Stella Dimoko RE- Save Mayowa Ahmed Shukurat.


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Thursday, July 28, 2016

RE- Save Mayowa Ahmed Shukurat.

Look at the photo of this young woman very well before you read my piece of mind...Yes,my piece of mind to which I owe no one any explanation.....DAMN!

When the appeal to raise fund to save her started,I am one of those people who got lots of calls and mails to use my platform to help her but i was not moved because i did not know if it was true or not,I had to do my own investigations so that i do not put up a scam involving GOfundME which is (if you do not know)the latest way of scamming innocent people off their hard earned monies.

I woke up this Morning with the confirmation i was waiting for and at the same time,one of my RICH trusted friends contacted me to go ahead because he was one of the people involved in the campaign and had given his widows mite to help save her.

I went to her go fund me page to see how much had been raised and saw that the page was closed to donations because the monies (and more) needed had been realised...Thank God!

I cancelled the post and thanked God and then i said a silent prayer that the money would not be in vain to save her life.
It is with shock that i see her family being called out for carrying out a heist on Nigerians....they named it a scam!

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD,what is the scam here?

That a doctor said her life was beyond being saved so her family was supposed to sit back and watch her die without making any moves?

Do(es) the doctor(s) have a letter from God giving him/them the power to have the last say on Mayowa's life?NONSENSE!

Asking for help is a scam?

This is the first time that Nigerians would be so united in trying to save a life and someone wakes up and decides to burst that bubble with a wicked lie!

Because the monies needed was raised in a short time?

I have read all the comments on instagram because i was tagged severally on a post calling out her family...


Did you look at her photos?does she need help?Is she sick?
what is the scam here please?

A friend of mine had as his argument that because ticket had not been bought for her it is a scam and he confirmed....CONFIRMED FROM WHERE?...excuse me,was her family supposed to buy ticket when the money for her treatment was nowhere to be seen?

I want to believe that gofundme page was opened with FAITH on the part of her family and I want to believe that the monies realised in so short a time is a miracle....yes,it is!


This is not calling out anyone but let us all becareful with how we peddle lies especially when it concerns life and death.

I wonder why the news of it being a scam came out today that the page was closed...

Why did the person who knows so much wait this long?

May God forgive everyone who has Judged this case without facts....

I pray she does not get to read or hear of these accusations and focuses on her impending treatment.

Until you have watched a loved one fall ill or die,you will never understand the desperation to get help to save them.

I remember standing by my mum's lifeless body and wishing for anything to do to bring her back to life,no amount of tears or ''scam'' would have brought her back even if i had tried.

Mayowa still has a chance and if 'scamming' Nigerians is the only way to give her a chance to live then so be it.

.....Because you sit at your computer,or lap top or phone and you are healthy right now is no guarantee for tomorrow.

Give life a chance and spend your rant praying that God saves her.....and you!

May you live to testify of God's goodness Mayowa...At this stage the millions realised means nothing until you stand up and testify to life!

Thank you for reading this!


  1. Replies
    1. Toyin is a drama queen, I was so disgusted while watching the videos of her wailing about the so called scam today. When there is life, there is hope, she hurriedly jumped in to help and hurriedly jumped out shouting SCAM!

    2. #PrayForMayowa people, she needs our prayers...

    3. You nailed it there

      All I know is that,what is hidden before Men,is open to GOD

      lord,give her your mighty healing


    4. I don't regret reaching out, scam or not

    5. Thank God.. God bless you Stella .

    6. God bless you Stella. Doctor's report does not stop a family from having hope. When my cousin was in a coma, doctors said he had lost brain function and would be a vegetable. He was on life support and they wanted to switch it off, my family refused. Arrangements were made to have him taken via air ambulance to UK. This was despite what the doctors said. Unfortunately he did not make it. But all through we never lost hope. This is what this family have done. They haven't lost hope. Lucky for us, the family had the funds without asking for donations. The only crime this family committed is that they did not have enough money to fund the treatment and people are now using their need to ridicule them. May God judge harshly those who have put this family who are going through so much pain into more pain.

    7. Na wa o. This matter get as e be. I don't even know what to say.

      I guess the misconception was that the public was told something different from what the doctors actually said. Truly, there's no wrong in wishing the doctor's report void. But they should have set up the fund on the basis that is was a trial, and then asked that the public prayed for them whilst they wish for a miracle. Acting in faith is totally different from acting with facts on ground. I guess that is where the "scam" emanated from.

    8. It's bad sha. The headlines were so sensational. Mayowas family SCAMMED Nigerians. Other than Mayowa herself, can u imagine what her father would be feeling now. Like because he couldn't afford to handle this (through no fault of his o), look at what they are doing to his family name. It's deep sha. It's really deep to so casually malign a family in such a manner.

    9. A lady with a stage IV cancer went through advanced genomic treatment in USA, and today she is living. Life should be respected because no one owns the right to terminate another's life even if the case is terminal. Even if the case is referred to hospice care, being in hospice doesnt change the fact that care, treatment is admitted. So let all naysayers give a chance to live.

  2. I love you Stella. God bless you.

    1. Shataaap Stella, when you don't get exclusives, you lie that you were taking your time. Biko chill, this news belongs to LIB. I command you not to post.

