your red pen .

*Hmm my dear i think your dreams are trying to warn you about something bad concerning your marrying this man.Forget that crap about stopping,they NEVER STOP...he might lie to stop to marry you but you will just sit one day and hear he has been caught in Asia where there is only execution as punishment..maybe that is what your dream is about,maybe not but just becareful.
Your chroncle shows you are even worried.
All the best.


  1. Replies
    1. Poster, one push of drugs to China is $5000 and he travels every 4 months. From my calculations he has traveled 4times which is equal to 2M dollars. What type of fund does he want to raise again. My dear Joseph the dreamer, you dreams are for real. If they catch him in China just count him as a dead man. If I tell how many people they caught in dragon hotel in China. Those guys have more than enough but they are addicted to pushing drugs they were all caught. Your guy will not stop

    2. I'm very sceptical about Nigerian guys in India. They hardly do anything meaningful.
      Poster, after speaking to God the way you did and found drug pushing amusing, I'm confused as to your values.
      Use your tongue to count your teeth.
      Tell your God to bring a decent guy your way. Fraudsters and drug peddlers have their reward with God. Don't get yourself into their snare. Odabo!

    3. @chike, its 2million naira not 2million dols and its addictive, they never stop who will want to do a regular day job when u make such amount in less than 3days, so it's always better not to get involved

    4. Different gods and religions with contradictory dogmas have surfaced on this earth and 99% of them have died already. Yahweh, Allan and Jesus are the main remaining ones out of the billions who came and got buried, won't they disappear too in a few centuries going by the past history of gods.

      #justsaying!! We been brainwashed for too long!! This poison has to go!

    5. A wedding was cancelled at Apata, Ibadan in one catholic church on Saturday 6th October. The groom was an unrepentant ex prisoner and arm robber. He has rob so mny people including churches nd they are after him for revenge. They even said he has cases to answer at police station. All along d Bride knw abt this but hoping that he will/has change, two churches refused to bless their union nd warned d bride but love no gree leave her. The priest called her a nite to d the wedding that d wedding can't hold bcos he received note dat d groom his a thief nd dey ll arrest him on his wedding day. The lady collapsed and still in the emergency unit. Poster pls run now that you have legs. Aunty Stella pls post, pple in the area will know about this story. I pray she recover, d groom is on d run.

    6. You've had several warnings and a confirmation, and you are still asking questions. Better take a walk.

    7. Chike, how is $5000 x 4 = $2m?

    8. Sorry Madea and anon 17:41
      I meant 20,000 dollars for 4 trips which is equivalent to 9 million naira

    9. Fix it lord

    10. I think d dream is warning you about not marrying this man because he hasn't dissolved his previous wedding, have you ever asked him about his baby mama? Why didn't he marry the baby mama and where is she? You need to question him a lot about his previous relationship that gave him 9yrs son. From my analysis the baby mama and her family are waiting with battle for the lady he will marry. About the drugs, encourage him to stop and invest with the little he has gained.

  2. God is already speaking to you through your dreams. i dont know what else you want. dreams about relationships are very important. i always dream about my relationships. God directs me that way and he obviously does same for you. you are being told this man is not the right man. do you want angels to come down persobally and shout it with trumpet before you listen?

  3. Josphine please back off from that relationship. I'm gifted when it comes to dreams too but yours is master. Continue to do what pleases God so that this gift won't leave you

    *Larry was here*

  4. God has shown you through dreams. He went ahead to let you hear it via your man yet you're still pondering.
    You want to marry a drug baron?do you think jobs like that are easy to just walk away from? Do you realise that most of them have dons they work and report to? Your prayers obviously startled him reason he was prompted to tell you but what do I know it is up to you to decide if you Want a future with someone like that and it's consequences good or bad.
    I personally won't date or mare a man with a kid. I like tear rubber because I am just that😊

    1. My dear, what proof do u need?God has clearly spoken to u,its now left for u to decide,either to obey or disobey God,but I bet u don't want to try d latter cos u don't want to be filled with regrets.Good luck

  5. My dear, just go for thanksgiving. God has delivered you.

    Some people would have called lovemejeje's Bishop, but God did it for you without stress.

