Stella Dimoko Thursday In House News.



Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday In House News.

Thursday things......Hmmmmm!
Excited about tomorrow..Make i go use my eyes see and my ears hear!..LMAO!

Who is this?Munachisom and she is single and

Hello Mrs Korkus, Weludone. As a fine girl that I am, I'm sending my head shot. Thank you for filling our world with entertainment 
Name: Munachimso
Status: Single 
BBM:. 56361CC4

Hello Stella sweety,
God bless you and all the wonderful bv's I am a regular bv  but I hardly comment.  
. Have a fruitful day  ahead.
Bv jhowsahfyn




Good day Stella. I hope you are in good health. Please I have some clothes to give away, they are not new but in very good condition. They are size 8-10, in port harcourt(choba) there was a uniport student that complained about lacking clothes. If you still need them, contact me on 08157946262. Thank you Stella.


Dear SDK,i want to thank you and the lovely Angel God sent my way...I just got the money and am speechless...God works in mysterious ways...Thank you ma for been a blessing and may your pocket never run dry...Am very happy!!!...Godbless SDK...muah!!....


How I got hooked to SDKB 

I can't remember the first time I heard of SDK. I never really visited the blog because it was not in the Naija blogs app i downloaded on my phone. I later read of one SDKB exclusive on BN, then I wondered! Not on the story,I wondered why one lady had two KOKs, when others were looking for just one KOK. I gave myself an assignment to unravel this "mysterious botanical name", then a revelation came. Dimoko is not Korkus.
Anyway, I love you and our blog. You act like a school principal. Madam KOIKOI. The fearless Stella, "troubling" Naija from Germany. I like that you see Green and call it Green, not Morning Fresh Green.
If I ever come to Germany, I must had a drink with you, to celebrate you.
SDKB is like family. I love some commenters while I wonder the sawdust in some others' brains. I guess it's the advantage of being faceless.May your Red pen never lack ink.
BV Geraldine Ogwe


Bv Bonario nnags's wife APPRECIATION FOR 10K RECEIVED

hello stella, thanks for the good works going in here. You help me post sometimes last month stating that I needed help to pay my school and accommodation fees, a bv added me and promise to send her widows mite anytime soon. After a while she asked for my acc details and she credited it with 10k. God am so happy some people are naturally born to be an angel, she wants to do more but this pa buhari era no gree. She sounds as if it's her responsibility am so happy. I later got to know she lives along university road hence she is so caring cause I guess she must have seen how students suffer. I can't wait to visit her.. may God bless her for me. even though am still in need but I am sure its not my doing that made the bv help me but because of God. thanx so much stella
Bv Bonario nnags's wife



I am a young vibrant woman, very good with kids and looking for a live-in nanny job in any city in America. I have up to 5 months to work and my price is very reasonable. Contact me via email then we can exchange further information. Waiting to hear from you.



Please if you are a major distributor/importer (or know someone who is) of plasticine/clay, stationeries, cartridges and other printing materials, magnets, microscope, class room decorations, anatomy/biology models and other materials relating to schools. 
Please am reselling them at wholesale. You can WhatsApp me on 08037758532



Hi Stella please can you post this so that your girls can be careful with people
 they meet on snm. this is just one of the few of them scammers


A wedding venue decorator is needed for a wedding in the month of February next year in Abuja.
Send pics of your work to 07034794947.
Thanks Stella.



Hello badosky,iyalaya gbogbo bloggers,please I need every woman book and everything related to TTC,I have been depressed but trying to come out of it. I beg of any kind hearted bv who has it to pls give me or lend me. I stay at ota. I also need ovulation kits. Thanks and God bless.please help a sister.
I can be reach on 07064356845.

*The other ones are okay but Ovulation kit?As in you want to borrow from someone?shouldnt such things be personal?Please oh,i am just asking cos i dont
have na JJC...*rolling eyes*


Dear Stellar,

Kindly assist place on IHN.

I will be in Abeokuta from 14/15th October for an I urgently need a good MUA for Gele tying and Make-up.

Please contact me on 08032473001.
Thanks Sis.



Good day Stella. My family is looking for a very good speech therapist in Abeokuta for our 4 year old son. ‎ If you are one with good track record and high success rate or you know anyone in this line of profession. Kindly send a mail to 

Thanks Stella.



