Stella Dimoko Noble Igwe Says Buhari Over GEJ Anytime


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Noble Igwe Says Buhari Over GEJ Anytime

This is one man's point of view...Noble is moving on to another Controversy after his #Wifenotcook

Our forefather's postulated that ''One man's meat is another man's poison''

*Noble Noble...How Tee shirt Market?


  1. Replies
    1. thhis one is jobless na,noble dat hhis wife pays d bill, he doesn't ve koobo,very broke ass,goldigger.

    2. Empty vessel, short put.

    3. The guy makes plenty sense. We really forget so soon. Always quick to complain like the Isrealites in the bible. GEJ ko GEJ ni! The man that was tagged by these same complainants as "the clueless president " "dumb" "fool". Me sha no say i no dey curse person. Would rather pray 4 the country rather than throw insults

  2. Replies
    1. The guy is a fool naa ...Who no no? A man house help?? Agbaya! Woman wrapper. Always speaking through his anus!

    2. Iyi to po lo ma gba. Ori e pe baje
      ,kin se awon alaimokankan.

  3. Owk o. Your wife should prepare us something to mark ya happiness.

  4. Tee shirt market Don crash, even his by force best friends didn't buy.

    1. This is not rocket science.

      It is the rainy season!

      Light was bad, is bad and might continue to be bad.

    2. Na Noble the morning sickness dey worry pass. Sighted them at a mother and child hospital.

      Noble I'm with you on this. BUHARI over GEJ 👍

    3. Very stupid dwarf!! Always looking for cheap publicity.

    4. Bipolar!! Rainy or snowy, there was no light in Jonathan's time. Rain didnt fall during Jonathans time. And it must be raining in your dream. Cos i hearno rains

  5. Wetin you dey find for dia hand?You celebrities usually come up with your not well articulate speeches wheneever you want something from the government in power.....Please take a seat Noble....mtcheew

    1. Noble is not a celebrity.. he is a celebrity Husband

  6. Correct guy. You are making sense.

  7. Short broke ass nigga
    No one cares you vote or not
    And why won't you idiots ever leave GEJ'S name outta your dirty mouths?

    See this one that his wife feeds too is talking
    Go cut off that dirty beard of yours before talking next time.

    1. GEJ was a scam whether we believe it or not. He did nothing! He became the president by chance, he was not prepared. Hence, he lacked vision.
      And I wonder why people praise him for conceding defit. Does he have choice?! It's high time we changed our attitude, we need to stop voting people into power because of sentiments. It's Just in this part of the world that people elect their leaders based on ethnic sentiment and religious bigotry and not necessarily what an individual can do based on competence.
      Whatever mess we are currently facing now was brought upon us by the previous administration of which PMB is still struggling to fix. I believe this country shall bounce back again but before then, we must pay for the wrong choices we've made in the past.....and for that reason the suffering continues until me must have learnt to vote with objectivity.

    2. You guys are educated now. Education should make you reason. How can Noble be broke,Do you know he owns 360 He is a payporte ambassador and also caspers and gambini.what about the advert he did for airtel trybe? It's free abi.What I hate most about this my generation is that not only do we all look alike(thanks to heavy mua mua),we are starting to sound alike.(follow follow)

    3. @Ene, you get mouth die. Been reading most of their dumb comments, not bothering to reply, then a sensible one popped and I think you deserve a million applause.

    4. Paraon7ven you'be spoken well.God bless you. Its been a while, you welcome back.

    5. Who be this Ene. You get bad mouth die true true, I concur with anon 17:33
      Leading follow follow clowns is Mgbeke Owerri. Madam without Portfolio. Thank you for coming to the blog

    6. Ene, leave them. Broke, short and ugly but he's ok. At least, he's not begging for food

  8. This guy is obviously retarded! U think bomb(s) don't explode in the northern region till date, nigga u need to get your head checked! At least during GEJ's time, the economy was stable and the common man could survive with their meagre allowance, can we say the same for now. Abeg shift one side, stop the comparisons,I just freaking need a government that has the interest of the masses, that's all.. whether apc or pdp!!!

