Stella Dimoko RE - A Memo To Ladies...



Saturday, July 09, 2016

RE - A Memo To Ladies...

A memo to LADIES WAS POSTED YESTERDAY and i asked anyone who wanted to reply to mail me...
Well the poster has got mail indeed!..LOL
Even BV The Atheist replied..but i will post other replies in the comment section so as not to make the actual post too long.

Please help me post this reply to the man that wrote a memo to ladies about cheating.

Dear Mister, while reading your piece and taking note of your points, one thing shone through and that is selfishness, intense and unbridled selfishness. Your mindset and outlook on life is so self-absorbed that it is sad, people like you are what is wrong with the world.

There is a percentage of men that don't cheat and do you know why? its because they have self control and actually respect the vows they made before God. why cant you be one of these? are you trying to say you are a lesser animal who responds only to his primal needs and gives no thought whatsoever to consequences?

Please, do pray tell, what do you define as responsible? Are you aware your responsibilities to your wife doesn't end in finances, being faithful to her and being committed to her happiness is one of the paramount marks of a responsible man. 

It irks me greatly when i see people that reason like you, maybe because i have seen firsthand the devastation cheating has caused to some homes. When i was younger, i had a very close friend whose dad cheated on her mum and contacted HIV, he eventually infected his wife with the HIV too. In a few years, it was full blown AIDS,  first the man died and then his wife died a while after, leaving 3 little kids behind. The kids practically became destitutes, nobody wanted to associate with them, friends and family ran off,they had to stop school and take up menial jobs just to survive.

 This isn't home video, i know these people. That's a whole family ruined all because of one man's selfishness. So, can we call that man responsible? No, i didn't think so.
You talked about one of the reasons a man cheats being pregnancy stress. Please, who got her pregnant? Me? If God could open your eyes to see the pain and discomfort women go through just to birth a child,maybe you will stop sounding so self-centered. The least you could do for her at this time is be her strength and support but as usual, you are only concerned about YOU,YOU AND YOU!

I hate to break it to you but you have no inkling as to what love is. The term is as far from you as the east is far from the west. LOVE IS NOT SELFISH. if you have a bible, read what Paul said in Corinthians about love. If you loved your wife, you wouldn't indulge in things that you know would devastate her if she finds out, you would protect your marriage fervently. But i do not totally blame you, I attribute some of the blame to a society that has made it okay for people to live without the fear of God and now openly celebrates wrongdoings. 

You gave an example about pastors that cheat,you are just trying to console yourself because for a true Christian,Jesus is the standard,not a pastor. This is not to dissuade you from cheating, cheat by all means but know that, one day, you will stand before your maker and give an account of your life, please ensure you print those your cheating points on an A4 paper then and present to Him to defend why you slept with strange women and rubbished the marital vows you made before Him.
P.S- You are not smarter than the men who have gotten STDs and HIV, every dog has its day.Nuff said!



Dear Poster,
I read your post and I smiled. There is something you said which is very true 'men are polygamous in nature'. Another of your comment  that got me was ''please stop getting bothered if your hubby has a sidechic". This begs the question, poster will you honestly be 'unbothered' if your wife had a Sideboo and still gave you 100% attention?. 

Allow me to borrow the words of a BV(Bv Blackberry) from the comment section ''Oga you will be shocked to know what your innocent wife does behind your back, una think say una get sense?"

You talked about reduced libido when a man sleeps with one lady for so long? 

Do you honestly believe woman enjoy riding only one D*** for so long? Or you think we also don't like variety like you Men do? To be honest with you,  women have their sexual fantasy which some Husbands like you cannot satisfy them with but yet some women endure this. Women also like to be pleasured with different styles and not just one regular,consistent and boring 'pounding' with no freestyle and efforts from you. Google and find out the statistics, a woman's sexual libido is higher than that of Men.

You say you love your wife and still cheat on her, how is that even possible? I dont 'Gerrit'.  The truth is, the primary cause of Infidelity is GREED. A man or woman who cheats on their spouse is greedy and nothing you do for them is enough for them. People need to learn how to be content. Sex is not Food. Poster I can assure you that, you cannot have one side chic because eventually you will get bored of her and find another fantasy. Some wives cheat too but but are way smarter than men in hiding it.

 To women and Men that snoop, you are just giving yourself unneccessary High BP. I understand a woman's body changes after child birth but we women sometimes are not even helping ourselves. Childbirth is no excuse not to look sexy. Omo forget that thing, workout, eat healthy and dress decent and sexy for your husband and  people to admire and complement you. 'I am Married' is not a reason NOT To bring your sex game.

To the cheating Spouse (man or woman), I know you like egusi,ewedu, nsala,onugbu etc soups and you are tired of having ogbono soup in the bedroom everynight. That 'thing' you are collecting outside, teach your spouse how you want it and how it should be 'served'. If you like to hang one leg up, to be spanked or cry sef, TEACH HIM/HER. Its a gradual process but they will learn.
To the Poster, infidelity is not a Man thing, its a Man/Woman thing. It works both ways.the love and wealth you claim you give to your wife cannot equate with the hurt she feels if she finds out your 'sexcapades'.
 It takes a Man who is self disciplined to do the right thing.
Thank you stella for your time.




‘’You cannot win the battle because your grandmothers didn’t”

My grandmother didn’t win the battle because she didn’t try, she didn’t know what exactly she was fighting for, she didn’t know her worth and even if she did, men like you probably talked her into low self esteem  with phrases like “men are polygamous in nature”

Men are not polygamous in nature, men CHOOSE to be polygamous in nature because they realize that can eat their cake and have it.
“Responsible men are not men who do not cheat on their wives but men who their family is first”….

How can you use the word “responsible” and “cheat” in the same sentence?

According to you, it means that ” a responsible man is a man who takes care of his family and cheats on his wife” does that sound  right to you? How can you claim to love and respect a woman and then cheat on her? Where exactly is the love and respect?