Hello Stellz bby.
Please don't disclose my identity biko...Thanks.
I participated in the sunday SNM my fellow bvz and Stella ooo..
One of the man who added me, we got talking...getting to know each other..we are from same state as well.
He is 33 while am 23..
It started like this:...We were chatting yesterday morning after that, i was like ok have a great day at work...
Next thing this guy said was :...Ok you too, my sister in christ..
Stella i had a good laugh..which yeye sister...
hmmmm since yesterday till now oo this dude still insists am his sister..i have seen his pictures biko we aint related brother!..(In my mind i was like see this one that should be asking me here talking about long distance sister..)
AND NO...AM NOT UGLY ..stellz my pix for your eyes only ooo
But Bvz the thing funny me die that the new way to friend zone someone...*crying* and laughing*

*As a small framed bodied female that you IS now...maybe thats why.Anyway beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...Please ask him why he friend zoned you so that you can find hear?


I am on youtube learning how to drag that damn pencil over my brows and make it stay.hehehhehehe *excuse me please!




  1. IHN.
    God is faithful!
    Hi5 Stella 🙋

    1. Hello everyone!
      Its Thursday already...
      Can't wait for this week to waka!

    2. Love is not by force, call him brother too.
      That chats eh,you want to do wifey work for him, Thank God he didn't hide his feelings, its up to you now to decide but that guy is mean, dude get a wife joor

    3. Whats wrong with the chat? He told you what he wanted upfront, not like he lied to u so whats the biggie?
      He wants sex and food, He will provide cash for it, did he tell u to pay for anything? Its either a yes or no u cant situation. Its not everything u people shld bring here biko. So people should be careful of honest people abi?
      Dont worry, its the one that will promise u marriage and then lash u left right and center then dump u that u need.

    4. Thanks @ Tuscany. Ladies like men that lie.

    5. Don't mind the yeye girl. Its single and mingle, not everybody should get married. The guy is not a scammer. A scam is the same thing as a fraud. And a fraud is defined as a knowing misrepresentation of the truth to induce another to act to his or her detriment. This guy didn't hide the truth from you and you are here calling him a scam!! I'm so pissed.

    6. Don't think the chat is a scam. The guy was upfront never asked for your cash just your body. It's up to you to decide but don't term him a scammer. Sister in Christ, you just found your long lost brother. Yay!

    7. Atheist "my brother in christ" go and watch 'God is not dead' so many characters in that movie reminded me of u.

  2. Thursday IHN…

    Today Is Breast Cancer Awareness Day? wow


    1. Am phone is just going on and off. I don't know what kind of temptations are all this. No money God.

    2. You've got a real competitor 👆...Lol

  3. Replies
    1. @ideato i am around just reading and too lazy to comment dear. Tnx for asking hope you are good..God bless you

  4. Ihn ekaabo

    Thanks guys for saving me. It's just a game! Yeah! But this has proven to show am loved by many.

    Can't start mentioning names, lemme not start what I cannot finish.

    Love you guys.

    1. Hey Woman
      Why did y take my 5th position
      I thought I was #5


    2. Hian, na only you dem save? Why are you trying so hard to turn the game into something else

    3. I will save you million times!!

    4. Love you too blog boo...kisses from the other side

    5. Shut up!
      You comment with blogrity and reply yourself using ideato all for cheap popularity. How do you do it?
      You can't deceive everyone you know.

    6. Bitter anonymous I like being deceived, what's your it your deception?

    7. I love your Drama, that's why I save you and to also continue your fight with white berry, hahahahahaha

    8. Hahahahhahaha @Eka are you sure you're not white berry?

  5. Ihn news is here

    Putting off someone's candle will not make your own shine any brighter.

    God bless everyone


    1. The person that sent that screen shot is not serious. He told you up front what he wanted and that makes him an honest person. Do you even know the meaning of "scammer"?. Just tell him no and that you want something serious and then delete him if you feel it will be too akward. I prefer him to a guy that will lead you on for months or even years meanwhile all he wants is just sex and a hot meal.

  6. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Don't be eye candy, be soul food.
    I came early😃

  8. Please who watches or has watched Bade Acche Lagte? An Indian soap opera.

    Thank God for God
    Thank God for a peaceful home
    Thank God for everything!!