    Just so you know, u won't still be recognised by the government after publicly declaring your stupidity!

    1. Well said Lauretta!

    2. The rate of bomb blast has drastically reduced compared to the era of GEJ. Just like he said, there was a time it happened every weekend in Yobe, Adamawa, Borno, even Kano, Bauchi, Niger and Abuja. How many have you heard of at least in the last 3-5 months killing hundresds of people?
      GEJ and PMB may not be the best options we have but PMB is certainly a better option than GEJ any day any time.

    3. Breaking news at at last night
      1)14 airlines closed business with Nigeria
      2)Blue chip companies lose $15.4b dollars in one year
      3)Skye Bank finally liquidated by CBN

      Noble Igwe I know you are reading this. Have you withdrawn your money from Skye?
      Buhari my flatass.

    4. If you know the real problem of skye bank you won't attribute it to this government. Unfortunately they could not cover their track, same with arik air.

    5. Mumu Lafresh the other 2 points from anon nko? They are enough. Shut up please

  9. Notice me, who ask you, abeg focus on your marriage 💑, or is ur home 🏠 that boring.

  10. Replies
    1. You know what's up my niqqarette.

    2. Before nko as an Aboki Hausa nau.

    3. If you aren't supporting i'll b disappointed
      Your name alone rep them

  11. His last tweet is the koko! The speed of things is offensive. But in all, Jonathan was a complete screw up. Even Bayelsans (the ones living there o) are not too pleased with him.
    It's unfortunate that Buhari is gradually starting to do some things like Jonathan. The sooner he reevaluates himself, the better. If not, them go impeach am and rain no go fall.

  12. Mumu. E go soon catch am.

    1. The number of people killed within 6 months of Buhari = 4 years of GEJ. Check your facts. Boko Haram decimated the people.
      -Bombs explode once a month but herdsmen kill daily.
      -children dying in IDP camps. Not Buhari's fault? Why cant he fight kwaerruption of his ppl embezzling food?
      -people now steal pots of stew from fire.
      -military now kill civilians. Check Bokkos community. Check shiite mass murder, Aba military murder.
      -Nepotism on the rise
      -Militancy caused by utterances of Bubu. Now ppl are asking for Naijaexit.
      -tribal sentiments on d rise.
      -Killing of xtians in the north.
      -Bag of rice 21,000, smallest indomie 50 naira. No 2 market days are d same. Hyper inflation.
      -Agriculture on the low. Go price ugwu for market.
      -hunger killing people.
      -Importation low. Exportation dead. Manufacturing buried
      -airlines have left d country never to return
      -GDP has fallen. SA don overtake us.
      -Petrol price doubled and likely to tripple
      -Cost of doing business on d rise. Ppl are packing up.
      -Do blogs still share money? Even our IHN don suffer.
      -Jobs scarcer than minerals.
      -Naira rated as the 3rd worst currency in d world. Worst in Africa(monumental achievement)
      -Security at its lowest. Robbery is an everyday thing lately.
      -Go and price phone In computer village
      -Noble, pls, I want to be ur neighbour. Where is the light oh?
      -Eateries sef, low business. Shopryte, fewer people. Where are people? In immigration office and embassies, trying 2 run
      -Powerbanks selling, selling...
      -Expression Attachment even wan run.
      -CBN declares recession and almost weep that they dont know what is happening.
      -Fight against corruption selective and inconclusive. Even if u catch dem, they'll still appeal and spend 5 more years. Oga Dambazzau n co nko? Budget padding about to be swept under d rug.
      Noble igwe was struggling to find what to say is good. I don list reach 20 still wan type more. Hian. If u have a good husband, u wont be struggling to find his good quality.

