Stella Dimoko Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's Take On The Role Of A Husband In Marriage


Friday, September 09, 2016

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's Take On The Role Of A Husband In Marriage


Topic: Who is a HUSBAND and what is His Role?

Husband does not mean the male partner in a marriage, husband means master.

The reason for most problems in Christian marriages is the fact that women refuses God’s definition of marriage and form theirs. They believe they are equal partners.

If most women had their fathers bold enough to talk to them, they will be very successful in their marriage and they will be very happy people. 

Most women have never been taught by their parents, their fathers particularly and that’s their biggest problem because they don’t know who a man is, they think he is another woman.

In marriage, you have the man who is the head of that union and because he’s the head of that union, its important to understand him. You think he’s the one that needs to understand his wife and that is where you are wrong. He will eventually but you have to know the type of man you are married to and his needs.

When you say you are marrying a man, you are coming under his authority. The Bible says, the man is the head of the woman (1 Corinthians 11:3) so when you marry him you come under his authority, you are not authority sharers even though you are both heirs to the kingdom of God.

When you decide not to subject yourself to that authority, you are a rebel and God is not going to accept what you are doing because you are not functioning correctly. 

Why did God make the woman?

Making woman was not God’s original plan because after God created Adam and before He made Eve, He said in Genesis 1:31 “Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good”. God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea. This is reality.

Genesis 2:18a “And the Lord God said “for it is not good for a man to be alone..” The Bible didn’t say “lonely” but “alone”. There is a big difference. Man wasn’t lonely but alone. Genesis 2:18b “…I will make him a help mate”. 

He didn’t say a partner or a supervisor or a special advisor or someone to tell him what to do.I will make him someone to help him. God gave man a responsibility so woman was made to help man achieve that responsibility. If this is understood in every home then you won’t have problems.

I tell people that you don’t need a marriage seminar, you need the Word Seminar. Let me tell you, no husband wants another mother, he has had one all his life. He doesn’t want an older sister, he probably had one.

Your secret is in obedience, your secret is in listening to your husband, your secret is in doing the things that please him. When you don’t do the things that please him, you take the role of a mother or of an older sister.

A man loves the one he serves (God) and the one that serves him (a good wife). 

He fights the one that wants to be at the same level with him (a rebellious wife).

To be happy in your family and home is the easiest thing in the world, just take your role. Take your place. That place that God gave you is a beautiful place. Its a place of peace. Its a place of love. It’s a place of excellence.

Every wise person listens to wise voices (advice) but he listens to a wise voice that is presented wisely.
Everyone rebels against the voice that is trying to make a fool out of him. When you want to correct your husband, don’t lord it over him,present it as a wise suggestion. Humble yourself and be smart.

A wise woman will always be an influence to her husband, the foolish one will always annoy the husband, make him mad, make him angry and when you make him angry, you will be the victim. 

Learn to listen to your husband, practice it, tell yourself that you are going to do it because that is where your beauty is.
Once you stop listening, your beauty evaporates. You wonder why you are dressing and he can’t see it, he doesn’t remember your last hair style. Beauty is in obedience. That’s where the Glory is.

#Excerpts from Pastor Chris' Teachings.

*Beautiful writeup!!!....BUT,what about the woman who submits and it still goes south?


  1. Stories that touch. This na Pastor soro uzo okwu and not my omume.

    1. Mtcheeeeeeew
      Y didn't his own marriage world?

    2. material girl noni9 September 2016 at 12:32

      I cannot read this long epistle far as de man is meant to pick up the bills and be faithful we will have no issues....but Woe betide any lazy muntula who will sit on his butt and expect me to pay his bills,the thunder weh go fire am dey come from Saudi Arabia with submission stops where ur provision and faithfulness stops.#imamaterialgirl #proudly Capricorn #testmetoyourchagrin#iowenoapologytoanymfk

    3. All you need is a little common sense. If you love your wife, respect her, listen to her opinions, make her feel good about herself etc. Why on earth won't she submit to you except she's a mad woman? The problem is not women or feminism, the problem is that most men treat their women like shit and expect submission in return. How can anyone be expected to submit to someone that is hurting them? Its about time our religious leaders start directing these epistles to men cos they are the problem. MOST WOMEN ARE SUBMISSIVE YET MARRIAGES ARE STILL PACKING UP. It's really not rocket science.