Let me tell you this, the moment you start having side chicks, you have given that lady the license to disrespect your wife, that’s why you see a lot of side chicks these days going after married woman and people wonder why they have the guts to do such, that’s because the man gave her the right to do so. Some even disrespect the woman more by getting pregnant, once that happens what exactly is the difference between the side chick and the wife? You’re both sleeping with the same man, both have his kids, he now has a responsibility to both women, how is that not disrespectful, where exactly is the love and respect in this? 

You say you cheat and hide it from your wife but tell me this, the day she finds out that her so called responsible and respectful husband is cheating on her, is there going to be a smile on her face?

 Is she going to welcome you with open arms? Are the words that would run through her mind be ”responsible, loving, caring, respectful husband” or is all that she’s going to feel betrayal ,unhappiness, hurt, hate, disrespect. Do you think she would remember that you are a “responsible” man at that time?
Maybe if men start putting themselves in women’s shoes , maybe just maybe you would stop with the men are polygamous in the nature. What even pains me most is that they have brainwashed a lot of women  into believing  it that ladies don’t even want to settle for the right man anymore, they just want any man and these same ladies that believe this phrase will still go and fight side chicks.

This would stop when women realize that they also have a purpose on earth and that having a man and getting married is not all what you were created to do. Ladies ask yourselves this…. What is your purpose in life? Does fulfilment begin and end with getting married and having kids? Do you deserve happiness or do you want to live the rest of your life been disrespected, trampled on, beaten, unhappy?

Our grandmothers and mothers stayed in their homes for so called security and what the society would say and where she would start from and most importantly for their children (that would eventually grow up and leave her) and then she’s back at square one but instead of that child to grow up and say I saw the pain in my mother’s eyes and I never want to see it in my wife’s eyes, he would rather say she lost the battle because men are polygamous in nature not that his father was selfish''.....


    REPLY 4
    Dear Stella, greetings to you and yours.
    I just read with utter disgust the memo written by that excuse of a man and i can't help but shake my head, its bad that a lot of you men think this stupidly but having the guts to send a memo to us and rub it in irks me. Chai, Nigerian women have suffered.
    It is alarming what we let these men get away with and the more we allow this, the greater danger we put our little girls and girls unborn in, and our boys will grow up with this warped idea that its okay to cheat as long as they can still care and provide for their wives. Poster please is it okay for your wife to cheat as long as she performs all her wifely duties?
    Women don't say you do not care because for every time your husband cheats, you stand a risk of contacting STD's, having a co-wife, baby mama drama, and he invites the devil to come dine with the entire family and not just him.
    I like handsome men, well built and hunky, sexually adventurous and extremely rich men but my husband is presentable not handsome, he is not hunky, hes quite rich but not extremely rich, he isn't sexually adventurous as he has a lot of places where he won't have sex (i can have sex anywhere as long as its just the both of us) but i chose to marry him and enjoy him that way not because i stopped liking all these but because i can't have it all, i chose whats important to me which is beyobd the physical. Yes i still admire guys that have what i like but i just wow in my heart and keep my eyes moving, you men need to start doing that too, you are not the only ones seeing fine things outside, we also see cute, rich, super sexy men.
    The only reason a lot of women don't cheat is because we respect our vows and fear God who is the author of our homes, its not impossible for you men but you all choose to believe your own lies that you can't eat only Egusi everyday yet you expect us to eat sour egusi everyday cos some of you cant even fuck to save your lives.
    Dear Nigerian men, be reminded that its not only a woman that keeps a home, marriage is a partnership not a sole proprietorship, most of you are just selfish, you want to enjoy all the benefits of marriage while you live like a bachelor-you can't have your cake and eat it. You want to go out, have fun, misbehave while we pray 24/7 for your silly ass, yes we will pray for our homes and pray for you grown babies but we are not going to die on our knees. Do you men ever pray for us? Its just sad being a Nigerian woman or do i say an african woman.
    As for me, i remain team snoop and i will keep digging and fighting if i see my hubby cheating, yes i will feel some hurt but my heart is already protected with iron bars, nothing shocks me anymore. And the day there is no more strength left in me to fight, i will up and leave. I pray and hope earnestly that day never comes but i will plan and prepare for any eventuality, and if i ever have to leave i will leave big and smiling and i will make sure i leave his world shredded in pieces.

    1. There should be a "like" and "love" button here o!

    2. This will surely be a seasonal film, we won't be able to complete it

      *Larry was here*

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The guy who wrote this has a problem in his head. This might be true but this are not one of the things you say out becos it makes women feel worthless. Truth is men are generally more casual with sex and attraction but everyone is different and so is everybody. You can't say all men cheat, some don't just the way some women cheat to but you can't say everyone shouldn't be bothered. Personally I won't leave my wife if she cheats becos I don't feel sex has anything to do with love, but I wouldn't say everyone shouldn't care if their wife cheats, so you see everyone is different. Even martin Luther King the greatest cheated, Clinton also did it but their wives stayed becos they felt they could take it. But not everyone can take it. If you can't you leave that man and keep moving and men should understand the kind of marriage your in, if you can't have just one woman, then marry a woman who is prepared for such

    5. Poster1, God bless you, you nailed it, others posters una too much, if the poster of yesterday reads this, and his mind set about cheating isn't change, then he has a serious spiritual problem.

    6. Nothing will change my mind. I have decided to cheat right back at the idiot husband hez not worth my tears anymore. No be this Abuja when even with my ring sef dem no gree me rest? Dem full National assembly. richer richest! Amman cheat. One Don dey beg me with better car sef

    7. Poster5, wow!
      I luv your last paragraph, chai I luv u.

    8. Anon 13:31 Lol,I thought it's only me oh,with ring sef guys won't let u be.esp in national assembly!kai na wah

    9. Anon 13:31
      Maybe I Should visit Abuja and take a Stroll in front of the national assembly.

    10. Who are you? You came into my brain and wrote all you found there here. Totally with you 100%. A million likes!

    11. U re so on point..the mentaliy that its a man's world is so so overrated...@iwalewa...u said my mind,i wuld have pressed the like button over and over again.