    God bless givers and receivers
    Joining the givers club soonest.

  9. For the first time ever I logged in at 1pm no shoki sad much

  10. Yaay IHN, where drama lives and of course where beggars meet their helper or *Angel*
    Stella How far my wrist watch bf naah?*wink* *sideeye*

  11. God bless the givers n d receivers


    I'm I 5th?

  12. IHN is here. Osa wese

    God bless us all.

  13. I was on time today. (I hope) have a splendid afternoon everyone.

  14. Chai.. No shoki today, not fair. Crying 😔

  15. I want to be 1st today. Stella tell me I am

  16. Thursday ihn is Bae ,I miss you all,I traveled for sometime but am back now,so who miss me.

  17. These days, all I want to do is sleep!

  18. Yeaaa I made it todayy, iHN hoit like faya

  19. Today's Ihn is short, Baba God make a way for me I need a job to keep body and soul together. Since money no dey to start business.

  20. Welcome IHN
    Am I first?
    God bless everyone

  21. Lool MMW (money makers wife) you think calling my son a bastard will get to me😂😂😂😂.. try something else abeg loool hahhaaaa...

    1. Forget about that frustrated faggot.

    2. Did she really say that? @ Stella, I just think this save bvs should stop. Some ladies are taking it too personal. Why bring someone's son into it. Jezz!

    3. Please ignore that woman na, you should know the consequences of being constantly horny. She no use clear eye dey do wetin she dey do

    4. Jeez Trinity please don't take her serious, guess it was a costly joke

    5. Mmw that was uncalled for na haba!!!

    6. Has it gotten to that? Na wa o. Why so much hate here?

    7. Trinity what she said was mean but I hope u can tell ur son whom his father is when he grow up.One more reason it is better to close that hole until he walk you down the isle.

    8. it wasn't a joke. After calling me after 2. I'm no more after 1 na after 2 now lol and saying all sorts of rubbish she ended it with "that bastard son of yours " or something like that. Mehn the hate on this blog toughens one up so if she thought she was going to get to me, she was wasting her time. The woman is a sadist

    9. Damn!!!You have gone too far mmw.You have to apologise to Trinity and her boy.

    10. Queen Amy how can that be a joke. She's bitter and I really don't know why.

    11. Girl be unbothered.
      The washed up hasbeen never will be deranged bitch is salty cause no man wants to claim her ass since her hubby sent her packing.

    12. Gosh thats so sad. How can someone be so mean? 😒😒😒

  22. Yea, in house news.

    God Bless Everyone.

  23. At work. bored af. sad when everyone u work with s yoruba n u r the only igbo there. #Crying. God bless us all

    1. Yoruba people r fun to work with o.. Eeehya Pele

    2. Look beyond tribe and blend. Am the only igbo person in my branch

    3. Why don't you embrace them for who they're, the problem is that you feel a certain way about them. I'm Igbo, I don't have problem with anyone's tribe

    4. I was about calling you a 'tribalistic goat' due to your comment yesterday. But I saw your comment now and I know am're more than a goat...

    5. Do the job that's been cut out for you and stop been tribalistic.
      If you don't job now you wontnlet people around rest. Ungrateful person.

    6. And so what if you are the only igbo there. Did the Yoruba people stop you from doing your work.

    7. Just be happy with ur job please and not the tribe, I guess am the only Igbo girl in my office too owned by a Yoruba man

    8. I can bet with my big ass that your employer is Yoruba.You're feeding under a Yoruba man yet you still hurl out hateful comments about the tribe.Ingrate!!! Resign and let your Ibo brother or sister employ you.Dont be surprise some1 here knows you and where you work.When the unthinkable happens now,you won't let our comment section rest with I'm looking for job stories.

    9. Ideato you talk sense today,God bless you.

  24. Ihn very short today

  25. Pretty Munachimso. Welcome IHN.

  26. Lol at 'sister in Christ'! That one is better than suddenly deleting you na.

    1. She should sing adekunle gold's friendzone for him o

  27. Enter your comment...God bless the givers and the receivers.

  28. Munachimso the Desperado of lIFE!

    Jeez. Do u have family members at all? What will they say after seeing how desperate you are

    1. Why will you say she's desperate, is it not the same with the SnM others have been doing, the only difference is that hers came early. Relax and enjoy life

    2. Nnam, what's making me desperate?The fact that I'm single and ready to mingle? It's a decent picture, so y will family members say anything?

