This is a man coming out to support his own!
Now let me ask you this Freeze....Didnt you come out to defend yourself during your crisis with your ex wife?Didnt you support your defence with pictures of how she abused you?suffered you and made you go through hell in the Marriage?..So what are you talking about?How do you think the pubic now views your ex after all the info you gave?
My conclusion? Do not say Tiwa shouldnt have talked until you wear her shoes!..ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR!
Enough already! They should give her time to heal, I don't see how defending her self will make her horseband suicidal.
ReplyDeleteDaddy freezer, he who's Without sin should throw the first tone. You're not that person to tell Tiwa not to talk.
DeleteFReeze Freeze Freeze
DeleteI do not agree with all you've said,butam 100% in support of her to granting that interview!!!the interview was uncalled for jawe.
And please eneough of T issues,make una let us rest..biko
Freeze if you didnt do the same thing she did during ur own bruohaha, I would hv said you were spot on with ur emphasis.
DeleteComing from the same guy who took his ex wife to the cleaners all over social media. This same guy who tweeted & talked about how she used to beat him up & made his life miserable.
DeleteSo its okay for you to reveal things that hurt about your personal life & drag your ex wife by the hair while doing so, but its not okay for Tiwa to do same? Its okay for Tiwa's son to grow up & perceive his mum to be someone who rides every dick in sight, but its not okay for the son to see his dad the way he is? Shame on you!
Tiwa is the only person who knows where the shoe pinches & she's the one hurting, she's got a right to redeem her image at least and find some solace. Stop comparing Toke Makinwa's issue with Tiwa's! Her husband didn't call her a hoe among other things on social media.
Mr. Freeze you talk damn too much! Your opinion isn't the standard required for celebs to live their life. If you can't advice chastise her privately, then shut it!
Stella u hit it
DeletePlease were was Freez wen TJ was spilling?
Tnx Stella
DeleteThe yellow crayfish has spoken. As stupid as ever!
DeleteFrom Linda and Wizkid Ayo wahala to Tiwa savage and tb. Whose next abag? Still waiting for my Adam
DeleteAbeg this freeze should shut up there,oh tiwa should just sit down and fold her hands like nothing happened.
DeleteSee this one and his transparent lips o. Freeze or whatever his name. You are indeed very empty up there. I won't even bother to argue with ur very shallow and baseless points.
DeleteIn the scheme of things you are just a transparent nincompoop...C'mom, evaporate my friend.
Mr Freeze is just a clown. He's forming "menist".
ReplyDeleteHis public gist about his ex is still fresh in our minds...
Don't mind the mofo. Tunji is not suicidal anything!! He said those things on his page to damage Tiwa's reputation so she shouldn't defend herself abi.
DeleteTunji knows Tiwa is done with the marriage that nonsense stunt he pulled is for the public to join him and beg Tiwa to forgive him. The kian Tiwa sef is a fool! She wants to help him pay the 45m??? Really??
This 2 people will still settle so make una no just bother una self.
That's Tunji's plan, for Tiwa to take him back and pay this debt!
Lol @ menist.Don't mind the foolish idiot seeking relevance.
Delete@nametalkam: well said! You hit the spot.
DeletePray tell us Freeze, how Tbillz rants were not premeditated, since you know law. So, in a suit for defamation, he will give that silly excuse? Either he is sane or insane, of which a certified doctor must pronounce him so. Please, this claim of depression and suicide, who verified it? How sure are we that it is not drama? Puleeeze. People should think before they type. Freeze is clearly bereft of acumen to measure his hypocritic and chauvinistic words.
Tbillz premeditated over glasses of spirit and stashes of weed or worse and came up with this rant. He didnt stop at the 1st or 2nd or 3rd shade but even went ahead to make up pictures and memes. He left his bbm and went to a platform where he knew he had many followers and his wife is well known and spilled. He kept on talking about "Tiwa Savage brand", he mentioned that so many times. A clear attack on her person and goodwill in business. Something she strived so hard to get. Knowing we live in a society where any accusation of infidelity or sexual adventure ruins a woman. Even if it doesn't ruin you, it reverbates down the ages. People always remember. Memes were already coming. How her child looks like Doctor Sid, how she's a 'cheerful giver'. And that wont affect her son when he grows up? Who suffers more.
Im not even a fan of Tiwa Savage. I dont like her and she could be annoying. She will still do more to annoy me even but damn, she's actually very hardworking. However way her resources come. She also works hard as a musician and takes her career seriously. She is quite reputable and the rants of Teebillz(husband to her) would have ruined her career in this parochial society of Nigeria if it went unanswered. And we know that the best form of defence is counterattack. So, Freeze is insinuating that she just comes, say 'I didnt do A and B' without taking her own pound of flesh. Two wrongs dont make a right but makes the mind feel right. This was her best way to gain release over what she has kept for so long. Im sure he must have blackmailed her over this so many times. Finally it happened and she found a way to control it. Kudos to her PR team. From the interviewer(who was drab) to the make up, scarf, tears, tone and narration. All well played out. Rubbish begets rubbish.