    12. Lolzz @ Quiksilver.

    13. Yes o. Team snoop for life. The bible says Watch and Pray... I can't allow one man to come and transfer disease into my destiny. I love, pray and watch.. And we'll live happily ever after.

  2. REPLY 5

    OK, so i read yesterdays memo to the ladies urging them to turn a blind eye to their husbands sexcapades and side 
    chicks, and focus on how well he treats you and gives you attention. Even though i agree with a few points he made, he 
    succeeded in provoking the ladies with that ideology, and the valid sense he made was overshadowed. Only one 
    without empathy will see the possibility of his/her soulmate pretending & ignoring the elephant in the room while 
    the spouse "collects" all collectables. Collection even breeds jealousy amongst co-wives, how much more side chicks. Jealousy is a sign that in a relationship, something or someone of importance is in danger of being lost, or at least that is the underling perception, more likely the fear concerns a loss of pride, ego, life role position, infantile dependency, status, security or some other non-real love factor, generally feeling that u’re not good enough for your partner, hence the #TeamSnoop, constantly digging for clues to prove adequacy. 

     The level of infidelity has trippled compared to the 80s & 90s, with alot of enhancing factors making it easier to engage in it. Society has always given the man the upper hand from time immemorial, & infidelity on a mans part 
has been seen as a little or no offence, we cant deny that fact, dont ask me why, even your grandmothers will side your DH if he cheats, but she might even have u dance around the market square naked as a form of 
cleansing a taboo u allegedly brought to the town. I was born into society permitting a man to marry 3-5wives under one roof, & never have i seen a woman keeping more than one husband, i suppose on some unconscious level 
    the men consider themselves carrying out Gods command in Gen1:28 "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" 
Lol... so your holy book says sha.
    Studies have shown the ratio of cheating men to women is alittle higher on the mens angle, and the women of this generation are determined to catch up, unlike our grandmothers. 

    1. I love your write-up @ Athiest. The rate @ which married women now cheats is almost the same as their male counterpart. We can always read it on this blog now

      *Larry was here*

    2. Thankx all, abeg easy oh make my head no swell too mch... James don't get jealous.

    3. How about the spiritual implication of sleeping with a strange woman? Every sexual union results in a soul tie. You don't know who else this girl is sleeping with/has slept with. A girl who sleeps with married men will usually goes for the rich ones. Amongst whom might be rithalist & occultists so you bring such spirits home and transfer demons to your wife when you sleep with her! If only you selfish, immature, short sighted men knew the spiritual implication of extra marital affairs! Mtscheeewwww!!!

    4. How about the spiritual implication of sleeping with a strange woman? Every sexual union results in a soul tie. You don't know who else this girl is sleeping with/has slept with. A girl who sleeps with married men will usually goes for the rich ones. Amongst whom might be rithalist & occultists so you bring such spirits home and transfer demons to your wife when you sleep with her! If only you selfish, immature, short sighted men knew the spiritual implication of extra marital affairs! Mtscheeewwww!!!

    5. How about the spiritual implication of sleeping with a strange woman? Every sexual union results in a soul tie. You don't know who else this girl is sleeping with/has slept with. A girl who sleeps with married men will usually goes for the rich ones. Amongst whom might be rithalist & occultists so you bring such spirits home and transfer demons to your wife when you sleep with her! If only you selfish, immature, short sighted men knew the spiritual implication of extra marital affairs! Mtscheeewwww!!!

    6. I didn't even reply this fool yesterday cod I don't have time. You can't change a foolish man. 'Men are polygamous in nature' Me I would say: 'men are foolish in nature'
      Note: if the previous statement doesn't describe all men, the later shouldn't. So no one should come and pee under my comment.

    7. Not only transfer of spirit these spirit including promiscuity. So a cheating man should not be planning to jump off the mainland bridge when he finds out his wife is cheating.
      There r ripple effects as to consequences to children being affected. Destabilise the home and society.
      Wuna pray for me oh the enemies are after me with assignments
      1. Perversion
      2. Married men after me
      3. Old men after me.
      4.accusation that am a witch
      5. My job at stake
      I have been praying even shared my problems on this platform . Prayed for self, naïve met false Pastor who instead added condemnation. People treat me badly bc of the above listed in my community they insult me some complain y am I resisting.


     Men cheat for various reasons, but the underlying fact is selfishness, women also cheat, but most likely cheating for emotional satisfaction to fill that void. In as much as most married women would prefer to live in denial and believe their husband is part of the 10% that remain faithful after marriage compared to to 90% that'd definitely cheat, the potency of that initial passion declines/wanes over the years, its almost inevitable.... very few marriages find ways to spice things up and remain like wine that gets better by the year.

    A comment i read from EmJay saying "if you luv your wife as you claimed your d..k will not erect for another woman, in short the sight for another woman will irritate you"... you re so wrong!!! Men are visual, they re easily moved to the sight of a a tall curvy lady with boobs and long hair, its in our DNA, and its stronger than self control .i must say, so dont expect him to watch porn and not get erect cus hes in love with his wife. women are actually stronger to withstand sexual temptation than men. 

    There are those married men that'd deliberately run after a beautiful lady and stop at nothing till they access their pants.
    Then there are those married men that wouldnt front the chasing, but would respond to a faint green light from her before pursuing.
    There are those also that will only cheat becus opportunity presented itself & they cease the moment (Like being stranded on a deserted island or locked in an elevation for hrs)..... etc.

    That being said, how many men do you think would survive the temptation of being locked up with a Kardashian look alike, then she makes the 1st move, & he'd say to her "Pls get ur hands off me, i'm a happily married man" 

if i hear, most wouldnt even remember the condom is in existence, thats cus the penis has a mind of its own without a conscience, but most ladies with Idris or Will smith will need to be locked in there for a week processing & asking questions b4 she succumbs, even if shes wet from the 1st day.
In retrospect, men are more likely to cheat than women, but as women become more financially independent, 

    they are beginning to act more like men with respect to infidelity.

            -The Athiest.