    3. And you participate in snm and even beg for boo yet you call a decent lady desperate.

    4. Muna change that picture in your profile. Very scary

  29. Stella she can't be asking to borrow ovulation kit I guess she means if someone can gift her.Nne don't be depressed anymore e hear God hears and will answer u soon.

    That akpasubi looking for personal housegirl in a bid to sound direct u actually do sound nasty and u rly will attract ur likes.It is men like u that make it seem like women are nothing in our society.Whether scam or real that's rly not a nice way to talk to any woman at all.

    1. Thanks and God bless you...AMEN

  30. Replies
    1. One Mr Dickson added me on bbm from S nd M nd his DO was showing him holding his penis I just jejely deleted him..

  31. The lady asking for ovulation kit, the strip is not more than N1200 for a pack of 5. Except if you are looking for the monitor which is like 20k. If you need the strip and can't afford it, mail me. Good luck.

    1. Thanks for your kind gesture,pls ur email is not here

    2. Get ready for mails from ao many hungry people

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. been a while will soon be back iwatago

  34. So Buhari swapped 4 high profile boko haram members for the Chibok girls that were released.
    Gosh! Has he lost his mind?

    How do you negotiate with a terrorist?
    And how is he sure that they won't go back to their regular bombing out of anger for being held hostage all this while?

    I'm so disgusted.

    1. Shut up ! American too negotiate.
      Writing shit because you have one cheap phone.

  35. To lady being referred to as sister... For stella to say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, it means you are just hyping yourself🙌🙌🙌

    1. Lol..thought so too, but you can't still conclude.. Decoder of life

    2. How can you say so, are you in Stellas eye and mind to know the girl was just hoping herself, what if Stella was referring to the man. Finding fault where there's none

    3. Anon 14:06, the Stella I know can hype die, if it's not fine; she will say 'wooooow!!!
      So, this her comment, me can't agree, she might be fine...Lol

  36. Stella I'm coming to join you on that YouTube! I wanna learn eyebrow drawing asap hehehr

    Very interesting in house news chat! Mr man just needs a chic to take care of his needs; without feelings attached. His own personal mistress kwakwakwa

    God bless us all here
    Beautiful face of in house news! Happy mingling

  37. Lots of immature peeps ere doing snm. Whats the need for d screenshot? If u aint interested just delete her and move on. Must u guys make everytin post worthy? As uv screenshot d chat now what else?

    1. As desperate as you are,na ur type dey fall victim . read and have sense small

    2. My thoughts too, he was plain and next thing, you report to stella

  38. lmao......some guyz ve got no chill

  39. Face of ihn,muna,you are naturally beautiful,God bless all the givers,Amen

  40. Ovulation kits re like PT test,so they come on pack.....may God give u your own children poster. I wish I could send you a pack but am far in abuja. Don't worry God will answer your prayer......

  41. IHN is so brief today. Have a great day everyone.

  42. Lovely face of ihn God bless the givers

  43. Is that the spelling of josephine up there?
    Please I want to know if it's possible for a dog to be possessed. The one in my compound, is something else. More like a goat in a dogs body. Those type of ugly dogs with very big head that pours saliva all over the place while Barking. I don't know "titles" of dogs. I can only describe.

    1. That should be pitbull from your description. Be careful, that a mad dog with lot of strength.

  44. Beautiful Muna, I love your smile. Them go add you o, but make sure you are able sieve very well and pretend to be a mermaid until you are sure.

    watapun, no shoki today

  45. My neighbor at the shop, her son came back yesterday afternoon from school and said their teacher taught them Y is for nyash as in otele (ike), schools plenty for this awka but better teachers no dey, see as them dey convert uncompleted buildings to school

    1. Hehehhehehehhehe. Way to get money is what people are after, and parents are after less school fees

  46. Madam SnM, is it not better that he comes out to speak his mind than for him to tell you lies? to me is better(My opinion)rather than preaching love and all that later you have your heart broken and start sending Memo to Stella

  47. Lol...the friend zone ish, we with small framed body suffer that a lot.You will even greet some cockroach' good afternoon, they will answer 'afternoon'..Yeye something!!

