Stella Dimoko Why Rich Nigerians Marry Each Other...


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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why Rich Nigerians Marry Each Other...

Marriage is the legally or formally recognised union of a man and a woman or a legally accepted relationship between two people in which they live together, or the official ceremony that results in this. 

Though there are different types of marriage but the one of utmost importance in this article is the one called marriage of convenience (marriage between the wealthy or elites).

Marriage of convenience is that in which the partners have married, not because they love each other, but in order to get an advantage, such as the right to live in the each other’s luxury or have access to the others’ wealth and properties.
It has become a norm in the Nigerian society for rich families to exchange their children in marital vows, though a few of them differ. Anytime there is a society wedding, its one rich man’s son marrying another rich man’s daughter and one wonder why it is so. For instance, you would never hear that an Adenuga or the Odogwus’ or even the Ubahs’ getting married to an Njoku or Nwosu? 


But on a serious note, why is it like this at least in this part of the country? Research and inquiries, have it that some if not all of such marriages are fixed to align both families’ commercial interests. Others marry to be dependent on their parents’ wealth that is, marrying for money and denying them of the happiness of marriage.

Sometimes one keeps asking if these couples truly love each other. Some of them, as observed, face marital problems because they didn’t marry because they had mutual love feelings but to maintain wealth standards.

People now have a myopic view about marriage, vision and money. Those from the poor background are looking for rich folks to marry and take care of their family needs while the rich folks are looking for their fellow rich folks to marry to avoid being the dependable or having to cater for their partner’s family but instead to solidify their wealth by marrying people of their class.

The question now is, what happens to the dream of a poor girl believing that one day her prince charming would come and take her away. This is really a serious issue because it is contributing to the imbalance in our economy; How, you may ask, by making the economy flow in a particular direction instead of circulating, thereby making the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.

According to Millicent George, she believes that the reason why they marry themselves is for financial security and stability. “They marry themselves to ensure that the source of their income and wealth never fizzles out but instead retained”.

Ifeanyi Collins who concurred with Millicent said the marriage between the rich is as a result of them running away from liability factor. He believes that having to marry someone of lower status than them, would make the poor become liabilities to the rich folks and they often need people that can fend for themselves not people who would depend on their income for sustainability.

Noting another factor, Njoku Jacy Xavier stated that the reason why the rich marry themselves is for social factor purpose. According to her, the rich believes that if you don’t have a known surname, they can’t associate with you in public for fear of being mocked by their friends and relatives. “Rich parents would be like, I want my daughter to marry the son of this great business tycoon because he is of same class with them or because marrying them would boost their financial status or probably because he is a family friend so that they can maintain that social status quo and avoid being mocked by people for having poor people as in-laws”.

For Ekwu Nwadiuto, she noted that the primary aim of such marriages is to have financial stability, as the so called rich families do not want to start spending much money on the in-laws who are poor or you would hear them say things like, “they don’t want to suffer or end up being like the poor but instead they want someone that can keep up with the same lifestyle their daughters or sons already have, most especially the daughters.

 Meeting points is also another factor or a plus. Most times it’s like two different worlds for the rich and the poor. She went further to point out 70percent of such marriages is of convenience or as it is called “arrange marriage”. “I want my son to marry the daughter of this my business partner or associate”-Governors to Governors, politicians to politicians and so on.

It is essential to note that before one thinks or considers settling down, money should be the least on one’s mind but consider God and the true feelings of oneself towards the other. If the right things are done and put in place, marital problems like divorce and competition would reduce to a minimum level, so also will the economy of the country as the wealth of the rich would circulate instead of remaining stagnate on top.

Leadership cullage.


  1. Aunty Stella I don't no ooh... I think is bcos the rich can get richer

    1. The poor and rich are not in same class. They don't attend same school,church, parties, club...... How will they meet?

      If they happen to meet, low self esteem won't allow the poor blend.

      Exposure matters too. If you're poor and expose, you will be able to blend easily when you meet a rich person.

      Me, I can't marry a man of same class. I'm also not interested in his father's name. He should have a name.

    2. In science, like poles repel while unlike poles attract. But in marriage, reverse is the case.
      The children and family of the rich and famous don't always meet or mingle with the kids and family of the poor.
      Only some destined individual and some celebrities can hardly break those rules cos of their popularity and wealth.