As for Freeze; he is being a hypocritical chauvinist. As Stella aptly stated, where was this advice when he called out his wife and narrated things from his past with her, right from Ibadan, to UI to the 90's, to her infidelity? Abuse? He is just like Tbillz and was only lucky his wife didnt do an exposé for him. To think this man mans a christian radio program.
His point that the guy is suicidal should have made her not to squeal makes zero sense. So, we should protect the feeble and wait till they kill us themselves?
A beautiful mind and brain you are BonaParte NN. Well said! Bravo! He drew 1st blood and she took her pound of flesh. Hunter becomes the hunted.
DeleteThank u very much oh.
DeleteThe same freeze that narrated how his ex wife came from a broken home and lacks adequate home training from her mother who was busy gallivanting the streets of Ibadan, instead of minding her daughter whom he married?
Oh..damn you freeze!! Bloody ass hypocrite!
This man no get work
ReplyDeleteFreeze the hypocrite.
DeleteThese men must think they are gods.
Now I understand why Lilith refused to submit to Adam in the beginning and went rogue.
So it's okay if no man wants to be with a divorced mother of one who has a grocery list of her male "conquests" posted all over the Internet by her ex. A lady who has a diabolical mother swooning around waiting for the next unfortunate sucker to "wife" her slut of a daughter so she can "commandeer" his star to make her already famous daughter more famous? It's okay if no man wants Tiwa for fear of emotional and culinary abandonment while gallivanting and globetrotting, maximising her celeb status? Perhaps Tiwa needs not worry about a collapsed career because no label or producer would want to sign her on either for personal prejudices or for the fear of incurring the wrath of their apprehensive wives or partners???! Indeed, it's really a man's world.
DeleteYou can't light a dynamite and cry foul when it blows up in your face! TJ dealt the first blow in a very undignified way which demanded some form of rebuttal because Tiwa is a public figure. The analogy of the defence of provocation can not apply here because we are talking war of words versus actions. Walking in on a man sleeping with your wife, the knee jerk reaction with be to attack, hence provocation suffices. But when a frustrated husband goes stark raving mad on social media and keeps writing page after page of whatever comes to mind at the time, how do you expect the wife to react immediately? Can you even imagine the shock she must have felt? She would be dazed like she stuck watching a live horror movie of her life. Does Freeze expect her to have reacted immediately, replying every post of his with a rebuttal, turning the Internet into a circus? Or he refuses to consider the fact that she wasn't lying when she said her friends took her phone away because they didn't want her to see the mess?
She's being criticised for a prompt reply yet you claim it wasn't fast enough? Why is it that the person who pulls all the melodramatic stunts in situations involving domestic brawls seems to get more sympathy? Because of the seriousness of it all, I wouldn't want to analyse the whole suicide mission but which appears more ridiculous and "staged", Tiwa's interview or TJ's attempted suicidal? You gave us the breakdown of how Tiwa's interview was staged but, conveniently, you failed to shine the judgmental light on the botched suicide attempt. Oh! It's okay to tread cautiously so Tiwa doesn't inspire another suicide attempt by TJ but nobody is considering the fact that Tiwa's baby is barely a year and she can get postpartum depression from the stress and, God forbid, actually do harm to herself and/or the baby?
Please, if there's anyone who will suffer more from this, it is Tiwa because our society is more hostile to women in matters like this. No matter what, there are still women who will gladly be with TJ, warts and all. Some will not even mind taking care of all his financial needs and use their connections to revive whatever career he claims to have. Freeze, you can't put a bowl of freshly ground pepper under a person's nose and criticise the person for sneezing.
Tiwa interview came too early, strategically planned. Probably coz of the endorsements.
ReplyDeleteOh Pls y'all should stop screaming her interview came too early.
DeleteWorld people sef na waa.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with what she did nor the timing of the interview.
Should she have waited for 5yrs 2grant an interview or clear name or maybe wait a week to do so...if she had waited a week,its still same bile filled keyboard happy miscreants that would still come out and say she took so long because she had to plan,cook up lies and strategize on what to say.
Now d poor lady came out to do what she felt was best and y'all jobless nonexistent peeps be spilling trash.
Y'all should let her be o jare so she can heal.
Anybody comparing tiwa and tokes situation as same must be a complete idiot.
Tokes husband never told lies about her person nor called her names nor called her mother a witch neither did he accuse her of sleeping around.
A man can't tarnish your person and u keep quiet...naaa boo that'd be d biggest mistake.
Abeg ds tiwa issue shoud rest already,she isn't d first celebrity to have a failed marriage.
God bless you for this
DeleteIf it came too late, they will say she has planned the lies to tell. World people!
DeleteElena, how do you know what Tbliz wrote about Tiwa is a lie? Did she deny any of it in her interview? No! Instead, she tried to justify it in her defence.
DeleteI believe all he wrote is true and all she said about him is also true.
Stella I agree with you a 150% on this one.In addition doubt if freeze could have endured this much.
