Stella Dimoko Motherhood Forum



Friday, July 01, 2016

Motherhood Forum

Hey Mother's in the house...Here's one of us needing Guidance!

''I am a new mom at my wits end. Dear mums in the house please what can I give my 3weeks old baby to relieve him of colic pains? He doesn't sleep and I don't sleep either and that makes me very depressed.

 I have tried Colipan and Nospamin(both doctor's prescriptions) but I don't see any difference. Please guys help a distressed mum out!!!''


  1. It is well with you and the baby

    1. Just anoint the baby there's nt much u can do. All those drugs Na wash

    2. My dear, if u are in Lagos, ask for baby agbo. I have 3 kids and my mom brought it for omugwo. Initially I was skeptical, have always believed in English medicine, but after my mom gave my baby, she never cried except when hungry and she slept till dawn. When my mom was coming for my other children's omugwo, I was d one reminding her to bring along baby agbo.

    3. My baby is three weeks today also and he suffers from colic also. I still use nospamin for him. I make sure I put him to sleep with his Tommy down. My mother inlaw massages his Tommy sha. It's well.

    4. Colipan n Nospami for a 3-week old baby, which "Doctor" prescribed this???? Pls buy Infacol.

    5. Hmmm trust me bae, you might need to just wait it usually last for 3months and believe me when I say it will be like magic, cos you won't even remember it again. Mine was same n I was almost going crazy, my mum and MIL kept hammering for me to be patient but I was jumping from one prescription after another....
      This post just brought back memories. No worry, it is heart aching but before you know it, three months have come n gone!

  2. God take perfect control

    *Larry was here*

    1. Sgt.Tackleberry1 July 2016 at 20:54

      Honey is bad for babies because it can grow botulinum spores, which can secrete a toxin and produce a transient paralysis in young infants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that botulism is a rare but serious foodborne disease.
      Source: google

    2. Sgt.Tackleberry1 July 2016 at 21:15

      Honey is bad for babies because it can grow botulinum spores, which can secrete a toxin and produce a transient paralysis in young infants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that botulism is a rare but serious foodborne disease.
      Source: google

    3. Things u cud do dt may help,while feeding(sucking) ensure u sit comfortably wt ur back touching d back of ur couch while u bring him to d breast,dont take d breast to him, after ur baby feeds,place him on ur shoulder and rub his back till he burps,ds expels air he must hv swallowed while sucking,he'll still swallow some regardless,wen he starts to wriggle n cry place him on a flat surface,get some baby oil or olive oil,rub on and gently massage in anti clockwise manner,this helps to guide d swallowed air down and out and soothes d pain. hope ds helps

  3. It's normal. It takes like 2 months+ for some baby boy too stop crying. Baby girls are always cool like dat. Please worry not.

  4. Just be massaging your baby stomach with warm (a bit hot) water. Always make sure your baby lyes with his stomach,I mean facing down. Colic is a natural thing can only be managed till your baby navel heals completely.

    1. It is not advisable for a baby to sleep facing down. Here in UK,i was warned by my health visitor not to try laying my child on his stomach to sleep again after she caught my son sleeping on his stomach. She even threatened to report me to social services. I was told it can cause sudden infant death.

    2. Yea that laying on the stomach thing helps a lot. That's how my boy use to cry till I discovered that trick. Give him gripe water it helps too

    3. God does it all1 July 2016 at 14:48

      Pray for him. I prayed for mine and I mention every part of his body. I tell God his navel won't hurt and God answered me. My LO is also teething with ease without taking teething powder, all to God's glory. Pls pray for him, he will be fine in Jesus name.

    4. Reduce your milk intake for a week and see if it helps, if it doesn't then continue with your milk intake. It worked for me and mfriends kids

  5. Buy infacol at any good pharmacy. It helped my kids.

    1. Poster,send me a mail.let's have no traceable Addy. I m currently in ur shoes. I m used to it cos this s d second girl wt colic.

    2. Not for all babies sha cos it didn't work for mine...I google n is 3months after that, you won't remember the experience!

  6. Nurse Elena, where are u?

  7. Madam please don't even try to give him nospamin it will stop with time.same thing happened to my children in fact at a point I was crying but eventually it why I said u should not give him that drug is bcos then wen I took my child for immunization, they showed us a chart about this particular drug that it will relieve the child for sometime and later it will continue and also it will be affecting the child's intestine general hospitals don't recommend such drugs for babies.pls jus be patient

  8. Eyaaah I can only imagine how exhausted you are. Oya where are the mothers them in this blog? Your attention is needed here.

