Stella Dimoko Apostle Johnson Suleman’s Source of Wealth Revealed !


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Apostle Johnson Suleman’s Source of Wealth Revealed !

As Liberia Crusade Records Massive Turnout

 When last week, at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium, Monrovia, Liberia, God's Oracle, Apostle Johnson Suleman, danced his way through to the podium, Liberians knew they were about to experience the hand of God like never before. 

This much they had anticipated when his coming to the country was earlier announced. The Liberia experience preceded the Lagos Raw Power crusade which came one week after and also witnessed a large turnout of God-seekers.
But, in Monrovia, it was a never-seen-before kind of audience, as the 25, 000-capacity stadium, was filled to the brim while the excess of 10, 000 settled for the open field.

This was the kind of crowd the Vice-President of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Boakai and the country’s police chief, Col. Gregory Coleman, confirmed they had never seen witness a church crusade.

And like he did during the Lagos crusade when he disregarded the heavy rain and was drenched to deliver God’s assignment, Suleman’s natural flexibility was once again put to test as he defied the scorching heat in Monrovia to heal and give in the name of Christ Jesus. The lame, the crippled, the demon possessed, the blind, the deaf and the dumb received healing. And he blessed some with cash gifts and many received deliverance and prosperity. 8 wheel chairs and 23 crutches were dropped by their bearers on the first night of the two-day crusade. While the crusade lasted, medical doctors who witnessed the hearings after prayers were simply amazed.

Meanwhile, not known to many, Apostle Suleman was already a successful businessman before he started the Omega Fire Ministry. He is the chairman of Hosanna Conglomerate, with vast interests in real estate, oil and gas, banking, transport, print and broadcast media and publishing both in Nigeria and America. He is also a great writer who has authored 52 inspirational books that are best sellers worldwide.

 While clearing doubts on the source of his amazing philanthropic life, Suleman said; “I give to people on instructions from God. The cash and cars I give to the less privileged, they are purchased with my personal money. I don’t take from the church purse because church money cannot even sustain me. I have 106 widows that are paid 20, 000 monthly since the past four years and are given half a bag of rice each every Thursday.

Reminded of his prophecy on a Nigerian Governor Ahmed El-Rufai, who had proposed an anti-preaching Bill earlier in the year, insisting pastors and churches must be licensed to preach, Suleman who is presently in America for a two-day crusade in Tulsa, Oklahoma, stated that the prophecy was still in force, noting that El-Rufai is alive because “he has not flouted God’s instruction by not going ahead with his proposed anti-Christian Bill.” “He dare not,” he warned.
At the Lagos crusade, the servant of God blessed a poor and hopeless woman with 1000 US Dollars and 200,000 naira cash. Hers was a moving story. Being homeless, the poor woman, with her little son took refuge with an old woman. 

She has been without a job and had to beg to feed herself and son. The token, according to Suleman, was to help her secure a decent living apartment, while he promised to give her more sufficient to start a business to sustain herself and son.

Also, during the week, Apostle Suleman blessed a brother and sister with $1,000 dollar each. The two had dropped out of school because they lost their mother. And he made a promise to assist with more to enable them further their education.

Two gentlemen also were blessed with two cars, a Toyota Camry and an Avensis. The beneficiaries, Mr. Oboh and Pastor Godspower, are committed members of the ministry.


  1. Good for him. Is churches not business ventures?
    That is why I love pastors. I must marry a pastor.

    1. 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯
      End time

  2. Carry go @ Apostle Suleiman..
    More oil upon your life..

  3. Great Man Of God. God Bless Your Good Heart Sir.

  4. God bless him more for his kind heart

  5. Good for him.. the world would be a better place if more people continue to give those that are in need.

  6. Wonderful.Is the ministry now plan B or his business? God bless you man of God and many open doors to your source of income.

  7. Wow. As long as u are doing good, whether for ur own selfish reasons or not, I'm ok

  8. May God bless the works of
    Your hands

  9. Ok, my brother likes him tho, funny enough he hardly believes in all these prophets thingy.

  10. God is indeed faithful. He is a man of the Spirit, may God continue to bless and enrich him.

  11. What source of wealth was revealed, Stella biko no kee me this early morning oh! That's my MOG,God is the source of his wealth o Jere, ride on sir, the Lord is your strength!

    1. When una no go read, just rush to comment.

    2. Who tell you say I no read before commenting, foolish anonymous! Stella psted it as if it was a reveal of something shady like using demonic power!(like he was called out for something demonic)!!!
      Why am I even explaining to you, mtcheew I do not owe you an explanation!!!

  12. Let the redeemed of the lord say so

  13. What is his source of wealth other than SATAN who happens to be the source of wealth of 95% of top Nigerian pastors?

    It's very easy to identify dirty money u know

    They should keep deceiving their gullible flocks sha who wants to be deceived

    1. Can u just crawl back to d hole u came out from to type this rubbish? Incomplete brain formation dey worry u. Mtschew!