    4. I agree with his write up except this part:

      "God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea."

      Before the Lord created man, he said in Genesis 1:26-28
      [26] And God said, Let us make MAN in our image, after our likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
      [27] So God created MAN in his own image, in the image of God created HE HIM; male and female created he THEM.
      [28] And God blessed THEM, and God said unto them, Be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and SUBDUE it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

      So that brings to bear, who was God referring to as the THEM in Chapter 26.
      And we should note that he had not created man in Chapter 26, he created man in Chapter 27, after making that statement.

      And who was God telling to be fruitful,multiply,replenish and subdue?
      Was it only the male folk???

      Inasmuch as we try to state facts we shouldn't add to or subtract from the bible, so ad not to mislead our followers.

      So permit me to rephrase.

      "God made woman because of man, and woman is His original idea."
      As seen in Gen 1:26.

    5. Material girl noni comment really cracked me up. Some men can't even stand a dunce as a wife they want her partner. What works for A may not necessarily work for B.

  2. Pastor Chris is very right though... any woman that wants to be equal with her husband is in danger of hell fire.... Feminism is demonic... i am too holy to behold iniquity abeg!!

    1. Generational Error! How can you take knowing a man/woman and your different individual backgrounds seriously ONLY AFTER MARRIAGE and do not expect disaster at the end of the day whether/ not the marriage lasts, WILL STILL BE MISERABLE. *THAT'S EXACTLY AS SAYING ONE BE THROWN INTO AN OPERATION THEATER WITHOUT EVER GOING TO MEDICAL SCHOOL/KNOWING THE BASICS+CRUCIAL ASPECTS OF A VENTURE BEFORE SUCH AN IMPORTANT STEP and just run into marriage without indepth knowledge of your personalities and shared values??? ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! So even pastors really marry based on mere feelings and looks too? Hmmmn...NO WONDER! I REMEMBER SOME CHRISTIAN BROTHER CRIED WOLF BACK THEN THAT ONLY A MATTER OF TIME PASTOR OYAKHILOME'S MARRIAGE WILL "DEFINITELY" BREAK AS HE MADE SOME ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THEIR "FALSE MARRIAGE" *COULD this also be true at last, who is now a worthy example to follow esp. on marriage issues?

  3. Not interested abeg
    Husband this husband that.

    1. I'll gladly pass biko.Won't be taking Marriage counseling from a man who clearly couldn't make his own marriage work.

    2. Babe,I'm sick to my stomach with all the marriage talk. I'm so over it
      Will just be myself and not let anyone tell what to do or what not to especially when they failed in that aspect.

    3. Say it, sister Sassy!
      He lost all credibility when that happened!

    4. He is only making excused and placing the blame for his marriage failure on his all I see here. She was not submissive..blah blah. Abeg,it concer n him. My husband knows that I don't have strength for plenty eye service in marriage and he accepts me Luke that.

  4. dis is an old teaching oh...whoever is posted dis is juss looking to stir up trouble....nice message my mentor sir...ride up

    1. I agree with his write up except this part:

      "God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea."

      Before the Lord created man, he said in Genesis 1:26-28
      [26] And God said, Let us make MAN in our image, after our likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
      [27] So God created MAN in his own image, in the image of God created HE HIM; male and female created he THEM.
      [28] And God blessed THEM, and God said unto them, Be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and SUBDUE it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

      So that brings to bear, who was God referring to as the THEM in Chapter 26.
      And we should note that he had not created man in Chapter 26, he created man in Chapter 27, after making that statement.

      And who was God telling to be fruitful,multiply,replenish and subdue?
      Was it only the male folk???

      Inasmuch as we try to state facts we shouldn't add to or subtract from the bible, so ad not to mislead our followers.

      So permit me to rephrase.

      "God made woman because of man, and woman is His original idea."
      As seen in Gen 1:26.

    2. Thank you God bless u. Is high time our pastors start talking to our male folks to learn how to love their wives cos if u love your wife u won't cheat on her nor treat her like shit. So dt preaching is null & void 4 me. They keep on confusing d role of men in d family/marriage dis create more divorced home dly.