  48. Ideato and queen and the boss hw is u today

  49. Bonario nnags wife ... your husband dey rich now, wetin happen. the two of you no agree at all. one in linda, you in stella, kilode. Congrats on your win. I pray more help comes to you.

    The faces of IHN una no fine at all. abeg where are all our beauty queens. D'Royalty oya show face ooo. we have beautiful women and men, abeg you all should come out jare.

    the funny convo... na wa. looking for who to make love to you and the rest. very funny.

    The sister in Christ, why are you laughing, what is wrong with sister in Christ, you dont know by like that, husband don land for your table.

    anyway today is beautiful. Day four .... malt and milk. my stomach is full, seems it is getting bigger. I will stop at day 5 jare.

  50. Expedient IHN as usual.
    God please let my helpers locate me...

  51. God bless d givers & upgrade d receivers. D SnM guy above didn't do anything wrong. He was honest n straightforward w wat he wants. It's either u r game or not. If every intended relationship is dis sincere n open, heartbreaks wil be few.

  52. Kwakwakwakwa..i dey for one corner they laff because of SnM,no be small matter..missylynn.

  53. Hello from the other side...... To that BV from yesterday Ihn looking for IELTS tutor please go online and read and also attempt the past questions. It's not such a big deal as long as you did English and comprehension.

  54. Good day everyone. Thanks so much for your advice on the chronicles of yesterday.
    I will try to forgive my dad completely and leave him with his other family. Send things to him as often as God helps me to.
    This is more than a blog. Things i can't discuss with anyone without being biased, you all came through for me.
    Stella, God bless you for this platform. Kisses

  55. God has put a hedge of protection around you, a hedge of Mercy, a hedge of favor that the enemy cannot cross.

  56. Beautiful faces of in house news, una well done.God bless all the givers.God will reward you abundantly our dear Stella.

    God Bless Everyone.

  57. Ihn la hot
    Faces of ihn, thumbs up!!

    Lmao @ the SnM chats, wonders shall never end, anyway,its good the guy was honest with you, it's either you agree or disagree,life goes on....the guy get mind sha,,lol

    The sign in/out post is the truth!!!!

    God bless the givers and receivers

    Contact me for your celebration cakes and cupcakes!!!
    *Faithful bv*

  58. Stella I will shave my virgin armpit the day you get your eyebrows right.
    That fihn must be Droyalty,only her have such boldness.

  59. Short and sweet.

    Hmnnnn..Bonario Nnags is married? Nice!

    Stella, there are disposable ovulation kits. That's what she's asking for.

  60. IHN is here! ThankGod for d giver.

  61. Replies
    1. The 'Aroma' of his body...don't come n ask me if he's food oo...
      Sniffing his natural body scent....I know am home; no place like home.kikikikik

  62. Ihn don land as usual,staco well done.


  63. very short ihn,me love it

  64. Lmao this women sports is hilarious...

  65. IHN is bae.....

    @ friend zoning bv, do your thing and behave like you're not bothered. Since he wants to friend zone you, ngwanu do the same to him na. Maybe that will make him come around. Besides, not everyone that adds you up from S n M that is a potential husband, see it that way and have your peace of mine biko.

    Have a nice day people.

  66. I also need a speech therapy for someone dear to me. If any, please contact me on the person must be staying in Lagos mainland preferably.

  67. So many giveaway, God bless the givers, and the receivers.... God bless SDK
    I still need an investor in my business, you invest for duration a year and you get 20%. My email is in my ID.
    I too will be doing a giveaway soon,,,,very much, by God's grace!!

  68. Welcome IHN, will just read the comments later joor, lemme watch this match

  69. Ihn welcome.. Cooking and making love. Na so women don yeye reach? Na wa o

  70. Bvs Pls help, I am in my 5th month and I want to birth my twin in UK Pls how do I go about it, where do I start preparation from. Bvs who has been there should reply under my comment pls

  71. I don't see how the chat up there shows that the s n m guy is a scammer.
    I mean, he threw all his cards on the table, he is honest and open, it's either you want to or not..
    There are girls that think they are in a serious relationship with a guy, they cook for their supposed bf and have sex with the guy, not knowing the they are being played.