    I wish you a hassle free relationship next time

    1. Well said @ideato/ilaje blood. Some people have been mislead by the so called pastor

    2. My not ignore that dream. I also dream a lot. The last relationship I thought I was in failed and dis not end well because I did not adhere to the dream.

      Dreamt that the guy has a wedding band on, 3 different times yet I did not break it off.

      He was not communicative as we used to be only for me to hear that he has done his traditional wedding. IT was sad and painful mostly because I was warned.

      Worse part of it is that I now have to treat an infection cause of him.

      My dear, God loves you and he has shown you what is to come, which is a gift. accept it, leave this guy and move on before it becomes worse.

  6. Forget this guy and his problems, I hate guys who sell drugs cos they hardly end up well.

  7. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!
    Poster, forget d guy.This is God trying to warn u in his own way .Many people ignored their own sign and live to regret it.Don't ask God why u like yesterday s poster in d future.

  8. This is bad omen

  9. You dont need a soothsayer or a pastor to tell you to leave the guy.

    Leave him now and dont be desperate. You expect God to talk to you in person, are you Mrs. Jesus Christ. So the dreams and visions he shows you never do you.

    Dont worry, Stella use black pen for you not red pen. Continue praying let God come down in person to tell my daughter oya MARRY HIM.

  10. Na wa poster dont you know dreams reveal what may or may not happen? It 50:50
    My dreams are opposite of reality. So just pray whenever you dream a non positive one

    1. Did u not read d part that the huy confirmed her fears

  11. Mtcheeewwww...
    See how I was reading thinking the business he is doing is something else!..
    So you are screaming because he is a drug dealer?...
    There is nothing new under the sun!...
    Most rich people you see today took business risk to build the empire you see today...
    If you don't want to marry this nigga,please free him so a good girl that would cherish and love his business can locate him...

    1. Many are mad but few are roaming

    2. Jeez! I still want to believe u are joking if not. Who do u don really die" what sort of rubbish advice is this????? The family u came from must ve really been suffering from abject poverty hence why this Ur mentality. I will definitely pray for u cos u need God's special intervention

    3. I don't want to believe she actually spewed that. Just curious onwhat kind of something else the job you are thinking could be

    4. Queen Queen, your head dey there.
      No billionaire made his money from genuine business.
      The poster think that people make billions by "sister come I get your size"

    5. WOW! This really is the lowest you have ever sunk Linda. Saying dealing drugs is a good business. I pray God forgives you!.

      Poster please take this advice at your peril. A good name is better than gold or silver. Drugs destroy lives. Have nothing to do with anyone that deals in drugs. A word is enough for the wise. FLEE before you meet your doom.

    6. The truth is 50% of igbo guys if not more self are into drugs even the ones that do business so dnt mind all this people saying trash drug business is not new abeg

    7. @ Queen, I keep wondering if it a must for you talk, your comments really shows who you are, you are bitter girl, you need help

    8. About 60% of rich men in dis country do drugs b4 establishing there empire, poster if u love him & want to marry him share ur dream with ur fiance, ur dream simply shows that if he continue with dt bizness in no distance time he will be caught & in imprison even b4 the wedding took place there won't be any marriage btw u both,
      The dream also implies he is not ment for u spiritually as a born again you are u don't have any equal yoke with an unbeliever.
      So that marriage is dead on arrival(DOA) forget him ur husband is coming.

  12. @poster;the revelation is out already.and note that if you have to continue with getting married to him;you did it with your eyes wide open! Therefore any outcome(negative or positive) should not drive you nuts afterwards..

    There is A word called "DECISION" and that is what you have to do now..

    Wish you the best!!


  13. You've clearly been warned enough. Your dreams have shown you consequences of going ahead with the wedding plans.
    You're lucky you have the gift of dreams and don't take it lightly.

  14. I forget to add, are you in the garden of Eden? Na there God go come in person talk to you one one one.

  15. Stella,not every Asian country execute drug peddlers!...
    At least I know India and parkistan will give you atleast five years jail...

  16. please run for your life ooo... I can't deal biko, my peace of mind is very important..