ReplyDelete* in Patience Jonathan's voice*
ReplyDeleteThe drama kwontinues 2016
DeleteStella, you don't have to agree with him o.
ReplyDeleteToyin lld be rejoicing now. Herself, her gbanu boyfriend, including their kidnapped range rover are off d spotlight
Abeg this "HEDIOT " should go n sleep jor. Every time talking like a fool. Must you talk can't you keep quiet sometimes
ReplyDeleteFreezer has talk ooo, make I see down carry popcorn read comment.
Tiwa and Teebills don suffer, this their messy nyash opening is the biggest in the history of naija celebrities, i cnt think of any more messed up, chai. It'd top chart like a single for the nxt 10yrs.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand all these women and men supporting their own as you pple talk about, I support whoever is right in my eyes. We don't have any association biko
ReplyDeleteStella your head dey Dere!
ReplyDeleteFreeze please freeze!
No No No Freeze! i disagree with u.
ReplyDeleteI for one would have Liked Tiwa to maintain a dignified silence.Not because of all d bullshit TJ spewed but simply because "Two people no dey mad at the same time" And for the sake of that little boy Jamil.His parents shouldn't dance naked in d market square!
And again,when we are angry or more put, emotionally down,we tend to do things or say things that normally we wouldn't have Said or done.Simply because of the fragile state of our minds.
But then,Tiwa didn't need dat stability of mind and emotion cos if she had come out later,and more composed,she may not have revealed all dese things.cos she comes across as a somewhat "private" person and may not have had d guts to spill on d cheating bastard. She may have hinted at one or two "small" problems but not this explosive gist.
So u see? I think she did wot she did cos she knew she wouldn do it at her emotionally lowest and fragile state.it was dat day or Never.
And again,people react to things differently.Like I said,I wished she kept quiet but then, I am not Tiwa.Tiwa wil behave like Tiwa and she has a right to defend herself or stay quiet.And honestly,either way,I admire her.
And then again,don't u think Tiwa came out simply because she was done.And not only done, TJ pushed her to
He definitely pushed to come out. It's not easy to stay quiet and heat people believe things said against you. I do wish she stayed quiet but I think her camp felt staying quiet would have meant she was actually guilty as he claimed
DeleteEven if you are done with someone you don't go about spilling so much details. Deny the accusations labelled on you but don't do the same thing the other person did.
DeleteIf she's done with the marriage she should have quietly walked away .
The wives of her Tuface and Dr sid will be overjoyed she did that interview and debunked the accusation while it was still very hot??? Who de chop cold akara? If she kept silent, ppl would say she can't deny it & her husbands words are true, if she spoke up a week or month later, they'd say she had time to rehearse a robust reply....... World ppl most talk.
DeleteHer reply was more like, you do me I do you back she didn't settle down and plan it well.
DeleteBabe, do you know what I think?
DeleteTunji never in his wildest imagination think that Tiwa would open up. He felt she will cower as usual.
She looked like someone that is overtly scared of attacks and the press. So he pulls those stunts and bam! Tiwa begins to talk.
I still can't get over the minutes it took him to fetch that old pix and upload,dude had a lot of time to re think.
His sole aim? Destroy her career,Destroy her chances of ever getting married...hang a suicidal husband on her neck,get sympathy from the fans and then mingle in Lagos society like the scorned Husband of Tiwa Savage.
I have a feeling they would have reconciled if this didn't get out,she loves him.
Your last paragraph. She was done and has been done for a long time.
DeleteThat's why the interview seems planned to some people. She has been done with him and naturally there's a detachment. They've been living apart for 2 months and I honestly think she never wanted to spill all she did.
It became necessary to do so when he made all those nasty and heavy allegations.
I don't blame her one but for that video. A lot of us would have done worse.
Thank you! I also think Tiwa should have kept mum on this...at least for now.But I didn't look at it from this perspective of her speaking when she did cuz she knew that's the only time she'd be able to say all the things she did.
DeleteI'll always respect Toke for not saying anything till date about her crashed marriage.I duff my hat for that Lady.
But GW, don't you think that if she had kept quiet, it would have made people feel that everything her akalogheli husband said about her was true? She felt the need to defend herself.
DeleteWell, like you said, people respond to situations differently. Me? I would sing like a canary!
Yes... She was so done with the whole nonsense. Let us all know that she said it has been on for two months now. The guy moved out of the house next thing typical of a Nigerian man is to start calling his wife "ashewo" and even mentioning names of people that are well known, who needs a man like that? Tiwa was very right with the interview. Do we know the damage the call out her husband did has caused the other people? Suddenly nobody is talking about the innocent men that TJ was dragging down with himself and the effect this whole drama is having on them. In my opinion the interview was timely not everything silence will solve
DeleteIphie: im in awe of your intelligence! Damn. Youre so right....so brilliant.
DeleteTbillz made a dangerous miscalculation. Never did he imagine Tiwa would open up to that extent. She must have lived with the fear that her life will be out in the open; her greatest nightmare. Didnt you hear her saying she footed all his bills so the press wont know. She practically bought and maintained a husband. And im sure she also bought his silence. He must have threatened to spill a million times. Now, she overcame her worst nightmare. She did what he least expected from her; she opened the lid.
