Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama 71 And 72



Thursday, October 13, 2016

Labour Room Drama 71 And 72

Heheheheh The pain is too much inside the Labour room but ladies be returning every

LRD 71
Good day, 
I thought to share my LRD too....

In March of 2014 I was already waiting desperately for my EDD because I was tired of imaging how pretty my baby would be. LOL. Well 2 weeks to the EDD I went for Antenatal and I was already thinking of how labour would be, then my Gynecologist told me the placenta had dropped lower than the baby, my husband always joined me to see the doctor but that day he was running late. 

I was so sad, I just sat there starring at the doctor. So he called my husband to come and carry me o. He advised we come in the next day for CS. 

I called my drama queen mummy told her and she sounded all calm- I was surprised o. So that evening we got home and she was at the gate‎(too much drama). So the next day we left for the hospital towards evening as the CS would be done on Thursday morning. Mummy came and prayed then she said she was going to get food- that was how she disappeared. 

At about 8pm my dad came all ready to spend the night and said he wants to witness it all. I was super happy. So my husband and daddy spent the night with me. I woke up at 4:30am, prayed and took my bath so I was ready before 6am as we were to go in by 6:30am. My mum called like 50times that morning but I refused to talk to her because she I knew she was scared and I didn't want to habour any doubts. So at 6:15 the nurses came and escorted me to the theater my daddy kept hugging me and hubby was just kissing my hands and head- I was like ahhhan eeess it not just CS (lol)

I went in the doctors were gisting and I joined the gist too. We laughed and gisted all through. When my baby was removed I asked to see her and I asked one of the doctors if he thought she was pretty. They all started laughing and asked if I would return her if she wasn't. I kissed her then they cleaned her up and took her to my hubby and daddy waiting outside. 

When they were done stitching me I was wheeled out and my hubby was standing there and he just kept saying thank you. The doctors were like- oga na wa o. 

We got to the ward and my mum came like 30mins later with lots of bags of unnecessary things! She told me how she had been praying and crying since yesterday and how she went to the market by 7am to wait for shops to open so she could get some things, I don't know who sent her.
My baby was 2 in March. I'm waiting to see how my next LRD ‎would be. 

Thank you Stella.

*LMAOOO at i dont know who sent her!...i guess it was her own way of killing her fear..some people are so superstitous about CS that you will be shocked to hear their views...They cannot believe or are shocked tha a woman will be cut open and
It is God that gave the doctors the idea of CS as his plan B abi?


LRD 72

Hello Stella nwanyioma,am a new Bv,i started coming to ur blog this year.

in 2013 i had a smooth pregnancy and was always going for my ante natal  and was also taking my drugs ,i also was always on google to learn more info..

I  started strolling round our estate from 36 weeks. .so fast forward to when i was 38weeks and 2days,i started having serious pains around my waist in the night so i couldnt sleep because the pains always woke me up so i decided to bear it till morning.

My hubby called a cabman early in the morning because we didnt have a car then,so he took us to the hospital,the doctor checked me and said i was just 4cm dialated and said i should go and come back in the evening,by then the pain had subsided.So we went home and i even prepared stew and soup and packed in the freezer.

So at night again around 12am the pain started again and it was unbearable so hubby called the cabman again and it took him about an hour to come so left for the hospital.when we got there they checked me and said i was around 6cm and they gave me bed.i couldnt sleep again and i kept begging them to come and check to see if i was progressing but they just ignored me and told me i still have some time.

By 6am they checked again and said i was 8cm and took me into the labour room,the pain was off the hook by then and the matron on duty wasnt nice at all,she kept telling me to do and push the baby out that she wants to go to church,i was just busy crying for them

So my gynea came around cos he had to perform CS on another woman so he saw me and told me that hopefully by the time he is done i should have had my baby,i said ok.almost an hour later he came and still saw me and started screaming at me that i have stayed too long and that my baby might be in danger,he was slapping my laps cos i was trying to close my leg due to the pains,he even asked them to prepare the theater so that they would do CS on me [in my mind i said thank God cos i was really tired]

my hubby started begging me to push hard cos they were seeing the head of the baby each time i tried pushing,by that time i was soo tired and weak and felt like sleeping,my hubby's cousin that came that early morning started praying and speaking in tongue's that the sleep is not normal sleep and all that..they even brought forcepts to use to force the baby out,but a kind nurse came and told me to relax that she would help me out.