  17. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars8 November 2016 at 15:13

    Sister, are you still there? Ask the Lord who has been gracious to show you this to help you end this relationship. Cos if you end it, you already know his secret, he can react.God who has shown you this can help you end it.
    This guy is not for you. You are blessed that He has revealed this to you.
    And He will heal and prepare you for the one to come. All the best.

  18. I used to dream spot on dreams. Then I started having sex and I stopped dreaming. Please I know u are worried about time but please don't marry that guy

    1. Idiot,instead if you to quit illicit sex so you can be prewarned about anything coming your way.dull person

  19. All those dreams u had has to do with death. That guy is going to get caught one day and he's going to be executed. Please leave that toxic relationship or u are going to end up a young widow. I pray that shouldn't be ur portion. Don't forget u asked God for a sign and He showed u exactly what u asked for. Please listen to the voice of God and u won't regret it.

  20. Seriously wondering when God will start to reveal things to me like this. I pray and pray and things just keeps getting worse or stagnate.
    Father lord, I still believe in you despite the delay and tough times.. please show me what you want me to do.. where you want me to go.. where you want me to be..
    I know you didnt put me in this life to just occupy space, help me out father or make me strong enough to endure this delay in my own blessing. Here my prayers oh lord as I ask through Jesus Christ your son... Amen

    1. You need to stop having pre marital sex if you already do. It worked for me when I was single. Serve God with your mind entirely.

    2. Anon 15:13: Sweethrt, God speaks to us in diverse ways...everyday.

      But the surest way God speaks to u is tru His Word. The devil can manipulate dreams but he cannot manipulate God's Word. All u need do is just listen.

      Stop looking for that 'extraordinary way' for Him to speak to u. Lend ur ear to His still small voice. Until u drown ur fears and noise of ur doubts within ur hrt, u will hardly hear Him.

      What does His Word say abt u? Believe it.

      I really identify with ur situation, believe me but it's only a phase. This one shall pass.

      One day u will look back and laugh bc all d while we think that God is delaying, He is cooking up for us something special!

      Trials make us strong and prepares us for the greatness God is about handing over to us.

      It's painful to wait but in d end, if we keep our trust in God, it is so rewarding. So much so that u forget ur years of waiting in pain and uncertainty. Cos God will give u double for ur trouble.

      Don't lose faith dear.

      Poster, I think it's best u let this man go.

    3. My dear,thank him for his blessings no matter how insignificant you think it is..there is always something to be thankful.hold on,he has heard your prayers.
      Stay Blessed!!!

    4. Be still and know that He is God. Your delay surely has an end. May His grace tarry with you. I wish you well. E-hugs!

    5. Pure Inspirations, you really are true to your name. I like!

  21. I'll give you an example with myself. I dated this guy who is very clean..comes from a wealthy home so money wasn't the problem. He wanted to make it without the help of his father, so he set out to do his thing. He was doing quite well until he felt he wasn't
    making the kind of money his freinds were.. He decided to go the street way- yahoo. I wasn't comfortable with it so I asked him and he said same thing they say. "I want to raise capital after which I will invest it and stop. I was like wow! That easy to stop? So why havent your friends stopped?...My dear, marriage preps were already in gear but I had to take a walk ..painful as it was. I dont want to live my life in fear of the unknown. What am I saying? Your dreams are like a compass. Follow it. That road you are about to walk in is a very dark road. Do not walk down that road. You don't want to walk down that road. It will be a great tragedy if you make a huge mistake that could have been averted after hearing from God.

  22. NNE don't marry that guy
    I repeat,don't marry him oh!!!

    1. Dear poster......your dreams have seperate meanings.......him being in the dark room is probably about the drugs then the dream with the wedding dress means he has commitment somewhere oo,mayb he promised somone/something close to it,keep the prayers up,he will tell you EVERYTHINg without you even asking!