Well said Iphie
Iphie I agree with everything you wrote except the part where you wrote she still loves him? Nah!
DeleteI think Tiwa was just concerned about keeping up apperances. She was concerned about what people would say if she left the marriage less than two years after.
Mrs B. True too
DeleteIf she were Toyin Aimakhu, would have thought twice. But Tiwa would not have naturally spilt anything. She kept mum till he attacked. She was quiet about his many faults till he made hers public:
Not cooking 4 him: A way to buy sympathy from parochial nigerian society that believes that no matter what a woman is, outside. When she comes home, she should bend down and cook. Even if she has maids.
Comparing her to Omawunmi: a well loved figure. Typical Nigerian society loves drawing the comparism of 'down to earth wife' and 'wild wife'. A way to tarnish her.
Her mum: painting the image of a monster-in-law who wields the ax in her daughter's marriage.
Infidelity: the biggest blow to a married woman in Nigeria. Sacrilege in African culture. Esp as she was supposedly sleeping with close pals and business friends. Abusing her career.
Suicide: paints picture of a woman so bad, so rotten, so wicked as to drive her man to suicide. Theres nothing worse in Africa than this.
'Tiwa Savage Brand'- made allusions to this to show that she valued her name over her family.
'I did everything for you, made you who you are'- another African male regular. Painting a picture of a man who gave his wife everything, brought her from mud, elevated her status and now things are bad for him, she treats him like gutter. African society doesnt forgive such a woman. You can draw parallel with a girl brought from the village by a man and sponsored to university, finished and refused to marry him. This is a typical African story. No where do the men acknowledge that the woman dis any work in their "I made you" talk. Tiwa didnt train her voice, she didnt learn chereography, she didnt sing and spend endless nights writing and practising. No, its Tbillz dat made her. The girl didnt study in the university. (sarcasm). So these makers take all the praise. No blame, as usual. He's the one being cheated on, insulted and they even took his star. He did nothing to contribute to his own failure?
Truth is, Tbillz had only one aim with the rant(since he wasnt trying to settle), he realised he has lost all grip on her and like Samson chained to the walls of Philistine, he attempted to bring the whole building down with him
Iphie dearie, your 5th paragraph? Spot on!!!
DeleteBonaparte!!!! *covers face*
DeleteEveryone on this thread,i love it when people reason outside the box,for or against Tiwa/Tbillz. Kudos!
Freeze I just feel like slapping you this morning. Look at who is talking about shielding children during marriage crisis. Yes you are right about saying the internet never forgets but you should have also thought about all you said when you were telling the whole world how monstrous and demonic your ex-wife was. Tj please take this piece of advice, next time you want to commit suicide don't go to ikoyi bridge or any bridge at all in naija, pls enter your room take a glass full of sniper or otapiapia and die quietly.
ReplyDeleteEven a one month old baby will know that tiwa is fake, wicked and heartless. ..your husband is trying to kill himself. .Instead of u trying to make him strong for this period.put his life first . u are busy thinking about your dead career and doing damage control video. .telling the world that he takes cocaine etc. .so he can watch your video and kill himself. .then u will be happy abi?.. ashawo girl...even favour Don do tiwa too..stupid ashawo girl.
Deletesmh@anon...Why should she worry about the useless man trying to kill himself??..After all Tiwa took care of the bills..So yes she must be worried about her career..cos when the idiot is dead and gone..it will still be Tiwa who will cater for the boy like she''s always done. What if Flavour did her?? Count the number of useless guys u ve slept with. .and come again. .mtcheww
DeleteI still think she shouldn't have taalked.
ReplyDeleteOr at least stick to defending the accusations against her n not raise new issues to make the man look bad.
I think she's a really good actress. I smell something fishy.
N if TJ's peeps should react to some of these accusations, new issues would arise n things are gonna get worse for Anty Tiwa.
JustPorsh, maybe the day your horsebad - lol - totals your good name you will uunstan,lovita.
DeleteU try well well.... Thank u na.... Na so wen dem accuse u go keep quiet and defend ur self with i didn't fuck dem and walk away.
DeleteGod bless you. Women have been historically known to be myopic. Thanks for choosing to separate yourself from the rest. Cheers!
Deleteand u think after. ..Tiwa's People won't talk too. ..This guy is even fighting his dad..He is an idiot
DeleteLet ladies start writing in support of Tiwa. But this whole thing just made me love and respect Toke makinwa. She was really mature and smart the way she handled her own marital ish. Thumbs up Toke...
ReplyDeleteToke's own is a totally different scenario altogether because her husband never said any demeaning thing about her. Unlike this case that TJ went all out on his celeb wife.
DeleteWhoever knows Tunji should advice him not to say pim again oooo because a whole lot more was kept in reserve where Tiwa brought out the previous revealing truth.
Toke would probably have reacted differently if her husband came online to spill all sorts like Tj did.
DeleteIn all this, it's that little boy i feel sorry for; people should learn to keep their issues off the social media.
Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers
Yeah, but did you see or hear Toke's husband tell the world that she can't cook and can fuck for africa? The situation is different here,both Tiwa and Tj are emotionally broken.
DeleteCan ppl stop comparing toke nd tiwas ish for once!! Maje Neva bashed he's wife online, maje is doing gud for himself!! u can't compare wat teebillz dd to dat of maje!!so Frezze u had beta respect ur lousy sef!! U ppl shuld free tiwa Pls let her heal nau, all of u bringing ur opinions who una epp??u ppl r forgetting d names of families teebillz cald out, tell me wat type of relationship r they going to hv wt tiwa frm now onwards?? Mtcheeeeewww
DeleteThese are different situations. Toke's husband is also mature. Despite all the bashing and cyber bulling he got, he never said any disrespectful thing about his wife.
DeleteToke's mother was not called a witch and she wasnt accused of infidelity. People should pls stop comparing Toke and Tiwa's issue. Toke 's hubby was never on the social media to slander her. So plssssssss
DeleteAll of a sudden, all these useless men have something to say. The whole brouhaha is a delicate situation. It's possible the husband was the negotiator who helped get Tiwa's career off the ground, just maybe, and who knows, out of gratitude, Tiwa fell in love blindly, putting aside all the red flags in the dudes flawed life. Now that she's come to her senses, the HUSBINGER is angry that his "money" ( a term used by music sharks) that is Tiwa, is no longer there for him to milk. Anyone who REALLY Understands the whole entertainment industry will see why Tiwa found herself entangled in this whole mess. Well, she will be alright. As for this man who is talking trash, he should shut the hell up and such on a big banana. He should go and clean his yard first and mind his own business. At the end of the day, he never slept in the same bed with Tiwa's husband and doesn't know the guy 100%. Even Tiwa didn't really know him and found out some shocking things (allegedly). All the Industry sharks and hanger-ons should leave Tiwa alone.
DeleteSpot on biko.
DeleteGbam !! Stella u have said it all... Dont mind freeze abi ice block. Whats wrong is wrong .. tbillz opened a can of worms now he can either choose to eat it or drop it and run but he cant seal it back up ! ... BTW feels good to finally be able to comment ... Hello beautiful BVs!
ReplyDeleteI've said mine since even b4 watching the video. Why dress up recreating a "nollywood widow in crisis" scene just because you want to garner pity from Nigerians". Fine she has said truths and I don't blame her for marrying him even when she was warned. The truth is sometimes we love too much, we want to believe the best and age doesn't make it easier...you just want to marry. Let her rest, do all the family meetings n give d relationship 1 more try. #my2cents
ReplyDeleteFreeze should shut up! So she can't tarnish his own image but its ok for him to do that to her???? Did stupid freeze ever think all this drama can make tiwa loose her endorsement??? I'm sure pampers won't like to be associated to a woman her husband claims is adulterous and has fucked the whole of the industry. It dsnt bring out the motherly picture they wanted of tiwa. So pls, freeze should shut up. Y won't he support tee bills?! Stupid wife beater
ReplyDeleteno mind freeze.him no well.wat of d ones tunji said?
ReplyDeleteAbeg abeg!
ReplyDeleteSo, Tiwa was meant to jump out of bed immediately she saw the malicious tweets by her husband, done a video recording on the spot with her phone, and uploaded it on YouTube, to show that it was not an interview she 'prepared' for?
Nwokem, biko jee zuo ike.
With the way your oral cavity leaks, you would have even gone on CNN to tell the world the kind of person TJ is, if it were you.
Have you forgotten how you handled your own marriage crisis, and everything you told us?
Or what will your excuse be?
You didn't have children?
Please, say again.
Forget about all these people making noise upandan that Tiwa would not have talked.
And I ask y'all, 'If you were in Tiwa's shoes, a celebrity who's husband told malicious things to the public about ; would you have kept quiet?'
People giving others advice they can't take.
This is a woman with endorsements from several companies. Do you know what it would have done to her brand if she had kept quiet?
Or do you think she wasn't advised by her senior colleagues in the entertainment industry, that know how stuff like this works?
If she had left this till say, a week or more, it's these same people that would accuse her of creating and rehearsing false stories,hence it took her so long to talk.
TJ is a grown ass man, way past the age of responsibility and accountability. If people refuse to do business with him, he'll have to find a way to show them that he's a changed man, when he becomes one.
I won't be surprised to learn that the reason he stopped getting contracts, was because of his dishonest ways.
Infact, he should thank Tiwa for spilling. The shielding wasn't doing him any good.
Waiting for Etcetera and Reuben Abati's pieces.
Etcetera? Noooo!!
DeleteLol,abeg I'm so done.
I hv bin waiting for dis post,I saw it on Facebook and almost went ballistic. U r very very stupid freeze, u and Teebillz are birds of d same feather. U r lucky ur wife is in the cooperate world dts why u cld get away with that shit u pulled off during ur own useless rant. U r so stupid to say she put d final nail in his coffin,so what did he do to her own. May dt ur hand u use to type dis shit bend. Fucktard!!!!! Agbaya man boy.
