Stella Dimoko RE- Patience Ozokwor's Interview Concerning Tattoos And The Bible...


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

RE- Patience Ozokwor's Interview Concerning Tattoos And The Bible...

What you are about to read is a thought that comes after reading Patience Ozokwor's interview posted yesterday HERE where she talks about those with tattoos going to hell.....
This writeup is thought invoking and i need your honest contribution because what i read shocked and confused me further...


''Hi Mrs Stella, I'm sure you're kicking ass!
So I saw your comment as well as the comments of some bvs about tattoos on the Patience Ozokwo post and I thought I should ask some questions I've had in mind for a while.

People are quick to quote Lev 19:28 whenever the issue of tattooing comes up but has anyone read the verse before verse 28 or possibly the whole chapter?
In vs 27 for instance, it says 'Do not cut the hair on the sides of your head or trim your beards'.

Now my questions are; 

*Are we supposed to obey what was written in that verse as we obey the verse about tattooing?

*Would you say those that cut the hairs on the sides of their head or trim their beards are sinners?

*If we are to ignore verse 27, why then do we obey verse 28 and call those that don't sinners?

P.S: There are other verses in that chapter that stirs up the same questions.

Thanks and I hope I get convincing answers''.



    1. Now,this might also come as shocking!
      It is considered a SIN to take pictures of any living thing (human beings, land and sea animals,trees etc).
      Read the ten commandments.
      Exodus 20, it cleary states ; DO NOT make to thyself any graven image (ie moulded) or LIKENESS (ie pictures,videos etc) of anything that is is heaven above (ie having a statue of virgin Mary and Jesus christ and angels are WRONG),or in the earth (animals,trees,and human pictures,statues,art works etc)or in the water under the earth (it means that having an aquarium with fake fish is wrong, paintings of dolphins or any aquatic creature is wrong too).
      This was before it went further to say Do not bow down to them or worship them.
      The first thing is not to make them first.
      All those church Diocese wrapper materials with faces of humans is a SIN. That calendar that has the picture of that actor that christians has forced to be JESUS is wrong. That mini SHRINE that you have images of Mary and Angels is also a SIN, it is IDOL WORSHIPPING!
      Even the poor man that we use as Jesus has begged for us to stop using his pictures that he is not our LORD.
      My dear Cartoon ti take over, mickey mouse club house.
      The point is that we Judge others based on the SIN we DO NOT commit, those ones we commit is a no go area. And some people say Nigerians don't have allergy? Abeg,we are allergic to the truth.
      That part that condemns making graven images,the Roman catholics removed it from their own catholic bible. Check it out online and see how they clearly removed that part of the scripture instead of stopping idol worshipping.

    2. There are alot of troubles in the word,I don't think that is a big deal. I am proud to say u have a tat around my wrist.
      Go and find a way to stop the persecution of Christians all over, ritual killing, and other diabolic deeds than mere tattoos.

    3. Madam Patience, were you a Vargin/Fargin before you got married? Now that you are Born again, have you gotten your Virginity back?
      Why will people with tattoos find it difficult to become born-again when prostitutes are converting everyday and no one is sending them back to go and find their Virginity first.
      Who was MARY MAGDALENE in the bible? Was she a VARGIN ? Yet, she played an important role in the bible, the first person that knew about the ressurection. She was even allowed to clean the body of Jesus (NAKED) until he ressurected. Where were all the FARGINS????
      Abeg, go to a psychiatrist and check what is giving you this Delusion of Grandeur.
      That voice you heard is not the voice of the Lord. He is the same yesterday,today and forever. He came for the sinners and has NEVER said anyone will find it difficult to follow him. When you come to him, he lifts the burden in your head and make it light. He washes your sin from charcoal to be as white as snow. He converted the monsterous SAUL to the greatest missionary of all times.
      HELLO MRS, what are you saying?

    4. Anon 14:12 you better shove your silly opinion up your ass!!! If you want to make a statement do so without condemning anyone. Christians are the main problem we have in the world.

