Stella Dimoko Actress Nkiru Sylvanus Allegedly Says She Does Not Mind Being A Second Wife..


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Actress Nkiru Sylvanus Allegedly Says She Does Not Mind Being A Second Wife..

The dream of every woman is to find a man to spend her entire life with. Even the Holy religious books have enjoined men and women, to seek each other out and cohabit as man and wife.

But as beautiful and simple as this may sound, marriage has long gone from being a simple item on a menu, it has become a task, as finding a true life partner has become as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

It is particularly more difficult for the womenfolks as they have to be proposed to.

Talented Nollywood actress, Nkiru Sylvanus is still single though not getting younger. The former aide to the Imo State Governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha has declared that she wouldn’t mind being a second wife if the need arises.

While speaking on a TV programme, she said: “If the situation and the person is good, I’ll go for it. I’ve said it before that if ladies don’t stop this nonsense they call ‘one-man-one-wife’, many of them will get to 40 and still remain single. 

There are more women than men. Go to churches, the number of single ladies in most cases is three times the number of single guys”.
culled from yabaleft online.

*I know a lot of people in second wife situations will support this but the bible says one man one wife right?
It is a pity if she indeed said this,but whats my own?Every mallam and him kettle!.


  1. Stella with d high comments on single and mingle post I think some people will start seeing second wife as normal. Jeez too many single ladies mennn

    1. Yet they'd keep singing "marriage is overated"

    2. She has been saying this since. Seems like her advert is not working.

      Maybe she needs to go on TV to announce it.

    3. Over a thousand posts on s&m na wa... So many beautiful single ladies,Wonder why the men aint standing up to be counted...

    4. Onye oshi like her. See her mouth. She wants to marry another woman's husband. May God not answer that her prayer if that was what she said . When they were younger,they'll be adviced to choose/date wisely but they refused. Now they are running helter skelter

    5. She is just preparing her ground to marry that malam she was rumoured to be dating . probably as a second wife.

    6. Don't mind them ! marriage is over rated o don't be a second wife , be a baby mama instead. 😆

    7. It was a eye popping. Withinhin 2hrs S/M was over one thousand comments with so many desperados igbos and yorubas praying for a God fearing husband. Wtf! In Sdk?
      Are you serious!!!!!

    8. For those ready to marry another woman's husband...just remember you are trying to build your happiness on another womans sorrow......

  2. She no get choice as she's nearing if no single man wants to step up and a married man does, oh well let her go ahead..if it makes her happy

    1. Nearing or already,

    2. Bae Bae you are not gwegs. Eyes rolling

  3. This is not d 1st time she is saying it. I wish her d best in her not minding being a 2nd wife. What's my own?

    1. This is how it usually ends for a woman that says " he loves me so much but I just can't reciprocate the love, I don't want to marry him out of pity" when they are young and hot

  4. What caused this husband scarcity?
    I know many ladies due for marriage but no husband.why?

    1. Because men of this days are nt ready for marriage and some re turning themselves into gay. And also due to so many gold diggers men are so scared of meeting the wrong one cos material things ti take over. Most of them who are cowards are afriad of successful ladies. Lol

    2. Well said, the sexiest mother.

    3. It is because too many women are looking for ready made

    4. Women are offering free sex (and sometime children) out of marriage so many guys don't see the need to make the marriage committement.

      That's the simple truth.

      How do you explain young men who have all the money they need and still remain unmarried?

      Is Dbanj or Bank W poor? Or there are no marriage-worthy ladies among all the bevy of girls swooning around them?


  5. She said and ended this talk a long time ago. Every man with him kettle.

  6. I'm still in shock at the number of comments from the single and mingle post! 😳😳

    1. That is to show you how demm aunty Gwegz full everywhere

    2. Oby I follow u shock ooooo. A whopping 1, 123 comments. And d funny thing is dat a lot of ppl went anonymous. Kikikiki and those ppl will make up a large %age of those that says 'marriage is over rated', 'love doesn't exist'.......etc.
      Hmmmmm such is life.

      Hmmmmm d Lord will help us to mingle wt d right person.

    3. U no no.hahahhaha. Mostly 30plus. I begin dey wonder wetin dem dey do during their youthful days. Choi

    4. Sexiest Mother, I like you😆

    5. Are you minding them ? That statement "marriage is overrated" annoys the hell out of me. Just because you are gwegms doesn't give you the right to spill venom all over. when you are told to marry early you people won't listen but busy wasted your early years. As for me no wasting time as long as the man is right for me.May God help all of you and grant your heart desires,AMEN. #mayGodforgivemetoo

    6. My fellow bvs, this thing is a serious cause for concern.. Haba.. People are lonely and in need of love and companionship in this world o! Hey!!