  5. My Goodness thank you pastor for this!!!
    This feminist crap is destroying the world, that's how one Nigerian guy I had a dinner with, was insisting I come visit him, I told him to book my flight, he says do we split the bills? I was like huh?? I just left the dinner and took a cab straight home!!
    The moment you as a man start depending on a woman to share bill you loss your respect and dignity as a man!kapish!
    Call me old fashion but I love my man being the head!! nothing less.

    1. Kerry u ain't old fashion jare! I'm behind u.

    2. Ur name clearly suggests u are a Nigerian, Igbo. So why the need to qualify the guy u had dinner with with the nationality? Hian. ur grammar though......

    3. Why will he pick up all the bills,is he your Father? Nobody wants a liability abeg,especially not in this present economic meltdown.

    4. So you hate feminist cos you are broke and need a man to feed you? This is the west century. Don't be a liability.

    5. After marriage some men move into the wife's apartment, why would you want her to treat you as the head?

    6. Sorry sweetie I said Nigerian because I have opportunities of meeting with different nationalities because I am half Portuguese, and am surprised a Nigerian wanted me to split the bill like wtf?? Why should I? Your the man handle that shit or get lost!

    7. What's your email @kerry

  6. He is talking to his Wife(ex)

  7. Feminism was created by old bitter gwegs and advocated by lazy broke men.

    1. You are very myopic in your thinking.You are clearly one of those who have a misconception in what feminism is all about.We have never disputed the fact that the man is the head.We just want y'all to acknowledge the woman is the neck and without it the head won't move.
      Feminism is not about being equal with men,but having equal rights and opportunities.Capiche???

    2. You do not read.
      If not for feminism, women would not be allowed to vote.
      If not for feminism, women would not be allowed into the military or workforce.
      If not for feminism, birth control would not exist.
      It was feminists who started the Girl Child Education campaign. If not, women wouldn't have been educated.
      If not for feminism, you would've been an illiterate housewife in a village somewhere with 8 children
      I hate dumb, ungrateful bitches like you who enjoy the benefits of feminism yet will sit somewhere and bash feminism. Learn to read so you stop sounding like a fool, OK?

    3. Anon 11; 51 Thank you dear! They will not read. That's why children of today are so ignorant.
      @KerryOkoye Do you know how many feminists died so you could vote? Feminists died campaigning so you could go to school and be somebody. Its chauvinists like this ugly bleached Pastor Chris who fought against women going to school, claiming "different roles." What different roles, biko? Its just an excuse to oppress women

    4. Madam kerry okoye, you need to read up and have a deep insight on a subject matter before you open your mouth and talk about it.
      This is so pathetic!

    5. And on this teaching, I gladly concur!!!
      If you want a practical example, learn from Bishop Oyedepo's marriage, Pastor Faith Oyedepo is a clear example of a sub missive wife irrespective of her status and al, she is always staying under the authority of her husband! Her home is a blessing today!

    6. Please don't mix feminism with marital roles. Being a feminist doesnt mean you get to be rude to your husband or refuse your duties as a wife, it means a woman should mot be cheated just because she's a woman. For instance, a woman shouldn't be told she cant vote, cant get an apartment of her choice, cant be given promotions when due at work, cant inherit anything from her father when he passes, etc just because she's a woman.

    7. @MrsB pls stop wasting your saliva.What she is looking for is a sugar dadddy that will provide for her all her life.

    8. The vampires have all poured out- typically to ventilate their ill-bred feminist inclinations at Kerry. Kerry, you're 100% right. The devil just propounded a struggle for them in order to subvert God's word. All ye feminists, take it or leave it, if you claim to be a Christian, you can never be equals with a man. You know it deep inside your muddled hearts.

    9. Blunt & co, Christianity is ONLY TRUE when we seek to follow Christ "Who Himself said, NOW THERE'S NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE IN CHRIST" so who is a suppressor of Truth & oppressor of women's souls NOT Chris BUT you!

  8. "When you say you are marrying a man, you are coming under his authority "
    Well said @pastor Chris.