  23. prophetess pls stop ignoring ur dreams,God loves u so much he keeps talking to u but u are denying ur gift. please dont ignore ur gift and run from that drug pusher.u might end up dead if u follow him

  24. Pls pls much as being wealthy is a good thing...I won't advise u to go for any guy doing drugs cos dey never stop...illegal business is not it at all..u won't have peace of mind..u might enjoy d wealth today but tomorrow u will be lamenting...God has given u enough signs to know now left for U to chose...u might say wat is dis one saying..or I don't know anything...dis was d same advice dat was given to me...ur choice

  25. Was it not 2months ago a young man was executed for this-same stuff?
    My sister put on your running shoes and 🏃as fast as you can.
    You already have the revelation no point asking questions. It only shows God has a better package for you, brush out that love from your eyes and heart and move on with you life.

  26. Poster. You need to calm down. Remember that marriage is for better for worst. Be careful so you don't walk into a mistake.

  27. 14For God does speak—now one way, now another—
    though no one perceives it.
    15In a dream, in a vision of the night,
    when deep sleep falls on people
    as they slumber in their beds,
    16he may speak in their ears
    and terrify them with warnings,
    17to turn them from wrongdoing
    and keep them from pride,
    18to preserve them from the pit,
    their lives from perishing by the sword.b
    19“Or someone may be chastened on a bed of pain
    with constant distress in their bones,
    20so that their body finds food repulsive
    and their soul loathes the choicest meal.
    21Their flesh wastes away to nothing,
    and their bones, once hidden, now stick out.
    22They draw near to the pit,
    and their life to the messengers of death.c
    23Yet if there is an angel at their side,
    a messenger, one out of a thousand,
    sent to tell them how to be upright,
    24and he is gracious to that person and says to God,
    ‘Spare them from going down to the pit;
    I have found a ransom for them— JOb 33

  28. Nawa ooo, @the poster, please don't ignore your dreams cos they are actually clear warnings that your guy would bring you bad news/regrets in future. . I once had a bad dream I took for granted and it came to reality.
    Stella is also right. I pray you take the right step towards tackling this issue.

  29. My sister,pick your slippers and run off .He is bad news for you.God has helped you to make the right decision.
    I wish I can dream like you.I hardly remember my dreams but whenever I do,it must be a message.

    Good luck

  30. You are spiritually inclined, but your boyfriend is neck deep in the world. You are a prayer warrior, but your boy friend is a gangsta and a drug dealer. You are a believer in Christ, but your boyfriend believes in the devil (making it in life at all cost, even it means cutting other people's life short).

    Tell me young lady: what has light got to do with darkness? Why do you want to make the devil your father in law? God has shown you numerous signs to warn you against being unequally yoked to the uncircumcised.

    God loves you and wants to protect you from an impending heartbreak and eternal sorrow. I advise you break the relationship and focus on building your spiritual life; at the right time, God will send you a man after His heart!.

    Overcoming Masturbation, Sexual Struggles & Compulsive Habits

  31. God has answered your prayers, the ball is in your court now. I advise u to call it quits.

  32. Everybody will turn prophetess on this post now
    Sdk beevees i hail o
    if you have no good advice to offer this lady , biko save your breath.

    Dear Poster dreams are warnings , my own reverse is the case , i hardly dream and if i do na once in 4 months ..

    Jesus fix it biko .

  33. Poster you have a gift and you telling God your dreams doesn't work again? Hmmmmm those dreams are warnings if you like listen and act if you don't pray against the God given gift you have! Don't go and enter one chance all in the name of marriage. Since the guy has open up to you about what he does, dont leave him immediately cos those people can be dangerous too, if you have to lie to get out of that relationship, you do. Infact tell him your people are against the union.

  34. My dear you IS a confirmed seer oo choi

    What els do you want to hear? That relationship is doomed, so better find your way now. And start thanking God for this huge gift he gave be small something mbok

    Your own man is on the way, have faith.

  35. Be careful babe

  36. Na real street I'm dey,my dear the hustle is real,BT when he is caught,the rest is history, choose ow u wnt to leave ur lyf

  37. Lucky you, your dreams are so clear.
    Port from that guy, drug money is easy money.
    Easy money is very addictive.
    He would continue to push drugs once he can't sustain a business, anytime he falls on hard times. Plus he has to be weaned from the euphoria of each completed trip and the bounties he get. These things are not easy to drop just because he said so.

