Stella Dimoko An Analysis Of The Constitutional Validity Of Freezing Governor Fayose's Bank Account


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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

An Analysis Of The Constitutional Validity Of Freezing Governor Fayose's Bank Account

On Monday 20th June 2016 the Governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Peter Fayose, alerted the nation that his personal bank account domiciled with Zenith Bank of Nigeria Plc has been frozen by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). 

Mr. Fayose excoriated the anti-graft agency and the Federal Government of Nigeria for taking such "illegal" and "criminal" action without reference or regard to the immunity clause in the Constitution which protects him during the currency and subsistence of his tenure as the Executive Governor of Ekiti State.
In his response, the Spokesman for the EFCC, Wilson Uwujaren told Vanguard Newspaper that the anti-graft agency has the right to investigate any governor whose account is being used to move funds. “Immunity does not prevent EFCC from investigating suspicious accounts of those enjoying immunity, and Fayose cannot be an exception, “Mr. Uwujaren said.

Before delving into the substance of this legal controversy, it should be noted from the beginning that this essay is strictly aimed at dissecting the constitutionality or otherwise of the freezing of the bank account of a sitting governor by the EFCC. The temptation to meddle into any alleged, conceivable or ostensible political undertone in the matter will be resisted. 

I also need to caution that this piece requires patience and clarity of thoughts, devoid of emotions and sentiments for proper digestion and comprehension. The issue at stake deserves a detailed examination.
In resolving this controversy, I have formulated two relevant questions or issues for determination, namely:

1. Whether the EFCC have the powers under the law to freeze the bank account(s) of persons who are under criminal investigation by the commission?

2. Whether a sitting governor of a State in Nigeria can be investigated for alleged crimes, and his bank account(s) frozen by the EFCC in the course or under the pretext of criminal investigation?

The answer to issue 1 supra (above) is found in the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act 2004 (subsequently referred to as the EFCC Act). In recognition of the serious nature of economic and financial crimes, the National Assembly vested the EFCC with far reaching powers to enable the Commission to discharge its mandate of ridding the country of corruption. 

Among the powers conferred on the Commission as part of its general investigative powers, is the power to freeze the bank account of persons who are subject of an investigation by the commission.

Specifically, Section 34 (1) of the EFCC Act with the heading: "Freezing order on banks or other, other financial institutions", provides as follows:
"Notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment or law, the Chairman of the Commission or any officer authorised by him may, if satisfied that the money in the account of a person is made through the commission of an offence under this Act and or any of the enactments specified under section 7 (2) (a)-(f) of this Act, apply to the Court ex-parte for power to issue an order as specified in Form B of the Schedule to this Act, addressed to the manager of the bank or any person in control of the financial institution or designated non-financial institution where the account is or believed by him to be or the head office of the bank, other financial institution or designated non-financial institution to freeze the account."

The above provision is self-explanatory. For emphasis, I will elucidate on two principles arising from the provision.

Firstly, the EFCC Chairman or any other officer of the commission authorised by him can order any financial institution (including Zenith Bank of Nigeria Plc where Governor Fayose's account is domiciled) to freeze any account with money which he is satisfied is made through the commission of an offence under the EFCC Act, the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, etc. Satisfaction within the contemplation of this section is entirely a matter of opinion which may be formed based on the existence of certain facts and circumstances that are within the knowledge of the chairman of the commission.

 The Act has not set out any condition that should guide the chairman in determining which account to freeze. In other words, it is a matter of discretion whether any account should be frozen or not. All that is required of the chairman is for him to be satisfied that the money in the account is a product of crime and corruption.

The second principle that deserves reiteration is that before the chairman of the commission can order a financial institution to freeze any account, he must first apply to the Court ex-parte (without the attendance of the owner of the account or the financial institution in court) for power to issue the order. Simply put, an application to the court for power to freeze an account and the granting of same, are conditions precedent to the issuance of an order to freeze under Section 34 (1) of the EFCC Act. 

At the risk of repetition, I submit that the EFCC has no power to order any financial institution or designated non-financial institution to freeze any account without obtaining the consent of the Court.

On issue 2, so much has been said about the immunity clause enshrined in Section 308 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) (subsequently referred to as the Constitution). 