  9. Madam please don't even try to give him nospamin it will stop with time.same thing happened to my children in fact at a point I was crying but eventually it why I said u should not give him that drug is bcos then wen I took my child for immunization, they showed us a chart about this particular drug that it will relieve the child for sometime and later it will continue and also it will be affecting the child's intestine general hospitals don't recommend such drugs for babies.pls jus be patient

    1. Yeah,don't give nospamin.also do not give gripe water. They hv some side effects,if not now,later ,on some kids

    2. Don't give him anything I changed my diet, I found online,stopped straight away,no pepper,no onions n garlic n spicey things, or worst of my baby wud scream after is soft drinks,coke fanta etc,it's basically a gas build up causes by ur food witch ur baby can't handle therefore screams u can Google worked wonders,the dayashe wud cry was wen I give in n have a coke after 2months introduced pepper slowly

  10. Poster,
    Truth is colic no get medicine! can try gripe water....not those rubbish they sell in Naija or Dentinox...

    1. Gripe water worked for my son.

    2. Ok pls house I have something to say or ask,my baby navel was removed, I mean the cord was removed, he did not fall out on is own, is it right,now as am taking to you now my baby navel is paining her so what I am I going to use to stop the pain


  11. What Is Colic?
    Colic is a bit of a mystery. The term applies to any healthy, well-fed infant who cries more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks. Here's what we know about it:

    Colic is likely to start around age 2 weeks if your infant is full-term (or later if premature).
    It almost always goes away on its own by 3 or 4 months.
    Your baby's sex and birth order, and whether you breast- or bottle-feed, don’t affect it.
    Kids who had colic as babies are no different from those who didn’t.

    What Causes Colic?
    Colic’s exact cause is unknown, and that's why there’s not a clear way to help it. Some theories of what’s behind it include:

    A growing digestive system with muscles that often spasm
    Hormones that cause stomach pain or a fussy mood
    Oversensitivity or overstimulation by light, noise, etc.
    A moody baby
    A still-developing nervous system
    Remember, there are many things that can seem like colic but aren’t. If you're concerned about your baby, your doctor can do a full exam to rule out a medical cause for why your baby cries and is fussy. She could be irritable because of:

    An infection
    Acid reflux or stomach problems
    Pressure or inflammation of the brain and nervous system
    Eye trouble, like a scratch or increased pressure
    Irregular heartbeat
    Injury to bones, muscles, or fingers

    What to Do When Colic Is Stressing You Out
    It's a challenge when you have a baby with colic. Know that it's normal and common to sometimes feel angry or resentful toward your cranky little one. You are not a bad parent to feel that way, so don't feel guilty. Everyone has these feelings sometime.

    If you’re at the end of the rope, remember it is OK to leave baby in his crib or play pen for a short time while you leave the room to collect yourself.

    Source : Google.
    Credit : WebMD

  12. ... Put bitterkola in his waterbottle let him drink whenever. That helped my son.

    1. Hahaha... bittekola??? You must be a joker.

    2. Sgt.Tackleberry1 July 2016 at 19:53

      Not a joke. Worked for my 2 boys. I actually grated mine n seived it.

    3. God bless you dis really worked for my 4 boys. It works like magic. I also use Lettuce I blend d stem and use. It also works. Good luck

    4. Oh yes, it does work. For my first child, I initially uses gripe water and nospamin, they weren't effective until a friend told me of bitter cola water, it worked like magic o. Just introduced it to my new baby again.

  13. I think it will stop on its niece was always crying every night. Nothing worked..we took turns carrying her every night. It stopped when she was a month old. I dont knw o..i am not a mum o, i just dey talk the one wey i experience.

  14. When I had my son my mummy will plug iron and put a towel on it and use it to massage his stomach in the morning, afternoon and night, although he still cry at night but sleep most of the time. My MIL also gave me dry ginger, garlic to put in the water and give him a spoon morning and night.

  15. Hmm,that phase can be scary and tiring .seeing little creatures crying in pain. Have u tried gripe water ? My MIL was around so my baby had Agbo ,the traditional medicine. Try to lie your baby on her tummy . It'll help .

  16. Meanwhile,pls my one year old has been coughing for over 3 weeks. I have tried neofylin and benelin children. Pls what else can I use. Are there home remedies I can use ? It's really a cause to worry as she throws up her food whenever the cough starts...pls help.

    1. All those cough syrups don't eradicate coughs without the use of an antibiotics...
      Try emtrim's cheap like 250...If it didn't work,try zithromax...
      See your doctor abeg...

    2. See your doctor they should do antibiotics. It might be infection.

    3. Try palm oil and sugar, saw it in one mother and baby topic on nairaland. Quite a number of moms said they tried it and swear it works.