    Now, I hate the idea of playing wife to someone you ain't married to,but if a guy is being upfront about his wants, you cannot call him a scam for that..

  72. One eye covered, gap teeth, u no fine sef. Yet Stella use u do face of IHN. Nawa o..
    Is it only ladies dat send photos to Stella 4 IHN bikonu??? Where are the handsome youngsters of sdk blog biko??

  73. Thought i will be first to commet sef.

  74. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. White berry start any business you can with as little as 10k.

      Your parents can't afford u 10k yet you seek that from strangers. Cut your coat according to your size.

      Your taste is too high for someone who has nothing going on for her. Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean.

      If you start small now in 2-3years you'll expand and even start a cosmetic line.

      Be reasonable for once dear

  75. precix cakes.. Abeokuta..0803775853213 October 2016 at 14:22

    just my little token. mtn...2540574445864567. thanks once again

  76. Alot of scammers on S n M.i also ve some screenshots my friend sent me ds mornin frm ds same ikido guy.lukin for who wil take care of him,help him clean n make luv.
    Mr ikido u r mad.
    As for d lady bein called sister in christ,must he ask u out?

    1. So many ladies are desperate. @redbotafly

      Am so busy that I've not seen any of the guys from d last 2 SnM I added.Am sure they are dating. I dun care

  77. Beautiful faces of IHN.
    Nice message from Word of the Day.
    God bless all the givers and provide for the needy.
    The chat from the guy from Festac is kinda funny but straight. He better go get himself a wife.

    Nice sign out Stella.

  78. Hahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha
    This is still me standing GIDIGBA on this blog!,you want to frustrate who?.....if I hear!!!!
    Since nobody noticed your dry gist again,you want to use me as bait to come back?,Omo Ko le Werk!!!
    Alaye baje
    Omo abipabe
    Omo a bata ka fi'owo e ra atupa
    Elenu bi obo ashewo
    Oloorun atole
    Let me lecture you,to me IHN is just another cartoon network where characters are likened to characters for fun!,so if you take anything I say here to heart,you might as well save money for your funeral!!!
    Mama nnuku DIE!!!

  79. God bless the givers & receivers...I came late for IHN today...Bv Rhoda Rex tanks for reaching out to me dear...the anonymous of monday IHN that wanted to help me out with online business, & was asking for my contact, please click on my ID...I've enabled my email. Thanks & God Bless as I await your reply.

  80. Please I need to move from this my office o. I haven't be paid for 4 months now, please anyone that sees a job for a chartered accountant with 8 years experience should let me know o. Abuja bvs help me out o. I am open to relocation and I am a female. Thanks

  81. Lwkmd @ learning how to drag that damn pencil over my brows and make it stay. Stelz easy u wil get there.
    @ Bv sister in christ kikikiki if u like him that much tell him what is expected of him.
    @ Depressed Bv, Ovulation kits is a personal something o.

  82. IHN ti de where is my crush the queen and boss.

  83. OlaGold (add up 58BF8F56 for 18-24k raw gold dust and bar)13 October 2016 at 14:28

    At the deliverance session this morning in church, we were asked to pray on marital restoration. All of a sudden, some women started screaming and falling. Na so one of the deliverance female minister give me two hot abara ( slap) for my back just because she want comot marital demons. She no know say na "No Money" demon dey fight me. Mehn the pains went deep into my back bone. I almost opened my eyes to say madam wetin I do na wey u dey slap me for back? I no get any marriage to restore, in short the man is the devil I should pray against in my life. Who marriage epp? Na money problem bring me come here jare not marriage. I just manage endure the pains for my back and was like well na part of the deliverance. No be only cele or CnS dey beat person.

  84. Ihn is here
    unamikot ke ado @ Ozone for that nonsense that you wrote on the Ibibio post.

  85. Oloshos full this place*
    Our nija babes have no VALUE!

  86. For the snm ish,i don't support what she did but I give her A+ for honesty, she told you exactly what she wanted,if you can't deal just tell her you can't. Why bring a private conversation here?