    1. Gbegbe na here I go sleep today
      Thank God its Saturday

    2. Stella this is too much na ahn ahn! Women will always be women, too much talk for one man, una wan kill am? Nawao! Make una forgive us o and don't stop praying for us plz. God bless y'all women una dey try but there are bad ones, home breakers.

    3. Like baby daddy or sperm donor once told me. "A man cannot practice all his sexual fantasies on his wife or a woman he respects,he has to look for a side chick for this reason" needless to say, he already had a side chick when we were planning a wedding. I wonder what will happen when the so called respected lady goes out to look for a side boo to fufil her own sexual fantasy.

    4. Nice write up Atheist!!!! It's not just self control ooo. It takes Grace

  4. Replies
    1. Shift...Shift!!!
      I brought enough shawana and turmeric juice along

    2. They are some questions no one is asking. 1, who do men cheat with?
      2, what would a man do with a married woman?
      3, HIV is 90% gotten from used sharp object and not sex.
      To the the queations: men cheat with girls and not with guys, so if only woman can love them selves and have a stand not to have anything to do with a married man,I think the word cheat will vanish.the bible says it's only a wicked man that will sleep with another persons wife, so as far as I know 90% of men will run for their lives when they hear a woman is married,only the wicked ones stay,stay not because of love but because of just the sex and nothing more but free sex,yeah they will be nice,cos thats all they have to give the married woman. Leave your husband and move in with him and I bet he will change,that's if e no run before you leave your husband.think of it what would a man want to do with a married woman? When all her body has fallen,weak boobs, big pussy, fallen ass, stretch mark belly. When he can have a younger girl with nice,fresh body. Tell a girl I'm married or I have a very serious girl friend,she won't go o! But want to die inside.

    3. All these replies don do jor... Leave d man na,ahan! Let him do wateva works for him n his family.. I've made up my mind not to hurt my wife(2b).I ask for d grace not to cheat.I can only try but can't totally rule it out.dey say "Ibi gbogbo la tin k'adiye ale"

    4. Did you say 90% of HIV infection is through sharp objects and not sex? Your reference please? Please don't give info you do not know or have. And don't mislead people!

    5. That one said 90% of hiv is gotten from sharp objects, what a dunce. Like a really big fat dunce..

      You are a waste of school fees if at all you went to school

    6. Miiii I know what I say go do your research.

    7. Before I forget.A dick with out a cut can't contract HIV, women are more expose to the virus due to the many sharp objects they use in slaloms and beauty shops.

    8. Can you people see why I'm still single? Even that my bf that keeps face like baby that's breastfeeding. I can't even trust him after I hear men spew such nonsense from their mouth. Are u sure I won't go and get belle and be single mother? I'm hardworking and doing very well on my own.

  5. I trust my sisters in the house to respond accordingly.

    Your wife is pregnant and going through so much discomfort to give you a child but your priority is sex??

    Take it from me that you are a useless man with no self control.

    1. I just want the chauvinists to picture this.. He is a shop owner not craving for customer but suddenly a customer appears and show interest in an item while attending or after attending to the customer he steals another item obviously without your knowledge.. Would you Mr cheat be glad ur item has been stolen? won't you fight the customer for your item if you notice it's missing or Will you say let him go with the stolen item as long as he has paid for the previous item.
      Now let me put them in the right character
      Your wife-shop owner
      Side chic- customer
      Stolen item- hubby
      When you answer the questions.. U will see that ur a robber of joy.

  6. Keep it coming ladies.. men are polygamous in nature my black ass.. mtcheeeeeeew!

    1. You women can keep living in denial for as long as you can but a man can rarely stick to a woman. A man is only as faithful as his options. Men are generally swayed at the sight of pretty, curvaceous and sultry women and the moment he realises that he can tumble beneath the sheets with a sexy babe without being caught he goes for it. It's only unattractive broke guys with immoderate self esteem that stick to one woman forever and without fantasising about having sex with that sexy babe out there. When one have got the money it's impossible to stay faithful coz one of men main source of joy is gbenshing as many babes as he can sway. If your man doesn't cheat and has no intention to or fantasise tasting another woman he's an emasculated male. Also, note that a man considered not cheating has just not be caught. Don't lose your breath yet as experience players never get caught.

    2. Playboy tell dem. I know say na your hobby be that

    3. London playboy, I don't even know what to say to u, neither do I have d energy to type plenty epistle, please keep cheating u hear? One day, something terrible, something dreadful, something horrific will freeze that dick of urs, and no one will tell u to stop cheating. When u see a woman, ul run. Just keep cheating my brotherly! astopukwala!

    4. Sometimes u won't get caught physically but by stds, HIV, pregnanting ur side chic etc..... Use ur head players are getting caught

  7. Hmmm let the cheaters and the cheatees continue to advance their arguments for and against their actions. As for me, I'll just read comments.

  8. Thank you to the first 3 posters for educating the so called men.

  9. Ok I don hear. God thank u for giving me a man who loves me and will never think of cheating, cos I have everything to keep him home. Once a man is God fearing, he never want to offend by Cheating on his woman.

    1. Keep fooling ur self mbok. U have "all it takes abi? I dare u to snoop and then come back and talk!

    2. Be deceiving yourself! Godly men are the worst cheat. I dnt want to talk ooo. Just live ur life nd train your kids nd b happy. Leav cheating matter.

    3. Don't be too sure my dear,don't be.

    4. The coza pastor,christ embassy pastor,i suppose they were also God fearing,innit?

    5. You people should stop mentioning pastors when talking about cheating. Are you lives all about them?? If she trust her husband, keep it moving, why are you trying to make her join your group of miseries....

      I'm a man and I have been married for 8yrs but haven't cheated on my wife. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but I know of now and I'm trying to live like Jesus's live not like a pastor. My wife knows I haven't cheated on her for whatsoever reason. There are days when temptations swing by and then you remember you are trying to live a godly life and you move on. Its not an easy task, it's something I'm sacrificing to do because of my relationship with God..

      If your boyfriends and husband cheat, please it doesn't mean all men cheat. I wouldn't be among those to say all women cheat because I have read quite a log of comments here talking about women cheating. Would that be the reason for me to think my wife is also cheating??