    4. Zithromax does wonders on my baby
      Since I discovered it, no more cough.

    5. Try Erythromycin, it comes in powdered form i.e. antibiotics and May be with piriton or any other cough syrup. Work wonders

    6. Zithromax is good if need be.

      However,home remedy I use is lemon,ginger,ori(Shea butter),and,honey

    7. Zithromax helped my baby a great deal. Try it.

    8. Madam treat your baby for malaria jare..the cough will doc said some malaria dey manifest like coughg

    9. Pleasee use honey for your coughing baby. Also try and slightly increase the temperature of bath water, drinking water and foods generally. This is to avoid cold as it is d primary cause of the cough.

    10. Thanks all, I appreciate. She is on antibiotics and treating malaria already. Will wait for a few days B4 trying out what you guys recommended.

    11. Please don't use antibiotics without prescription. To be on a safe side, if you are still breastfeeding, you as a mother, take the cough syrup and the baby will get it through your milk.

    12. The mother of the baby with Colin, please when you place your baby facing down, be watchful because of SID, sudden infant death so place babies facing up. I know gripe water helps too.

    13. Madam, this happened to my child and i took him to the hospital for examination cos I tried treating malaria, cough and all and it Did nt work. D doctor found out he has tonsilitis that d cos of d cough and throw ups. Pls visit a paediatrician.self medication isn't good

  17. Infacol helps,but he will outgrow it

    1. Infacol used to work for my baby too but he out grew it....Don't want to try any other remedy...just being patient till he gets to 3 months....Thank God we are 2 months now...Almost there.

    2. Infacol used to work for my baby too but he out grew it....Don't want to try any other remedy...just being patient till he gets to 3 months....Thank God we are 2 months now...Almost there.

  18. Madam please don't say u are very depressed. The time u were gbenshing and moaning and telling him harder harder, deeper. Depression was the last thing on your mind.

    1. Shut up your mouth, Efulefu.

    2. @james,you no well.what has your response got to do with the issue on ground.receive sense abeg.funny you.

  19. Where is that woman that breastfeeds a 15yr old?

    1. I'm here. What's the problem. My son does not have colic.

    2. Will CBN give you an award if you locate her? Abeg let person hear word.

    3. Give ur baby Infacol. It's magical

    4. Give ur baby Infacol. It's magical

  20. Colic pain is mostly caused by wind that gets in during feeding. At this point you may need to cut off or reduce formula, only breastfeed for now. Make sure he latches very well when breast feeding so less air can go into his system, try to make him burp well after feeding too. Also lie him on the stomach but please reduce any pillow or harmful object that can lead to suffocation.You the mother will need to cut down on sugary stuff you take since he is feeding on you. Reduce sugary drinks or tea, cakes chocolate and more. It's a phase and it will pass. Don't allow this distract you from enjoying the joys of motherhood.

    1. *claps
      I don't need tp type again.
      Colic has no cure. But most of the time massaging with a towel and warm water helps.

  21. My dear, it is natural. But during my last child, my mum gave bitter kola mixed with safe warm water, and it helps. Tried Nospamin for a long time no way. But that can't stop the pain, just relieving for a while. All the best.

  22. Maybe all you need is a little patience.. .better still you can seek another opinion.
    However, You can use a clean napkin and lit lantern on the abdomen. Then turn him /her face down to sleep. I did it for my baby and it worked.

  23. From my own experience, I have 2 boys and I did not give them any drug for colic, just feed your baby and burp her, most times i let them lie on their tummy whenever this colic session starts and pat them, from info i gathered, its their digestive system that is trying to adapt to the new form of feeding and gas accumulated will try to come out, you will notice that it sometimes relieve them when they fart or belch. stop putting too many medication into the system of the newborn please, your baby will be fine. like my mom will say "na strong mind den dey take raise pikin" don't be scared, their actions sometimes scares you. God bless

  24. Why not try Gripe Water. I used that when I had same experience and it worked.

  25. Keep breastfeeding him,it worked for m.i did exclusive duo,no gripe water,No nospamin, No herbs just breastfeeding. Sorry dear eku itoju,God bless dem for us

  26. Some babies just have very bad colic and it goes away on its own naturally.. My son had it and i tried everything even Woodwards Gripe water.. It went away on its own naturally.. Pele its like this in the beginning.

  27. Poster...Try Infacol ,it will go away in due time.I know how u feel cos I been there.

    1. Yes infacol is very effective it will help your baby release the gas that causes the stomach upset. Immediately you give your baby she will release the gas and will be relieved

  28. Dear Mum, please do not be depressed. For children to have colic from 0-3 months is a normal thing and the intensity & frequency differs from baby to baby. Mind you this is something that must happen in every infant and nothing you give to the baby will stop it but will only give some form of relief.