So she told me to fold my legs and hold it and that once the pain comes again i should push hard,so when the pain came again i pushed hard and she started pressing my tummy from the chest region and the head of my baby came out and they also gave me tear and gentle brought my baby out by 10;15am,my happiness knew no bounds,they took the baby out to clean him up and also cleaned me up,hubby was even more excited than me and was busy calling everybody he knew that he now had a baby boy..

I thank God it ended in praise and i started receiving calls and i updated my bbm status and people started pinging me but the nurse came in and asked me to drop my phone and sleep because my BP was high..

My boy is 3yrs and 8months now and he has brought soo much happiness and joy and goodluck to our family,hubby bought a car the week he was born plus promotion at the office ......i had another baby last year and i would send the LRD later ..i pray that God would meet all the TTC at the point of their needs AMEN..

LOL @Update BBM status....E dey pain e dey pain but una dey return to the drama..hehehehhehehehe


  1. God bless you mamas

    *Larry was here*

  2. hahahaha congrats Poster 71... i can relate with mothers running when they hear cs. They dont want to hear about it all.

    Poster 72 congratulations tooo. congrats to your hubby promotion in the office. Many congrats to both poster 71 and 72

  3. I don't know if it is only in Nigeria that people have the mentality that Cs is not normal birth. ... instead of them to thank God for the "plan B"

  4. Honestly I don't think anything is wrong with CS
    I'm indifferent about it
    Why do people dread it so much?

  5. Poster 1 see love ooo. Your dad and hubby. You're really lucky.

  6. Lol @ Mama disappeared.

    God please remember those ttc. AMen

  7. Very interestin LRD.cnt wait to ve mine dnt kno y its takin foreva sef.

  8. Is anyone ever really ready for dat moment?cos @ a point we get tired of d pregnancy n wish 2drop nw nw bt den I realized during d labour process I wasn't rili mentally ready.

  9. Thank God safe delivery to poster 1 and poster 2,TTC women is your turn too.stay positive.missylynn

  10. may God bless all woman and may we all reap from the fruit of our labour, death will not take us away prematurely.
    and to all looking unto God for a blessing like this God will answer you all, he will return unto you according to the time of life. IJN.

  11. Lovely experience's can't wait to share mine

  12. Shed tears of joy for you, when you are loved by your family all you want to do is to be strong for them, congrats once again and congrats too poster 72, God bless your home

  13. God will watch over you and yours

  14. I had my baby through cs 15months ago. I opt for cs again. Its really no big deal. Nigerians and their mentality. My mom came a week after i birth in the US. The woman that came to birth my baby in the house said. Ole ni e o. So u couldnt push this tiny baby out? I felt sad but i thank God. At least we were both safe.

  15. And dey were all screaming n slapping ur laps? Hian!

  16. Hmmmm, this 2 stories sound like it was written by the same person. Na so so "SO" full the write up. Now, I think I'm beginning to doubt the authenticity of some of these gist.

    Na my observations oh, make una no kuku kee me....*wicked grin

  17. Nice stories! Especially d 2nd one.

  18. BBM Things loolz, still waiting for someone that gave birth to twins or triplet.

  19. Chai!!!! which kind sleep be dat in labour room. Congrats dear. To all Mama's in the house. We shall all reap the fruit of our labour in Jesus name

  20. Thank God for keeping everyone alive! I am next in line... All these nurses sha

  21. Poster two please don't go back to that hospital again!!
    The nurses and doctor were unfriendly please.
    Congrats to both of you.

  22. Stella, do you know I dreamt I was in a labour too much of LRD is affecting my dream. I dreamt that my hubby took me to the hospital, and when I was about getting a ward or whatever I felt the hand on my thigh,I shouted for help, a nurse said I should chill she wants to prepare my room,I should reamed at her the the baby is coming out she could not believe until when I pushed hard, love and behold the baby came out. When i sawthe baby I wasn't excited

    Please what kinda dream is that ,any Joseph who can interprete this dream?
    P.s I am TTC ,plus I didn't think of babies before I slept yesterday

  23. See me. Laughing for you o poster 2 thank God it end in praises,your baby bring you good luck and patience.


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