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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Amazing Testimony!

Who dares to keep quiet when God has been so wonderful in their lives...who dares!.....Thank you Jesus!!

YES LORD,I love you with all my heart!

''Dear Stella, 

The good Lord has been good to my family and I.

I gave birth three weeks ago and the experience was totally different from that of my first child. From the onset, I didn't know I was pregnant, I had terrible migraines that defiled medications. I was given strong medications and even had to get medicated glasses because of the constant headaches. Not forgetting the nausea, vomiting and all. 

I was scared when I realised I was pregnant because of drugs and injections I'd been given.  I was basically scared of our baby having deformities or disabilities after birth and we prayed to have a healthy baby.

Fast forward to delivery, I went into active labour ‎around 2am and just as I had prayed my husband was home. On our way to the hospital I felt a mighty flow of warm liquid which I believed to be my water breaking. At the hospital I realised that the sanitary pad I used after seeing my 'show' ‎was heavily soaked but I just  dumped it in the bin. I was doing just fine labour-wise until I started having contractions 3times in 10 minutes according to my doctor, I was bleeding and was in mad pain whether I had contractions or not. I kept progressing in labour till around 11am.

 I kept asking Jesus for mercy and strength to pull through (I read Supernatural Childbirth,so I fixed my mind on Christ). I begged for something to take the pain away, later I told my husband I was tired and couldn't go on, he held my hand and said I could, I wanted to bite him hard and inflict some of the pain on him but I controlled myself.

I was later wheeled to the delivery room, my legs were up already and I was ready to Push when the doctor realised something wasn't right with the timing of my contractions and the blood he kept seeing during vaginal examinations, he called for back up from the MD (who was my oby/gyn all through the pregnancy) and that was when it was discovered that my placenta was detached from my uterus. Pushing would have put our baby in distress. Emergency CS was the way to go and I was happy because I couldn't take any more at this point. I saw tears well up in my husband's eyes as he was made to sign papers but I just wanted the excruciating pain to end.

Upon delivery, our baby's oxygen saturation was low due to the bleeding placenta. Needless to say, my hubby became apprehensive when the medical team delayed in presenting our child after he had seen me but didn't see our child as he was been examined and his oxygen level been monitored as it kept fluctuating and was sometimes below normal. He was later certified fit.

I'm grateful to God that ‎I'm stronger than with my first child which was also CS, my baby and I didn't die as a result of the attending doctor's arrogance or desire to impress his boss (we prayed against mistakes during delivery), my incision healed faster, my baby and I are doing fine, I went on a journey of 9 months and I overcame, I walked out of my home with my legs and my corpse didn't return but I returned with a healthy bundle of joy. Glory to Jesus. 

I pray for all women to experience the joy and blessing of motherhood. I pray for women TTC, may your womb be opened to receive and conceive ‎in Jesus name...

Kindly hide my ID.

Warm regards.

*This testimony brought back memories of Child birth and the fear i went through every time i lay down to be cut open and thinking it would be my last.OH THE FEAR and oh the Joy and thanksgiving every time i opened my eyes to hold my baby.
Until it happens to you,you will not understand why giving birth is a testimony on its own.
I am happy for you BV,God bless you!


  1. Thank God for safe delivery.

    1. Thanking God on your behalf, may your testimony be permanent in Jesus'name.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    2. The size of the holes and the size of babies is enough to know giving birth is a huge testimony. Thanks be to God.

    3. God is great.
      Mr common sense should ensure that Silverbird cinemas show only nollywood movies.

    4. God is still on the throne.
      He has shown himself again

      All Glory to His name! ! ,

    5. Praise God!!! My neighbour lost her child after birthing her am praying God should comfort her.

    6. Praise God!!! My neighbour lost her child after birthing her am praying God should comfort her.

  2. Congrats bv.
    This testimony will remain permanent in Jesus name.

    1. Am next to share my testimony ijn.

    2. Oh Stella, you just brought tears to my eyes. My first two were through cs too. After I had my second child and remembered the experience months later, I was scared.

    3. Brought back memories too for me just 2 months ago, I had nightmares for the first few days after I had cs, I bless and thank God anytime I remember.

  3. Hmmm,The Joys of Motherhood! I have three of my own and I am grateful to God bcos it could have been only him.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hahahaha... If u wia my brother, i"ll be waking u up with 12 lashes of koboko every morning to reset ur brains... Lmaooo@god of sex

    2. You must be a fool

    3. Henry you are here too...
      I missed you in LIB

  5. Really happy y for you hon. Thank God for his faithfulness and preservation of soul .

    I am also pregnant and I have to say my story is quite unusual and if I should share it hmmm... There will be mixed reactions but I thank God cos he alone understands and thank him also for this platform . Although I didn't join that prayer and fasting organised here I simply read it and said to God let thy will be done concerning my situation and indeed it happened.

    I also specially asked God for a boy because I said bled me just like you blessed Hannah on Shiloh and I know he will never fail me.