      Please stop with the whole men are polygamous in nature. Its only Africans who have imbibed that idea in them. Polygamous marriage isn't acceptable in a developed world. But it is in Africa because of how primitive some people are, making women to accept the term men are Polygamous in nature. Aside Africa, where else can a man have more than one wife...

      Try cheating in a developed world and your wife will clear our your life time savings in divorce proceeding

    6. Ebony pls dnt listen to this people. I can't vouch for my boo though I haven't caught him cheating but I know few good men that doesn't cheat on their wives.

    7. Anon 15:12- thanks for your comment.
      A man once told me that the reason why african men cheat is because the women allow it. He said we women are stronger than we know but we won't use our power. That why would you call ur bf and ask him 'where your other gf?' That the one that baffles him is the foolish women who put condoms in their husbands suitcases 'just in case'. And mind u this was a married man. He said, and I quote: 'when african women stop making it look like it's okay, then african men will get the message'. When you make it clear to a man that you won't condone it, he won't bring that shut near you. Make it clear to him that the day you find out, or you smell it you're taking the kids and living. And he will pay child support, he won't come and type any rubbish here about being polygamous. I blame our system. Abroad, you can be promiscuous as long as you have money to pay bills in different zones. Catch an STD, it shows on your health insurance and your wife will get the bill. She takes it to court and sues your ass out. That's why these freaks don't want the gender equality bill because they know they'd be finished. But it will come. Mark you it will come. Then I'd see how many if your wretched asses would go about womanising in the name of 'its in our nature'.
      Later you start beating your wife that she's the cause of your downfall, you would ignore the fact that you've gone to sleep with one possessed she-goat and collected demons to last you a lifetime. Abeg! Most nigeiran men are just idiots. I blame who get their time. Make una enter road hustle chop life una no go hear. Some of u married women come on this blog and abuse single girls because you're married to a womaniser youre covernight up, you think youre an achiever. How won't the men spew such nonsense?!

    8. Anon 15:12- thanks for your comment.
      A man once told me that the reason why african men cheat is because the women allow it. He said we women are stronger than we know but we won't use our power. That why would you call ur bf and ask him 'where your other gf?' That the one that baffles him is the foolish women who put condoms in their husbands suitcases 'just in case'. And mind u this was a married man. He said, and I quote: 'when african women stop making it look like it's okay, then african men will get the message'. When you make it clear to a man that you won't condone it, he won't bring that shut near you. Make it clear to him that the day you find out, or you smell it you're taking the kids and living. And he will pay child support, he won't come and type any rubbish here about being polygamous. I blame our system. Abroad, you can be promiscuous as long as you have money to pay bills in different zones. Catch an STD, it shows on your health insurance and your wife will get the bill. She takes it to court and sues your ass out. That's why these freaks don't want the gender equality bill because they know they'd be finished. But it will come. Mark you it will come. Then I'd see how many if your wretched asses would go about womanising in the name of 'its in our nature'.
      Later you start beating your wife that she's the cause of your downfall, you would ignore the fact that you've gone to sleep with one possessed she-goat and collected demons to last you a lifetime. Abeg! Most nigeiran men are just idiots. I blame who get their time. Make una enter road hustle chop life una no go hear. Some of u married women come on this blog and abuse single girls because you're married to a womaniser youre covernight up, you think youre an achiever. How won't the men spew such nonsense?!

  10. Hmmmmmm....Food for thought to d men, dats if dey really wanna hear😒... Well said guys😘😘😘

  11. Replies
    1. Good replies so far. I so much love the second reply. Men has got no excuse no matter what, so as to cheat on their wives.

  12. I don tire for this cheating matter.
    Women live ur lives, make ur money, achieve your goals/dreams. Enjoy ur lives, go out with ur girlfriends/ kids. Have a life.
    Love your family, pray for your marriage.
    I am going to live my life happy and fulfilled, raise Good Godly kids.
    I leave the rest to God.

    1. Thank you!! Make money enjoy your lives. These men don't have head. But some of us put ALL our hope on a man. That's why when he cheats you want to commit suicide.
      My bf complains I don't dote on him, I told him he should go and find the girl who has that bloody time. Don't arrange and come and marry me let me give birth to children for one man, be there waiting for me to dote on you so you can use me and clean nyash! Yeye dey smell...

    2. You've said it all. That's the creed i'm living my life by at the moment.

  13. Replies
    1. The world is not that free Chica

    2. Lol of course Obum the world isn't free

    3. Men will always cheat,ladies if Una like reply one million times.Even your dad them were/are cheating #bye#

    4. Dietitian u say men cheat cos u don't have confidence in yourself. Probably do are the type of lady who takes just anything from a man. Pls change ur mentality, and up ur self confidence.

    5. Dont mind this Dietician...her self esteem is on the zero level..

  14. Na waah ooooo. This is serious

  15. Replies
    1. Ur comment yesterday made so much sense keep cheating o..I know so many women cheating already..

  16. Hmm dis is soo inteeeereeestingggg! Lemme go check my egusi soup on d fire then come back and continue.Chei married women God ep us oooooooooooo

  17. Trouble sleep, Yanga go wake am!

  18. Trouble sleep, Yanga go wake am!

  19. Painful truth so many men cheat 95 percent

  20. It's a free world, if u check d poster naa, he's one of those that has a finger battery sized penis, clap for urself, mtn cheat. If u are cheating and ur wife knows n turns a blind eye, it means your life is not safe, God save you if she's working, she'll 'codedly' finish you n You'll be feeling like king, the thunder that will fire you is applying make-up.

    1. You women can keep living in denial for as long as you can but a man can rarely stick to a woman. A man is only as faithful as his options. Men are generally swayed at the sight of pretty, curvaceous and sultry women and the moment he realises that he can tumble beneath the sheets with a sexy babe without being caught he goes for it. It's only unattractive broke guys with immoderate self esteem that stick to one woman forever and without fantasising about having sex with that sexy babe out there. When one have got the money it's impossible to stay faithful coz one of men main source of joy is gbenshing as many babes as he can sway. If your man doesn't cheat and has no intention to or fantasise tasting another woman he's an emasculated male. Also, note that a man considered not cheating has just not be caught. Don't lose your breath yet as experience players never get caught.