    3. Iron sharpeneth iron oh!!

      Let's just leave it at that.

      You get me?

    4. Poverty is a mentality. Aspire for whatever you want biko. Im not from a particularly well to do family but iv used my brains wisely by God's grace. Went to the best schools, scrimped and saved every penny to do my masters in uk. Took myself from the level i was born in to a level where my extremely rich husband respects me and doesnt joke with me at all. So please leave all these stories about destiny and what not. Let me introduce you to a new word 'hardwork'. Develop yourself to the extent that you can hold your own with anyone and at any level. Go for anything you want like its the only thing in the world, i can assure u wont be disappointed.

  2. This is not entirely true Stella. They go to the same expensive schools, go to school abroad, they are family friends, so they date each other, go to the same parties, have the same hobbies eg polo club, go to the same churches etc
    Plus no one wants a goldigger. Why do poor people want to marry rich people so badly? Rich people are not a financial plan. That is why rich people marry rich people. Who came to this world to start paying everybody's in your wife's family's school fees. Most times it's not totally intentional

    1. So, to you, all poor people are gold diggers abi?

    2. I totally agree with you. Plus you can never no the true intentions of a poor person wanting to marry the rich.
      Like you rightly said, no one wants a golddigger.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    3. Exactly @ schools and hobbies. They just mingle together. Some poor families (especially uneducated ones) have the wrong mentality that could affect you in marriage. So you would rather be safe

    4. U so right...they move in the same circle so who they go date before.

    5. TOKE is from a humble background and she was able to woo and marry Maje who from a very privileged background. sometimes the poor can social climb to rich man event like boat club and meet

      If u are determined like Toke to move up , u will find a way

    6. That's because Toke is a hardworking woman. Not waiting in one corner for rich man to come and change her life.
      That's also because Maje is well behaved and well brough up (jokes apart he's a gentleman in person) . Even the Anita Pinky girl is from a humble background. Her folks hustled to give them a good education (cc: igbenedion university) so can as well mingle well with Maje, as she has the right orientation even if she may not be a 'rich' man's daughter.

    7. Maje's family's broke and has been for a while,u can take dat 2 d bank or banks where their patriarch's owing huge debts

    8. @Loan shark- we know. But we can't take the fact that he's from a rich background away from him. Which rich family isn't in debt? Them plenty Na

  3. Financial stability n fame.
    But if u ask me,marragies based on this will shake off within a little time. Ask omosede igbin and Alvan Akenzua
    Now orobosa d last of d house has married old politician's child like dt frm Plateau state(dnt ask me d position he held)
    I pray orobosa's own work sha as na her head even correct pass for d house

  4. Dear writer in your called attempt to make a point eneded up saying that the rich should marry the poor soo that money will circulate**.. would have had a perfect writeup without mentioning "every girls dream of finding a Prince charming** you used it in the wrong contex.. and mentioning about the inbalance of the economy hereby stating that the sole reason the rich should marry the poor is to circulate wealth.

    1. Thank u so very much. That was the main reason I lost interest in the article and didn't feel the need to draw any correlation.

      With this mindset there is NO basis for argument. The writer simply lost it.

  5. To me meeting point is one of the major factor, some rich men sons and daughters are ready to mingle with middle class partners but meeting point has been a great obstacle.

    All the fine places, clubs, hotels and parties that most rich people go to catch fun, most low/middle class can't afford it.
    All the same, they should let this money circulate round, when the very rich marry the poor, poverty will reduce in our society, but to be candid, there's slim chance for such.

    *Larry was here*

  6. Yes oh!...
    My children will never marry from a poor background!...
    Well,how can they meet such people when I have set the standard for them?...
    Where will they even meet such people sef when they attend a good school,church and their yearly summer vacation abroad....
    Abegi abegi abegi!!!...
    Most poor people have a wicked heart!...

    1. Gbam! My son's can NEVER marry from poor homes. I spend my time and money in ensuring they know God and also get the best in life..... Good schools, and the rest, then one woman without a solid foundation will look for a good home to perch, you are waiting in vain.