    You can try this home remedy - buy bitter cola, remove the shell or thin coating at the back cut it into pieces and soak in clean water for minimum of 6 hours. Give the water to the baby using small baby spoons, about 5 spoons should be fine. Give first thing in the morning, afternoon and evening or whenever the pain starts.

    Look on the bright side dear, it is a sacrifice we all have to make but be consoled by the fact that it is a passing phase.

    1. Thanks a lot for this. I was encouraged.

  29. really, there's no prescription for colic pains. it will disappear when the child is a month older. infacol could give some momentary relief. no drug will eliminate the pain totally. just give it time. but to tell you the truth, it can be very heart wrenching watching your tiny tot writing in pain when you can do little or nothing to stop it.

  30. Hey fellow new mum i understand how u feel...firstly do u bottle feed?
    colic pains is as a result of gas accumulation..if u bottle feed make sure ur baby doesnt suck air frm d feeder..pull out immediately d food is finished
    Secondly make sure ur baby burps after each feed
    Massage ur baby's navel with hot water cos according to my mum n older women d colic pain is as a result of d intestines untangling
    Lastly i dnt tink colipan is d drug of choice in ur case...if am right colipan is hyoscine butylbromide it doesnt contain 'anti-gas'properties...use gripe water or infacol really worked for my baby
    All d best

  31. @Poster, some will tell you to use Gripe water, agbo, and others.
    Let me tell you the truth your baby's intestine is opening hence the pain and cry, its normal but it all depend on the baby.
    When I gave birth, I quickly bought Gripe Water but didn't open it till date but then I made my enquiry/research and discovered that its natural because no matter what you give the baby it won't stop permanently till 1month PLUS & some 3 months

    My advice, when bathing the baby, press the tummy well i.e. 'massaging way' but not with all your strength or with very hot water o. After that your baby will sleep soundly even at night.

    My baby used to cry a lot too I couldn't sleep at night but then I observed very well. I discovered that she came with big stomach i.e. I had to wake up like 3-4 times just to feed her.

    As I type this, I have never slept without waking up like 3-4 times every night for the past 7-8 months...but I thank God. The baby will surely outgrow it when the time comes. That's the joy of being a mother. #smiles

  32. Gripe water bt at dis age is normal bt baby will change frm 6weeks. Der still tink dier in d tummy dats y. With time he will start sleeping. D first night my baby did it i cried wit him too. Lol

  33. Gripe water bt at dis age is normal bt baby will change frm 6weeks. Der still tink dier in d tummy dats y. With time he will start sleeping. D first night my baby did it i cried wit him too. Lol

  34. Give ur baby infanco before breastfeeding

    1. My dear use infancol .. It works like magic n taste nice too. Use before feeding ur baby.

    2. I used "Gbomoro"

  35. Massage his tummy with very warm water 3times a day and use infacol.drop infacol in his mouth before ur breastfeed each time u breastfeed n make sure d infacol is always stored in d fridge for optimal results.cheers.

  36. Buy gripe water, give d baby 3-4 times daily.

  37. Put Garlic in water , let is ferment a little and put a drop in his mouth every day .

  38. Do this,buy bitter cola known as agbilu in Igbo language.Peel and put inside hot water.Leave to cool,take a drop or two of the liquid and give that baby.Remember its heavy antibiotic so don't go more than a drop.After 24hrs,Please ensure your baby burps after feeding also ensure that her mouth covers ur nipple or feeder.Once the baby gets are into her system,the colic will start again.Its just gas in the stomach.For now,place her on her tommy on ur lap or on ur chest with the tommy faced down.that will bring relief.I cried so much during my days as a new mum so I feel ur pain.Good luck.

  39. Gripe water
    Worked wonders for my lo. Hang in there he'll grow over it.

  40. Hey dont worry, u hav about a week plus for the baby's colic to reduce, it usually takes about a month...there's really no drugs that can stop it.

  41. Congrats New mum.
    Take a deep breathe and relax.
    Babies grow fast and this too shall pass.

    For the colic pains i think you should use infacol.
    Are u breastfeeding or bottlefeeding?
    Breastmilk is best for your baby at this age cos it digests faster.
    If you are bottle feeding make sure you raise up the feeding bottle well while in baby's mouth such that the teat is always filled with milk.
    That way,baby swallows as little air as possible.
    Also try and get baby to burp after feeding so as to release any air that was swallowed while feeding.