    5. Anon calling catholics upandan,what about those pentecostal churches that post the picture of their pastors upandan atleast virgin mary/Jesus image is far better than most of your prosperity pastors

    6. They that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    7. Tatoo this,marks that! So SURGICAL scar is a sin too because most time,you give consent before you go under the knife. The Bible did not give any exemptions and you can chose to leave that appendix to burst inside you and die. Yes! But you chose to have the surgery and live, so is it also considered as sin?
      You no get tatoo,yet you do other horrible things.

    8. Continue fooling yourself and bowing down to Virgin Mary, u are on your way to hell inugo....

    9. Tatoo this,marks that! So SURGICAL scar is a sin too because most time,you give consent before you go under the knife. The Bible did not give any exemptions and you can chose to leave that appendix to burst inside you and die. Yes! But you chose to have the surgery and live, so is it also considered as sin?
      You no get tatoo,yet you do other horrible things.

    10. And yet the Ark of God was made with images of angels.Ex25:18-20. And so was the image of the snake when it but the people of God in the days of Moses, shortly after he gave the commandments. Num. 21:8-9. Similarly the temple and the altar were made with carve images of cherubims and things we find on earth. Chr 28:18-19 and Ezekiel 41: 17-18. God forbids the worship of images as gods 2 kings 18:4 but he does not forbid its use for religious purposes.
      Do not pick parts of the bible for your choosing like holding onto tithes in the Old Testament while sweeping things that you do not understand. Images and pictures help to remind us of the greatness of God.

    11. When you kneel befor a president or bow to him/her or even bowing with your bible while kneeling DOES NOT equate to worship.

    12. And yet the Ark of God was made with images of angels.Ex25:18-20. And so was the image of the snake when it but the people of God in the days of Moses, shortly after he gave the commandments. Num. 21:8-9. Similarly the temple and the altar were made with carve images of cherubims and things we find on earth. Chr 28:18-19 and Ezekiel 41: 17-18. God forbids the worship of images as gods 2 kings 18:4 but he does not forbid its use for religious purposes.
      Do not pick parts of the bible for your choosing like holding onto tithes in the Old Testament while sweeping things that you do not understand. Images and pictures help to remind us of the greatness of God.

  2. Na wa. Let me read comments jare. Let me not talk what i am not supposed to talk on this. Comments ti take over

    1. How about the permanent marks on the belle of some mothers, how about tribal marks? Are they considered as tattoos? Enlighten me.

  3. We live by grace not by law. How many laws have we fulfilled? We should pray that the Grace of God continue to cover us

    1. Gbam! That's it.👍👌

    2. That is it, cos even the disciples asked a question. *who then can be saved?matt 19:25.
      But it is only a genuine life in christ that makes the impossible possible. "grace" undeserved favor of God.

    3. A law as simple as DO NOT FORNICATE is hard to keep, even though it's part of the 10 commandments. Funny how a murderer, a fornicator and a liar would point fingers at someone with a tattoo.

    4. We all just see God as the the God of grace and mercy, remember He's also a consuming fire!

  4. My own 2cents.
    The ways of God are not the ways of men. Salvation is a personal race,everyone will give an account individually. Flee from "sin".
    So take out time to do what is right and desist from evil. Follow the path of righteousness. Am not a Judge just a human living under grace and believing God for the impossible.

    1. God is not man, his ways can never be like ours, you may tattoo all over your body, in and out and may become born again tomorrow, so far you acknowledge your sins before God he is always there to forgive, but sin now more.
      I met someone yrs back and she bandaged her hand with hankie, i thought she injured herself and I was like telling her sorry, she said nothing was wrong with her oo but that she has her hand tattooed when she did not know God, that now she has accepted christ that she's ashamed of herself and wish she can remove it, but I said to her to stop covering it, all she can do is to always use it to preach let people understand that tattoo is not all that good. To me I hate it with passion

  5. Hian!...
    We cannot practice everything written in the bible nau...
    What if you practice all and your heart and soul is as dark as Shekau the boko haram boss?...
    So does it mean that other people practicing other religion will go to hell fire?...
    Let me just remind you people that most of you wey carry this church and bible for head might not make heaven!..

