Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Good day Mrs Korks,  I am  laughing out loud at myself. I will like to send this (dunno if it's a chronicle sef).
Being a blog visitor has helped me lot, especially the chronicles and comments. I always lol.

This is a single chronicle ( if its a chronicle). So am a 23 years old  ( Single) lady, being a single person is sometimes lonely, did I mention have never dated anyone yes (cos its just easy to be a mermaid that way) 


 I have been involved with several people though, we talk for long period of time blah blah ( like its relationship) but never said yes to any, never kissed or done any of those romance stuff. Now at 23, its so difficult to find the right kinda guy in this Abuja. 

The guys I see and be like *may be thats the one* always  end up not being *  the one. Last month met a guy everything went  well, ( appeared to be religious) I was happy only to discover he is married, I laughed out when I found out about it ( thats why I always google search any dude I start developing feelings for, I check all their social media From beginning till the end) 

Though I am a Muslim and the guy kinda gave me hint like don't miss Mr Right cos he is Married (BTW am not against polygamy but I don't want to share d horse band with any woman , I want him all to myself) but I can't just b wife No 2, if d worst happens let me be No 1.

Then again back to another guy I really fell in love with (thank God I am over that now) we started cool but he only messages no much calls, I started feeling May be I am the one so deep in the ish. ...

Of course like every Nigerian my mum is disturbing me and I would love to get married soon to the one, but just when I meet the amazing one.

* I don't know much about relationship and would like to get tips on how to make a relationship work.

* how to enjoy the single life before meeting the One.

* how can I be in a relationship without dem smooching or sex without making the other person feel  I am not into them

BTW. Kisses to SDK and SDKers


  1. Replies
    1. 23 and still a virgin, so??? I was a virgin at ur age too and I wasn't this naive.
      Abi what's this chronicle here for? To rub it in???
      Sex is sweet btw, at least I feel better than being a virgin...duhhhhh

    2. @poster, Malor ka iwe o shogbo..
      Ma wa life tips nibe..

    3. Is dis chronicle or attention seeking.....apumaka ooo
      Pls stella wen is d next S&M....let those of us ready for love mingle

    4. Shebi Stella was pleading for chronicles the other day, saying the email box is empty... See chronicles now, enjoy! Orishirishi

    5. What is new been a virgin at 23 bloger visitor go and sleep you don't need any advice, even if I advice you at the end you do what ever you like

    6. I wonder how many Christian girls can boast of being a virgin now while single,useless Christian girls

    7. Poster gerrarahe jare.who u epp?nigerians are talking abt ways to get good tomatoes u dey here dey make dis comment oh

    8. Poster, are you done with school? if not, face your studies. if yes, wait for the right person.Empower yourself and the right man will find you. 23 and a Virgin ain't no big deal. I know a 32 year old virgin who has never kissed a boy. I was one at your age +1. Don't be in a hurry to get into one, if not those Abuja boys will finish you. Goodluck.

  2. Replies
    1. Very boring!!! Don't even know why I read it at all.

    2. Imagine!!!
      I strained my eyes with this awful headache that is disturbing me to read this nonsense?
      This girl I slap you ehhh! You will go and get busy with your life.

    3. Very boring I swear

      I hardly comment self

  3. Looks from left to right, still looking for the head and tail of this post.
    Olorun shanu.

    1. Hahahahaha
      Afi k'Olorun sa'anu ni o

      This girl, you write Yoruba so well..
      I'm impressed!

  4. U are not ready for a relationship, stupid chronicle.

  5. You hate polygamy but your religion recommends it. That's very ironic. Pray God will send you your husband.

    1. She doesn't mind being in a a polygamous situation, she just wants to be wife number 1

      As if that changes anything.

  6. Google is your friend

    1. Ano 15:04 pls pls stop with the sense of humor abeg. Your comment made me laugh so hard that my tummy hurts and I am very very hungry

  7. Don't marry him as a 2nd wife, I'm a Muslim too and I can never settle for being a 2nd wife.

    *Larry was here*

  8. Wheres Iphie dearie? lets go stare at a paint dry, this chronicle is dry.

    1. Hahahhaha
      Mba,i think we should just watch bread pop out of a toaster instead,it is more exciting. LOL

      Howdy Arabella?