    2. Yea Stella I know DAT desperate heartbreaking feeling of seeing ur loved one pass away before ur very eyes without been able to do anything abt it. I experienced it y tearfully watched my beautiful mum slip away before my very eyes..keep on resting my bestie..

    3. Anon 22:53 Receive sense & don't come here next time to display your daftness. Inukwa command 😕

    4. Thanks Stella for this.
      I still can't believe the comments from people wishing her death even those that did not contribute a dime. It hurts that despite the pains mayowa and her family are going through, people still abuse and wish them bad. I really feel for them. I just hope and pray that God gives the family a reason to smile again, scam or not.

    5. Awwee....see my sweetie pie @Audrey

      The blog love I have for this babe,makes me naughty


    6. @ anon 22;53, the thunnnnnder that wil Fire you will be mistaken for a scam... May God forgive u

  3. Stella I just love you! Be it scam or not this is a poor girl dying! *crying* .... I pray mayowa doesn't get to read this things!

    1. She is dying and can't be saved the family only want to eat the money nothing much from USA to Abu dhabi

    2. Anon 22:41 just a quick question,are you God?

    3. Stella, i am ur die hard fan and i love u but in a bid to shade someone,you pratically didnt make any sense.

    4. Neither did you anon 23:11

    5. Neither did you anon 23.25

    6. 22.56 you asked the wrong question. The right question should be "are you mad?"
      23.11 , to what extent do we diagnose this ailment troubling you? Hang on. Cure is coming

    7. What if just what if they later decided Abu Dhabi visa will be easier to get and its even closer... When I was sick I flew to America, the journey wasn't funny. What if they were trying to avoid that. When u are that ill your family doesn't seek just one way out, it's normal to contact up to 5 hospitals or more. Is it everything they will tell the public??? Has common sense eluded you?

  4. God bless you Stella! You just aired my views. The family couldn't just sit and watch her die.they weren't going to give up on her. No one would do that. Even if the treatment would give her 6 more months to live, it's something.

    1. Am not really concerned if it's a scam or not, am just annoyed that her illness was diagnosed wrongly. If the liver-cancer was detected earlier it would have @least given her much more time. Some hospitals do really take one to an early grave.
      Hope she gets better

    2. Hahaha now all bvs have started claiming to love stella...abegi!!!
      How can some1 travelling tomorrow not have an international passport or a visa as @now.
      @1st they said they were taking her to emory hospital and now dubai.
      YES miracle does abound bt @a terminal stage of every cancer,it is only God that one ought to look up to and not any hospital
      Then again for you to have said nor claimed you'd be visiting a hospital,the hospital in question ought to have sent u an invite was sent @least that's what we've been made to understand.
      2ndly for such a frail patient to be travelling,th airline has to have been told before hand so as to make arrangement cos most frail patient gets to need more than just an assistance et doctor,they'd be needing some resuscitative equipment put in place just in case...we were told that hadn't been done either

      Y'all shouldn't get me wrong,I'm not saying it's a scam or isn't (time will tell)

      Howbeit if indeed it's a scam den it's totally wrong and such an act shouldnt be commended irrespective of d reason. It's same as saying a man dt stole to feed his sick mum shouldn't be sent to jail cos he did it in good faith
      What is bad is bad;simple!!!

      Asides saying the family saying it isn't a scam one would expect they'd come out with concrete proof or evidence to counter such claim but asides releasing a statement they haven't done so

      Well...let's wait and see how d story unfold nonetheless y'all shouldn't forget to put mayowa in your prayers


      When I first came across this story, I knew without being told she was in stage 4... Chances of survival is usually slim but there is NOTHING impossible with God
      My mum had cancer so I know the pain her family members are going through
      Also, I know how impossible it is to give up on our loved ones, no matter how sick they have become, inspite of the doctor's verdict and I applaud Mayowa's family for taking the right step

      I pray God heals her and shut the mouth of every mocker.

    4. Elena... It's "albeit"... Not "howbeit"

  5. Hmmmmm,i read it too,hope she make it

  6. Hmm t just hurts that we have so many bullies in this internet generation.if you can't help someone
    why do you hurt someone?

  7. 😄😄😄😄 aunt Stella, eyaf vex oo

  8. Hmmm? Speechless. God indeed has the final say

  9. Hmmmm this is really deep.
    Well, let God Almighty who sees and knows the hearts of all have the final say in this matter by proving the rumour mongers wrong.
    A miraculous recovery is all I wish you Mayowa.Let the will of God be done in your life.

  10. i dont comment but stella i lobe u forn this uve earned my respect some useless biased bloggers go post without conmfirmation abeg i no call name oh

  11. May God continue to bless you Stella. You just wrote every single thing on my mind concerning this issue. Nigerians need to thread with caution on this matter

  12. Aww thank you so much Stella, you are such an angel. When I read about the scam thing I was confused, someone that is not even dead they were already talking about beyond treatment, are they God? I don't know this lady but may God almighty heal her in Jesue name

  13. U've said it all aunty stella..i tot abt it too

  14. Coward Stella..mi was waiting for this!!! Lol... A scam is a scam please .

    1. Dnt knw why u weren't aborted sef! Nuisance to ur generation!

    2. Na scam she is sick, family has accepted her fate, brother who is a wayo wayo Banker used it as an opportunity to steal from nigerians

    3. You are a dog!i wouldn't want to wish you what mayowa is passing through,someone else will

    4. May Mayowa's case not be your portion...

  15. ur inlaws don suffer 4 uur hand,u too like quarel and yes it ws not a scam,handiwork of enemies

  16. A million likes Stella! She's still alive. We can try to save her!

  17. Gosh! Stella you just keep bursting my brains. At first when I read the scam thing, I kept refreshing your page cuz I knew it in my mind that the Stella I know won't post anything until it is legit and trust me, you did just that. You are 1 of the few bloggers I know that takes her time before posting anything and not like some people that all they know how to do is show off what they have on social media and in the name of "self made". Can we be empathetic here. It never came across as a scam and what Stella just said is right. Thank you for this post and I pray to God that Mayowa would be healed and testify in Jesus name. I hardly post but I just had to today.