    2. Madam keep kwayet, we're you not brought from one eastern village, your whole family is dependent is on your husband who slaved his life so he could pay your bride price and the elders of your village can have something to feed on till another girl's traditional marriage holds again, do u have a job for urself, NO, and she's talking about poor people there taaaa. Unproductive bored housewife.

    3. Shush, you too talk o jareh.

    4. Rich pple dey talk,Queen of d blog sef dey talk??? No b village champion money we dey talk....yearly summer? Hehehehe

    5. Anon do not have to curse her out! She has a right to how her kids should be raised! If you want your kids to go mingling with the so called poor then that's your choice! Do not foist it on another's! Whether she was raised poor or not is inconsequential. At least she made a choice not to remain so, how about you? Poverty is a mental conditioning that pollutes every and anything!FACT! No one wants such except those who bear same kinda mental disposition. You can either stay hating those who reject poverty or work yourself outta the damn disease! Those whose parents ain't rich end up rich cos they dispised heir parents condition and resolved to never walk that path rather than stay blaming others! Who poverty don epp!

    6. Anon do not have to curse her out! She has a right to how her kids should be raised! If you want your kids to go mingling with the so called poor then that's your choice! Do not foist it on another's! Whether she was raised poor or not is inconsequential. At least she made a choice not to remain so, how about you? Poverty is a mental conditioning that pollutes every and anything!FACT! No one wants such except those who bear same kinda mental disposition. You can either stay hating those who reject poverty or work yourself outta the damn disease! Those whose parents ain't rich end up rich cos they dispised heir parents condition and resolved to never walk that path rather than stay blaming others! Who poverty don epp!

    7. Yes I know she has a right to her opinion but God will still raise the humble, being poor isn't a disease for those that unfortunately find themselves in such a position, we all desire to be at the top and while there don't speak i'll of the downtrodden.

    8. Excuse me y'all. I'm highly disappointed in you all calling some people poor and sticking your noses in the air...there are better behaved and well grounded people from humble backgrounds. In fact scrap that Dangote,Pa Adeboye,Buhari himself and others all came from humble backgrounds. Who is any one of you to judge and determine fates?forgetting you're mere mortals. Read the story of the rich fool in the bible. How he planned this and that and God took his soul. Always let God decide. Laters

    9. Anonymous 18:15... kisses for ur brilliant mind. Pple forget that money or wealthy nah visitor. It chooses whom to stay with. For the fact that two rich kids got married together is not connotative that the wealth will stay with them or last to another generation. We have cases in this nation of ours. Why give out my daughter(my only child) (heiress to billions) to the son of a fellow billionaire(who might squander the estate) just bcos he's the son of a billionaire. Being the child of a wealthy parent does not make u wealthy. I will rather prefer my daughter to marry a young man with vision, good character, value oriented and from a humble background. Bcos such is a billionaire in the making.

    10. Anonymous 18:15... kisses for ur brilliant mind. Pple forget that money or wealthy nah visitor. It chooses whom to stay with. For the fact that two rich kids got married together is not connotative that the wealth will stay with them or last to another generation. We have cases in this nation of ours. Why give out my daughter(my only child) (heiress to billions) to the son of a fellow billionaire(who might squander the estate) just bcos he's the son of a billionaire. Being the child of a wealthy parent does not make u wealthy. I will rather prefer my daughter to marry a young man with vision, good character, value oriented and from a humble background. Bcos such is a billionaire in the making.

  7. *Twerks out of post*

    1. Stella I can't marry a poor man of. My family's reputation won't be dragged to do muds

    2. With such English which rich man will marry you? 'Muds'?

    3. Ngwanu, k'anyi lewanu old are you again..

  8. If the poor marries the rich, that poor family would be at the mercy of the rich family.

  9. That is why in our society today the poor are getting more poorer, like in those days where a girl's family is passing through hard times and she has tried the best that she can her hope is based on getting married to a wealthy man to bring her out of poverty. I will say that the rich are getting richer just for the name and not for the love of marriage  and I will likely  say I agreed on this with the writer that this are some of the reasons why divorce rate is so high in our society . Even these are some of the reasons why our boys of nowadays are getting involve in one dubious business or the other just to get there . And apart from the rich getting married to the rich because of the financial security, even the average Nigeria does that now, if a girl's acct balance isn't balanced enough, they don't go for you, I just wonder what the word is turning into. No love anymore among in relationships and in marriages of nowadays because it's mainly based on our reasons or the other and not for love. God help our society. 