  9. Dont fall into pressure of getting married or looking for a boyfriend.

    You are 23 years. What you should be concerned with is how to come out with best grade in school and how to make yourself happy.

    my dear make yourself HAPPY. BOYFRIEND, MANFRIEND are over rated. DONT FALL FOR CHEAP BLACKMAILS

    1. Keep quite bitch,are you saying 23yrs old lady is too young to date.Afterwards you will be the one call her Aunty gwez.

    2. Who told you she's not a graduate, I'm 22, done with school and NYSC, working and almost chartered. @poster I pray you meet the one but still tie your legs like a mermaid.

  10. I must send chronicle syndrome

  11. A regular sex with condom is good for your health . So why are you fronting? Except you are a virgin, which I doubt at 23.

    1. 'Anonymous mode' So @23 she can't be a virgin? I've dated like 3 guys without sex, I'm above 27 and still a virgin. I don't tell people not even the person I'm dating, just told him we should keep it a sex free relationship.

    2. Keep doubting, it pays. That you gave yours out when you were thirteen doesn't make or mean everyone else is like that. You for kuku waka pass

    3. The reasoning of a very rotten blog visitor @your last sentence.

    4. You better go for deliverance virgin @27..its not funny at all. ..

    5. Cherrie you that is not a virgin,what have u achieved. Anuofia

    6. @cherrie don't mind her. Soon na candle she go use bust d hole 😅😅😅😅

    7. Cherrie u are obviously possessed. .All dis girls with marine spirit everywhere now.Abeg anonymous pls keep ur virginity till marriage and may God give u the best husband.

    8. @ cherrie...borehole, trash like you. Its your tortoh that needs deliverance...the fact that you're a cheerful giver with dat hole of yours doesn't mean everyone should be. U go even use your pussy d offering sef...ho

    9. I got married @28 and I was a virgin. The fact that pple feel is weird doesn't change who God is. Civilization doesn't affect God.

    10. Cherrie, where are you getting all these lies from: 'sex with condom is good for your health'? Have you been told of the physical and spiritual implications of it? There's a road that seems right to man, but the end leads to destruction. Proverbs 14:12

  12. Hehehehehe
    I just find this funny. Just live your life, go out with friends. You get to meet people and you will find the one.
    Apparently, you just dont want anyone but THE ONE so take your time.

    1. Hello, you didn't get back to me. So here it is:
      Mango leaves, boil in hot water, leave overnight and drink a cup thrice daily.

      That's for the diabetic person.

      The charcoal is made from burning up fruit trees either mango, cashew, guava even coconut backs.
      Burn it up and then grind, sieve up, return back the sieved part in a pot and put on the stove, heat up and keep turning like the garri frying process...
      Then pack inside jars, you can add to water and drink up when needed.
      I know for a FACT that it can be used for:

      Menstrual pain,
      Stings (ask the affected to drink up and apply on the area)
      Deworming(esp for babies)

      A diabetic person can also drink, it doesn't hurt.

    2. Or better still just go to your pharmacy and ask for activated charcoal tablets. They even sell it as a supplement.

  13. 23 with the seal maturity of a 16 year old, abstinence and sexual purity doesn't mean you have to be naive, I think it's best you have a good talk with maybe your older sisters/cousins etc and be open minded about relationships.

    And btw, Sdk abeg let me use ur platform small. I jst posted an article on the most stylish Nigerian celebs on my blog, biko, fellow bvs click on my name to view the post and tell me what you think. Muah!

    1. Gerrarahere mehn!!!

    2. Gerrarahere mehn!!!

    3. Gerrarahere mehn!!!

    4. Gerrarahere mehn!!!

    5. Gerrarahere mehn!!!

  14. Chronicles box is really empty


  15. You are 23 and your mum is disturbing you already to get married hmmmmm maybe its a muslim thing but my dear you no get problem siabapuo.

  16. Foremost find a relationship with Jesus; yes, prophet Isa, then you will know what love it and appreciate relationships and marriage.

    1. Yes o. You really need a relationship with Jesus cos that's what guarantees you eternal life even after this earthly marriage. He ll also help you choose the right man.