  18. Hmmm, when I read the hospital report on go fund me, I read something, that she can't undergo bulky surgery hence a palliative care has commenced, I also read that the ovarian cancer had spread to the liver causing hepatomegaly which
    means the liver had been destroyed, I said a silent prayer which was God take charge,
    A palliative care means nothing can be done medically, she can only be cared for so that she won't have any pain that is why they have hospice here in the western world.
    When I saw the drug she was on such as vit c etc, and she is not on any chemotherapy, I wondered why they started the gofundme
    Because medically they can't do much, except through prayers,
    But if the family actually do something like this without her knowledge, I pity them
    But if it is with her knowledge, she needs to ask God for forgiveness
    May God protect us, in Jesus name

    1. At Mr Tunde, is palliative care not a form of medical management? That she has a metastatic disease doesn't mean she is imminently dying! Palliative measures may be in form of palliative chemotherapy, radiotherapy, symptoms control etc. I do agree with you on needing prayers though as God is able to do exceeding abundantly above what we think or ask according to the power that worketh in us.

    2. Google palliative care before you conclude

    3. Tunde sexy there was a statement that the doctors in Atlanta said the same thing you said. I agree no one wants to loose a loved one. See her gofundme donation was complete 2 days ago and her access bank account has well over 38mill, and I just watched a video on IG of mayowa telling the general public that this isn't a scam and they haven't met their target, so who is deceiving who? Nigerians need to wake up,God would intervain in her situation, but fraudulent activities involving the emotions of well meaning Nigerians is so wrong.syella don't sit behind your computer and say things without digging deep.

  19. Thank you stella.

    I keep wondering if she was not sick AT ALL because that is what will qualify it to me as a scam.

    She is sick! And is still sick?!
    Who says it's beyond cure?!

    I had a nasty day! Nobody should even piss me further with emotionless rants!

    1. Exactly. She's very ill. Not like the illness was faked. She was supposed to go to the Emory Hospital but cant they change their minds anymore?
      I need this story to be true, I need Nigerians to believe in each other again, I pray she gets healed. And I hope this restores our faith in humanity.

    2. My thoughts exactly, I thought she wasn't sick when I saw the headlines.

  20. Stella no one is sure about the facts. Or what her family's plans were. If it was done maliciously by her family to divert funds,then its a scam.
    Things like this make people doubtful about helping. Its a messy case. May God continue to provide for us to lend a helping hand to people in need. I wish her a miracle from God

    1. Since no one is sure, why didnt the shut up, confirm before crying on instagram and putting it on blogs?

  21. is so sad... valid points you raised Stella.
    But the attitude put up by the family members at the hospital according to Toyin's reportage is what triggered people to think its scam.
    Y dd de deny knowing Toyoyin even though they knew she was spearheading the fund raising online.
    The truth here is that only God knows the intent of their heart. Everyone who gave did out of love.
    In all I pray Mayowa makes it alive.

    #I am a fruitful vine, I am a joyful mother of children

    1. Issues of this nature are sensitive and it is better to have all the facts before taking a stand.

      The fact that the lady is sick is not the issue but some unscrupulous individuals trying to take advantage of her situation.

      You will be shocked at what some people will do for money.

      When I lost my mom, we got a lot of money from people and I remember a friend saying wow, so much money, she may have to kill her mother cuz she needs money. It was a joke but I was taken aback. What sort of joke is that? Who cracks such jokes when people are grieving?

      The doctors state that she is too fragile to fly so how do they intend to fly her out of the country? Air ambulance?

      It is not for them to collect people's hard earned money and go quiet.They should be transparent about their plans.

      My prayers are with her and I pray the Lord heals her, amen.

    2. Hmmm exactly Whirlwind. That's the point, they should have made their intentions known regarding the funds. Nigerians will still donate no matter what. As long as she's sick. Even if they asked for money to sustain her in Nigeria, people will still donate. So there was no need for the fabrication, if that is what happened here anyway.

      Perhaps some people are thinking that someone is trying to pocket the money, when they know fully well that the lady "may not" make it. It's a sensitive matter but I don't understand why Toyin is in trouble.

  22. This is touching.


  24. The doctors at Luth can write people off easily
    Once you go there with one illness,maybe because they're too busy they will just tell you that your illness has no cure
    No patience or hope at all

    Mayowa is sick I can't even look at her pictures
    What her family is doing is keeping their hopes alive wishing anything,just anything can be done to save her.

    I don't believe it's a scam either
    They just want to save.
    Oh Mayowa I really feel for you.