For ease of comprehension, the said provisions are reproduced verbatim below:
308. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Constitution, but subject to subsection (2) of this section -

(a) no civil or criminal proceedings shall be instituted or continued against a person to whom this section applies during his period of office;
(b) a person to whom this section applies shall not be arrested or imprisoned during that period either in pursuance of the process of any court or otherwise; and

(c) no process of any court requiring or compelling the appearance of a person to whom this section applies, shall be applied for or issued:
Provided that in ascertaining whether any period of limitation has expired for the purposes of any proceedings against a person to whom this section applies, no account shall be taken of his period of office.

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to civil proceedings against a person to whom this section applies in his official capacity or to civil or criminal proceedings in which such a person is only a nominal party.

(3) This section applies to a person holding the office of President or Vice President, Governor or Deputy Governor; and the reference in this section to "period of office" is a reference to the period during which the person holding such office is required to perform the functions of the office.

In view of the above constitutional provisions, can Mr. Fayose be investigated by the EFCC for the commission of an offence under the EFCC Act, the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act or any other law that is within the investigative or prosecutorial authority of the commission while he is still the governor of Ekiti State?

This question was answered emphatically in the affirmative by the Supreme Court of Nigeria in the celebrated case of Fawehinmi v. Inspector General of Police (2002) 7 NWLR (Pt.767) 606. The brief facts were that the late renowned human rights lawyer, Chief Gani Fawehinmi SAM SAN, by a letter dated 21st September, 1999 brought a criminal complaint against the former governor of Lagos State, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu, alleging grave criminal infractions and asked the police to investigate the allegations. Following the refusal by the police to accede to his request, Chief Gani filed an originating summons on the 7th of October, 1999 at the Federal High Court, Lagos wherein he sought among others, an order of mandamus compelling the Inspector General of Police, the Commissioner of Police Lagos State and the Nigeria Police Force (respondents) to investigate his allegations. 

The suit was dismissed by the Federal High Court following a preliminary objection by the respondents on the ground that by virtue of the immunity provisions of Section 308 of the Constitution, Tinubu who had assumed office as the governor of Lagos State could not be investigated on the said allegations.

Dissatisfied, the appellant challenged the judgment at the Court of Appeal. In its judgment, the Appeal Court held that Section 308 of the Constitution does not protect a governor and the other persons covered by it from criminal investigation. However, an order of mandamus was refused. Still dissatisfied, Gani approached the Supreme Court on the issue of mandamus. The respondents (the police) on their part filed a cross-appeal on the part of the judgment of the Court of Appeal, which declared that immunity does not cover investigation.

Delivering the leading judgment of the seven-man panel of the Supreme Court on Friday 10th day of May, 2002 on whether a governor can be investigated, Justice S.O. Uwaifo, J.S.C (as he then was), held inter alia:

"That a person protected under section 308 of the 1999 constitution, going by its provisions, can be investigated by the police for an alleged crime or offence is, in my view, beyond dispute. To hold otherwise is to create a monstrous situation whose manifestation may not be fully appreciated until illustrated. I shall give three possible instances. Suppose it is alleged that a Governor, in the course of driving his personal car, recklessly ran over a man, killing him; he sends the car to a workshop for the repairs of the dented or damaged part or parts. Or that he used a pistol to shoot a man dead and threw the gun into a nearby bush. OR THAT HE STOLE PUBLIC MONEY AND KEPT IT IN A PARTICULAR BANK or used it to acquire property. 

Now, if the police became aware, could it be suggested in an open and democratic society like ours that they would be precluded by section 308 from investigating to know the identity of the man killed, the cause of death from autopsy report, the owner of the car taken to the workshop and if there is any evidence from the inspection of the car that it hit an object recently, more particularly a human being; or to take steps to recover the gun and test for ballistic evidence; and generally to take statements from eye witnesses of either incident of killing. OR TO FIND OUT (IF POSSIBLE) ABOUT THE MONEY LODGED IN THE BANK or for acquiring property, AND TO GET PARTICULARS OF THE ACCOUNT AND THE SOURCE OF THE MONEY; or of the property acquired? The police clearly have a duty under section 4 of the Police Act to do all they can to investigate and preserve whatever evidence is available. The evidence or some aspect of it may be the type which might be lost forever if not preserved while it is available..." (Emphasis mine).