    No one needs to beg any woman to be not to be stubborn or not to challenge her husband, Na she go endure the unhappiness, the beatings and the Cheating from her Dh due to her behavior.

    1. You know the marital institution was put in place by God himself, so I really don't get it, when a woman starts becoming unruly the next thing that comes to the mind of the husband (who is supposed to be following Christ's example) is CHEATING.
      Is that what your Bible teaches you to hit and cheat on a woman, that's supposed under your care and protection?
      Where does your role as the Spiritual leader in the home come in?
      We need to go back to the foundation in order to get things right.

  9. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm not a fan of his but I agree with certain points raised. And as for those who submit and still have issues with their husbands, then those husbands are the ones who don't know what their defined roles as husbands are.

  10. I have been waiting for Stella to post this,I actually thought she wouldn't,let me come and read the comments of my fellow BVS.*carry chair and sits*

  11. If you are a rude and stubborn girl, make sure you marry a very weak, spineless man that has no say of his own. If not, your second name na sorry.

  12. Bla bla bla...
    He is a divorcee, he already failed in that department so he has lost the right to this kind of topic. He is trying to tell us the wives' roles, what about his own role as a man. Ndi uka ogwugwu oge

    1. There is no way a woman will not submit to a man that really loves her, because his love for her will show in all his actions towards her. It becomes so easy, a piece of cake to submit happily to such a man. I have seen men who not only treat their wives like slaves, but like animals. Some will break the woman and empty her so much that she begins to function like a subhuman, a robot, definitely 'no' cannot be in her dictionary. She just waits for his command and has no strength left to even leave. If refusing to take bulshit and abuse makes me a feminist, then I am very ok being one. Even if one is not loved by a man, one should be able to love one's self.

  13. Stella, the answer to your question is that it is always wise to marry a real Christian and a God fearing hubby for a peaceful home.

  14. I'll pass mbok!

  15. That same verse (1 corinthians 11:3) also said the man is under the authority of God. Why didn't he mention that? And then he says, God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea. This is reality. Can you just imagine? Umunwanyi atago shit

    1. Pastor,I hear you oh but wait!!
      Didn't GOD say men should love their wives?
      Do you know the definition of love?
      Lets check 1 corthians 13
      Love is kind,patient,isn't happy with evil,humble and meek,doesn't seek it's own (selfless)and most importantly ass LOVE FORGIVES ALL WRONG.
      so sir,my point is this;when you a man LOVES his wife ,he wouldn't notice his wife's faults and 95 percent of wives must surely respect and adore a man that loves them.
      Remember that Christ LOVED the Church first by dying for her sins and we the church (all Christians) in turn obeys him(CHRIST)


    2. Always read with understanding! Dont just rush to comment like ur life depends on it! Was he talking abt God- man relationship? Dat is y most of u fail exams!

    3. With your type of mentality, unu ga-eri nsi afo osisa very soon. I sigo from i gote utaba bazia n'ime afia

    4. Anony 11:38, why you dey vex? Was man not admonished in the Bible to love his wife as Christ loves the Church? So Omo, na you fail the exam.

    5. A man who doesn't love God can NEVER love anybody ooo...not even himself that's why men easily "chook" their "thing" anywhere, anyhow without any (deep) feelings at all!

  16. 21st century women hate to hear the sermon that says "Women should be submissive to their husbands".......but same women will be quick to quote "Men should Love their wives".

    If you believe the latter why reject the former? Both comes from same scripture.

  17. I totally disagree to the chauvinistic manner in which the write up was written
    Are women placed in this world only to be servants of mem,hiss thank God he has daughters

    I see this as a reply of y he and Anita broke up,his message is for her,it was as if he was just talking to her.

    1. @Ziona i agree with you and grateful that i am married to a man who sees and treat me as equal...... this writeup is rubbish

    2. Exactly how it felt. But I feel it was in his hands to save his marriage. Anyway, his business, but he should remember he is an example to his followers in the body of Christ and as a good shepherd he is to love and guide the sheep, not lead them astray.