  25. All these shouting just bc it was linda ikeji who came out to say it was a scam and broke the news first.

  26. The thunder that will fire Toyin Aimakhu(cos she caused all this) is still in a meeting with angel Michael...what nonsense? The family never hid the fact that she was terminally ill and the disease' at stage 4, it was there for all to see at the gofund me pages. So what the heck? Where they supposed to sit and watch their daughter die?
    And the itibolibo who rushed to post the story in the name of exclusive, may the good Lord judge them all

    1. ....... Amen

    2. Oh shut up you two, a lot of people donated because of Toyin so she has a right to disclaim if she sees anything going wrong, who knows perhaps because of this, the family would do the right thing.

  27. an ample opportunity for you to trample on your enemies mrs self righteous. do you know how much your purported satan donated towards this and what length she went for the lady while you "investigated", callous use of words quite correct but you're no better dear how will

    1. oh please shut up! Is the lady sick or not?? Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion "Mr ample opportunity"

    2. stella, I'm not your enemy as i have nothing to gain from you (I'm not anonymous as u can see). I don't even visit LIB cos of her dumb commenters but i support reason and reason is you're both wrong, her for being callous and you for throwing shades withthe same reason

    3. Chino, have you finished blabbing?

      Oya, come and be going
      * picks broom *


    4. What is this fool saying?

    5. Chinoni is a wise person. I like you stella but why throw shade? That's what disgusts me here. U and I don't know the real truth. Only the family does.

    6. Many likes for this comment chinoni. Now every1 is loving Stella here. You all should get a mind of your own and stop agreeing with everything Stella says! The real victim here is Mayowa and i pray she finds peace.

    7. Chino avoid dis blog bro make d tin no affect ya IQ negatively,na so so lies

  28. Today I saw a generation of internet savvy citizens lose its humanity. We have become so engrossed in scandals that we fail to realize how our utterances affect others. The life of a fellow Citizen hangs in the balance, yet we spent all day arguing about money.

    1. Thank you. At the root of all this is a young woman who is going through unimaginable agony. Her traumatised family, not having the funds have watched her suffer. Money is raised, and that money will make whatever remaining time God has given her bearable. Then someone comes and calls it a scam. pls if you can't have compassion for others at least fear God.

  29. It is obvious that this is a scam. Either the way they went about or whatever. Lets call a spade a spade. You may choose the other opinion Stella for reasons best known to you. The facts are unfolding and its glaring. And eeeh by the way, Linda dint start it. Its started from Daddy Freezer and Ynaija. She picked it from there. Cos thats where you are focussed.

    1. In as much as we shouldn't tolerate any form of scam in whatever guise, the question here is do we have someone here with a metastatic ovarian cancer that needs our help? Yes, we do. The money raised is obviously not for a curative treatment but for palliative. This lady here, as far as I am concerned, has a good performance status hence should be for treatment. It is a shame that the giant of Africa can not provide essential medical management for cases like this. You guys have no either what this poor lady is going through and I hope you will never be in this type of situation. Linda thrives on other people's misery and how sad can that be. BTW, can I stil make my own donation as I really would love to... You can call it a scam, I see it as lending a helping hand to the needy. Cheers!

    2. U have a good heart, can I give u a hug please?

  30. I love you Stella *no homo** it hurtd wen ppl post stuffs wtout proper investigation. .person go dey do like an uneducated, illiterate and stupid to think all is scam.. how carnal can one be? HIAN..wth tears rolling down my eyes and hurt for wat Mayowa is going tru..hmmmm...make una pray say no one in your family goes tru such...smh...ppl always quick to judge cos " na me first post syndrome...God help Mayowa and heal her...kai...ppl are mean gaaan

  31. This is Sad. But I feel they should've done more research on mayowa's case bcos now d whole public is shouting scam. Wish Mayowa well, and I pray this does not deter the general public from helping individuals with genuine needs like Mayowa in the nearest future.

  32. My maternal grandmother was sick recently, very sick, the woman don old wella but it didnt stop the family from spending so much money to take care of her, now thats a 90-something year old woman talk more of a 28year old young lady with a bright future ahead of her?

  33. Kai! God bless you Stella for this... I've been silently waiting for your side to this story and boom you did not fall my hand as always. #chopkiss.
    However, Mayowa happened to be two years my senior in secondary school(Reagan Memorial, Yaba) and I tell you FACTS that Mayowa's case isn't a scam at all. May God forgive Linda for displaying her ignorance for the umpteenth time and misleading Nigerians.
    I'm sorry to compare, if Linda as a blogger that is in Nigeria couldn't confirm a story before she posted it, and Stella that's in faraway Germany could think this deep then Linda has no business blogging!
    That been said, I pray that Mayowa, as the most important person in this quagmire, receives her instant healing from God.

    1. No one is saying she isn't ill the issue here is she has reached a stage where nothing can be done medically only through a miracle besides the amount raised is not coherent
      with the amount requested by the hospital why lie to the public biko?? She needs 3000 to 10000 dollars per treatment and she needs like 50sessions so why was only 100k raised yeye dey smell. I pray God in his infinite mercy heal Mayowa she's not supposed to be dragged into this at all😕 but her "ojukokoro" family members need to ask God for mercy tho😬😬

    2. Eegor, because they are God nothing can be done about it abi??

  34. May God heal you Mayowa!
    The fact still remains she's sick, scam or no scam.

  35. I am weak looking at her pictures, I can't stand it. Jehovah Rapheka the hour has come, father glorify your name in the life if your creature mayowa. *crying* i don't have mind for things like this God

  36. Please you peple shouldn't say or insult Toyin she did what she did with a good heart and the truth is Mayowa,s family are not telling the truth all we've been hearing is hospital in atlanta or treatment and today now the family is talking about dubia and Toyin wh has been going out of her way to help raise money should at least ve an idea and be told the truth common still telling a lie to someone who is helping and Stella I know you personally are not a fan of Toyin that should not matter in this what is good is good no matter who did.

