Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Doctors In House Section



Good day Stella and fellow bvs. I have been TTC for 6months, i have a regular 28days menstral cycle. I noticed on the 9th day of my cycle, I see a lot of those slippery discharge (ovulation discharge) and on the 14th day I see less slippery discharge but this time, its thicker than the one of day 9. 

My question now is going by this, when am I supposed to ovulate? Is it that I ovulate on the 9th and 14th day of my cycle? Thanks in anticipation.


  1. Go and buy an ovulation test kit!,..
    Everything they will bring here...

    1. Lol! Cos she isn't asking about having too many men in her life to reduce menstral pain.


    2. Please house where can one get 'Blackstrap Molasses'?
      An update will be highly appreciated.

    3. How much is it and how do i use it?

    4. Buy a digital thermometer and start charting your temperature. Read about temping. That's the surest way to know your ovulation day.
      I remember when I was ttc, I kept buying ovulation kits to no avail until the pharmacist advised to get a thermometer and temp. Best advice I ever got.

    5. anon12:27 I got mine on konga. it was about 7000 i think. I'm not so sure. you could also check Healthplus or any big pharmacy

  2. anything you notice it, please gbense, i was told in the hospital i ovulate seven days after my period, but i took time to notice i ovulate 4 to 3 days after my period and his working for me, so keep your body incheck, God will bless us all.

  3. T very slippery stuff is called fertile mucus. It's not the ovulation. Since you have a 28 days cycle it's even easier to know when you ovulate. 14days after your period is when you ovulate and 14 d after is menses.

    This doesn't mean you can't conceive if you have sex before you ovulate, cos the sperm can survive with the presence o that fertile mucus for about 3 days but for chances of a baby girl is higher. Ovulation is when that very slippery mucus stops.

    Also, be observant on the 13th or 14th day for a sharp pain on either sides of your abdomen that's your body trying to release egg. So you can meet with hubby after that pain or next day, cos the egg too can survive for abt 72hrs.

    I hope this helps.

    1. Nice , very nice. Your mum didn't raise a dymmy

    2. I don bookmark this post.

      I love your explanation

    3. I don bookmark this post.

      I love your explanation

    4. Thank you for ur clarification but the egg survive only 24hrs but sperm is viable for 72hrs after ejaculation, poster if u Desire a female child met ur husband around 11days after ur menses but if u desire a male child met with ur husband on the 14th & 15th day after ur menses, cos male sex chromosome is xy & female is xx the y chromosome is the fastest but dies easily but chromosome x is slow but last longer,

  4. If you want to get pregnant,u and your hubby should do missionary style daily for 30 days....non - stop!

    1. Is that the best position for ttc?

    2. No,i think doggy is d best cos sperm will drop closer to the cervix

  5. please doctors in the house come and lecture us o

  6. That slippery thingy is called cervical mucus. It's to notify a lady about her ovulation. Going by the fact that you have a 28 days cycle count 10 days after your period, by then you are in your fertile days, but on the 14th day you'd feel pain in your lower abdomen some mild some painful that minute is when you are ovulating if you make love then you'd get pregnant oh.

    1. I made love on that day and i was feeling pain below my abdomen and took postinor one will i still get pregnant? I have done my trad but yet to wed

    2. Uhm. Yes you could still get pregnant. But then it depends on the sperm cells of the man. If they are active that is if the mortality is on the high side then that post in or might not be effective. All the best.

    3. Anon:@ 12:30 my dear you are already married in the sight of God and Man, white wedding is just formality it's not even biblical, please if you're pregnant no fear ,

  7. Ovulation is suppose to be once in a month

  8. Pls what happens if you dont see any whitish discharge but, breast gets fuller? TTC too.

  9. hahahhaa the queen you are a case. People are learning everyday on this doctor issues

  10. U are about to see your period

  11. My cycle is more than 30days, TTC too, before I got married I knew when I was ovulating because I normally have this cramp, but since I got married I don't even know when i ovulate because I don't get the cramps again, my menstrual cycle is not regular again, this month 11th next month 23rd,my doctor said I shouldn't worry till December but e no gree me.

    Biko what should I do too?

    1. Mine is like that and I have a child after so many abortions . God is the giver of children

    2. I'd like you to go to a hospital. But from your message you are experiencing irregular menstral cycle. And one of the major causes of this is bacterial infection. You see a man is a long time carrier of bacterial infection but in the case of a woman she begins to experience signs like itchiness in the private part and Vaginal discharge( that whitish stuff Like Groundef egusi) some feel pain in their lower abdomen when they want to see their period. Now do note also that a case whereby a woman takes pills like Postinor or even abortions her period may alter it begins to be irregular. My dear you and your partner should visit a doctor so as to be treated. All the Best.