    Abeg oh I'm out!... Someone is waiting for me...

  6. Shantelle's Empire24 May 2016 at 13:15

    Old things have pass away.
    We are new creatures in christ Jesus.
    Do the one you can and forget the rest,you wan holy pass God?
    It is by his grace that we shall make heaven,forget all these cut bia bia,tatoo,piercing,andrelaxer talk. Leave them assistant jesus with their oversabi,on the last day we will see who will first enter the gate of heaven.

  7. Leviticus 19:28, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.”
    At that time in history, some religious cults would perform various practices (see Leviticus 19:26-27), including making marks on their skin to honor the dead or show faithfulness to their gods. Obviously, God did not want the Israelites to ever be mistaken for those groups because of something they did. That’s totally legit.

    Saved by grace, not by law
    Believers today are no longer required to follow Old Testament laws (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15). We are saved by grace through Christ’s sacrifice for our sin, not by following rules (Romans 6:14). However, even though the Bible does not specifically talk about tattoos and Christians today, there are a few other factors we need to consider first.
    First Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Will your tattoo or body piercing glorify God or go against Him? What is your motivation for wanting to get one done (2 Corinthians 13:5)? Is your heart in a place of godly peace or rebellion (Proverbs 30:17)? Is the question of whether or not to do it causing bad things to happen in your life (1 Thessalonians 5:22)?
    If getting a tattoo or piercing or dying your hair is going to cause problems or hinder your ability to be more like Christ, then you should seriously re-consider that decision. This is a matter between you and God. Ask Him if it would be a good choice for you and how He can use it in your life.

    This is my opinion.

    1. 1000 likes for this comment. God bless you

    2. God bless u and your generation

    3. Thank you,solid answer

    4. A tattoo might not glorify God but they are things that are done just for the fun of it, no strings attached.

    5. All I wanted to write! Thank you!!!

    6. Fantastic,couldn't have said it better. Anything that hinders you from serving God should be discarded. Simple.

  8. Good question! Waiting for answers.

    1. There are laws in the bible: ceremonial laws
      Civil laws
      Moral laws...

      Ceremonial laws are the ones that include lepers not living in the same place with "whole beings", women on their period staying out of the temple etc

      Civil laws are the laws governing relationship of Israelis with each other e.g an eye for an eye, feeding the priests as they were not working etc.

      Moral laws is the ten commandments.

      Jesus came to do away with the ceremonial and civil laws especially the ones that were racial and discriminatory.

      In respect to tatoos, one can say that it's not an outright disobedient to the law, but look at it this way, if you believe that your body is the temple of God, why would you want to draw on it?

      The body is not yours, the rationale of tatoo mostly is that "It's my body, I can do what I want with it". If the holy spirit resides in your body why would you want to make marks on it? Even if it's "Jesus christ" that you want to write?

      Prior conversion, one can have a tatoo, but if you are TRULY born again, you won't be hungering for a tatoo, to what end?

      This is the way I can explain, I am open to suggestions and clarifications too.

    2. Bipolar have u seen that Danish lady who came to Nigeria precisely Akwa Ibom rescuing homeless children, she has tattoos all over her body but I bet you that lady will make heaven even before all these pastors and GOs.

    3. Anon 14:35.

      Yea, she probably would. That's left for you to decide but do you know the story behind the tatoos? Maybe she got them prior her conversion and you can't ask her to go wipe or stop doing good works...
      For all you know, her good works might be a way she thinks she's getting restitution for her past(This is speculation).

      Only God knows who is doing it right, only God holds the scale of measurement. Salvation is a personal Journey.