In the instant case, does the freezing of the account of Governor Fayose fall within the investigative powers of the EFCC or is it illegal as declared by Fayose?

The Supreme Court had correctly stated the position in Fawehinmi's case supra that "criminal proceedings" as envisaged by Section 308 (1) (a) of the Constitution will only arise when a charge is brought. In rejecting the respondents' argument that investigation was part of criminal proceedings, the Apex Court cited with approval the decision in the American case of Post v. United States (1896) 161. U.S. 583; 16 Court Reporter, page 611 at 613, in which it was held -

"Criminal proceedings cannot be said to be brought or instituted until a formal charge is openly made against the accused, either by indictment presented or information filed in court or at the least, by complaint before a magistrate..."
Since investigating a governor is permissible, does an application to the court for power to freeze the account of a governor under Section 34 (1) of the EFCC Act violate Section 308 (1) (c) of the Constitution which states that "no process of any court requiring or compelling the appearance of a person to whom this section applies, shall be applied for or issued"?

The answer is indisputably in the negative (it is "Capital No"). This is because the law expressly states that the application should be made in the absence of the owner of the account, that is, ex-parte. If the EFCC seeks to freeze the account of a governor, there will be no process requiring or compelling the attendance of the governor since same is ex-parte and not on notice. Therefore, Section 308 (1) (c) is neither applicable nor violated in any way.

Freezing of accounts serves principally two purposes. First, by freezing a suspect's account, the commission prevents the suspect from accessing, operating and drawing money from the account which may ultimately be forfeited to the government if the suspect is eventually prosecuted and convicted. Immunity clause cannot prevent the EFCC from securing and preserving monies found in the account of a governor provided the Chairman of the EFCC is satisfied that the money is proceeds of crime. Second, the money is frozen for preservation and use as evidence during a trial.

From the foregoing, it is clear that there is no provision in Section 308 of the Constitution that is offended by the freezing of the account of a governor. There is no argument about the fact that freezing of bank accounts of persons who are under criminal investigation is merely an interim, precautionary and necessary step preparatory to arraignment and prosecution. 

Interestingly, an illustration was given by Justice Uwaifo J.S.C. (as he then was) in Fawehinmi's case of an instance where it is alleged that a governor "STOLE PUBLIC MONEY AND KEPT IT IN A PARTICULAR BANK". His Lordship in his prophetic wisdom rightly stated that a "monstrous situation" will be created if the police (in this case the EFCC) is unable "TO FIND OUT (IF POSSIBLE) ABOUT THE MONEY LODGED IN THE BANK" or "AND TO GET PARTICULARS OF THE ACCOUNT AND THE SOURCE OF THE MONEY".

According to an online newspaper, Sahara Reporters, "Sources at Nigeria's premier anti-corruption agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) have revealed that a personal account at the Zenith Bank of Nigeria of Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, was frozen in connection with over N1.2billion he took in 2014 from the disgraced National Security Adviser (NSA), Sambo Dasuki, to prosecute his re-election as governor.

" If this was the basis upon which the EFCC Chairman became satisfied that the money in Fayose's bank account is/was made through the commission of an offence under the EFCC Act or other applicable laws, nobody could question him, except the court.

Governor Fayose has not been invited for interrogation by the EFCC; he has not been arrested or imprisoned; no criminal proceedings has been commenced against him, and clearly no process of a court requiring or compelling his attendance in court has been issued or applied for. These are the only things and actions that Section 308 of the Constitution forbids. 

The Supreme Court in Fawehinmi's case supra declared that a governor can be investigated in any manner, provided it does not lead to any these limited situations. The Apex Court emphasised that these limited situations must not be extended under the guise of liberal interpretation of the Constitution.

The question then is? Has any of the protections given to Governor Fayose by Section 308 of the Constitution been taken away by the EFCC?

The answer is NO.

However, the EFCC must exhibit an order of the Court that empowered it to freeze Fayose's account. In the absence of such authorisation, the action is illegal, ultra vires, oppressive, undemocratic, null and void and of no effect whatsoever. If the condition precedent was not complied with, the account should be de-freezed immediately without delay with an apology to the governor. Fayose has the right to seek legal redress in the absence of an order of the court. In the case of Mobil v. LASEPA (2003) 104 LRCN 240, the Supreme Court held that failure to comply with a condition precedent is fatal and renders an action a nullity.