    3. Mike Ezuruonye in one of his movies said "I don't know what is wrong with women, they don't like hearing truth, they don't like hearing lie". You're very entitled to your chauvinistic tagging of the message but facts and reality remain the same. You can't join the household of a man & expect to lord over him or be "equals" with him. On the other hand, the man shouldn't squish the woman because he has authority over her

    4. This massage has been long, so he was not replying his wife my dears

  18. Hmmmm!
    Hope this post won't go south.....

  19. "Beauty is in Obedience. That's where the glory "
    I hope all the unhappily married married women, the Chronicle senders that always tell us that they beautiful, sexy,People outside compliment me bla bla bla, are reading this.

  20. It is clearly stated in the holy bible that wives should be submisive to their husband's but doesn't mean being enslaved.

  21. Hmmmn I will really really pass
    Am saying nofin

  22. If someone like pastor E.A said this, I would applaud, but coming from a divorcee, naaaa, I agree but I won't listen to it from his mouth cos it looks like he failed in that department.

    1. Lol.. Looks like he failed or failed ?

  23. This jery curl man that call himself a pastor should go and seat down somewhere.
    I was waiting for a robust response from him, after being accused of committing multiple adultery with all the yellow sisi in the different branches and abandoning his estranged wife.
    Good one Anita left his cheating ass, she freed herself from her slave master. This man made Anita a laughing stock, they formulated bogus lies on her head,

    And all you women (especially believers love world members)supporting Pastor Chris against Anita, i pray you do not experience what she pass through when she was with her slave master.

    His Church members has also learn to lie, they were spreading rumours that Chris and Anita were back together until Anita sent a direct message to debunk it; and now he's spilling rubbish.

    I am submissive to my husband because my marriage is built on the foundation of Christ. But my husband loves and respect me too. He will not wait for me to serve him and clear the table after eating, he will never force me to do anything against my wish. He knows his responsibilities and he will not wait for me to remind him, why won't i be submissive to him?

    1. Mrs. Romans, I just love your last paragraph.

      Men be saying submit, submit upandan.
      If you first love your wife, why wouldn't she automatically submit without your asking her to?

      Submitting to a good man, is very empowering o. You go just know where im 'mumu button' dey. But that's if he makes it worth your while to submit. You can't be treating a woman like trash and expecting her to submit.


    2. Thank God for you Mrs. Roma's and may God continue to keep your home.

    3. Don't mind the man jor... He will wake up from his sleep very soon and ask God for Forgiveness.. I pity those he is misleading .

  24. Abegi!

    Make we hear word fa!

    Just tell us that you're subbing ex- missus, hinting us about what might have gone wrong, that's if it's not your fault sef.

    Submission, submission, blah blah blah! They've taken the word out of context. Ehn, God wouldn't have made woman, but then, He did.
    What is this man trying to say sef?
    That women are not important as men, seeing as they're an afterthought?

    I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights in the society. But in the home front, the man is always the head, granted. Even if the woman is a CEO of ten companies, she drops the air of a boss, at the front door.
    About this servant this, servant that, I don't get it. The both of you are partners. You help each other.
    Seriously, he should miss me with the tone of this his writeup abi na sermon.
    Making it look like women should be relegated to the background. No, we refuse to be.


  25. Pastor Chris you are a F.O.O.L.
    Where do you get the authority and boldness to demean and degrade women like this? God have mercy. You spoke absolute crap. Man is master, woman obey ur husbands blah blah blah. How about speaking to the men? Men treat ur wives right. Men work hard to take care of ur families. Men stop putting ur penis in different holes. Idiot. I guess the IMF chair, Angela Merkel and Hilary Clinton and their husbands are aliens. Idiat


    1. God bless u a million times!!anon 11:10 I can't believe thisis coming from a pastor

    2. Lol.. I can't laugh enough.. What do u expect from him ? Making a woman wasn't God's original plan.. Am sure God discussed creation with him before creating the world.. Men with small minds wants to interpret a big God.. Too bad.

    3. Which rat hole did you creep out from?

    4. @anon 11:10, Calling him a FOOL and idiot was uncalled-for, totally un-necessary the fact that his marriage failed doesn't make him a failure. Just get the message he is passing across.