  12. Pls doctors come in and lecture us oo..I and dh ar on ttc for 3mths now tho we haven't gone to the hospital because Atleast I thought one should try for like 3 to 6mths before heading to the hospital. So this is my own question my period is 27days and I think I ovulate on day 9 and 10 because that's when I see the slippery mucus but on day 13 I do feel sm sharp pain around my pelvic area with some slippery mucus so pls docs in d house when do I ovulate? and what r my chances of getting pregnant soon. Tnks

  13. Ur fertile period starts eight days after ur period so the 14th day is not only ur fertile period

    1. For a 28days cycle 14th day is her actual ovulation day

  14. This is like a digression but pls docs in the house my menstrual pain since the last two months is out of the world I feel serious pain on my stomach and when I want to urinate for 3days' I will have to use hot water to press my tummy before I can be relieved.I do feel the pains mostly on my stomach and lower abdominal area that if I press my stomach it will be like am having indigestion from eating maize and apple ,do I visit a gynecologist? Do I go on my own to do some tests like hvs,ultrasound. Pls advice

    1. You have Urinary Tract Infection. Visit a Gynecologist but in the mean time eat more fruits like Watermelon, and pineapple. Then buy "Cranberry Juice or Powder" drink and you'd be relieved. In the meantime Visit a Gynecologist. All the best.

    2. @rowlandominic tnks I appreciate.

  15. Pls what can one take to stop morning sickness have taking ginger tea crackers biscuit black chocolate even ice cream for where no change at all pls advice me on what to take or do

    1. Everyone has his or her own body. But experiment on chewing bitter cola Aka orogbo and lick honey it could help. All the best.

  16. Babe when TTC there is no break period .have sex consistently and you will be preggy. Pls dont worry yourself oooo. I am worried when i see people who just got married in less than a year saying they are TTC. so relax your self and enjoy each other.

  17. Billings method... I didn't pay much attention to this while going for marriage classes but am sure catholics can relate to this and can help you out.

    1. My favourite course in midwifery class in holy rosary waterside sch of midwifery passed though is really confusing but is a sweet course.

  18. Ovulation is always 14days before the next period under normal circumstances,so for one who has a 28days cycle,ovulation occurs on day 14.... However,there are tendencies for you to experience the slippery (fertile mucus)mucus around the 8-10th day of your cycle and that shows your fertile period has begun this fertile period could last all the way to day 18(4days pre ovulation & 4days post ovulation).

    Immediately you notice this slippery mucus,please start having sex because,while the male sperm can survive for up to 5 days in normal cervical fluid conditions,the ovum does not last beyond 12-24 hours,hence there has to be sperm waiting for it or getting hooked up immediately it is released.
    So in a nutshell;

    You have a 28 days cycle,
    You experience the slippery mucus between the 8-10th days,
    Your fertile period extends from day 10-18 of your cycle,
    You ovulate on day 14 with sxs like elevated bbt,pain on a side of your waist which indicates which tube is releasing egg that month etc,
    The sperm can last for up to 5days while the egg lasts 12-24 hours after its release

    So have sex,sex and more sex once you notice the slippery mucus.

    Sorry,my long story is so that you'll understand all these jargons I've typed. Good luck.

  19. Pls is this blog only for girls? From the posts to the comments. I thinks its important I know!

    1. If you are a man and learn about ovulation, will it kill you ?

      Won't you be a husband oneday?

      Some of these doctors are they not male ?

      Smh for you

    2. This blog is for both men and women.

  20. When you see that slippery mucus,I take God beg you collect any how from oga. The thick mucus serves as an hindrance to the sperm motility. Get every woman an billings method book can't remember the author. Good luck.

  21. Just passing by

  22. P:s Body varies,while you get the slippery mucus on day 9,some women are still handling the sticky white infertile mucus and only get to see the sticky mucus between days 11-13 while they ovulate on 14th day. But your fertile days remain 4days before and 4days after ovulation.

  23. Day 14th ovulation is not 100% accurate, it's just an instance. It is very important to know and understand your cycle, it's not compulsory to ovulate on day 14. Buy an ovulation kit,and monitor your cycle, make sure you have sex whenever you notice the slippery,slimy discharge. I've seen people get pregnant only when they have sex during their period or even the 1st to 3rd day after their menses. We are all different, so, monitor your cycle and pray to God, he only gives children. All the best darlyn. Trust me, am a midwife. *sexy 9ja nurse*

    1. Aunty nurse,i think the appropriate way to say it is 14days before your next period. She wanted explanation,you just ended up confusing her.

      Poster...14days is not just an instance,it is a fact except in few circumstances. You ovulate 14days before your next period hence,
      28 days cycle- ovulation is day 14 under regular circumstances
      24 days cycle- ovulation is day 10
      30 " "- ovulation is day 16
      35 " "- ovulation is day 21 and so on. All things being equal

      If you wanna make a point,you take your time to explain and not just throwning midwifery in our faces. You say trust you,are you monga & dobbs or sadlers?

  24. There were lots of free apps you can download on your phone that can help track your ovulation and the days with high possibility of conceiving. My calender is good if you use Android phone, can get it from google store.

  25. Pls buy predicteovulation kit. Before the next person will snap the slippery discharge and send the picture

    1. 😂😂😃...We don't want pics. Abeg. Lol.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What has this gotten to do with ovulation....mtchew

  27. i learnt a lot from this today. thanks Doc in the House.

  28. What if u notice at times, the sperm been released by hubby pour out, though not always.

  29. Please house, am in need of TTC kit oh

  30. Pls use a calendar and diary to note your dates and symptoms then see a gynecologist after 3 months with your findings.

    Also take note of the foods you eat and the amount of stress/excercise you get around this period.


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