    You didn't indicate if he has found a job or opened something all these while. Do not go into marriage when all a man's attitude towards a terrible lifestyle is saying he will change. It's a foolish gamble to make. Your first dream sounds like prison, the second is the very obvious shame and disgrace you will get in that union. Your third dream with the locked doors, could sniff serious violence and you lodged in a tight corner to a point you have to fight to live... and you making that desperate attempt to jump out, you will hurt badly if you go along with this.

    Thank God for saving you. What you need to fight to keep now is this beautiful relationship and open communication you have with's priceless really. Break it off and let God direct you to his choice for you at the appropriate time.

    1. I am your big fan girl.

    2. Vivid interpretations! Wow!

    3. Even if you ignore everyone else, don't ignore this.

    4. Poster oya follow this advice only

  38. Your dreams says it all..... Don't go on with the marriage.
    Your prayer point should be for God to break every relationship that is not meant to be n give u ur own man.
    Don't marry a drug dealer unless u ready for the consequences.
    You are even lucky to see the signs in your dreams.

  39. God has been speaking to you but it looks like you've got your mind made up for selfish reasons; probably due to the money you see. You've been dating someone for months and have not bothered to know what he does for a living? And when he gives you money, you take it; blood money! How will you raise kids with such monies?

    Job 33: 14For God does speak—now one way, now another—
    though no one perceives it.
    15In a dream, in a vision of the night,
    when deep sleep falls on people
    as they slumber in their beds,
    16he may speak in their ears
    and terrify them with warnings,
    17to turn them from wrongdoing
    and keep them from pride,
    18to preserve them from the pit,
    their lives from perishing by the sword.b

    There is a sword before you and you are about to fall on it and die. You will not live to write another chronicle if you follow this evil way.

  40. God has spoken to you already. It's left for you to heed to the warnings. To avoid future regrets, flee from him.

  41. U don't need a Daniel again na. Neither do u need us. The message is clear to even the blind. Buh u just don't wanna hear that particular one. B'cos u think marriage is the ultimate achievement for a woman. Naija women!

    *ghanaman signing out*

  42. DO NOT MARRY THAT MAN.............RUN AWAY

  43. Oh poster, you have entered one chance. There is no way that your guy will stop that illegal business he's into.
    Am sure, you have been reading about the execution of many young Nigerians in Asia. Don't be enticed by the goodies, it will not last.

    God has already revealed it to you, you don't even need a mediom to tell you that there's no way there, except you are ready to be a young widow (not your portion).

    There's no two ways about it, call off the relationship already, you will find another caring and loving gentleman. Don't be in a haste.
    Most people into such business are never at peace with themselves, they always have that fear of the unknown, please be wise.

  44. Poster, stay very far away from that man
    This is just God's way of saving you
    Thank your stars

  45. Please be careful,make sure he stops it before marrying him.

    God Bless Everyone.

  46. Count yourself LUCKY. No EXIT + UNCOMPLETED HOUSE dreams = PRISON.
    THOSE GUYS DON'T QUIT, if they're cashless, they start all over and you won't know.
    Do not marry him period.

    If you're in right tune with God, He will show you signs like this poster.

    1. God shows everyone!

      We are just too busy to hear him.

  47. Enter your a pure revelation from God that you shouldn't for any reason marry that guy cos you will regret it at last. the dark room in your dream means the prison cell, and you regreted ignoring all the warnings from God. and you decided to move out with your lodge in tear. you're very lucky you have the gift of dreams and is so clear that you not need anybody to tell otherwise. pls treasure that gift with all cleanliness and holiness cos alot will be happy if the are bless with sure gift. I think I have said enough.

  48. Poster put on ur running shoes, like stella said, they never stop until they r caught, God has revealed it to you. Fleeeee

  49. My dear, follow your dreams. Once you start feeling uneasy about something,it usually does not end well. God really loves you to intervene in the relationship i must say.The right person will come and when he does, you'll know deep down.

  50. I feel dz dreams are warning u. U told God to show u a physical sign, he did and now u hv come to SDK to ask? After d advice u here, wts d guarantee dt u wunt still go about begn oda places for advice wich u wunt still follow.??