    1. Anonymous? Lol10 May 2016 at 13:53

      Someone please give me 4 tablets of panadol extra!! Shit! 2 words for you, Proof Read!

    2. Divorce and domestic violence are more common amongst the poor.

    3. Kingrex, I don't think so buddy

    4. Exactly KingRex! Poverty messes up the mind! Poor people have the tendency to exhibit violent behavior as a result of their insecurity and negative mental disposition! Everyone is always out to get them according to their myopic mind. Hence most poor people marriages are filled with strife. The rich have their problems but it's a total fallacy to assume that DV and divorce is rife in rich marriages.

  10. Hmmmmm. I can't marry a poor man, thank God I didnt. Rich people alll d way, who wan suffer?

  11. Interesting!!read all thru
    I have epistle to write concerning this..but ill be back

  12. Most times rich people, like to marry from another rich home just to keep up with the family pedigree.

    1. @Ada when last did you check your email?

  13. Old World Order:Opposites Attract
    New World:Unopposites Attract.

  14. The poor girl should work hard and her Prince charming will find her, the poor son-in-law marrying a rich girl should respect himself and earn his respect by not depending on his rich in-laws.. The disrespect that comes with living off your in-laws is heartbreaking except of course you are Tunji Balogun aka Teebillz.

    1. The poor in laws can make so many poverty inspired demands all in the name of dowry. The more reason why you should birth the number of children you can conveniently cater for.

    2. Kingrex, your last statement is the truth! I don't know why people breed like rats when you know you can't cater for them.. Wickedness in high places..

  15. Rich people will never allow their children marry from poor people, take a look at yesterday's chronicles.

    1. Yes, that's how it should be. Marry your class cause times are hard.

    2. I totally disagree with this write up.
      Firstly, the rich marrying the poor doesn't help 'wealth circulation' in an economy. It might help to temporarily assist a poor family. But if they do not have the wealth sustainance mentality, all of them will land in the same boat. Who is rich today, may not be tommorow. We have seen it several times Na? I know people who were rich 20 years ago and have become average now. And 'poor' people have overtaken them. So a poor marrying rich doesn't help the economy. It's myopic to think that way.

      Secondly, if a girl from a poor home can't elevate herself she will remain poor- even if she marries rich. You see girls wanting to marry rich. They don't have jobs, businesses of their own or a plan to forge ahead in life. The rich don't care about human hair and heels, they've seen it in their mums and their fathers girlfriends. What do you have to offer? Your background may not have afforded you some opportunities, but when you turn 18 your life choices are in your hands. I have toasters from very rich backgrounds (I've dated one or two). But guess what? I'm an average Nigerian by background. Some of them are still on my case till now. I have worked hard to elevate myself to a point where even if my surname isn't popular, you can't insult me. You can't insult my hustle and my person. You would be a fool to. So leave matter.

      Thirdly, these rich boys and girls are better off with themselves. I hang out with them and puhlease!! I would prefer a grass-to-grace successful guy, to a hand-me-down ajebor. They think the same way and act in ways that can irritate you when you've seen life from both angles. E.g: your rich bf doesn't see anything wrong in buying you a $10k watch. You (on the other hand) will be calculating how you can use that money to add furniture in your father's house. He won't be thinking that way because his father's house spends $100k on furniture. And they don't even need him to change it for them. They pop champagne 50k. You go dey think how that money for stock your fridge. But they don't care because they aren't wired to think that way, because food has never been their problem. Dating them can be hard work trust me. So they are better off with themselves.

      Fourthly, not every rich kid is spoilt. Many are very humble and have been brought up to believe life isn't 5 n 6. Especially when their prints hustled to be where they are today. Some average people exhibit more pride than some super-rich people. When you meet the humble ones you will love them. And those ones don't care about your background, they care about YOU!! And how well you guys fit in.

      The rich don't always marry the rich because of financial stability. The rich marry themselves because they understating each other better.
      And please, can we stop this teach a shout girls marrying from rich to help them? Parents should stop feeding their girls with such info. Some of These rich kids have bad habits like cocaine sniffing and living above their means. You will now force ur daughter there, just because....
      If you must want your kids to mingle with the rich, send them to the best schools and live in the best neighborhood. That way they won't just mingle with the rich but will also absorb a lifestyle and mentality that will keep them in that class. Don't sit in Your village and send them to public schools and expect them to marry a Dangote or otedola. It could happen through Gods favour, but under normal circumstances....