    4. BIPOLAR ME I have questions for you.
      Are you a virgin?
      Did you piece your ears for earrings?
      Do you fix nails/polish your nails?
      Do you fix hair extensions?
      If YES, is your BODY not the TEMPLE OF GOD?
      It's funny how people quote the bible when it's time to defend their dislike for tattoos. You don't have tattoos, that doesn't make you a saint. Just the way you pierced your ears, tattoos are just for the fun of it. And YES I have one.


    5. BIPOLAR ME , go get your virginity back.

    6. Bipolar Me, thanks for your response.

  9. It was the custom of some nations eg the Egyptians to cut and trim their beards and hair into particular shapes in honour of their god. Lev 19:27 is in reference to this.

    Shaving beards and cutting hair just to look good is totally different.

    1 Corinthians 11:14-15 says

    14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.

    For me, I think if you're shaving it in honour of something, it's a sin.

    1. Tattoos for some people is LOOKING GOOD.

  10. I don't argue the bible lest I bring curse upon myself. God said 'don't do it'. If you want to do it go on but don't justify it.

    1. Shut up there. Do you even know the bible?
      So if an unbeliever comes to ask you a question concerning your Fate,you will run away?
      How do you win souls? How do you get to convert people for christ.
      Even Jesus christ was asked questions concerning Sabbath day, King of the Jews etc and he answered them.
      All the nonsense comments you make on this blog plus all the dicks you have fucked will line up behind you on the Judgement day, so better shut your vagina instead.

    2. Your comments are interesting but meaningless without an ID. Please use your blog ID next time.

    3. Concerning her "faith" = belief.... "fate" = destiny

  11. EHEN! my point exactly, people are quick to judge but then they'll summarize the bible to back up their opinion... this is an eye opener to everyone who condemn us with tattoos (not visible tho) instead they should leave and grow their hairs as the bible those days, there was nothing like well groomed men. man na man

  12. Do what is right and pleasing to God. #My2coins

  13. Who tattoo epp?
    I don't have one,doesn't look good in my type of profession. Good luck to those that have.

  14. Shantelle's Empire24 May 2016 at 13:30

    Some years back a friend of my stopped attending/worshipping in deeper life church. Each time he wore jeans to church they start giving him side eyes(like this brother is a sinner). Awon assistant Jesus!
    He was later told that jeans is wordly! Just imagine the rubbish! A guy for that matter. Where is it written in the bible?

    Even the one of don't relax your hair...where is it in the bible? I once asked my gf and she said we are suppose to leave our selves the way God created us,and i asked her why she wasnt moving around naked?

    Pray for the spirit of understanding from the holy spirit. So many holy than thou misleading ppl and interpreting it the way it soothes them,like they wrote the bible themselves.
    ITK's aka assistant jesus I hail una.

    1. Lol,I can relate. Growing up in children church, the children teacher would tell me not to wear jeans, that it's wordly. Would tell me not to wear button down shirt, as it can show my breast when it folds, etc. When graduating from sec school, I defiantly relaxed my hair and a sister in church told me that I'm not born again, that when I get born again, I'll cut my hair. Because it's a sin to relax my hair. She herself had cut all her relaxed hair when she got "born again".

      I wonder if deeper life is doing more harm than good. I'm still there, but now see it as an obligation and I'm trying to find God for me, on my terms, trying to know Him personally and worship Him in Spirit and in truth, and not worry if my hair or my dressing would make Him not to hear my prayer. May God help me.

    2. Abeg leave deeper life out of this. If u can't cope with a church's rule, move to another church

    3. Shantelle'sEmpire25 May 2016 at 13:16

      Jasz read well na,my friend already left. Its more than 5yrs now.
      Btw,church rules and God's rules,which do you follow??