  51. Since you were the one that had these dreams not a prophet or pastor telling you what he feels you want to hear, I feel you should call it off with this guy.
    Agreed sometimes or most are dreams are our fears subconsciously becoming real in your own case it's a pattern ,when you dream you see the physical manifestation. ...heed the warning now dear lest you have regrets later....It would be more painful to experience these things after being warned.

  52. Dear poster, you are worried/confused and that's a pointer. God's gift comes with a peace of have the Revelation now so please don't try to explain it off.. Just take a walk

  53. Dear Poster, you have received answer to your request and prayers...the rest is left for you to decide, God cannot be mocked neither will he force his will on anyone! THERE IS NO NEED SENDING THIS CHRONICLES! the answer is obvious ...I pray God help you to take a stand for him.

  54. My dear run for your life, but be wise about it. Don't just leave him now, cuz he might hurt you knowing you know his source of wealth.

    So he has not raised capital for his biz since? How much capital is he looking for? Olojukokoro.

    My dear don't marry that guy oo, yahoo even better

  55. listen to god and u will never regret.

  56. Don't marry that man. He is not your husband. Your dreams are warnings from God and if you ignore them, you have yourself to blame.

  57. Honey, the handwriting on the wall is clear. Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with a drug peddler? What makes you think he is being honest about wanting to stop? If he can resort to drug peddling to abate his financial woes now,dont you think he will do same in the future? Any man that is all out for quick fixes and easy money is not a husband material. Biko run for your life and your wellbeing...

  58. my dear God has already spoken to you, so LISTEN......

  59. Pls dear just follow your heart... And continue praying

  60. Hey Darling, i'm moved by your chronicles because we are in the same light.The word of God says,as many as are led by the Spirit, they are the Sons of God.He whom the Lord loveth,He chastiseth.My dear,you have been warned by God,and I will advise you to trust his leadings,there is an appointed time to everything under the sun,and God's timing for our lives are different. If u marry him and start having problems now,you will come back with chronicles saying I av prayed n fasted,nothing has changed. Why would it change,we cannot ignore God's will and do ours and then when problems start,we try to invite him into it,nah,even God minds His business,only sincere cries for mercy can change such and that will be after you have learnt your lessons.I am knocking d thirty door with less than 2yrs,first and second degrees,and even when everyone says otherwise, I av learnt to trust God cos.I av lost relationships but I av no regrets all cos when I pray,God speaks to me through my dreams just like you,and just like you,I ask God for physical manifestations of what he shows me to clear my unbelief(I ask God to forgive me for it though,but some men will just appear too good that will so leave me wondering),and voila,in a short while,I see these same angel(s) of mine act these tinz God told me about them,and I am like wow,God be praised!
    Don't be afraid to fail or try again,don't be pressured into taking the wrong steps, people are only after your wedding party, if tinz go wrong in your marriage dey will still blame you all for it.God bless you as you obey God,I av never regretted doing so despite what the world says,I'd rather marry late and walk in His will,than early in my own will.

  61. Oshe!!! Joseph the dreamer,lol.
    These drug dealers never stop o.C choice is yours.

  62. Poster I don't think you need any much advice.

    Your dreams are self explanatory. That guy is bad news.

    Please do the needful asap to curb chronicles typing later on.

  63. my dear ur dreams are very clear and simple,pls run from dat guy.he is not for u to avoid the story dat tourch tomoro

  64. Mrs Joseph.
    Everything has been shown to you in your dreams naa.
    Its now in your hands to decide the direction you want your destiny to go.

    Dreams tells us a lot of things.
    I am a witness.

  65. Wow...I must say you're one blessed human...with the gift of dream. You truly sounded weary about your next move based on what you have seen so far in your numerous dreams. The ball is in your court; he has confessed to you. You already know the consequence of his trade; when he is caught in the act!

  66. U don't know how lucky u are for your subconscious to help u through dreams. It is a very rare gift... Pls don't be desperate, Lea e him, ur man will locate u.... He that v ears let him hear what the spirit is saying. Avoid the had I know.