    3. Fourth paragraph *parents not prints
      Last paragraph *understand not understating
      *please can we stop this teaching girls to marry from rich homes to help them?

    4. Best comment ever,1000000 likes

    5. @Chikito Respect!!! 👌👌👌

    6. @ chikito ezeokwu, ori e pe, your head is correct.

    7. @Chikito...this line of urs caught me..

      "Some average people exhibit more pride than some super-rich people. When you meet the humble ones you will love them"

      ..absolutely spot on!! It's an individual thing. Wait till u meet an arrogant broke ass, then you'd understand. Lol.

  16. Dear Writer...

    My sister has three houses in London and one in Lagos. She has two degrees, a business and a career and she is not yet 35 years old. She married a man with nothing to his name all in the name of love. The inferiority complex he felt was astonishing. He left her to pay all the bills with domestic violence on top. That is what she got by marrying someone who is not in her class.

    Will i make the same mistake, absolutely not. Ladies never ever marry any man that is not in your class unless the love is seriously deep.

    1. That has nothing to do with class but the man she married.

    2. @Tuscany:, It has Everything to do with class. Most poor men are like that. It's either they ruin you, or they accuse you of everything bad. Flee from poor men

    3. Sweetie sowie to say this but most times it does,and that's the simply truth most poor people or lower middle class can't get past their inferiority complex,low mentally etc. Even on this blog we see it,u say anything about money bvs will think u re lying or showing off lady that had a problem with her landlord & dat scammers birthday post so many bvs felt she was showing off,the birthday post incur people where asking why is the guy showing us his cars na. I can give more examples on this blog but it is what it is... thats life

    4. What a sad story, i hope she's not in that marriage?? All these men wey owu ite don use iron sponge baff.. If he does not have prospects and is not financially independent to some extent at least biko keep it moving!

    5. No offense but it seems u ve been there n seen it all b4 being picked up 4rm d gutters by your hubby hence pain. I was enjoying goin thru d comment section n realized dat 8 out of every 10 comments on dis post belongs 2u.
      Sweetheart, u can't erase ur past even if u hate hard on it. Appreciate where u were picked up from

      Ps: I ain't poor neither am I filthy rich but d hate oozing thru u towards d poor is too strong. Rather channel dat hate in2 charity work n maybe ur life will be more value


    6. Of course it does! Peasant and bourgeoisie are two social structure that would never fade! The gap may close but it will always be. The most important thing is the mind. You may not have all the money but your mentality can make you rich and mingling with the bourgeoisie becomes easy. However most NOT ALL- poor people have deep insecurity that shape their mentality hence every action is interpreted in a negative light!

  17. It is better rich marries the rich than poor man to marry rich man pikin. That na ojukokoro be that.

  18. The 'poor' don't hangout where the rich do. How would they meet?

  19. Stella my love , especially all dis lagos boys.east is even better...there u can see a governor's son marrying a low class.

    1. Yes o,see Stella tell me u somefin you'll don't understand,there's a Yoruba adage that says a leopard cannot change its spot and Omo ilele o see gbee sori ibusun;a child that is meant to be on the floor shouldn't be placed on d bed cos he/she would always return to d marry poor people easy now but na their plan make u fear,even me As I dey so yes money na visitor but my brothers cannot go and bring one peppersellers daughter home and u expect me to open arms and welcome her......nibo,I never used to discriminate until my step brother married 1,they live in a 1room apartment wiv her mum and her siblings,my stepdad said no to her,we all told him she's nice and all dos,when she entered stepbro started fighting baba for his own property portion,it was serious gbege o,they eventually moved out,then d guys relationship wiv his mum scatter,then wiv other family members,he built house for her mum,sent her siblings abroad when he never did all dat to his mum side,come and see fight wiv plenty jazz involved,abeg leave matter for Mathias,e jeki Olowo sore Olowo,kii Oloshi sore Oloshi ,we would have less problem.dats my thots though.and most of them are gold diggers both male and female.