      PS: am not his fan

    5. But the message is foolish too!

    6. Anons 13.14 u no go kill with laugh no bi small God discuss creating women with pastor Chris. Lolzzz

  26. Pastor Chris Oyakhilokme is Gay. QED

  27. This is rubbish! He failed in his duty as a husband that was why he came up with this useless and senseless write-up to justify his messy divorce and promiscuity. There are pastors I don't listen to even in my dreams and he is one of them.

    1. Lol.. Me too.. Can't stand him for a minute .. His fake ascent is even irritating coupled with a failed marriage. He should hide himself from the public

  28. I love this teaching and I hope to make my marriage beautiful by pretending it's okay instead go to Jehovah in prayers. However I do not like "women not in God's original plan" errm why then in the beginning he made them male n female animals to reproduce!! God had reproduction in mind when he made the universe. Are you saying Chris that Homosexuality was the original plan?? The way some interpret Gods words to fit their predicament is amazing.

    1. My dear i tire ooo.
      He needs to appologies to God for that.

    2. Its that line tht just blanks my imagination "woman not God's origional plan"....I tire

  29. @brown sugar; did u read d write up atall? Some of u will just comment without reasoning! Was he talking abt man relationship with God? Hez talking abt marriage; a union BTW a man n a woman!

    1. You really need to do your research. You sound like a bigot.

    2. You are very stupid teespice

    3. Bloody morafucker with tigernut sized brain

  30. Gbam!!! pastor couldn't have said it better all this yeye rude and arrogant runs girls calling them sef career women who knows their rights that will come here to spew trash bout how he has a failed marriage should listen and heed to the word.
    Be submissive women, thats all that is required of you. You are not partners or a supervisor but a wife.
    I wish i could drum it into their head.

    *Hangs leg on the window*

    1. Even this one wey dey hang leg sef dey talk. Just pray you marry a good man or you will eat your words.

  31. This message is more dan 2 years ago, no na.

  32. Pastor indeed. No wonder your marriage fell apart.

  33. His ex wife must have really suffered.

  34. This is what a woman should be, for men who have such wives and still can't appreciate them, there are scriptures and many sermon for them.. Truth is SUBMISSION is a man's greatest need. Whether or not you earn more than your man, be submissive

  35. Hosea 2: 16
    "In that day, declares the Lord, you will no longer call me master, you will call me "my husband.".
    Ephesians 5: 21
    Therefore submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
    Galatians 3; 28
    There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor master, nor is there male or female. For we are all one in Christ."
    These are at least 3 Bible verses that prove Pastor Chris is wrong.

    1. Your head dey dia....people only read the portion of the bible that suits them.

  36. @Ziona you said it all. May God give us understanding through the Holy Spirit for the word. I shudder @ how we, conveniently twist God's words to suit our selfish desires. Shalom

  37. When he can put his home intact then i'l listen.

  38. 000Ooooh how i wish there was like button. *1 million like for anonymous 11:51 comment * Yes am a Feminist. Love and respect go hand and in hand. It is easy for someone to submit easily when the other person respect you. Even when there are issues it is easily reconcile because there is love. When you love a person or show love to people, you wont want to hurt them and they in turn respect. They say respect is reciprocal.

  39. You all need to do a thorough study on the words submission, partner and love. After that, fuse your new understanding of them together before opening your mouth to blab. When the love is there, both partnership and submission fuse into one beautiful dance. But when the love is not there, partnership becomes a warfare and submission becomes slavery. My wife and I are partners - that's not going to change, yet she submits to me and I respond to her submission with mutual care and respect. Submission is not slavery... immature women see it so and immature men takes it as slavery. The very act of sex implies submission, observe it and learn from it. People who understand the art of love, partnership and submission have the best marriage today i.e The Adeboyes (whether you will tell mama Adeboye not to submit to Papa Adeboye ni, you'll tell me), people who don't, argue and are single parents today. Choose your side

    1. Do you live with the Adeboyes to know they have a good marriage or you're assuming the best?

  40. Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeew... More like someone trying to defend his failure.... Marriage is for better and for worse ..