ReplyDeleteFreeze you are a hypocrite for this. Is it because Tiwa is a woman? You did the same thing Teebillz did, but you were lucky your wife kept quiet. Haaaa do not let wahala start for you o. Just disengage yourself from this whole brouhaha.
ReplyDelete...and Freeze lives up to expectations just as a BV predicted. S/O to Ronalda for the legal education. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteFreeze is a kid. Person wey say woman dey beat am.
ReplyDeletePlease all these special advisers should leave Tiwa alone, nigerians are quick to jump to conclusions and make their own judgment about other people's lives, when the news broke , they all said it was a publicity stunt, until they realised that it wasn't. I supported Tiwa to talk because Tunji didn't consider their son when she called Tiwa a whore for sleeping around, anybody that knows Tiwa will know that she hardly talks nor grant interview concerning her family, but this time around she had to come out cos Tbillz dragged other families that Tiwa was closest to Idibias, and Dr Sid.....where i knew Tunji lied is also including Don Jazzy, everybody in inner circle of naija entertainment scene knows Jazzy is closeted GAY, yes you can take this info to the bank, Tunji was just doing a case of a drowning man that is dragging everything along with him.
ReplyDeleteOR how do we explain the fact that all along he lied to his wife that he only had 2 children by his London baby mama until after marriage that Tiwa discovered that he also has another baby mama and child in Nigeria.....theres a limit to human endurance and i support her 100% for speaking out, women we are our own enemies, lets speak out and support our own !!!.......#ada
Freeze is foolish and will always be.Would have been really surprised if he had not 'weighed in' on thia matter.BTW,I just read yesterday's laughs and saw where Fan fool and la fresh were digging it out,and you Stella enabled ALL filthy comments made by that uncouth Fan fool.Yet you deleted my comments replying her and Portable idiot.Stella,just respect yourself o.Not even kidding. On a lighter note,how are y'all doing my people this fine Sunday morning?Oh how wonderful it feels to know tomorrow is a public holiday.
ReplyDeleteTwo days after Tunji revealed some hair raising things about his Spouse,you Freezer didn't even write a "soft" memo(since you people say he's suicidal) to him.
ReplyDeleteYou wait until Tiwa opened up and then struck! Have you even asked about her state of mind? Or you think she might not be thinking of ending it all too?
I hope you know a strong person like that might actually be contemplating suicide in her head without tweets or phone calls?
Just look at Freezer that has told us the unwilling public horrible things about his EX,why did you release those alleged battery pictures? Who will employ your Ex now knowing that she is Adolf Hitler?
I'm not even about who is wrong and who is right anymore,just stop with the letters.
I don't agree with Freeze one bit. Infact, if I was Tiwa, I would have spilled more beans!
ReplyDeleteHo calling and denigrate my mum? And I'm supposed to keep quiet? No, No, No way!
I will engage as many as I can! No one has the exclusive preserve to run their mouth anyhow! D gloves will come off!
This Freeze man is d biggest hypocrite that ever liveth.
ReplyDelete@Freeze, U had no problem destroying the dignity and reputation of your wife and mother of your children. But now u are trying to form nice man.
Only the gullible will deceived by u.
Wow! Complete sentence, & made sense too! Oya come & take gala & fan yogo, that's all you deserve!
DeleteThis anonymous no well. Lmao
DeleteWhat the heck is Freeze talking about?
ReplyDeleteTiwa is the public figure here and her livelihood depends on the public's perception of her!
Thumbs up Tiwa, way to go girl! Hold your head high!
Before now, I never bought a single album of Tiwa's, after listening to her interview I rushed to iTunes and selected a choice few!
So, she should suffer and die in silence, I say No, No, No!
Nobody should annoy me this blessed Sunday Morning! Rubbish!
Fellow lazy, drug using, debt accruing, womanising chauvinists coming out to defend their own!
ReplyDeleteTeam Tiwa! Please let's start writing our own epistle too o. Let's go there!
Don't mind him goat..Dodbt Tbillz damage her own career too with all the nonsense he was saying ?Didnt he start it first
ReplyDeleteI'm all for tiwa but I do not honestly support her interview.. She should have sent a press release saying those allegations labeled against her want true and thay she will like the public to give her and her family some time to sort their issues in private..
ReplyDeleteThis would have sufficed not all those things she said because at the end of the day, 2 people can't be mad at the same time. The cheating allegations he made against her, he didn't say it was in marriage because he called it her past, so what's anyone's business with her past. She really didn't need that interview. Or she would have done it at a later time when she's composed. Because at that time, all she wants to do is hurt him back... There is a baby in all of this drama, if teebills spilled everything because he was high on alcohol or whatever, what reason does she have??