    2. Why. Can't you just say WITH instead on "wiv"?

  20. Happens in d western world too. Royalty to royalty. Congress to biz tycoons...musicians to reality stars, actors to billionaires, models to billonaires.

  21. Where will the poor meet the rich? In moshood Abiola poly? or inside keke maruwa???

  22. Some persons are not only poor, their OS is poor too.
    Marrying a poor person with a poor mentality, my dear you are doomed.

  23. When you marry for love not money: you may still end up hating each other and money is always an issue. When the poor marry into a rich home: "your family is oppressing my family cos we are poor". When the rich marry the rich: they write articles about it. *sigh! So now the rich is to marry the poor in order to circulate wealth? Hmmm... I just think most wealthy people are attracted to money/wealth, well,that's the language they speak, of cos they will find someone who speaks their language too. Oh well,what do I know...*shrugs*

  24. Lol. Gold diggers

  25. Let me give you a reason why rich marry rich. It is purely coincidence.
    A lot of us usually get married to our boyfriends we meet in University, some even secondary school, some it may be our cousins friends, our friends siblings, friends cousins, church members. Some our family friends we have known since childhood.
    A lot rich in dis country attend for example maybe St Saviours Ikoyi, Lekki British school, American International, French speaking School, Green springs. Universities abroad etc. where d fees run into millions. Ask if any poor people will go there. So people meet in such schools and form friendships, some form relationships. But d fact is that us the Calibre of people they know and mix with. It will be very hard for someone that went to Ajegunle High school to even meet them, bcos they don't go to same parties, same clubs, how will they meet, not to talk of marrying eachoda. If you are a Governors daughter and go to Buckingham university, is it not ur boyfriend you met in Buckingham you will marry? Can that person be the son of a pauper?
    Where wld Dangote's daughter for instance meet a son of a teacher, it will be very rare for them to meet in same social circle. The people she will meet will be ppl dere parents may belong to same club as Ikoyi club, go to same Mosque/church or they and a governors son can meet while going to let's say maybe Buckingham University. Where will she meet the person that went to Ilorin Poly. Their paths may never cross.
    I don't think the rich set out to marry the rich. They all just belong to d same social circle. So they wld hardly have the opportunity to meet others outside their circle.

    1. My dear, you can meet them through your job or business. I say I have met. Maybe not by the privilege of my background, but through my own moves. (Well I'm light skinned and pretty so that might add to it. Lol). Leave am. I've met. Background helps cos most them these folks start asking your questions like what's school you went to and all. But mehn, when you're out together they can't insult you.

  26. How many of you went to 100k usd schools?
    These are the kind of schools they go. The eat at places that are so expensive the poor cant even farthom food costs that much. They fly 1st class, dont queue and chill in the 1st class lounge while they wait for their flights. Even on the plane where the pee is different. How do you meet? Except per chance God destines it.
    Truth is the rich marry cos they know you are marrying them for them and not their money (thats if they choose each other). Also, a man wont want to struggle all his life to leave wealth for a gold digger that will marry hia child.
    For me ooo, if you are poor, go to where they rich are and fall in love there.
    If you are ugly, go and marry a fine person to compliment you so your kids wont be ugly.
    If you have an ugly face as a guy, go and work out to have a fine body and marry a fine geh.
    Money is the oil that lubricates love o. I wonder why alot of people are dating and married and yet cant even provide the basics, its better to be single and alone than be married and cant provide food, shelter and some basic luxury conveniently.
    Last week someone said i should be thinking of getting married, that am of age, i just told him in clear terms i cant afford it. I dont need to have billions before i marry but i cant marry and see my wife lack anything she NEEDs, so make i dey hustle still.

  27. oh well the money must stay within the rich family..N.B i am looking for a wife or babymomma to finalize things with between now and nxtyear, my folks re on my case. i am comfortable.

  28. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I like their style i wont lie to you....

  29. Makes no sense. Why would you wake up in the morning and tell yourself that what you need for a better life is a prince charming on a golden chariot?
    That's why they marry themselves, that bad mentality of the poor is more disastrous. If they are both rich, any problem is easily curtailed.
    Girls biko you don't need a prince charming to have a good life.