  87. Right now I am confused. I don't know what to do. I was abused as a child. My neighbour will call me into his room when I was five and make me touch his penis. Then he would put it inside me and simulate sex. It doesn't go in though. After a while I began to like it. As I grew older, I did it to my younger brother and I also did it to my cousin too. It didn't last for long though. In secondary school, I then started it with a female friend just grinding each other. Tank God I left that school and I told myself I won't do it any more. After three years in the university and my ex asking me out, I agreed. We dated for two years until we finally had sex and I got pregnant. I had to do an abortion. Right now, I am working and I am unhappy. My ex left me after the abortion. My current boyfriend wants to break up and he is saying I am a sex freak. I don't even like the thing like that oo.

    1. Go to any mountain of fire and miracle (MFM) church near you for deliverance.

  88. Munachiso, na only your lips I see oo, e go good for dick sucking. U want suck my dick. Biko, na beg I dey beg. I am single but seriously this Buhari period no gree me think relationship again oo. If you just suck my dick, e don do me. Lol.

  89. SDK fam please help me in thanking God for my life cos I don't know what my story will be right now without husband sent a boy to go & buy kerosene, but the boy went & bought fuel instead. My husband brought the fuel home without noticing & even told me in the morning that he had bought the kero, before going out. As God will have it, it wasn't my kerosene gallon he bought the fuel in. I went to the kitchen to turn the kero into my own gallon & that was when I noticed a funny smell, I even thought it was pregnancy hormones playing tricks on me, but my mind couldn't let me use the kero. So I called my husband & told him about it, he rushed home quickly, lo & behold it was fuel not kero. Come & see me shouting Jesus & thanking God for His mercy upon my life, cause only God knows what would've happened to me if I had turn that fuel into my stove & used it. Alot of people have died due to same incidence as mine. Thank You Lord For Your Love, Mercy & Grace upon my life. I urge everyone one of you to please take a few minutes of your time & give God praise for keeping you alive up till this moment cause we're not better than those that are dead or those lying critically ill in the hospital. God Bless us ALL.


  90. Really @ snm munched chat. If you cannot do simply duty of a girlfriend then delete the person. That is how most of you miss your luck. I know your type cook, wash with your own money and still give sex as desert. So you want the guy to deceive you with I want to marry you. Foolish girl.
    I met someone on snm that told me that all he wanted was good sex. I said no thanks. He went ahead and said that shebi I know that when I die that will be the place maggot will eat first. That I should just come and give it to him that it won't finish. I deleted him after I got alert for flight tickets because he was so persuasive and I agreed just to fool the old man. Very old man.

    Money makers wife, why are you like this. Why did you insult Trinity's son on a blog fun game. Life is not this serious lady cassava seller. I wonder who is advicing you.

    If you address me on this blog and I don't reply you, don't ever expect a reply from Me the following day. If I don't reply you today simply means I don't have anything to drag with you. Life goes on na blog we dey.

  91. Ihn is hia..Am a soul food.

  92. Enter your ihn face na wa o

  93. I will not stop save the bvs cos of someone/anyone with a sick mindset....someone should send me that the link to where someones child was called out and i will delete bt first i need to see it and see the cursed human being who takes a joke beyond the leg.

    And those telling me to stop this and that please STOPEET ALREADY..MY MINDSET IS DIFFERENT FROM YOURS ABEG YOU..


    1. It was not on the save bv post

      MMW called trinity's son a Bastard on Cossy orjiakor's post

      Go and see for yourself.

    2. It's Chizoba on the spontaneous morning post I guess.
      That woman is an animal, simply put.
      I dont have strength to reply her tantrums.

  94. Always late I am. How do I get notification of post and comments as soon as they arrive? An old bv who started commenting recently I am.

  95. SNM oh! That was how one uncle gwegz @ 41 is saying a cute 30 year lawyer with a size 8 is FAT!!! Imagine! One even said fashion designing is not a job because the girl couldn't get a job with her B. Sc. in Psychology from Uniport!!! He said she should get a job or no relationship!!! Some even added me & went radio silent like we're on "the last ship"!!! The rest is loading...

  96. Single and mingle chat. The guy up there's been real with you. He didn't do nothing wrong by stating his mind.
    It's either you say yes or no, but why did you even paste the conversation here ? You must be very silly.
    Stella must see everything syndrome*

  97. It is well postal, just draw near to God, pray and serve him soonest they will come running after you for marriage.

  98. Beautiful weather we have here today
    God bless the givers and recievers. Pls I still need a container for business in Lagos, epp a sister abeg.


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