One does not need to be a lawyer to know that law enforcement agencies, including the EFCC, in the course of an investigation of crime usually and are legally empowered to take possession of material evidence. 

Freezing of a suspect's bank account is undoubtedly an integral part of the investigation process and procedure. If it were not so, Section 34 (1) of the EFCC Act would only be invokable when a charge or information has been filed. I submit however that the Court has the supervisory jurisdiction to examine, review and or revoke any freezing order issued by the EFCC chairman depending on the circumstances and the justice of each case. The order itself it interim in nature and not absolute or perpetual.

As a postscript, I further submit that any reference to the immunity clause in Section 308 of the Constitution that is outside the limited protection in the express provisions of that section is legally indefensible and baseless. The President, Vice President, Governors and Deputy Governors only enjoy limited immunity. There is nothing dictatorial, "illegal" or "criminal" in investigating a governor for alleged offences.

Let it be known that immunity is not a license to commit crimes or engage in wanton corruption. Section 308 of the Constitution only offers limited protection. It was never the intention of the framers of the 1999 Constitution for the clause to be exploited as a weapon for impunity, executive lawlessness, and self-enrichment.
culled from Saharareporters

The Writer Inibehe Effiong is a Legal Practitioner and Convener of the Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (COHRD)

*Mr Effiong WOW!!!....I applaud this constructive writeup..Thank you for enlightening me ooooh!


  1. I read no jack

    I still maintain that @Buhari is biased


    1. Dumbo! By their blatant refusal to educate themselves shall you know them. Chai,Stella I give credit to you for reading these empty headed comments all the time. I can't deal biko.

    2. It takes an end time empty head to know that Buhari is biased.

  2. They think immunity gives them the right to misbehave.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

    1. Immunity is the main cause of corruption in this country. They are feel that once they get to that position nothing can touch them.

    2. Immunity covers them on prosecution not investigation.

  3. I hope you all read it clearly before crying wolf. The constitution is clear.

    1. All those folks yapping about rule of law and witch hunt will not comment here. They're too proud to say they were wrong, are quick to comment on things they don't comprehend and will stand against anything anti buhari, whether right or wrong.


  4. The truth remains that Fayose has immunity from persecution under the Nigerian constitution . What Buhari and his EFCC is doing today is nothing but persecution.

    The law that established the EFCC is not superior to the Nigerian constitution.

    1. It's either you didn't read or you have a serious comprehension problem. I think it's both

    2. Anonymous, I think both!

    3. Both ke??somebody dat has over a dozen problems

  5. Hahahaha, onye enene anya na azu, mmonwu anyi na agba nilo. Fayose, that's your prize for criticizing Buhari Pharoah.

  6. Thank you Mr Effiong,and to those who say it's wrong to freeze his account,pls come and read this write up and stop saying nonsense and stop embarrassing your parents who sent y'all to school.
    It's easier to blame buhari when you don't know the law.
    Yes I read it,every word of it.

  7. No time to read this mehn...
    All I know is that freezing Fayose's account is not an investigation but judgement being passed already...
    Vuharia is a disgrace!...

    1. Your Ignorance gives you this empty sense of judgment

    2. Linda the air-head. How do you converse with your friends and family? Can you even hold an intelligent conversation?

  8. I think he asked for all this fame and popularity.
    First it was from our blogger who said " am a blogger and am going to blog for the next 120 years", Stella please whats her blog site? Need to tap into her LINGUAFRANCA. She actually brought a piece of the evidence out and I believe EFCC too watched the video.
    Politics in Nigeria will make a dullard become very intelligent if one watch all their games.. I knew very soon they will tag him with all his laulau.
    Though i commend him for been outspoken and volatile.
    He needs to watch more of Senator Ben Bruce Common Sense Videos and follow him on twitter too. That Man is Very Wise...

  9. THANK YOU MR. EFFIONG for such intellectually rich analysis. The only question those in power need to answer us is this: Why is it only in the accounts of pdp governors that funds are being moved? Even the governors that have gone from pdp to Apc that are known movers of money (in face some of them are called ATM by the western media), why are they never investigated?