  7. I foresee an ''I was misquoted'' coming. If she really said so, well, too bad.

  8. She should goansitdon.
    Work on yourself, change that your mindset and pray to God to forgive you.

  9. What's rubbish is this one saying. Mtewww!
    So single older Ladies should go on a snatching spree Abi. Nkiru is so desperate. Chai!

  10. I don't blame her.
    Time is no longer on her side.

    1. Stella check the kind of people in your last post on singles... 80% are female

    2. If ur mother is a second wife and u cuss Nkiru,it will go straight to ur mother's head.

    3. Dis is desperation at its peak..Na wah oh..No wonder she wanted to marry Oge Okoye's ex husband..Shameless aunty gwegs.
      Desperate women like dis dont end up getting married..

      Married women make una hold una husbands well oh..Nkiru on d prowl.

    4. Her friends should hold on to their husbands. How will she feel,if she were to be the first wife and then her husband brings in a second wife.

    5. Too many singles and advance young ladies in yesterday's S/M. I was surprised that out of the over one thousand plus BV that participated, 10% are men, 80% women and I believe the other 10% are the ones that want out of their long boring disappointing matrimonial contracts. "I wish I'd known what I knew now symptoms," too late syndrome, and the reason to all these problems are lack of family planning, lack of financial stability, slow jobs with late payments and low wages..
      Honestly, women are no more into this nonsense talk called 'marriage' for so many reasons. They don't want to be used, abused, and abandoned, don't want to be next on Sdk's sad chronicles with some fucked up filthy broke ass flirting dirty nasty short-tempered controled husband.
      Ladies! Make una shin una eyes oooo

  11. Well,if u ask me, she has a point there....polygamy is not a sin after all, if the dude is buyout enough to take care of 2 women,,.. den I don't see anythin wrong with polygamy.. *smiles*

    1. Polygamy not a sin?

    2. Pls tell me where its written in d bible dat polygamy is not a sin?
      Its ur type dat will be shagging a married woman and begging him to marry u..

      All d married men dat has slept with u,how many of dem ended up marrying u?

    3. Yes...hear me loud and clear,polygamy is not a sin..Nigerians una dey too ur bible well. Personaly I hate polygamy, but I don't condemn people dat are practicing it

    4. Naso make Una dey interpret Una own. Polygamy is not a sin yet God make only one 'Eve' for Adam.

    5. @ trouble makers wife or whatever u call ur fucking self.. I put it to you that ladies that end up as 2nd wives are far better and smarter dan you dat sleep with married men all in d name of catching fun etc. Mtchewww, u can be a mistress to a married man,but u can't be a 2nd wife? Who are u deceiving? Hypocrites!!!!!incase u don't knw, a 2nd wife has more dignity than you...yes I mean you,trouble maker or whatever u call yourself. Hello moron, don't say trash under my comments, next time try to be reasonable and realistic...or if u don't have anything reasonable to say..then seal your smelling mouth with super glue...dumbass.

    6. Please, polygamy is a sin. The Bible says the man will cleave unto his wife [not wives] and the two shall become 1 [not three shall become 1]
      Even Islam that recognises polygamy states that the husband must love all wives equally.
      Polygamy is a sin.

    7. Hey woman @mrsB,hold it right dere, don't quote scriptures for me.. you are not more righteous dan me.. i'm a Christian,i read and study my bible too...If u think polygamy is a sin.. no prob..don't impose your beliefs on me... I don't come from a polygamous home, I don't intend to end up in a polygamous home too, as a matter of fact, I hate polygamy.. but I still believe Polygamy is not a sin...period.

    8. You said its not a sin, I gave you Bible verses that say otherwise. I'm not trying to convince you about my 'righteousness'
      No one's imposing beliefs either. You stated an opinion, I stated mine.
      No offence given or taken.

  12. We don hear am be4, STALE. Surprise dat dis beautiful lady didnt marry wen she suppose, now she don dey reach menopause she wan be end wife. Desperado.

  13. All the girls wey never old, go and marry now.
    Or u will not mind becoming a second wife in d future

    1. For the 1st time u get small sense

    2. Telemarketing I hope you are joking@James

    3. @reemah you don hear? Go marry oo

    4. Telema, as you marry him prepare your back for punching bag practice from him.. And don't come and write any stupid chronicles on this platform!

  14. Whatever rocks her boat,. Just don't come anywhere close to my husband.......

  15. I cover my husband with the blood of Jesus!

    1. You get husband? ???????

    2. You don't need to. The babe get class now. Haba. If she want broke ass she for don marry, born finish tey tey

  16. Stella she actually said it some time ago, the woman is really desperate.I cover my marriage with the blood of Jesus!