    2. You are a fool. Why do you like bashing Christians and their faith?come to the north and see ur useless Muslims and imams practising sodomy up and down. In this same blog that u blast Christians is it not the Christians dat have been blessing u? Hungry imbecile with corn teeth and shalanga face. Shebi Stella (a Christian) gave u(a useless Muslim) a camera and a job. Yet u open ur Mohammedan mouth to insult. Ode oshi. Stella caution this idiotic fanatic, enough of his stupid hate comments. The fact that Christians ignore ur insults does not make ur stupid Mohammed better. With ur face like rejected burnt offering to Amadioha. I don't do this but I had to reply u today. Stella u have been seeing his comments and you haven't caution him, he rushes to comment whenever he sees post about pastor. Let him go to a musulumi blog to do his rubbish

    3. May JESUS Christ have mercy on your miserable soul !

    4. Even wit ur ugly voice during d Adele contest u stil fit com here to spill thrash bout xtians. Yu nid total deliverance. Ode

    5. Rejected burnt offering to Amadioha. Lol

    6. Corn teeth and. Shalanga face? Hahahahahahahaha.

      Eesah, go and jump inside lagoon o

  14. What is his source of wealth other than SATAN who happens to be the source of wealth of 95% of top Nigerian pastors?

    It's very easy to identify dirty money u know

    They should keep deceiving their gullible flocks sha who wants to be deceived

    1. But your Alfas or cleric don't worship satan right?

    2. Bloody muslim fanatic,u always say rubbish about pastors but ur terrorist brothers are good,ode

    3. Speak on Esan... it is common knowledge that almost all these top 'pastors' are Satan worshippers.
      Only the blind cannot see this.
      They will keep "blessing" people with dirty money and these people wonder why they never progress..

      May God give us all wisdom...especially those who worship other human beings like themselves.

  15. Hmmmm.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  16. Good of him. May God bless him

  17. I'm not interested. #Pastorpreneur

  18. He is the chairman of Hosanna Conglomerate, with vast interests in real estate, oil and gas, banking, transport, print and broadcast media and publishing both in Nigeria and America. pastor Suleiman made is money from the church. his wife that was a nursery school teacher in early breed then that her salary was not up-to #10k. Man of God should not lie all he has now he got from the ministry work. after much pressure on is always dad to convert he did wen money started rolling.

  19. more grease to his elbow hate
    meanwhile vote Stellalicious for NWAAWARD EG
    To vote send Nominee’s name and the category eg. Stella Dimo Korkus, Blogger of the year to . Voting ends on the 4 th of November 2016.

    1. See ya mumu life you no see better name na sansa stark?

      *hangs leg on the cupboard*

    2. What's wrong with using Sansa stark? I guess you are pained you didn't think of it first

  20. Na Reuben Abati write this? Na question I dey ask o

    The man of God is good

  21. Apostle suleman jesus of our time going about doing good please if you read this blog all I ask for is money to feed fine because I've not had anything good thing to eat in the last one week and I'm battling with chronic ulcer.The drugs are finished but the most important to me now is feeding fine because I know God will always make a way.

    1. Do MMM and stop begging.

    2. Raise me the capital to do MMM and I'll be eternally grateful

  22. Which kind of marketing is this now? I just pity people.

  23. Abeg I want him to be my Blesser mbok. I don't care what people say bout him let him bless me with the money, I will make it clean no matter how dirty it is.

    *hangs leg on the cupboard*

  24. Nice advert. All these talks yet God wey dey bless in secret never talk him own o. Imagine the trumpet going off and angel Gab saying: fear not, for this is a public service announcement of God's many goodness.

  25. Poor people are always looking for miracles . They never get tired of idolizing MOGs who make money off their gullibility and ignorance!

  26. My dear stranger, I tire, if God talk even half of wetin hin dey do per second, Google go crash. Hossana conglomerate. It is well

  27. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    God for him....

  28. whether u think he s real or fake o datz ur fever. As for me, he s friend to the helpless... been an orphan, he made sure I finished school, I love u papa 247

  29. God bless you, sir. I pray I can help more people than you.

  30. Hosanna conglomerate? How many people knew it before ? How many know it now? Leave matter my people.

  31. Stella, leave matter. Conglomerate or church money, he's a helper and he helps people.



    Auchi people, leave Apostle Johnson alone abeg

  32. I hope other pastors will follow his footsteps by giving.. And minimise asking members to pay tithe every Sunday. They should endeavor to impact on the lives of their poor members.

  33. God sees our heart.
    Happy Birthday to Moi.

  34. Spirit commenter: you are right , I have a private ugly experience with him, not worth talking about, if no be God dey my side I for don die. So all this gullible people are there to be bought, used, etc etc and their money keep multiplying.

  35. The holy pastor I love .am pastor Collins,i celebrate u sir more grace

  36. Pastor Collins7 July 2022 at 10:02

    The holy pastor i love somuch I celebrate grace sir my God we continue to reward


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