  67. Poster God is trying to communicate to you... Leave that guy another will come your way

  68. Nne I will advice you from a spiritual angle. Leave the man alone. Darkness is hanging around him, death or lies. Forget what guy tells before he wants to Marry you, marriage doesn't change anybody. Biko forget that marriage everything about that guy is wrong. If you force yourself and marry that guy you will regret it, you even dreamt where there was no escape that you had to climb fence that is a proof that there is no light with this guy. 3 times a dream is enough warning.

  69. leave the guy...... wetin no good... no good.... let the guy go... you will find someone better..... God has better plans for you.... you shouldn't worry... let the guy go..... he is not meant for you..... you can still decide to spoil Your Own destiny by allowing him marry you.....

  70. You claim your dreams always happen exactly the way you dreamt and now you are having these bad dreams but have refused to listen, even asked God to stop the dreams and He did and sent the dude to confess to you.
    There was a story about a kid that was photographed holding up a sign pleading for her fathers life, he was caught with drugs in Asia and was to be executed. Her mother was in penury and they were hoping he would be pardoned.

    I will not tell you to marry him or not, since you have refused to accept even divine revelations so please continue. Just remember that as you make your bed, na so you go sleep. Good luck!

  71. my dear drop him like it's hot ASAP. How can you be praying and God is giving you all theses signs and yet you feel devil is trying to manipulate your dreams, are you trying to say that you don't believe in the God you're praying to? See all the signs God is giving you, he loves you a lot to show you all these yet you are too blind to see. I wish you all the best but just know that no matter how much you love a man, you will still get over him and love another. Let him go and ask the lord to bring the right person.

  72. You're a truly gifted lady... WOW! so cool. It is obvious you're not comfortable with the relationship based on what you've "seen" so far...couple with his confession. Now that you know, the ball is in your court. I am sure you know the consequence(s) of his trade(action) when he is caught in Asia or anywhere else...weigh your options and decide

  73. I wish I can get warnings through my dreams. The guy has said what the problem is and your dreams have warned of the danger ahead.

  74. Hmmm! my dear b careful ooh...if i were u..i wont go into the marriage.His business is not legal.

    1. Ur own biz wia be legal... How much e dey pay.... Advicers na em full this blog... Ppl wia never fit advice themselves

  75. My dear,run. Run fast. Your dreams warned you. I was not warned by dreams and I entered. He was a chronic gambler and a wife beater. Na me carry my two legs run o. U want to enter?I pity you o.

  76. Leave the guy my dear. He won't ever stop like Stella said. You will only become a widow cos eventually he will be caught. Pray before you enter another relationship. God bless you

  77. Not everyone has the opportunity of God speaking to them through dreams, you have had 3. The rest is left to you.

  78. There js something called 'tactical withdrawal'...Apply it and run as fast as you can...It's no point fishing in troubled waters....If God has opened his mouth to tell you he a drug pusher, what other miracle do you want?....Dont be deceived that for your sake he will stop it now or in the next life..Walkaway!...

  79. Enter your comment...Run, run, run, keep running infact Ran for your life... No Rans for your lifes*

  80. Hmmm we are 2 of a kind. Anyway pls forget this guy.
    If you marry him, no matter how you pray for God to avert any danger, the prayers 'll fall on deaf ears because God warned you.

  81. ahhhhh.. eyi le o

    u beta run for ur life b4 reach dat had I known level

  82. There js something called 'tactical withdrawal'...Apply it and run as fast as you can...It's no point fishing in troubled waters....If God has opened his mouth to tell you he a drug pusher, what other miracle do you want?....Dont be deceived that for your sake he will stop it now or in the next life..Walkaway!...

  83. My dear, drug things end up bad. Very bad honestly.
    He won't stop because it will be difficult for him to find a biz that will give him as much money as he used to make from drugs.
    They're always greedy, they won't stop.

  84. Poster do u want to make ursef a widow at an early age? God has been showing u all this in ur dreams u still want to die there? Well continue o, bt dont send another chronicle about how things went south o.