  30. The truth is that people from poor background usually lack proper upbringing.
    Their parents are usually more interested in gbenshing every day, having countless children, without taking proper care of them .
    So I don't blame the rich for marrying their kind.

  31. Stella e jeki Olowo sore Olowo,kii talaka sore talaka,you fink poor people wish rich people well,wait till your car(Auzubillahii) knocks down a poor mans child,they'll put their generational problem on you,make u come try resist their wahala,you wan use their pickin for Ogun owo be dear make everybody stay their lane abeg.

  32. Let them marry each other because nobody is complaining about the poor marrying the poor.

  33. Loool tuscany keeping it one hunnit! That's the truth oo, how rich nd poor one take marry? Whr will dey meet demselves? It's not possible mehn. Unless maybe social media Kikikiki. They dnt hangout in the same places, dnt go to the same schools, they might work in the same company sha, but the rank go farrrrr. Hahahaha. Anyway as d proverb says, he who washes his hands shall dine with kings. Package urself well nd go after wat u want, nd u just might get it.

  34. I married a poor gold digger . Something I regret till tomorrow. Their inferiority complex is nauseating. Their families are leeches that comes up with one scheme or the other to fleece you . If I talk he'll say is it because if I don't is it because . Flee from poor men if ur rich .

  35. Stella, your 'face' is on point!

  36. @ anon 15.15, my dear i feel your pain.
    Unfortunately it will not get better.
    I hate gold diggers.
    Who knew men were gold digger too.

  37. Hmmmmm

    I did not come from a rich home financially but i am forever grateful to God, he has a way of blessing us, he blessed me with so much favor,grace, intelligence and beauty. My parents put in their best and i am a professional in my field .

    I am not begging for bread and wherever i enter, people conclude i am from a wealthy home, i will just be laughing in my mind.

    Thank God for blessing the children of the "not rich" with beauty and intelligence, we are good to go. The sky is our starting point. We can be anything we set our mind to be. We can be the President of Nigeria, Minister, CEOS, first lady,first wife, second wife/third wife to a billionaire,professional gold-diggers, your rich daddy's mistress e.t.c

    No worries.


    1. Yes boo!! Beauty and brains and we are good to go! We can be anything we want to be #noworries #dontpanic

    2. Preach!!! 🙌🏽
      People always assume my folks are super rich too. I don't know why oh!! They just be calculating my life in their head everytime. When I was younger, I used to shout that no oh! Me I'm average oh. But these days I say Amen to all their assumptions.

    3. Thank you dear. You're on point. Exactly what I'm thinking. We even end up intimidating the rich pampered aje butters that have no idea of how to hustle

  38. It is because rich people only know rich people and poor people only know poor people. Where the hell will the rich and poor mix socially for there to be marriage.

  39. At the end of the day I will say; you are only poor when you portray yourself to be poor. A rich man is someone who can afford that particular thing you desire to have. For an example, if coconut rice hungry you to chop and you have the money to afford it then you are rich biko.

    Rich people are fond of intimidating the poor. At the end of the race, na these things both the rich and the poor get in common - "Grave, Death, Cassette, Termites. So of what use is it then? Please you guys should stop giving importance to rich people... The more attention they get, the more important dey feel. You can walk hard to earn your own money and become rich like them.

    This story is not worth talking about biko.

  40. I think it's better people marry within their social class.I am from a rich home but married to someone from a humble background and I regret it.His family hold on to trivial issues,they have a poor man's mentality.Any trivial thing i do makes them feel like i am looking down at them.When they visit,they want me to set the table for them morning,afternoon and evening and they must eat amala and pounded yam everyday....I tire ooo.I just feel I don't fit in.

  41. I think it's better people marry within their social class.I am from a rich home but married to someone from a humble background and I regret it.His family hold on to trivial issues,they have a poor man's mentality.Any trivial thing i do makes them feel like i am looking down at them.When they visit,they want me to set the table for them morning,afternoon and evening and they must eat amala and pounded yam everyday....I tire ooo.I just feel I don't fit in.

  42. My dear the backgrounds are 100 percent different o. You can always know a poor man with money miss road, look at Oshiomole, his inferority complex is still there. Honestly, nothing wrong with being poor, but their mentality is crazy. They can be very wicked and diabolical, that going to shrine can never leave their body, they even mix church and idolatry together.