  17. Bleh! Bleh! Bleh!!!

    ....Don't blame me, I'm bipolar.

  18. Hmmmm...
    Though there are some basic rules but you have to know a person to deal with him/her.
    So, get to know the person and learn how to deal with that person. Don't just assume what works for anyone will work for 'that person'.

    Am i making sense?

    *exam tension, off to the lab*

  19. Mscheww... Sounded like s child, let children advice u.. #aintnobodygattime4this#.. U lol indeed

  20. You must be kidding, is this a joke or what?

  21. You must be kidding, is this a joke or what?

  22. Poster one be yourself, try and read this book why men love niches and why men marry bitches. Relax and stop hustling for bfs, at the right time guys will show up.

  23. Poster, do you want to no how to make a relationship work? It is not only by waiting until ur wedding night b4 u gbensh. U can gbensh responsibly with protection.
    U should master d art of gbenshing before u give d man u love ur Toto to gbensh.
    And b4 he insert, make sure two of you romance each other for a long time. It will make ur Toto to become very wet and him go dey eager to pound without mercy.
    If you play your game well, d man will want to be with you forever.

    1. May God av mercy on you James, what's dis? Must u advise?

    2. Kai, this fellow though.

  24. I watched war room yesterday, and I actually watched with a "side eyes". But let's just say when I was done with the movie, I fell on my knees and prayed hard.

    Don't get me wrong, I am a church departmental head and all, but I know I have lost my deep, intense and cordial relationship with God.

    There was a time that whatever I said would happen, WHATEVER, one day, I was suffering under the scorching sun and I asked God to send me an AC ride(i was that specific), and in less than 5mins, a car with the occupant well known to me drove up and told me, that wasn't even his route but somehow he got there....

    Yea, ridiculous I know. But even to the serious ones, I dreamt about a sister who had showed me her fiance the day before, she was dressed in a wedding gown and wailing, the holy spirit tormented me till I told her about it, even though I was way younger than her, she cried her eyes out when I told her, apparently, she was already having issues with the fiance and she had asked God for a sign so she could finally let go.

    I was that close, but somehow I lost it. Now it's like I am "ritual" kinda christain i.e Go to church, teach the word, sing in the choir....
    I am not feeling that way I used to feel before.
    I lost it during NYSC, that's when I started having sex, drinking alcohol, and clubbing like tomorrow no dey.(a part of me thinks the devil is only making this an excuse for me, nobody is iredeemable)
    I have stopped all that now, my job no dey even gree me get time for all that...
    But I still feel a gap, I feel a void, like I am seeing God but not hearing him. Suggestions?

    1. No chronicles

    2. It isn't too late dear.
      Ask for forgiveness.repent of those acts and start to renew your relationship with God. Little by little, just like if you fell out with your earthly father you will get back your intimacy. You have to go from a churchgoer relationship to a father /child one. You need to invite the Holy Spirit backwith
      Start with the word of God,prayers and praise worship.
      God is not wicked.

    3. Get Kenneth Hagin's book. A fresh anointing. Fast and pray. You'll get it back. I understand you very well.

    4. Thank God you've stopped all those things. There are some people predestined for a purpose. Not for pastoral work o perse. Do u know one thing I know about God is that if He espouses you (love you kinda specially) He will provide all you ever that is where that "WHATEVER " you said ascribed to. But the other side is if you do something that will make him extremely jealous (like u stated) you will feel His presence (just like a good hubby whom his wife got pissed. Rather than chase her away, he will be with her but will be waiting for her to apologise and turn a new leaf)but He won't talk to u again until u apologise(ask for forgiveness and retrace your steps back) the fact is, He missed those connection you both share (through earnest prayers and His Word study)

      Ok anonymous ... just imagine God as your Bf who loves you unconditionally and even in his anger, he still care, protect but just excommunicated u cos u are not making him happy with your actions

    5. And He is missing you and want you back. And that can only happen if you retrace your steps back to Him. He is eagerly waiting to have you back.