    2. Under GEJ
      *CNN Money projected that the fastest growing economy in the world in 2015 will be China (7.3% growth); followed by Qatar (7.1%) and then followed by Nigeria (7%). this attests to the astute management of the economy by the Jonathan administration under the ministerial assistance of the world renown economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Igbo). This exceptionally astute technocrat had earlier worked hard to pay Nigeria's $30 billion dollar external debt to the London-Paris club of creditors. This money was squandered by the Hausa-Fulani-Yoruba political, military and business class who ruled Nigeria in 50 years. The payment sum which was part of the amount owed came from Oil proceeds from Biafraland.

      * Nigeria's Gross domestic Product ranked the nation's economy 1st in Africa and 26th globally; from 3rd and 46th respectively. National Bureau of Statistics reported that Nigeria’s GDP in 2013 rose to $503bn or 307bn pounds nearly double previous estimate and well ahead of South Africa at around $350bn. The economy became more widely diversified than before.

      * Foreign Direct Investment were boosted from US$24.9 million as at 2007 to over US$ 35 billion by 2014 and virtually all quoted companies doubled in size, assets and profit.

      * Jonathan's administration rendered over 25,000 kilometers of federal road motorable from barely 5,000 Kilometers as at 2011.

      * Began work on second Niger bridge and Loko-Oweto bridge over river Benue.

      * Nigerian railways was resuscitated from a 30-years old coma with over 3, 500 kilometers of lines operational. Kano to Portharcourt railine was a prominent one. Former President Shehu Shagari said, “my 27 years old grandson entered the train for the first time in Nigeria in 2014.”

      * 22 airports remodeled to meet International standards and five International ones namely Lagos, Abuja, Portharcourt, Kano and Enugu.

    3. * Agricultural transformation agenda made it possible to now export Cassava and increasingly attain 60% self-sufficiency in Rice production.

      * The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations voted Nigeria the largest producer of Cassava in the world..

      *Jonathan’s administration built six strategically-located perishable cargo airports in Ilorin, Jalingo, Jos, Lagos, Makurdi and Yola in close proximity to Nigeria's food baskets.

      * Under Jonathan's administration Agriculture accounted for 22% of Nigeria's GDP, more than Oil and Gas which only account for 15.9 percent. Nigeria recorded more than 50% reduction in food imports. Prior to his Presidency, we had a food import bill of 1.4 trillion naira but his policies reduced it to less than N700 billion.

      * rehabilitation of 19 dams and construction of 14 irrigation projects - millions of Nigerian farmers are engaging in all season farming across the country except Boko Haram disturbed areas

      * Jonathan’s administration resuscitated the Warri and Portharcourt Refineries that were deliberated left to rust and pine by preceding administrations.

      * Power generation went up from some 2,000 megawatts in 2011 to some 5,000 megawatts in 2014. More independent power plants commission. Nevertheless there was sabotage by blowing up underwater gas pipelines in then APC controlled states - Lagos and Rivers states.

      * Jonathan administration established 14 new universities and 150 almajiri schools in 13 northern states.

      * Under Jonathan administration there had been a 10 million increase in school enrollment in Nigeria. He increased Education budget from 7% to 18% for the first time in Nigeria. 7,000 lecturers were given Post Graduate Scholarship at home and abroad; 50 polytechnic laboratories rehabilitated along with some in Universities and departments upgraded and equipped.

      * People-oriented projects under the Subsidy Re-Investment and Empowerment Programme (SURE - P) which helped create 1.6 million Jobs in 2013.

      *CNN Money projected that the fastest growing economy in the world in 2015 will be China (7.3% growth); followed by Qatar (7.1%) and then followed by Nigeria (7%). this attests to the astute management of the economy by the Jonathan administration under the ministerial assistance of the world renown economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

    4. * Nigeria became the 23rd largest economy in the world overtaken European countries like Belgium and Austria.

      * In 2010 when Jonathan was acting president, life expectancy in Nigeria was 47 years but by 2015 it was 54 years, an improvement of seven years.