    1. Hahahahhaha...who wants to be a second wife to a poor man? Ur husband never even given u money to make beta hair,na to marry second wife. He wan die???I hope u ve gotten rid of that mopstick on ur head. Any girl who goes to be a second wife to a poor man is d biggest fool of the century. Check out shade okoya,d oloris and all them rich men plenty wives.. They look good and no bickering. No be suffer head second wife that will be dragging even broom upandan with her mate. Mtchewww.

    2. Abeg remain small blood for me mek I take cover my own marriage too o

    3. Amenooo. Hahahahah

      Before ife mmadu ahoro ife onye ozo.

    4. Ebi I've been following your response on this case and i will comfortably say you are gbenshing a married man.Repent or you Perish! Maka next time acid ka aga anwu onye ori di ka gi. You want to reap where you did not sow okwa ya? Hungry old unpleasant hag! Desperado onye oshi.Not even a will barrow pusher will price a shrinked vegetable like you. Ugwu finwuru afinwu di ka gi with ara nyoro anyo! Aunty gwegwegwe2ofSDK!

    5. Hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha...see this village goat. People who are married are talking and u sef dey talk. If I tell u wetin dey my mind for u,u for commit suicide. Ozu!

    6. Fan emmanuel choi. Igbugom

      Buhahahahahaha. That was a robust reply mehn.


  17. I’ve said it before that if ladies don’t stop this nonsense they call ‘one-man-one-wife’, many of them will get to 40 and still remain single. 

    She really said the above?

    Na wah o!

    If true, then desperation no wan allow her see road.

    Inukwa 'nonsense'.


    1. So na d ladies go force d married men to marry dem as second wife abi? If it was dat easy,why hasnt she cajoled one of her sugar daddies to marry her?

    2. I wonder o.

      Don't mind her. Talk is cheap.


  18. D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N has sent in...i be team #onemanonewife# Abeg Nkiru,don't settle for less,single men still plenty.

  19. Desperation n fustration don set in.
    Second hand tinz!
    Good husband is scarce

    1. Still can't spell frustration. You claim to be educated?

  20. So she is not married. Who come dey drag oge okoye's husband with her.

    I don't understand again. Be a second wife if you can handle d gbege inside

  21. Keep dating people's husband you hear?! No go find your own!

  22. Chiaaaaaa!! Even sister marry wan become second wife.... Lemme not believe this yet

  23. My first reaction: Oh Chi m!

    Second Reaction: Inukwa dis Pretty young chick.See desperation!
    Nothing puts men off like Desperation.Anyone for dat matter Sef.
    Be gentle.Be Confident.Be Soft.Get An Education.Be well-informed.Hold ur own.And Most Importantly,Let God.

  24. Stella where in d bible did it say one man, one wife, that is western culture and has nothing to do with d bible. King Solomon had many wives in d bible

    1. So u dont read new testament bible?

    2. The fact that King Solomon had many wives does not make it right in d sight of God. Go n read ur bible n study it wella.

    3. Please direct me, give me the exact quote in d bible that says so, I ve been arguing this with my friends since, no one has come up with a quote. Meanwhile bible is bible, old and new testament inclusive, I ve married two husbands even tho I broke up with the first.

    4. The bible reports the good,the bad and the ugly!but it always prompts you to choose the good! God is for one man one wife...that explains his anger towards the man who abandons the wife of his youth....if you are reading this and you have been betrayed by a husband whom you sacrificed your youth to build with,be consoled by the fact that vengeance is the Lord's..let him fight for you while you hold your in his love..

  25. What is this one saying pls? Not everyone prefers your second wife opinion Mbok, it's not nonsense every woman has a man it's just that some of them decided to create what they called specs n d man by passes them, when they notice age is no more by their side they won't mind being a second wife.The bible says one man one wife not one man 2 or 3 wives,it's culture that brought abt the many wives ish so pls chill.

    1. Stella u don't get, Muslims can marry more than one, maybe she don dey eye one ahlaji, so she is doing d advert in advance.

    2. She was actually rumoured to be dating one alhaji then.

  26. Even with her mentality of one man ten wives, at 40 she still cant find a man to hook. Stop being desperate with low self esteem madam, work on yourself and see responsible men crawling on your feet. Madam their is nothing as sweet as one man one wife even in dating, sharing is not allowed.

  27. She has said it before nau...
    No sane young guy want to have things to do with thing after fucking that local razz money miss road Ben alukwu and his retard frends in enugu...she now carried her dirty RUNZ to Owerri where she is been passed around by Rochas and co!...
    Nkiru,you have messed your self up! Igbo man will even keep you as a second wife sef...
    So you better start hustling yaraba men cos na dem dey chop left overs!...

    1. Nah, u r not God. Shey Wuraola don marry Oba. Nkiru might be lucky as well.

    2. Hausa man sef no go marry am. She was dating Umar Sani (SA to former VP Namadi Sambo). She used her jazz to milk the man dry, lied to him that they should invest in building a hotel in kaduna and took the money and ran. Buy brand new infinity jeep on top the man head.

