Stella Dimoko Mothers Forum


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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mothers Forum

Some mother's do 've 'em!

Hello mothers, Please I have a problem.
My baby(almost 11months) has been stooling for the past one week. Many people including paediatricians say it's teething. He poopoos like 3-4times in the day then once at night. 

Though the stool isn't watery but I'm not just comfortable since he hasn't always been like that.

He hasn't lost weight and is not dehydrated. I was told to administer one tablet of baby zinc a day and to stop giving him milk or any food that contains milk. I stopped cereals completely for a week now but he still breastfeeds at night;at least two times before morning.

So I noticed that immediately after breastfeeding him, the next second he will poopoo. I tried giving mashed potatoe one night but he only ate small and was still crying grabbing my breast. I had to let him suck a little(you can guess what happened afterwards)

1. Please what other foods can I introduce at night to replace breastmilk.
2. How do I wean completely.
Thank you everyone.


  1. May God lay his healing hands on your baby

    *Larry was here*

    1. Dear Poster, kindly follow @augustsecret_toyin on Instagram and watch how happy and fulfilled you will be with your baby's diet. God bless you and your little one.

    2. If your baby stools after a milk meal, he may have developed lactose intolerance. Some babies do after a viral gut infection. Mine used to but luckily he would recover after some days. And this was at a time when he was solely on milk diet and once after we begun solids. Lactose free nan was our saving grace. Buy only a tin and give as a milk meal. If he doesn't stool, then viola you have it. U can reintroduce solids with milk free cereals like Gerber. It doesn't contain any milk. U may add the lactose free nan to it. Do not breastfeed pls until the problem is resolved. Free his gut from Milk for another three days then reintroduce it slowly. First in cereal, alternating with the lactose free. Until you are sure he is no longer sensitive to milk. Then you can continue with his normal milk diet pls. By the way, my 11 month old eats rice, amala, Indomie, spagh, fries. He loves fish in any form, fried, boiled etc. You can try introducing ur regular meals as u eat, he may just surprise you. Make sure u top up with lactose free milk so he can still enjoy the goodness of milk without the irritating presence of lactose. Good luck

    3. Dear poster, you can replace with tea. Milo and milk or with pap at night. Also, if you have anyone helping you out, try to get them to feed your child. Babies know and smell the breast milk but you have to be strong if you want to do it alone. Within the space of 3 days your child will forget that breast if you lock up your mind and refuse breastfeeding. They will rest afterward. Teething usually causes changes in a child and be prepared for various changes as they continue to Reeth. It's not just the first four (2 both upper and lower) but majority of their teething. Though this is not applicable to all children. Also, try and feed your baby well before going to bed so as not to encourage eating at night. This is actively encouraged abroad. Let them learn not waking up to eat at night.

  2. Watch your intake too, and it could be teething as well. You are even lucky if its teething. Some teething problem could keep you in hospital for weeks

    1. Which paediatrician told it is "teething"? You lie.

    2. help me o how can a paediatricIan say that nonsense. there is no illness like teething. Nigerian mothers have refused to learn after the my pikin incidence.

  3. You are eating something that is no going well with the baby's system. You must consider the type of food you eat while breastfeeding.

  4. Try introduce him to ogibaba abi custard or ogi added with soya beans, groundnut, some even add okporoko then marshed together for growth and stability.

    Then you try and start giving him solid food, small, small, just try introduce it.

    If giving him breast will make him poo, stop giving to him. He is a big boy.

  5. Madam, Check if your breast milk is contaminated (get an ant that is alive and press ur breast milk on it) watch if it dies then it is contaminated, discontinue breast feeding with 'immediate effect'. **In Falz voice**

    Any way whatever result you get, if the stooling continues, the baby is old enough to be weaned at 11 months old.
    Package ur breast for the rightful owner **wink**
    **side eye to all**

    1. which ant won't die when u put it inside liquid. you are part of the problems we have in nigeria o. see why mothers stop breastfeeding early because of this nonsense.