    1. Thank u very much for dis comment, nobody should blame Toyin for all dis drama, she was a frontrunner for this fundraising and she has a right to know anything concerning that girl but why did d family of the girl suddenly wanted 2 keep Toyin away from seeing her @the hospital 2day telling lies that they were taking her to one hospital in v.i bla bla bla they even told d nurses in luth not to let anyone see mayowa including Toyin. Anyway God sees everything and d best we can do is pray for mayowa for God to restore back her health. And also, the family shld be open and straightforward abt the girls condition and treatment.

  37. Chinoni obi please shut up and change your menstrual pad before it leaves a trail behind you.

    1. am not your enemy, I'm not in competition with you and I've got nothing to gain from you. as you can see I'm not under anonymous i just said my mind.. i don't use menstrual pads by the way, so have you changed yours?

    2. Choi! Choi! Choi!! S to the DK! I'm really having a good laugh @ your response, Chai this lady, sef, thou are crazy!

    3. @Stella pls ignore this HIV looking maggot!

    4. Stella shut it up !!! If u weren't involved why get involved now because na Linda break the news anything just to tag Linda in so she picks a fight with u she tag u and get traffic lol .... E no go happen keep hating . It just pathetic she no they see u self. Ota lenu in toyin's smiley .and yes I got a job through ur platform but I still don't like u!!!!!

    5. Madam Stella , sanu da aiki. Allah ba mu sa'a. It is good you used your platform to defend this defenceless cancer patient. Some bloggers sha, may Jah forgive them

    6. Madam Stella , sanu da aiki. Allah ba mu sa'a. It is good you used your platform to defend this defenceless cancer patient. Some bloggers sha, may Jah forgive them

    7. Oga go and rest abeg. U av time to look 4 ur comments and reply but don't av time to work? Oloshi

    8. stella dis one fit you lmao, oya ansa d kweshon

    9. Lmao! Stella c'mon, instead of replying why did you enable comments like this??

    10. @jasmine not everybody works by this time of the night, how market? like no show

    11. Anon 23:38 every kobo you made or still making from that job, from this moment has become a curse for you laced with all the calamity that can ever befall any human. Amen

    12. Jesu! You got a job through her platform and still don't like her??? Why tell her? To hurt her? Some people are plain evil and they wonder why their life is the way it is.

    13. Amen to that! See the bastard's mouth like 'I got a job through your platform but I still don't like you'

      Anon 23:38, whoever you are, you are pure evil. Another amen to the prayer said for you above. The money you earn from that job you God through Stella's platform will serve as a burden and calamity to you!

    14. Stella...u are a vain bitch, u dint post my comment cos I corrected u that u had no wright to insult a poster that had her own opinion... Na jealousy put u for one spot Wey e hard u grow

    15. He's right!, and brave enough to front you with his ID on your blog maybe he doesn't know that you pick fights easily. "have you changed yours?" this guy give you oo lol

  38. Stella, God bless you for being the voice of the voiceless. That's all I will say. I'm deeply touched by this. When I read the news elsewhere that it was a scam, without investigation I knew something didn't seem right. Not sure how much she donated and she was looking for ratings. Again God bless you .

  39. This is sad. We should all say a prayer for her. It's only God that heal. Nigerian don't do their findings, we are always in a hurry. May the good crown the effort of the family in Jesus name. Amen

  40. Thank you Stella, none of us will give up on our loved ones just because some people think it's over. It's never over till God says so and ashumans we can only try our best so it's unfair to throw accusations around. Many people have been told they will dies at so and so only to outlive it. Please let's just pray for this girl and not cause her more pain

  41. Mayowa is seriously sick.scam or no scam she is sick.she asked for help and we have raised money to help her get better.We should concentrate on praying for her to get better.At this stage she does not need any controversy or drama.we don't pray to lose our loved ones so I don't blame her family for trying all means to make her recover.
    Linda ikeji should do her findings well before publishing stories.She's been quite about this but all of a sudden she found a story to bring traffic to her blog.It's really sad.This story involves someone who is critically ill and only God can heal her.I pray Mayowa gets better.

  42. Tesoro Thunder go fire you for mentioning toyin name

  43. Stella God bless your heart; you have truly spoken rightly..people should always take a close look into matters before jumping into conclusions and judging wrongly..i pray she survives this and shames all d enemies at the end

  44. Stella, u are so petty! Why did u hv to wait so long b4 u put up this story? Bcz Lib is now involved. Smh. I pity people dat wana trend wt ds story, a life is at stake here please.