      * Maternal Mortality ratio in Nigeria was reduced by 26%

      * Under Jonathan, Nigeria had become Guinea-worm-free; a disease previously affecting 800,000 Nigerians yearly. Polio was extinguished from Nigeria as no new cases were detected in the last nine months of his administration. Bill Gates, the richest man in the world and humanitarian philantropist hailed Nigeria's fight against polio as one of the great world achievements of 2014.

      * Jonathan's administration witnessed Ebola, the dreaded scourge in some West African countries which was contained and Nigeria was Ebola-free, a credit that must go the health workers under the able Minister Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu.

      * Jonathan’s administration built a Trauma Center with Helipad at the National Hospital in Abuja and equipped Teaching hospitals in various regions.

      * Between 2012 and 2015 the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ranked Nigeria as the number one country for foreign investment with the fourth highest rate of returns on investments in the world. This was in spite of security challenges from Islamic Jihadists from the north.

      * In 2010, when Jonathan came to power, Aliko Dangote (Hausa) was the 463rd richest man in the world with a total fortune of $2.1 billion. Jonathan's policies and support made him the 23rd richest man in the world with a total of $25 billion.

      * Transparency International in 2010 ranked Nigeria 134th out of 178 countries in corruption. Under Obasanjo Nigeria was 1st, 3rd and remain one of the most corrupt in the world.

      * By instituting the e-payment system, Jonathan's administration sanitized the civil service by removing 50,000 ghost workers in one fell swoop. The administration also got rid of ghost voters from the electoral register; over 1 million ghost voters were removed from Zamfara INEC register alone.

      * Jonathan signed Freedom of Information Bill (FOI) that previous Nigerian leaders never signed in spite of its urgent need to help transparency and accountability in governance.

      * Jonathan’s government created more employment than all its predecessors put together – 1.6 million jobs in 2013; 500,224 jobs were created in the first six months of 2014 (Vanguard News Sept. 9, 2014) and 495, 070 in 2015 according to Nigerian Bureau of Statistics. Unemployment moved from 28% to 6.4% and Nigeria’s economy grew by 6.23% in Quarter three of 2014.

      * Jonathan increased minimum wage from N7,500 to N18,000; increased NYSC allowance from N7,500 to N19,500.

      *Revived the Mortgage Loan System to help citizens afford home ownership.

      * Under Jonathan's administration Free and Fair elections were conducted in Edo, Anambra, Ondo, Ekiti and Osun significantly enhancing Democracy that ever eluded the people due to previous corrupt leaderships.

      *Nigeria recorded zero politically motivated murders on the national level under Jonathan.

      *Jonathan’s administration secured a non-permanent seat at United Nations Security Council, hosted World Economic Summit and for the first time in Nigeria’s history, citizens were airlifted from the world trouble spots.

      * Under Jonathan's administration Nigeria won the African Cup of Nations and Under 17 World Cup.

      * Jonathan’s government for the first time in Nigeria conducted elections in which the opposition won and handed over

    5. With everything you wrote so where is the reserve he kept for this period,the gain in agriculture where the big farms and their farm produce.
      The opposition won because people were tired of your Hero.

    6. Thanks anonymous. But some people are too lazy to read. All they know how to do is to be keyboard cowards, hiding behind their computer to spew trash.

    7. Yemi7up, you should ask Buhari what he was travelling about for. That's how they do it, lauded money out of the country immediately they come in when nobody is looking. He should know where these things you'ryou're asking about are.

  13. Good for him,
    Anything for attention

  14. I'm with you, Noble.

    Say change!


    1. You're a niqqarette!!
      You'll make heaven.

    2. Change Baby!

      Chanting it Loud and Clear!

      God bless My Bubu-Gaga!
      God bless Nigeria!

    3. Change!!!!

      Chanting it Loud and Clear!

      God bless my Bubu-Gaga!
      God bless Nigeria!