    2. London play boy this is the reason I pity no man, I milk them dry, they never keep a girl

    3. London are truly still a boy. When you become a real man you will sit back and understand the filth you just spewed. Ladies, some of us are actually not ruled by our eyes and penises. Some of us are responsible. We treat our wives with respect and love because we know what breaking our marriages for 5mins of pleasure with another can cost us. Avoid boys like London Playboy, they justify their immaturity with "ladies are in denial".

    4. @Anon 16:34 You can keep pandering to the females here for all I care. But the truth remain sacrosanct. For all we know, you could be one broke ass and without money you're constrain to cheat. When you become financially buoyant you'd know that money without gbenshing bitches here and there is worthless.

    5. @Anon 16:00, don't be too quick to talk about draining a guy's money. How much are you worth and can you swindle a guy of in a month? The most one can spend on your type who thinks they're pro in gold digging is max a 100gran, just slightly above £250. And you think you're smart while your pussy swells and suffers.

    6. Even men who got money like sand still remain faithful to their wives, they never think of cheating on their wives. Playboy I pray say ehn when you marry na your wife go cheat on you big time in fact it will take the grace of God for your wife to look at your manhood.

    7. @London playboy.....really????!!!!

    8. London play boy when I sag milking dry u think its all about pussy? I am smart,too smart,I break hearts of the ones who love,i am hot so I take advantage of their fake love

  21. Intelligent replies!!!

    I love the points made by all. GREED and SELFISHNESS are the key things that push men to cheat.

    The Athiest made some good points too. Of course temptations abound because even Jesus was tempted but what separates a man from his counterparts is how he responds to the temptation.

    Until men change their superiority mentality to women and women change their inferiority mentality to men, men will continue to cheat because they can and still get away with it while women will keep condoning.

    Thank God for Women Power, Men are getting intimidated hence the reason why such crap posts as the original article are cropping up everywhere. Men now need to explain themselves and restate stupid reasons just to convince themselves and lame women of their 'God given right' to cheat.

  22. Atheist so so true leave all these funny married women on this blog, deceiving themselves

  23. Once you've got a man who loves and fears God, and respects the sanctity of marriage, no way he's going to cheat on you.

    Those cheating and believing that all men cheat, na una sabi.


    1. I love you for this, the generation of today have so much joy in defending and celebrating Sin. I guess the commandment that said thou shall not commit adultery was made for women alone, men are exempted abi. Stupid people selling their soul for 20min of pleasure

    2. Love ya right back.


    3. White diamond kisses to u. Probably on judgement day, God will say to men " y'all are excused. You know the prick I gave to u men can't control itself, so I 4give it for entering every willing hole." Yea right. Keep cheating men, you'll bear the consequences at one point or the other.

  24. Men cheat! Women cheat! If ur husband is not 'giving' you well, go outside. Oga, if ur wife is not 'giving' u well, go outside. Kill yourselves if u want to.

    Abraham cheated because he wanted a child and Sarah PERMITTED it. Isaac never cheated. Boaz never cheated. Even Moses was once married and never cheated.

    Moral of the day, if u av the fear of God in u, u won't cheat.

    1. Abraham never cheated on sarah. It was a mutual agreement n for d records,he loved God

  25. Ghen ghen...

    All this replies makes sense. Men have themselves believe that cheating can't be avoided cos they see they can do it and get away with it. I for one can't condole cheating, it's so Wrong. Do men even think we don't like varieties too like one of the replies stated? We do. We see temptations everyday,we have hormones too, we get horny every time in our cycle, we fantasise, we see men offering us financial freedom every now and then.

    My cousin once shared her story with me, she's married with 3 kids,her hubby is a pastor. So she just recently got a job, 8am-5pm, she gets home at times 9pm or less or more. She gets admirers as she's curvy,but there was this particular client that comes, she works in a forex company. This guy comes around, and sometimes invites her to lunch or dinner. He's married too. At first, she declined but later started accepting most times dinner, she said those times were bcoz she want to be herself again,have some fresh air, have fun cos once she gets home, she's saddled with responsibilities from her kids n hubby n housechores. Most times she gets home and gists her hubby about the guy, let's call him P, tells her hubby all P does n says and her hubby out of gisting criticizes some of P's actions ET all,they laugh about it and go to bed. She that gets home by 9pm or 8:30pm started getting home by 10pm,she said she started deleting P's SMS and call log, starts defending P whenever she and her hubby are gisting about clients in her office and all. All these she did unconsciously.

    Then one night, around 2am, her hubby woke her up and poured out his heart to her, stating all he has noticed about her and she's changing, defending P and all that he can sense she's falling for the guy, she apologised and then realised her mistake and she made amends, she stopped accepting his dinner offers and calls, limited it tobstrictly biz, but in her words, she told me; Tolu, I never knew I was far deep in with P until my hubby told me about it, she said if I'm not having feelings for him, how come I deletes his msgs,his call logs and even defend him in front of her hubby, all what I don't do before. I did them unconsciously,if hubby hadn't called me that night, Tolu, i wouldn't have known what i would have done. I was shocked cos I know her to be this strict, fierce and no nonsense lady and she married a virgin. So?

    So poster, it's not only u men that have temptation out there, we ladies do ,in fact, ours is more than yours. You think you satisfy us 100%, know all the karates in bed or can read our minds, well you all don't. That's why its said you can't know a man or woman 100% and marriage is an institution you don't graduate from, you keep learning.

    1. Nice Piece...
      Your cousins story reminds me of "Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor by Tyler Perry. You can get it for her to watch it's an eye opener. We keep learning everyday.

  26. Oya oooo Oga from yesterday post come and see for ur selfish self, shebi u say u get Mount.

  27. Adultery / fornication is a sin.
    The bible says 'singles don't have sex and When married, only have Sex with ur partner ... Are u saying the God that decreed this is a fool ? He wouldn't have commanded it if he thought it was impossible .