    I am non partisan, but these things a troubling to those of us that want good governance and rule of law in Nigeria.

    1. 99 days for the thieve, 1 day for the owner. Some PDP officials who thought they'll never be held accountable are being held now and sure as the sun rises after the night, APC will also have their day of accountability.

      As a non partisan nigerian, you should be happy that there's now soke semblance of justice even if it's affecting everyone YET. Remember these people haven't claimed innocence. They only cry why me. As long as you've done no wrong, you really have nothing to worry about.

  10. A very good and unbiased write up. Thanks for enlightening me Sir!

  11. Umu lawyers oya ooo say it in a lay man's language

  12. Idont think there was a court order to freeze fayose's account

    1. How do you know? Please elaborate.

      So all the accounts of different individuals that have been frozen thus far were without court order and no one deemed it fit to take it to court?

  13. I love this write up, Stella, this is what we call investigative journalism..

    Most times I ask people, What do you gain by supporting politicians who ruined your land? why do you pity politicians? is this not what we have been clamouring for? Buhari is setting a good precedent for other incoming government to follow, you guys should get a brain.

    1. Who politicians epp? Very good question

  14. When the past governor(nyako) of Adamawa state account was frozen in 2014 by the then ruling party it was OK by everyone but now that the same EFCC is doing same to fayose, you hypocrites is tagging it tyranny. Going down history lane nothing is new in this fight against corruption. If it affects you so be it.
    Immunity placed on some office holders does not stop the law enforcement agencies from fighting corruption.
    Foyose is not the first and certainly won't be the last.

  15. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Forces on his case though no doubt...

  16. You can just imagine how these PDC bastards drafted our Constitution over the years in ways that favour criminals.
    This is why is it almost impossible to get these animals for the crimes they have committed. Una too small for God to handle sha.

    1. Drafted constitution to suit them and their corrupt practices .

    2. Lets get out facts right please. This immunity clause has been a part of all past constitutions before many people here were born and before PDP as a party came to being.
      It was in 1979 constititution.
      1999 constitution is military copy and paste and that is even before PDP came to power.

  17. OK.. Learnt something new today..
    So his account can be frozen but he won't be invited for questioning or arrested because of his immunity.. Thank you for enlightening us further.

    So after his period in office, he can be arrested if his source of money was traced to nsa..

    But it's also possible that during this time, they can move against him and impeach him so that he can be arrested before his period in office is over

  18. Another,intellectual rubbish!!

  19. That "YouTube" Woman Wailed Early Yesterday...... Dude Starts Getting In Mess Before Same Yesterday Ran Out... Fayose Yaff Enter One Chance

  20. No time to read mbok, they should settle their beef, who the freezing of account epp?! Except bubu

  21. In everything I pity Ekiti state. Ekiti deserves the best.....

  22. I like the piece. Very thought out and elaborate. Goes through all facets of the matter.

    I agree with you thoroughly but its just an opinion. I am sure Fayose will challenge it in court.

    There are things done contemporaneous to an investigation that impugns on the right of a person, albeit technically viable that the court might not allow. The words of Uwaifo JSC as he then was is an obiter dictum(opinion) and no matter how wise is not binding. It is a precedence but it did not apply to the instant case of Tinubu. The knowledge of the pudding is in the will be interesting to see what the court will rule if Fayose approaches them and the dude is damn stubborn.

    The EFCC were too vague.
    The question is; why was the account frozen? As judgment or as part of an on going investigation?
    When an ex parte order is made, ex parte doesnt mean 'secret', nah. Most times, the order is even brought to the notice of the person it is made against, after it is done for equity. If not, impunity will be the order of the day.

    The pertinent question is; was a court order sought? Who granted it? Its a simple matter. Of which Fayose can still challenge it. When a motion like that is brought, a lot of evidence must be exhibited. Its not just a 1 page thing nah, they will give the court cogent, compelling evidence why the account should be frozen, the danger of delay, why the account is said to have harboured criminal money, with hard evidence. They will also promise the court that it is being done for justice and equity and even give the court a kind of oath that it is so. Its not just a walk in the park. Most judges are careful these days. So, it remains to be seen when these things were done and how thorough the judge was in looking at the application and whether he ruled on merit. A motion exparte isnt a way of shutting the other party up, no. After the ruling on the motion is obtained, the judge usually adjourns the matter. The party is served the order and action is taken and the other party can always challenge the motion in that court or on appeal.