    It appears male pregnancies are quite stressful though going by what I have read here , perhaps it's to prepare us for the future :)

    I also have been having recurrent migraines o, mild vomiting and nausea and I could go for days without vomiting too. I also don't even like all these sweet things anymore, I drink water that it even surprises me and my husband cos coke used to be my water.

    Anyway, I am grateful to God for my sister's testimony she shared and I pray by God's grace I will also be able to share my testimony to the goodness of God, amen.

  6. Thank God for safe delivery. It is well with you and your baby.

  7. Thank God!! He is ever able

  8. Thank God for the gift of life.
    Thank God for He's the lifter up of my head, He turned my disgrace to Grace. My test to a testimony.

    I can see everything turning around for my good. 🎼🎶

    Alewilese Aleselewi
    Kabi o osi
    Thank you baba

    1. My Dear if u see how God has been saving me and how he helps me effortlessly and gracefully inshort sometime I wonder why he has so much love for me.
      God is just full of wonders am telling you from one to another and that is how he also save so many situation for me most times I feel I am ungrateful to him be coz, if I start counting my blessings hmmmmmmmmm.

  9. I experienced that cs twice. The second one was so painful upon all the pain killer choi. What women go thru all eeeee. No be small. The vaginal one no be here. The kain tear wey dey give me choi to even laugh self na war for complete 2 weeks na that day i swore never to push again rather cs all the way. The pain is out of the world. Infact God is awesome. Looking at my boys makes me forget everything. Motherhood rocks but nna mehn oburo egwu umuazi.

    I pray that all the ttc women in the world will carry their own bundle of joy soon Amen.

  10. The joy of motherhood is unspeakable. I just remembered how I had my baby. I was 38 weeks gone and was having heavy spotting but no labor. My doctor advised I get induced. As I lay on the table with the induced labor pain, I prayed that God should accept my soul in heaven cos I knew I was paying for all the sins I have committed.

    I thank god cos after 8hrs of hard labor, my son came to the glory of God.

    Its joy unspeakable to be a mother. I love u son to the moon and back. He's 6 months old and he's the best thing that's happened to me.

  11. Praise GOD....

  12. Thank you Lord! I got a gift today a book "prayers and promises for supernatural childbirth" by Jackie Mize.
    I believe God is brewing testimony will bring people back to Christ. Thanks Lord for thia awesome testimony today

    745 comment 2016

    1. I have looked for this "Prayers and Promises for supernatural childbirth" by Jackie Mize in major book store around me.
      One man was making fun of me I don't know if he is the shop owner was like "is only when u people are pregnant that you will be looking for miracle"
      That I should buy the Supernatural Childbirth, I just dip my hand in my bag, waved the book to him and walked out of his/the shop.

      I wish I can lay my hand on that book....

      Sister default smile, God has answered you already.
      Ur testimony is assured, will be shared soonest, on this plat4m and others.

      Is there any Bookshop I can get "Prayers and promises for supernatural childbirth" by Jackie Mize contact me asap.

    2. I'll be here to read your testimony, DS.

      Just keep smiling.

      God bless your soul.


  13. Lmao @ biting him.
    Thank God for your life.

  14. God please let me have this experience of motherhood...I KNOW MY GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS. PLS WIPE MY TEARS OH LORD.

    1. He will wipe your tears dear. Just hold on. It won't be long. I'll say a prayer for you.

    2. Lord, please, listen to the cry of this daughter of yours.

      Put your creations in her. Amen.


    3. If He could do it for Sarah,Hannah, Elizabeth n the rest in the Bible then you case is no different. Start buying your baby things n get name for your child #faith works with action

  15. Thank God for safe delivery.

  16. Praise God.congratulations.amen to ur prayers.I ve being trying for over 5years now.I believe dis april is my result will be positive by the grace of almighty God amen.I shall smile

  17. Thank God for HIS faithfulness.. I'm expectant of my own miracle, so I can share here too.

  18. Wow, Congrats! God bless the little one and your home.
    The fear of a CSection though. That moment waiting to be cut open. Sigh. Longest minutes of my life.

  19. Praise God.congratulations.amen to ur prayers.I ve being trying for over 5years now.I believe dis april is my result will be positive by the grace of almighty God amen.I shall smile

  20. Congrats Bv. God will continue to keep you and the baby.

  21. Congratulations poster , may the joy last forever in ur home. For us TTC may God Almighty settle our needs n put smiles on our faces before year 2016 runs out

  22. May the Mighty name of the Lord be Praised.

  23. Happy for u @ poster.. More testimonies loading.

  24. Thank you Jesus for that wonderful testimony.

  25. Congratulations dear.

    I suppose I should share mine. Wanted to leave it for tomorrow, but this is a testimony post.

    Our family friend and his wife, married for 25 years, with a 14 year old daughter, had been waiting on God for another child, to no avail.

    Last year, God looked upon them, in his loving kindness, and this ttc couple, got pregnant.

    Yesterday night, she birthed, not one, not two, but three babies.

    Two boys, and a girl!!!

    And some people still doubt God.

    The man has exhausted all the dance steps he knows. He said to me today, ' My name is now Multiple Happiness '.

    Look at God!