    2. Milk has nothing to do with your baby stooling. Nothing is wrong with your baby, if your baby is not running temperature you have nothing to be worried about. Continue the milk, breast milk and still give your cereal. Stay out of anything call juice,sterilize your baby plates,cups and spoons properly. Work on your hygiene and watch your food. You stay out of soft drink. Do all these and thank me later.

  6. Which quack pediatrician told you that Teething in babies causes diarrhea?...
    Madam,the cause of your baby's frequent Stooling is caused by dirt in your home...I'm sure you don't wash his toys and hands regularly...

    To answer your question,
    Your baby needs milk!
    Introduce a follow on milk to him...
    The person that told you to stop giving him milk is a retard!...

    1. Shut up you your house cleaner than hers? So she just became dirty all of a sudden right? At 11 months! Something dey worry you. All ye over sabi on this blog. Make we see your face naaa..madam him enfamil never come carry you for advert? Unamikot !! And I have been a mom for almost 13 years now.

    2. Taa!...
      E pain you and you went under anonymous to reply...
      Dirty pig!...
      Take your child to a good hospital and stop disturbing us with your nonsense questions! be to open toto collect prick una sabi...

    3. You just say rubbish most times....i just tire for you......tufiakwa. Queen ko boss ni.

    4. This queen needs help seriously, the way u spill out rubbish and use insultive words is appalling, u need to be matured and ignore some comments. Kai!

    5. There is no such thing as "teething" causing stooling,its only an infection either from the child or something that is contaminated that can make the child stool.. Your child needs to see a good paediatrician,he can still be on cereal while you keep trying to feed him solids. I wish him a fast recovery.#ihopethishelps

  7. You will know if it's poop caused by teething. it will look different from his normal poop. It's egusi like.
    If it is, there's no need to worry because he will get over it but meanwhile, you can't wean him now that his immunity might be low.
    Hope you have ORT at home to give him anytime he poops to regain lost strenght.

    1. Please help me tell that made Queen and king plus boss of Stella's blogs that babies stool when teething. Who made you a paediatrician sef to come call another one quack ! Ewu of Stella's blog! Hiss

    2. Teething does not cause stooling. Its "an old wives tale" the child may have a slight fever,or a little loose stool while teething, if he is stooling he probably has an infection or is a symptom of another illness but not teething.

  8. Some babies are lactose intolerant so you may have to try giving him soy milk instead. You can try Isomil or any other soy based baby formula. Always follow your instinct as a mum if you feel something is not right with your child. Maybe you need to change your child's pediatrician too. Hope your child feels better soonest. Good luck.

  9. Your baby is less than 12 months so milk is a very important part of his diet . So long as his poo is not watery , there is nothing to worry about . Once I stopped exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months and introduced solids , my son started pooing 4 times a day, one in the morning , and subsequent ones after each meal . He is 14 months months old now and it's still the same pattern . He is not losing weight and is very healthy . If you want to wean your baby off the Breast, you must supplement with formula . Once he turns 12 months he can have the same full cream milk the family has or you can buy him a growing up milk like peak 123. Don't deprive your child of milk . Go online and read up on baby poo and you will realize your child is normal . Be sure to feed him balanced meals rich in proteins and fruits and vegetables.

  10. Madam, take your baby to the hospital and stop listening to 'they said'. Don't tell us you have seen a paediatrician because no paediatrician can tell you that teething causes stooling. Though experienced mothers say that but Paediatricians will never accept it. Stop self medicating please.

  11. To wean completely , start dropping a milk feed daily till you drop till once a day, try to have someone else spend more time with your baby and if he wakes at night , someone else should attend to him .

  12. your baby might be allergic to the foods you (the mother) eats. Keep a diary a week of what you eat before breastfeeding your baby. Probably start by avoiding spicy foods just before you breastfeed and see if there is a difference in your baby's bowel habits

    If that doesnt work, then avoid dairy foods for a week and monitor.

    Its very likely your baby has an allergy to certain foods that are passed via your breastmilk to him

  13. Not to sound rude. But the time used in typing this could have been used to google up various answers. That said, there ain't any perfect waay to wean a child. I used milk for less than 2weeks and then started giving him water at night.slept in a different room for less than a week at the beginning too.Also rather than mashed potatoes, wh don't you try real solid food like poundo and soup, spaghetti or indomie or better still moimoi.