    I want to believe the EFCC will not just walk into Zenith Bank and order the freezing of an account without a court order. It will attract heavy lawsuit, damages against the bank and the commission.

    All in all- I agree with the writer but knowing the law, its clear that since something like this has never happened (atleast, not challanged in a competent court), lets wait for the court to decide, if Fayose goes.

    Hopefully, the EFCC will not go and get a backdated order because it will be a monumental scandal. And hopefully, for the sanity of the country, they followed due process. When its determined, Fayose's supporters can stop crying foul. Kudos to the writer

    1. The court cannot even give them an order to freeze his account because his immunity is absolute. And also, Fayose cannot sue them because of the same immunity. So basically the EFCC is wrong because they have no such order, and the constitution that forbids that an incumbent governor be probed, is the same reason that there is no constitutional provision that allows the gov to fight back using the court...cos such shouldn't have happened in the first place. So the EFCC started the breach, which they'll have to retrace

      No judge will grant the EFCC such orders that is against the constitution. The absolute immunity clause doesn't allow them to separate his mistakes as a normal citizen vs being an incumbent gov. They'll have to wait until he's out of office.

  23. Buhari and his vandetta. Any one who's been opposing him will be investigated and tagged illegal movers of funds or involved in money laundering. Well let him collect all the alleged stolen money , will the economy wake up from the coma? All we want is to feel the positive impact on the economy.

  24. To further buttress my point that it is until the court sits and determines that we can know for sure:

    This is the opinion of another lawyer on the other side of the divide:

    "Dr. Kayode Ajulo, a constitutional lawyer and former national secretary of the Labour Party, has described the freezing of Governor Ayodele Fayose’s account as “illegal”.
    Ajulo who was reacting to the Economic Financial Crimes Commission’s (EFCC) order that the Ekiti state governor’s account be freezed said it was an abuse of the immunity that covers governors in Nigeria.
    In a statement issued on Tuesday, he said he received the news with shock, arguing that, EFCC has no legal ground to freeze Fayose’s account.
    “This indeed came as a shock considering the personality involved, a sitting governor that enjoys immunity till the determination of his office as governor of a State in Nigeria.
    “It is the law that to freeze an account, there must be an order of court for the attachment of the bank account.
    “It is also trite that for the court to make such order, there must be papers (court process) filed in court and signed by the judge,” he said.
    He then backed his argument with the constitution. “By the provision of Section 308(1)(a) of our Constitution as amended no suit can be instituted against Ayodele Fayose and/or any Nigerian governor in any court in Nigeria.

    “Therefore, no process of court can be issued, signed or served, against Ayodele Fayose in his personal capacity, whereas the bank account in question is his personal account as such in his personal name.
    “Moreover, sections 26-34 of the EFCC Act, established a process to be followed that is, a suspect must have been arrested for his account to be frozen however section 308 of 1999 Constitution, exempted Ayodele Fayose from those could be arrested and his bank account cannot be frozen.
    “It behoves on all right thinking Nigerians and law abiding individuals and corporate entities to ensure and insist that EFCC acts according to the law of the land and adheres to best international standard and practice.”
    He then warned the EFCC against becoming a tyrant.
    “It should be warned that EFCC is gradually turning into an unchecked tyrannical monster. If indeed Ayodele Fayose has a case to answer, the case of Bola Ahmed Tinubu Vs. Gani Fawehinmi is apt and locus classicus; Therefore, EFCC should lift the attachment on Ayodele Fayose’s property, go ahead to investigate him but wait for Fayose to complete his term of office before commencing his prosecution. That’s the law and it must be followed,” he said.""

    So this shows you that you cant determine law till what is complained of actually happens and is contested in court.

    Both lawyer's talk + the supreme court judge's opinion remains informed opinion till judgment is reached on this particular case with this partcular scenario.

    1. Exactly. Didn't even see this before I commented earlier. He's right

  25. Immunity clause is in the performance of their duties as a governor. Criminal act is not one of the duties of a governor.

  26. MR Effiong, I was enjoying your write up till I saw the word de-freezed. I can't take you serious after that.

    If his account was frozen it should be unfrozen.


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