  15. New convert like Mama G needs to go on a retreat to acquire knowledge and study the Bible, not jumping into condemning one act or the other or jumping into preaching at crusade or church

    CChristianity is more than do or don't, she need to build her relationship first before condemning other

    Liz Benson gave her life to Christ and everyone knows she is truly a new creation without any drama, she's still acting and growing grace. Charles Okafor is a born again chirstain and still act when necessary without drama

    So madam take time to build yourself

  16. We are in the time of grace and not law biko.

  17. The Bible says a lot of things that we do not obey to be honest. One I'm struggling with is female pastors...

    1. Yeah, cherry picking.... That's what christianity is about, why not follow the book u genuinely bliv in word for word, why ingnore some passages & uphold others?? I just don't get... They'd say this is in the old testament, & yet the paying of tithes/first seed abi fruit is also thr in the old testament, if i hear say them ignore that one eh.... If i tell u passages/scriptures in the bible, u wldnt bliv cus its NEVER mentioned... *sips coke* wetin be my own? Na my brain them de wash?

  18. Will sit back and wait patently while comments roll in.

  19. Thank God piercings ain't among Cos I got a good number of it on my ears n nose.

    1. Don't you fuck around? And LIE? Shushhhhhhhh.

    2. The Bible did not talk about tattoo, it talked about markings on the body. Using eye pencils are markers on the body same as lip sticks,going by the law we are also not suppose to mix two fabrics (leviticus 19-19), deuteronomy 22-11. We are redeem through christ. Patience should take a chill pill

    3. The Bible mentioned Tattoo specifically

    4. But it didn't mention Fornication and adultery.

    5. Is eye pencil and lipstick not part of body paintings and designs. Hypocrites.

  20. No tats for me! Not a fan of it.

  21. Bible...the two edge sword.

  22. Truly thought provoking. To me I believe in serving God in spirit and truth, when our heart is right with God nothing else matters.
    You don't have to stop wearing jewelries because you think it's a sin, infact it's not so in the Bible. Jesus came and died for our salvation so it's all about the New Testament now

  23. Christianity! It's adherents shall keep being divided and living in disagreement between themselves until the day of resurection!

    Some illiterate muslims too are already towing that path ignorantly..


  24. The question really is;

    Can you do without tattooing; is it controlling you?
    Are you addicted to it; must you get another after another?
    Look at New Testament scriptures:

    2 Pet. 2:19 They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.

    Rom. 6:16 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?


  25. Poster thanks for this good observation. Most Christians criticize only which is not convenient for them to do but those they ate convenient to do its not a sin. A pastor's wife once told me not to use coloured attachment because its convenient for her to use black and that makes others sinful.
    My own is do what is right and pleasing before your God. The Lord's grace shall be sufficient for us all.

  26. Philippians 4:8. Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are Just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    The reason why most people draw tattoo on their body is due to peer influence, feel among(friends, spiritual or occultic) and/or ''show offs''
    If u have tattoo in ur body, u won't be bold enough to make it open a lil in a job interview.
    Personally, I see having a tattoo of Jesus, Bible or the cross as a sign of low self discipline not of Godliness
    Tattoo does not portray good morality and modesty but of show-offs.
    We know we can't follow all the laws of the Old Testament esp the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, but having tattoo is not a sign of good moral and religious upbringing.

    But I don't believe that having tattoo can take u to hell, except it's occultic one tho.

  27. Hi poster, this issue has been raised severally and i will like to answer to the best of my abilities. Jesus came so that we may be saved by grace and because we are saved by grace, we are therefore not under the law anymore. It is very simple, just pray for wisdom and discernment because people will tell you rubbish a lot of times. Galatians 2:21

  28. Exactly what my thought is. We Christians most time choose the bible verse that is more convinient for us. The same Leviticus have a portion that said we should not wear two different materials eg wearing wool and cotton at the same time. It has has a portion that instructed is not to plant different crops in our farm.... What we should dwell on is the one our Lord Jesus Christ said the greatest commandment of all is (Love) Thou shall love thine neighbor as thyself. By Loving your neighbor as thyself, you will avoid committing different sins ....I pray God orders her steps!!!!

  29. In reading the Bible we need the Holy Spirit for understanding. Cos some things can be "confusing" to mere human understanding.