    1. Tell that to LIB. She should have known a life was at stake before making that post.

    2. How is she petty? Go and rest abeg. Judgina

  45. Evil Stella may you not die of bp

    1. The same way u won't die of it too. Time to sleep never reach?? Awon monitoring spirit.

  46. This is really sad and I pray God heals Mayowa
    No one likes to give up on their loved ones no matter how vague the chances of survival are but sincerely nothing stops anyone from telling the truth and I mean the whole truth as it is.if only they have added that clause that Nigerian doctors says it beyond redemption but they aren't willing to give up and want to try other options outside the country then may be this wouldn't have happened .God be with us all.

  47. This is really sad and I pray God heals Mayowa
    No one likes to give up on their loved ones no matter how vague the chances of survival are but sincerely nothing stops anyone from telling the truth and I mean the whole truth as it is.if only they have added that clause that Nigerian doctors says its beyond redemption but they aren't willing to give up and want to try other options outside the country then may be this wouldn't have happened .God be with us all.

  48. The girl is sick no doubt. But the family behaviour get k-legs. Did they not first say they were going to take her to the US? Now I read its Abu Dhabi. Anyhow, the truth will surely come to light.

    1. Shut up. Why do ignorant people make the most noise? So it's Emory or no where else? Google flying long distance for cancer patients and enlighten your self first.

    2. It's a proven fact that the most ignorant of people, can only present their views through insults. I big pass you so.... let me pass.

  49. Is Toyin Aimakhu cursed, won sepe fun iwo omo obinrin yin ni? Over one year going two years now alI i hear about you is one scandal to the other one controversy to the other, somebody take this girl to Ibadan for cleansing and deliverance, this was the same cry that cost her a husband and jeep. You people can't be looking at her like this now. Today that we were rejoicing for her teemoji for at least having one good news in two years this one came up again.

    1. This is a serious something

      .... But this comment funny
      So lemme laugh a little

    2. Go and jump into a river

    3. Lmao ... Same thing I tot , that was how she tried to use tears to stop that attention seeking Twyse from committing sucide got into trouble for it .
      Now this time , she went out of her way and associated herself with this save mayowa campaign . Other stars supported her by posting pleas for help , but only toyin carried the matter on her head like gala , and again it has backfired , people are even saying she knew about it and maybe had a share in the loot . 😂😂😂😂😂

      She really needs to have her head washed . Her good deeds always backfires and gets her in trouble

  50. I truly doubt any airline will agree to fly with a passenger in that present condition though. God help her

  51. Lib is d best blog...sdk is scam. Now u cn post abi? U neva post on dis b4......
    Lib is always ahead

    1. I wonder what u are doing here thou! Now run along.

    2. Ahead in tarnishing people's life? Ask toke, Tania empire, Lola Okoye, Wizkid and even olamide

    3. Lol awon Linda dumb commenters are here o. You all should flush out of here jare

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. The issue here is that the family presented false information to the public (doctor's report, hospital in the US ...). May God heal her

  54. I love you stella

  55. I piety her but the way the family go about it after the fund have been raise is suspicion

  56. Stella u spoke my mind, it's not easy seeing a loved one going through pains esp when ur faith is dropping by the day, sure they didn't know Nigerians were gonna respond like that, so if they don't have a dime,r they supposed to go to the embassy? It is well?

  57. Stella, we all love you and believe there is no smoke without fire, a lot of people donated because of Toyin, because while you were still praying about it Toyin had gone to the hospital to make a video with her that caught people's attention and Linda had also blogged and made people donate, and it's this same people who are trying to repair their image were they see tarnished

  58. Sdk u no try.. I do visit ur blog.. Jst bcos lib is involved.. ..habahaba bae u fal my beginning 2 believe wht pple r sayin abt u.. AR U JEALOUS? ?

  59. Stella, you just won my heart with this. God bless you

  60. I had a cousin who had suffered stage 3 cancer today she is alive she is well she is a mother also. I keyed into this mayowa's case with the same little faith I had for my cousin. The truth about this as Stella has said who gave the doctors the final say... Did we all forget the song that says whose report will we believe, we shall believe the report of the lord. Unfortunately things that end of looking awesome always have too many demons to deal with in the beginning. The God that healed my sister, I prayed to him upon seeing this that he'll do the same on Mayowa. Amen

  61. There are a loooooot of people living with stage 4 &metastatic cancer all over the world when been given the necessary care even though medicine rights them off!!! Thanks to the unseen finger of God. Let God's will be done...

  62. U and i are usually neva on the same page when it comes to issues like this but u have done well with this one! people r just ridiculous, i am praying for the young lady, God willing she will witness a miracle in Jesus name

  63. Hi,

    Visiting your blog for the first time today after a customer told me about the depth you go in your writeups.

    Confession!!!!!!! I HAVE JUST FALLEN In LOVE WITH YOU!!!

  64. Stella is talking to

  65. Stella God bless you for this.

    Enuf said

  66. This is where we have lost our humanity to pride and selfishness. So because you helped some1 in need they now have to be under your thumb.I'm truly dissappointed in toyin and that aramide lady, making this all about themselves and not even thinking about the young lady fighting to live and a helpless family that would do anything they can to save their loved one. Such a pity, I consider all toyin's instagram cry cry the fraud her plea for the lady wasn't genuine. Bet you she didn't care about mayowa at all . it was all about getting more fans for her.and about linda, her karma is running a marathon, soon to cross the finish line. Let's pray for mayowa and her family. Even if it goes south @least she fought a good fight.😐

  67. Stella u are a wise woman...May God continue to increase you on every side!

    May God in His mercy heal Mayowa and forgive her sins in Jesus name. Amen

  68. I read this and tears dropped off my eyes. I just love the wisdom God has given you.

    Let's help and support and not follow one silly attention seeing drama person.