  85. You are a lucky girl if you ask me. God has just revealed how ruined your life will be if you marry this guy.

  86. There is something called 'tactical withdrawal'...Apply it and run as fast as you can...It's no point fishing in troubled waters....If God has opened his mouth to tell you he a drug pusher, what other miracle do you want?....Dont be deceived that for your sake he will stop it now or in the next life..Walkaway!...

  87. Poster leave that guy and go and open a church. You be prophetess.

  88. "The blessings of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow".

  89. NNE please, u have seen it all in your dream and God as made him to confess it to you himself so what are you
    Still thinking about, my own advise is for you to quit

  90. This sounds like me.are u sure my sister didn't send my story here?the same place everything and I need advice as well

  91. You know the source of the money now, but your greed won't let you

  92. I met someone like that too in Ajao estate where l used to live then. Said the same thing about stopping and all that. This guy was really good except for the drug business but l ran and deleted all about him. Gal, he will not stop, leave him now before you start sending chronicles to Stella.

  93. lord give me a sign tooooo.

  94. Linda Eze for trying to mislead this young woman that there is nothing wrong in dealing in illegal drugs,may .......
    Well Let me leave you to God

    1. Rest jor. U guys take everything serious here


  96. Run don't look back. Many years ago that was how God was showing me about my Ex, but being that we were together in faith as he claim pretending to be a serious person in church. I married him believing he will change. He never change. I lost all. Today, he wants me back, but have learnt and MUST follow the dreams God has shown me and keep showing me days to come. If I forgave and take him back, he will kill me this time.

  97. Stella,what happened to your red pen na,lwkmd aunty walk away jawee..

  98. But honestly most guys this days especially my igbo brothers are just into drug and Yahoo, what's happening to the youth of this country, nobody wants to make money the normal way anymore

  99. Poster leave that guy now that its still early

  100. These are clear warnings o, madam poster. Do not ignore else you may regret.

  101. U saw d guy in a dark room might mean he is fetish bcos u can hardly do a drug biz without spiritual backup

  102. Dear poster,u should be grateful to God for showing u this before u entered into the marriage.leave that guy ASAP

  103. When God speaks, He doesn't speak for a moment but a life time so as to secure His own. This is exactly what He has done for you. So disobey at your detriment!
    Be thankful that God made him speak because these guys can be secretive and at same time cause lots of heartbreaks.
    So my dear run for your life! He won't stop peddling drugs ooo except it's by the grace of God.
    Run run run run o ooo ooo

  104. I beg sleep dey catch me. Good night everyone.

  105. My dear poster,tell the guy the dream you have been having.Believe me the guy is a good guy,the only thing bad about him is the drug peddling and please warn him seriously and back him up with prayers because according to your dream he might be caught or even killed some months to your wedding.About marrying him? it is left for you

  106. Poster, sometimes God shows us things in dreams when we seem blind to see it or pretend we aren't seeing even when he is giving us signs.Pls move on. God has better plans for you.God will never give you what is already stressing you out from the beginning. The fact that you have doubts already confirms it. Leave him while you can now. Any man that does terrible things for money is capable of doing anything, trust me. It might be a hard decision but one day you will thank God you made it.God has better plans and marriage will come at the right time so don't be stressed and focus more on developing yourself.

  107. God loves u so much by giving u all those dreams nd ur partner has confessed pls my dear,cut that relationship now.a word is enough for d wise

  108. i had a very similar experience some years back. i met and fell inlove with a guy that had everything i ever wanted in a man....i was working and doing ok but wheneva i has any financial issues he would pump my account without questions and would always send me stuff from his base in china..i was living big and was very happy. he wanted marriage from the word go and i loved him that much too and agreed...i started having funny dreams about him almost immediately we agreed to marry...i kept seeing him in my dreams as opposite of who he was claiming to be in real life. i first though the devil was tryna mess with my head but the dreams kept comeing like 2wice a week with different scenes of him being two faced....having another woman...ignoring me when he finally comes back to Nigria and a whole lot more...i became uneasy and at a point he came out clean and told me he was a pusher! i was devastated but was too inlove to let go...we continued and the dream intensified...i continued with him untill God had to start using other people to talk to me about letting him was very difficult for me but God seperated us i'm married to a man who serves God with all his heart.


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