    I don't know about the beard and the hair part but I know of the cuttings and d tatto. Yes the Bible tells us it's wrong.
    Now I want to Talk about piercing of the ears as one bv pointed out yesterday :"Is that too not cutting?"
    I don't think that's cutting.cutting is different from piercing.
    That bn said, none is blameless before God.We all are sinners.We can only strive towards perfection.He says our best deeds are like filth before Him.
    And again,God's ways aren't ours. He is not Man. So sometimes,most times I don't judge so me too won't be judged. So consequently I won't call whoever rounds the corner of her head or mar the corner of his head,a sinner.
    For me Though,I still believe the one very Imporatant Rule is to love One Another As Christ loves me. More than anything else,I believe this is what God would love me and every other person to do and also show.


  30. Indeed, The Almighty's curse is on anyone who does tattoos, and the one who has a tattoo done.”

    I wonder why any sane person would be asking if tattooing is wrong - "mutilating" your body, inflicting unnecessary pain and changing God's creation! Non-parmanent tattoos are understandable, but God's curses are on anyone damaging thier bodies permanently for the vain reason of tattooing!

    You cursed if you go get a permanent tattoo yo!

    1. ...but you lie and bear false witness against people on this blog. yet,you have the guts to cast a stone.
      Did the bible say that some sins are worse than others? Sin Is Sin and you will share the same pit of hell with murderers and other people you consider as sinners.
      Do you know Mary Magdalene?
      Shut up and examine your useless life first.

    2. Ogbeni, ur head no correct. Are u the Almighty that u should judge abi u never read bible reach where e say 'judge not that ye not be judged'.. U wey no get tattoo sef, u r cursed for cursing people with tattoo.

  31. Please about Jewelries and dressing, what about God's laments in Ezekiel chapter16 where He was reminding they people of Isreal how he adorned them with beautiful things as they were about leaving Egypt? For eg in Verse 9, God said 'Then I washed you in water, yes I thoroughly washed off your blood and I anointed you with oil. Verse 10 says 'I clothed you in embroidered cloth and gave you sandals of badger skin I clothed you with fine linen and covered you with silk. Verse 11 says ' I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your wrists, and a chain on your neck and verse 12 says ' and I put a Jewel in your nose, earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head. My question is were these things not done by God exactly the way it's written here or is it that the have a hidden meaning other than what I just read in the bible, because if the really mean exactly what is written there then how come God is against the use of Jewelries and ornaments by His Children. I'm also confused please enlighten me.

    1. Anon,God is not condemning any use of jewelry o. I say this with all boldness. If you read the early books of the old testament, God asked that a temple be built for him. He gave specifics. It was to be built with gold and other costly stones. In fact, it was He who gave them. When they were about to leave Egypt, He commanded them to go and collect costly ornaments from the Egyptians. 'The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for they had asked of the Egyptians JEWELRY of SILVER and GOLD and clothing...' Exodus 12:35-36 The only thing that is advised as regards the use is moderation.

  32. Anon 13:16 you go school.

  33. No one is saved by works. We're saved by grace. The law given by God to Moses was an umbrella to shield his children from evil until Jesus came. Galatians 2:21 '...for if righteousness was according to the law then Christ died in vain.'
    Read Galatians chapter 3. The law (do's and don'ts) expired when Jesus came. We are no longer under the law. We cannot be righteous by works. Never. We are righteous by faith in the finished of Christ.
    If you have a tattoo on your body, it ceases to matter the day you get born again. All things are new. (All these Christians quoting the old testament O.Y.O is ya case o)




    1. Exactly. You said it all.


      my understanding is this: if God sees your trouser wearing,or jewellery as a distraction to serving him,he will tell you to stop it. Does it mean its bad? No. God deals with his children individually.

      A young friend of mine once told Me that she heard clearly from God to stop wearing trouser. Why? She was in the university then and always wanted to feel "among" and be 'cool',which in itself is not bad,but in the quest to buy these things,she stopped paying her tithe and instead focused on buying trousers(according to her). One day she heard it clearly: stop wearing trousers.

