Stella Dimoko Mother's Forum.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Mother's Forum.

Hey Momma's...Come in Here!


Hello Stella,

Thank you for your educative and entertaining blog. I got introduced to your blog about 3 months ago, though not an active follower cos of work but I read when I can.

I just saw a Mothers forum section for the first time, did not want to ask my question on the comment section so decided to send an email. Please I need advice. A 2 weeks plus old baby that is on breast milk and has not pooed in over 4 days, what can be done to help/make the baby poo?

Concerned lady.


  1. This is serious though. See a specialist

    1. There is not wrong oh. But me I have a way with my kids, thought by my grand ma. When bathing baby massage the tummy with the hot water, then open the anus and pour some good amount of hot water in it, turn baby back and massage tummy. Repeat process and u would see the magic. She also thought me one of using metheletum to put in the anus with either my small finger or a cotton bud. But pls that Can only be done by a pro oh.

    2. Yep my baby was like that too. My midwife adviced me to put vasline on the tip of a cotton bud and insert in her anus. I saw this method online also and it worked magic on her.

    3. If the baby is strictly on exclusive breast milk then the mom should reduce hard food intake and take enough water. Remember things like hard eBa and pounced yam may make even an adult have very hard stool. Mom please just drink enough water and you can squeeze natural orange and give the baby 2 teaspoon 3 times a day until he starts stooping. Remember that at first baby will even cry to remove the stool just like it happens In adult. Sorry your mama cause am

    4. Dear Poster,your baby is exclusively fed on breastmilk so I guess it's normal. Some babies go for more than four days.
      But in antenatal class and before I was discharged from the hospital I was told that if such happens I should observe if baby still farts(mess).
      So if your baby is farting then nothing to worry about.

    5. Chaii,my son can fart then,he was big and an so so mess
      After doing it he will now be making one kind face.
      My kids always had d problem of not pooing regularly but my mum always does d magic wen she baths them b4 u knwit poo will full every whr

    6. Take lots of water n orange
      Hope u don't "feed on Nzu"?

    7. My son was on exclusive breastfeeding and could go 1 week without pooing...just give him orange extract and little water...even if he doesn't go soon, he will later

    8. Poster, if you are breastfeeding, then eat lots of fruits esp oranges and watch your baby poop.

  2. Replies
    1. Ma'am please I beg you to ignore all these open baby's butt and put warm water and all.
      Your baby is perfectly normal from what you have said. If you're on exclusive then you shouldn't be worried as breast milk can be fully digested with no waste at all hence the no poop for days and sometimes up to a week unlike the formular fed babies.

      Just watch to see that baby isn't uncomfortable or cranky and as long as baby farts which I expect to be very smelly, then there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Read up more on exclusively fed babies you will understand better.

      Also please no water till 6 months o if you're sure its only breast milk cos 80% of breast milk is water and all you baby needs for this age is in your breast, you just have to eat well, healthy, loads of fruits and veggies, less sugar and most importantly rest very well so as to lactate better.

      Also tummy time,massage and bicycle kicks can help ease babies tummy if bloated.

      All the best and welcome to mummy world. Thank me later.

    2. Please adhere to this. And please do your own research. Download a baby app if you haven't. They are a great help. Read extensively and please go with your mummy instincts.

  3. I think it"s normal

    *Larry was here*

  4. The baby is perfectly okay..Some stay a week and no poo even..

  5. Do you give him water or it is just exclusive you are doing?

    1. It was same with my baby. Hers was almost a week sef. I tried everything oo. Massaged her tummy with hot water, inserted vaseline in her anus but no way. I complained to a doctor who advised I gave her water as she was on exclusive. I gave her water and vuum, she pooed.... And that was how I started giving her water.

  6. Its normal for exclusively fed babies, but check if she or he has strong tummy, like touch it to see if it's tight, if so den tak a lot of fruits and water. My son started dis wen he was about 6weeks doe

  7. you have nothing to worry your self about, if the baby normally fart don't worry the baby is fine. Try to apply hot water on the anus when bathing the baby, that can also help.
    Wham did i just say, what did i even know about babies? me still dey single self.

  8. Leave the baby joor...
    My kids used to poo once a week when they were infants.... So it's normal
    But if you're feeling uneasy about it,you can give him orange juice or vitamin C syrup.
    Good luck 😊

  9. Thers nothing wrong with that child. Exlusively breastfed babies can stay up to two weeks without pooping. Its very normal. you have nothing to be worried about.

  10. Feels good to be back here!

  11. It is normal,so long as baby is exclusively can only increase your own fluid intake,ie the breastfeeding mum.

  12. Sgt. Tackleberry27 July 2016 at 11:23

    It's okay if baby is not showing any sign of discomfort. But if u are really worried wen bathing the child, use d warm water to massage his tommy , part his butt cheeks n put a lil in his anus and get sett for wat will happen(lol)

    Experienced Mum😁

  13. Very simple. Get lukewarm water, rub mentholatum on cotton bud, insert in baby's anus (not too deep o), remove cotton bud and use a towel to apply the water into baby's anus.

    But be sure you are lactating well cos if the child isn't eating well, child can't poo. Let it not be lack of milk that's causing it.

  14. But the baby sha dey piss? If the baby dey piss, no wahala. Your baby is fine

  15. poster your baby is very much ok...mine stayed for 6days without poo, i took her to teaching hospital cos am a first time mum, doctors asked me to go that nothing is wrong as long as shes on exclusive breast feeding. right now i beg her not to poo cos she wastes diapers.