    Rich kids are fun to be around, but to marry one, i don't pray for it. I prefer the humble ones as Chikito stated above, those ones are really nice. I don't know why some of the rich kids can womanise for Africa, it just bothers me.

    Marry someone with the same mentality as yours and leave the rest to God.

  43. Marriage is not meant to be seen as a means of attaining a higher social status. A girl should be able to look for more justifiable means to better her life. If 'she' should be lucky to meet a rich man; she is blessed. Everything depends on what God has instock for everyone. I still see rich people who end up with poor partners. Apart from the meeting point and families not being favorable for marriage between a poor person and rich person, the rich are scared of being loved just for the financial security they will provide there partner. Also, the poor are scared of something that might seem silent; they don't want to be subdued...they don't want to forever feel their partners did them a favor to marry them. Rich people meet poor people more from my own perspective because they buy the roasted corn, fruits and akara from the road side atimes. They also attend churches which are not restricted to the rich alone so they meet pretty poor lasses even more than they meet the sophisticated. Where the major problem lies is in their mind set. Are they able to actually see the very wonderful lady behind the loud colored clothes that scream cheap and the near to rubber thread synthetic hair?...

  44. eeting point and families not being favorable for marriage between a poor person and rich person, the rich are scared of being loved just for the financial security they will provide there partner. Also, the poor are scared of something that might seem silent; they don't want to be subdued...they don't want to forever feel their partners did them a favor to marry them. Rich people meet poor people more from my own perspective because they buy the roasted corn, fruits and akara from the road side atimes. They also attend churches which are not restricted to the rich alone so they meet pretty poor lasses even more than they meet the sophisticated. Where the major problem lies is in their mind set. Are they able to actually see the very wonderful lady behind the loud colored clothes that scream cheap and the near to rubber thread synthetic hair?...

  45. Kingrex and chickito calm down. See how u ppl are hyperventilating over this post. Don't worry ur offsprings won't marry below deir class u hear!!!!!

    1. If my offspring like they should. Whatever makes them happy and sleep well at night. Can't be bothered. Lo l

  46. Even among the wealthy there are different grades,let's use dis our lekki so,in lekki there r good schools of 150-250k,dere are schools of 250-500k and dere are schools of 500-800k per term(primary education alone). The ppl who attend these different schools I hope they knw dey aren't in d same class. U are rich but there is sum1 richer than u. U cld go on holidays abroad with economy class and they wld go with first class. Wld 1 call the ones in d lower range poor or gold diggers? The only thing I can say is rich shld marry in their own grade of rich or @ least a step below. Bcos even if d person is from a well to do home but not as rich as u, dere is a tendency for inferiority complex to creep in. If dey shld insult u,it wld b I upgraded u from business class to 1st class. Not economy to 1st class. And d rich shld not marry pepper seller's daughter,it hardly works out. Greed and inferiority complex go enter. But d way some of u are commenting on d post 1 wld think u r dangote's daughter or Otedola's daughter and poverty is a thing dt some ppl deserve. Nobody prays to b poor, don't look down on dem

  47. I love the poor, I help them a lot, I will always treat them right, and welcome them to my home. But I pray none of my children marries from a poor home. Their mentality may affect my children. Imagine someone making a big deal on this blog out of less than 20,000 naira snail. Some people make not less than 4 different types of soup for the week.

    Na them like juju pass. A lot of them are very manipulative in a bid to succeed in life.

    I helped one with school fees, after a year of inability to get a job , she started peddling rumor that her pastor told her that our money was not clean. I don't want such people around my children abeg.

  48. i beg to disagree...not all poor pple are golddiggers...weda rich or poor..wat reali matas is ur exposure and level of reasonin...ur selfconfidence and ur zeal towards becomin a sucessful person as an individual.i am from a humble a standard education in all levels..bsc and all...i met a good man...very wealthy....besides my background, he was more interested in my goals and dreams....and by God's grace..he has bin helping to see i achieve every one of them.point is no mata ow wealthy a person is....he still wants a functional brain in a woman/ one wants a liability.ur background doesnt determine who u become!

  49. Kudos to obasanjo son that married a poor girl from ebonyi state some three years back. . The rich still marries the poor tho.

  50. How come everybody on this blog is now from a rich home? I fear who no fear una.


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