      For some people its jewellery. They can do anything to get jewellery,even spend their tithe money on getting them. Your love for jewellery has become a hindrance, so he will convict on that.

      Every body is different but one thing I know is God deals with everyone differently. When you are convicted in any area of your life- dressing,or lifestyle habits,its best you obey. That's your own truth.

  35. All these end-time born again people who talk about jewelry and say it's a sin, I've got a question: The temple that God himself gave specifications for that was built in the old testament, what was it built of? Addendum: Who gave them?
    Getting born again is not a death-sentence or a license to look like a suffer-head. If you have a personal conviction to ditch those things, good for you. But don't start acting all sanctimonious. You have not achieved any great feat. No one is committing any sin by using make-up and jewelry o.

  36. The Bible is a system and so when reading it, we ought not to jump verses that does not align with our biases. Whatsoever sin we have committed, including tattoos on our bodies, the blood of Jesus Christ can wash us clean if we invite him to. On Judgement Day, i believe people with tattoos who have repented and given their lives to Christ will be raptured.

  37. People fail to understand that the Bible was written by the white man to conform to the people and lifestyle at the time it was written. The Bible has not been updated if it was updated it would conform to the people living today.
    The Bible was written by man to control man and make him abide and not question the laws made by men in power. It's the greatest brainwashing in history but people of today are fast catching on to it.

  38. A pastor once told us in church that tattoo is demonic. He gisted us about one girl he saw with tattoo on her legs and he told us the meaning of the tattoo which is slave and the girl don't even know the meaning of what is on her leg

  39. I feel 27 is an old version and 28 is new version.. Like the way we see new things every day

  40. We Christian since to forget that for every law in the bible was based on the incident that took place. And when Jesus came , He abolished every law and gave us a new life.What we need is to serve God in truth and in the spirit,if God judge us the way we judge others non of us we make Heaven. All we need is Love, Love your neighbor as you love yourself and salvation is personal.

  41. Who's talking about tattoos and body piercing. Make them let person hear word.. I like tattoo and Im going to get some when the time come.
    If you don't like it, that's your stress but don't preach me about anything because you don't know better. The Bible you people run to quote, have you read it back to back understanding at all.

  42. If it wasn't trousers that were distracting her but just clothes in general distracting her. Will God tell her to stop wearing clothes and walk around naked?

  43. I know this myt annoy some ppl. My question z y den do u ppl d (christains) always judge d muslims n smtyms even call dia religion bckwards simply bcos dey hav chosen to follow d doctrines in dia own book n u guys hav decided to go cherry pickin. Wen dey cover up, dey r bckwards, wen dey refuse to hav body contacts wt men dey r bckwards. 4 gettin dat ur laws r only dia u jst decided to copy d whites. I was shocked wen i read a comment bck up dat sed in d bible even to mix fabrics z a sin, even to tk pics of things dat hav life z a sin. Bt nobody sed dez laws r backwards or barbaric. It's ok, d aim of dis is jst to say, laws r laws, n we didn't all mk dem, so we better learn to respect each others religion. Coz it's nt in ur religion doesnt mean doz dat hav it in theirs n want to follow it to d latter r uncivilised.

    1. My dear, always write well if you want your comments to be read.

  44. This has been my line of thought since i was a child. It was stirred by debates on whether a woman can put on trouser or not. Coincidentally, i read the whole of old testament and was shocked at many commands there that we don't keep and cant even cope with. At that point i knew that the heart matters most not the external. Yes we should love our neighbours enough to be modest and not tempt them. My neighbour likewise should strive too to love me the way i am. That is it.

  45. This has been my line of thought since i was a child. It was stirred by debates on whether a woman can put on trouser or not. Coincidentally, i read the whole of old testament and was shocked at many commands there that we don't keep and cant even cope with. At that point i knew that the heart matters most not the external. Yes we should love our neighbours enough to be modest and not tempt them. My neighbour likewise should strive too to love me the way i am. That is it.

  46. Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past. See the link below for more info.



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