    4. LMAO @ you Wil make Heaven😂

      We Wil my dear and others who are yet to believe. For eg The Queen and Boss,Roseflower and errrr Iphie Dearie,Portable, Fan Emmanuel and a whole lot of them LMAO

  15. Bombs jetting off every week,was part of the strategies to deceive people like you to vote for their useless change,why won't u prefer buhari?how many times do u travel out in a year?how often do you buy dollars?do you have anybody u are paying his/her school fees abroad?...When u start doing all these come back and tell us which government u prefer,light brain

    1. Spot on @ strategy to vote buhari in. Wonder how pple don't see/get that

    2. Tnk u,noble is a dependent

    3. People like you keep using the current exchange rate as a too to attack PMB but what you should ask yourself is how much was a barrel of crude oil sold during GEJ's administration? A barrel of crude oil was between $75-$85 per barrel. For a country that practically runs a mono economy, GEJ should have saved heavily for rainy days but what did he do? He allowed his ministers and aids loot the treasury with impunity. The point is, GEJ's administration was like a keg of gun powder waiting to explode.... The economy was nose diving under him!!
      I still believe in change I don't know about you? It may take some time but it'll certainly come!!

    4. Thank you. God bless Nigeria

  16. Noble,it's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

  17. Watch the people who hailed him during the wife not Cook saga bash him to smithereens. Palm "kennel".

    1. And the people who hated him then,will love him now....

  18. I rather go back to colonial rule.
    Back then the dollar n naira were mates.

  19. I rather go back to colonial rule.
    Back then the dollar n naira were mates.

  20. So when men are talking,Noble will come out?...
    How will he feel the hardship when his wife is the breadwinner...
    Has he ever paid for common Dstv in his house or even refill their gas?...
    I will start taking him serious when he is man enough...

    1. U are correct he is not man enough

  21. Ideato thank you jare. Dont mind the short jimmy pingo (SJP).

    He thinks buhari will notice him. yeye dey smell

  22. He made some very good and solid points. A lot of people calling to tell me that they are actually happy with the present government in Nigeria.

    Those that are complaining forgot the way things deteriorated during the pasts regimes and also; you need to save/stored for 14years, so that you can live a comfortable life after. There was no saving, but a lot of spending was done with money that was not readily available.

    Now people are complaining because they forget so soon. In few years, people will thank God for bringing PMB to save Nigeria.

  23. It seems he is not enjoying his wife because I dont see why he is always busy spewing trash on SM.

  24. Noble Igwe aka head of department!go siddon for dirty abeg...notice me or I die mtcheew

  25. sharp guy trying to make another tee shirt with another heading.

  26. Noble noble u don dey find minister of entertainment abi? Aso rock is full go siddon.

  27. I Wholeheartedly agree with his point of view

  28. Enter your comment...Noble too razz in public ... hope he managed his house better to avoid wife not enemy

  29. Replies
    1. We stay winning. Change forever

    2. @ Christian let me hear world with ur mouth like apc,wat has Apc change since they came to government

  30. Noble man! I agree with you. PMB over GEJ any day.

  31. Maybe bcos he's still making money... Mtcheww... When the wind of this present government blows towards his side now, he will start complaining just like basket mouth. Nonsense!!!

    1. You are a selfish is all about you making money right? People like you can never have a long term view. Nigeria would have been like Venezuela if GEJ remained there until now.

  32. See dis short man,go to d kitchen and cook for ur wife,woman rapper

  33. Don't ever talk to GEJ like dat,yeye buhari govt wen everybody is complaining, every thing in the market is expensive, u are here making mouth,notice me dey smell follow u

  34. Don't ever talk to GEJ like dat,yeye buhari govt wen everybody is complaining, every thing in the market is expensive, u are here making mouth,notice me dey smell follow u

  35. U think say buhari go find u,hisss,assumption big head

  36. Celebrity husband! Attention seeker... Who ur opinion epp? Swerve

  37. Bless u Noble...only a sane mind wl choose right


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