  16. The baby is fine, as long as it's not the first one, then it's fine, beside it means she is not getting enough breast milk

  17. My sister used to part her baby's butt chick and put warm bathing water into her baby's anus, small oo, there n then popo will come out. As a younger girl in my early 20s, i really learnt a lot from my Sister cus I took care of her 3 kids. I was so homely(i'm still homely) that my cousins all thought i will be the first to get married. I'm 30 and still single and all my cousins are married. Sometimes life happens, It's not by being a good girl or by being homely. Everyone has their time. But guess what? my time has come in Jesus name Amen.

  18. abeg o..are you doctor? this your mentholatum therapy for a baby....

  19. It's normal with exclusive breast feeding babies. When my daughter was 3weeks old she did not poo for 2weeks. I went to d hospital and d doctor said it was normal. As far as u are not giving formula ur baby is fine.

  20. It's nothing to worry much about. Except of course, the child is showing any sign if discomfort. Babies can stay up to a week or 2 without pooping. Their system/metabolism changes over time as they grow.

    Please, don't give orange juice oh. Orange is high in citric acid and not suitable for a child of that age (2 weeks). Keep breastfeeding him and I'm sure he'd let it all out when he/she feels like.

  21. It's normal, increase the water intake

  22. I use a home remedy. Get palm kernel oil,Igbos call it eluaki it is black in colour and mentholatum the one for babies. Dip a cotton bud in the eluaki and a bit of mentholatum then put it in the baby's anus. You can do that twice,in the morning and the night. Do not use too much mentholatum ohh.

  23. If it's exclusive breast feeding you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the baby still farts. Even if you go to the hospital, if you tell them it's exclusive, they will tell you have nothing to worry about

  24. Please don't give your baby any medicine. My son had same problem not pooing for one week. I started giving him fresh camomile water. He now poo every 2 days.
    If your baby doesn't poo for at least 7-8days, then I'll advice you go to the pharmacy and get "Microclysma Glycerine"is a rectal administration/laxative and your baby will poo immediately after 5mins.

    Not to worry, your baby will poo and always massage your baby stomach and butt hole after bathing.

  25. Poster it's normal especially if that child Is exclusively breast fed. Once my son didn't pop for 2weeks while still a baby and I was so worried then googled and found out it was normal. Next time use Google for immediate answers when you're worried about your baby.. it helps a lot. It helped me back then

  26. Don't be disturbed,Her system will still change. happened to my daughter when I gave birth to her, almost a week, no poop! I was disturbed even took her to a clinic but my mind was put to rest eventually she pooped after like two weeks. I will also advise u to watch what u eat as well. Avoid bread

  27. Your baby is very okay.
    This is what happens sometimes when you breastfeed exclusively.

    As the baby grows and you introduce other foods(milk and water) Poop time becomes more frequent.

    The moment you introduce Solids and all(at the appropriate age) the texture,smell and frequency changes again.

    Check out different Poop Consistency on Baby Center.
    It will help you understand the colour,texture and frequency better.

    Eeeewwrry right? But it was a life saver for me. I had to even save the different pictures and colours. LOL

    1. Haaahaaahaaahaaa!!@Iphie dearie Love that page babycentre, they still send me email personalised 'milestone' of my baby. Since I discovered them 3years ago when pregnant with my 1st baby, my Motherhood journey has been with ease plus advice and suggestions from my mum.

    2. Yessss. What To Expect is even better. So helpful especially to FTMs.

  28. Madam it's normal ,she will still poo, babies at sometime try to hold dere poo.kip giving her enuf breast milk she ll poo.

  29. Dip cotton bud inside baby's metholatol and dip it inside your baby's bumbum.

  30. It is normal please. I am a breastfeeding mom now,my baby can go up to four days without pooing. My doctor and health visitor actually said an exclusively breastfed baby can go up to 10 days without pooing,as far as the baby is having plenty wet nappies,it is okay.

  31. Please get a doctor's help

  32. It happens to almost all children at about that age so leave the baby she will poo but some persons apply a little mentholatum into the anus with cotton bud or apply the baby's bathsoap on cotton bud a little and apply on the anus. The second will make her poo immediately but even if nothing is applied, she will poo later

  33. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Mummy things....

  34. There is nothing to be worried about poster. My exclusively breastfed baby did'nt poo for 14 days when she was 12 weeks. I took her to the hospital and the doc practically laughed me out of his office.
    He said as long as she was farting, then there was no instentinal obstruction and therefore, no need to fret. That's was in the UK anyway. Don't know the quack you ll be visiting.

  35. please don't insert anything into the baby or force him to stool in any way. Your baby is perfectly normal and there is nothing wrong with him. He's metabolising everything he takes in for body building at the moment and there isn't any waste. When his system has excess to pass out as waste he will do so. Please that baby is perfectly normal. I have 30 years experience with babies. Okay?

  36. please don't insert anything into the baby or force him to stool in any way. Your baby is perfectly normal and there is nothing wrong with him. He's metabolising everything he takes in for body building at the moment and there isn't any waste. When his system has excess to pass out as waste he will do so. Please that baby is perfectly normal. I have 30 years experience with babies. Okay?

  37. #Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything*

  38. Stella keep swallowing my comment it is well,pls Bvs what can I do to have a baby boy. Thanks

  39. It's pretty normal for exclusively breastfed babies, don't worry too much. You can add more fiber to your diet. Only resort to cotton buds n mentholatum if you notice the baby is experiencing discomfort.

  40. 4 oz of water to 4 oz of apple juice will do the magic. It worked for my baby when he was a couple of weeks old. If your baby is on breast milk only, there shouldn't be a problem with poop. If this doesn't work see a doctor.

  41. It is normal for exclusively breast fed babies


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