    Some men are chronic cheaters. They have disrespected the marriage institution and have no remorse or guilt over their actions . Those are the lost causes , and I pity their wives who suffer the pain this cheating brings .

    Lastly i think infidelity is common to blacks . The whites are much more faithful , so Stella I think it has to with upbringing too, little wonder why our girls go about searching for white men to hook

  28. While i agree 70% with the writer, trying to justify a wrong doing isn't just cool.

    Marriage is a contract entered into by consenting adults with a vow to remain faithful to each other till death come in between. In as much as temptation tends to blow a man/woman away from his/her oath of faithfulness, we should always remember that we can resist if truly we try to fight it off.

    As a man, resist any appearance of evil no matter how pleasing it may look. Women, pls don't repay evil with evil.

    Don't try to snoop. Whatever we do in secret will find its way to the open someday and when it does, pls try to forgive. Its difficult but achievable. Avoid unnecessary heartache/death before your time.

    Love yourselves unconditionally. Men, Try to be faithful to your wives. Respect them. Complement them with words that lift their spirit and ego. Satisfy her sexual demands irrespective of your state of mind cos you don't want her heart to start wandering.

    Women, trust your husbands. Respect them also. Be his friend. Understand him in totality. Sexually, let him want you more. How you achieve that i cant tell but i know that men are moved by sight (and stomach )

    Finally, Love especially in marriage is that thing you hold on to after the initial affection/affection/romance might have weaned off.

    Dats my take on the whole issue.

  29. #Word#.#Word#..Am married with 3kids..Sexy and don't even look like a mother of 3kids..I ve men both married nd unmarried disturbing me up and down..Temptations everywhere..But am just trying my best not to cheat on my husband,who is very insecure now..So men don't justify ur cheating..Ifu can cheat,I can also cheat..

  30. Grab popcorn nd sit. am slping here today.

  31. Sister Nkechi has a vid for him. About men with side chicks. Abeg post it

  32. Abeg make God help we ladies/married women from broken heart and broken home. Me wan enjoy my marriage when I get married

  33. I am still wondering why this is a big deal. Men cheat and there is nothing one can do bout it. Oooop!!! there is sometin one can do bout it Chop off his cock, now even that isnt enuf to make a man stop cheating coz if you chop off his cock he will use his fingers and tongue to still cheat. They always find a way of cheating.

    1. Steffy Pls stop saying this, I beg u. Stop belittling urself and self esteem. If you man isn't ready to be faithful to u Pls let him go. While I was single, I broke up with 2 of my exes cos of infidelity. I always tell them from the beginning that I don't condone cheating, an if they do I walk. well both of them did and I bounced. I won't lie that it didn't hurt me, it did. Especially the 2nd guy, cos I was crazy in love with him. He thought I cldnt do without him, he told me to bet with him that I'll come back begging. I cried that night. The next day I left straight for my village. I stayed in d east for 2 wks, farming and going to d shop with my grandma just to get him off my mind. It partially worked. But what worked most was prayers and meditation. With time I got over him. Then when I met my hubby, the 1st question I asked him was his genotype, an then if he cld be faithful in a relationship, and he said yes. I told him 'i... if u ever cheat on me,I'll end this relationship. I won't even let u explain urself or apologize" and till today, I haven't seen anything. Mind u I snoop. Oh my, I snoop like a rat. I snoop anything and everything. Except he's exceptionally smart. But one thing I know is this if I ever find out in this life that my husband is doing kurukere outside, jehova in Heaven knows. I will walk out on him without looking back. By God's grace in financially Ok on my own. I won't let him make me trade words with a lowlife side chic. Tufia kwa. I will just leave him to die with his sidey.

  34. Hello ladies,!

    Men don't have monopoly on cheating. Stop giving men the impression that we can't do without them. As for me, two can play the game.

    I endured my husband's infidelity for so long till I said enough is enough to the crying for love, affection and heartaches.

    Now, I'm getting my fun. Let's see who's smarter!

    1. You're in the spirit gurl,thats how we roll now.

  35. All these male privileges started long ago. Otherwise, tell me why if a woman cheats, the ancestors abi Na village gods come after her. But if a man cheats that doesn't count. WTF! In some traditions if a woman cheats, her husband will fall sick & die. Ladies if ds applies to u & ur husband cheats, please cheat back so that he can just die slowly. Wicked & selfish men!!! Wetin sef. Mtchewwwww

    On a lighter note, "but yet" is tautology. U either say but or yet.

  36. This is the problem with Africans, because you have licence to marry more than one wife then you think you are Polygamous in nature. I don't blame you people but the bandage you have kept yourself in. Go to a develop country and talk about been Polygamous in nature and see if your bank account wouldn't be wiped off thru divorce.

    Nigerian women have learnt to belittle them selves and self esteem and remove their eyes from their man and allow you do anything because he is a man and he takes care of the family. So why should they bother?? You should be bothered because ones your husband starts sleeping with someone, at some point he gets comfortable with the person got he extent of having sec without condoms. When that a happens you are at a risk of been infected with all manner of disease. Then you are this side chicks who would go the extra length to keep your husband to themselves there by removing you from the equation. You wonder why his mood towards you have changed, well you turned a deaf rates to it initially, now another person whose eyes is opened has dragged his attention to his side..

  37. Oh well, exactly what I expected. @ original poster what is wrong is wrong and can't be justified. Chop clean mouth and move ahead. Don't expect anybody to openly part you on the back even though you have lots of partners in crime. Go and read the anonymous post of October 25/26 2015 and you will realize that you are just a learner. No let these ladies and girls use you shine.