    I use this story, and the one above, as a point of contact, to everyone on here, trying to conceive.

    Don't ever give up hope. It might tarry, but it will come. I've seen it happen.

    Oh, just remembered our family doctor. Imagine being a paediatrician, without kids of your own.
    25 years after marriage, God gave him twins. They're 2 years old now.

    May testimonies never cease from our lives, in Jesus' name. Amen.


    1. I just had goose bumps reading this...I burst into praises to Him who is able to do above all we can imagine. God is indeed great.I believe you Lord for my job.
      Thanks WhiteDiamond for sharing.

    2. I like the name 'multiple happiness'

    3. You're welcome, Jules. Keep believing. You won't regret you did.

      I know right, Just Glamour. He couldn't contain himself. Hugging even strangers and shouting for joy.

      This God!


    4. Wow! God of impossibility doing what He knows how to do best,may His name be praised forever

    5. I had goose bumps reading it too , The I am that I am, I bless your mighty name lord. and amen to may testimonies never cease in our lives ijn.

  26. Amen and Congrats dear, may your testimony be permanent. God please visit me and all TTC, this is my fourth year and I believe we will all testify IJN. Amen

  27. Thank God for you Poster
    God's name be praised

  28. Default smile...everytime i see ur ID,ma heart reaches out to u,n as much as nofyn is holding u back to live(by reading n commentin)nothing watsoever wld hold back ur bundle of JOY IJMN

  29. I partook in the fasting for TTC (#100mothersfordecember). I advised DH to join too. When I read about Default smiles' cry about hers not going through, my heart leaped. I told God, "please do it for me this time, not because DH and I did it perfectly but because SDK family have prayed about it. When my period didn't show up after a day, I became anxious but DH calmed me down not to check yet. 3 days later, red decided to come out. I was depressed yesterday.
    So today, I dressed up and went to church. One of the songs that brought me to tears is that "Jehovah has the final say".
    I use this opportunity to hand everything over to God. Let his will be done!

    1. Amen.

      He never disappoints, hun.



    2. God will visit you when you least expected it,worry not dear

  30. Thank God for safe delivery.

  31. God be praised. When I look at my son I forget everything about delivery. God is so so faithful. When it was time for me to push I was falling into a deep sleep but God said NO wake up and immediately I pushed my baby came out. Many have died through childbirth but God has made it possible for us to be joyful mothers may His name alone be praised

    1. Amen my sister. Succesful childbirth is like emerging from the strongholds of pain and escaping death. God is merciful.

  32. Congratulations. God be praised.

  33. Wetin I go give to you but praiseeeee
    Thank God for ur life dear poster!!
    I use you as a point of contact to all TTC women in the www...Amen!!

    I thank God for sustaining me and my household,how we keep pulling through each day eludes me but sibe oluwa shin dara si wa.....
    I bless God for raising help for me in unexpected places..

    I thank God for the successful completion of my cake training
    I'm also thanking God in advance for a job he's preparing for me...
    I bless God for each and every BVs of sdkblog...
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  34. Praise God for you poster indeed our God is awesome. I pray for myself too as I am TTC may God remember me this month just as He remembered Hannah. Amen

  35. Thank God for life, good health and for family.
    Thank God for blessings He will bring my way

  36. Congratulations dear BV.This testimonies give me hope,Please fellow BVs,share your testimonies to keep some of us sane.I know I will testify on this blog sooner than I think.

  37. Thank u Jesus


  38. Happy for your testimony sister!
    I still believe! Very hopeful!

  39. To God be all the Gloru

  40. White Diamond...thanks for ya love. Sassy Dudine...God will do it. Amen. Thanka for your prayers.
    Blige....God will make you laugh and your laughter will know no end.
    To everyone TTC here, its okay to be moody and sad sometimes cos we are all human but dont ever loose hope. God is too much, infact three much. If He has done it before He will do it again. Hang in there till your miracle manifests. Xoxo

  41. TTC? Trust me God's got you, you shall testify soon!
    Thanking God for you and your lil one poster...

  42. Glory be to God Almighty who lives and reigns forever. Testimony loading ....

  43. Babe God nani!
    He's AWESOME!

  44. Thanking God the over do for your testimony @poster n begging Him to do it again for those TTC. I could rather call them future mothers than TTC #happy mother's day to them all #una dance n testimony dey come

  45. Please house pray for me to have a breakthrough in my career life. Depression sometimes get the most part of me but I remember God lives and I am renewed in strength.
    I've been asked in an organization who I know in the upper echelons to see me through, I've passed all levels of a recruitment exercise and never heard from the agency and their client again. 6 years of unemployment is not funny. I know I'll rise cos God lives.

  46. God is indeed good, had my 2 sons through normal delivery, supernatural shildbirth indeed, active labour didn't last for 1h 30 mins, so when my Dr said I was going to have my third through Cs I was so scared, he said my ameotic fluid was finished and I can't go through labour. But God saw e through every step of way with the c-section. He keeps all his promises. May God answer the prayers of women ttc.

  47. Congrat to the poster. May God continue to be with you and your family amen.


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