  14. U cud try pap made from millet.

  15. Watch what u eat + ur baby is teething

  16. God will heal your baby,try millet,guinea corn,soya beans containing (cray fish,groundnut and unriped plantain),make it your self

  17. Its normal. Enjoy your baby and stop looking for problems

  18. Asides teething which could be the cause, what have you been eating???

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    One week is much for him to poo,teething mkes baby poo dats true,cont breastfeeding him if dats what he wants.

  20. Your baby need milk till 12 months. You need to go to general hospital and a pediatrician attend to your baby. You may need to do stool test if the stooling did not stop. And be ensure ur baby environment is clean including toys.

  21. Madam there is no pediatrician that will tell you teething causes diarrhea. Go to a teaching hospital and speak to a consultant pediatrician and stop doing trial and error with your baby.

  22. It is funny how people jump into conclusion of the mother being dirty when a child is stooling.

    Poster, I am aware "lactose intolerance" causes babies to stool. Perhaps your baby is no longer tolerant to lactose which is contained in breast milk and other regular milk-based baby foods. Please try SMA Wysol or Isomil.

  23. Madam there is no pediatrician that will tell you teething causes diarrhea. Go to a teaching hospital and speak to a consultant pediatrician and stop doing trial and error with your baby.

  24. #LOVE is just a word until someone special gives it a meaning*

  25. Poster.....I almost thought you were referring to my baby.
    Same experience, and she is 11months also.
    I substitute Gerber rice cereal at night, but that is after 2 or 3 rounds of suckling.
    Her pead confirmed her stool is normal, so i stopped worrying.

  26. Queen i like your style, no wasting time of giving them back. Dont mind them jare

  27. No proper pediatrician will tell you that teething causes stooling. Teething DOES NOT cause spooling. Your baby probably has a viral infection. Continue to give his as much food as he can tolerate, buy ORS and give him in small quantities throughout the day. This is not the time to stop breastfeeding, he needs the fluid to replenish what he loses by stooling. Breastfeeding is recommended for 24 months. Buy Baby cereals that do not contain milk, an example is Nutribom. This way you can control his milk intake as necessary. Take him to a general hospital to see a pediatrician for evaluation.

  28. Your baby will get well dear, but please watch what you eats guess he his reacting to something

  29. I agree with Anonymous 12.06 and 13.53. Your baby is now probably lactose intolerant. It happened to my exclusively breastfed 8 mnths old. I'd taken her to 2 different pediatricians who ran several tests and couldn't tell what the problem was, until a 3rd pediatrician suspected she was lactose intolerant and suggested I stopped breastfeeding her for a while. The stooling stopped when I switched to isomil soy formula. I gradually started re-introducing breast milk. She outgrew the problem. She's now a healthy 7yr old.

  30. I think you should try isomil for milk and nutrend or any other cereal that doesn't contain milk. (Maize and soya) but I doubt there is any readily available for cereal. You didn't explain how the poop is color wise and all. My baby also has lactose intolerance. This made him poop immediately after every meal before we found out that its the diary products I take n feed him as well. My problems are over now as he does not react to the isomil and nutriend and he is so cute n cubby.

  31. Lol. A lot of 'would-be' Drs here.
    Poster, if you had an experience with frequent poop when your baby had the first tooth/teeth, then there's a high possibility that he is teething. However, to cover all angles, a stool test should be done. In the mean time hydrate to replace electrolytes. ORS is good, Pedialyte too.

    Secondly, to wean your baby off breastfeeding at night, try having dad or a trusted relative sleep with him at night. If he does wake up, they should offer water. 11 months is old enough to sleep through the night without food. He is waking up for the comfort of sucking.
    During the day, express some milk and give in a sippy cup. Gradually dilute with formula over the course of 2 weeks. It would take some adjustment so be prepared for tears. Consistency is key. A good formula to try is nan2, taste is mild and its pocket friendly. You could do Enfamil too. Try giving semi solids, mashed with milk. Good luck.

  32. Try and introduce solid foods to ur baby,then u can drop him/her wit someone during d nyt to stop weaning.


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