    Bless you Stella

    Prayers to the young lady

  69. Linda need to value human life more than fame and money

  70. When there are problematic situations, as humans we look for who to blame. In my opinion, Ms Toyin is not a professional ambassador for charity cases. She should have defended her good deed and thanked Nigerians for their kind gestures instead of crying and making the whole situation look bad.

    The lady in question is ill and we don't care if the family is not generous with information hence forth. We and them want the end result to be a positive one.

    Don't do good and disclaim your deeds. If in the end, it turns out to be the worst, use your celebrity platform to let us know it wouldn't stop you as that's the bane of who you are. But I doubt that.

  71. Stella I wholeheartedly apologize for everytime i cursed you for being mean! However, i can see that you are one of the humane bloggers, you don't blog to make money or hurt people, you blog real issues and genuinely care! Linda Ikeji has been annoying for quite a well. Keep on being you and rock on

  72. I think what happened is that the family had spent so much money in treating her, that they've exhausted their funds, so doctor report or not, they still need to take care if her.

    This gives the necessity for seeking funds through go fund me.

    No matter what, you can't open your two eyes and allowed your loved one die. Even if you have to beg, you will.

    Nigerians should stop being so righteous, after all we are a nation of 419, we all have 419 in our blood (says Chinamanda in Americanah)

    Joke aside, this girl is obviously sick so what is the grouse? She doesn't have visa? Will embassy give her visa without seeing money?

    They're going to Dubai? Will they not make efforts at all?

    As for Toyin, be disgracing yourself about, you were even fighting the girl's relatives at the hospital,you are so razz and uncultured, Na ya family? Is it by for force by fire to see her. If you were in their shoes, would you allow yaself? That is; when you came with notion that they are lying, you can't expect them to welcome you with open hands and upset the sick girl.

    It seems we are forgetting the part where the Doctors misdiagnosed her, same Doctors that misdiagnosed is now saying she cant survive, abeg, they no be God. #ONLYGODBEGOD#

    Above all, you all judginas and jugdines ranting because you donated 5k, 10k more or lower!


    Let's start a hash #Godsavesmayowa#

  73. Stella i love you jare. Plenty brain dey your head.Stella i lost my mum to cancer. It was stage 4 but she dint give up fighting 4 her life. I feel sorry for people writing rubbish about tgis girl

  74. Stella korkus, when I say I love u, you wont really understand. I was so pissed off today when I read all the bad things ppl said about this family. Nigerian doctors who are hardly competent said someone is beyond redemption?? If it was your family member, you will do everything possible to help them, no matter the evil report of doctors. TOYIN AIMAKHU, u are a very messed up imbecile. Everything u touch is messed up, razz, controversial foolish woman. I watched the video where she was shouting, abi crying, omg.. I hate Toyin so much. Also, top bloggers shouldn't go and post just anything as sensitive as this without confirmation, that is extremely stupid and insensitive. The family is definitely going through so much pains right now, I pray the miracle working God fights for them. MAYOWA SHUKURAT AHMED, u will live to tell this story. GOD bless u.

  75. Stella, they don't understand because they have good health and haven't lost anyone to a terminal disease. Please don't bother replying trolls, don't even post their comments. Just do you and ignore them.

    On another note, I like the new you. You are more professional and the blog upgrade looks great. Even your typos have reduced lol (better to type in word and edit before copying to blogger. Please activate your adsense, I will make it a duty to click on them. God bless.

  76. This is the most sensible thing I've read

  77. Due to the fact that I strongly disagreed with your rants, you did not enable my comments.
    However that Jasmine who is trolling people that called you out, you are enabling all over.
    If you want praise singers but not criticisms, please go find another job.
    Whether you upload this or not, like they always say here : you have seen it!
    My message to you has been passed.
    Nice day

    1. Abii are u minding d warthog?Lying effortlessly pretending not to send yet go dey withold comments dat seek to expose her idiocy.Nothing stays hidden,like your friend wey dey display madness 4 dis nonsense blog for d past 2 days u ma sef go soon enter market

    2. Now your comment has been posted,i hope you now have peace of mind.....smh...the problem here is this..we left the mango tree to look for few fruits that dropped on the grasses...the girl is sick..all attention should be focused on her getting well

  78. The bottom line: Nigeria is a failed country. A rich country that can not provide adequate medical care for it's citizens. In a desperate bid to stay alive, people go abroad to die. It is a SHAME!

    1. You are so on point, but people are too blinded and busy screaming 'blue murder' if all medical care facility was in place no need for all this. So many people are dying quietly due to poor medical care.

  79. Beautiful Piece...God bless you Stella.

  80. My utmost prayer is for God Almighty to glorify Himself,in Mayowa's situation.
    She is the one that really matters,not the stories being peddled about.

  81. Stella are u referring to Linda ikeji???

  82. stella, your heart is Gold! I read the comments yesterday and I was so devastated for humanity! to some its all about money that is why they quick to show off social media...I never knew I could have it syndrome... and yes linda ikeji im talking to you! would you not go to any length to save one of your numerous siblings? no amount of millions can equal the life of a loved one and all they did was go the extra mile, last resort to save mayowa! how is that a crime. I cringe at the heart of men! that is why God don't bless some people no matter how much they help cos their heart is full of shit!for those who judged, I hope you never encounter this type of trial and if you do, you will understand why.