  41. I am a member of Christ embassy but the main thing one should follow is the bible, members get carried away by just the name pastor, yes a wife should be submissive but why are you reading out her roles, what about the same bible that says you should love your wife unconditionally, that means no matter what is said or done to her to make you dislike her, you should love your wife. I don't understand why the church will post a husband to lagos and post wife to kafanchan, it is wrong. What happens when you are home and you need to make love to your spouse. I like my church pastor, everywhere they post him, he carries his wife.

    1. Same with my pastor oo, she dey follow hubby bumper to bumper. She said to me my daughter I no fit oo, cnt liv miles away frm hubby

  42. Hehehhehehehe

    Reverse-Psychology Things!

    Errrrr "Pasta" Chris,I see what u tried to do. Kikikikiki😂

  43. What rubbish is this man saying
    This should not come from him
    He obviously failed in that department

  44. I agree with his write up except this part:

    "God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea."

    Before the Lord created man, he said in Genesis 1:26-28
    [26] And God said, Let us make MAN in our image, after our likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    [27] So God created MAN in his own image, in the image of God created HE HIM; male and female created he THEM.
    [28] And God blessed THEM, and God said unto them, Be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and SUBDUE it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    So that brings to bear, who was God referring to as the THEM in Chapter 26.
    And we should note that he had not created man in Chapter 26, he created man in Chapter 27, after making that statement.

    And who was God telling to be fruitful,multiply,replenish and subdue?
    Was it only the male folk???

    Inasmuch as we try to state facts we shouldn't add to or subtract from the bible, so ad not to mislead our followers.

    So permit me to rephrase.

    "God made woman because of man, and woman is His original idea."
    As seen in Gen 1:26.

  45. I agree with his write up except this part:

    "God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea."

    Before the Lord created man, he said in Genesis 1:26-28
    [26] And God said, Let us make MAN in our image, after our likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    [27] So God created MAN in his own image, in the image of God created HE HIM; male and female created he THEM.
    [28] And God blessed THEM, and God said unto them, Be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and SUBDUE it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    So that brings to bear, who was God referring to as the THEM in Chapter 26.
    And we should note that he had not created man in Chapter 26, he created man in Chapter 27, after making that statement.

    And who was God telling to be fruitful,multiply,replenish and subdue?
    Was it only the male folk???

    Inasmuch as we try to state facts we shouldn't add to or subtract from the bible, so ad not to mislead our followers.

    So permit me to rephrase.

    "God made woman because of man, and woman is His original idea."
    As seen in Gen 1:26.

  46. An unbeliever is getting married and wants submission from his wife, when he isn't ready to love his wife like Christ love the Church.
    Note: Submission is unconditional, the same thing goes for Love from the man's angle it's unconditional too.
    That's where the need for us to patiently seek out our spouse.
    Cos the marital journey is not a fun trip.

    1. Does the woman also love the man or is it a 1-way thing, I'll submit to you while you love me?

  47. The Man said it right,women of today may oppose,but it's the simple truth.

  48. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars10 September 2016 at 01:06

    @mrs Romans, 1000 likes for your comment. Lets be friends. Hahaha!

  49. Ephesians 5:22-25...New International Version (NIV)

    22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

    25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

    This passage in the bible is very clear on what role each party - husband and wife - should play within the marriage.

    In a marriage, a wife is meant to submit to her husband and the husband is meant to love his wife and make sacrifices for her. If you look closely, there is no pre-condition set for either individual. The husband need not wait for his wife to submit before he loves her. The wife also does not need to wait for her husband to love her before she submits to him and treats him as her head. This is the way a marriage was meant to work. It is the way it was designed to work.

    Besides her husband, a woman is not required to submit to someone else's husband " the Lord". She is meant to submit to her husband in "everything". This requirement is only within the confines of a marriage.

    Similarly, a man is not required to love another man's wife "just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her". He is required to love his wife "just as Christ loved the church" a marriage.

    Where either an husband or a wife or a couple (jointly) fails to follow these instructions in the bible, they are disbeying God and would bear the consequencies of doing so.

    For those who believe that these teachings are old school, they should also remember that marriage is very old school. What is new school is to have sex outside of marriage like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie did for years - as live-in partners.

    Therefore, Christian men and women have a choice to either be in a marriage and do what the bible says or stay out of marriage. There is no need to be in a marriage and expect it to work while ignoring these instructions.


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