Even freeze too has something to say? Lmao. Dude STFU. If u can defend urself during your own marital crisis, tiwa has everything to do the same
ReplyDeleteBut Daddy Freeze didn't see that accusing what accusing an African woman for adultery will do to her child's future as well as her brand. Labelling her mother not just a witch but someone tying his destiny is enough to let Tiwa spill the entire beans o. If he likes he should never be hired by anyone, he is not the 1st man to go through such abeg
ReplyDeleteI believe the more people talk about this story, it stays relevant but if left alone, the story dies. Pls let this story die so that each party can go on with their lives!
ReplyDeleteTalking about Tj trying to commit suicide.
ReplyDeleteAny man that cannot provide for his should be allowed to end his life.
*his family
DeleteStella don't mind these idiot frustrated men. When Tblillz went on his rant we didn't see any open letter from any of them. It was when Tiwa defended herself that they are all writing open letters and epistles. Women have had enough of their bullshit and they don't know how to handle it.
ReplyDeleteUseless Nigerian men that think women are their slaves and no matter what they do, women should still show them 100% love. They had better wake up from their slumber because those days are gone.
This yellow cooler with his frozen brain was running upandan showing whoever cared evidence of husband battering.He almost went to CNN.
ReplyDeleteThe deed has been done,the milk has spilled.We can only wait for TB aka 'throwback' to respond to the allegations.
@daddyfreeze, U also hv children with ur estranged wife.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't you think of what their friends and classmates will say or think about their mother. before unleashing those wicked and malicious lies against her.
And again! Adding another gala...
DeleteJust shut up freezer, we r tired of ur biased opinions.
ReplyDeleteFreeze has now written another memo regretting his first memo on Tiwa. He says after speaking to her he now regrets what he wrote. Men automatically take sides of their fellow men when it comes to marriage matters, they never listen to the woman's side to hear where she is coming from. It's really very sad.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why people keep comparing toke's situation to tiwa's, toke's hubby did not come to SM and accuse her of anything..... he got someone pregnant and the story came out what do people want her to say? Tunji said alot of things about tiwa, accused her of sleeping around and called her mother a "witch" no yoruba person can take that trust me..... in as i felt she should have managed the situation better (the marriage) but there was really nothing she could do at that point is it until he kills her? And she doesn't cook how will i cook for a man dat doesn't even sleep at home? I wish tunji good, wish tiwa best and jamil all the very best.
ReplyDeleteHer husband messed her up so she had to do same. Do me i do you. So Tiwa pussy is for everyone ? Hmmm..
ReplyDeleteYou can not compare Toke own to this, her husband never came out to call her ugly names.
ReplyDeleteStella thanks a lot. Am i the only person that sees through this freezer dude. With all the incessant power failures in Nigeria, am not surprised that there was no electricity 2 power this Freezer. Oh i didnt believe d story about ur wife hitting you. Am just so sad that since this Tiwa debacle, all d worms came out of their hiding and suddenly have an opinion of the way she reacted 2 her husbands outburst
ReplyDeleteFreeze, that even abused his ex wife mother in law? Mtcheeeww
ReplyDeleteSeriously,we should all calm down and look beyond all the drama..from my own point of view.. this whole drama was premeditated..
ReplyDeleteTiwa savage cried because TJ disappointed her by not jumping to his death. She said her life would have been easier if he died. .... she's prepared to come mourn him but banky and psquare mess her plans up... I fear you Tiwa Mrs holiest sneaky prostitute slept with my warri chairman Mr A but won't mention name. Did our delta no 3 man and many others. She's always fooling her self that she had miscarriage please show hospital proof... she's a bloody pretender sleeping around but fooling her fans with her innocent look
ReplyDeleteTj, get d fuck outta here abeg. Amu ewu.
DeleteNo secret in this life o.... Tiwa truly slept with Ayiri for few thousand dollars...trust she'll deny it as usual but guess what Ayiri is too lousy to keep it a secret.
DeleteLol to Tiwa prepare statement to morn Tunji lol again! Bitch been practicing how to read and act her script lol! Tiwa may want you dead Tunji because she wants to burn the bridge with you already but please Mr balogun try get busy for your kids. Without money nothing can be done
DeleteYes and what is d big deal if she slept with Ayiri????? A married man can sleep around but a married woman cannot????? Who get Ayiri number Abeg???? Hypocrites y'all !
DeleteGod bless you Aunt Stella for this. up till now, i still have a picture of his wife as an abusive person because of all the things he said about her. Now he is coming out to yarn dust.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you Aunt Stella for this. up till now, i still have a picture of his wife as an abusive person because of all the things he said about her. Now he is coming out to yarn dust.
ReplyDeleteMr Freezer abi na generator,stop talking from both sides of your mouth.
ReplyDeleteAs SDK pointed out,what did you do when you also had almost a similar scenario?did you go to social media and tried to swing the ball in your favour? It's not in your place at all to say if she did or didn't act right.
Let's all leave them to fight their demons abeg. All of a sudden even those who have no right whatsoever as an 'intellectual' opinion to make.
Tiwa and TB, I pray you both find solutions to all your issues. It is well.
ReplyDeleteDear Freeze,
Thank you for your occasional kind words in my time of despair. Whilst it is deeply appreciated, I would like to respond to some of the issues you have discussed below. For the sake of clarity, I have decided to retain your original text and respond in red below. I hope you don’t mind?