    6. Hmmmm, same as me. I've gotten tired of telling God to forgive me because I end up doing it again. Everybody thinks I am a good girl, but within me I know I'm very far from being one. I've the best bf now, he goes to church but I don't know if he's born again. I know I'm meant to end the relationship if I'm to move forward spiritually but I'm scared that I may not get someone better.

    7. Continue to study the bible,listen to gospel music,make a conscious effort to get back with to HIM. u'll get back with time. No one is irredeemable.

    8. Anonymous 15.23 ur writeup is so onpoint...chronicle of the day!

    9. U need a mountain experience and revival. Attend any programme where there will be out-pouring of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Fast for 7days 6am to 6pm and pray for God to baptize u again with his gifts.
      I can relate cos U are just like me right now. Go to church, speak in tongues, go to choir practice, play keyboard, read Bible, pray a little, etc. My work won't even let me have time . It is well with us.

    10. My dear, go on your kneels to God and renew your relationship with him. Everything will come back. Its personal between you and God Himself.

    11. Make out regular time to study the Word and pray. Also fast. Try to seek Gods'face by obeying Him and listening for Him and to Him. Condition your mind with good Christian books, videos, messages, music etc. It is he who seeks for God that will eventually find Him.

    12. Start praying at night. Pray like your last word will literally be your last. Pray with your whole heart and soul. Pray, talk to God. Bless him, thank him, praise him. Do this for a week, and come back to testify. Pray with a sincere heart, live an honest life.

    13. Just retrace your footsteps and go back to your former Christian life.say your prayers and ask God for grace. Wish you the best.

    14. Wait and watch WAR ROOM 2 ok?

    15. Have u genuinely repented? Rededicate ur life 2 God and take it from there. Don't give d devil room 2 discourage u or make u feel like u're irredeemable ( dats a lie from d pit of hell).
      U have 2 take it 1 day at a time. Take time out of ur busy schedule 2 spend with ur maker,study d word, meditate on it, always pray.
      Above all, ask d Holy Spirit 4 guidance, He is ur helper.

    16. I almost feel like I wrote this

    17. Gosh! I miss God soooo bad.
      After reading this,i got down on my knees, prayed, cried but he won't still come near...last night I read my bible after like 1 or 2 weeks...he gave me Isaiah 43. I'm in a mess...nothing ever satisfies me and I miss having him cos he always did...right now,i crave everything in trousers, married or unmarried and in skirts too...that just started recently..i have never slept with any but I hate it, the cravings,looking at a guy and just wanting...its the same thing as the "big" sin.
      My bf is a very very very awesome guy...I regret sleeping with him those few times...I still find it hard to say NO now, I could. I crave "almost making me naked" clothes....sometimes I slip into the "what if God doesn't exist" realm.... But you know what, you can't deny his existence if you've felt him....his grace,his love,his peace,his sweet arms wrapped around you..he makes me laugh, he teaches me, he shows me, he provides, you know,he doesn't let me suffer,or work too hard to get something....He loves me very hard! He makes me feel special......wheew,typing this made me feel sooo good....I love you God, please don't let me go,my hand is stretched out!!!

  25. There are really a few facts about being inthe a relationship n making it work, dnt come interested, my fellow bvs call it desperate, guys have a tendency for mking lacies love them n then gettin off. Take ur time falli g for him and even wen u do, make him define it so that u knw wot ur getting into. Set rules concerning the things u cn tolerate n those u cant. Dont accept everytin he does bcos u dnt wnt to LOOSE him. N open ur heart to new things, have fun while u can. Sex is a decision, state ur values and opinions on it before starting anything. And finally dontlet anyone bully into it before ur ready.

  26. This chronicle sounds like a 2go status update.

    1. NSG wee nor kill someborry with laff.Looooooooolz nname real 2go status update.

      1love sister.

  27. This chronicle sounds like a 2go status update.

  28. You've never dated but you talk and send messages? Never dated but you develop feelings? Sister, look for a foetus and tell that lie cos even new born babies will hear this your gist and cry as indication that you can LIE!

    1. Hater let her be she's better than you not a harlot like you

    2. My cousin is almost 40. Unmarried but has never had sex. I can vouch for her. Is that normal?

    3. @both anonymous, when seeing comments, don't just click the reply button, READ the commen . Did I say anything about sex? Or has developing feelings now become attached to sex? I don't even understand where you're coming from.
      Anonymous 17:04 I'm sorry but I'm not your harlotry partner so check yourself

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Send recharge card ok?