    Also,hope you are still using water that is a bit hot on baby's navel?
    Even if it seems like it has healed,keep applying it.

    Above all, be calm and composed.
    Throw away anxiety.
    All is well.
    Kisses to baby.

  42. Try infancol, it works perfectly well. Am using it for my 4 weeks baby.

  43. Awwwww. sorry, the Lord is your strength. Try gripe water or is it grape water cant remember exactly what it is called, but you will get it in any good pharmacy. always put the baby to lie on your chest facing down or lie the baby on a pillow, it helps. it will surely pass okay.

  44. Gripe water will be of good help.

  45. Infacol and as much breastfeeding as you can... don't worry it gets better.

  46. Use Infacol before each feed, multiple times a day , that was a life safer for me . Also try lying baby on his tummy on your lap and rub his back. Don't forget to burp after each feed .

  47. Please try bitter kola dear,peel it&soak in hot water for about 30mins.use small spoon and give him maybe 3times in a day.i used it for my two boys and it really worked.while he is sleeping,the stomach should always be faced down.good luck

  48. The woman with baby coughing, pls boil oinons and honey mix together or get septrim syrup.they all work for my kids because my kids coughs anytime they want to be down with malaria. You can try any of the two I mentioned.

    1. Onions and honey, like what quantity and doses. Thanks

  49. Place ur baby on ur chest
    Allow his navel contact with your
    After a while ur baby will be relieved while u will feel a slight pain in ur tummy
    This works for me
    Especially at night
    Not a fan of too many medication on babies

  50. Infacol is great i used it for my first baby but if you can get mylicon where you are its way better cos the dosage is a lot smaller and easier to give baby.

  51. Use gripe oil and please don't eat beans till he is three months

  52. Gripe water is just the answer you need sis baby cried every night and dumb doctors had no idea what to administer until she told her friend and she suggested gripe water... Pay me in two days lol. Seriously it really works + u should not eat beans anytime soon for the sake of your baby cos that also instigates d pain

  53. Go to any pharmacy and ask for gripe water, lie him on his tummy he will sleep well. Colic is nothing so worry not. The pains will stop at 6 weeks. Visit

  54. I used colic calm for my son and there was relief afterwards, I don't know if they sell it in Nigeria though,

  55. It will stop with time but you can as well try Gripe Water, that is what I used for my baby too.

  56. It will stop with time but you can as well try Gripe Water, that is what I used for my baby too.

  57. For the cough go and buy bragg vinegar mix a teaspoon with two desert spoon of warm water mixed with honey .

  58. My mother in law taught me to always lie my baby down on her tummy. It relieved her a great deal. My mother in law always made sure to carry her on her knee with her tummy resting on her knee and rocking her whilst doing that. Gripe water was given too.

  59. My baby didn't have Colic, so i don't know how exactly it feels like. I heard babies usually have colic because of the milk they take outside their mother's milk. I heard gripe water and a little massage also do wonders.
    I can feel your pain; one little girl that gave birth recently asked her husband for a divorce all because her newborn baby was always crying at night because of colic pain.


  61. Also I forgot to add, your diet can sometimes affect baby. I noticed when I would take yoghurt and some other diary products it worsened my baby's condition. I cut them out for a little while and noticed results . Only keep your baby on his belly when you are rubbing his back and rocking him , but pls not to sleep.

  62. Am surprised people are suggesting honey for a child under 1 year. Here in the UK you are warned against it o!

  63. I feel your pain my dear. Any time I have baby fever, I remember the colicky baby I had and how horrible those times were. One day my baby cried from 1pm till 3am, I kid you not. I literally went crazy that day, I cried with her, massage, warm bath, rock, colic hold, swing,etc. I made up my mind that day that I wouldn't go through this again.

  64. Use gripe is very effective,also let your baby lie on his/her stomach.

  65. Nothing. Keep breast feeding your kid and let him sleep on his tummy not on his back. Worked for my kid.

  66. Give gripe water it help

  67. Nne break coconut and give him the water. It works very well. I used for my kids and suggest it to everyone who cares to listen and all the testimony are the same.

  68. Nne break coconut and give him the water. It works very well. I used for my kids and suggest it to everyone who cares to listen and all the testimony are the same. Just put the water in a feeder and give him to drink. There is no overdose as the water is very nutritious. Google coconut water for babies.

  69. Infacol reali worked for my son..d other poster ur child's persistent cough cud be infection so try antibiotics but try spk with a pharmacist or ped

  70. Infacol or any other brand of Simethicone. Besutiful thing is that there are no side effects, my ped here in the states says it's as harmless as giving water. Just follow the proper dosing. Pls no antibiotics are necessary!


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