I have nothing but love for you, but after I watched all 45 mins of your interview (when people start the statement with talk like ‘please don’t take this personally’ and address a personal issue then turn around to be shocked when the issue is addressed personally, I think is downright irresponsible. I will have a reaction to your action; im only human)
.…. ..Tiwa, I know it hurts when a relationship breaks down, and those accusations T Billz made were extremely hurtful, nonetheless, I believe you could have employed caution when responding, since according to you, he was unstable and suicidal (Dear Freeze, this is easier said than done. Remember when you allegedly faced domestic abuse? You remember how you didn’t ‘employ caution’ and took her to the cleaners? In case your memory fails you, id use the refresh button)
. In law, if for instance, you walk in on your man in bed with another woman and you shoot him on the spot, you could get a lighter sentence, if your legal counsel argues provocation. On the flip side, if you walk out of the scene to get a gun and then launch an attack, it’s now considered premeditated.
The fact that you granted a ‘pitch perfect’ interview, with a flawless visual background and superb audio quality, in my opinion looks a bit premeditated. (if by some stroke of genius you were my mentor, shouldn’t you be proud of me? Maybe you did print and I took it a notch up and did a video interview but how different are we? Did you not post pictures of how your wife alledgedly batters you and told Stelle Dimokokorkus she beats you ‘blue and black’at the slightest provocation? Were you also premeditating with these.
If you had denied all his accusations and asked to swear on ayelala or amadioha or sango as against the lie detector test, since on no instance has a polygraph ever been used in Nigeria, and if afterwards you had requested for privacy, as you deal with such a sensitive issue, this matter would have been laid to rest. (I am not fetish in anyway. I didn’t grow up fetish and so have no understanding why I should want to swear by any of the above you have mentioned. Has anything changed in the time you granted your allegedly domestic abuse case? Let me raise a quote from there
‘Yes, I loved her but that was a very long time ago. Her destructive spirit killed the love a long time ago. It grew to anger, hatred, bitterness and my current state of indifference towards her. She had a friend that was kicked out of her marriage because she was caught with juju.
This same friend made sure that she ended OPE'S marriage and I am leaving that friend to GOD!’
You see how you were against juju here and now that the tables have turned, you ask me to swear by these same gods? How two faced of you!
How are you going to tell Nigerians not to talk about issues you ‘used your own hand’ to make public? This could only serve to further delay your healing.
I have only granted an interview. You? Instagram, twitter, webisodes any other means is fair game to you. Weren’t you on that panel of Ndani’s ‘Real Talk’ with Denrele? Just last year (2015), July 13 around 1:12pm, you posted this on your Instagram page ‘
‘Silence and maturity never helped! It made me, the victim, seem like the aggressor. leading me to finally speak out!’
If it didn’t work for you, why would it work for me?
ReplyDeleteEven though my prayer is for your issues to be resolved and for joy to return to your home, the breakdown of a marriage is not the end of the world, I have been through it and my world did not end.
In season four, episode eight of House Of Cards, someone said something profound. ‘Brave is not giving up. It’s fighting no matter what’ By November 6, 2015 (three plus month after you berated your wife of many years, using all means necessary, you were engaged. I admit my vulnerability. Not all of us can find love that fast(or was your now girlfriend the ‘Edible Catering’ in your marriage? I digress)
However, do you realize that the interview you gave could lead to the end of TJ’s world? Who is now going to hire, work with, or have any business dealings with an unstable, adulterous, fraudulent, cocaine sniffer who cannot manage money and has his priorities misplaced?
If he had jumped and God forbid died, what do you imagine I would have been reduced to? Maybe you missed this post
If I had tried to never say a word in public on how bad things had been going in my marriage and he took me to the cleaners, do I not have a right to at least respond to his allegations? Should I not have a voice? Because I’m female and find myself in a similar situation as you did just last year, I should keep quite whist you speak? Do you not think that on top of my emotional turmoil and his outburst on social media my world came to an end? Do your feelings Freeze especially when it has nothing to do with you? Who would have hired, worked with or have any business dealings with a cheating, diabolic, irresponsible woman and mother like me?
I know you both love Jamil so in all this drama, lets be very careful to shield him, as the Internet never forgets and his friends and classmates will always have his father’s tweets along with your interview as points of reference.
I hope you know all your three kids are in the same situation and even if they were home schooled, everyone is familiar with the googler. Your story as well as mine will speak. What your will say to your kids, I don’t know. Mine? A strong woman, who after years of mental abuse, choose to say no to the abuser, fall in love with herself again, and stay strong to bring Jamil up to love and respect women.
I hope this helps you as you stay frozen away from my business?
Kind regards,
On behalf of Tiwa.
Nice one
DeleteWon't like to mention names but trust me Tiwa is not near innocent at all she's slept with quite a number of prominent rich married men in the past and now not to mention her musical industry... Ayiri doesn't keep secret like Mr femi Otedola, this categories of men kiss and tell