      Remember when she was kidnapped? It was all staged so the man can pay the ransome and she took the money after she gave the so called 'Kidnappers' they're own share. This man lost his wife and seriously wanted to marry her back then but she played his heart and hurt him bad. I used to work for him so this is first hand gist.

      Don't let the innocent looking face deceive you, nkiru is as evil as they come. Na now day don break for her? Umar has long moved on and his happy in his new relationship.

    3. You were there when she did all that

    4. The boss you should answer madam know all but doesn't anything concerning your own life. Shameless humanbeing

  28. So she doesn't mind being a 2nd wife and yet she's still single at her age?
    This one na double rejection lmao.
    Single men don't want to marry her and even married men don't want to marry her, smh.

  29. Hmm.. na wa o.. pls nkiru if I see u with my hubby I will beat u.. 2nd wife for where..

  30. Stella dey quote Bible..u for quote Quran too. If she decides to marry a Muslim with harem of wives,how e take be sin??? Are u now indirectly saying that all Muslims with more than a wife will all perish in hell?

    1. No body is saying such. If she wan be a second wife thats her palaver. Christians believe in one man one wife so i guess na muslim man go marry her as second wife. Nowadays it's hardly u see a christian with 2 wives unlike in muslim.

  31. A lot of people do not read the Bible and only quote popular sayings!

    The Bible did not say "one man one wife", it only said "in the beginning, God made them Adam and Eve". Jesus made it even more clear that Heaven does not recognise your "Husband" or "Wife" status.

    I challenge anyone to show/quote ANYWHERE in the Bible where God punished, berated or denied anyone a blessing or His love because the person married a 2nd wife!

    Polygamy dies not matter to God, neither does it hinder anyone's blessings. Read the Bible people!, almost ALL the people had interactions with one-on-one had more than 1 wife.

    God is not in author of confusion, People are!

    1. 1 Corinthian 7:

      But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

      Deutronomey 17 :

      And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and

      Ephesians 5 :31

      “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

      Genesis 2 :24

      Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

      I'm sure God could have made more women for Adam if he wanted polygamy.. But he made eve alone for her.

      And there is also a passage in the Bible I think in Timothy where it said deacons should have one wife. Why didn't he say 2?? What is the difference between us and deacons or those who are called by God?? If God instructed them to have one wife then why should we have more than one wife or husband??

    2. Fab mum. Ogbuomoooo
      Infact nalu isee.

      Chop knuckles

    3. @Fab Mum, David is a man after God's heart, he had many wives. It didn't matter to God. Note, he came after the era of Deutronomey!

      The lineage of Jesus, through Joseph is from Solomon, the son of David whose mother is definitely not a 1st wife. It didn't make a difference to God.

      In relation to bring a Deacon, f they say to be the President, one should be a Degree, does that imply that everyone must have a degree?

      Hmmm, since Jesus only had 12 Disciples at the beginning, should there only be 12 Prophets ever?

      By the way, if God so abhors having more than 1 wife, why was it that the Kings he chose for Israel all have more than 1 wife? How come He spoke directly and interacted with people with more than 1 wife? How come he blesses people with more than 1 wife?

      Or are you saying God condones that particular sin?

    4. Fab mom. Don't I just love u?!

    5. Fab mom, don turn preacher's wife untop this matter. Take it easy no one is shearing ur man with u or anyone else. I don't second what Nkiru said sha. Guess the cross of getting her own man is heavy on her, so she dey do repeated advert.

    6. @fab mum

      So according Deutronomey 17 :

      And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor SHALL HE ACQUIRE FOR HIMSELF SILVER AND...

      Does that imply that God says Being Rich is a sin? Seeing as it is the same statement He made against acquiring more than one wife!

  32. This is what they say once they clock 40 without 'dimkpa'. I break the yoke of aunty gwez in Ebube, Rachael, Chika Ike and Eniola Badmus

  33. Polygamous home= jealousy, envy, competition, rivalry, then different shrines n oracles to be the husband's favourite. I can't wish it to my worst enemy

  34. Her bizness. This kind of talk coming out from a christian lady, na wa o!

  35. She speaks the truth? Jesus did not even marry and yet we marry, solomon married how many? Men are created polygamous! Simple!

  36. In yesterdays SnM, majority of the women looking for husbands are Igbo, go and check it again.

  37. Hmmmmm una well done

  38. Shut up joo...which Christian u be? Pshyco u asked for scriptures they gave u and u are complaining...find out about the live of David and consequences of did what they wanted cos of the hardness of heir hearts but they suffered consequences....polygamy is a sin and u insult God who created only Adam for eve....a man will leave his parents and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one.....if u don't nderstand this English then ur brain is long dead....u are not a bible believing Christian so stop misquoting scriptures....


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