  30. Is it possible for spirit of God to be leading one to a divorced man , this thing tire me . ? this should be a chronicle sef.

    1. Divorced people need love too.

      Why did he get divorced? Any kids? Is the wife dead? Alive? Was it third party interference. Open your mouth and begin to ask questions.

  31. As a fellow muslima who is some years older than you and still single to stupor, I'll tell you the mistakes I have made. Number 1 is the almighty sin of assumption. As a young, prude and naive muslima, I used to wrongly assume being bashful includes staying away from asking the important question. You need to know the person you're dealing with because some of them can lie. So, approach with an open mind. Instead of asking if they're married, ask how many kids do you have or "do you have kids yet"?

    Number 2 mistake I made was thinking that if I give a man an ultimatum, I'll lose him. Chances are, if he did the initial chasing and has hung around for a while, he will stay after considering your complaints.

    Number 3 mistake; I did not know how to approach a man. You can make the first move and after you have his attention, you allow him do the chasing. They will withdraw at first, when they notice you've changed but just be patient.

    Number 4: keep your relationship problems away from social media. No cryptic messages and subs. Don't rush to change your relationship status after the first guy says hi to you. Always maintain an aura mystery.

    Mistake number 5: I wanted it to move from marriage talk after the first hello. Establish a foundation of friendship at the beginning. It will take away any awkward moments, allows you to tease each other and will make it easy for you to let him know upfront when he's done something that is bothering you.

    Number 6: Invest in yourself. This is the only good thing I did. Go on to post graduate level oh. Professional qualifications, learn how to drive and swim. Know how well to use the right cutlery set. A man likes a woman they can show off and these things will give you leverage for ultimatums! Know how to make up well. Dress well and keep your teeth white and your waistline snatched. If you wear a hijab, follow IG hijab models to get ootd ideas. You should understand that men too get lonely as much as women so don't be afraid to state your non negotiables at the beginning. Do it with humility (not desperado humility oh) any other questions you can post under my comment.

    1. Waoh. You nailed it.

    2. I am Christian but learnt a lot from your comment. Thanks!

    3. Can you get an ID already? Or a Name/URL.
      Poster should rea this.

    4. WoW, perfect reply
      You are so right.

  32. My own is the opposite. Since the beginning of this year when my bestfriend broke up with me, I have been having plenty toasters. I managed to pray my way to two of them and I don't know who to choose. They both have good profession, they are both my tribe, one is a catholic while one is not. I am indifferent about church. One stays in the north and immediately I told him he has a rival, he got a job here in Lagos. They are both great guys and I am so confused. I can't date both of them at the same time. And trust me I have a job so money is not my problem. I have prayed and prayed.

    1. Go for the one that moved over to you.

  33. very stupid and confused girl. can't even make out if this is a chronicle. The most boring chronicle ever..... nobody should masturbate under this comment

  34. Poster you sound like a 15 year old,honestly. You don't have a problem.

  35. If men were God.31 May 2016 at 15:55

    Today's chronicle get k-leg.

  36. Wasted my time reading this... O'gurl when u get serious chronicle come back.

  37. Hey peeps whats BTW!! Educate a sister biko!!! Is it stil the BETWEEN we use it for or sometyn else

  38. Also, if you know you cannot live with polygamy, let him know (and agree!) From the onset. Some alfas can pretend you better shine your eyes. For sex sturvs. Be the very first to bring up the topic. Ask him the last time he had sex, how long he can leave without it. Tell him your views on "mermaid-ship" and be sure that he has agreed to it before you move on.

    As per your present one, ultimatums work! Tell him you love him but cannot continue in a relationship with a man who doesn't communicate with you.

    Lastly, you need to double date/tripple date. You don't have to sleep with them! Just have one or two correct brothers on the low that will keep you occupied and entertained when he's misbehaving.

  39. Hahahaha sorry, I had to laugh.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Used ke? That's the number 1 rule of makeup. It shouldn't change hands except it can be washed and disinfected such as brushes and tools that can be sterilized. Items such as powder etc breed germs very easily. Instead wait till your hand can reach and buy cheaper stuffs to start with. The Lord is your strength.