  83. You don't just announce its a scam without concrete proof. You did not contribute so why should you be the first to shout scam. Thats the problem with Nigerians. No one has facts just assumptions and you start insulting a clearly very sick person. On sunday you are in church.

  84. tears dropping as I read this. Stella this is one of your best write up. Your love for fellow human can not be compared. Ride on sister.

  85. What's this beef btwn LIB & SDK sef? Ah ah! and to think that they are both Christians is very annoying!! Guys please I will suggest dat u all shud exonerate yourselves from their beef because I feel its getting out of hand and very unnecessary!! Let us be neutral and read their stories, enjoy their gist and move on while they both dance to their banks with deposits. other blogs reported this news, so why directing your usual gun shots to her stylishly.
    Personally, I read all blogs for different reasons because their styles are different!

  86. Why are you this petty and full of hate? Linda is ahead of you and will always be. Must you always reply to everything on her blog? Spit on your head and walking out.

  87. We are just missing one vital thing here. She is sick and the only way she can make it is by FAITH because our God is a God of Miracle. She has to quickly accept Jesus as her personal Lord and SAviour not doctors in abroad, and also believe that Jehovah ElOlam, who raised JESUS from the grave can do it in her case, that's only if she knows about JESUS and believe in God.

    SomeoneShould tell her family this, I don't care whether it's a scam or not but only God knows because He works in mysterious way.

  88. Awesome. You've spoken well ma'm!

  89. God bless u.. Biko d self made idiot is at fault in all this.. She needed traffic so bad dat she didn't care about the persons life involved, dis ain't the first time she is doing it.. She is the one to blame she caused all this raucuous she tanishied d family's name she ridiculed Toyin's effort .. Wet wud it do to her if she just kept her hand in her pussy for once and not type rubbish... She wud kuku know ow to finger herself since she got no hubby.. Haba after starting it she now said her heart goes out to mayowa fake idiot ... Journalism ethic she no get ...she keeps destroying her image every damn day

  90. God bless u.. Biko d self made idiot is at fault in all this.. She needed traffic so bad dat she didn't care about the persons life involved, dis ain't the first time she is doing it.. She is the one to blame she caused all this raucuous she tanishied d family's name she ridiculed Toyin's effort .. Wet wud it do to her if she just kept her hand in her pussy for once and not type rubbish... She wud kuku know ow to finger herself since she got no hubby.. Haba after starting it she now said her heart goes out to mayowa fake idiot ... Journalism ethic she no get ...she keeps destroying her image every damn day

  91. Toyin was just used for the publicity needed to raise the funds. She's basically like a victim in the whole thing. She was clueless of their motives. You cry out to the public for help and then ask for privacy on the matter that is still ongoing. Doesn't work that way and they should have known. People want to know what's happening. Is Mayowa going to fly? Is she feeling better? Is she being treated etc.

  92. My own question is... How did they know the exact amount needed for the operation abroad??

    I saw some documents online about the interactions between the family n a medical institution in USA but allegedly they intend to fly her to Abu Dhabi . Am I missing something here??

  93. My own is that they should use the money on the sick lady sha, because this case is messy and so many things aren't adding up.

  94. The problem with most Nigerians is we don't ask questions, toyin was used in this case.

  95. I really feel for mayowa. And I will keep praying for her cos I believe there is nothing God cannot do.
    But it seems everyone has forgotten that it wasn't only mayowa's voice people heard, without toyin we wouldn't have heard her voice. But thank God Nigerians respond to this on time.
    But come to think of it, Toyin shouldn't be blame for this. What if truly this was a scam? Nigerian will one day say that toyin gather some people to scam Nigerians over a sick girl. That's what Nigerians do. Sit around and gossip to bring down people's carrier.
    Toyin is not guilty. It cost the family nothing to include the hospital report which says "mayowa sickness is beyond treatment" in the story they told toyin instead of omitting that part. If they have said that it won't have happen like that. But hearing it from the doctors will definitely hurt her.
    Don't forget that toyin stood by mayowa. She's not the only one on earth, why can't you and I also visit her at the hospital to make a video with her as well. Only few people can do what she did.
    Trust me no celebrity will ever try what toyin did again or to speak on people's behalf. And this will kill lot of souls.
    About Linda ikeji, we've known her with all her catastrophe. She doesn't care if someone else carrier got ruined for her to make a page. We all know the part she took in spreading the rumor about skibi's death and so on...
    Pls Nigerians let's stop criticizing and let's face reality.
    I pray God should intervene in Mayowa's matter. Because all she need now is God's intervention.😭

  96. God bless you Stella for this article. i felt even if NIgerian hospital has given up on the girl doesnt mean she should give up. until you have aloved one in that situation you really cant understand.

  97. You remain the most ignorant blogger ever have the responsibility to go educate yourself about Hospice and palliative care- It is highly unethical to mislead people into making donations to cure a terminally ill patient ! Mayowa should have been receiving Hospice palliative care at home surrounded by loved ones.If all hospice candidate and terminally ill patients went to start a go fund me page no doctor worth their license would cosign such a deceptive fund raiser! This situation will definitely affect future donations to candidates who deserve truly stand a chance!!

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