  38. Ladies. NOT ALL OF US CHEAT. Stop listening to these boys please. Some of us fear God just like you. Pussy is not enough to send me to hell. It is not enough to make me lose my family. It is not enough to disappoint the woman I have sworn to protect. Men are very loyal to their work and you think they can not be loyal to you? Are you less than his livelihood? A man will stay committed to an employer because thats were he eats. He cant be faithful to the woman who is giving him children? Ladies require more from these men. Once you do that, they will step up or move for the one who is serious. DO NOT SETTLE. I am preaching this to my 15yr old already she needs to know cheating is immature and not normal.

    1. A man stays committed to his employer only because he is yet to find a better option... May workers would change their jobs if a better offer comes.

  39. Kudos to all posters. To the guy that sent in this post, let me just chip this in, our grandmithers did not win this battle because society was quick to stamp it on them that they are second-class citizens right from infanthood. Therefore they were weak and had low self esteem. If our grandmothers took shit from selfish men that thought of nothing other than their dicks, we wives and wives to be of this generation won't take it!! You cheat, I cheat back. Like a bv said, dogs put their sh*t all over the place, cats do their sh*t in private.

  40. #The weirder you can be around someone the closer you are*

  41. Dear men that cheat ...Yes!!!go ahead and cheat,continue...I keep saying it if you know you can't respect the vows you made in front of the God you serve why disturb yourself with marriage. If you need children just be a baby daddy...there are so many willing baby mamas out there ....and my dear women if he cheats,cheat back too...Who said we don't like fruit salad????

    1. Lol, me likey desert and some mendemende sef

  42. I don't know if my husband cheats... But I'm sexually frustrated by this man. We have been dating for over 5years and sex was good,almost everyday then. Now we are married for less than 6 months, I'm not pregnant o, I'm still very much sexually active,if he wants it for 10hrs daily, I'm ready. But this man only touches me once in a month or two. I stay pretty and fit, neat and all, I beg everyday for it. Now I'm thinking of getting me a dildo or a man strong enough. Honestly I swore never to cheat,i see no reason why he should cheat on me when I'm ever ready and good. Bv's,seriously Wat do you guys advice? We are still in our late 20's o

    1. The 2much sex you had before marriage is the cause of your issues,get busy and remove your mind from him.

    2. Get busy, be cheerful in such a way he could even think some guy is the reason behind your new found joy. I know the hubby comes back around 10pm, once it's 9:40pm I will start watching 'just for laugh gags' I will continue until I hear the maid or kids greeting daddy welcome. By the time I go face him, he asks sometimes what I have been up to and I just say nothing. Sharply he starts engaging me on phone from the moment he closes his office door till he reaches home! Enough of getting stuck in traffic when you close by 5/6 at most and one won't hear anything from them till they get home, he has a driver and therefore not driving himself for the 4hrs of silence

  43. Eyin eyan yi,one thing is sure,When you have a MAN,Who FEARZ,LOVE,RESPECT And Above All KNOW Who God Is,He Would Meet With Temptaion Wella,(Even More Than One Who Doesnt)Buj He Would Nearly Fall But Wont...Why Coz He Has A Relationship With The Supreme GOD!
    My Kinda Man List Has Always Being Topped By,A GOD FEARING MAN...God Help Us All!

  44. African men are weaker than african women. With their wandering dicks and fragile egos. Physical strength means nothing when a man is emotionally and mentally weak. I have lived in over 10 countries worldwide. I have never heard men of other races say the shit i hear come out of nigerian mens mouths. Polygamy is a myth to them and most of them strive to be loyal to their wives irrespective of religion. There are many good nigerian men that i have met but they have been drowned out by the voices of weak, useless, pansy men like this poster.

  45. London smallboy Bill Gates and a lot of the richest men in the world do not cheat on their wives. Grow up, only poor men like you think like that. You have that "when I have money I will cheat and have as many women as I want" mentality. You are actually the broke ass because a lot of extremely rich men don't think like that.

  46. London smallboy Bill Gates and a lot of the richest men in the world do not cheat on their wives. Grow up, only poor men like you think like that. You have that "when I have money I will cheat and have as many women as I want" mentality. You are actually the broke ass because a lot of extremely rich men don't think like that.

    1. Leave him oh. Talking about only poor man wouldn't cheat. I laughed out loud at that part

  47. @ Nina how the hell amni belittling mysef na? Honey I am a realistic person. I don't live in lies or accept lies coz it makes it easier. I face and accept the truth coz am a strong woman abi na Lady sef.

  48. A hand of applause for women....

  49. This topic is crucial to everyone.Pls ,pls pls,Ladies let's be honest here....Most men cheat!I was going to marry a "Christian" brother who was a Church worker to the core.I never #snooped# for 11 months.One day(lol,one freaking day)I checked his Phone.....see gbese!!!He was having intimate conversations with about 4-5 chicks .I was angry,couldn't even defend himself.Fast forward...we got engaged,started preparing for the wedding then we argued about something.We stopped talking,came back but his family was talking that I can't marry their son since I was not reporting our affairs to them.well,we still continued.Then he was hiding lots of things from me,we broke up and two months after a Lady gave birth for him(that part got me thinking....Where the spirikoko family at...hehehehehehehe).He got married few months after to a different lady and wanted to start bothering me again...omo see the way I shushhh am eh!I was hurt,that was the first time I ever gave my heart fully,I was a good gal but did not keep my mind open.I learnt the hard way,right now I have an open mind,I don't expect a perfect found me and we are walking down the aisle soon! but I learnt one hard truth.....Most men cheat,Spirit filled or not.Thank You Stella.

    1. Church going doesn't mean spirit filled.

    2. True Holy Spirit Filled=Righteous Living

      Any spirit (lies, perversion etc) Filled =Any lifestyle

      GODLINESS with contentment is great gain (no be talk am, check your Bible)

    3. True Holy Spirit Filled=Righteous Living

      Any spirit (lies, perversion etc) Filled =Any lifestyle

      GODLINESS with contentment is great gain (no be talk am, check your Bible)

    4. True Holy Spirit Filled=Righteous Living

      Any spirit (lies, perversion etc) Filled =Any lifestyle

      GODLINESS with contentment is great gain (no be talk am, check your Bible)

  50. Serious issue..
    Teamsnoop any day anytime.
    No dull moment.


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