    2. And you can buy data? FG school fees are affordable. NOUN is there too.
      Well maybe I'm not understanding but I believe you can get it if you set your mind to it

  41. The kind of things you youngins send makes me question your mental state. Somethings just require common sense tho. You are 23, live your life but mba, you'll be looking for what you did not misplace with your dogonturachi behaviour or maybe most of you just need airtime on stella's blog..

  42. Has anyone else noticed the reduction in comments on the blog? This harsh economy is affecting everything o. God will help us.. I dont even understand your chronicle this poster.

    1. So true....

    2. Not only on dis blog my dear. Even stelladimokublog get more comments dan dt naija self acclaimed no.1 blogger.

  43. Live your life and have fun develop yourself and stay focus in school.. !! Have leisure activities learn to swim, drive ., byke socialize with people that Will add value to your life! Don't let fear,lack of self confidence and esteem get in your way! Be free but not wilde but decent. Most importantly pray to GOD GUARDANCE!! Don't worry a good man Will come at the right time! Peace! 😊

  44. Hi Everyone,

    I'm a young lady (35yrs) and my regular routine if work-church-home. I am looking forward to meeting a partner but don't seem to know where to hang out with singles. Pls help I you have any ideas.

  45. You are not ready yet. So who do you want to marry you? A Christian brother abi? better remain in that your religion and look forward to be wife no.4... you no serious. Virginity no epp anybody oh! bec one day, the driller will still drill from the ground so no need of all the shakara.

    I wish you well oh!

  46. anonymous 15:23
    i can relate, mine was so bad that everything was totally going wrong in my life. but its a good thing you have had the taste of christ, as its usually easy to find your way back to him. in my case what i did and i am still doing;
    -i cut off everyone that does not encourage me to do the things of God. do not walk in the counsel of the unGodly whether you like it or not, this people will be withdrawing from you spiritually.
    -i begged GOD on my knees to revive my spiritual life, the thing i miss the most was the peace i felt in my heart and the assurance that i can trust him. my faith was under attack.
    -i started reading my bible and thanking him everyday.i started taking my quiet time more seriously. if i am late for work, i pray as soon as i get the chance in the office
    -then i stumbled into joyce mayers preachings, babe God is using that lady. i now listen to her everyday on my podcast. she totally speaks to something inside of me.
    -i started realizing that me praying and singing praises to God is not the reason he loves me, he loves me regardless but he would prefer to have a relationship with me. where i can talk to him in prayers and he can reassure me as well of his ever faithfulness.
    -slowing i started remembering who i am in christ again
    -i get directions on what and what not to do by the holy spirit.
    -i am not even there yet, but i love the progress i have made. i keep thanking God each day for this awesome relationship i have with him.
    -mind you i am not with out sin.
    -i just want to encourage you,because i have been in your situation before (my family calls me joseph the dreamer because each dream comes to pass and my prayers always get answered, at least that was me before i felt i could do things on my own.
    -NO, he never stopped loving you, it is just like a father, daughter relationship, when you all up there acting miss independent he is just smiling and waiting for you to come back to him! to trust him! and to depend on him!
    i am doing this 30/30 challenge, were i read the bible for 30 mins everyday for 30 days. i just started. you can start yours too.
    the answers you need is in the bible.

  47. Pls can anyone help me used makeup materials,if u hv anyone that you are no longer using pls help me out with it.I want to start learning makeup and am low on cash getting the materials,am tired of just sitting at home and I want to make my life meaniful since I can't afford to go to school right now.pls anyone that can be of help I would really appreciate it,thanks and God bless.

  48. @ Cherrie: The fact that you are not a virgin does not mean others are not. Why doubt she is a virgin @ 23? It is very possible to be one at that age. Moreover, @ 35, am still a virgin and am proud of it. Not all ladies believe in sex before marriage pls.

    1. Exactly why you aren't married. Bye.

  49. Stella when is snm????

    1. Till fuel price reduces to #40

  50. your mum is the best person to advice you now unless you're not closer to her.


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